, tfmrv w m w fpn. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1914 EVEWIMG EDITIOtf. FOUR COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONEV Editor nnd Pub. DAN 15. MALONEV News Editor E Offlcltt Paper of Coos County MOTIIEltS' FENFIOX8. THE" Mothors' Pension system looks to the life of the child. Nineteen states have adopted Mothers' Pension laws because tho country has waked up to tho child's light to Its homo-and to tho mother's Tight to her child. Judgo Noll, fa thor of tho Illinois pension system, maintains that tho system is all to tho good: it keeps the home alive; It leaves mother and child togethor as naturo Intends; It helps tho stato to grow good citizens, and as a mat tor of commercial economy it is to bo heartily commended as a system that logically preserves family llfo and at the same time consorves tho coin of the etato. GALL SCORES Sacramento Takes Another From San Francisco and Portland Loses ' : COKXELL HEAT HAKVAltl) LOOAl. OVERFLOW. (II; Associated frMi tf coi Oar Tlmm. ITHACA, N. Y., May 9. Cornoll won the annual track moot from Harvard today. Farmers Uhw Wnnt Acta. Coos county farmers are finding Times want ads very useful as a medium for quick marketing of tholr products. A. E. Tower has willed attention to nonio very fine tomato plants which ho' huo for sale and which caused much favorable comment along Front Btroot this week. E. L. Bcssoy Iins offered some flno Borksh'lro pigs for ealo- in today's Time. Elks to Piny. Tomorrow forenoon tho mombors of tho Marshflcld lodgo of Elks will play at North Ilend. An endeavor will bo made to havo enough go out to form two teams and play at least flvo intilngs. Any Elk wlto thlnkB ho knows anything about baso ball will bo fined If ho does not put In an appearance nt the North Dend baseball park at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. B. M. ANDREWS arrived horo from Mod ford' today and says ho Is horo to stay. Mr. Andrews was horo n few yenrs ago with .1. W. Porklns of Rosoburg on a plan to test tills region for oil. OROY ROZELLE and wlfo woro in Marshflcld today cn route to Dan don; whoro they expect to remain th Ifr summer. Mr. Rozollo has been superintending the planting of Holland grass on the sand dunes ncross from Empire. FAT HENNESSEY of tho Henry vlllo ml'no camo to MatHhflold today to upend Sunday. He says that they Iiavo nbout complotod tholr devel opment wortt and aro now taking out about eighty tons of coal per day. A flno grndo of coal Is being secured. Along the Waterfront. I . A YALE DEATH PRINCETON.. NEW HAVEN, May 9. Yalo won tho annual track moot from Princeton today. TODAY'S OAMK3. National League. Chicago, 10. Pittsburg, 2. Doston, 0. Now York, 2. ,yo- Brooklyn, 14. Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati, 3. St. Louis, 0. American League.' Detroit, 7. Chicago, A. Now York, 3. noston, 2. Philadelphia, G. Washington, 2 St. Louis, G. Cleveland, G, Chief Knclnenr Dnnnnllv nf Mm (no- Jloucoo. who was In horo yesterday, recalled that ho made- thu mt trip on tho Hteamor Arngo here nearly thirty yoars ago. Ho haB boon In Hawaii most or tho time since. PAHAIHO LEAVES PORT The Hteamor Paralso left port at 4 o'clock this afternoon for San Francisco. Sho carrlod a full list of passengers nnd n good cargo. Tho Paralso will bo tho only boat from San Francisco next weok. Tho Yellowstone left for Portland at noon today. Wr AaoclaleJ rrwi Co Coot Hr Tlmw.J SAN FRANCISCO, Mliy 9 San Francisco dropped nnothor gamo to Sacramento at Sacramonto yesterday and Portland nlso lost again to Los Angolos. Tho scores: At Sacramento R. II. E. Snn Francisco 3 7 0 Sacramento 4 9 0 Batteries: Fanning and Schmidt; Orcgory nnd Hnnnah. At Oakland R. II. E. Venice 3 8 1 Onkland 14 19 0 Batteries: White, Ilnrkncss nnd Bliss; Prultt and Mltzc. At Los Angeles R. II. E. Portland 2 8 0 Los Angeles 3 C 1 Battorlcs: Krnuso and Haworth; Porrltt, Ehmko nnd Boles. AMERICAN LEAOUE. Detroit 10; Chicago 8. Now York 0; BoBton 3. PhlladelphlaO; Washington 9. