'-WWJW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. "rr FIVE" 2E QUALITY PRICE SERVICE WHY OUIl BUSINESS IS GROWING. THREE REASONS THREE General rontrnctJnfr on Plumbing, heating niul nil repair work quickly dispatched. General Hardware, Faint, Oil nnd Vumlsli. Household utensils, Sporting Goods, Kami Implements. Schroeder & Hildenhrand BREVITIES Gonorc 1 repair shop. General Hardware and Plumbing Here at Any Time TIDES FOR MAY. ' Below la glrcn tho time and height of hteh and low wator at Marshtlold. Tho tides ore placed In tho order of occurrence, with thulr times on tho first lino and heights on tho second line of each day; n compar ison on consecutive heights will ln dlcato whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho tar substract two hours 34 minutes. We Have No Baits to Offer "" " - - ! r TTT I .botthF"''" I I H ! P No Special Sale rW ID fill 43i Mr II Y m!M U JM bmmA -7 mBBWl I Xi I r( j 1 " B WM TH0r 1 M A We sell only good legitimate merchandise at an honest legitimate price. We do not charge you $25 for a suit we sell your neighbor for $ 1 5-00- ONE PRICE ALWAYS and that the Lowest A dollar in value for a dollar in cash all the time $8.50 suits for - - ' ' - $8.50 J2.50lsuits for . - - - J2.50 15-00 suits for - - . J5.00 Kuppeitfreimer Clothes $18 to $30 ', 'V North Bend TWO STORES FIXUP 9 Mrs.. 1.31 S..14 2.0G Ft... 7.0 0.4 5.2 10 lira.. 2.12 8.(12 3.28 Ft... 7.1 1.0 G.l 11 lira.. 2.5a 9.39 4.21 Ft... 7.0 1.0 5.0 12 Hrs.. 3.37 10.28 5.14 Ft... C.7 1.0 4.9 13 lira.. 4.2G 11,18 COS Ft... 0.4 O.C 4.7 14 Hrs.. G.1G 12.11 7.0G Ft... G.8 0.2 6.6 1G Hrs.. 0.18 6.10 l.OG Ft. . . 2.6 G.9 0.1 16 Hrs.. 1.27 7.13 1.G9 Ft... 2.G G.O 0.6 8.22 1.7 8.39 1.9 9.26 J 2.2 10.18 2.3 It. 14 2.5 0.0 0.0 8.06 4.7 9.04 4.8 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I WEATHER FOItKOABT (Br Aitoclited Ptm. (e Coo Rij Tli- OREGON Fair; with light, I varlablo winds. 1 Marshfield Agents Royal Tailors CROWNING COLLECTION Qry 4& tr-wW TVw III never mini Tin: war with mexico hut 8iiooT tin: paint on your iiouhi: This In the time to do It. several thousand rolls ok wall paper .just received watch our windows Ewy annlt' In wull itiwirHtlnn Anv-r tan tn4 liiifimi. If mi liw ut mir "!. It UlntH you nothing to ROt mm. n ..ivIik n h- I.I..I coloi estimates ehme l joui. Cor III unhid u vTe r. s VICRS PAINTS EVERYTHING. 307 North Kront Street. PEOPbE'YOU w KMOW ABOUT ftj) flFe Roval TONIGHT Entire change of program. Mls Mabel Ford In two new n. "In tlo. im.i Af.i. A iVirll. g two-reel 101 Hlson, featuring Jllllam Clifford and the Universal . hlch U tho largest owned by "J motion picture company. "The Love of Oonchita." A. Mex- love story. "He Likes Things Up-Side-Down." t lwely comedy based on the New 'W's baby, SnooUums, of the c papers. Admission, lower floor, 16c; bal 0fiI 10c. Tomorrow night. "The Fall of 7nce." a thrilling story of the "t revolution of 1870, in three t revolution of 1770, In three ell, ' sPecIal music by our five-piece "fenestra, in which are the best pwlclans In their line that Is to fcaad la the county L Ibby COAL. The kind YOU have WAYS USED. Phone 72. Pacific MTT and Transfer Company, 100-ft, Corner In same block with bIH llAMi n "Coqullle," $3600. UTSMAN & CO. Grand Theater A night of enjoyment. Plenty of good comedy and well-blended program. -Sophlo Picks a Dead One." Hero are two reels of fun. They con stitute one of the best of rustic farces. The mirth provokers are Harry Todd as Mustang Peto; Mar "uret Jo8Un a Sophie Clutts. belle of Snakovllle. and Victor Pote 1, as the cook. The comedy holds up all tbe way laughs come along with regularity and are unforced. The picture Is a hit. Tatho Weekly No. 14." Several Interesting lteras'ln this Issue worth seeing, "The Mystery of the Ladder of Lluht ' Fourth of the "Chronicles f Cleek" a series of the Edison Company: A very Interesting and pleasing number. ve;rCbaeUsrcomaer"th?"0D?ofg aany rjjr released It I. . wM offS doesn't make you laugh, you have forgotton how. -Chocolate Dynamite." Another comedy full of laughs. A Spendld saiuraay "'5- - gram. Children, 6c; Adults. 