m THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1914-EVENING EDITION. EIGHT WA1ER SYSTEM 01 COOS BAY FOR ENTRY LAST OF JUNE 1 r . ' - - i COOS COUNTY UWDS GPEfltO final windup sale of the l x. l. store f 1 About 32,000 Acres in South ern Coos and Northern Cur ry Excluded from Timber reserve It Is presumed that the coal nroa Bouth of Myrtle Point, which has been the bono of contention for several years, Is embraced In tlit. tract of .'12,000 acres In southern Coos and northern Curry which has been order ed excluded from the government tim ber reserve and will bo open to entry after June 27. Most of the coal area lins been entered by GrnntB PnsB men. Concerning It a Portland dispatch jsaya: "A tract of approximately 32,800 acres of land In southern Coos and northern Curry counties has been ex cluded from the Siskiyou Natlonnl ForoBt, nccordlng to an executive or der Issued by President Wilson, tele graphic notice of which was received at tbo Portland offices of the For estry JJepartrntml ycslonlny. "This stop Ib In hooping with tho 1)ollcy of tho present' administration .Jn withdrawing from forest roservos nil InndB that nro suttablo for farms nnd what mny bo utilized for agricul tural purposes. Chief Forester Graves .personally Inspected tho Oregon ro norvcB recently In order to dotermlno how Hint policy might bo furthered In tills territory, lO-Aero I'iiKm Hogivgntcd. "Of tho nrea eliminated, about l, 000 acres nro vacant public lands, seg regated Into units of from 10 acres tip The bnlnnco of tho laud has already been entered under the general pub lic land laws or tho forest homestead law nnd tho occupants of claims thus -established will not be disturbed. It Is understood that tho public landB Involved will all bo subject to settle ment under tho homestead law on and nftcr Juno 20, but entries nt the loc al land offlco will not bo pormlttcd until July 27. No Information has yet bcou rocolvcd, however, ns to whothor anv of tho public lnnd bus been specially withdrawn, or elassl I fled, so as to prevent or restrict tho right of settlement audi entrv. (limit Pais Man ItoconiiiieiidH. "Tho lands wore eliminated from tho National Forest on tlie recom mendation of tho supervisor, N. F. MncDuff, of Grants Pnss, Or. It Is understood that a large portion of tho lnnd Is suited by climate, topo graphy nnd soil to tho form of ag ricultural use common to tho coaBt country, but tho principal reason for tho elimination Is tho fact tlvat only a very small percentage of tho nrea Is permanently suited to tho establish incut and maintenance of a forest, and tho cost of administration, pro tection nnd management of this small percentage of tho land Is too great to warrant tho retention of tho lnnd under withdrawal. "Tie lands In question nro all situ ated In tho Itosoburg Lnnd District. Tho Itosoburg offlco will doubtless booh be Informed of tho manner In which settlement and entry mny bo uindo and tho restrictions upon the, right of settlement and entry," I AMONG THE SICK I Ralph Krusu has been confined to Iris homo In West Mnrshflold by III- II CHS. Mrs. Chandler, who hns boon re ceiving treatment nt Mercy Hospital, hns recovered sufficiently to return to 1-or homo nt Myrtle Point, Mrs. Witt of llonvor Hill, Blstor-ln-law or Mrs. Harry Hradfleld, was hero yesterday to secure itreatmont for adenoid trouble. . I NOKTII 1IUXI NKU'S Mr. Stanley Honderson, who was badly scalded In an accident In tho Perbnm & Gldley work In North Hend, Ib Improving, Ho has boon tak en from Mercy Hospital to the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ulnis. Stnuff In MnrBhtleld nnd Is under tho enro of Dr. I. I). llartlo and Mrs. Hlden, a graduato nurso from Sweden. Now Folks! We Are Ready For you HERE'S