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Vancouver-Portland; rain. Spokano Q; Tacoma 3. Victoria 3; Seattle I. NATIONAL LEAI1UE. Chlcago-Plttsburg; rain. Boston-No w York; rain. Cincinnati 3; St. Louis 0. Brooklyn-Philadelphia; rain. lOIiOWIS MOTHER'S DAY Special Service in Most of Marshfield Churches 1 North Bend Program MOTHER It Is a wonderful thing A Mother: Other folks can love you but only your mother understands. Sho works for you, looks af ter you, loves you, forgives you anything you may do, under stands you, and then tho only thing sad sho docs is to die and Ioavo you. Solccted. WHITE FLOWER EMBLEM Tho official flower of Motlw or's Day is a white flower and thoso looking nftor tho obser vance of the ovont request all to wear a flower In recognition of It. I AMO.VfJ THE SICK Miss Anna Downs, who linn beei 111 for tho pnst weok, Is reported to no improving. NORTH HE.VI). Mr. and MA. C. II. Worrel have loft ' to sppnd tho week end at Bandon, I whoro they will nttond tho Knight ni vof Pythias 'banquet ) Uai Mrs. E. R. Hcdson and children , Erma and Irono, will spend Satur-' day nnd Sunday with Mm. Robert1 McCann of North Bend. , I.RSH-PUIPED III 8Y DREDGE Ti Tomorrow Is Mothor's Day and It will bo gonora'lly obsorvod on Coos Bay, most of tho ministers ar ranging for special sormons or de voting part of tho service tomorrow to It. In North Bend a special program will bo held at tho high school as sembly rooms nt 3 o'clock In tho afternoon. It promises to drnw a largo attendance. Mother's Day will bo observed In tho Marshflcld Christian Church to morrow with an excellent pro grnm. MrB. C. A. Sohlbrodo will presldo and Mrs. John Motley will havo chargo of tho music. Ror. Samuel Gregg will dollvor a sormon on "Amusements, Harmful and WholoBonie." This will bo nn In teresting service. VESTRY BOARD IS -I INFORMAL CHAT. Miss May Prouss is expected homo r.ext week from Borkeloy, California, whoro she has boen attending tho University. Mrs. W. T. Merchant mitr Miss Helen Merchant may nc cempany her homo. DANCE TONHJHT IX NORTH HEM). Opou nlr PAVILION. Music by KEYZKR'S ORCHESTRA. EVERY OOOI) CITIZEN Is ROOST INfl tho COMPL1CTION of tho Coos Day HARBOR Improvomonts. Bo euro and SIOX tho PETITIONS. FATIMS. Farms. City property, Suburban Lots. Homo 8ltes, Homos, Investments, FACTORY Sites, WAT ERFRONTS. STUTSMAN . CO., 336 No. Broadway, Mnrshflold, Ore. DANCE TONinilT IN NORTH DEND. Open air PAVILION. Music by KEYZER'H ORCHESTRA. ONLY (IS LOTS to seloct from In NEW BEDFORD ADDITION. Como early. STUTSMAN CO. Cathcart Has Several Hundred Trout in His Lot I Try to Save Them This morning S. B. Cathcart no ticed a disturbance on tho water pumped into Ills garden recently I by tho dredge, and upon Invostlgn ' tlon discovered that tho mlnlaturo lake was tilled with frcsh-wntor trout, tho number of which ho es timated at 500. At present thero is about soven feot of water In tho 'oncloBuro. Tho fish stay on top of tho water, evidently not satis fied with the salt water, as tnoy aro of tho mountntn or brook var iety of trout, which Is a fresh wai ter fish. Somo account for their ' nppenrunco by the tact tnnt tno dredgo has boon