,-rwMjiwuwui i miwwtmmmmmm TW0 i 1 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY' 12,.1314-EVENINGP EDITION. SENSATIONAL PRICES Others started the game, we will finish it. Not because we have: to. BUT BECAUSE WE CANi LADIES' SUITS AND COATS Clean 'em up Is the word. This will be done without regard to cost. All of our NEW SUITS and COATS, the CREAM of. the MARKET cut .to prices FAR BELOW COST. Our m ular prices are lower than the lowest, but when we tell you we are cutting these prices as much as. OJMErHALF and im many instances MORE, you can appreciate what this sal! means. A small deposit will hold one of these bargains foi you. ' ' ej These Prices Tell The Story Every SUIT and COAT is included in this sale-and at; these prices;. Our $13,50 new Suit-cut to $ 7.50 Our $12,50 new Suit cut to $ 7.50 Our $14,50 new Suit cut to $ 8.50 Our $15,00 new Suit cut to $ 8.75 Our $19,00 new Suit cut to $11.00 Our $20,00 new Suit cut to $12.00 Our $22,00 new Suit cut to $13.00 One $25,00 new Suit cut to ..: $12.50 One $25,00 new Suit cut to $13.50 IF.YOILANTICIPATE BUYING A SUIT OR COAT WITHIN One $14,00 suit a great bargain $.6.50 One $24,50 Suit another big bargain $10.00 One $27,50 Suit very desirable $11.50 One $27,50 Suit very desirable $12.50 One $35,00 Suit one of the very best $15.00 Our $12,50 new Coat cut to $ 7.50 Our$ 7,95 new Coat cut to $ 4.95 Our $16,50 new Coat cut to $10.00 Our $18,00 new Coat cut to $.11.50 SIX MONTHS NOW IS THE TIME. COME IN AND LOOK Our $19,00 new Coat cut to 'Our $22,00 new Coat cut to 0ur$28.,00newCoatcutto $12.50) $12.75" $15X0) rV,n CI 1 7R Ono4 m, in umc M l.iw wucii uui iu 5 y One $1 1,50 Coat cut to S6fi.. 'One $20,00 Coat cut to m One' $23,50 Coat cut to .$11.50 film C1 Q fifl Onnt mi in ,"" .ui.u.wuuuuu $;9t5(j, THESE OVER. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED. See window. m GOLDEN RULE First National Bank Building. COOS BAY TIMES Ml O. MAIiONKV Kriltor anil Tut). DATM-7. JIAION13Y News IMItor Official l'npcr of Coon County Sonio Coon Illiy people anrprlBO I I tholr frlvmln by KottliiK niarrlod I nnd others liy Htnylni; married. TO DRILL FOB OIL HERE IW E. M. Andrews Announces Eastern Men Will Expend $100,000 in This Field1 13. M. AnilrowH, of Modford, an nounced nt tho Mllllcomn Club aniolc or lost nlKlit tlwit ono of tho lnn;08t nil corporatlmiH of t;,o country wuh nrrnnKliiK to U'Ht the field In thin Immcdlnto vicinity. He Hiild they wore prepared to oxpund over $ 100,000 In tho tests. The corporation ho hud roforence to la the ono oporatliiK In Til Inn, Olduhoinu, Montana and South Amorlcu, backed by mmh men b Un termoyor, head of a Ids HtiKiir enrpor ntfon, nnil Otln, of tho OUh Klevntor company. Mr. Andrews pointed out tho necosalty of co-operation on tho part of tho IuihIiiohh men of Marsh field In InvltliiK capital. Ho mild nil tho company wanted wuh opttoiiB or leases on curtain tractH which I'rof. Dlllor or the II. S. OoloKlcnl Survey anil tholr own exert nilRht rieslKiinto, Mr, Androws was hero a few years hro with J. W. rerKliiH of ItoxeburK on tho oil proposition and nt that time lined up considerable leascH and options but fin "otul conditions cans, cd them to postpone the tost work. Now Mr. Andrews says tho company Is prepared to ko ahead with It and will expend the $100,000 In test work without the expectancy of Betting a cent hack. LOCAL CHINESE lOTTER WILL GIOL MAR0!ED' LEAVE SUNDAY Daughter of Chin Wing, of Dredge Expert to ' Conclude North Bend, Bride of Rich Oregon Hop Grower Word lias Just boon received lioro of tho inarrlnKo of Suslo WlnK. idniiKhtor of Chin WlnK of North Uonil, nail Dy Foon, u wealthy hop Krower of Aurorn. OroKon. at Port- laud last woek. Tho brldo was n pret ty ClilnoHo girl and attracted much attention In Mnrshfiold as alio cared for tho children of Clow Why nnd 'hor own brothurs nnd slstors. Sho was Kouornlly known nsQwnn. Sho re tained tho celestlnl costumo. Tho Portland Orogonlau prints a picture of tho young couplo and tho followliiK story: "On May 8 In tho chnmbors of Judgo Georgo N. Davis, Dy Foon was married to