T-w-J-- V I : h i UNKIND CRITICISMS LIKE CHICKENS ALMOST INVARIABLY COME HOME TO ROOST A 11ANNKK YKAK This season opens with brighter lirclws for the great Coos Buy and Coqiilllo Valley couutiy (linn eev before, in Its history. For tunes nro In theu making. Arc you busy laying this foundation for yours? VOL XXXVII. Established 1878 na Tho Const Mali ill SITUATION ASSUMES IRE WARUKE .ASPECT TODAY Sec. Garrison Decides to Send Additional Troops io Gen eral Funston ' WILL PREPAREHIM TO MOVE ONJrlEXICO CITY United Slates to Have Suffi cient Forces at Vera Cruz Huerta Complains r DENIES CRISIS. inr Aworlitnt ltwi to Coo. Il, Tlire.. WASHINGTON, 1). C, May 8. Secretary Tumulty declared cm pliatlcnlly that as fnr na known at the Whlto Houao, there was "no HcrlouB.crlBla.ut Vera Cruz." Ho said the dlsimlchoB from Funston dutnlled eondltloiiH de scribed by refugees nntl wuro merely conflriimtory of Infor mation already received. 11HYAV8 VIEW Secretary Ilrynn Bald lato tn dny In reply to the Huerta protest :fhat operations at Vera Cruz Violated thu spirit of the nrmlstle propoaod by envoya, that tho Vnltell States wns tak ing no aggrcBtilvo Btops and nothing -wna dorno in violation of tho .uuijionalQti of hostilities. (Or AwhLIoiJ rmi 1 oo. nr TlniMl WASHINGTON, . C, May 8. The .Mexican situation assumed u moro wnr-llke aspect today. Tim nctivitk or tnu wiir uopnrunonu nciiHiiiT. in iiiu win Liupm iiiiuuv- Ttnicn 'urn"" n uigm uii iuiuiii,muo ..uivuiiiyu .Mvy inru JIOUUIIY cf long conflflentlrtl advice fromj morjilpi;. (icnerrt Funtnon, were renoweti through tlio morning and brought to tho attention of President Wilson and tho cabinet When thu regular intilon tii.rnn. It wns Vurncri on h&h ntithorlty that thu War Department hns undor consideration thomnrly and ndoqunto relnfnrcomioit of thu command of llrlpmllof n.innrnl ITSinHttjn nt Vera Cruz to carry out nny movement i iai IMIKIII iio iiUuuniHrjr mtu uvi Interior of Mexico. - I tar awwuim rr i com ru? tihim.) ,fTA,inqHr,?,rUnIn0fi!!rJ f fv.! ?hf.t ' ttVI.VB8T0.V. Mnv 8.-TelcRrnph-would l)0 strong onougl o defer. .1 ntMU ,., cllvlty In th- Q.iar hat port against any attack or U ' ,ormnt,u,r-8 uapartmnit bore, nnd undertnko nny posslblo cumpalgu ,. , h ',,, !,.,,..,, nf .,.. asrtlnit loxlco City, was lal.l before Willi ly Jluerta. Secretnry Bryan admitted that this governmom hnd recolved n note from tho South American mediator In which eouipJnlnt wns mado by Huor ta that thu Ainertcnn ofratloii nt Vera Cruz wero violations of the atmlatlco. Tito War Department of ficials, It was said, decided that ro lnforcements wero neodod nt Vera Cruz nt a lntq confnrenco of Secre tary Garrison .mil tho gentxal stnf Int night. Secretary Oarrlwon ana lili advlnora wont ovor the entire military situation nt Vrn Cwiz and other points In Mexico before .reach log tho decision. Tho offlclala point out tliat nolth er tho Unlttid States nor Huerta has jet entered Into a. formal armistice. The mediators havo suggested that hostilities should bo suspended dur ing tho negotiations. To tills Setre tury Hryan replied: "It was assumed there would bo a suspension of hostil ities except to ropol an attack." Ar ticle Four of Tho Hagtio contention, of which tho United States nnd Mexi co are signatories, provides specifi cally that "acceptances of mediation, unless thero bo an agreement to the contrary, cannot havo tho offect of Interrupting, delaying or hindering mobilization or other measures for war." Tho members of tho cabinet on leaving tho meeting, said the entire question of dealing with the situation In Vera Cruz had beon left In tho bands of tho War Department. NOT VERIFIED. (Br Auocltted rrrt. to Cool B7 Times, JUAREZ, May 8. No word that San Luis Potosl had been captured reached tho Constitu tlonaliatfl tiprn todav. - (Djr AtwUtl PrtM to Coo BT Tln.J B WASHINGTON. D. C, May 8. ban T.nla n.wn.,i lino fnllon lnt1 tnO hand or t-hn r'nnRtltutionallsts, ac- , ., " -:. . IEBELS GAIN , SAN L POTOSI m.ng to information wnicn o.