SCHOOL OTES Thn local flold meet that was chcdulcd for Friday aftornobn was railed off on account of ralri. Rep resentatives of tho "purplo" In the contests ore: Clarko, Back, Lagus, Walters, Chrlstlnson, Meyers, Chap man, of tho "gold," Lococq, Bolt, Hunter, Merchant, Drosscr, Schwartz, i McDonald. ... i Classes In cookery lm.vo been re-1 celrlng Instruction In serving during ' tho post ten days. On Wednesday ! of last week tho following division . served ono 01 mo rouuiur uincncs to Btudcnta and teachers: Dagmar Flicsburg, Sarah Escott, Jennie Holmes, Mabol Immel, Estrodo Ny lund, Mario Bargontand Lillian Cook. The menu Included creamed dried beef on toast, lottuco and radish alad, hot biscuit, chocolato tarts and tea. On Wednesday of this week a luncheon was served to tho members of tho high school faculty. Tho fol lowing students rocelved instructions and had a part In this function: Ruth Cowan, Allono Leader, Kuth Duncan, Helen Dow. Other mem bers of tho class are: Mao Church, Ida Cook, Lillian Cook, Ruth Holmes, Mabel Immel, Charlotte Kcyser, Marie Largont, Anna Lund, May , dream McLaln, Estredo Nylund, Vel ma Ross, Ida Schutter, Mario Vasey, Jennlo Carlson and Marjorlo Fulmor. Tho menu Included fruit cocktail, Teal croquettes, creamed now pota toes, hot rolls, olives, creamed nspar ixub on toast, moiled tomato salad, laltlncfl, plncapplo Bavarian cream, nut wafors, coffeo. School Work Exhibit. Tho annual exhibit of Bchool work will occur at the high school build ing Thursday, May 14, in the after noon and evening. Exhibit will bo open from 2 until C In tho aftor noon and from 7:30 until 10 In tho evening. Everybody Is Invited. There is no admission charge. Work frill bo shown In manual training, sowing, cooking, grado hand work, drawing, ponmansliip, map drawing, illustrated English work, spelling. This will bo tho only exhibition of ichool work this year. Tho two ichools combluo in .this. Teachers will be glad of tho opportunity to meet parents and tho fathers aro especially urged to bo out. The man ual training work will bo of special Interest to men and tho evening scs lon of tho exhibition was planned tbat fathom might attend: and seo tho work. Light refreshments will be sorvod. High School Debates Tho Boys' class In Freshman KncllBU holds debates ovory Friday. Waltora and Whltty versus Backman and Musson dobated this wcok, Tho ques tion was, Resolved: That tho Port of Coos Bay yhould buy and oporato Its own dredge. On May 14 Burrows and Stophan will dobato Schwartz anil Merchant. Tho question will bo: Resolved: That tho Profession of Jaurhnllsm Offers Oroator Op portunities for Usefulness Than tho Ministry." Dr. Calvin S. Wblto addressed the boys or tho High School at 10:30 Wednosday. Ho gave a right fine talk and tho snmo was npproclatod. South Mnrshfleld Fifth Grado Is doing some good work with Indian clubs undor tho direction of Edith Arro. Grammar drade principals aro working up soveral folk games of nlch photographs aro to bo takon and sent to tho State Department at 8alm for uso In tho San Francisco exhibit. 'SOUTH MAiiKiii.TKr.n mtAmtat Hocmul flrndo. Pupils averaging 100 In dally work In numbors the past weok were: Florence Kardoll and Eld , noRO Archor. Thoso receiving "bove 90 in tho weekly test wore: floyd Scott, 07; Harry Walter, 96; Lpls Ilaesford, 9B; Uriel Kcraory, S; and Paul Johnson, 92. Thoso receiving 100 In both oral ad written spelling wore: Augustus Hoffman, Floyd Scott, Margaret Wood. Seventh and Eighth Gmdfs Thft follntvlni rrmAvn hapa mmln In a test given tho olghth grado B ja Friday; Qonovra Archer, 100; Irene Fonrldr, 100 Abigail Lodward, 8 Thelraa Taber, 90; Herman Glos P. 94; Harold Walratb, 92; Ncl " Henderson, 98; Do Ette Moore, The soventh grades made tho fol ding grades on Friday: Ruth An derson, 98; Charles Doan, 100; Er nest Drews, 90; Marjorle Drews, John Dye. 100; Glonda Farel. 