Susie Wing, both native born Chinese. Dy Foon Is a largo hop grower noar Aurora, Orogon. Suslo Wing was born In Coos county and educated In tho public schools thero. Doth nro connected) with tho old and prominent Chlneso families of this city." TO ItOW WASHINGTON. lTiilveislty of California Lenv for Seattle Today. j (nr AuttlttM Vmt la Coo Dtf Time. IJHKKKUJY, Cal May 12 Tho crow of tho University of California left for Seattle to row against tho University of Washington and tho Vancouver Club. Tho varsity crows wll competo on lnko Wellington Mny 22. Tho other rnco wll bo on Paget Sound two days later. AMONG TIIH SICK HOI,l SOOIAI, HUSSION. Hullricr' ICvcliaugo Kujoyx 1'lrs.t of Series of .Monthly .Mivtlugs. Tiio first social session of tho Coos Day Dulliler's lOxchauge was held In Mb (inurters In tho First National Dank building last night. About thirty-three attended. Kxtempomn eoiiB talks were made by several mouthers of the exchange on the de velopment of the Coos Day district, nnd tho IOxchango went on record as standing behind every Institution nnd enterprise In the community that stands for tho bottorment of condi tions. A spirit of good feeling pre vailed throughout tho meeting, which closed" with tho Borvlng of refresh ments. It was suggested nt the meeting Inst night that tho Kxchange hold a regular monthly meeting, at which time questions of vital Importance to every member of tho organization might bo discussed. J. F. Telander, president of tho Exoh'nnge, presided at the meeting Inst night, and Introduced tho speak ers, Mol O. Duncan, secretary of tho organization, reports it now has a moniburshlp of twonty-elghr, Keel Dull and Sluggish? Slant Your MrY to Working. It bents all how quickly Foley Cathnrtie Tablets liven your liver, ovorcome constipation make you fool lively and active again. J. L. McKnlght. Fort Worth. Texas, says: "My disagreeable symptoms wero ontlroly removed by the thorough cleansing Foley Cathartic Tablets gHVO mo." They're, i wonder. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Fianl; 1). Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74, (Viitral Avoiiuo Drug Stow, local agency. I 4 Anselm Johnson, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Krlck Johnson, who was opera ted on recently at Mercy Hospital,' Is reported Improving. I A woman has more headaches I than a man. Hut tho man Is I ' more opt to know whero ho got ! his, Stay on Coos Bay Ex pects Great Things Engineer Potior, who has been supervising tho work of tho bar dredge Mlchlo lioro for tho past three weeks, expects to loavo next Sunday for homo aftor having spont Just a month hero. Ho says that Capt. Hood has tho drodgo working flno now nnd that It will accomplish much during tho summor. Mr. Potter says that during- tho past three wooks tho Mlchlo has ro niovod nbout 70,000 yards from tho bar shoal. Ho says to cut a channol 300 feet wldo nnd 25 foot doop thore, only about 400,000 yards havo to bo removed nnd tho bar dredge will do this In n short tlmo. Ho Is enthusiastic over tho bar dredge nnd says that It Is demon strating that It Is what Coos Day harbor needed Instead of a jotty or breakwator as ho tonus It. Un der tho conditions, a night-crow might work tho Mlchlo n doublo shift. Ho says tho drodgo can bo- eas ily nnd cheaply maintained, nnd that It will accomplish great things lioro. Ho lookod kindly upon tho sug gestion that ho or some other ex port return hero next fall or wlntor when tho storms sot in nnd when usually tho most trouble from tho bar shoaling has been encountered. Ho snld that thoro might ho special conditions worthy of special study. However, ho does not uutlclpnto so much chnnglng ns a result of tho channol cut by tho Mlehle. Cnpt. Hood nnd IiIb chief ongln ecr enmo up with Mr. Potter and C. Ci. Hockett to attend tho Mllllcomn Club smoker. Capt Heeds says thero was only a llttlo ovor 17 feet of wator when ho first came lioro nnd ho recontly found 22 feet, although yesterday Capt. Olson, of tho Ado line Smith reported that ho found 2U foot of water. SECRET BILLS I Four Indictments