- constable Cox nas noiiuea an tafy Bryan transmitted to one of his . 8urroudJng towns of Delmaa be rallers today. inir wanted, but ho described the . "ls . .. olnthns fin cfinnn. ALL KINDS of FRESH FRUITS nd VEOETAIUiES at OLL1VANX WEAVER, rhono 100. oca MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1914 BRING BODIES II SUNDAY Ciuiser Montana to Reach New TorK witn victims of Vera Cruz Battle SUPPLIES FOR IIL'KRTA. (Ur Alltec I'rrw to Coo Dr TlmM.J j 1 WASHINGTON, 1). C, .May ii. Tho Nnvy nopartniont begun J an investigation of tho report I tlmt two Gorman vessols loaded Jiwlth arum and ammunition for l.illuortn.wero bound for Puerto I MnvlfVl .I'll.,., ilinw. n-M .... ... , i-mvuiviiiutu ..IV. V I.IIJ U illll- criuin wnrsinps. I'irrorts will ho made to lmvo thu German gov ernment jirovent tho landing of liio munitions. ID; Aaiodtlod rim lu Com n, TIicm. U'ASIIIVIITrw n n in.. o Tlio jirmored cruiser .Montana, bear lug tlio bodh'S of Buvunteen sailors ami inarlnes k.UIoil during tlio occupa tion of Vera Cruz, Ib duo In Now Vnrk Sunday. Momoilnl services at whlcKU'resldeut Wilson will voice tho inuiiiu oi iiio.nnuon win iicgin nl TO (MlUtV TROOPS. ID Atootuti rrMt to con nr "im.i BALTIMORE, May 8. Tho steam a DorchuHor hniuhi'ou requisitioned b tho War Department to carry troops' nnd muiiltlvuB to Mexico. KUI'llilES TO MENICO. , ,anport Sn,tlIlo ,,. Accused Left Henryville TTDis Marninn Claims Promin ent t'onnections Dan M. lMjmus, -nho Is being sought for tfefw tiding U. U. Hamp ton, of tho Central Hotel, out of $20, left Honrjvlllo tha morning In a changed suit of clothes nnd o far has not beeu apprehended. In addition to tho clnrgo that n, K. Hampton has filed against Delmas, J. A. Roberta, of tho O. K. chop house also wants him liecniiBn Roborta stood good for somw stuff Dolmns securwl. Another chargo is also against Dolmns. that of Issuing a check for $5 to Driver Richards of tho dorst & King lino whon ho (Delmas) had nelthor chocking account nor funds In the bnnk. , ... Whether nny moro charges will como Is not known. CIiiIiiik Hext Coniieetloiis. Delmas, accoidlng to Hampton and Roberts' Btory to Constable Cox, claims to bo a nephew of Delpnln M, Dolmas, tho former San Fran cisco lawyer who gained bo much notoriety as tho chief counsel for Harry Thaw In his first trial for slaying Stanford White. They stnto that Delmas nlso had letters showing that he formerly held the position of first paying teller at the First National Hank of Chicago, and also had a lotter of reference from officials of tho Corn Exchange National Bank of Chicago. In view of Delmas actions, but little credit Is given to bin claims of prominent connetious. I'rii'tid nt lleniyvllle. Constable Cox was Informed to day by tho timekeeper at tho Hen ryvlllo coal mine that Delmas was thore last night with some friend. This morning Delmas got up early, discarded his new clothes and loft to catch tho morning train to Co- ' . ' .... . ttir HmAlfnoiicr heard that Delmas was wanted, he notlfed L.at .H r.. snenu uaoo. ! ".. i - 'vrav rlnthes. tan shoes. finn' Tin Ui O .-- w etc.. which Delmas discarded this morning, Delmas new outfit is not known, FAIL TO CATGH ! DELIS TODAY MEMI1EH OP THE I CUUBHUN FDEED TODAY District Attorney Has Non Support Indictments Dismissed (Speclnl to Tho Times.) t C0QU1LLE, Or., May 8,-Tho ease of C. 11. McLaughlin on 'trial on tho charge of failure to support his wife nnd child canto to an' un expected closo today when District Attorney Ijll'eqvlBt asked that both Indictments bo dismissed without the easo being submitted to the Jury. Yesterdny after tlio prosecution had Introduced nil of Its evidence, Attorney Wntklna for McLaughlin, tried to gut n uou-sult, but this was denied. McLaughlin hlmsolf then went on the stand and wns again on the stand