100; Helen Oulovson, 100; Hnrold Haines, 6; Ceo. Hanam, 98; Wilma Hosg 'nd, 100; Frances Lang. 100; Geo. Bchrocder, 98; Thelma Lyons, 98; ry McArtbur, 98; AuguBtu Mlck Jin. 100; Reginald McCarbery, 100: felyn MirraBoul 100; Eugene ICel 'ey. 100; Carol Rahakoff, TOO. Val rl Vaey, 100; Henry Walter, P2; Arthur Wroreat, 100; Ernest Wbore t 100. Third Grade. The following pupils have had 100 spelling for the past week: Myrtle Conklin, Alfred McElroy, well Doll, Harry Marshburn, George urphy, Grace McElroy, Walter Sneddon, Virginia Johnson, Dick Wal ,' Jrt Nordrum, Virginia Gosney, t-U Sampson, Gordon Neff, Lllllau fgnnson Sellnn Delu. Slot Children's Diseases Start with a Cold. HestleeeneBS, feverlahness. an ln 'imed throat and spasmodic cougla "-maybe whooping cough Is starting ! Give Foley's Honey and Tar promptly, h helps the children so ry much, and Mrs. Shlpps, Ray nondBvllle, Mo., says: "I "got fine "suits from It and it is a great Ejwlctne for vrhooplng cough." JJl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank "Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. ,an 74. Central Avenue Drug re, local aeflcy. '' r i rininuiuuui milium Political Announcements km: - . ?$S mm: .-.., wsmm Seeks Republican NomiBia tioim for SHERIFF GRADUATE of Indiana Law School, admitted to the Bar In Indiana, Ohio and Illinois, and has had fifteen years' success ful business experience; made a success of farming In Coos County. Am thirty-eight years old In tho prime of life. If elect ed Sheriff will enforco to tho letter crory criminal law now on or that may hereafter bo placed! on tho statuto books. Will glvo ovorybody a squaro deal. Will guarantoo an economical adminis tration of tho office. I SOLICIT YOUR SUPPORT. The Man Who Swatted the Tax Bill It Is n lamentablo fact that only ono member of the lower houso of tho last Legislature had: enough grit, gumption, or guessing ability to vote ugalnsr tho now tax law that has been so generally condemned by tho peoplo of tho stnto. 8. S. Polrco, of the Sixth District, only a rancher living thirteen miles from a Postofflco in Curry County. It seems he voted against this un just tax law that put the stata in tho Shylock nnd usury business by collecting Interest nt the rato of twenty-two per cent per annum, knowing what ho was about, as he la on record with a great big NO on pago 706, voto on House bill 414. Announcement has been mado by Charles L. McNary, now a mombor of tho Supremo Court, that ho will bo a condldnto on tho Republican Uckot for ono of tho positions on Hint tribunal, thoro being four Jus tices to be nomlnntod by tho people In tho May primaries. Justlco McNary was uorn or pio- BHjlH taSBBBSft i-Tra CHARLES L. M'.VAU ncer parents on a farm In the Wlllam otto Valley forty years ago. After acquiring his oarly education In the common schools nnd his collegiate and legal education by supporting himself, ho enterod' upon his profes slon In Salem, moro than IB years ago. For several years ne vrw . vai ..a. v-wnrtr for fin ASKlSriint UlBUICl nvmiuv, ... fm.i.,1 i...lif.lnl nlntrlft. and won the reputation of being a fearless ahd ANNOUNCEMENT. I desire to announce to the Kepub llcan voters of Cdoa county that I "ma candidate for tho nomination at the prlmarlos to be held May IB, tor the office of county commissioner. I advocate lower taxation, good roads and a businesslike admlnlstra- Ul" faioTWfilftr locality, and if elected will work for the best in- terests ot me whuid -u""j;" JAMK9. (Paid Adv.) FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself as a rnnrililata for mo noiuiuawuu Sheriff! on the Democratic ticket at t r mary election, It elected! demise to conduct the on co in an Sconomlcal manner, wun ine awur Unc. that, all interest; and Individ uals will M coru .-.. Swisr SIGLIN. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself as a Re publican candidate for Joint Rep MMntatlve for Coos and Curry coun Wffth. primary .lectio. gjjrU. (Paid Adv.) For Supreme Judge G. W. STARR .' , i f. i4i . of tho Houso Journal. Pelrco has served In tho Legisla ture several tltnos nnd It seems will not vote blindly for everything that a game, fish', or tax commission shoves at hlui as the rest of tho Solons Bccra to bo In the habit of doing, Whllo Ire Is a granger and n farm er and votes NO about two-thirds of tbo ttuio, he is not afraid to go on record for really progressive meas ures. Manufacturers at Portland and all over tho stnto aro grateful to Pelrco for