paimgi ZL&TrJl& w &mJ&1 THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIFI n OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1914 EVE NING EDITION. SEVEN issiuszs C A. Smith Lumber g& Mfg.lCo". RETAIL DEPARTMENT MMBE1I. LATH, BlUWUioiOJ, nuULDINOB, HAHH AND DOORS, c0T TH rKL UJ,, IW TWU KX U8INQ OD" WOOD. rgON ! ,M WIDTH BROADWAY S. S. ALLIANCE -- oiir FROM PORTLAND IX) It COOS HAY kBW 8U NDAY, MAY 10, AT 0. P. M. HOUND TRIP, 18.B0. $ OonncctloB with 'tho North Unnk Road at Portland. tl 1? tlinnnnnn hone " ""'wmftt agouu later-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-wcckly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. "S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN PEDRO, SUNDAY, MAY 10, AT 10 A. M. ' Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S.1S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL BAILI FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, AT .1 1 M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeohok, Phone 44. flewsv n 'Mtfi t. jramj ricfS" Fto tr iBe Oounjy L JlH C?T a s CULLINGS OF COQUIIiliE. Coos County Scat News As Tola by The HcniliL There are now three nutos making the regular run between this city and Myrtle Point. PROSPECTS NOT WRIGHT. W. D. Newton, receiver for tho Co qulllo Mill ft Mercantile Co., says that prospects nro none too bright for the early resumption ot operations by the mill. As la well understood, the con dition ot tho outside lumber market la very unsatisfactory. There Is a local demand, but without a working The Marshall Imllillno r thn nnrii! side of First street Is being overhaul, ed, and tho Ocrdlmr Ilrothera rnntnm- li . . . " !.... . iniuo moving their billiard parlors to capuni it is impracucauic 10 operate the location. thfe mill and unless UiIb can be sup. Tho Prosner srhnni -atna iiv- nllcd. thero Is little chance of stnrtlnc SiiDcrlntendnnt rtnirn, inoi .ni, nmi mi In tho nenr future. Some lumber at tho fair. was found to hnve n standing of 90 8 being sold from the yard, but this Tho logs belong to C. A. Bmlth per cent, placing It In tho U standard: trade Is handicapped by the fact that i Lumber Co., and will be takon to Ce- 1110 LOOS SECURED. C A. Smith Company Provides Im incnso On on For Hnn FYnnclHco. L. I. Wheeler was up to Cratnc'n camji taking pictures of the big whlto cedar logs that nro going to tho San Francisco fair. There arc two of these logs, each of which Is 4D fcot long and' 8 1-2 feet In diameter. These logs will bo placed In the Ore gon building ns pillars and will bo part of tho big Coos county exhibit EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS O.V TIME. Balls from Marshflold May 5th , 1:00 p. in.; May 10th, 11 a. m.; May ISth, 1:00 p. m.; May 20th, 0:30 a. m.; May 25th, 10 a. m. and May 30th, 1:00 p. m. TkkeU on mIo to nil Extern Klnfs nd Infornimtlou im (o route And ntoci chcorfully furnished. Diono 427-L. H. 3. MOHR, A Rent fl. fl. YELLOWSTONE Leave Snn Frnnclsco Thursday. May 7 for Coos Hay. FREIGHT and COMBUSTIBLES ONLY. S. S. PARISO Equipped with Wireless. Flue Pasengor Accommodation!!. New Steel llont SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR SAN FRANCISCO, 8ATURDAY, MAY 0 NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. TOM JAMES, Agent, Markhflcld. G. P. Sheridan, Agent, North Ucnd. We havo Just rocolved n big shipment of GOLDEN WEST ox tracts. TheBe extracts are ono of tho very beat on tho market to day and wo guarantee- thorn to give satisfaction. Try a small bottle ot olthor tho lemon or vanilla and, if it is not as strong aa the best that -you ovor used tho trial will not cost you any thing. CAPE ARAGO COFFEE. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone 3945. ' 130 North Broadway. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, torrent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. II Ibboni na carboa paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phone 41. Alliance office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE ANU aurn-i u. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BEN06TA0KEN. Manager WRM. COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTI NO LANDS A SPHCIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EABT8IDH MARSHFIELD OFFICR PnONE M-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PnONE 181. class. Of tho other tlimn Hrlmnln tho assortment Is moro or less brokou. grnded. Handolnh la nlnn n it ntntul. Conulllo Herald. nru, wnno Bridge and Uunkor Hill ' aro In tho A Btnndnrd list. I ELECTION IN COQUILLE County Superintendent Baker says that the following teachers have- com- Municipal Officers to lx Chosen dar point, loaded on the train and to ton to Coos Hay where they will be loaded on the Nnnn Smith for ship ment to San Francisco. Ilnndon He- cordtjr. There Next Monday NEWS OF COALEDO. FreckleFace - i Saturday evening the Sunday school gnvo an entertainment and Ico crenni social at tho chapel which was appreciated by n largo audlenco. Tho following program was ron- nnn' (Inlrof T UV Nnnl B I. rill. UorOti: I ry and H. DeJersoy, Socialist. ' , AU. lM V,'0 1 owor of Jc8US r For Itocordor J. S. Lawrence, mood" by nudlenco. I Citizens'; J. H. Jnmes, Socialist. Repeating of tho Lord's Prayer. Two measures aro submitted to iwiumuu, . i n Anyuouy s oubi menced Bummer terms nt nohnni at tllO BOVOral tllacns Inillpntml. T T ' Thn tlrkot fnr (tin Pniillllln pltv ' Matthews, from Hnnlmln. n thn Ion clpptltin. wtilpli will tin hnlil Mon. i school; Mips Anna Nelson, at tho up- lny. Is as follows: por Hoar Creek district; MIsb Cleo For Mnyor A. T. Morrison, Clt- Dlxon, of Myrtle Point, at Sugarloaf; teens' ticket; J. E. Quick. Soclnllst. Miss May Lund In tho Strang district. For Councllnion W. II. Lyons, c. I. Kimo and u. u. pencil, cm a vote. Ono Is for tho vacation of "I88" Am.n"(!a Anderson. Sun ami Wind Will Bring Out Ugly tho 8lrcot nnd n,,y8 ,n tho BC,1o1 "i iI?.Bli?ni wh"",r la. "m, Mft Io Spot. How to Rem, "el" illy. sit" " rry nnd Strang's nddl- Sick" Alllla and Vorila Stallnrd. Here's n chance. Miss Trickle- ", over which tho long contro- Rwltntlon, "iMantlnB a Peach faco, to try a remedy for freckles vorsy has raged. A suit to enjoin irc, 1'-",lJr,;1l,im,n8,'. ., with tlio cruni-nntAn f Vtlni.i the submission of this nuestlon waB Song. "Father, Dear Father," dealer that It will not coBt you a unsuccessful In tho Circuit Court. I Myrtlo Johnson npd Amanda Andor ponny unless It removes the freckles- Tho othor moasuro Is for tho cor- 80J accompanied by Tholmn Hoth whllo If It does give you a clear rectlon of a clorioal error In tlioor,"Rt0'1 " organ, complexion tho cxnonsn la trifiim. ordinance rolatlng to stroct and' I'oc ln! !. Emma Rown. ".My Garden," ncrald Slmnlv cot nn ounrn nt nMiinn sowor lmprovcmonts. Coaullle Her- ...'