15c. Sunday afternoon. Fourth In stallment of Kathlyn. . civ-nlopA nr- Sunday ovouiub- "-'- - chestra and fivo reels of new pictures. Get jour cemetery lots spaded and cleaned for Decoration Day. Rea sonable rates. Phone 367-X. L P. PRICE Is hero from Sumner on business and pleasure MR. AND MRS. E. It. IIODSON are visltois In tho city today. El) HAINES came In this morning from South Coos River H. 1IAZELTON of CatcMng Inlet Is a visitor In tho city, today. ARNOLD SUR11ECK. Ib in tho city from South Coos River. MRS. HILnORN of MllllcOmn, Is a Marshflold visitor today, T. C. RUSSELL left today for Port land and' Seattle on business. D. J. RICE arrived in tho city this morning from South Coos RIvor. GEORGE RANKING and Ed Smith came In on tho Rainbow this morn ing. MR. AND MRS. CROOK enmo In on tho Sunrlso this morning from Sumnor. FRED nRASS of Barstow, Calif., is hero to visit his uncle, Alan Todd, nnd possibly to locate E. II. JONES returned horo yostor day from Rosoburg, whore ho has boon spending some time. MRS. PETER SCOTT expects to leave about May 17 for a throo months' visit with hor son Peter In Soattlo. ALP JOHNSON, JR., tof Coqulllo, was In Marshfield today on his campaign for tho Republican nomi nation for sheriff. MRS. MILTON ELLIOTT, of South Inlot, en mo in on tho Vega this morning. Sho Is hero to visit hor daughter, Mrs. Conrad Lapp, who lives at Eastslde. W. E. ARNOLD of tho Warren Con structlon company arrived hero to day to look aftor bids on tho bl tullthlc street paving here uoxt Monday evening. MR. AND MRS. EUGENE O'CON NELL returned to Marshflold this morning after spending several days at their summer home on South Coos River. MRS. R. THOMP80N and daughter, Miss Annie, are expected1 here about July 1 from South Africa to make tyielr homo. Mrs. Thompson Is the mother of Mrs. Drown of Eastslde. MRS. ALICE QIGGS of Delllngham, Washington was an arrival on the Breakwater today. She was on hor way to visit her mother, Mrs. Dy er of Bandon, and left on the af ternoon train. MRS. GEORGE BAXTER of Junction City, with hor two children, Nellie and Clay, passed through Marsh field today en route to Coqulllo, where they will visit her mother, Mrs. Skeels, for the next month. Mr, Baxter has recently purchased tho Junction Chy paper and Mrs. Baxter will return to that place as soon as he can secure a residence for them, every house In that place being occupied at present. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. ni., May 0, by BcnJ, Ostllnd, spoclal government me teorologist: Maximum 60 Minimum 42 At 4:43 n. m 46 Precipitation 12 Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1013 62.74 Precipitation sanio porlod Inst ear 68.87 Wind: southwest; partly cloudy. KOR KENT 7-rooin modern Itouse at 975 South 7th street. Phono 284-R. KOR RENT HIv room furnished house; modern conveniences; good locality. 662 So. Eleventh Street. WANTED Capable, Indimtrloiin wo man to hnndlo nocdful housohold article In Coos county. Exception al results from good work, Mfg's Agont, 863 N. 7th St., Grants Pass, Oregon. MASSAGE treatment by an export. Mrs. S. Lagus, 1170 Commercial Ave., Phono 297. KOR RENT Kunilnlied housekeep ing rooms. 