most of tho forenoon. Following tho completion of tho evi dence for the (lefonso, Mr. Llljcq- Int naked thnt thu enso bo dlspilssod without prejudice, feeling that tho testimony of tho prosecution was not sufficient to sustain tho indict ments. During ,tho securing of n Jury, Attorney Wntklna for tho dofenBo, lnld speclnl stress on tho vlowa of tlio veniremen on tho deportation hero last summer, claiming thnt tho sentiment moused against McLaugu Hn becniiHQ ho espoused thu causo of tho I. W W. was responsible for Ida Inability to secure employment. Whether thla will terminate thu matter la not. certain. Tho wltnessea for tho prosecu tion In the McLaughlin cnao werq Mm, John Unfile, Mra. Johnson, who Uvea near thorn, Mra. McLaughlin, Ruth McLaughlin nnd Rev. A. K. llauftford. Mrs. Johnson wns tho best wit ness, tolling of thu needy condition or the family nnd McLnughllu's falluro of oven .attempting to pro vide lOf iduun. llow iiassroru tout or am extend ed to them by tho Baptist Church. Mrs. McLaughlin told of bis fall uro to provide rfur them and also told of family mtinbbloa In which hu threw hot mush In McLaughlin's fsco, lieuvofl cudgola nt him, etc. Itimdon Cat"' Up. ' Tlio case of Kenneth Perkins vs. Young, of Ilandon, was cnlled for trial soon nftor thu McLaughlin enso tiui .compli'tcil let corner Anderson and Klookers Award ed North Bend-Empire Hoad Work Bejecl :Bids (Spoclal lo The '.Times.) COQUILLE, Or May 8, Ander son & KlocUers, of Nrth Bend, wero awarded tho .uvutnict for clear ing nnd grading ,tho .new North Bond-Emplro road by the County Court. Their hid was tho lowest of six and waa JJ17S0 vrho County Court xojectfd the threo bids on tho clcArlj; and grub- blnc of tho new Shlnglo IJouso Slough road on tho tiounJ Uiat tho prices, ranging frwn J1800 to .S.1,100 wore too high. Tho bid ders wero Hegllo and Twin, uag qulat and BJornuist nmf J. J- Burns. Wu- liliU will iin naked Halt tillio. separating tno work. IN CITY TODAY Superintendent of Oregon State Hospital Notes Changes Dr. R. 13. Leo Stelner, suporin- lo...1u..t nf tlio Drnirnn KtlllO IlOSIlItal at Salem, arrived In Marehfleld this morning and la stopping at tho Chandler. He la her to look after property owned by Home oi me pa tlenta at the hospital and other r.,atr nf a llM.ltlpRg natUfO. Dr. Stelner saye he Is surprised at tho many changes tnat nave oeen mauu n the nppearanco of the city slnte his last vlBlt about a year ago. Dr. Stelner Is accompanied by 8. A. Parks and Miss K. KUsane, who are also connected with the state hospital In an official capacity. The party will go to Coqullle this eve ning and return to the city again tomorrow. They will leave Marsh field for Portland on the steamer Breakwater next Sunday, AT NORTH BEND DR. S EINER IS lX K. 4r. ,'fnnin Jin Hi'imlWI i.W IWUP. Hag Exmt& ASSOCIATED PRESS EVENING EDITION. GET JURY IN BECKER CASE Four More Secured This Morn ing and Evidence Will Start Soon (Ur Aitocltltd rmi to Com Ilr Tlmn.1 NEW YORK, May 8. Four Jurors wero ndded to tho six already In the box nt tho forenoon session of the second trlnl of tho former police lieu tenant, Charles Becker, for tho mur der of Herman Rosenthal. It Is con sidered probnblo that the list will be completed boforo adjournment. Tho Jury for tho second trlnl of Beckor hnH been complotcd with the selection of tho twelfth man. ROCKEFELLER T United Mine Workers Say He Could Have Avoided Kill ings in Colorado Df AM0lt1 ltru to Cooi tUr Tlmta ) INDIANAPOLIS, May 8- John I). Rockefeller. Jr., could hnve prevent ed tl-e loss of life In Colorado by fnvorlng u settlement of thu eonl strike through meetings of tlio op erators and tho miners, ncrordlng to a statement of tho International exe cutive board. Tho stntoinont de clares that thero tan bo no turning back. "Tho sacrifices already mndo are too groat." MORE ARMS CIVK.V UP. mr amocLim rtnt to ivm nr tiikm.i WASHINGTON, I). C. May 