tho recorded No. From tho Pacific Coast Manufacturer for May. (Paid Adv.) capablo Prosecutor. For six yeare In fact, until his accession to tho 'Supreme Court, bo was tho Doan of 'the Willamctto College or Law, and made It ono of tho ranking colleges of tbo West. With his own strug gles for on' education still fresh In his mind, ho mado It a rulo to deny no student nn education becnuso of the lack of money, and dozens of graduates of this college aro today Indebted to Justlco McNnry's goner- oslty for their legal education. Reared with tho common class ho has always been a staunch champion of tholr causa. During his career as a Justice of tho Supremo Court ho haa endeavored to Interpret the law as a living, progressiva sclcnco, rather than as a rulo too old to be corrected If found Inapplicable to presont day conditions, and tins writ ten many Important decisions. It was Justice McNary who wrote tho forceful and much discussed dissent ing opinion in tho Stato versus E. 8. J. McAlllator. Defining tho duties of tho courts In this opinion, ho said In part: "Tho valuo of law Is Its proximity to reason. Its certainty and universality. The abuse In tho administration of law Is to adhero blindly to 'a rulo that Bavors of in iquity simply because It is a Judicial decision. Tho first duty of a court Is to decide the law correctly go far as it lies within tho human mind. The next duty la to smite that rule of human action which Is found to be unjust, however woll It may bo buttressed by precedent." The owner hlmsolf of ono of tho finest farmu In the Willamette val ley, Justlco McNary, la deeply Inter ested In agriculture development. Ho Is now, and has bcon for a num ber of years, President of tho Sales Fruit Union, an organization en gaged In developing the fruit Indus- try of tho state FOR COUNTV CLERK As a Republican, I hereby place myself as a candldnte for the nom ination at the primaries to be held May 16 for tbo office ot County Clerk. If I am nominated and elected, 1 will, during my term ot office, per foim all its retirements and du ties promptly, expeditiously, without prejudice and as economically as Is consistent with good service. Be lieving that I can save money tor the tax payer, and mako some tor my self, I want your vote. F. E. ALLEN. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself x a candidate for the nomination of Rep resentative on tho Democratic ticket for Coos County, to be submitted to 'he vote of the peoplo at the pri mary election on May 16, 1914. If nominated and elected, I will abide by statement Number One; I will favor quarterly payment of taxts. I will faror the abolishment of unnecessary commissions tbat must be supported by the taxpayers, I am In favor of good roads every wnere. I am opposed to unjust taxation and excessive taxation. ' J. TOM HALL, (Paid Adr.) Political AnhtiUftcem&its FROM COOS 1UY TO CONGRttHS. Over In tho Coos Bay country most everybody calls him Fred his for- mnl title Is Frederick and one and all agree that Holllster Is tho happy successor to Hawloy as congressman from tho first district. Also, so In fectious la tho home sentiment .of FREDERICK HOLLISTER Democratic Cnndldnto for Congress. thoso who have known him best, tho samo fooling Is common in the corner councils of stato democracy. Politics aside, tho nomination of Fred HolllBtcr by tho party at tho primary would effectually sorvo tho s to by prcnontlng a candldato up on whoso election fair-minded nnd progressiva men evorywhoro could unlto. Whllo Holllstor Is ot tho const country, his democracy Is broad enough to dwarf tho local selfish ness ot many who. havo aforettmo' sought tho halls of Congress to further pet locality measures. A trained business man and attorney, with faith In his stnto and onorgy to further its ndvnncomcnt, ho posses- fPr 4-lirt T)ntlinrtltnli "T3nl - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBsH BBBBBBBBBBBsK- HbHbB BnnnnnVV n p bbbbbh bbLbKt ' jbILH BrBBTBBrBBrsrsrJK ' A 'BrBBTBBrsrsrJ ifaBBBK' - -"' H District of Oregon : The Democratic County Central Committee of Coos County wish to herewith state that Mr. Frederick Hollis ter has received the .endorsement of our committee