IV -1 SRS. V i rS - WiWMiilfciuiWMitrT-rt 1 rVtm. liib,l...E.- SBfflS;PW TlMtt; MAHSHMBLDi OREQON, THURSDAY, MAY 7rT.Q14EVEMNQ BPITiOWf? -rnn... " " ' '' ,.... i mi. Si ' MMII ill. .T. . iMW.lw.Mwm C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RaTTAIL DEPARTMENT I LUMBER, LATH, BmNGLfcS. MOULDINGS, BASH AND DOOIW. ROOFING PAPER, BTO. . . OUT TUB FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHON "' 188 BOUTH BROADWAY S. S. ALLIANCE BAILS FOR PORTLAND FRO 31 COOS HAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, AT 7:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18,150. Connection with tho North Hunk Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company Phono 44. O. F. M'GEORGE. Ancnt. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY. ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, AT 3:00 P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight WILL SAIL FRQM BAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, AT ! P. M. Ban Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McG gorge, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. Sails from Marshflold May Gth , 1:00 p. m.; May 10th, 11 a. m.; May lCth, 1:00 p. m.; May 20tl), 0:30 a. in.; May 2Gth, 10 a. m. and May 30th, 1:00 p. m. Tickets ob mIo to nil Eastern points and Information m to roatcs nnd rates cheerfully furnished. Phono 427-L. H. J. MOIIR, Agent fi. H. YELLOWSTONE Leaves San Francisco Thursday, May 7 for Coos liny. FREiailT nnd COMBUSTIBLES ONLY. S. S. PARISO Equipped with Wireless. Flno Passenger Accommodations. New Steel Uoat BAILS FROM MARJUIFIELD FOR . HAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, .MAY 0 NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. TOM JAMES, Agent, Marshflcld. G. P. Sheridan, Agent, North Bend. EXTRACTS Wo have JUEt rocolvcd a big shipment of GOLDEN WEST ox tracts. Thcso oxtrncts aro ono of tho vory best on tho market to day and wo gunrantoo them to kIvo satisfaction. Try n small bottlo of, cither tho lomon or vanilla and If It Is not as strong as tho beet that you over uBud tho trial will not cost you any thing. CAPE ARAGO COFFEE. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone 3945. 130 North Broadway. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work a"j.nteed. " carbon paper delivered, Phone us your order. Phone 44. Alliance onice. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUtTLT uu, Abstracts, Red Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. HENRY BENG8TA0KEN, Manager FARM. COAL, TLMBER AND PLAJITING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EABTSIDk- MARSIIFIELD OKFI CE, PHONE 4-J. xTwTY OFFICE PHONE l. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE nanwmuaHaww.1111 mvn iw M em's Hats, .Caps and Parts Big lot of Men's Soft Hats, light and dark colors, val ues up to $3.00, your choice $1.50 Caps, 75c kind ta 45c Cap's, $1.25 and $1.50 values 95o Big line, of Men's Work and Dress Pants, extra val ues $1.25 to $5.00 THE GOLDEN RULE ' OUR PRICES DRAW. An Electric Stove for $2.50 4 EL GLOSTOVO the new portable electric cook stove is being introduced by the manufacturer at half the reg ular sales price, Something new and intensely practicaly In olectrical cooking apparatus; has glowing colls; is economical, sim ple and safe; uses ordinary cooking utensils On exhibition and sale ,by the following: COOS BAY WIRING COMPANY, ( ' 153 North Broadway. Telephone 237-J. ' MARSHFIELD ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO., 172 North Broadway. Telephone 364-L. BARNARD & LANGW0RTHY, ' 148 North Broadway. Telephone 158-J. SUMNER HARDWARE CO., 86 Market Avenue. Telephone 8-L. See tho advertisements in this week's Issuos of tho Sat urday Evening Post and Ladies' Home Journal, Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178. S. S. HARDY SAII.H FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS DAY EVERY NINE DAYS San Francisco Office, Harrison Street Dork, Pier 10. Coos Ray & Eureka Steunwhlp Lino E. J. LINDEN, Atfi., Phono Dong. 2070. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BljTTER Creamery MADE UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. Chimneys Flro Places J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work ot price that are right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call ut "The Fireside," Johnson Wdg., 137 Second St. Phone 434-X French Range. Boiler Work. OUR ELEGANT LINES OF ' NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S., JENNINGS NORTTI DEND WE MAKE OUR OWN . Ice Cream ,,UKU RICH WHOLESOME Orders for parties, banquets nnd dinners filled promptly. If It U 8ARTER8 It's all right. Barters' Front street. Phone 333-J. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICf Free delivery, 8 a. m. and a p. m. Phone 78 EVERY MAN should know Through tho country ho goes The best dressed people Wear A. B. Anderson clothes. F. C. PRESTON, Agt. Marfchfield Cleaning and Dye Works. 128 Front Street. Have your Job printing done at The Time office. Suits Cleaned and Freshed. Suits made to Order. Give Us a Trial. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUMJ JAY DOYLE, & O. O. DAGGETT 200 Central Ave. Phone 2SO-X Goodrum's.Garage home of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 317 Central Av. Phone 878-L DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING, ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHEELD BROS. Russell Building, Central Avenue Wickham House AT COQUILLB Will bo re-opened for busi ness April 1. Your patronage solicited Mrs. J. R. Wickham PROP. --- -KB&rsjg." csUiALiL.. ' ;. .. -w-'M,t--J-.--" 1 - ' Tra.friMHfeMfilHHM ' . . . icirnaafe ii . ij , mtmggmmt i mymmmmHmmmmmmtmwmn MJiia ' ',, .-r" ail r... . - -wr.iTiiaas i ' CODS COUNTY HSTRH . m FIGURES ARE NOW COMPLETE 'twit m till 1M Tho compilation of tho voto In Coos County ns registered for tho primaries Mny 15 falls to show ns large" a voto as was oxpocted. Tho following tabic showd tho voto by precincts and also tho totals for tho c!tlo8! . Precinct. Total. Rep. Dom. Prohl Soc. Prog. Misc. Marshflold 12C3 720 380 22 39 38 48 Ikindon -041 G42 100 44 70 4 79 North Dend C30 230 102 22 42 45 23 Coqulllo o 020 333 204 33 25 11 24 Myrtlo Point 4G3 21? 108 40 31 7 C2 HojrNtrntloii by Precincts 1 Lakcsldo ... 05- 23 31 0 3 2 6 2 Tomplcton 50 25 7 0 8 0 10 3 North Slough 32, 12 14 1 2 2 1 4 Ilaynca Slough 58 I 20 8 B 0 2 11 5 Allegany 89 45 29 3 7 3 2 0 Kontuck Slough ,. 43 20 2 0 10 0 5 7 North Dend North 142 07 41 C 9 13 0 8 North Ilond Contrrtl .'. 237 109 77 9 10 10 10 9 North, Ilond South 98 47 29 3 C 13 I 10 North Bond West ,. 53 13 15 4 12 3 0 11 Pony Slough 33 18 .10 13 0 1 12 Emplro 71 42 18 2 0 0 9 13 Cooston 05 39- 17 1 3 0 5 14 Coos River 141 80-30 2 7 4 3 15 Catching Slough 58 28 15 1 8 3 3 10 Eastsldo .". 05 28 14 13 9 0 1 17 Marshflold North 203 122 53 1. 7' 0 14 18 Marshflold Con. No. 2 404 241 175 0 11 12 19 19 Marshflold Central No. 1 .. 203 .103 05 5 10 8 6 20 Marshflold South 323 200 87 10 B 12 9 21 Dunkor Hill 170 88 48 3 21 5 11 22 Nowport Gl 42 14 1 3 0 1 23 South Slough 40' 21 12 0 5 1 1 24 Coos City 40 N29 10 0 4 0 O 25 8unnor 05 42 15 1 4 2 1- 20 Burton 50 24 22 0 0 0 10 27 Dora 85 50 13 2 9 3 8 28 Leo- 28 11 10 0 0.0 1 29 Cunningham ,..88 52 25 4 1 0 0 30 Coaledo ..01 40 17 0 2 0 2 31 Fill Elk ... , 01 51 30 3 3 2 2 32 Conulllo Northwest 43 23 11 4 5 0 0 33 , Coqulllo Northeast 92 55 14 9 7 2 5 34 Coqulllo Southwest 199 98 81 4 4 J 8 35 Conulllo Southeast 290 157 08 10 9 5 11 30 Rlvorton 112 55 30 4 U 1 0- 37 Prosper 130 82 29 1 13 1 10 38 Ilamlon Northwest 374 230 GO 1G 18 2 34 39 Bandon Northuast 248 127 G8 0 23 2 13 40 Ilandon Southeast 20G 113 40 11 25 0 16 41 Ilamlon SouthwcBt 114 00 19 2 1 0 10 42 Two Mllo' 1H0 H 20 8 01 1 18 43 Parkorsburg 05 30 24 1 5 0 G 44 Lnmna G3 23 30 0 7 0 3 45 Four Mlli . ........ 89 35 25 0 22 0 7 40 Norway ... 171 70 07 4 9 2 13 47 M?iraurl ...... .... " 33 13 0 0 0 5 48 Myrtlo Point North 237 108 05 22 8 3 31 40 Myrtlo Point South 220 111 43 24 23 4 21- 00 Catch ln Crook 110 58 23 7 14v 3 11 51 Sugar Loaf 20 50 20 4 .11 2 10 52 Enchantod 112 G5 20 4 9 2 12 53 Rowland ..20 9 12 0 3 0 2 0043 3507 1804 243 510 140 427 - - T, ' infliastrialReview of the State' NEW FACTORIES, IMPROVEMENTS AND ENTERPRISES TnAT INCREASE THE PAYROLLS AND PROMOTE THE DEVELOP MENT OF OREGON SALEM, May 4. During tho past Is examining- tho books and accounts woek two decisions havo been ron-. of about fifty public utility corpora dored nffoctliiB Industries. A fodoral tlnna to ascortaln their physical valuo rnnri nt Portland unhold tho Orogon and oarulugs. ninn Rkv law. and tho Sunremo Court Malheur county Pomona grange uphold tho second suit brbught by n working Klrl against tho Minimum Wngo law. Doth will now bo taken to thd Supromo Court of tho United States. It 1b proposo to utlllio tho wlro grass that grows on. Youngs Day near Astoria for tho