PUTTING A BLUERjBBON ON A COW'S HORN WILL NOT INCR EASE HER PLOW OF MILK A BANNER YKAll rfl,H season opens with hrlghter nraMrt for tho great Coos Hay l,l t'oqtilllo Valley country (linn "rcr licroro In 1 history. For. iiincs are In tlio itijilcliifr. Arc you busy laylnR ''l0 foundation for jours? lag mvxm DON'T SCATTER SHOT Conccntrnto join- ndvertlHltiR In the newspaper that ricli'H tho peo ple )'ou want to talk to. Ammuni tion costs money. Tlio Times niycs money to advertisers. mammmmmmmmmmmaamsm i "mmmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmsmmmmi MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXVII. Established 1H78 ns Tlio Coast Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of 'rimes t ohm M .1 Jq. 250. Z2? 1101 PAYS TRIBUTE TO Railway Mews of w Bay poRT COMMISSION TO ISSUE SOLDIER DEAD FROM VERA CRUZ in GET LINE IHOEY TELLS OF $300,000 BONDS FOR HARBOR 'DOUBT POWER OF HOERTA MEN I Nineteen Dead Brought to New York City and Every Honor is Shown PRES. WILSON GIVES EULOGY THERE TODAY New York City, State and Na tion Unite in Funeral Ser vices There tD; AMoclatod Tmi to Coo II r Tlma. NKW YOIUC, Mny 11 The (lend from Vera Cruz wore Inmloil on Am erican sol) mid this ulty, Htatc and mi Hon iialil trlliuto. Two hours before the city was nstlr, sovdnteen flng drancil coffins -wuro romoti'd from tbedeck of tbc nrinoreil cruiser Mon- Peace Delegates of Dictator Supposed to Have .Full Au thority to Sign IDr AMotlitrJ I'rru to Coo. Bar Tlmea J VERA vnVX. Mnj 1 1. Tlio ponce i OIIUnilHKlminrH nf IJimi,. ...i m tana and plncetl on eulBsimil on the mill from bore toilny ror Key West plaza In Untterr Park. Few vltnes- r.ro clothed with full powers, nnmlnnl- icainiB curuinunj, inn iiiuiiitiiiiun mi- y ui lensi, to ipn an agreement, cr lined tlio ntrwtB to. wntch tbo slow Jinny prominent Mexicans bore how procession wind Iih wny to tbo Navy vor, nro not Inclln-M to regard tblt yurtl. 'birotiU niltborltjr ut irtwil. Xol since tlw Duwey fiiirado ImB . trcro liet'n aut. a spontaneous idem- cnitratlon. Tlmt wns a .-noisy trib ute to tbo returning victor: this a rtverent one t tbo returning (lend. President Wilson arrived In Now, York at 7 o'c'laJk almost unobserved. He went to tlit home of Col. E. M. House and thouco to HatHiry Park. Mounted policemen, tlio , bands oT Ihc Wyoming and Tex, and COO bine Jackets led tbo 'procceslon. Next ' time the co ff I tic In single (Ilo, police-. men at tlio nidto nntl titriich corner f. or the enisson n nntionni Riiurdsnmn. , Tbo Stars null Stripes nlono covered thit rrmToitH. Tlinii 'pntnti rnri'lniriui ' Varlap tbo J'rcnldont, &jcrtMnry of tbe Navy, Senators, Congressman and officials or tbo statu mill tilty. The corteRo Ik-riui to movo at 0 o'clock, tiki buIiTa liaud plnyliiR n funeral inarch null tbo lluojackiits marcMiiR M'ltb' their arm rovorscd. Tbo crowd stood -with bared beans. Through tlio' skyscraper Si. ,. 