" KrmbSSR Mm NINE THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. fj Be a Booster ,p Buy a lot and build an attractive home on it. Make this home ' ' an argument for living on Coos Bay both to yourself and to the M I iFIRST ' . .. 1 A TtTTrT,TTVT "1 1U scorcs - Progressive families who are building up AUDI l.lUiN FIRST ADDITION into one of the prettiest home additions on 1 ' Coos Bay. 8 TO - v FIRST ADDITION is its own host argument. SEE IT! f , 1 MARSHFIELD Lots here foi,o cch 5 ft lots. & ...... --MT Terms to suit. V.j'V rlfl" !T M L Graded streets, water service, telephones. ' ' "5 M LbLbLbLbW Lw H ,w m, 'Revnolds Development Co. I k (OWNER) 178 Central Ave. Phone 1G0. BbBBBBBw BK I WK MAKU OUIt OWN I ' ""liBiDBMBMiMBHHBHBiMlBi""""""" '1 Select from the very finest models that nnmj III ik hiuuui ff. - (Continued from Pago Six.) ATTICS I) WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. AnBgnr Lngtsretrom and Cornell Lagorstrom tiro now in Minneapolis where on Thursday thoy attend tho mnrrlago of fnclr sister, Miss Lydla Theodora Lagerstrom to tho Rev. Robert L. Lcathermnn of Mt. Pleasant. Pa. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith, unde and aunt of tho brldo were also in attendance and MIbs Adollno Smith was tho maid of hon-, or. Mr. Cornell Lagerstrom Is ex pected to roturn hero next week but Mr. and Mrs. Ansgar Lagerstrom will remain In tho oast for a longer stay. - COOS HAY GI11L HKTURN8 I Hor many friends Join In welcom ing Miss Pearl watKins, wno was u passenger on tho Urcakwatcr, arriv ing on Coos Iloy today, having cros- sod tno conunont 10 spenu n iu weeks with hor folks at "Tho Cedars." Hoarty congratulations nro extended this Coos Bny girl for tho romarKauio success sua hub uuumuu during theso throo yoars. In April, lllll. miss yuuuw mu of her good work In this production. hor photograpn appoarca , luu ... torlal supplements of tho Now YorK ......MomiMm. "II V. Koltll 0 Harlem Opera Houso Block Com pany." A signal honor, this, at Uje closo of hor first yoar's work on tber stage. After a month at Sobec Lake, Malno, this Beason has beco- playod with u. t n.oiwi u""' Stock Company at Brooklyn, N. and tho Lyceum Stock at New Brit ain, Conn. . . Miss WntkinB nou noi ouw - qunlntnnco In tho East whoa she left hero, but through tho presp an lottcrs frQm rolntlvoa of friends, many mossagos of admlrat on bavo reached Coos Bay concerning ' tnw bravo Coos Bay girl from far Ore gon, who, by hor untiring effortsv has mndo a placo for liorsclf In her chosen profession." On looming that somo of liar schoolmates wished to follow In ber footstops, Miss Watkins Bald: "Let no ono enter this flold unless every fibre of their bolng coIIb for ex- MB4nn jilnncr Hinfln HnOB. for It S unremitting hard work and a strong fight ono must put up to succeed and I bavo boon oxcoptlonnlly for- tunato. .... . "Tho faith and loyalty of my fam ily and frlonds havo, boon my malt' Ice Cream RICH WIIOLKSOMK Orders for parties, banquots tad dlnnors filled promptly. If It l BARTER'S It's all right Sarters' Front street. Phono 333-J. Wickham House AT COQUILLB Will ho m.()h'iip(1 for busl- nous .piii I. Voiir piitroiuige nollcltod Mrs. J. R. Wickham PROP. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS ! Opposite Blanco. Hotel. STADDEN lUi KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC FORK, Bromide Enlarging Mud Finishing. Suits Cleaned and Pressed. Suits modo to Order. Give Us a Trial. UNIQUE PANTATORIUM M UOYLE & 0. O. nAGGETT Le?tral Avo. Phono 2B0-X HEYWOOD u 1 j.4 MISS PRARYj WATKlKfl $fo Reed Carriages, English Wood Body Perambulators, and Reed Sleepers. You'll express nothing but admiration if you come here for baby's Go-Cart or Carriage. ' The designs are so pretty and the models so strongly