ISsfi i """nl ' J UtJtJfcteBtMm ffit.f nAAnw yy'g1? " "rr, nt. THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FIVF willllEnfflIIIIEt3&i& 7rk raSi ' StUiIlllliISIIlSHCs UnllllllllllHIbfcHaBMKJ W J SM anillWIUIIni mM9 v s VPN J231 IK iII'IIP 71 fpg PHALK stripcs-b!ti2i and white, black and iwhite, gray and white- WV LO they all have the call this year You 11 want one of these suits; they're great for business and most everybody looks good in them too Hart Schaf f ner & Marx up some us in Copyright IUrt Schsffncr & Marx have made "beauties" for snappiest new You ought to know what that means the designs If you, don't come in; we'll show you. The prices start at $ 8; exceptional values at $25. j All clothing purchased in this stoic will be kept pressed free of charge. TIDES FOR MAY. "Below Is given tho tlrao and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on the Bocond line of each day; a compar ison on consocutlvo holguts will in dicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar substract two hours 34 minutes. Hrs. Ft.. Hrs. Ft.. G..10 1.2 0.03 C.2 11.42 G.O 6.23 0.4 5.24 0.9 12.45 D.l 0.0 0.0 G.13 1.2 WEATHER FORECAST (Dr AxwIl'M rmi to Coot tli; Tim.) OREGON Rnlu; southerly I winds. , I LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m May 8, by Hen J. Oatllnd, special government mo I tooroloclst: I Mnxlmum 05, .Minimum , ig At 4:43 a. m 50 Precipitation 19 Precipitation Bluce Sept. 1, 1913 02. R9 I Preclpttntlon same porlod last year , SS.8G Wind: southwest; cloudy. . BORN. I Loe To Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leo at . their homo at Hunker Hill, Friday, May 8, a daughter, their first child). Mother and babo are doing nlcoly and Mr. Leo Is about tho happiest ever. Woolen Mill Store The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx good clothes, . AssliiteiiMM )$ft; M"' fc- ? ) .Q -',. IU i t i NOTICE TO TI1K PUBLIC. nv order or tih: court tho entliv seven.tliouHuml dollar stock of Men's Clothing nnd Furnishing store, fixtures, etc., of The Toggery, corner of Broadway and Central Avenuo will ho placed on salo Sat urday evening. May Dili, ut 7 i. m. Store oen until 11 p. in. Tills , stock will bo sold nt prices far be low the actual cost of production, tho solo object being to get the money for tho creditors. Watch Uio natters for further announcement. 11 JOHN O. KENDALL. Assignee. i " ' .Many PntntocH Carl Albrccht has planted flftuon acres of potatoes on his ranch south of Myrtfo Point nml expects to gather a crop of spuds that will look Itko n gold mine. Architect Unit Plans for forming a cluli of tho local architects nro un derway. Tito organization will bo similar to tho ono rorently perfected by tho contractors and builders. Iimto Today Tho following loft hub morning on mo urnin singo: 12. M. Rosenthal, Dr. and Mrs, Dunn estor of North IJond; M. Richardson, W. J. Colobrook, F. S. Oerman, John Browstor audi John Fostor. f Two HervlcvH Ilov. Fathor A. It. Munro announcos that two low mas ses will bo eolobrnted at St. Monica's church next Sundnv. thn first at 8 to'clock and tho second at 9:30, as ho win icavo a 11 ociocic ror I'ortianti. to niuui o'liveuiion. uov. rainor A. It. Munro and 10. 1). Noouan will go to Portland Sunday as dologatos to tho Oregon Stnto Convention of tho Knights of Columbus. Hugh McLnlu, tho other delegate, tins already gono and will probably bo honored with tho district uonutysiilp of tho oruor. i Omh Illver Vlsitom. Tho follow lug nrrlvod on tho Hnlnbow from Coos Illvor this morning: C, L. Smith', Frank Smith, Charley Smith, uoorgo smitn, James smltli, Harry Alvorson, Miss Alma Goddcs, Charlos i Kltzmnn. Mr. Honors. C. H. Dnncnn. F. l Howo, Mr. and Mrs, W. G, lies- soy and B. W. Ouptll. (llvo Kuiokcr. Tho Mllllcoma Club I will glvo a smoker next Monday ovon- Ing coiipllmontary to Tom Richard son, tho Portland, booster, who Ib I making a tour of this soetlon. Mr. Richardson will bo hero Monday on routo to Portland after hnvlng mado tho CoquIIIo