'r. 1Jrontlway' flt stlUitlonnllsls at .Mozntlaii. Trinity Church aim! Into thu city hall jilnsa tbo procession I mvu. iii i a caiv i lull. WHOM! ' coiuniris 0 CO S BY TELLS OF LINE TO BAY Says Grading Will be Complet ed This Year and Rails Laid Early Next Year nm niinDfUT 'ULu UufllJUnl IS BH UP J. W. Perkins and 'Roseburg Boosters Want "Railroad Meeting in Marshfield J. W. Perkins or Roseburg. who Ib I EUGENE, Or., Mny 11. A coin boostliiR tho projetit for InilldliiR a ploted railroad Rrndc betweon Eukoiio rond from ROMdiurf to Coos Uny, tele- and Coos Hny will bo finished this pnonoii K. w. Andrews lioro today year, aim rail will bo laid to tlio nsklng that arrnuRements be mndo western OroRon senport early In 1015, for a public ineetliiR hero next Friday accordliiR to the holies of II. P. Hoov, ovcnlnir in tiomtlfior tho rallrond nro- Southern Pacific engineer In rhnriin Ject. Mr. (Vr'khlB will brliiR a pnrty of tbo Wlllnmetto Pacific, who linn ro of rnllrona men hero with him. ' turned from n tboroiiRh Inspection of Mr. Asdrown, nn old friend nntl 'o ii'lj work now under wny with biiBlni'HB iiBHurlntc of Mr. Perkins, 1000 men nt work, and tbo crew to bo vs hero from Medfnrd on business Intirensed ns fast as men can bo ship and Mr. T'oi'Utiis nsked him to lend bis led In. Ilo wiih nccompnulcd by V. nHlwtnnco. The ineetliiR will bo nr-' It- Komitnlno, assistant oiiRlneor. rniiRed juiU'Oio project plven cntbtis-1 Mr. Hooy hnses bis hopes on tbo lnstlc wippor"!. locally ns the HosoburR statements of tbo contractors, who plniig muiit nvlth tho hopes of Coos declaro positively that Rrndo and tun Baylu. I "els will bo completed this yenr, nnd wiiti nro uuiKiuR every riRiit nRnliiBt UNIDENTIFIED MAN IS FOUND Petitions Urging Action Signed by About 2500 of 2800 Voters Presented J. A. MATSON SAYS NO SERIOUS OPPOSITION of the caisson n nntionni Riiardsnmn. .HJCXJCan Robftlfi DeStrOV Craf 1 'Abandoned Iby fFederals at Mszatian IDt AocUM rrrio Cooa D7 TIbm. WA81IINOTON, 1), O., May 11 Alimlral Howard peatcnlny reported J thf abandoned Mexican Kedoral cuu-l bout Morolos wan f-ostcrdnv boarded. a'yo"JBot,nflro and blvvn up by the Con- anrt portico woivi drnivi a m omen, the cortepo halU, d while layor MltL'lvll plocetl on the caissons -wrentliH of orchids, tVo city's tribute. As bo did sortho blur-JnckatH ood nt "pri'Mtit nrniB" nntl 800 hool thlldron hiuir "yoitior lily (loll to Thoe." The Loi'tcRu nrococ&od from tbo! ly ball to tho BroOkl)-ii Navy Ynrd. Tbero tbo eoronionlos wora r,lmnlu JBd comphrntlveXy brief. A liynin ;tbo Imttloshlp Uand, nji Invouitlou by Chnplnln Casutrd ot Annapolis, and then Prsldpiii Wilson's, address. mrerg hv Itnlihl U'ln niwI rmbnr Cblflnlck, chnplaln of tho ?!alno.iol lowed. Thr -vollvys by a dotach- prat of mnrl8 nnd taps bi tbo bn Icr complototl tho program. Foanvun of tho botlles will bo sent to relntlves from luiro for burlaV. Thrco n bo taken buck to tho Mon ona for riinoTJ to Kw Enrfnni IU. -R. KILUtfe HCAPATA IlT AuoflilfJ l-riM. tMJooi)ir Tti. U'ASIII.NT.TON, May II. I(eorts from .Mixilcnn sounvs are that Cnpnta "in an Imuiodlate inenmo to llucrtu ii'id forclRnerti In Mexico city and .I.Htlio Stni Dopurtiiieut to sotniio nil ioj slblo Informatlnxi mh tbo Ntib-Ject. INU'OirT TA.MI'ltrt CiXlTL'Iti:!) IHr Am IIM TrfM lo Toot ntjr Tlm. JltAIXUZ, Mny ll. W'bllo nnofflelhl reports iy tUut tbo CtiiistltutionallMts bavo enptur ed Tnmp'lo, official, hero be lieve thch innlu ntuujk bus nut yet been incssed homo. il'm llnlneM Survey. Tim ItopvMmrK plnn nrovldcs for utlllrttiR tho survey or rnther route of tiro olll Coos liny nnd Holso pro ject "Hli!L vvns Biirvoyod by F. A. Halites. JnHt nuv tbo Wcyorbnuscr Interests nrcarrniifiliiR to build n timber road out uf Bitibcrlln nnd the hopo ot tbo pcoplo cil Hutborlln Is to