built that they will ap )eal to you at once the prices, too, will )e worth considering, 'for they are the very owest you will find. "Why Pay More" Johnson-Qulovsen Co 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwKmmmm for Boston to tnlco a courso In Ex pression. Just throo years ago to day sho onterod school thorc. Two months later sho was sent as "oxtra," supporting Bernhardt In "Madnmo X." This was hor iirst iook uomnu tho scones. Two yoars' work was covorod In tho summer and wlntor torms, when hor extraordinary ability as an Impersonator madu possible tho commencement of a career dreainod of from childhood. Playing "extra" with John Craig's Castlo Sauara Stock Company in Boston was tho prlnior class for hor, Thon followod tho summer stock on Kncemont with tho Llndsoy-Morrls- on Company, whon sho pluyed as "Anno Hamilton," undor which nnmo sho bus continued, fltlll wlshlne to norfoct hor oduca tlon, In Septombor, 1012, sho enter ed tun uraninuc uoparimont or tuo Now i;nglund Consorvafory of Music and In two wcoks was sent as "ox tra," supporting "Tho Greyhound" Company 111 tholr Broadway pro duction of that namo. Her work won spoclal attention of mauagers and dlroctors and tho Ingenue rolo was offered hor, In this sna in a do good, playing sovoral weeks In each city, covering BoBton, Providence, Atlantlo City, Ifrooklyn and Nowark, Then followed engagements with the Carrick Players. Elmlra, N. Y,; Lyceum Stock at Wilmington, Dolu ware. Buhlor-Sablno Playors, Tole do, Ohio. Roturnlng to New York In Juno, sho supplied, tho ingenue rolo In "Tho Tnlkors." On account Twin City Steam Laundry Tfe Laundry That Always Treats You Right stay. 1 can novor toll you whatf this has meant to mo. Tho article In tho homo papors mentioning my progross in such hopeful torms bavo boon a groat encouragement. I con sldored tho article In Tho Times at tho oponlng of this season's work, tho best pross notlco I havo bad." I II. W. M. O. I Tho Baptist Women's Mlsslonarr Clrclo mot with Mrs. 0. 8, Hoffman. Wednesday and spent a long after noon's work with papers and read ings on Burmah, Mrs, Doll was in chnrgo of tho program and pro durod an excellent ono. Sovoral guests woro present, among them Mrs Jar. Wall, Mrs. Painter, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Glass and Mrs. Mc Carty. Tho ntombor guests pros out Included Mosdumos Carpontor, Lowls, Coroy, Marsh, Patchett, Hoff man and Doll, Miss Gulovson, Mrs. Hohs, Wright, Ash, Dixon, Black, Sutherland and I to v. (A. T. IfciM ford. Tho program Included Mrs. DoII'h paper on "First Work In Burmuh," a paper by Mrs. Coroy on "Ann Judson" and an ntlclo was read by Mrs. Itosa on "Adonlron Judson." . I HKKNNHA CLUB. 4. - Mrs. W. W. Laugworthy was host ess to a dollghtful seMslon of tho Bkonnsa Club at her homo yosterday afternoon. Following a social time, refreshments wero sorved. Tho club will moot again noxt Friday with Mrs. D. M. Charlcson. Thoso pres ent yesterduy wore Mrs, Charloson, Mrs. Mllo Sumner, Mrs, Howard Suvago and Mrs. Lanuworthv'a mother. I HAY CITY CLUB. Tho Bay City Ladlos' Aid will b entertained next Wednesday at thu I j Homo of Mrs. Allard, no mooting naving uuuu nam mm weoK. (Uontrnuod on Pago 10) rieljin Kidney nndBlalder TroutTlTt I Jfterybody Satisfied. Evorywhoro people are taking jFoloy Kidney Pills, and aro so satis fied they urgo others to tako them also. A. T. Kolly, Mcintosh, Ala., says "I recommend thom to all who suffer from kldnoy troubles and bachncho, for thoy nro flno." Best thing you con tako for bnck- ,ache, weak back and rheumatism. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank 'D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler HotH, Phono 71 Central Ayeiinj Drug I Btore, local aguuey. J JUUfei--gapHBJBJSjMSJHMBJHBaBaBBBBBBBB