i -c MlMUipUlt fir. ECo EMAIL DElARTttfcNT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BABDJ AND DOORS, ROOFING PU'ER, ETC. OUT TH FUEL BILL IN TWO II USING OUR WOOD. ' rnoN ie. isa south bhoadwat , S. S.' ALLIANCE gggl SAILS FROM PORTLAND FO It COOS BAY r HU NDAY, MAY 10, AT !' 31 HOUND TRIP, 818.G0. W.JBfia Connection with tho North IJnnk Bond nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company Phona 44. O. P. M'GEORGE, Agent. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co, Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. South Coos River feoats Ezpross leaves Marshfleld (or hoad of rlvor nt 8 a. m., ro . turning In ovenlng. 8teamor Rainbow leaves bead of river at 7 a. m. and roturnlng loaves Marshfleld nt 2 p. m. ROGERS & SMTH. Commutation Tickets $2.00 MMisiirle)fl.NortIi Rend Auto Line CnM every ten minutes from 0 tt. M to mi u p. m. GORST & KING, Props. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTPS AUTOS Fonr good cars with careful drivers. l'or any service, puono A'ii-.i, Ulunco Illllartl Pnrlors. For night service, Phono 200-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. -tjenmmoi S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM MARSHFIEL'D FOR SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN PEDRO, SUNDAY, MAY 10, AT 10 A. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S.SS. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. ' Passengers and freight. WILL BAIL FOR SAN FRANCISCO PROM COOS RAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY lit, AT 1:30 P. M. Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street pier, No. 23 and GOO Pife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. P. McQ gorge, Phone 44. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Formerly the Cooa Building. Broadway nt Market DAY IPATKS, 7B AND UP SPECIAL RATES BY THE MONTH L. L. ,IUSTEN, Malinger. Times Want Ads Get Results, Pictures & Framing Walker Studio iurc ARE YOU BOTHERED With Corns? If bo, you aro deprlv od of half the pleasure of llfo plensant walking and healthy oxer cl80. A visit to Mrs. Olivia Kdmnii. Scientific Chiropodist, A!t , ' O' Connell Rldg., will be tho source of a permanent remedy for aching feet. f EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not hnnn. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not loso Its clinrgo while standing Mlo. IB GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring Co. 153 Broadway. Agents for Port of Coos Bay. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marshfleld May 5th , 1:00 p. m.; May 10th, 11 a. ni.; May 15th, 1:00 p. in.; May 20th, 9:30 a. in.; May 25th, 10 a. m. and May 30th, 1:00 p. m. Ticket on sale to nil Enttcra points and Information iu to router and rates cheerfully furnished. Phone 427-L. If. J. MOIIR, Agent H. B. YELLOWSTONE Lonvcn Smi Francisco Thursday, May 7 for Coon liny. FREIGHT and COMBUSTIBLES ONLY. S. S. PARISO Equipped with Wireless. Fine Passenger Accommodations. New Steel Bout HAILS FROM MAR8IIFIELD FOR HAN FRANCISCO, HATUBDAY, MAY O NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. TOM JAMES, Agent, Murshfleld. G. P. Sheridan, Agent, North Bend. S. S. HARDY HAILS FROM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY EVERY NINE DAYS Hun Francisco Office, Harrlsou Street Bock, Pier 1(1, Coon Bny & Eureka Steamship Lino E. J. LINDEN, Agt., Phono Doug. 21)70. EXTRACTS We hnvo Just received n big shipment of GOLDEN WEST ox trncte. These extracts aro one of the very boat on the inarkot to day and wo guarantee thorn to glvo satisfaction. Try n small bottlo of elthor tho lomon or vnnllln and If It Is not ns strong as tho brat flint you ever used the trial will not cost you any thing, CAPE ARAGO COFFEE. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone 3945. 130 North Broadway. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. c. smith, and Smith Premier, tor rent or exchange. Cleanlug, repairing or new platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons and carbon pnja-r delivered. Phono us your order. Phone 44. Alliance office TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY SKNGSTACKteN, . Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MARSHFIELD OFFICE, PHONE 4-J. COQUILLK CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. Chimneys Fire Places J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work nt price that re right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cull at "The Fireside," Joluison Ulilg., 187 Second st. Phono 434-J. French Range. Boiler Work. OUR ELEGANT LINES NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH BEND DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono JflO-J. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post VVE FURNISH A BAO AND WILI PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfleld TIME TABLE 1 EPISCOPAL CHURCH. 4th and Market. R. E. Browning, Rcctor- 8 a. m., Holy communion. 9:30 n. m., Sunday School. 11 a. in., Morning Prayor nml sor mon. Full vested choir of sixteen voices renders speclnl music nt the 11 o' clock sorvlco. 8 p. m., Evpnlng prnyor and ser mon. 3 p. m., sorvlcos In St. Mary's Episcopal Church, North Bend; METHODIST EPISCOPAL -Joseph Knotts, Pastor- HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you hnvo them laundered at TWIN CITY STEAM: LAUNDRY FAMILY DINNEBS. In our now location, wo nro es pecially proparcd to cator to family trado. Regular meals or short or- dors. Open Bay nnd Night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Brondwny nnd Commercial. Mfld. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunus between nnj points In Marehuold for tho follow ing rates, dollvory to be made Id tho first stories of building: Ono trunk S .2(1 Throe trunks BO Twolro trunks 1.00 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi neisner, Prop. Phonos. 120-J: 40-L: 9X-R. r. j. scaii A. II. UODGIN8 $ Marshfiplri PAINT AND lYidrsiiTiem DEC0RATING Co. Estimates Furnished. Phono UDD-J. Marshfleld, Oregon. CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A now taxlcab has boon added to my auto service Careful driven. Will go nnywhoro nt nny tlmo. Stand Illnnco Cigar Storo. Day phono, 78 Night phono ,139-X. TOM GOOBALE. Proprietor. MBS. O. F. IIIBABGER Dressmaking and Ladles' Tail oring Prices Reasonable Over Magnos & Matson Storo . Phono 248-J. "" For Prompt Auto Service L m NEW 7.pns8ciigcr Cndlllnc nt your g "' service day nnd night "Vm W L. M'DONALD Proprietor FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest Paid on Time Deposits Officers: J. W. Bennett, President. I. H. Plnnngun, Vice-President. R. F, Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Asst. Cashier. You Get a Square Deal No bank can hopo to win the confidence and respect of a com munity unless every person entorlng Its doors Is assured of re ceiving fair and courteous treatment, regardless of his station In llfo or his relationship to tho bank. America Is tlomocratlc nnd its institutions must bo conducted upon democratic principles, it thoy nre to suceeod. AT THE FIRST NATIONAL Bank tho otflcors nnd employes aro appronchable and glad to bo approached. You will get courteous attention nnd n square deal here. Wo deslro to hnvo tho public know that we are anx ious to help along tho legitimate business of our citizens In every way possible Our success is bound up In the uuccess of tho community. We want old residents nnd newcomers to got acquainted with us for our mutual benefit. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First National Bank Of Cops Bay Sunday School at 10 a. m. Morning Sorvlco nt 11 n.' ni. Morning Subject: "Tho Drain; Its Development." Epworth Loaguo nt 7 p. m. Preaching nt 8 p. ni. ' Evonlng Subject: "Our Politics; tho Lnlr of tho Lion." Mrs. McKnlght will sing n solo nt tho morning service. Tho Mon's Chorus wilt sing n special song nt tho evening sorvlco. ; Junior Lcnguo Sorvlco Thursday afternoon nt 3:45. Prnyor Mooting Thursday oven lng at 8:00 o'clock. J SEVENTH DAY ADVBNTI8T8 I Local Elder, J, E. Quails Seventh Day Advontlst Services aro conducted ovory Saturday ns follows: Sabbath School nt 10 n. m. Blblo Study nt 11 a. m. Young Pooplo's Society nt 3 p. m. Prnyor Meeting Wednesday nt 7:30 p. in. iwffiTt- Services wAfcffiLj weglan Luthbran Je,a In M field Sunday a? 7.i'Ml t ,? Sunday LfLV & : m. Ml at 10!?0. - Siti. Sundav rm, ', " ?. m. trt CIIUIKTIAV r -. . Samuel Grew m.1,101 A """donee, 2808Mhagr'" 1T. Phono inY1 E,e"H SWEDISH EVANGEMOAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Rov. J. V. BonBon, Pastor. . Residence 33.7 Commorclnl Avo- nuo West. Phono 103-J. Services Sunday mornings in Swedish nt 11 n. m., oxcopt second Sunday of every month. Sundny ovcalngs in English nt 8 p. m. Sundny school ovory Sunday nt 9:4G a. m. Sorvlcos in North Bond socond Sunday of ovory month at 11 n. m.; nlternato Sundays nt 3 p. m.; Sun aay school at 2. p. m. FIRST BA1TIST CHURCH Albert F. Bassford, M. A. Rcsidonco fi-iO South Fourth stroot. Phono 1C0-X, l'astor Z ; Phono 40J aiU Sorvices as fn 'Q.V.r-Li COrD?.. nnaTch,S8mIc--iUi or'8,1,0Da,y0r'sS,c8oCrV'enr11,1boa clmrgo It ?ho mother, A srcBtttlon. A mo TlVh Krnm has been flrL!"eJ,I't Hr ing of music and ih0 A ww .The suVJoct Tfor tM' is? ais,Biii5a -cSrtlStnTl"'' -.' CATROLIOcmJnJI MAiinnRiCB . arA,,w-4 Mnss 9:30 Blblo School at 10 a. in., with graded classes nnd coinpotont teach ers. Morning Worship at 11, with sor mon by Pastor Bassford. Young Pooplo's Sorvlco nt 7 for ono hour. A 'spoclal Invitation 1b cxtendod to all young, mon nnd womon. Sundny Evening Sorvlco nt 8. Music nt both sorvlcos by n largo chorus choir undor Professor Goorgn Ayro. A cordlnl welcome is oxtendod to nil. Conio with ua and wo. will do you good. NORTH BEND CHRISTIAN CHURCH -Mrs, S. Grogg, Mlnistor- -i Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. uiuio hciiooji io a. m,, is, A. WId ncr Supt. I NORTH BEND UNITARIAN A. H. Sargent. Mlnlstor.. Unitarian Sorvlcos in Logglo Hall, Sundny School at G p. m. Pronching at 7:30 p. in. Evorybody Is lnvltod. 9:30 o'clock Sundav j.,,u tho Rev. IherTl?, ffi H I PBESBYTEIHAN' ClIURCHl Regular morning and orini... vices by nor,J.BE.narkS? n.ngTr8MecV0nThU Tho sermon In tho moralt, a bo appropriate to Mother1! n r? oryono should wear .mV!7' tlon. Tim .!. ","'w iK nm i.,t ;; :::"'" "" nh nblo absence of the pailor. T OHIUSTIANSCIEXcePi I Christian Science Hill 237 Third Street Notti-J Sorvlcos at 11a. m. Suao.73 8 p. ra. Wednesday. Subject: "Adam and Fallen Vtt' Dummy ocnooi at 12 SUBdlT Rending Room open eierto oxcopt Sundays and Holidays teat to 4 p. in. ? - J .UI.IIIUIMM CHURCH North Bend Tho sorvlcos Sunda; mH ti u iumuwb: Sunday School at 10 a. n. VcBpor Clrclo and Epworth Utp nt 7 p. m. Sormons by tho Pastor al 11 1 m. nnd 8 p. m. UNITED BKETJIIIEN CUCRCH NOUTII BEND Mrs. It. N. Lewli. Futor- sabbath Scuool at 10 a.n. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. a Broaching at 11 a. m. and I. p. a. Prnyor Meeting WednMia; ' ing nt 8 o'clock. Rovlvnl starts next week. 4 f I OATIIOL10 C1IURCU I UN "J J NOUTII 1IKXD Rev. Pathcr MeDent- i.lnsa will bo celebrated it IN and 8 Sunday morning or til w. Father McDovltt. I 1 PRESBYTEIHAN CHUItCH vnilTH HEM) Rov. Shlralan, Paitor "J Sunday School at 10. Preaching at n. Christian Endeavor at 7. Pronching nt 8. -60 Cents- Why not have an extension telephone Installed to your residence? . The price has been reduced io w cents per month. Think, of the uncessary steps this will save you. Coos Bay Home Telephone Co, ...irfa ntlAlflt BREAD af&rs3g kind ttot ToMW oj rluton and pbo8phates.Trj ly it Is rich in nntnuMS-yi sTolutely pure In jjWjfflfJ COSIS UUl i"" Cops Bay TheplawPjil Aiarxei atb. 1 I H BRTt Sm IIS11 ft 1 Wp ftrtn'f flro gtttxj rihnnreS Aetna-!zeYourself Toy You cannot afford to bo without health or actcItd0eab9 V"i itou not only neej the insurance, uui ; VnTibl cor" have the correct policy In tho best and most reu the business. , ,ntn i to T0U" See rno or phone mo at onc nnd I will explain E. I. CHANDLER, Agent junrsuiieiu.oww ----