Rot that ex tended 'down tho Umpqun to connect mi with ttho Southern Pacific nt Onr- 'dllittc. However, tbo peoplo of HoscburR want (bo Coos Day routo nnd jiolnt oirt ilmtrliu Suthorlln project can bo icomiectuti up In IooklnR Ulnss Vnllcy w'lth 'thu HosbburR project. Humors of Hill nnd Northwestern nettVity In contrnl OrcRon nnd Idaho may liavo'somothlnR to do wlti. the netri'lty nu'ltosbburR, but this li not Rlvtai otu !HoWlnirR .Meetlnr ivti. Tho ItOboburR Itevlow hna tho fol lou'iirR story of tbo launcbJnR ot the projna thvro tho other nlRht: "Fully "700 people nttonded the tho const mountain olomentB to do ho In order that their equipment will not bo tied up another yenr. Mr. Hooy Btates that with five months of wenther similar to Hint which has lK.'on experienced this snrlnir ttmni J will bo but llttlo qiiostlon but that mo Rrnue, winch is now complete to Acme, will bo finished to Mnrshfleld by the end of tho Benson. At present tho rails nro laid to a point tiilrty-flvo miles west of Uu Body Taken From Pump Dredge Seattle Early This Morning of .Dredge Company to Take Bonds Order Inlet Survey Ferndale Fill Problem ' Tbo Port of Boos Ihiy this nftor iitioti. after recolvlntr notltlons slcn- 'ed by about 21500 of the H000 iorIs- i ifitftjl I'M t Hftl lit til. illutftnt ttfrrlfiiv Tho body of an unidentified man, tnom to Hail0 jaoo.OOO bonda to npjmruntly about thirty jours of iiro. complete the harbor Improvement ..in luiiiiu lutiKl-ll III lliu lllllllll III 11 ml Pi' I ilnnlilfiil In irn nliiiml nml nr- the drcdRo Scattlo about 111:30 o' clock this mornliiR. AccordliiR to Coroner !'. K. Wilson tho body bad been In tbo water about two weeks. It was sIlRhtly bloated. Tbero nro several Hours on tbo bodv but If Is not i ioiikiu u oy were mnuo previous to mv th0 omorReney clauso IIIU UlUKHIUfJ. p( 1'no ninn wns evidently n laborer. Tbo snlo of the bonds bns nl When found the body was clnd In cot- rendv been nrranued. tin, Piient tier the bonds Issued. Tbo formal ordinance providing for tbo iBsunnctf of tbo bonds cannot bo passed for n day or two. In or der to meet tho contract with tho dredRo Seattle tbo ordlnnuro wltl nttneh- .n ..i.-i ' " i '.. 'ru"" , Hoiinti uretiRo nnd HrldRo Compnny ". ",1'8,8ln- T)l ;IV"B wn? ' tnkhiR tboni nt pnr. Tbo conipany most torn from tbo body by objects nRrees to pny ino.OOO cnsli, tho ..in tviuru il riiinu in nullum. i iinrii imintwwt .. i.. nn.i ..In. i i.. I.. ..rnmlnnnl ....I.I llll.. I.. ..'... """""''."' ZV l . ! HIUHl ..i .V . . X, . . . "r worn. ino men or tins is tn ooth of tho man ahead. Tbo bend Is provide J.'IO.OOO cash for tho lm bald, tbo hair ovldontly hnvliiR been provoment of tbo Inlets around tho wnsbed off. my wMcll (Mo ,rotBO gcnttlo enn- loroner In Notlfleil. nm iinmiin Tin. iw..,.iu n., i i. Sidney IJrynnt n tleckhnnd on the 'tinted January 1, 1014, and they nro tlredue. fiimnl Ibn limlv InitL'ml In ilm ... ..... i. .....' i... .-.'' ... ?hn5iI.