for the office of Eeprcsentative in Congress from thiB district. We aro glad to say personally that Mr. Hollisier is a clean, aggressive Democrat; that ho has lived with us in Coos County for somo eleven years, and that during that time ho has built up a reputation among his associates and acquaintances for honesty, sobriety and ability. Wo cor dially recommend Mr. Hollistcr to you for your support at the coming Primary Election, believing and knowing that if nominated that ho will bo in the fight all the time. Yours for success, Hugh McLain, Chairman Democratic Central Committee, Coos County; W. J. Rust, Secretary Democratic Central Committee, Coos County. (Paid Adv.) , Strict ICiiforcciiicnt of ull Laws. Economy Consistent with Kfflc ienry mid good Judgment J. A. MADSEN CANDIDATE FOR REPUBLICAN NOMINATION STATE LABOR COMMISSIONER. Will glvo my undivided atttontlon to strict and impartial en forcement of all Inwa portalnlng to tho office; practice ecnomy consistent with efficiency and good Judgment: administer all the functions .f tho offlco, Including tho statistical dapartmont, in a systoinntlo and bUBlnessliko manner; will cooporato with labor and all other organisations and nil. citizens intorostdd In enactment of laws for tho protection of life, limb and health of the tollers or our 8tato. Will advocato onactment of legislation based upon the oxporlonco and success ot th. Federal Labor Bureau In doallag with and adjusting Industrial disputes, strikes nnd lockouts. ANNOUNCEMENT. I horoby announco myeolf as k no (or county commissioner on the Democratic ticket at the com ing primary election. O. J. SEELKY. Robt. R Watson REPUBLICAN OANDIDATB for nomination tor COUNTV CLERK Primary Nominating Election, May 16. 1914. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself a candidate tor State Representative subject to the will of the Democratic voters at the primaries May 16. Will work for better road laws to enable tee people to get Oregon out of the mud, A. T. MORRISON. (Paid Adr,) candlui H'!,IbbbB bTAbTAbTAbTAbTA T bTAbTAbTAbTAbTJ Tv't!l- ' ''flBBBBl nnnw "'' - tBTABrABrfl m & v BBBH BH'lMirMaieBBBH IB'31 pHnH bbtbbw ' 7'-jaW'- .aBBrBBrarJ BnnWvt"'. ? .naaanaH aBaaj aaj faBBBBaaaj Balaam'' bbkIbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbI BBBBBBBiB&iBBBBBBBBBBBfl BBBBBBBM WaBBBBBBBBBBBBBafl BBBBBBBBa . '.aJMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj BBBBBBBBBV PBlSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa aa..Malff3.1..H ses tho ability to transform his Id cals Into concreto and beneficial re sults and wouldl bo distinctively a congressman from all Oregon. Fred Holttstor's homo is at North Bend, so named from the conform ation of Coos Bay at that point. At tho present time he Is sorvlng as a momber of the council to which ho was elected by tho highest major ity of any member now In office, Ho haB been a dweller and a door in tho city with tho curvaturod name for cloven years, and tbo home folks want him to koop on residing which Is, In itsolf, no slight tribute to popularity. He is a bank director and bank president In two finansial Institutions. Hcrctoforo ho has de clined all opportunity to recelvo of ficial advancement In bis home county or state. In Coos county he bears the reputation of hnvlng been prominently Identified with and for every progressive movomont trans piring during his resldonco thnro. Throughout tho stato he Is widely known as an exceptionally talented attorney. So much for Holllster at home. Nomination of tho Coos county man by tbo stato democracy at the Drlmnrlcs would almost Infallibly predict tho defeat ot Hawloy, who icoks tho Republican renomlnatlon and election and whoso record con tains little to recommend him to tho electorate of Oregon. Holllster has been hailed by a certain coast pnpor as tho "man to boat Hawley." In tho clear light of a growing state wldo sentiment this seems to bo aa politically probable as it may well bo surely It is devoutly to bo wished. Jackson county democrat! are talking Holllster with every expres sion of approval and will uphold theso sentiments at the soils there by serving tho district, the stato and tho nation, "From