manufacture of papor. Tills week tho manufacturers ot Lano county will hold an exhibit of tholr products to oncourago homo In dustries. Tho Dalles has bought 140 acros on tho water front to glvo free sites (or factories. Tho Supromo Court haa uphold tho $200,000 bond lssuo of Grants Pass for tho purpose of building a section of railroad to tho coast. To rollovo unemployed, a bill 1ms boon Initiated to tax all estates of 150,000 and ovor ten per cent for u fund to bu oxpended by a dopartmout of public works. A special vessol has boon chartered to carry forty-eight groat Oregon logs to tho Panama Exposition for col umns for tho Orogon building. Tho Toledo co-operative croamory la now In operation. Tho Oregon Railroad) Commlwlpn a If you aro not ashamed of your KOOUS A II V K II T I H K T II K M, ' - ' i 'I' ' SflGETEAKEEPS YOUR Hi W It's Grandmother' Rwlpe to Hrng Rack Color, ,Tiilcknea and Lustre Everybody Is Using It Again Gray hair, however handsome, de notes advancleg age. We all know tho advantages of a youthful ap pearance. Your hair la your charm. It makes or mars the face. When' It fades, turns gray and looks dry, wispy and scraggly, just a few ap plications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred fold. Don't stay gray I Look young! Either prepare the tonlo at home or get from any drug store a G0-cent bottlo of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." Thousands ot folks recommend this ready. to-use prep aration, because It darkens the hair beautifully and removes dandruff, stops scalp itching and falling hair: besides, no ono can possibly tell, as It darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or soft brush with It, drawing this through the nair, taKing one small strand at a time. By morning tho gray hair disappears; after another application or two. Its natural color Is restored and It becomes thick, glossy and lustrous, and you appear years younger. wont on record as oppoBod to taxing mortgages, nB tending to raise Inter est and koop capital out of Orogon. Astoria haa appointed an Industrial commissioner to promoto factories In tho porson of O. W. Taylor. MolAlln raised a bonus of $2000 for a pottery plant that is bolng erect ed and will soon bo In operation, A factory far tho manufacture of load plpo haB boon established at Portland, capable of making 6000 miles a year. Grosham fruit growers are moving to establish a cannery, It was stated nt the Portland Ro tary Club that anyone- with a fair reputation and a good pair of lungs could put over almost any kind ot & freak measure In Oregon. Astoria has askod bids Sot the first unit of public docks to unlto fII and wator transportation. ' North Powder has paaeed au prdln- ' anco to construct a gravity water system. Tho proposed $1500 tax oxomptlorf would raise tho tax on Industries ful ly twcnty-flvo por cont In the opinion of oxperts. Cottago Grovo 1b eroqtlng a ch nory to cost $0000. . Tho Clearwntor Lumber comnany '" or Portland Is clearing the site, for . tho orectlon of a big mill, i Tho f armors around Burns havo let , a contract for tho orectlon of a co- " pporatlvo meat packing plant. Tho J. K. Armsby Fruit company Is establishing a packing house t Hosoburg, The Do Lubo Mining & Dredging -company has bought a largo orchard at Oold Hill and will work the ground for placer gold. Three candidates for Governor and sovoral other aspirants are baltlnR voters with Initiative mwinur ftt l their own expense ' Tho Presbyterian church of Rugeae 1 will bo rebuilt of whlto pressed brlek , Orogon mado. '' ' A pool of mohair sold at Cottage '. Grovo for 27 1-2 cents this year thM,' last year brought 34 contH. Last year tho mohair mills at Portland hud not suspended. The Dornbocher Furniture Vaau.' factoring company will build aaotBfcr '" two-story concroto addition to H t !$- 'nt plant nt Portland, -) H Most Children's Dhwwwea &Art HUk a Cld. - Restlossness. feverlhi4b ii,- la flumod throat and apasmedle .cghl muyoo wnooping cough W UrtlHW fi Hi. uiyo roieys neney' atM -Tar promptly, It helps the ehlldreu eii very much, and Mrs. Shlpps,- May mondsvlllo, Mo., aayst 'I get 'rlisl1' u.uiib Hum ii aaa it i a grew; unHiiciiio ror wnooplRR eeuKh.il vm iicogrnuiun i-narmaey.1- f, u. wuiinn. upposue ctwadler-1 mono y. central Aveaue more, locaj ageney. ; Helps Kidney and Madder Tr rJK hM't 1H 1 IsH i ?-- -. .4H m v i i m 1" 1 i'tl,.' m t . " IB t fll I i ' l1- y- f I'M J.. i-t &- - ' m imnmjmim -"( fy. -s