!c,tntlon doublo strength from any drug- old. i ,, mB, ,.. ,, gist and a fow applications should Recitation, "Stars," Vernon Oodd- snow you how ensy It Is to rid .your- NEW COQUILLE HOAT kl0' , , , self of tho homely freckles and got ,8!nff,' ! nco to F. ' Tliolinn n boautlful complexion. Rarely is Tho now Coqulllo Rlvor bont "Tole- ",1 orlngton, accompanied by Jack moro than ono ounce needed for tho graph," belonging to tho Myrtlo Point uuttnijon on organ. worst case. Transportation Co., Is now completed i oc " on .?,! JolinBton. Uo sure to nsk tho druggist for and will bo on tho run botwoen hero Recitation, "Winter b (lone,' Hnr- tho doublo strength othlno ns this and Myrtlo Point. Sho Is a fast boat rlion "own. Is tho prescription sold under tho nnd is well appointed In all ports. hong, Marlon Mooro. diarantco of mnnnv linrk If l mlla On lin mnlilnn trln slin wnnt frnm liecimi on, tMOrenro UCUUKIO. s 0 D to romovo freckles. the Herman Uros. shin vards to Co- ";fl ",lolp ",0 M"orman," Al- tiulllo In ono' hour nnd 20 minutes, ,,n .J'0:?;0,", which snows thnt sho enn go somo Suits aenned nnd Pressed. Suits iiindn to Order. Give I'm it Trial. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLE di O. O. DAGGETT 2Z1 Central Ave. Phone 230-X Ilnndon' Recorder. SIOVE IIAMXLV POSTOFF1CE Postofflco Inspector 8. 11. Morse was In Ilnndon, nnd while hero mndo nrrangomont8 to rccolvo bids for a building for the postofflco, tho lonso on the present location expiring In a couplo df mouths. Ilnndon Recorder. I Recitation. "Tho Irurdonod Wife." Ionn Andorson. Dlnloguo, "Sunflower," Ionn An dorson, Altn Layton, Tlinlma lieth orlngton and Emma Rown. Recitation, "Ills Mother's Pray ers." Mrs. Wllllanu. Dlaloguu and Tableau, "Tho Foun tain of Life." Tholma Hothorlng ton, Pilgrim; Eduontlon, Emma Hown; Ambition, Amanda Andor son; Wealth, Altn Lnyton; Music, Myrtlo Johnson; Morcy, Ionn Andor son; Hopo,.,Mary JColloy. eys Fire Plocfc J. N. Bayliss fT kind of brick work t prices rANB ALL WORK GUARANTEED " t "The Fireside," Johnson Bldf.. l.tT Ojvnt . TOiUlff 4R4-J. ' pbc1i Rsaeea. Holler Work. OUR ELEGANT 'LINES OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH DEND WE MAKE OUR OWN Ice Cream p"RE mo WHOLESOME Orders for parties, bnnquots and dinners filled promptly. If it is BARTER'S it's all right. Sarters Front street. Phone 333-J. An Electric Stove for $2.50 . EL GLOSTOVO-o-the new portable electric cook stovo is being Introduced by tho manufacturer at half the reg ular sales price. Something now and Intensely practical In electrical, cooking apparatus; has glowing coils; is economical, sim ple and safe; uses ordinary cooking utensils On exhibition and sale by the following! COOS BAY WIRING COMPANY, 153 North Broadway. Telephone 237-J. MARSHFIELD ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO., 172 North Broadway. Telephone 364-L. BARNARD & LANGW0RTHY, 148 North Broadway. Telephone 158-J. SUMNER HARDWARE CO., 86 Market Avenue. Telephone 8-L. See the advertisements in this week's Issues of the Sat urday Evening Post and Ladies' Home Journal, Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178. PAVING AT HANDOV. Work started on tho building of a now brldgo from tho ouBt lino of Unu don Avenue to tho east line ot Alaba ma Avenue, connected with 'the now street rccontly completed, Wobb & Howell havo tho contract; tor doing tho work. It ln quite poBslblo thut a Inyor of asphalt will bo placed on top ot tlio plank, making a perfectly smooth surface nnd u well paved street. Uandon Recorder. .THE HOTELS AT t tmm m V. A Carnegie Peace Commission Report Says Horrors Were Worse Than Portrayed. n7 AbpU(4 