IF' .1 j - . - - ...-ui ..nullum. l'IIWIlllim, iwnfXK "3lrtA ri J( '"" .?. uini' CMUSISSrr? ... TEN THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. . '"i-. " . -.k . 3 JL -. li r AUTOMOBILE TIRES j We have added a complete line to our stock, in the DIAMOND SAFETY (SdUEEGEE) TREAD They won't slide, won't slip, won't skid they grip. This tread also adds greatly to the life of a tire and is practically PUNCTURE PROOF. AND LOOK AT THE PRICES ABOUT THE SAME AS YOU HAVE BEEN PAYIflG FOR PLAIN TIRES. '28x3 $11.85 ' M 30x3 $12.65 ,- & ' 30x312 $17.00 2 r 32x3':. $18.10 zr JlA 33x4 1. $25.25 O TZ1 34x4 ...: $26.05 S 5r3 35x4 $26.90 T 36x4 $27.75 S3 35x41. $36.05 t5 ZJ 36x42 ----.- $37.10 fiff Q 37x4Vj $38.15 0? 36x5 $43.15 eC 37x5 $44.45 fit 38x5ij 057.30 . . Other Sizes at Corresponding Scale . . THIS IS ABOUT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN OTHER v ml NON-SKID TIRES. ... ; ?P.'' .. WHY PAY MORE? .., , "' ; . I novolcttcs that ,woro recited to tho ciowil, to tho enjoyment of all. A I bcmitlriillv oimravod nioi til was. jn wanted tho author of tho best pro-' minion, several now iuciiiuuih wore ' added to tio list. About forty-five of ; t o class wero presont on this oe-! ! ppplnn and plans are already being I devised for tho various coming events. pari in nuuurui cnurcn wuni in u , material way by Its contributions to i tho building fund of tho North Bond church, and another feature of their I work lies along frnternnl lines. I 4 HAI'TINT VOUXU 1'OLKH. rnl.- n-..ili i. i l .. i i iiu impiiui. iuiiii i'riiiiu mm uv- i Ulllllg I'HJU.VL'Cl n UOIIg.iUUI BCBSIUIl . , with Miss Carrlo Koss on Golden ' lavenuo. There wero a number of) guessing contests, etc., Miss Dorothy, i Uassford winning tho trco contest, MIbs Ruth Hcddon wlnnlnir the adver tising contest and Kugono Kelly nnd j John McLaughlin won tho contest on I pictures from tho book of llfo. Thoso present wero Ilelvn Flanagan, Bessie I.V... T l . . T-. ' i' iiiiiiitjuu, JiuBDiu ivjro, r mucin Krnnso, Mnmlo Gulovson, Holen .Mc- haugniin, Alpnn Mauzov, Until Hcd don, Jonnlo Holmes, Lulu Benson, Mnrjorlo Kulmcr. Dorothy Uassford, Mrs. Rd Dolan, Mrs. Alva Doll, How ard Kelly. Eugene Kelly. Will Mc- Malion, cnas. Frodollus. Leo Dyorly, , , ,, .. Frank Howe. Albert Uassford, Alton I'1""" for, tl10 'rubbor social" wild Boss, George Doll, Chnu. Donne, ltllla. w,n" . Postponed un II next Friday Carrlo and Vplma Hohs nnd Ituv. A. "'k'"- l wl" ,uo lolAt at Taylor's F. Bnssford. 1'all and promises to bo a , unlo.no . a and most onjoyablo affair. Tho I SUltl'lllHK PAiiTV. I noxt regular mooting of tho Guild Women's Storm and French abb yvuoi aerge fl7 fa Dresses - - $!)() ALL NEAV SPRING MODEM COLORS-NAVY, COPENHAGEN LWv ' WINJS AND BLACK Every wonmn should own one o u1Mo d tins very exceptional price. iC3at Hub Dry Goods Co. "Smart Wear fm TFn, Corner Broadway and Central Ave. ' pi10ne36L .4 I will bu a weolc from next Thursday IHf!wlt1i Mrs. Thofl. Ohapmnn. Those MlV nfwl Afra A IP Cnntimn Inuf evening entertained n numbor of proHcnt hub week wero Mr8. 