Valloy. Parish .Mwtlng. At 8 o'clock this ovontng in Oulld Hall there will bo tho annual parish mooting, called to elect a Vestry noard for tho ensuing year and to hear roports from var ious parish organizations. Tho mem bers and friends of tho church nro In vited to attend. To BiK'iid Hummer Here. Dr. J. T, McCormnc has rented tho Carl Kvert- I sen residence at 10th and Commercial avenuo and will romaln on Coos Hay for the months of Juno. July and August. Mrs. McConnac and Fred win arnvo next wook. Install TeimlH Court. R. F, Wil liams has had a cement tennis court built In tho grounds of his reslilenco at Ninth at root and Central avenuo. This Is tho first cement court in Marshflold and will undoubtedly prove more satisfactory for this cli mate than tho earth courts. Will Sell Stock J, C. Kendall, assignee of K. W. Kammerer, has de cided to soil the Toggery stock at re tall ami will start tho sale Saturday evening or Monday morning. Tliero Is about $5000 worth of fine clothing and merchandise and he plans to sell It at wholesale cost price. Tho fix tures will also bo sold and the two year lease nt $72 per month will bo sold. Mr. Kammorcr's debts amount to only about 13000. Pay Larson. The county commis sioners yesttsrdny finally ordered Jul ius Larson paid tho SG00 balance duo him on his contrnct for Improving Kontuck Inlet. This hns been hang ing fire for three or four years and many of the records of the matter wore IobL Injured Today, Oarson Gnrrett was brought lioro today to bo treated at Mercy Hospital for Injuries ho sus tained today by a fall off tho scaf folding of tho bridge on tho North Fork of tho Coqullle. Ho fractured his arm nenr the wrist. Ho is about 21 years of ago and' his parents live nt Gold Hill. Ho wis n mombor of tho local railroad bridge crow. New Truck Arrives. A now truck for tho gnsollno enr which Is oper ated ovor tho Wllhunotto Pacific Hnllroad between Marshflold and North Uond, arrived this morning on tho Nnnn Smith, nnd sovoral skilled mechanics havo been busy all day attaching It to tho car, Tho work Is In chargo of Kd Uunnoll, mechanical onglncor. Tho now truck weighs 3300 pounds nnd cost tho company about $1700. It was shipped from Omahn by rail to San Francisco, thenco to Mnrshflold by tho water routo. Tho car hns been out of commission for over a month but will be on tho run again in n few days. llcdondo HrenkH Record. After n record run of thirty hours tho stonm er Rodondo arrived In port from San Francisco this monlng. Sho loft tho metropolis nt 10 o'clock Thursday morning. Captain Krlckson reported a pleasant but unoventful trip. Among tho passengers to nrrlvo on tho steamer were: Al Hurke, Fred Gallagher, Joh'n 1)111, Harry Oestior, J, S. Cattral and Or A. Mitchell. rlso from Catching InloU CAPT. CHAS. BUTLER, known to many of tho oldor residents, lo hore awaiting a boat for San Francisco. Ho has bcon on tho Coqulllo. WILLIAM KAISER, Miss Glndya. Howard and Swan Uonson came in this morning on tho North Star from North Inlet. OTTO HILL, Carl Johnson, Oscar Kalno, M. Noah' and Miss Jennie Uowmnn arrived on tho Alort this morning from Coos Rlvor points. DENJ. OSTLIND, tho nrchltect, who has been in San Francisco, will leave for Portland Saturday nnd expects to return to Coos Bay lo. about a week. MR. AND MRS. FRED HACHMAN, formerly of Marshflold, who have bcon visiting In Indianapolis, nro now In Acton, Indiana. MRS. WM. DEUUNER returned on tho Nann Smith today from n visit at tho homo of her son, George Doubnor, In Uorkoloy. MISSES NORA TOWER and Frances Williams returned today on the Nnnn Smith from Uorkoloy, Cali fornia, whoro they have been at tending tho Unlvorslty of Califor nia. Among other Coos Hay stud ents who will return 'from tho southern collogo this wook nro Mis ses Hazol Powors and Uossto Coke and Lcsllo iBnacson and Fred Mc Cormnc. SUPT. A. G. RAAH of North Uond was In Marshflold yesterday. Mr. Raab thinks that tho good roada bond Ibbuo should bo boosted nnd carried. Ho says that tho building