a summary of what we will offer you tomorrow' and the next seven days, should quantities last, at our Rake-up and Shovel-out Sale -CLEARANCE OF COATS AND SUITS To $5,00 Trimmed Hats. $2.98 To 40c Quo Lot Wash Goods at 20c To $3,50 Muslin Drawers at $1.48 To $3,50 Ono Lot Corsets at 79c To 12 1 -2c Ono Lot'Lacosat --.3c To 25c All Colors Hose at T9c To 60c One Lot Dress Goods at 37c All Swoators One-Third Less All Shirt Waists One-Third Less All Embroideries 1-4 Off S, S. JENNINGS NORTH BEND A - gg The L M. Tozier Grocery ftfi STOP - LOOK - READ Saturday's Gift and Table Sale We have ulaced a table in the front of our store of STANDARD GOODS at GENUINE BARGAINS prac tically cost prices. See it and look it over. It will be a saving to you. GIFTS GIFTS Absofately Free 1-2 Doz. Nice Small Jnicy Oranges to every person who purchases ONE DOLLAR AND FIF TY CENTS ($1.50) worth of Groceries at our store. This is for Saturday only, MAY 9TH. Everything in FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES at lowest market prices. "WHERE YOUR DOLLARS GROW." YOURS FOR GOOD EATS. ' 86 COMMERCIAL AVENUE. TELEPHONE 433. State Engineer Lewis Receives Filings for Coos Bay Cities Seydel's Project ' SALEM, Or., Mny 8. Construc tion work on tho municipal wnter Biipply for Marshflold and North Hend will commence before Juno 1, according to nu application filed with Stnto Engineer John H. Lowls. Tho il pel I no will bo IS miles long, and wih dlvort tho wnter from tho Mllllconin Itlvo-. Tho present pop ulation to bo served Is G000 nnd tho coat of tbo work will bo $150, 000. MAV It 12 SKVMCL PLAX Thought That Portland Man It H(" hind North Coos Hlver rrojeci Tho nbovo Is bolloved to bo tho plan of Mr. Soydcl, of Portland, who wus hero a fow months ago figuring on buying tho Coos liny Water Company's system or install ing an Independent system for North Dend. After getting figures nnd mcnBuromentB on tho flow or North Coos Hlvor nnd South Coos ltlver, ho loft nnd did not glvo out his plins. It Is bolloved, however, that ho has filed on tho wnter rights of North Coos (known as Mllllcoma Hlver.) However, ho has not douo anything towards getting franchises bore, although ho was assured that ho would bo granted ono nt North Hend. Seydel hns been n't Coiiulllo the Inst few wcoks aiding In Installing tho now plpollno being put In there to Increase tho city's supply. Uo sold them the mutorlnl Tor tho ex tension. Tho C. A. Smith Cpmpnny and others liavo been figuring on tho Coob Hlver supply also. Tho Mnrshflold City Council w.is considering It as tho source for tho future iminclpiil systom. BIG LEAGUE BILL SCORES Portland Shut Out by Los An- Angeles Yesteday San Francisco Loses Again. t Mr AmoUI4 I'rrtt lo Coo. Ur TlmM, SAN PIIANCI8CO, May 8. Port laud Buffered a shutout nt Los An goles yesterday whllo tho AngelB scored twlco. Tho games yefltorduy: At Sacrnmouto II. 11. 13. Snu PrnnelBeo 5 8 2 Sacramento ..., 0 13 .1 (latteries: Pornnll and Schmidt; Single Klawitter and Hunnah. M Onklaud Jl. II. K. Vonlco I G a Oakland 7 7 II nattnrics: Powell nnd Jills; Kll lllay and Mltze. At Lob Angeles II. II. K. Portland 0 7 2 Los Angeles - 15 0 Ilntterlus: Hlgglnbothnm tuud Fisher; Manner nnd Holes. .VOIITIIWKSTKHX LK.Wil'K. Vancouver :i; Portland 1, Spokane I; Tacomn 1. Victoria 0; Seattle 1. A.MKKICAX U CACTI.', t Dotrolt-Chlcugo; rain, St. Louis 2; Cleveland 0. Now York 0; Hoston 2. Philadelphia 5; Washington G. NATIONAL LKAUUK. Chlcngo 1; Pittsburg 7. Cincinnati 1; St. Louis 'J. lloston G; Now York 7. Ilrooklyn G; Philadelphia 5. S LGAI AT 2.30 Marshfield and North Bend Teams Will Cross Bats on Local Diamond Marshfield Is scheduled for another bnbelmll gumo with tho North Pond players Sunday afternoon, Krauso and Kelly