1024 Elrod. 9IO0O CASH Six-room houso and lot, 60x120; mngnlflcent view: flno section: nit Btrcot Improvements; ownor must .sacririco; JllOO balnnco, easy tonus; Mot alono valued at $1500. Box 494, lnrsnnoiu, WANTED WANTED Pictures to franio. Neat work and prices reasonable Iteh fold Bros., 220 Contral arcntto. , WANTED Your films for dovdop. ing and printing. Mali orders o specialty. Rohfold Bros., 220 Cen tral avenue. WANTED Girl for off loo work.. AddrcBO In own Uandwrlltngv "Offlco," enro Times. WANTED Room nnd board In priT ato family, Roforcnccs. Addrcs "H. J.." enro Times. "WANTED Carrier boyg to dellvwr Tho TImos. Must bo In at lease fifth grado at school. Inqulro at. Times offlco aftor 4 o'clock. FOR SALE HuyH Auto Postmaster W. B. Curtis has purchased a Rco touring car for his family. IKxikN to Library. Mrs. James Forty has prosontod -tho Marshtlold Public Library with n fine sot of tho works of Richard Harding Davis. Three An okIh. -Frank Ilcckman, Swnn Oleson Jind Vc (Kcnd,rlckBon wore tho three offondors in pollco court today for drunkonnoss. School Hoard Meet, Tho Marsh field School Board held a mooting last night for tho payment of monthly bills and tho transaction of other flnnnclal business. Alt', for Miner, A. Rudoborg has been circulating a subscription Hat for the aid of tho destltuto miners' families. Whother It was for somo of tho minora nt Llbhy or tho Colorado minors could not bo learned today. KIre nt Hunch. Flro, supposed to liavo started from a spark, destroyod n 4wo-story Vlnlry building nt tho ranch of Mrs. Alice TCruso on Isthmus Inlot thlB wcok. For a tlmo, tho blnzo throntoned tho big barn and other buildings. Lnrco Mai. Mrs. P. D. Blnko brought to Thu Times offlco today an egg or unusual slzo, measuring 6 1-2 by 7 nnd n fraction Inches. Tho egg ViOb laid by a Black Minorca pullet raised from an egg from C. E. Nichol son's blooded flock. Very 111. Win. Thorn, father of Chns. Thorn of thb North Bond Brew ery, Is roportod critically III today. Ho Is suffering from a fourth stroke or paralysis Ho, Is about eighty-six onrs old and has resided In North Bend six joars. Niuno Committee. TJo Spnnlsh Amrlcan War VotoranB Iravo ap pointed D. A. Jonos, P. K. Gottlns and E. II. Joehnk a committee to arrange for Momorlal Day services. Thoy lopo to got Prot. Rosslcr or O. A C, who will deliver tho high school commoncomont addresses on tho Bay, to dollvor tho pilnclpal ad dress. Wed Liut Mjelit Elinor Vlcrs and Miss Mabel Brunkor were mar ried last evening at tho Marshriold Baptist church, tho Rov. A. F Bnss rord officiating. Only immedlato rolatlvcs wore nrcsont, Thoy are well known and a host of friends will unite In extending thorn best wishes. Mr. Vlors Is a decorator and a brother of C W Vlors. AdJtiNt AtMnNiiH'iitn. A. B. Col lier, deputy county assessor, was at North Bend yesterday and todnv trv ng to readjust tho assessments on property affected by cuts and fll.s thoro Ho says It Is a difficult Job as the cost ot tho street work will In somo Instances moro than $150 greater than tho assessed valuation or the lot Mr. Colllor Is tho candl dat for tho Democratic nomination and has no opposition In the pri maries. Martdifleld Teacher. The Coqulllo Sentinel says; "A J. M. Robertson, who has been principal of the Co qulllo high school for tho past threo years, has been elected Instructor In science In tho Marshfield high school at a salary of $1200 per year. There b probably no stronger science teach er In Oregon than Mr, Robertson, and ho will