-i- nill!iIIBi-,,lr V.U wnilMmi. Ilo Immedlntoly notified Jos- port rocolvl.iR the nrpruad- In'onst tho Sluslnw It vor nn fast, aa thn brldRo crews can erect tho Bteol brldsus. Trains will reach tldowntor from EiiRcno this Bummer, nccordhiR to present plans. Tho InrRcr bridges across tho SIus lnw, tho-UiiiMjua, nnd Cooa Uay nro factpm vchl?h must be. counted upon to brlnR tbo rails to Mnrshfleld In litis. "Wo hopo to be In Marshfleltl enr lyJn 1915," Btnted Mr. Hooy. "Hut we mny meet unforeseen problems In finding foundntlonn for tbo blR brldRtrs. Hut If tbo woather w0 havo had this sprlns keeps up, tboro Is no qtiesUon but thnt wo will hnvo tho eph May, enBlnoor In chnrRti of tbo to July 1. Thoy nro to become duo dredge, and tho work of romovliiR tbo body wns boRiin. Only n hnnd could bo seen nt first. To that a romi wns tied nntl nfter a hard pull tho body was draRRcd out, i-vory mnn on tbo drcdRo mndo nn In 1945 nnd bo nnld off In in.H'al pnymonti of $25,000. Mntsoii Present Pet!:' j J. Albort Mntson, chairman of tho sf,fort tp IdentUy Uie tlvnd man, but J1TIU"V0 eommlttca of tho Mnrsh no ono hntl over seen him lioforo. r,!"lll "i"'nnr of Commorcw, present- uoy k. Minor, with tho PiiRot Sound , l,,u i'""''""" io mo ron uommis- IlrltlRo & DredRliiR wns nubile moutlin: Friday nluht at tbo Ixrudo complotcd this summer." Antler's Tnenter to henr tllscnswd Whllo on this trip of Inspection ttho irMJcett to bblld n railroad from the ctiRlneer noted tbo completion IloseUurR it. Coos Hay. Talks were .of tho tramway und lake H)stem of vivonliv men who worn famlllnr with tmnsiiorttltlon botwnnn tb Rlimlnu- tln conditions and hnvo taken an ac- and tho Umpqun Itlvers. It Is hb tlon tbo body will not bo kept at tbo fuvi" of ' "" said that In nn sion with n lltt o boostor talk. Ilo calltnl to tho tlredgo and notlfjed Bn,' thnt on tho potltlons filed Coronor Wilson, who reinovetl" the tno" wor. 2?20 ""'es and fortr body to tho morgue. potltlons benrliiR about 408 nnines Woro Illicit HtMit. n,n(1 Jot i, recolved yot from tho A blRh boot wns found on ono foot, "rrulnlors. Ho nald thnt very lit There nro no calks In tbo sole, which " opposition wns encountered, tho Indicates ho wns not n woodsman. Pro,eH,,H Io"ir of n nnturo that tlio Some think thnt the man wns n deck- Commissioners could readily ndJuBt. :ntnl off one of tbo stonmers or u .N F ''',ol for the North Ilond railroad laborer. Chnmbor of Cominerto, sifld that OwlnR to tbo stnte of deconiDosl. u"r'"0,ly ' North Ilond wn In 'lvo nairt In tho work of helping tbo 'only tuftom of rallrond construction movement illong. As a result of tbo or una kind ornr nttempted In Ore meetlnn (bo cntlro RntherliiR roe to , Ron, nnd Is a fm-tor which will mako Iw feet and recorded almost unnnl-. possible the completion of tbo Rrndo moiisly Vis vottf In fnvor when nntnnd- to .Mnrshfleld this summer. It In lint vote was enlled by Chairman 3. , Mnmar to triuiHportntlnn luscil -hy v. iinmviton on a resolution present ed by II. L. '1,'ddy to uurhorlzn thn taK'liiR of stopuby tbo peoplo of Hoso- inorRiio nfttir today. Unlosrt It Is "",lr ,ul" a unir no nml securod ICO Identified It will bo burled In tbo H Kers. Only two tboro refused to poller's field. IH n for them and he snld thoy woro U'iin Nm Hliot. iChroult- kickers. Ho pnld tribute to Coroner Wilson bulled tbo body M10 vliliial work of the Commls of tho man found In tho tlredRo Sent- "'oners and (ho debt of Rrntltudo lo this afternoon. Ho said tbero t,mt tho people own them for tholr wns no founilntlnn for Mm rmmrt services. coniiactons on tho Canadian Pnclflc, mid llinkl'K nnniWHinrv tlm ..nul,n, tlon of 1i1c1ihvm mnr vfhlnl. i.i.i,n... ! thnt them wiih n Imllnt Imln l.. il... I II. C. Dlors nnltf thnt null- nlinnf hum tbei;isolvn