MONDAY, MAY 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. EVENING EDITION. j( SIX ' .w . jjuh wiiii wmmmmmnmummmmmimmmwmmmmKKBmBmMwammaHmmmwwmmsmmmmmwmnmim K xr-s I NORTH U D S 5 TO 4 I - EAHENEbb SOCIAL. Mrs. Clabnugh, Mrs. MncMlllnn nnri Mrs. .larvls. nnd bnblos John Robert Powers, Rcnauld Morrow nnd Susan Elizabeth Muloney. A fow of the yomiK matrons who nro planning to remain In town throughout the stun brother nnd his wife of Eureka, who nro spending the week In fanu i Franc Isco. Mrs. II. .1. blndcn nnd .Mrs. J. (J. Horn or Nortn Henri wore miosis of Mrs. Patrick Flanagan of Golden ncnue Wednesday. Mrs. E. K. Jones entertained ln formnlly nt sewing a couple of after noons last weeK. 4. Mrs. C. 1). Hovcnor Is expected here from Portlnnd soon to visit her parents at North Ueud. MIbs Mnnilo Gulovson and Miss North Henri defeated Marshflold Helen Gulovscn expect to leavo enr- yestordny by n score of r to 1 In ly In Juno to visit relatives In Port-inn cloven Inning gnmo played nt land and will then go to Seaside to North Henri. Horn brought In tho Tho Presbyterian Ladles' Aid So- cloty of North Henri gave a farewell ti.irtv mi Thursday nftornoon for Mrs. C. T. PnrlBB, who, Willi nor uusunnu, inor may conunuo i..u iuuouug ourj- left yestordny for Pranklln, No- two weeks. lirnBkn, to make their homo with ' Mm. FnrlsB' father, who Ib qulto far 4. ndvanccri In years. Refreshments j t, c. T. V. I ivcro sorveri nftcr n pleasant social 4. a nftornoon nntl Mrs. Farlss was pros- The Womcn'B Christian Tompcr- entotl with a sot of silver spoons ns a nnco Union met anil held a business token of recognition for her splendid session nt the home of Mrs. Wheeler -work In tho church during her real- Monday. Tho program of the day lcnco in North Henri. Decorations Included a tnlk by 0. LoRoy Hall and wero principally roses ami other n general discussion. Present wero spring flowers. Those present wero McBdnmes David Nelson, J. A. Ward, Mrs. (loo. Ilnrtmnn, Mrs. b. P. Palk- jnry Smith, bloyd Rose, Pannle crstcln, Mrs. A. 0. Clarke, Mrs. Geo. wheeler, Ora McCarty ami C. H. 1). Mnndlgo, Mrs. R. C. Holmes, Mrs. 1 .vnrsh. The regular monthly mcct- J. Monde, Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. Walters, lnK bo ,,i , n,,ni 01, t10 fIrat airs, u. A. Minim, .Mrs. uoo. noisier, Over 400 Fans See 1 1 Inning Game Want Strong Organization Mrs. Hello Tyrell. Mrs. T. Kennedy, Mra. Clarence Cove, Mrs. II. E. Em ory, Mrs. Henry O 'Itirn. , I EPIW'OPAb GUILD. 4 Monday In Juno. I TIIURSDAV ci.rn. spend part of tho Bununor In tho summer colony. 4 Miss Evn DrcsBer and brother, Ralph Dresser, plan to leave enrly In Juno to spend part of tho summer with relatives In Minnesota. Mm. nnllnnder of Astoria Is spend ing a few weeks as tho guest 01 Mrs. L. J. Simpson, who with Mlsa Stonrns nnd Mr. Simpson have boon spending most of tho week at Shoro Acres. C. H. Worrell and wife of North Henri motored to Hnndon for n fow days' visit with frlendB In the Clty-by-the-Sea this week. Misses PrnncoB Williams and Nora winning run. Otners who Bcored for North Henri wero Hogan, Morse, Horn nnd Osborne. Thoa who cros sed tho pinto for the local nine wero Chandler, Hurke, Krauso and Lewis. Horn and Osborno were tho bntterlcs for North Henri, while Lewis, Krnuse ami Kelly riltl the strenuous work for Mnrshficlri. Kel ly replaced Krauso In tho sixth In ning. Tho decisions of tho umpire, Wal ter Gilbert, of North Henri, were severely