rnu I Cm B T1BM.J NEW YORK. May 7. Results or an exhaustive. Investigation Into th conditions In tho Rnlkans during nnd following tho wars of 1912 and 1913 with a vlow to clarifying public opin ion which has been bafflod by con flicting reports and befogged' by un authentic dotnll woro mado public by tho Dalknn Commission ot Inquiry of " tho Caruoglo Endowmont for Inter national Ponce. Pessimism based on the torrlbto moral consequences of n wnr which was n series of unuttorablo ntrocltiee, characterizes tho conclusions ot tho commlBBlon ns to tho possibilities of Immcdluto peaco or stability among' tho. Dalknn nations. Tho situation at prcsont, In tho final Judgment of tho commtsston, is hhrdly suscopt Iblo ot a pencotul solution. "Under prcsont conditions," rends tho roport, "tho enso Booms well nigh hopeless." Tho roport contains soven. chapters and n profaco by Nicholas Murray Hutler. Stabbing through tho glamor or warfare which attonded tho trium phant demobilization of tho Servian troops and nil tho customary glorifi cations of tho victors, tho commission, found conditions ot desolation, utter wretchedness nnd social nnd immoral disintegration which defied full por trayal ovon ln Its comprohonBlvo re port. This moral and. Boclal chaos Is tho direct result, according to tho commission, of tho unspoakablo prac tices of tho -contending forces. The recital of thtoo barbarities which. forum tho principal part of tho roport is tho first dotallcd and collective presentation of facts which havo so far been offered to tho world princi pally ln tlio form of nowBpapor re ports, and churgo nndi counter chnrge. Tho list of Horrors compiled from tho stntomontA of oyo-wttnosses for whoso reliability tho commission voucIiob, ls nt times moro startling than tho un supported rumors which woro former ly received with credulity. In this Indictment brought by the commission' ngalnst nil tho contend ing forces, no ono ot tho Balkan untlons Is spared. Atrocities com mitted upon tho non-combatant Mot loins In Mncodonln surpassed In ninny InstnncoH the crimen committed by tho rnco from which tho Christina nations woro supposed to havo re ceived tholr education In t)o refine ments of cruelty. Tho barbarous acts and Inhuman reprisals performed by Hulgnrlans, Servians nndi Qreekv against ouoh other would be Incredl bln If thoy woro not supported by un questionable ovldonco. From thn data supplied by the commission it Is Impossible to nrguo that ono of thn nntlona wns less violent than another in Its ghastly warfaro. BLAMED FDR At The Chandler. J. It. "iJortholf, Snn Francisco; I. O. Fallor, Snn Francisco; Hobort Dry den, Los Anglos; J, J, Rlannlgan, Rosoburg; 1). Folsom and wlfo, Co qulllo; Hay W. Hopkins, Portland; S. L. Larson, Portland; F. 0. Horton, City; M. D. Hommel, Portland: Y. E. Wndsworth, Portland; It. E. Loo Stolner. Salem: S. A. Parks, Snlom: Kathryn Kissnno, Salomj C. V. Wag ner, Portinnd; w. J. Colobrook, Port land; J. E, Norton, Coqulllo; J. F. Webber, Portland. At The IJoyd. V. P. Stnndford, Lakeside; Ouy Tur nor, City; P. F. Lannnlg, Richmond, Calif. George Mease, Myrtlo Point; W. Cartor, Ilnndon; C, A. Qourloy, Myr tlo Point; 1). N. Snow, Mobile, Ala.; K. weisou, Myrtlo Point. At The llliuico. Miss M. C, Flood. Slsson, Calif., W. F. Ward, Myrtlo Point: Alox Ruth North Uend; Ed. Wilson, North Dond; James Callahan, Alaska; JooOreshlol, uiuesido; Hoy Jones, North inlet; c. W. Linn, Ilnndon; J. F. C, Klldoro, Ed. Furgerson, C. A. Andorson, Jay Shohan. At The St. Lawrence. Georgo M. Hcadloy, Oak Grove; Mr. nnd Mrs. Murphy. Coos Day; T. J Freeman, South Slough; H. M. Mc- Mnnn, Coqulllo; L, L. Morris, Ilandon J. J. Morris, Ilandon. Have your Job printing done at The Times office. The Exhibit of The Oregon Social Hygiene Society Describing "THE GREAT RED PLAGUE" by moans of pictures, cartoons, charts, etc., Is now being shown at the. W. A. Davenport real estate office on Sherman avenue, North Dead. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. No charge for admlMiou Lady attendant from 'J. p.m. to ft p.m. HUNDREDS ARE SEEING IT DAILV NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notlco Is horeby given that tho tin dorslgned Henry Sengstackon Iras been duly appointed administrator of tho Estate of Marlon Jasper Mc Donald, sometimes known as M. J. McDonald, also known as M, Jasper McDonald, Deceased, All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to the undersigned at tho office of Peck & Peck, First Nr.tlonal Dank Uulldlng, Marshflold, Oregon with tho proper vouchers duly veri fied as by law required within six montm from tho date hereof. Dated May 8. 1914. HENRY 8ENGSTACKEN LUDLOW FIGHT Major Hamrock and Lieuten ant Linderfelt Aro Held Responsible tDr AMUt4 rrta U OyM JH, TIbm.1 DENVKIt, Colo., May 7. Major Hnmrock, Lloutonant Linderfelt nnd tho militia dotnehmont under thorn nro cliargod with thn respon sibility ot tho Ludlow battle and flro which cost 21 lives, In tho re port of tho Womon's Ponco League committee to Governor Amnions. Tho reports recommends an Inves tigation of nil happenings to the end that a distinction may bo estab lished botwoon "rightful exorcise of military power nnd crimes of Individuals, turning tho luttor over to civil authorities for prosocutlon." ADVERTISED LETTERS List of unclaimed lottors romaln Ine in tho Marshflold, Oregon, Post offlco for tho weok ending May C, 1014. Porsons calling for tho same, will ploaso say advertised and pay ono cont for each letter called for. Archer, Neal; Adams, Howard; Andorson, A. L Uorklund, Rudolf 2; Uoeko, John W.; Coos Kennels, Tho; Croason, u. L.; Corborry, Mis Mary; Curtis, W. II.; Davis, J. D,; Donuolly, Josoph A 5; Grors, Chas.; Griff, Mrs. J. C; Hanlow, Edgar W,; Hanna, K,; Hill, John; Hau gomen, Agusti; Hunter, L, P.; In gram, Frank E.; Kenuody; Keith. Louis; King, Mrs. Douglaa; Lyon, Ken non; Lutz, I), E.; Mann, Oscar; Mattson, Lafo; Moore, Norman; Morris, Albert E.; Oldhowsklz, L.; Pnlntor, wrs. Carrlo; Pottorson, Mr. and Mrs. Evald: Plngree, C, L.; Porter, Chnrlos R.; Rntllff, P. II.; Rand, Annie; Rand, M.; Robertson. II.; Stacnpar, Colpzion, D.; Thomas, Mary E.; Whlttetnaro, Day; Wortz, Randolph W. Wlnthe, E. L.; West orberg. J. F.: Williams, Ilert; Wil son, W. F.: Zelr, A. L. W. D. CURTIS, P. M. DOID HOUND OVER. Tho Roseburg Review says? A. C. Hold, who was accused of swindlluK farmors In this vicinity on ordora for clothing, pleaded guilty aftor a brlof hearing in the Justice Court Monday afternoon, and was glvon a fine of SCO. Unable to moot th Administrator ot tne hstnto of rino, ho was placed In tho county Marlon Jasper McDonald, Dc , Jail to mako up the amount at 2 ceased. 'a day. Ebon Modo, who attemptod (First publication May 8 1914. Last; an assault on Mrs. Roy Fisher, fur- publication June o, 1914.) nlshod a bond for 91,000 for his i nppoarnnco. If you are not ashamed of roar good A I) V E H T I S E THE M. Times Wan ads bring results. a an ij 11 41 I