to lssuo bonds for may bo freighted to tho construction man's hood, a ncnlp wound hnvliiR 2800 y'i'T" w'ro nRlstered In tho $3(oU.00 With which to Htnrt con- tumps. (been Inflicted by the dredRo. ' ort "Istrlct and that the potltlons ,. ., UNITED STATES CHOOSES TWO striretlou 'f tbiKrnllroad. I The supplies will bo sblniied by ".ludRO lunilKon set forth tho nn-boat to the Sluslaiv ami loaded on ttlysbi of t). sltiutlou, Ilo mention-- narrow Range tramway cars. These d Co lmiKirtnmv of bnvlnc n trade are elevated by cable im n in I In In. route thnt mould plnco this county elluo to tie toil of the hills, and run PEACE CONFERENCE DELEGATES i Associate Justice Lamar and Frederick W. Lchmann Are Chosen to Negotiate About "Mexican War Settlement. IB; Auoclit4 rmi to Cooa Bar Tlmaa.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May 11. the .United States Supreme Court, and FrederVk W. i.ehmnnn, former Solicitor General, ,ero selected by IreslAtint Wilson to ropresejit Ills vlows before tho Siuth American mediators at is'lagnrn Falls. Secre tary of Stato llryan ruade this offl elal anouiiee.iont. Whethor the third mediator will Ua appointed, AHoelato Timtirn linnkor i.mnir. flfSecretnrT Ilrynn decline to Indicate ILWAY MAN (STEAMER WAND HIT BY AUTO Vice-President Axtell, of Ches apeake & Ohio, Thought Fatally Hurt Br AtMcJatod Fraa to Cooa Daf .Tlmaa. RICHMOND, Vt., May 11. Do "ture Axtell. vice-president of the "Mapeak & Ohio railway, was fjuck by an auto today and Is bo Wed to have been fatally Injured. XKWSPAPEKME.V JIEET NO DAM GEO IBr Aaaoclata4 PrtM U Cooa Da Tlmta.) -LAWRENCE, Kansas, May 11. J'oier relations between, the press "1 State Board of Education was "jsed by speakers at the opening i the National Newspaper Confer- !::;. "y D. Plnkerton, of tne ttle Sun. wn nmnnp thogfl who -. , ...... w a . papers! Portland Vessel En Route From Alaska Runs Aground But Gets Off Without Harm Br AoUt4 Prua to fow Baj Tlmea J SEATTLE, Wash., Mny 11. A dlsnatrh from Ketchikan. Alaska, says the steamer Thomas L. Wand, which sailed for Portland yesterday, went ashore a short distance south of Ketchikan, but got off undamaged and proceeded on ber way. U. S. CONSUL SUICIDES American Hcpre.ciitntle at li...lln Euda Life in Hospital. fBr AaaocUtal Prtaa to Cooa DT Tlmea. HARBIN, Manchuria. May 11. Southard P. Warner, United States Consul at Harbin, committed suicide In the hospital where he was under- j going treatment today. In loach wHh the commercial marts of the world. 'If tho railroad pro vosed can btt shown to bo n paying road,' ho saUl, 'tlio answer to the question now confronting iih Is not far off.' Tho rallrond! from 'Albany to Yu qnlua and from MarShfloId to Myrtlo 'Point art paying dividends nnd re modelling their linen, vhllo the coun try they opornte In is much less re sourceful than DoiiRlaa -county. The Grants Pa&tt plan, ho said, would pass into history nnu bo foilowutl by many cities us nn exnmpo. Cunlm'll'w View. "W. AV. Cardwell followotl with n tfhort address in which be declared that be belioied that the desire of the old pioneer residents to Vo ublu to ride on a tmin from Hosoburg to Coos Hay was about to bo realized. There Is no use, he said, to expect a big railroad compnny to build It, bo cause thoy had shown they wore op posed to thin point, Hr cited the Drain road as an instance where tho S, P. Co. headed off n lino from Itose burg. He said if we expect Investors to put capital into this country In the next few years wo muet have a way to Ret their oroducts oat. 