nz. -JPWtHSfflPfiSaW WMflffl'J WfWSi i f-WHf "M-f f ' THE AVERAGE MAN THINKS HE KHffi CLEAR THROUGH. BUT HE USUALLY DOESN'T A BANNER YEAR TliN mwoii opens with hrigtitci nn)KTt.i for tlio prcnt Coos liny ml CikimIIIo Vnlley country Hum r before In its history. For tunes nro In tlio ranking. Are you buy lnyii'B the fi'Intloir for yours? mnn mmz DON'T SCATTER SHOT CoiH'oiitnilo yoiif luhcrtlidiig In (he newspaper tlint rwicliH tho peo llo you wnnt to talk to. Ainiiiunl tlon costs money. The Times wives money to ndvcitlscrs. MEMBER OP HIE ASSOCLVTED rRESS VOL XXXVII. Established 1878 as (Clio Oxist Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Con( Mull and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 251. (Ham COOS BAY'S .FUTURE LAUDED III I ICI SMOKER Tom Richardson Guest of Honor at Enthusiastic Booster Session MANY PROMINENT "MEN TALK ON PUBLIC AFFAIRS L J. Simpson Says Coos Co. Shall Have Fair Building If He Has to Bdild It Tho slgnlficnnco of tho $300, 000 Itniul Issuo for tlio 'completion of tlio linrbor Improvement pro ject, mid other mattora of vital Interest to tho community were ills- rutted nt length by Bpeii'ltcrH bub SMITH USEES CANAL TOLLS Georgia Senator Talks in Fa vor of President Wilson's Panama Policy til; A(Ktlfit I'm to Coot lit, TlmM. WASHINGTON, I). C, May 12.- bllnc over with ctitliusliiHtn at tho Senator Mpku Smith has championed imokcr hold nt the Mllllconm Club tho repeal of the lolls exemption tut night. Tom Illclinnlaoii wiib douse in tho I'annma Canal net. ! ' J'2no.'fl' J"ZK "ZL '""V He (old tlio Senate today ho would ri'ltinvi " j'w tfjjt .J Uil Slmnsnn, of North Bend, R. M Jennings, of tho Oregon Power-Co.. Engineer Potter, of tbo Government dredgo Mlch'le, F. 15. Conwny nnd J. L. Smith, of tho Oregon Agrl rulturnl College. Mayor Simpson of North Bond, ald that ho was confident from tho first that tho -voters of tho vote for tho repeal, "hoeatiBO of our tieatlcB with Great Ilrltitln nnd Panama," ami because, In hla opin ion, " It Is right that tho owners of those vessels should hear, for their use of tho canal, a fair part of tho cost to nur government of building and operating It." Senator Smith declared today that dlitrlct would uphold tho bond g. I the Hoy-Pauncefote treaty wns nindo tuo and that by dolnc bo thoy changed a prodtctlon luto ,a certain ty. Ho said that n 2Ii root channel 300 feet wldo Is now assured nnd thit It means tho opening of this port to vosbcIb of nil nations. Mr. Simpson deelnred Hint Tlio Govern ment would tnko euro of the bat now that n deopor channel Is na med on tho Inside. "Tho business mon of this -community hnvo boon aBlcop loo long." be said, "It Is tlmo that wvoryouo of us awnko to tho wonderful pos sibilities that aro lying nt -our feet. Tho Port Conimlnslon put gold In to your pockots, when nfter -recolv-Ihr tho petitions signed by about 1500 of tho .1000 registered voters they decldod to go nhend nnd or der tho bond Issuo nnd I wish to thank every man who attnclied hla name to a petition." Would llnlld It Himself. Coos county can and will hnvo n building' nt tho Pnnaiim-Paelfle expo- iltlon. To back up Mh assertion ho brought forth a pint shawlng part of tho title to tho caunl zone In tho treaty of conveyance with Pana ma and that talk of terminating It from n legal standpoint was nn ab surd termination of the treaty. Ho asserted "It would compel us to give up t'.to caunl unless wo abandoned our attitude nB a law-abiding nation nnd resorted alnno to battleships." CANAL if OPEN P n 0 N First Ship to Pass Through Early Next Week, Says Colonel Gocthals nr Attn Ittnl I'rrw 10 Coot l)r Tlnirt.J PANAMA, May 12, Tho first ship BIPLJSES MEET P G Iff AIR bat spaco has n ready been nljot-! to pniM, through tho ennal under rogu ied for tho building. Ho no nted' nr nn.nintiu win urnimiiiv mnkn tlm out that Coos County wns tluitr oarij. ext week. According to only county In tho ontlro United (jovernor Goothals tho chnnnol states that hnd beon granted per-, through Cuenrnchu will bo completed uii.DiuH iu ureci ii uuiiiiiiig uu wic ,,. Thnmdav. srounds. To omphnslzo his stnto-i """? meat no declared that Coob County would hnvo tho building If bo had to build It himself. Simpson also reiterated thnt ho had been assur ed