Returned Two Held for Rioting in Henryville Murder Case , (Spoclnl to Tho Times.) COQUILLK. Or., May 12. T.hn Coos County grand Jury Is still grinding nwuy and has returned four socrot Indictments. Thoy nro still In session. Nothing could bo lenrned of tholr Investigation Into tho Myrtlo Point bnnk robbory enso. Whothor thoy will Invostlgato Bonio alleged libelous articles cir culated In tho campaign on Coos Day nnd somo alleged violations of tho corrupt practlco act could not bo ascertained this nftornoou. Dnn Dravlno, who was mixed up In tho fracas at honryvlllo In which James Ferrari shot und killed John Kolly was indicted today for rioting. Ho was arrested at Doavar Hill and brought hero today. John Dompsoy, also Involved In tho saino trouble, was also Indicted and Is bolng brought lioro from Mnrshfiold this nttornoon by Con stable Cox. WUIiFF .U'llV IIICHI Men Who Will Decide lornl Damage Suit Jfnvo. Tho Jury which will decldo tho dnmago suit brought by Mrs. George Wuirr ugnlust tho Wtllnmotto Pnciflc railroad for damages following tho death of hor husband, who was struck by tho gasollno car on Front Btroot nbout two months .ago, loft on thn ear;y morning trnln for CoqilDi' ...wou mii uiu jury are J. T. VatVr T. M. Ilnrrlmiin. Allies V ffi W. K. ToinnklMM. w n i nl'. Hndsall. Alva l.in. I m'u'JE. . Hayes, J. H. Slieltoii, acorge w'fti Webb Mast and Ocorsc Wllwa. Tiit. caiiio over mst night to view ti scene vi ma accmeni. TlmcB Want ndi brim reitlti. GHi:i:iC KKSTAUIIAN'T CASH. Motion to Vucnto Judgment Against Defendants Denied. Aftor hearing nrgumouts In tho cubo of Phillip Attest vs. Tom Morris and Otis Domus, owners of n res taurant In North Dend, Justlco Pon nock yesterday denied n motion to vacate Judgmont against tho defend nuts. Ancst claims that ho has a loaso on tho promises nnil ho brought Judgment against Morris und Dennis for $17C which ho claims Is owed him. Anest and a man nam oil Tom Drown wero nrestod yesterday charged with stealing property from tho tho res tnurnnt. Doth nro out on ball. Tho caso will probably como up nt the next torm of tho circuit court. A. K. Sinister of North Dend Is the at torney for the defendants nnd Miller & Hoy are tho attorneys for the plaintiff. Thero nro some Coos Day men ' If Huortn is wlso ho will nmirn without musical talent who nro still tortus while ho has enough aminunl adopt at blowing tholr own horns. tlnn to flro that soluto. IKVINla BUOCK OPPORTUNITY CROWDS OPPORTUNITY TWO MORE. DAYS TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY 1-4 Off Of our entire stock of Men's and Boys' Clothing $15,00 Suit, one-fourth off ..-. $11.25 $18,50 Suit, one-fourth off, blue serge, $13,85 $20,00 Suit, one-fourth off SJ5.00 $25,00 Suit, one-fourth off $J8;75 See Window for a good assortment. ' WHY? Because We Sell for Cash. THE SALE IS NOW GOING ON THE OWNERS OP THE New Bedford Addition arc prepared to sell all subdivisions south of Date and East of Elm or Seventh street at prices of $350 to $650 per lot. One fourth cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 years. Interest G per cent per an num. Upon payment of full purchase price will issue warrantv deed, with abstract showing merchantable title. Take advantage and secure your home site. STUTSMAN (& CO. 136 Xorth Broadway, Marshfield, Oregon. Saturday Is The Last Day To buy El Glostove ffij!:F Bargain Week in Electric Cooking Aparatus Ends SATUR DAY, MAY 16. After That Date EL GLOSTOVE Will Sell for $5.00. Why Not Purchase 1 For $2.50 NOW? This is the new portable electric cook stove which will soon be famous, Has glowing coils; uses ordinary cook a utensils; connects with any lighting socket; takes w electricity, t See the advertisements in last issues of Saturday Eve ning Post and Ladies' Home Journal, See it at the following stores: Sumner Hardware Coj 86 Market avenue, Phone 8-L Marshfield Electric w Construction Co,, 172 North Broadway, P""e V Langworthy Electric Co,, 148 North Broadway, Pnone J Coos Bay Wiring Co,, 153 North Broadway, rn 237-J, Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178.