pumping In fresh i water from tho mouth of Coos River nnd has doposlted tho fish In 'tho West MarBhflold fill and they havo gono as far up stream as pos sible searching for fresh water. Frank Smith, of tho Coos Rlvor Hatchery, has been notiflod and had telegraphed tho fish commissioner asking what should bo dono. It may become necessary to arrange l for an outlet In order that tho fish I may return to tho fresh-water trlb- utarlos of the bay. A number of people havo witnessed the strango aimenranro of tho fUh today. Encouraging Reports of Offi cers Read at Episcopal Church Meeting At tho annual meeting of officers nnd mombors of tho Episcopal church held In the Guild Hall last night, a new vestry board, which haB chargo of tho temporal affairs of tho church, was elected and reports of several officers woro read. Tho mooting was called to ordor by tho rector nt 8:30 o'clock. His report showed that since tho now church has boon built the church nnd' Sunday school nt tciiduuto ". as moro thnn doubled. A report cr Mio trcnsu-ir of the church made through Bcnuott Swan ton thr.n'B a most encouraging stato of flunnclnl affairs. A good report was mailo by Mrs. J. W. Bonnott concerning tho work of tho Chancel Guild. Tho rector spoke of tho splen did work of tho choir undor tho direc tion of Mrs. Win. Horsfnll, organist. Hornfiill Resigns. Dr. Win. llorsfall, previous to the meeting, declared his Inability to serve on tho vestry board any long er owing to tho fact that the meet ings aro held at a time when he Is compelled to dovote his energies to his profession. Thoso elected to sorvo on the vostry board for tho ensuing year wore Malr Dano, William Ledwnrd, Harry Nns burg, Bennett Swnnton. F. P. Norton, D. L. Rude, J. W. Beiinett, John Swnnton and Judge J. S. Coko. After tho oloctlon camo musical nnd other features. Miss Mabel liar rlgnn, accompanied on tho piano by Mrs. Carl Evortson, rouderod n boau tlful solo selection on tho violin. Ilowliny EutcitnluK. i 373-L SPELLS SERy.lCF-SZ&li. vlvh SE RVTCE m I have the Supplies I have the Tires- r I have: the- Gasoline I have the Oil I have a special auto service car that will goto your relief, anywhere at any time. That's what rtiean by service service? that selves you; when you want it. NO WAITSNO DELAYS NO: ORDERING FROMi CATALOGUES NO TELEGRAMS. I have the repairs. I make tire adjustments om the spot If you want service you want to know GOODRTS GARAGE PHONE 373-L. THE MAN WHO PUT SERVE IN SERVICE BREAKWATER HERE TODAY Brings 48 First-Class Passen gers and 250 Tons of Freight With forty-olghr first class pas sengers and 250 tons of freight aboard, tho steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgonn, urrlved In port thU morning. Tho voyngo was uuovent ful. Tho Breakwater will leave for Portland on tho roturn trip tomor row. Among tho passengers who arrived this morning woro: Ed Monson, Miss C. Kelson, Mrs. A. M. Nelson, J. W. Parry, T. V. Qroor, a. II. Reskoy. D. II. Kirk. Mrs. Kirk, T. C. Macy. MIbh Elslo Ilakor, John Volkmnn, Mrs. Mary Foster, Mrs. . Flatner, Harriot Flatner, H. Alfred V Bowlmy "who has nt.:Ela,ner' w- E' Iolorfl- John Mole. Aiircu v. iiowna), wno nns at- w K pnni. ,ra nnl, ,,, ,, ..' IRVING BLOCK fyrttiMam Opportunity crowds Opportunity SAT. M0N. 14 OFF -- TUES. WED. OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEN'S AND HOYS' SUITS, OVER COATS AND RAINCOATS. SUE WINDOWS FOR A OOOI) BUY. WHY? IJKC.U'SE WE SELL FOR CASH. Phone 122. ..DRUGS.: PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED AND DELIVERED. ReCCross Drug Store Phone 122 tallied considerable notoriety us an Impersonator nnd ontortnluor, road sovornl monologues. Ho was enthusi astically applauded. Tho mooting was closod' with tho Borvlng of refreshments by Rev. nnd Mrs. Robert Browning. 