0. M. young folks nn a birthday surprlso "ror', Mr8v. Joh" Lon". Mrs. I'aul for their son. Wesloy. Dancing and j nimmlek, Mrs. Geo. Stephenson, Mrs. music wero followed by delicious ro- Seidell liOiuinn, Mrs. .1. G. Horn, Mrs. fres'-ments. Thoso Invited wero Miss J M"on and Mrs. 12. A. Shrivor. Griffin. Miss HnrkncsB. Miss Adelnldo Clarko. Mlso Vlmlnln f'lnrkn. MIbbi Lucy Bowers, Miss Floronco Bowers, ish uiatiys Dimcnt, Miss Mary KrtiBP. Miss Wlldn Ilnrrln. MIhr Lll. i llan Seaman, Miss Marlon Sonman and .MeHsrs. Italph Kruso, Sydney Clarko, Chester .Isaacson, Stanley Myers, Duncan Ferguson. Win. Good rum, Hnlbert Carlylo and Clarenco Kurtz. INC ntAXfiffiMjkm When you bny DuytheDesry w i 7 .MKirP WKDXICSDAV. (Continued from Bago N'lue.) t)u;i.i.KAJivmii'i - i - Tho regular bl-woekly meeting of tho North Baud Library Association will bo hold at tho library In t'..u Hoi lister resldeuco Thursday afternoon, .May Hth. MIsb Topping or tho llnrsh field library, whoso paper on book selection and book buying was postponod on account of Dr. Whlto'a tioclal Hygiene meeting, v, 111 bo pres ent Thursday afternoon, to tell tho, .ABsociauon monibera how fo soled fliid "buy library books. Tho book fund Is bolng: raised by tho associa tion and everyone wishing to seo a iublic library In North Bend should iio inivrcBtoii to contrlbuto to this "Mitud, - 4 " nuiDGi: cluii. i - Mi's. L. J. Simpson will entertain tho Bridge Club at hor homo next Wednesday afternoon. I l'AHTV TU1WDAV. Mm. John I). (loss has Issued In vitations for bridge at hor homo lu "West MarshfloUl next Tuesday aftor- noon. .-... , . "li J. J. J. .irfy Campbell, Tho attendance was good and tho program excellent. Tho next monthly mooting will bo hold with Mrs. It. A. Copplo on tho first Tuesday of Juno. Thoso out this mouth wore Mrs. Isaacs and Mrs. Curtis from North Bond, Mrs, Trav or, Mr. Copplo, Mrs. Hopson, Mrs. McCnrty, Mrs. Bold, Mrs. Motley, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. O'Brlon, Doriiial Campbell, Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Powers, Mrs. McCluro, Mrs. Harry Noble, Mrs. Knight, Mrs. Drows, Mrs. Bain ter and Mrs. Sehlbrcde, Brown, Cora Dyo, Ulslo Hall, Bonn Haglund, Lucy Powers, Adolaldo Clarke, Nolllo Warwick. Marguorlto Stack, Olga Sc'rotter, Killth Kalno, Bertha Davis, Laura Watson and WII- 'la Harris. Tho nionu lueliidod cou sommo, broad sticks, olives', salted nuts, baked fish, multro do hotel but ter, stuffed tomatoes, hot rolls, Dres den patties, crown roast of lamb, green pons, cauliflower fritter, now potatoes, cheeso souffle, snltlncs, steamed fruit pudding, hard sauces apricot sliorbot, chocolate mocha cakes, cafo uolr, mints. . 4 I TO HNTIJUTAIX AT CAItDS. I 4 Mrs. II. L. Crawford Is nlonnlni: to Imiio Invltntlons for Tuesday, .'111; tf, Ml tlUUD, . '' - The MnrBhflold linptlst Ladles Will mett at tho home of Itnv. nmt Mrs. A. F. Uassford next Wednesday altcrnoon. PLAN FOB SOCIAL. Son. nrAg2drUK Honglan'd, nSceKe, Jffi, ngan, Gladys Dine L fSta worthy Lucy PoweSffl May Myron. Svin '; r1 ' Douglas, Albert i ne, nV Carlson and Tom Pattenoa v ' j MixxiMvis run. Tim Minn. Itfl- r., . I.. . .""""--l UUO 1 i Tho Mnrshfleld Kpworth League's new officers held a cabinet mcottnir thl week to outline tho work for bo b to not lo cflSlta tiff tho coming year. Committees weioi school exhibit and ihw , ,i $.&h3K montH wero sorvM n. "Jr. Ing has Ijcco postponed uoUllM fllapMuanil ntnl nlntta tmiiln tnt flin l lnuK... tit . ." " stnllatlon of offlcorM n week from lo-Thono enjoying Mr Hoii'il!', J ....... ........ "-" "iv.ii miur iiuuiuj -wero Jin. a. z. Donii vcrsury services will b0 held a ho and F. II. Dresner. Mr. C v thTA SIKUTP TIlUltSDAV. me ciiurcn win uo Bpcciiuiy iiccorni- joim Dasiini'y, Mn. 16 uu iur mo uci'UBiuii. uxl r riuny iirs. I'r.Ms. uinhnnA ! u 1! night It Ih plnniiod to hold nn mini- Brown, Mr. E. Kcllr and Xn vhl vorsnry eoclal at tho church 1 all. Tho ; Thompson. iiiiiv unuio nil'! I icniuwill, iuu uy- T T t criy; First Vlco President, ChaB. Bay- nioiid; Second Vlco Presldon!, Irrmo I .VAItCISSl'S CMIl. i-rouss; rniru vico rrooiuont, noxio Hall; Fourth VTco President, Km Hnnscn; Secretary, Horace Uahskopf and TreaBiiror. Frank Howo. ' 4 I limn school part v. Tho Norcl8u Clubenjsjfll iignifui scBilon WedneKtyift wun .Miis name jicKiroit Sowing and converutloa i lowed by rofrwrtimfnti. tt( I bolng assisted by her notSer.l TllO North Ilnllil llnnllnl T.mllnu will moot noxt Thursday lu tholr hall , hoBtesscB '" MnrK' "" McKay. Those praent w 4 Mint May Myron will ontertnln the, Stella Peterson, Mgl Ret mourners or tno Sonlnr Class of tho 4 Miirshflold high school this evening I , at the homo of her Bister, MrB. Jnko A I lllllni.n... I.. T-...ll II .1 Tin Vtrii. r- i i i .... iiiuiiuiiii ill ruiiiuuiu. uuturuiiuun Gull, uvlS nn.nr?ni L''m i1)nI A",url w"1 ho of luicWoborry nnd Biiowballu Mrs ir ? n nn? ' I1'1.8 wo?k 'Wltli shaded IlghtB, 'and dainty rc .mtb. ira ii. Dartlo at her honm. rrnai,i.,...,o ...m i. -..,..t m. It waB devoted largoly to furthorborB of tho Senior CIubh who will bo thorn here, I xoitTii m:.i (hti i.i). Anna Lund and Nellie I Mrs. Irvine Chandler ii I son are oxnected here itatl 1 from Sacramento, where ttfl - rtr-r-- T----- , ,.L'.'l I boon HtaylnK wim oer ioib i Uliandlor will go 0Dla w ' aiKISTIAN KIRTIvBHOOl). Mrs. 12. L. Hopson Is to bo hostcet to tho workers of tho Christian Sis torhood next Tuesday. Tho dato was ehangod from last Tuesday on ac count of tho mooting of tno C. W. I X. It. BI.THANV IlIltLi: CLASS I B -H. on that day. v 4. 4. roil MOTIIKltS' DAV. I - Tho women of tho Christian church are to have charge of tho cervices at tholr church tomorrow and nro arranging a program of music mid talks In honor of Mothers' Day. 4 1 I t W. II. M. 4 At tho homo of Mrs. C. A. Sehl hrodo Tuosdny tho C, W. IT. M, held a very Interesting nnd profit .able meeting, with n program includ ing talks and readings on tho after noon'B topic, "China," nnd music by Mrs. John Motley and Miss Dermal Tho North Bond Blblo OIakb will meet for one of its Bomt-monthly socJals next Tuesday evening at tho II. P. Gurnca homo. v 4 4 THIMBU. OLUIt. -i Tho North Bond Thlmblo Club Is today conducting a big "Cleanup Dny,; In North Bond. Tho club will meet noxt Friday with Mrs. Fred Glazlor. 1WIITV TIKMIHDAV. I- .MBS. PKCIC HOSTICSS. Mrs. S. C. Small of North Second ' Mm Mrs. C. B. Peck was hostess at a Borlcs of delightful brldgo parties and lunchoons at her homo In South Marshflold this wcok. Rhododen drons and greens predominated In tho floral decorations. Tuesday sho was assisted by Mrs. Gcorgo Goodruni and Mrs. F. K. Gottliis and Mrs. r, m. Jennings won tho prlzo. Among thoBO present wero Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. J. H. Flanagan, Mrs. It, M. Jennings, Mrs. .1. Bennett, Mrs. Win. llorsfnll Jr. Mrs. a. W. i Kaufman, Mrs, W. F. McHldownoy. w. v. suuiorianu, .Mrs. want Bireot una issuea invmuions ror ntiiM. niako. Mrs. P. K. .Gottlns. Mrs. afternoon t brldgo at her homo! Geo. Goodruni, Mrs. W. A. ToyO, Mrs. next 'lhursdny. w. F. Miller nnd Jlrs. H. S. Tower. " Thursday sho was assisted by Mrs .n. it. uiiaiiuior nun Mrs. it. M. ! IJNTKUTAIX SCHOOL itOAItl). I .Jcnnliigs and Mrs. P. K. Gettlna won 4 . . 