crltlclzod throughout tho game. When McDonald, of North Henri, mario a slide for tho home plate In tho tenth Inning Gilbert declared mm out. rno decision brought forth n roar from tho gram) Htanri. ninnv think ng him safe Several close nlavs were mnrio ami rower have returned from llorkolcy, ( there was a difference of opinion N w 11 the fen f m NOEFOL Styleplus Norfolks - . j Michaels Stern Norfolks $20 & 22.50 Hirsch-Wickwire Norfolks - 25.00 SEE WINDOW DISPLAY Cnlir., where they havo completed their year's work nt the University of California. At Guild Mail Mrs. Hengstneken nnd MIhb Gencvlevo Hongstncketi on- sewing nnd social chat. Tin co guests tcnnincii 1110 mines or mo uium uuu ore invited. Mrs. uonn, Mrs. .Mnt sovoral adriltlonal visiting guests, Hiowb ami Miss NIbIi. Mrs. LoMloux Among tho latter wore Mrs. Rood, to bo h'oHtesB next Thursdi.y. Tho Mn. Murphy. Mrs. Itiismusscn, Mrs. r, mombors present were Mrs. Hnr Wnmer, Mrs. Mllhollnnd, Mrs. Kb- v,.v MrHi sehroodor. Mra. LoMloux. beckn, Mrs. O'Mnrn nnri Mrs. Men- .rH, Mitchell. Mrs. Hllrienbrnnri, Mrs. olson, Tho Gulltl mombors out wero Crawford, Mrs. Fourier. Mrs. Jensen, McsdnmoB Perhnm, bowls, McKnlght, j,rH doiIhoii, Mrs. Jonoa, Mra. Pon Haznrd, Mary Drowning, Kmma Nub- ton. Mrs. Stnddeu and Mra. Kinney, burg, Hnrry Nasburg, Jacobs, CurtlB, 1 4. 4. Forty, Rood, Sacchl, Porry and Schottop and MIbs Evolyn Anderson. 1 ,, yt yyt Mr. Hayllss, who sings In tho choir, 4 nnri bis wife, presented tho Guild Tho A; N. W. wero roynlly ontcr wlth a hnnrisomo sowing mnchlne, tallied nt tho W. P. Squlro homo In a much-ncoded ndriltlon to their nnor Thursday by Mrs. Squlro I'qulpment. Mrs. Lockhnrt and Mra. nml Jlor nsslstnnt hostess, Mra. Mln II. Nnsburg will bo hostesHes next.RnB. Sowing nnri chnt occupied tho .Thursday. afternoon ns usual nnd refreshments I woro sorveri. Mra. Allen, Mrs. Ed- . mnn, Mra. KvortBon, Mra. Hazard, I YOUNG bARIES' All). ' Mrs. Hydo, Mrs. Haguo, Mra. Mall, 4 Mrs. Murphy, Mra. Mlngus, Mra. Mary Miss Sennlo Hefslanil wns hostess 1 McKnlght. Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Murch to tho young people of tho Norwegian I nnd Mrs. Squlro wero present. Tho Lutheran Aid Thursday evening all club Is to meet next week at tho tho homo of her father nnd mother. I hemo of Mrs. J. T. Hall In West Mr. nnd Mrs. B. Rofsland nt Hunker 'Marshflold. 11111 ftnniOR nnil lniiHli. fnrlilBilod entortnlnmcnt, furthered by tho nerv ing of rofrcHhmentB nt a Into hour. In two weeks tho Aid will meet nt tho homo of Mr. nnri Mrs. 11. Mathl Tho homo of Mrs. J. G. Kinney was tho meeting place for t'10 Tliura- ilni. f'lnli mill tlinr.t fit., f.lilli aiinnf ft ...., ....... .... ....., ...u ...... !.... " ::"-',-: ..:".;. t ...i "'"nuiMit nriortifinti. luwiinl-iil w It i I limo llioro IIIHI nui'K null .111. uuu .Mrs. liornori i,ociuinri, nun .urs, .1. . 4. 4. Coob River Is again beginning tp luro ninny to Its linunts. Mr. nntl Mrs. Kugcno O'Connell spent aomo H. Plnnngan spent Sunriny nt Lockhnrt Hungnlow. tho Mrs. Dohlo of Kugcno Is spending us to tho decision of the umpire About 100 funs witnessed the game. Many of tho local baseball en thusiasts deplore tho lack of organi zation In biiHoball circles, They rie claro things are not running an smooth ua they rilri Inst season. No nrimlBslon was charged at tho gate at yesterday's game, but a collection was taken up somo tlmo after tho eighth Inning. Tho fnnti contributed liberally and something like $25 was collected which vent to de- a fow weeks hero with her daughter, fniy oxnonses. Mrs. Claurio Nnsburg, ; it Is contended by many thnt It Is tho bettor plnn to raise money by Mrs. C. A. Sehlbrotlo ami Mrs. T. C. popular subscription. Tho fair Russell plnn to leavo early this weok minded do not believe In charging for a fow days visit at tho home ofgnte ndmlsslou to hco a poor gnmo. Mr. and Mra, J, T. Sullivan in riat.Tlio plan exorcised yestoriiny wns I INPORMAb CIAT Mra. .1, T. McCormnc Ib ex- ! pectcd horo this weok tx join nn. when tlm thren ilnuulitorn of tho Dr. McConnnc nnd Bpciul the sum- Jioubo will bo h08tes8C8. Among thoso "ior on 1110 nay. 1 uoy win occupy " . h. . ,.. .... 11... .....I I lit.. ' f Pi.nrlunii tinimji nu liu Olll Tiiursiiny OveniUH weio nuv mm Mrs. R. O. Thome. Miss llannnli Stinno, Mlssos Mabel, Corn ami Allco Mnthlson, Jelmer RefBlauri. Anrirow Andorson, Peter Omll. B. G. Mellon, Mr. Qunle, Oliver bnrsnn. Mr. and Mrs. Rofnlnnd nnri the hostess, Miss Sonulo RefHlnnri. A the C. W. Bvcrtsoii house, ns Mrs. Hvcrtscn Is planning to leave shortly for Michigan to upend tho siimmor with relatives. Mrs. A. 7 Downs and Miss Anna Downs expect to leave early In Juno for Mluiieaotn. whom they will spend 1 tho summer vUltlng friends and rein- tlves. 4 Af 4 1 x" 1. - it n 11 Ll.l V N. H. Trumbull of Blk Rlvor, Next Prldny evening tho Norwegian ;' ' ' "V"lf . ' ' ' ""' v "j butheran Young People's Society will ?" 'H,8ftb" , H f J 8en rou o lie oiitorlnliiiMl at tho church hall by last v , . k. Ho ,"' Mrs. Kuudsou ami B. G. Mellon. .j. 4. 4. I YOUNG .MATRONS. I The homo of Mra. Otis Wilson was tho scene of tho Inst meeting of tho Young Matrons before tho summer adjournment of three wont' s. Robor nnd blossoms decorated the pretty room where hovoii of the club mem bora wero entertained nt needlework. At B o'clock refreshing eoffeo and cako wero served by the hostess, Mra, Jensen, Mra, Clabuugh nnd Mrs. GrannlB. Thoso out wero Mrs. Tally, Mrs. P. W. Powers. Mrs. Allen. Mrs. Grnuuls, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. Mrs. Dalton, nt Horkoloy. Last weok llradley. Mra. Maloncy. Mrs. Jensen she bad an enjoyable visit with hor to his olri homo In Mlunesotn from Coqullle, where ho hns spent tho winter with his son, Chas. Trumbull. Mo expects to return hero next fall. Jr f l Mrs. J. C. Kendall nnd son, John, will leavo shortly for 11 visit with relatives In Minnesota, ? Mra. R. W. Morrow nnd little son expect to leavo tills weok for Now York, where they will spond tho uuuimor with relatives. Miss Agues Hutchcson, who Is apenrilng a fow weoks in California Is now the guest or nor niece, U. Mrs. W. G. Chandler Is expected hero about Juno 1 from Merlin, Or- ogon, where she Is visiting hor mother. Mrs. Hncou. It Is possible thnt Mrs. Hncon mny nccompnny hor for a short stny on tho Uny. 4 Mr. and Mra. K. Kolly of South Mnrshflold nro planning to spond a month or so with hor Blstor In Reno, Nov., this summor. Tliey mny arrange to lonvo soon nftcr tho Hunker Mill school closes. IMiAX PAIfTIKS. I Mrs. II. b. Crawford Is Issuing In vltntloiiB for Tuesday nftornoon, May 19. Mrs. J. W. Mtldonbrand Is Issuing Invitations for Wednesday afternoon, Mny 20. POSTPONB .MBBTIXfl. The meeting nt tho Bplscopnl Guild for Tuosdny of this week hna been postponed until Thursdny nftornoon. OI'KX SMALL MILL. John Jonscn, who will bo engineer nt tho boucks' mill on Blk rlvor nnd who Is now fitting up