1 F. E. Cook, Mrs. Cook. Miss V. Bey- tSU urio, u i,. uuncn, .Mrs. Alice Biggs. M:-s. S. Cloke, Robt. Irving. Frol .Mnrx, H. W. Barrett. Pearl Watklns, Martin Dresser, T. E. Powoll, C. It. Crouch, Mrs. Mary Lytlo, Miss Anna Muller. Mrs. J. M. Swltsor; A. D. Em ory, Ed Green, n. Qotho, C. A. San ders, Tom Jones, L. Lewis, G. Llnd, T. Dowhnm, C. II. Goodard. G. Johns, J. McKoo, p. L. Ballard. W. E. Bon ham, c, Hendrlckson nnd Miss Augus tn Lake. Yellowstone AitIvph. The steamor Yellowstone, Captain John F. Fajerstrom, arrived nt tho Arrow Lino dock nbout 10 o'clock this inornliiK with no tons nf troiwht .She left San Francisco Thursday BANDON. Or. May 9. Th'e Circuit f J " ' .."..".. . .,l"?l",n Court has appointed T. P. Hanly o I unloading her carib the Yellow Lampa to handle tho logs that aro In ono lef t at 1 p m for pS and" company and tho Cody Lumber com- NAME HASLEY FOR RECEIVER HIGH STANDARD PAINT AND . WALLPAPER i LE MIEUX & MILLER Phone 1 1 G-R : i : 393 North Front Street. puny on the Lampa Creek tract. The receiver was appointed In tho suit of St. Clair County Savings Bank vs. Coach Tlmbor company land Cody Lumber company. It Is bolleved that this procedure will offor temporary solution of the difficulty, In that tho logs will bo markoted and the par ties will litigate over tho funds In stead of stopping work through liti gation over tho timber. Equipment Changes Hands. The Cody Lumber company's log ging railroad plant nnd equipment woro bid In nt sheriff's sale on a mortgage foreclosure by tho George W. Mooro Lumber company for tho sum of $50,000. It is tho Intention of the Mooro Lumber company to put the outfit Into tho Boutan tract of timber on the other sldo of tho rlvor and It Is believed that their mill will bo able to run on logs from that tract within a short time. Bandon World. CHAPPELL AT EUGENE. W. II, Chappell. of North Bend, was In Eugene today as renresontn. tlvo from Coos county to tho Virt.' ern Woodmen's convention. Ho is a'j lormer Eugono man, living here olijb years ago. While here ho boosted for Fred Holllstor, candldnto for tho democratic nomination for congress. ' r.uijone uunru. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all luowlnj sufrrrtra o( rhrumiiUm, vthrUi. er muscular or uf tue Jolnu. aclailca. luoibacoa, backachr, palm la the klJiu')'. or neuralgia ulna, to write to ber for a home treatmeut wjlch ba rrpratrdlr rured all o( tliep torture. Sbe tttU It her tlutr to wdJ it to all tuSerera FltHK. You cure our wit at home a tlioutancU will tetlf no clianse of climate belne urcea-nrj- Thl. almple illvoTer b4til.hr. uric acid from the Mood, loosena the itltrened Jolnta, pur. Ilea the bUod, anil brlfhtena the tjt$, itlilnt elutldtj and tone to the whole intern. It th abort Intereata jou. for proof addreaa Mr. U. 8uuuncr. Uox It, Notr Dame, lad. Stop and Think What Bay Park Offers You HEALTH Because of Its fine air and pure water. HAPPINESS Because of its opportunity for you to own your own home and get ahead in the world. CONVENIENCE Because of its accessibility, good roads, electric lights, telephone and daily deliveries of merchandise. PROFITS Because of the low prices at which the lots are of fered. ' Inside lots $100; corners, $115. Terms $10 down and $5.00 per month. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 FRONT STREET. All Kinds of Job Printing Done at The Times Offo I -1 '! w