by tho onglneora of tho Southern Pacific that tho railroad botweon bere nnd Eugono will bo In opera tion heforo tho first of July 1915. KliminNoii for Unity. Tom Richardson wns greoted with n round of nppliuiBo when he uroso lo speak, then tho membors of the flub broko loose In unison "IHo's a Jolly good' fellow which nobody can deny," Richardson emphasi sed the necessity of strengthening the organizations llko tho .Mllllconm Club, Oommorclnl Club and tho Cbamhor of Commorco. Ho urged that they hold regular meetings to discuss ittio things that aro vital "to tho community. Richardson said Jhat ho hntl found tho propor spirit Wro and that nothing could stand In tho way of progress. "You must havo greater frlond irtps closer relations with ench thr and fbo people that llvo In tho adjoining counties," said "Ichirdson. "You've got tho best tap of any -town on tho Coasf and you must koop It moving, flake Coos County a great big fam ily. hHp ostabllsh colonies for tho Promotion of agricultural pursuits. The Immigrants will como In pro Portion to thoso wiio hnvo already located. Keep a commltteo of at leas' twenty-five studying that prob lem along with tho study of indus tries, and by all means establish a woman's auxiliary. Tho building of a community Is the world's great est religion und It cannot be done without tho ttsslstanco of the wo men." Harlxir tho Magnet. M. Jenniugs of the Oregon Power Company, said that the har bor was tho first thing that drew the attention of tho company ho represents to this locality. And he Pointed out thnt aloug with the Im provements, which are now assured, other corporations nro sure to come. Mr. Jennings said' that a public utility 18 n partnership business with the Public. Ho told of the efforts of the company to furnish the farm ers of Coos County with gas aud electric power. Wants lletter Exhibit. J. L. Smith, representing the Oregon Agricultural College, deplor ed the lack of a worthy exhibit in the windows of tho Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce. He polnt d out that at present the window contained nothing more than a lump of coal, a few corn stalks and a Pot of geraniums. Smith said that Coos County was the first to make .an appropriation for the extension rk that Is now being carried THE PEOPLES BUSINESS THE primary election will bo hold Friday. Tho list of candidates is be fore tho people nnd It Is their duty to innko u choice. It Ib an Im portant duty, nnd should not bo regarded lightly or with Indifference Whether wo will hnvo good government or bad, expensive government or economical, will bo determined by tho choice tho people mnko on May IB, supplemented by tho final choice they will mnke In November. Politics la not n game for the few but n serious nnd Important task for all. It Ib through politics thnt thoso In wIiobo hands tho government of the state, the counties nnd tho cities will bo plncod, nnd choosing good men 'Or women to fill these offices Is certnlnly a task of sufficient 1m portnnco to command tho close nttentlon of overy citizen. At present there Is a loud cry nKalnst hluh taxes and a corresponding cry from the cnndldntcs for office that they will seo thnt tho taxes nro reduced as soon as they nro elected. Thoso promises nro nil very wen, but It Is not the promises thnt count so much as the manner In which tho promises nro finally fulfilled. In determining this Important point, the neonle must rely unon their own Judgment. Thoy imiBt Btudy the pnst records of the men who nre nsklng for proferment nnd must tnko Into con- slderntlon their reputation Tor accomplishing tlio tiling tncy set out to no. It Ib woll worth everyone's time to do this. Our present system of choosing candidates lenves everything to individ ual effort. Each candidate Is running wholly on his own responsibility. Each voter Is consulting only his own likes nnd dislikes In tho mntter of whom he going to voto for. In making choice, howover, tho goneral public good should bo at nil times be kept In view. Tim Times as a Republican paper has refrained from nny attempt nt Influencing voters In their cholco of cnndldntes, leaving It to Individ unl Judgmont. Tho attempt in some Miinrtors to Inject bitter personnl proJudlccB Into tho campaign Is to