tlvo machinery ready for ubo, wns In town 0110 day slnco onr Inst lssuo. Mr. Jensen says thnt tho mill will start cutting In about two weoks, nnd that among tho first lumbor cut will bo nbout 100,000 feet of whlto cedar. Port Orford Tribune. CURRY IMONBKR DBAD. Mrs. Walter Sutton received tho sad news of tho donth of her fathVr Adam Schmidt nt Medford. Mr. Sch midt was 8& years of ago, nnd wns known to tho olri Bottlers horo, hav ing resided nt Gold Reach many years ngo. Port Orford Tribune. -THE "RAKE-UP" AND "SH0VEL-0UT" SALE- Makes a Fresh Start Tomorrow It has proved tho merriest sale of this merry month o f May a sale (or all the people, with merchandise marked at prices offering marked economy Here again is proof: TO 65c DRESS GOODS, NOW 37c EMBROIDERIES ONE-FOURTH LESS TO 12U VALENCIENES LACES, 3c TO 40c WASH GOODS NOW AT 20c ALL SWEATERS, ONE-THIRD LESS 1 LOT, 25c HOSIERY NOW AT 19c LIBERTY DRESS and APRON, $1.23 REG, $1,25 MEN'S SHIRTS, AT 98c TO $9,75 SUITS AND COATS, $6.50 TO $15,00 SUITS AND COATS, $10.45 TO $18,50 SUITS AND COATS, $12.35 TO $25,00 SUITS AND COATS, $16.50 All SHIRT WAISTS, ONE-THIRD LESS 1 LOT TO $3,50 CORSETS, AT 79c TO $5,00 TRIMMED HATS AT $2.98 RFR, 50c WORK SHIRTS AT 42c s NEW RUCHINGS 25c PER YARD S. S. Jennings $8.50 TRIMMED HATS $4.98 considered fnlr enough, no fun wns compelled to pny, but tho loynl sup porters of bnseball did not hesitate to go down In their Jeans when tho lint wns passed. Some of tho Indies suggested thnt a cleaner grnndstnnd would bo more Inviting. Tho floor and scats woro llttcrod with dirt, dust and olri peanut shells. It Is understood thnt Krauso and Kolly, who played with tho local team yestordny will go to Coqulllo todny or tomorrow. Tho lineup of yestordny's gamo follows: North Rend Marshflold McDonald, of Kolly, 2b Dcnsmoro, as Chnndlor, If Mognn, rf Abbott, lb KIsBnm, lb Sntor, ss lrrlggs, 3b Freeman, cf Morris 2b Crawford, rf blllobo, If Lowls.c Morn, c Ilurko, 2b Osborne, p Krauso, p E LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Drops Double Head er to Los Angeles Sunday Other Games. (Uf AiwcUlM ftvu to Coot IUr Tlmrt.t PORTLAND1, Or., May U. Port lam! dropped a double-header nt bos Angeles to tho Angola yestor dny, after winning n tou-to-ono vic tory Snturdny. Tho Bcorca: At Sncramonto R. M. b. Sacramento 11 is 0 Snn Francisco ...10 1C 1 Hnttorlos: KUroy. Kremor, Slnglo, Stroud and Hnnnnlr; belfiold, Arlett and Clarko, (Second Gnmo) Snn Francisco 2 8 1 Sncramonto 3 C I Hnttorlos: Stnndlsh, Pernoll and Clnrk; Klnwitter nnd Rohror. At bos Angolos R. M. E. Portlnnd 5 c 2 bos Angeles c 7 3 (Ten Innings) lotteries: Hrown, Krauso, Un worth, PIshor Chech, Ryan and Hrooks, (Second Gnmo) Portland i s 3 bos Angeles -j s 0 Hatterles; Hlgglnbotham and Fish, or; Ehmko nnd Holos. At San Francisco R, , R. Venlco - , o Oakland .., ,j c 0 Hnttorles: Fleharty and Ullss; Plough and Mltate. (Second Gnmo.) Venlco c n 4 Oakland 7 n 2 Hatterles; Mitt. Whlto nnd Hllss: Christian, Geyer and Alexander. SATURDAY'S (JAMBS At Sacramento r. jj. E. San Francisco 2 3 i Sacramento i 4 3 Hatterles: Tozler nnd Schmidt; Ar ollnues and Hannah. At Oakland r. h. B. Venice 7 n 0 Oakland 1 s 3 Hnttorles: Klepfer nnd Hllss; Mn larkey, Crabbo. Ramey and Mltze. At bos Angeles R. r. e. Portlnnd 10 11 1 bos Angeles 2 7 5 Hatterles; West aud Fisher; Hughes nnd Hrooks. ADD nASBHAbb"TT. PIBbD MEirr RESULTS P Prof Hunter, nt tho Mnralifloll High School, received n wire yes