8. Major Si'monds. from tho Colorado atrlko district, reported to tho War Department that 1UU firearms had been aurrendurod to hlri troops nt Louisville, Frederick and Lafayette. ALL KINDS of FRESH FRUITS iiikI VlIOiri'ABLES nt OLLIVANT ,i WEAVER. Plume 11)1". SUFFRAGISTS TO E Hundreds Gather in Washing ton, to Make Final Assault ' on Congress (Br A rll4 PrM lo Coo. II., TIbm.1 WASHINGTON, D. C. May 8. -With but one day remaining before thoy will march on Congress nnd demand the passage of a constitu tional amendment enfranchizing wo men, suffraglsta from nil over tho world prepared today for the final cliargo. Tho mnrehora bear petl tlona nnd resolutions to their Con gressmen urging thu pasingo of tho constitutional amendment. Bl'FFHAHETTi: TO PRISON. IHr AMoclttoil fr. io row Hum LEEDS, England. May 8. Lillian Uuiton, n militant auffrngotte, wns sentenced to u year's Imprisonment for sotting flro to tho Westflold hou United Mine Workers Commit tee Opposes It Now Pros ecute Colorado Strike Or AMor!to4 Fm. to Coo. U.r TIm.) INDIANATOLI8. Ind.. Muy 8. "That It Is not wisdom for tho minors In organized states to engage In a general strike at this par titular time," was tho report of tho executltve committee to tho In ternational Executive Board of tho United Mine Workers of America In session hero, it was decided, however, to push the strike In Col orado and an appeal for financial help was Issued. ALL ARMS WANTED. Or AHotlitod Fro. to Coo. IHr Tlron J TRINIDAD. Colo.. May 8. All classes of firearms, by whomever nnoaiiaanfl mull, tia iflvn 1IT1 Eiln,a al troops distributed throughout the BiriKe regiun tor "" purjiunu uid receiving tho weapons. 300 army rifles and 200 rounds of ammunition for each weapon, consigned to tho United Mine Workers at Raton, N. M., wero taken over uy toe oincers. BLAMED MI P GENERAL MINE STRIKE OPPOSED L-JP ' civ PARCC 1 Consolidation -OlA rHUCO. ,. Ctiaa and Coos IB 1EN1 MB TO SEND MILITIA TO MEXICO MEXICANS LIKE IL S. ACTIVITIES Improved Conditions at Vera Cruz Please Natives bus ness is Reviving Pr AuwMtt rr to foot llr TlmM.l VERA CRUZ. May 8. Tho local newspapers publish prominent com mendations of tho American adminis tration In thla city for tho restora tion of Inw and order and tho stim ulation of bualuusa. Great commer cial activity la evident everywhere mid this la tho subject of much gratification to tho natives. Tho work of reorganization la progress ing steadily as far aa tho snnltnry Inspection, Btrcot donning, collection of back tnxca and rcBtorallon of tho flscnl system Is concorned. Tho military situation Is unchanged. TO BE STOPPED General Obregon, of Moxloan Rebels to Cease it as Dan gerous to Foreigners Itlf AotocUIMI rrrat to poo lur TtniM 1 WARiiiN'riTov. n. a. Mav s. i Thero will bo no further nttneka on combatants by homlis from noroplanoH nt Mnzutlan. Admiral Howard lina cnhled tho Navy Department thnt General Obregon, CouHtttutlounlliit lender, who Is besieging Die city, Iiiih promUed not to Injure forelgnura mid non-comhutnuta nor their property. , iiuwiiro hiiiu iiuu iiiiiiij- AiiiuriiniiHij who were Inside tho Constitutionalist lines did not want to come out, con sidering thomaelioa snfu. Platoon From Fort Yellowstone Relieves California Mili tia at Calexico (Dr A i.l4 rtnt to Coo IUf Tl"".! CALEXICO, Cal., May 8. Tho reg ular army forces on duty horo wor atrongthened by tho arrival of n machine gun platoon of tho First Cavalry from Fort Yellowstone. Four companlcH of California militia broke camp uud prepared' to return to Loh Angeles. County Court Grants Applica tions of Mrs. Flagg and Mrs. Drollinger (Special to Tho TImea.) COQUILLE, Or, May 8 Two moro women wero granted mothers' pen sions yesterday. They wero Mrs. P. N. Flagg of Marshfleld, who was al lowed $17. GO per mouth and Mrs. Marie Drollinger of First Addition, who was alowed $10 per month. Several other applications wero al lowed