Coos Bay to Con gross" Is written in tho political horoscope of Holllster and the fall of the political houso of Hawley Is nlroady attested by tho rapid and nlnrmlng decay ot tho present con gressman's prcstlgo at homo and olsowhoro. It Is kismet tho unal torablo and unavoidable. Oregon will again signify that party poli tics have ceased to charm when the way to our common boneflt is plain. From tho Gold Hill News, Ap ril IS1, 1014. r r4' 4-lirt nMrk- AnMimnitiAMnl ANNOUNCEMENT As I hare lived la Coon County since 1872, familiar with all the roads In the county and their coadl tiouB, believing that X can be of ser vice to the taxpayers of Coos County as a Commissioner from this district, I hereby announce myself aa a caadl date on the Republican ticker at tfct primary May 15, 1914. I stand foi good roads and reasonable repair. FRANK FLAM, Dandon, OresMi (Paid Adt.) NOTICK I hereby annouset myself as a candidate for the nomination of county clsrk, on the republteaa tic ket of Coos county to be kubwltUnt to the vote of the people at the pri mary election May lots. tn t, .? D' KRUSJ (Paid Adr.) FOR MTEIHFP I horeby aanouace myself as a candidate for the offfr nt flh.rtrr of Coos County, subject to tie actios of tho Republican electors at the priroariCB way id. If elected. I hnrntiv nltutoa mv1 to a policy of rigid law enforcement, wfiuuui ir, ravor, prejuaic or aar tiallty, and shall, during say lacum bency, conduct Bald office In, a business-like and economical saasner. ALFRED JOHNSON, Jr. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I herebr SBnouBeti myaalf am candidate for the nomination of sher iff by tea Democratic tarty at the Primary Election May 16, 1914. .1 uuiuuianu mu itv?u 1 Will conduct the offlco alsng the Host economical lines possible, eoaslaUiBt wiiu eiiitieucj-, auu qo ray Deti is enforce the criminal laws. W. W. OAQK. (Paid Adr.) - " " ' ' - Fhr House Building, Repair- lng, Cabinet Making, etc., call I Harper, Phone 349-J, WH. McBROOM Contractor nnd Builder. MarshflelO, .Otrgoa. 1. O. Box Oil. Rco. Bunker Hill. frjpLDRED ROGERS NELSON. JLVX IVarhrr of Piano Pupa of Hugo Manafcldt si Sast Francisco, vu iro yaars- tench Is g experience la 8aa Kraclaco JThoaa 3161 sr 31S7. WT. TOAIPlONS, I). B. T. (Weltmer Methods.) Every knswa disease treated without drugs or surgery. Roo 2, 13 Nerth Broadway. Phoae SJO-Ii. MsrshflelO, Or. G BO. q. kURPHY. Kxpart Plano..'Player nsd Orgaa Tuntfeg. Regulating a Repair lag. Res. S42 Bo. Broadway, Orders stay he left at the Wiley B. Allea Music Store, Central arsaue. TOKL 4MTLIND. J rtsBo Tuner and iisfMurcr 418 0. Sixth atreet .I'tioae 108-L. Lmtii order at W. IU Haines Made Cpuy. JM. WRIGHT Phone SlsVR. vBClLDINfl CNTRACTOB Esatauites fBTBtobed rasjasst. CO. GOSNEY A Pkoaa iiO Ceatracter aad Ballder KatlsMtes PanalMttcd ea Reqaert MY PAST WORK 16 MY RKFKJIHNOB First Alder eKs. MsxsbMcM. DR, H, M. iHAWt Err, Kar, Ness aa4 TarMi. BR, BtATTIR B. 8HAW . DIMbses of wewen and cbtleVesk Oslce ptese 33. Rooms 20, 291, 202. Irvlag Blook, House phoae, lOtw. DK.A.J.HBNDRY DHNTU8T Marahflsld, Oregon. Rooms 204-206, Coke BulUlng. Residence pkone J62-X. Odes fiBoae 112.-J. MRS. RaJUUNGER, Teacher at Pnvass Residence Studio, No. 1918, Corner Cosaaterclal sad Blsreatk I IJIvBQ eaSVBjt) BftkNJAMIN ostxjnd, Costaltlag Bagtsret aal ArcaHect. Offices, SWA IrrlBg Bleck. Passe ia.L r a7-J. Marstifleld, Orsgsa. PBRL RILHr BALUNGHR, PtsuUt aad Teaser, Residence fitudlo, 217 No. Third at. Phoae 368-L, W, a. CHANDLsm, - ABCBITHOT. Ml as! BOS. Oeks afsrsaileM, Oregoa. W at. B. TURPHR. ARCHrnBOT Marahflsld, OrecM, 3 THE COOS WOTRL Ferwerly ef Harshftejd TVA8IIINGTON AVHNUB BTADDKN BTRKKT NORTH BEND C. A. Metlla, Prop. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS THle A Trust'Oe. Abstrasta, Boroashly depeadable. Is mediate ierrtoe, prompt sttea tloa (o all la terests sf our clleats. Mlalmasa ceu I. S. Kaufaua 4s Co. BUY THE VERY BEST fc!!eld BUTTER vicaiircijr VHbm. BANJtXAKY , CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODKRN FACTORY. rfiBUXCMD 4 MBLK U AND ff OMUU. ' 4 ' PURE ICf Fras delivery, 8 a. mu aad a p. as. U yoa are aot asluusd of yew AJJVKKflsH THUM, 1 IHaWaVHOT