terday stating that Idaho had de eated Pullman 69 o 62 in fa field meet Saturday. Mr. Hunter Is Wrf m MARSIIFIELD Three Stores BAN0ON MYRTLE 01NT 1 Shipping News TWO VESSELS SAILEDSOH Redondo and Paraiso Out for San Francisco Bio Ship ment of Cheese Tho steamer Redondo loft port yestordny morning with nbout ten flrst-cnbln passengers, n carload of. cIiccbo aud about 650,000 fcot of lumbor. Among thoso, on tho. pas senger list nro: J.. P. Crurieu, R. 8. Wright. C. II. Hutfor. W. O. No neo, M. B. Thurston, GiiBt Nnrok, 11. B. Irish, Mrs. T. A. Hakor, T. B. Powoll and O. W. Wright. Pa ni I so Off. Tho stoamor Paraiso loft for San Francisco yestordny with a fair pas senger list and a capacity cargo of lumbor. Captain btllolnnri Bald ho would reach San Francisco somo tlmo Monday. Tho Paraiso will ro- l.'L'J'- J'i'EI nAaJn. .?litlirjn-yj an alumnus of Pullmnu. Somo good records woro made, tho relay confer ence record of 3:25 being tied. Oregon University dofentori O. A. C. In tho field moot 7-1 to G7. 1 L IS D NORTHWESTERN bEAGUE. Vancouver 0; Portland 1. Victoria 0; Soattlo -1. Tacomn 3; Spokauo 0. XATIO.VAb LEAGUE. St. Louis 3; Cincinnati 1. Chicago 4; Pittsburg 1. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland 4; St. bouls 0. Chicago 1; Detroit 0. NORTHWICSTERN LEAGUE. Vancouver 2; Portland 0. Victoria -1; Seattlo 2. Spokane 2; Tacoma C. Carries About Eighty-five First Cabin Passengers and a Good Cargo With 8C flrst-cabln patwajert and nbout S0ton of freight ibori, tho stenmer "rcakwattr !ft port yoHtorday inornhiR for PortliniTli Hrenkwntor will leave Cow Bff again on Mny in. Among tho pawengen who Wt nn Hw llrnnku-ntnr TClttrdir I((t: Cnrl A. bnrson, nert Pottr, llwr Johnson, F. Kotncr. k. u. ina bull, Joo Groohal, Qui Wol8.1. ii..i,. i V l.nn Rllincr. Mill L Klssnne. Mrs. Flood, Alfred IUW- strom, Mrs. AUrcd iingeniron, n Tn.. Mrs 1 N' h. It third !Uf- m'nn. Paul blllenthal, A, R. !' Evelyn bowls, iwnn run, n- ? Mollenbeck. C M. Anderson, U I Bnglnud, C F. Thcllmonn. W a ... ii.i. nr. ii.larmn. M. Z09' lluiiurii-nD, ni. "''"-:-M tales, J. H. C. Oakci. John R..W Geo. Rotnor, Herman iw. nndor. Rev. A., R. Munre. R B bo.,, A. Joy, Kather FojIb m. iV.(!0.0,,.1J",JS.uuU. w nn.tin imt Saster. V'1, r , imunvi ."""... n n-.l & Crouch. I'nul iroya. u. ,-" t vin snyuer. .m.. v. -..-.- J u. unmpouii, r.. -,;: r. Grimes. Al Memlel.John Rn- Waltor bowe, i ',,u"'.y; ,"iM John Mornll, P. C. htj J Press, Tony V'kvm, ThoiM. I" Thomns Nownll. Ne J'Ux Ivorson, N. b. i". '" p ,& Jim Flor. Wm. nlngiUj. J-" mnns. ClrtB. Morfian ADELINE ,, "slTil Tho steamer AM,.na rlve(l.J .!or ."'ifiS W W eveuu. ; - t B , ,- Says'with a cargo of hW. Why Advertising b Important TJT13 nd-reador finds wlmt she wants i tJjS with little delay, and she finds it at tno she wants to pay. For the nVMdluLvSr in learns to know values, and she does hoi my o the light of that knowledge. Something imusunl for tho table is always . como treat to the home folks. The ad-readnig man does not find tho problem hard. The housewife who has -learned "the Sje buying" is able to turn her economies topiu count, frequently adding to the home cqiUF tides of furniture, or other desirable til jb,, only good management could have ntio Somo store mar be placing on "special . sa M now the article you have not felt like pa)" lar" prices for. rerchants realize that tho housewives "0 ciate "special sales" are craienlbuyw'je mere i)rice-lure is not enough. The go KIOllT.