4 m0 pj-jzo. On Fridiiy voiilng tho cookery, Among thoso 'present wero Mrs. P. r!nss of tho Mnrahfleld high school k. Gettlns, Mrs. R. M. Jennings, Mrs. outortalned a number of kcbb nt'j D. Goss, Mrs, J. s. Lyons, Mrs. 1. S. one of tholr delicious dinners thntt Knufman, Mrs. Rolso, Mrs. Dcfen- hnvo done so much, under tho stiter vision of Mlis Elizabeth Monro, to niako thb Domestic Science Dopart ii'eut popular with both parents and pupils. Thoso present wero Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Powers, Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Haines, Judge and Mrs, John P. Hall, Mr, and Mrs. F. A. Tledgon, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barker, Dr. J. T. McCormac nnd Miss Elizabeth Mooro. Tho members of tho class are: Dora Do You Wear TORIC LENSES? Ground to Order at the ' R.ed Cross Drug Store Imiipll Mrfl W Q Tnliuin 'aIc n T? ..o". .-..w. ... . ... i .,, .ii.hi s, -, McKnlght, Mrs. Dorsoy KroUzor, Mrs. A, L. Houseworth, Mrs. P. M, lar 80118, Mrs. S. C. Small, MrB. E. G. Perhom, Mrs. ,B. B. Chandler, Mrs. V. T, Stoll, .Mrs. Chas. Van Duyn, Mrs. R, W. KammeVer. Mrs. Henry Sengstacken and Miss Evelyn Andor- son. This afternoon sho Is being as sisted , by .Mrs. Dorsey Krettzcr and Mrs. P. to. Parsons. 4 ,1 1IRT11AXY lUlUiK oiass. I ' 4 Tho Bothany Blblo Class of the Christian church gave Its semi monthly social last night in tho Luth eran Social Hall. Tho social func tions of this class are becoming very papular and the members and their friends look forward to each coming event with joyoua anticipation, Tho event of last night was especially pleasant and profitable, carrying with It all tho social features as well as tho substantial refreshments that wero enjoyed. One featuro of tho evening was the appearance of sev eral local authors of fiction in their Talk It Over With L. L. Thomas Yhen you are In doubt about what make or style or finish of a piano you should buy. When you are pondering over which player-pfano will give" you the most satisfaction. When you are undecided which sort of a talking machine to buy.' When you are puzzled by these or other questions that pertain to them. ' Ask L. L. Thomas, Manager Wiley B. Allen Co. For many years he has niade a study of these things and has water ed the progress of every important invention that has brought aDoui their present perfection. For' forty years the Wiley B. Allen Company has been engaged ; the sale of musical instruments and built up one of the most success ful establishments on the Pacific Coast, j Backed by such a house with such a record, Mr. Thomas is always , alert for everything In his line of business that is new ana imy THEREFORE WHEN IN DOUBT I Asocial Chose "Mexic IB Auo VAS!U: Associate ;i"? Ask L. L. Thomas HE WILL SET YOU RIGHT. if J n H mm&Mmm: Central Avenue. L.L THOMAS, Manager' Russe Bdg. Vice-Pres t apeake (Br Auj R'CHMO i'.,ure Axt "wapeaJc "erfd to l (B; auoI P.LAWRE. ,.?er relal a state 2! ,ne Natl k ?.?? Pi Frede VKWfcl t1 DaDerJ Ljl ' uu- --!'. ijLj.!ftA4iJiiria-.