'We have only to look nt the action of Josephine county to settle the question, he said. 'Bonding for $300,000 1 believe Is the only bona fide, practical method by which it will be accomplished.' "O. P. Coshow told of his recent visit on Coos Day and the work of the Eugene line Into that section. He said, however, that on all sides ho was asked the question as to the plan to build from Roseburg, show ing, he said, that the people tbero aro more anxious to have a route direct ly east through Douglas county. B. L. Eddy presented the resolu tion and spoke briefly on tho mono polistic hold of the railroads upon the Industrial growth of this stato, saying that they were opposed to de veloping the country because It would lessen their traffic from the east. He said they had made millions In haul ing manufactured articles and vari ous products to this coast and were not desirous of losing their business. A stTong point was made by Hon. R. G. Smith of Grants Pass- that the people are carrying a heavier burden now from the high freight rates than tbey will be required to carry on ac- over n narrow caiiKt road to tbo Inkca. Tho railroad follows a string of lakes all tint wny down tho const. The railroad ramps have been built on barges and will bo moved along the lakes as the work progresses. The necessity of building new tamps is oDviaicii, Tho narrow ruiiro cars aro run on to bnrgoa, and theso, propelled by gasoline, earn- the freight cars from ono luko to another, distributing the supplies to tho ramps. Tbo Jakes iiro connected by tramways. Thousands of dollars and months of tlmo will no saved by this system. Tbo barges have been built on tho lakes und nro ready for use. At present crows am worklnc on both tends of four tiiunols. Ono tun nel, No. 7. 4300 feot long, an eh. tranco to the sotth end Is about to bo effocted. Thin entrance uavn dlr. flculty ,al last year, and it Is upon mis uiiiuei mat tne completion of tho Rrade this year may hung. At pres ent tho crew from tho north Is 1000 feet undtrground und Is workliiR nt tbo rnto of 300 feot u month. .Mr. Hoey atnted that tho wreck of the bargo Frederick on the Sluslnw Jetty so vera weeks ago caused con siderable delay, possibly a month, In tlio operation of the tramway systom. He tells that the new motor stage line down the beach from Coos Hay to Gardiner saves soveral hours In the time required to get to Coos Hay. The machine makes tho twenty miles In forty minutes. fount of the proposed bond Issue. 1Mb address was heartily applauded. "Attorney J, O. Watson of this city and Attorney ll. D. Norton, of uranig rass, will prepare the neces sary papers for submitting this mat ter to tho city council for action, us rapidly as possible. Owing to the vol ume of this work It will perhaps re quire three weeks to get them ready In full detajl." r Marshal Carter lnm liix.n miniiin wore signed by at least fourflftliH to find nny cliiu as to nnyono beliiR i nf ,,,n otors. Ho pointed out that missing In this section. t011 tho Inst bond Issue, only about The body had ovldontly boon cov- 9"0 voted of which over 700 favor ored up n the mini In tlio bay, ns c'!' o thnt tho petitions aro a tboro wore