bo deprecated. Theso efforts to con trol, prejudice nnd punish cnndldntes should be rebuked nt the polls. Thero should be Just ono consideration In making your choice next Fri day, and thnt should bo the candidate's ability nnd efficiency. Tho greatest need In government, particularly local government, Is efficiency. Ono of tho weaknesses In our democracy has been the hnblt of peo ple to concentrnto their energies upon efficiency in prlvnto biiBlncss nnd utterly disregard It In public business. .... .... Tho Times thlnkB thnt In tho promotion of HiIb efficiency tho ltopub llcnns should support the mon who would best promoto this desideratum In good government nnd It believes tills may best- bo secured by voting for tbi'so mon nt tho primary election: , For Supremo Judge, CHAUbES b. M'NAltY. For Supremo Judge bAWltENCE T. HAUHIS. For Uoprosentntlve, S. P. PEIUCE. For County Judge, JAMES WATSON. For County Clerk. F. D. Kltt'SB. For Sheriff, AbFItED JOHNSON, Jr. Fot County Commissioner, THOMAS II. JAMES. For llepubllcnn Stnto Central Committeeman, HAbPH B. Wlb- Tlie Times believes theoo men will best servo the public Interests in n clean, cnpnblo, economical nnd efficient administration of public nf- JAMES WATSON FOR COUNTY JUDGE . i. titt qL I...IIL II. . nn.i1.i it fn,ia lit... fitul f.fwiu (Tmitltv IctlflW Till-; TuiBs ouiiuvKD mu iiM" "" ." " "- r-"v r. ; i. Jnincs Watson too woll ns a man and nn official to hood tho bit ter norsonnl and prejudiced attacks thnt hnvo been mndo upon him In .some qunrtcrs. The animus, ami ppoK( of this hmpftlm Is umlcr- Sl(!lanies Watson hns served tho peoplo of Coos County faithfully, oco nomlcully and efficiently ns County Clork. To tho office of County Judge ho will bring the Bnmo cnpnclty nnd capability. Tho false and foolish attempt to hold Clerk Watson In nny way ro sponsible for high tnxes Is too ridiculous to bo recognized. As a mnt ter" of fact, tho County Clerk's office under Watson's management has nroved a source of profit Instead of an expense. Tho total monthly fees of this offlco hnvo amounted to about 800. while tho total ox nenso has been but $000, lenvlng $200 not profit to tho county. Theso nro fncts thnt mny easily bo verified by tho county records. A voto for Jnmes Wntson Is n voto for economy and efficiency. , And this nrtlclo is not pn u i r. "'"'" U FIIUQTMI UK m 01NCFR QF MEXICANS BOTHERING VERA CRUZ TRUCE DURING E C SON American Force at Vera Cruz Will Not Inaugurate Any Military Activities lit? AiotUlis rmi ta Coot nr TlmM.1 VERA CltttZ, Mny 12. While tho Mexican commissioners nro en route to attend Ningnrn Falls peace conference and during the sessions, there will bo no Inauguration of liOBtllltes by tho Aiuerlcnn forces hero and there Is no reason to be lieve that tho .Mexicans will advance their lines. KUERTA CALLS I Two English Army Men Killed and Third Injured in Fly ing Machine Collision fUf A"ocUtl rtnt nt7 Tlme.J LONDON, May 12. Two army air men, Capt. Anderson nnd his mech anic, wero killed, nnd Lieut. Wilson was severely Injured when two bi planes collided in the nlr at Alder- BJ'ru-Lru.,,.,,-),r. r.ry-.fV-w--nj-u-uru-Lru- on by tho Agricultural College. In thnt connection he told of tho cow association! which have boon formed for tho purpose of raising tho standard of cows In tho stato. Di-edgo .Mlrlilo Work. Loltoy Potter, Government En gineer In charge of tho dredgo Mlchlo, mndo the startling asser tion that tho government dredgo could not only donr the bar but could dig a channel In the lower Bay before many months. He paid high tribute to Mayor Simpson who preceded him. Pottor said- that Iia .iind heard many eloquent speech es and particularly those of a for mer mayor of Now York City, but that ho wouldn't hesitate to take tho .Mayor of North Bend back to the metropolis any time and call on htm for a few remarks. Other ContrlbiUors. As a diversion from serious things tho committee of the M1I1I csma Club program arranged a de lightful musical entertainment. Miss Wood, of the Royal Theater, tendered seveial vocal selections which were strongly applauded. A V. Howhay. who has dis tinguished himself as an impersona tor and entertainer, gave several humorous monologues and Mr. Phillips of North Rend contribut ed several stories. P G. Horton. Claude Nasburg and Dr. A. U Houseworth formed the committee on arrangements and aro to be congratulated on the pleasing program. Comvay IUKt. p. E. Conway.'