will ninko their first np penrnnco with the local players. Crawford, who played with Coqulllo Inst year will also play with tho local niuo. Tho game will start promptly at 2:30 o'clock at North llond. Twenty-five cents admission will be charg ed. Tho lineup follows: Mnrshflold North Dend Lowls c. Horn Krnuso p. Osboruo Abbott lb Ktssam llurko 2b Gaffney, Phillips Snter 68, Drlggs Kelly 3b Donsmore Woods If. Surbeck Chandler cf, McDonald Crawford rf, Courtney WHY (JKXKHAL SICKLKS. Civil Vir Hero Will llo Intem-d In Arlington Cemetery. Bf Auocltted Vn$ to C004 IU7 Tlraw 1 NEW YORK, Mny S. Funeral services for General Daniel K. Sick les wero hold today at St. Patrick's cathedral. Military honors wero nc cordod tho war hero Into today. Tho body will bo taken to Washington for Interment In Arlington Cemetery. 3 More Days Not, a Dollars worth of stock is to be moved from the store, not a question of price now, just a question, IS YOUR SIZE HERE? FIXTURES FOR SALE Sale Eiwls Tuesday Night iimMUM mm n.!yMn.BffiMric mbbwmmimbwhhwmbbm m H WOLFF CASE NEXT MONDAY Subpoena Served on R. E. Miller, Who is Wanted as Witness Constublo Cox wont down to South Inlet this morning to servo n sub poena on U. K. Miller, superinten dent of tho Hocky Point tlo camp, who Ib wanted as a witness In tho enso of Mtb. Georgo Wulff versus tho Wlllnmotto Pacific railroad. George Wulff was struck by tho gnsolluo passenger car about two months ngo and died Bovornl days later. Mrs. Wulff Is suing tho rall road company for dnmnges for tho dcntli of her husband. Tho enso will co 1110 up In Circuit Court noxt Monday. C. P. McKnlght Ib at torney for tho Wlllnmotto Pacific and Tom Dennett will ruprcsont Mrs Wulff. iEIO INSPECT GOAT Repair of Hugh Hogan at Flor ence Will be Delayed Ros coe Brings Lawrence In T'.o tug Hohcoo brought In tho bnrgo Lawrence, Inden with lumber from Porter Hroa.' mill nt Plorenco, to bo transferred to life Mnyfalr hore. Tho Itoscoo left ngnlu for tho Slus law, Captain Hob Jones losing no tlnio on tho trip. Tho Hugh Hognn Is resting easy and nothing hns boon dono towards hoc ronalrjj, and wl pot bo until n 'diver arrives and" Inspects her. Th6y ure anxious to mako temporary re pairs so that they enn tnko her It) a dry dock some place to ho overhauled. mm i : TAB f"l ALL KINDS of KltlWII KHUITri and VIX.'iri'AltLIIH nt OLLIVAXl1' tf WKAVIllt. Plionc 11)1). Big Railroad Meeting lo I Held Tonight Project Line to Coos Bay IIOSHIIUUU, May 8.-Am incuts nro complete for thel'tm rond mass mcctlnc lo be hddlitkl city Prldny nlgnt. The ol OJ Antler's Theater irai doitld M this purpose, and that eter; i will bo occupied on tbit na may bo taken a a foregone ( hIoii. Pormcr Mnvor R. 0. SaliU Grants Pass, will be the prll Bpcaker, and short talki U i bo mndo by Hon. 0. P. CoiiM.1 W. Cardwoll and otben. JodwB llton will nrceldo, It U M?w thnt nlnns will bo compWrf I launching n railway to Coot H MBfl 1 AUTOMOBILE TIRES Wo have added a complete line to our stock, in the DIAMOND SAFETY (SQUEEGEE) TREAD They won't slide, won't slip, won't skid they grip. This tread also adds greatly to the life of a tire and is practically PUNCTURt PROOF. AND LOOK AT THE PRICES ABOUT THE SAME AS YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING FOR PLAIN TIRES. 28x3 $11.85 M 30x3 $12.65 m-i 30x3' $17.00 j - 32x3Vl $18.10 f -M 33x4 $25.25 V JTT 34x4 ..J $26.05 3 C3 35x4 $26.90 T I 36x4 $27.75 f CJ 35X41. .$36.05 UF? S 36x4V2 - $37.10 jp-1 O 37X41' $38.15 JvL -r 36x5 $43.15 rZ 4lL 37x5 $44.45 GU 38x5Vj $57.30 Other Sizes at Corresponding Scale ' " THIS IS ABOUT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN OTHER v NON-SKID TIRES. ,,:f- ... WHY PAY MORE? S When you WWm Dutne bestJiR wL.r yl5S ' rTe- -r-; a a i. . t, v. ,