to go over. Judge Hall states that' with tho exception of yesterday's two pen sions, about one-half of tho pensions which tho county a now paying are attributable to offenses resulting from the 11 Re. of liquor. He pointed out that tho county will likely have have to pay 17.00 per month to the family of Jaa. Fer rari, who was convicted yesterday of murdering John Kelly during n drunken brawl at Henry vIIIq and also to tho family of E. Maksutls, who hanged himself at Lampa and also to the family of another man killed a few days ago on account of liquor. ALL KINDS of FRESH FRUITS ami VEGETABLES at OLLIVANT it WEAVER, l'hoiio 100. BOMBS MACHINE GUN FORCES AID PENSIONS TO TWO WOMEN DON'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrate your advertising In thu iawdinpcr tlmt reaches the pco plo J'ou wnut to tnlk to. AtuinnnU tion costs money. The Times mixes money to advertisers. of Times, Coast MallY fin 248. ifj.- Advertiser. Day Advertiser. I New York, Ohio and Pennsyl vania Asked to Have State Troops Ready to Go iWANT THEliTpREPARED TO EMBARK QUICKLY Sec. Garrison Gets in Touch I With Three Governors for Possible Army Aid call Volunteers. i nr At.oeUtft Trrti to Coo. nr Timer. i NEW YORI7. -May 8. Tho I Department of tho Eunt lias or- 1 dera to mako u upcclat etillet 1 niont Immediately for tho hospll l I nl corps, In order lo organize Hold hospital amhulunco com- ' 1 I punlcH nnd other medical itnltn. VIEW OF REBEL. (Ur Amo,IIJ Vn to Coo. IUr TIiiim.1 WASHINGTON. 1). C, Mny 1 8. "Tho United states nnd Mexico havo friendly relations, which not only the Constitution allsta but thu vast majority of thu people of Moxlco propose lo firmly mnlntiitn. Such re lations should not bo affected by thu acts of Huortn, since they do not volro tho sentiment of tho nation." Thla utatomunt by Rnfaul .iilinrnn, .Constitu tionalist reprgntntlvu, was mndo public by the Stato De partment. IDj AuocUIJ Prf lo foo. n.i Tl-1 WASHINGTON, D. C. Mny 8. In connection with tho military" preparations for n posslblo forward mnvomont, it boenmo known that offlclala of tho War Department and Stato Department havo been In long dlstnnco tolephono communication with tho Govornora of Now York, Pennsylvania nnd Ohio, n nn orfort to dotormlno how soon tho mllltln. orgnnlzatlonn of thoso staten could ho mohlllzod mid sent to tho sea board for shipment In transports. Tho departments havo been qnor gctlc to mnku all preparations 'for mobilization of tho National nMrd' for fiomu time. ; ia , VEEPARE REEF SHIP. (Mr Amu-1.1 lrv lo Con. Il.y TIiiim ) GALVESTON.- Tox.. Mny 8.TI10 Triiuspoit MrClellnu was ordered to Hall today for New Orleium to ha couvorted Into n beef ship. The Tho transports Mondo nnd Sumner will remain hero to take on troops Bhould orders como to reinforce FuiiBton'u army. KANSAS BULL St LOYAL Will Endorse Roosevelt for President Again Favor Suffrage and Prohibition (11 Aucltl4 I'm lo Coo l)r Tim.) KANSAS CITY. Mny 8. Tho en dorsement of Theodore Roosovolt for President, tho absolute disapproval of amalgamation with tho Republi cans, and tho eiidoruemnt or woman auffrngo and county unit prohibition In Missouri, wero among tho rosolu Uona porpared for submission today to n Joint mooting of tho Progrcaalvo Htato rommlttoo and tlio county chair men, S GO TO ALASKA Big Delegation Will Leave San Francisco May 15, on Admiral Sampson (Dr Auvclilod rrtu to Coo. Dr Tlm. SAN FRANCISCO. May 8. Slxtr capltullstB from Washington, Oregoa and Cullfornla will bo the guests ot President Alexander of tho Pacific ft Alaska Navigation company on nn ex cursion to Alaska on tho stenrner Ad miral Sampson which will leavo here May 1G. Tho purpoeo of the excur sion la to permit tho huslnosa men to get a viewpoint of tho wealth or Alaska and to promote trado rela tions. , 2m2aUam2RaH M S M X H -i 1 ...taiLitim. jji mi .,MiMiMMiiiiiiiiBaiaiiaaaaiaiiiiMaiMiaWiaaliiaiaiMMi j,ykk aA.afc. & H