.pf the F. E. Con way Company, spoke of the Increas lnit dairy business In and about Coos Day. He said that he expect ed to see great developments In this and other Hues before long. ROAR OF GANNON NEAR TAMPIGO Rear Admiral Badger Reports Hearing Heavy Firing in DI- 1 rection of Huerta's Seaport Today Dr Amoc U(l rrw to Coo Dr Tlmw.l WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12. Secretary Daniels redelved a mesago from Admiral Rodger stating that heavy firing was heard throughout the day at Tamplco. CltL'IKKIl TO TAMPICO. lliitikli WarMilp Milken lltiste to Iteiich Tiiuiplco. (Dr AMotltttd Vn lo Coo nf TIm.J LONDON, May 12. Tho Rritlsh cruiser Bristol now stationed at Portsmouth hns been ordered to pro ceed to Tamplco ns speedily as pos sible. SEVEN KILLED IN EXPLOSION Fatal Accident Occurs on Old Dominion Ship Jefferson (Bf AuotUt"! Tnt lo -oo Br Tlmel NORFOLK. Va., May 12. Sevou persons were killed by an explosion In tho engine room of tho Old Domin ion Ship Jefferson near Cape Henry last night. Several oth'erB were In jured. The ship returned to Nor rnik. left tlm dead and injured' and then resumed the trip to New York. The dead were members or tne en gine room crew. Tho vessel was not badly damaged, FIRE IN SEATTLE. I CLAIM IIUERTA STILL I MAINTAINS POSITION Wr AMMUted I'nii lo Coo, Ilr Tlnin. I WASHINGTON, D. C, Mav 12 I A message from foreign diplo matic channels says tho situa tion at Mexico City Ib not ab normal. The peoplo aro not par ticularly alarmed over tho re ports that Zapata might swoop down on tho city nnd that thoro Is no apparent weakening on tho part of Huertn. ItATTLI-S ON WEST COAST. Br AiotUt4 Prwt to Coot Btj Tlm.J SEATTLE. May 12, Fire today destroyed the four-story building of the Goettsteln Furniture Com pany and damaged neighboring stores causing a loss of $300,000, This was the most serious fire Seattle has had in many years. IDj AuoclitM Prrtt la Coat Dtf TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 12. Rear Admiral Howard reported a bat tlo botweon the Federals and tho Zapatistas near Acupulco. The flght- 1 11 k at M a za t Ian c o 11 1 In tie b . THREE DIE III FIRE IN YUMA Two School Teachers and Mother of One of Them 1 Cremated in Hotel (Df AttoclMtd Prt to Coot Btjr Tlmw.J YUMA. Ariz., May 12, Three wo men were burned to death in a flro which destroyed the Hotel Imperial here today. After the flames were subdued tho bodies of MIsb N'upml Strong and MIbs Genevieve Drown, school teach ers, and MUs Brown's mother wero found together where the head of tho stairway had been. Tho los Is estimated at $8000. ROOSEVELT IS COMING Party Arrbe Today a( llurbardoos En Route Home. Br Auocltttl Pnt to Coot Bar TlmM 1 BRIDGETOWN, Barbadoes, May 12. Colonel Roosevelt, with G. K. Cherry and Leo, L, Miller, of the American Museum of Natural His tory, arrived here on their way from Brazil to New York. Troops on West Coast Evacu ate Mazatlan and Hasten to Aid Capital Defense tllr AttMltlM Prrtt lo Coot lltr Tlmtt.l ON BOARD U. 8. S. C'AL'FORNIA, MAZATLAN .(Wlroless) Mny 12. Tho rcdoruln defending San Bias, a seaport between Mazatlan nnd Man zanlllo have ovaeuated the town. It Is understood thnt they wero ordered by General Huertn to proceed (o Mox .Ico City to strengthen MiV forcca there.' It Is also belloved that other troops on tho west const will bo or dered to tho capital. Sends Reassuring Message to President Wilson Concern ing Water Supply CABINET CONFERENCE OVER PEACE MEETING President Wilson Maintains Confidence That Mediation 1 Will Terminate War IPr AttorltlM Prrai to toot lltr Tltnri.l WASHINGTON, 1). C. May 12. President Wilson and tho Cnblnet dlsciiBsed plniiH for the participation by tbe United States In tho Mexican mediation conference nt Nlngnrn Falls and various problems which havo arisen since tho occupation of Vern Cruz. A message w.ih received Trom General Funston saying that no at tention should ho paid to alarming reportH that .Mexican forces woro threatening to attack tho wutar works. Officials regarded ns unimpor tant tho Lobos Island Incident, which