prove a valuable addition to the teaching force of the Bay city. During his connection with the local school the science work done here has boon recognized as the best In tho county " Deliiws Not Found Dan Dolmas sought hero for fraud, has not been located yet. Tlmokeoper Cole of the Hennessey mine said Dolmas left tere yesterday clad In overalls, Delmas was a "flunk)" at tho board ing Iiqiibo tbero and was fired some tlmo ago. He has a friend nt Hwirv. vllle Coristablo Cox has phoned Ban don and many other towns to be ou the lookout for him Recentlv rol mas drew a sight draft on his brother, Ralph Delmas, at Chicago, for 1200, but no word has been received as to whother It has been honored. FOUND A jcold net ring. Owner may havo same by describing samo nnd paying for this nd. LOST LOST? $t gold pleco Match rluinu, I $5 rownrd for return to Will Sneddon at Times offlco. J FOR RENT I i w KOR RENT New 5 room modern bungalow with bnth, on county I rond botweon Marshflold and Run I kor Hill Storo. E. B. Curtis Phono 141 North Bend. Kiirnlshctl HoiiNekepIng rooms with bnth. Tolophono 187-R. KOR RENT; Two suite furnished housokooplng rooms two rooms onch. 700 North Front street, Phono 354-X. KOR RENT Two rooms furnished for housokooplng, 103 South Second stroot, KOR RENT Furnished lioiiHC-Uocp-I Ing rooms. 977 Fourth St. South. KOR RENT Furnished npnrtmont, In renr of 878 South Fifth stroot. KOR RENT r'ikiiunh1Ui or vtitliout board. 166 So. Tenth street. KOR RENT Furnished room with bath, for slnglo gontlomnn. 358 Third nnd HlKUtind FOR SALE Anconn ckk for hatch ing; also day-old chicks. E. A. Stonocyphcr, Phono C-J. KOR HALE Kurnltiiro In modem flvo-room flat, and flnt for reat. 1074 Andorson avo. Phono 39-R. KOR HALT: Ono (Uin S-A spocUI kodnk, 55. Rohfold Bros., 220 Central nvonuo. FOR SALE Second-hand sovrlstg machine motor. Apply E. P. Lowls, Plonoor Hnrdwaro. KOR SALE CHEAP Small furalfth od rooming houso. D, caro T'mea, KOR HALTS Puro bred llcrksldro pica, registered stock. 13. I, Bes Hoy, Phono 3168. FOR SALE nt n (Treat bargain it taucn at onco; 7 passongor auto mobile In good sbapo. See Good rum's Garago, FOR SALE 200-ncro ranch, tea milou soutli or lianuon. Addrew Mrs. R. W. Ensign, Bnndon, Ore- After May -I Dr. R. W. Morrow, Dentist, will occupy rooms 1 mtd U, Eldorado Building over Rod Crosfl Drill Store. RE SURE nnd SIGN Coos Bar Improvement bond PETITIONS. PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service 158-R MARSHFIELD CYCLERY J, Leo Brown, Ph. G, Robt, W, Swanton, Ph, C ni"MHMMM TT-S7T7 IiXTtI W " f tl .-riJ- xV TeVWlFlTr wpmww frD)iogeie8K: II T ' Cre out of the T?&h jtool WTilll I li mi i itartthe Day Right Do you arlso In tho morning feeling tired and soro Just as It you hadn't been to bed- at allT Do you havo a pain horo and a pain thoroT If bo, It's tlmo you started taking NYAL'S IRON TONIC BITTERS Your blood needs encouragement wenkoned tissues need food. NYAL'S IRON TONIC BITTERS Increase the appotlto and make food net and taste right! It enriches tho blood and performs other duties that compel you to forget that "tired feeling." A largo bottle of NYAL'S IRON TONIC BITTERS full of health and onorgy only cohIb f 1.00. Whatever a good drug storo ought to havo and many things that other drug stores don't keop you will find hero. Come to us first and get what you want. Wo are exclusive agents for Selected Quality Agencies, as Penslar and Nyal Family Remedies, Whitman's Candles, Townsend's Glace Fruit, Maurlno Beauty Preparations, etc. Our sole aim Is to please our customers, THE LEADING DRUG STORE KOR QUALITY GOODS. V-l