of short stretches of road out of tho different cities will bo tho nu cleus for securing a through high way soonor than It qould bo other wise and that In tno moantlnio tho Bhort stretches of good rond wilt benefit tiro most people. IPEOPhEYOUI i ;& &Mtxi vy'' y . TiTe Royal TONIGHT MISS MABLE FORD singing two pleaBlng songs. "THE WORKER" A mastorful 3-reel plibtodraraa of tho trials of Capital and Labor, "A TRADE SECRET" Majestic one-reeler. Trade secrets turned Into love secrets. "HIDDEN TREASURE RANCH" An American farce-drama featur ing J. Warren Kerrigan. , 5000 FEET OP ALL NEW PIC TURES 5000 FEET. ADMISSION; Lower floor 16c. Hafcony 10c, Coming 8unday "THE DOWN FALL OF FRANCE" An exclflrtg' 3-reol feature of tho stirring war times of France In I860. PHONE ICQ D 10 Cent IJO-K Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY &) WWCAM fi! ABOUT E. H. MORRI8SEY returned today rrom n trip to California. HOMER UURFORO arrived on tho Sunrise from Sumner. T. MANSFIELD of Coaledo arrived on tho Ilansheo this morning. B. FOLSOM nnd wlfo or Coqulllo wero Marshflold visitors yesterday, CONTRACTOR SWAN BENSON was In from North Inlet today on busi ness. WALTER HOLMES was In from Beaver HIM last evening on busi ness. JUDGE HALL has roturned-from Co qulllo, whoro ho has boon holding court. W. II. SARGEANT, good, roads boost er rrom Ton Mile. Is In Marshflold today on buslnoss, CAPTAIN HRITT was up from tho llfo saving station yoslerday on business nnd pleasure. , J. M. CULLEY and Elmer Mntaon enmo In this morning on tho Sun- CLAXiriED I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY I l'Oll HALIlriim bred Berkshire pigs, registered stock. E. U Bes soy, Phono 3108. FOR HALE CHEAP Hmall fiimlftlf cd rooming ltouso. D, enro T'tnes. FOIt HALE Second-hand Hewing mnchino motor. Apply E. P. Lewis, Plonoor Hardware. LOST LOST $1 gold pleco watch cluirow $5 roward for roturn to Will Sneddon nt Times oftlco. FOR RENT FiirnlHltcd llouNekcpIng roonw willi. bath. Telephono 187-R. Grand Theater SELIG'S FILM- EXCLUSIVE FEATURE "TIIOR, LORD OFTlin JU.VOLK" a wild animal and circus mastor piece in three parts showing for the first tlmo at popular f eat u re prices; CHILDREN, 10c: ADULT8, 15c OTHER PICTURES: "CHKK8K M1NI.NO" IndustTles that every tlrod business man should know. Dandy burlesquo Comedy. "M)VE'H DREAM" Another good Edison Comody, "HER FATHER'S SILENT PART NER" Blograph drama, good en ough for any program. Let Us Help You Get Rich SAVE MONEY ON YOUR GROCERIES ' BY BUYING HERE Saturday Speciali 19 pounds Sugar $1.00 100 pounds potatoes ..$1.15 3 Grape-Fruit 25c These prices are for Satur day onlyand cash only. Grocery Store 307 South Broadway. Next door to Postoffice PHONE 192-J. FOR RENT Housekeeping roomn 415 South Fourth. Mrs, Holsnor. FOR RENT Two suite furnished! housokeoplng rooms two rooms oach. 700 North. Front' stieet, Phono 354-X. FOIt RENT Two rooms furnMKxJ for housokeoDli)R, 103 South Socond street. - FOR RENT -l'irlHhrl house-keep. Ing rooms. 077 Fourth St. South. FOR KENT Furnished anartmewt,. In rear 6f 878 South Fifth street. FOR RENT Rooms with or wlthoti board. 160 So. Tenth stroet. FOR RENT Furnished room wlttt bath, for slnglo gentleman. 358 Third and Highland. 4 WANTED WANTED Olrl for offleo work. Address in own unmlwrlttng, "Offlco," caro Times, WANTED Room nnd hoard in priv ate family, References. Address "H. J.," caro Times. WANTED Carrier Intys to deliver The Times. Must bo In at least fifth grado at school. Inqulro at Times offlco after A o'clock. FOR SALE INVESTIGATE THIS aa lots In Railroad Addition on 5th ut. Only 3500. I, S, Kaufman & Co. FOR SALE nt a great lmrgnln If taken at onco; 7 passengor auto mobile In good shape, See aood rum's Garago, FOR 8ALK 20O.acro ranch, t miles south of Dandon. Address Mrs. R. W. Ensign, Bandon, Ore. V Jleadquarters for Penslar's and NyaPs FAMILY REMKDHCS THE LEADING DRUG STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS AND SELECTED AGENCIES. Si 1 4 XwJ flBtTfXviTlaS 1 1 M