caused Huertn to protest tho landing of American forces lo re open the light house. Secretary Daniels said thoro was no thought of occupying tho .stand In n war sense of tho t rm, Mombers of tho Cabinet, nfter prolonged couforenco with tho President on tho Mexican situation, declared tho Prestdont malnulnod confidence thnt mediation would succeed and further serious ronso (luenccs In Mexico would be avert ed. CONSIDER AIM'E I,. CK IS STAR WITNESS Tells How Becker and Rosen thal Entered Into Part nership tllr Anocltt! Prru to Coot lltr Tlmtt.l NEW YORK, Mny 12. "Bald Jack" Roso, tho star witness In the trial against Charlcti Becker for the murder of Herman Rosenthal, ap peared In thnt role again todny. Ross recited how Becker nnd Rosonthnl en tered Into a partnership In n gamb ling establishment, how they quarrel ed, how exposure for Becker was Imminent' nnd how Rosenthal's death wan plotted. I, PROTECT ANIMAIX AS J WELL AS PCOPLIi I lljr AMOclttrd I'rna lo Coot lltr Tlmra I PHILADELPHIA, May 12. Following Its ban on the common I drinking cup for huiiuin beings, I tho board of health forbade I common drinking troughs tor I animals, U is declared Jhat I glanders and other dlBeuses urn ' spread by tho common trough. - , EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS FELT Mount Etna Becomes Active Again-Tongues of Flames Seen 0 Aoclitl Prttt lo Coot Btf Timet. ' CATANIA, Sicily. May 12. Slight earthquake shocks, wero felt today In this vicinity and Mount Etna became active ugaln. During the night tongues or flame Issued from the cra ter, which Is surmounted by a high column of smoke. AIDOI'l'EH DECLINED. (Br AmmIiIkI Prm to Coot Br Tlmw.J WASHINGTON, I). C, May 12 The Italian Red Cross declined tho offer of $5000 tendered by the Am erican Red Cross for the relief of the earthquake sufferers. Cabinet Taken V DcqucM from (ho Itnulllaii. Minister, (Br Ataociitt Trttt to Coot lit 7 TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 12 Among tho Issues tho President and his cnblnet hnd under ooneldorn tlon today was, an appeal from tho Brazilian minister at Mexico City to Funston on behnir of flvo South Am ericans under nrost at Vera Cruz for sniping American soldWirs from n tramp Htenmor. Threo Brazilians are among the prlsonora and tho ap peal, coming from 'the dlplomatlo reproueutntlvo of tho mediating na tions, has presented n delicate problem. TO RELEASE SILLI.MAN. llialllan .MlnlMer lo Anltl American Held at Haltlllo. (Il7 AuotUltdCrrtt lo Coot lltr TlniM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny 12. The Brazilian minister at Mexico City ImH Informed tho State Dopartmont that the Mexican government bus or dored tho Immediate ruleauo of Vlco Consul Sllllmiiu, who Is hold prisoner at Haltlllo. StJFFILWJirrTE USES HATCHET (Br Attocltttd Prttt l Coot tlif Tlrex.) LONDON, May 12. A militant suffrngotto, armed with a hatchet, seriously damaged n valuablo por trait or tho Duko or Wellington la the Royal Academy, PRIMARIES IN ALABAMA (llr Auorltt4 rrrti la Toot Itar TlmM. BIRMINGHAM, Alu., May 12. At Democratic linnilnimrliiru II wna estimated from yoHtordny's Demo cratic primaries inat uiarlos llon derson will havo n majority of over 11,000 over rormor Governor Com or for tho nomination for Gorornor. Tho nomination la considered equiv alent to election. TENT COLONY IN COLORADO Union Leaders Prepare for One at Trinidad, but Must Furnish List First (Br Attocltlt4 Prtot lo oott tf TlmM.) TRINIDAD, Colo,, Mny J2.--Unloa loaders today began preparations for the erection of a new tent colony at Ludlow. Military niithnrllv rnr (Vi construction of the camp will not be Kii mini mo union naa outainod the upprovai or tne men solected to have churUO of tlin pnlnnv nn.l li.iilMn.f a roster of Its inhabitants. .A I DOG rnrrH ttifitn u.m,,i. i .. ....., .....B.A. Meet Wcdiliiiiluy The Marshfleld M. E. Brotherhood will meet Wednesday night at the M, E. Church hall. (Br Aitoclttt4 Ptmt lo Coot Hr TlmM. POILTI.AVn ft .. in : - ------ .., ..iiij A. I; or saving the life of another II .. uiuuio iieru meuai yaa awarded to Buck, u hull-dog, bv thn nrmrnti llumnnn ol..... Buck's friend was exhausted in I mo river ami sank twice when I Buck swum out to him anU J dragged him out by the oars.