only alight mutilations iwrmiRor Indorsement than was tho mndo by the crubs. To all appoar- "xpressod wish thou, nnces tho mnn hnd beon tlend only " '' Hood said (hat tho only two weeks, but it might havo been onoH wno opposed It In Mnrshfloltl longer, tho cold water and mud pro-' w,,ro Peoplo who worn not paying sorvlng tho flesh. i tuxes, bo far as Im could find. Not Dredge Employe. . Ator hearing theso talks, Prosl- Suporlutondent Miller and (ho i',onl "impson (isk-ul that anyone op othor employes of the tlrodgo aro r'"pf ' to the bond isitio sponk now posltltvo that tho body Is not tbnt.op "rover "old his poaeo" but not of Fireman Aronson of tbo dredge 3 'l.n8 r'''o8t was volcod. Soattlo who mysteriously disappear- ?!llPn " wns l'p I'led to pass tho ed last winter and wns supposed to """'Hnnnro with tho emergency clause a bwuii ua ii couiti uo prepared, I'Vrntlalo Km, Tho question of maklnB tho big fll in Iorn(lnlo wine up, but tho Honnott Trust Company was tho only ono signing up to pay for its share of tho fill. Tho nrlce. If only a lfiO-foot channel waito bo diiR wns to bo not mnrn ti,.. i cents por yard, and In enso a 300- 'foot cbannol is diiR, not inoro tban (four ecu Is por yard. I Claudo Nasburi' nii u,n u.n It could raise tho $7000 or $11000 n. !lUl Ho .B.n,!, tny ,,1(l ot wont ?, " ?r.,.enB0 l lelr Property with tho possibility of It being soltl and shut tlioni out Of n llvlllir frnm it tin hnvo fallen into tbo bay and drowned. No trace hna ever found of Aronsen. beon boon C T SING S AW Lillian Nordica Succumbed SundayBorn in Maine and Won Grand Opera Fame RELATIVE ON HAY I P. P. Norton, of Mnrshfloltl, I Is a rolatlvo of Lillian Nordica. tho famous singer, who died last I night. RAIN AT I1ANDON. The rainfall for tho month' of April was 5 07 inches; days rainy and cloudy 13; days clear 17. Tho rain fall for the corresponding month ot 1913 wag 6.24, a difference of 1.17 inches less this year, Dandon Worli JBf Auolat4 Preaa lo Cooa liar Tlmaa.) HATAVIA. Java.. Mnv ll Tim body of Madame Lillian Nordica. the American singer, who died hero of pneumonia last night, will bo sent to tho United States May 10. Lillian Nordica was nn American singer of world-wide fame. Her ad mirers ranged from tho men of tho Ijowery section of New York, whero Bho had sung at mission meotlngs, to tho most critical box holders of granu opera nouses in all of Was flllUllv tOllI thnt tlln t.nr ?.,n..l.l glvo them a yenr'a tlmo In which to pay It. charglnR six por cont Inter est. Ho said ho would see about Tho Pqrt Commission If tho prop erty owners there do not pny for the fll will put It elsewhere. It was said, or keop to tho ICO-foot channol. UlR Fill Mtule. It win roqulro about B00.000 yards of dirt to make this fill In the Mill SIourIi district, north Srnnin th. ,lredge pumped li .0,0.0.?, .ynr(,B- whon tho Fern dalo fill Is completed, If It Is made, a total of about 2,100.000 will havo been pumped Into the Marahflelfl lowlands. To Improve Inlet On tho ronufiHt nf a n m.iv Min Nnrlh Tlon.l t r.. ' . ' . world's great musical centers. Thq Mation. of Sumner loPnr pm purity of her voice .employed in cer was InslSdo make a sur- many tongues, had do lisbted hnn..v iii..-"..., A0 vlnK? " aur" fiSf'JR" SlnjE: ioT Coos ItVver am, CatchlnR Inlet ",iH " vww 10 mo port Jmproviflj-f (Continued on Pago Two.) 1 .. Jui 1 M, Itftf