IS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY,. MAY 7; 1914 EVENING PITIOM. TWO m'lI'M'IBWWtlW COOS BAY TIMES L O. MAIjONKY Editor niul Pub. DAN K. MALONEV News Editor Official Paper of Coos County EAGLES HOLD .CELEBRATION IPBQPbE-YQU CHILDREN ILL IK KORTH BEND (I li KMOW ABOUT w A ronort that tho North Bond O. P. NOAH of Allegany was a viol- school has boon cIobciI on account of Many Have Measles and Whooping Cough But Schools Are Not Closed tor In Marshflofd today, J, L. SMITH Is visiting tho upper Co- qulllo soctlon today. A. O. ROGERS of South Coos Itlvor was a' Mnrshriold visitor today. an opldomlo of diseases there was In dlgnantly denied by Supt. Uaab to day. Ho said that tho high school and grades woro nil open and school continuing as UBtial. Ho said that In tho Contrai school, mere woro "? "?.,.ft"".P-.."..;Y?RJA?.L.F i about iBDunlls abeont this moro " " "- ... ..--,ng on ccount of moa8lcfl nnd Attn I JT VTAniqOM rami, ilnwn nil " n00"lnS COUgh bllt III tllO high the stemner Alert from his Coos Itlvor ranch. 31. C. DIPPLE, one of tho llvo wires of Hondon, was In Mnrshflold to day on business. EUGENE O'CONNELL nnd wife nro Bpcndlng a few dnys at their South Coos Hlvor home. J. C. KENDALL nrrlvod. homo today from Coqulllu whore ho hns been attending circuit court. Mil. And MItS. J. W. RUSSELL nro horo from California to spend tho sum trior with relatives on Coos Day. MRS. W. . SIMPSON nnd daughters. Edith and Cecil, woro guests yes tcrday nt tho Ekblad homo In Mnrshriold. M. RICHARDSON, S. U. Morso nnd W. D. Doyor woro out going pns songcrs on tho Drnln stngo this morning. MRB. ALICE It. SEARS nnd son rtnynor formerly of this plnco nro now located In Colfax, California with Mrs. Sear's mother, tlvcs In Berkeley returned homo MRS. GEORGE IILACK nnd llttlo daughter Cecil, who have passed tho Inst thrco months with rein tliln morning. To (Jive Dinner. Tho domestic scl- onro dopurtment of tho high school la planning to entertain nt dinner nt tho high school on Friday veiling. JHA1tLEB CAVANAUGH nnd Rob rt MeCnnn, of North Rend, nt tumled tho meeting of tho Wood men In Mnrshflold Inst night. Twenty new members woro Initia ted. MRS. C. V. DANIELSON, of Isth mus Inlet, arrived this morning on the hunch Rural, Captain Julius Kruse. Others who came In on the Binio boat were Joo Hotch IcIbh nnd Harry Tremblny. HARRY ORAVES or Isthmus Inlet was In MarHhfleld yestordny on lihalnora, Ho nays n low dnys or stiUHhluo will menu lots or local Btr.Twborrlrn for tho nmrkot. Ho picket! about two dozen boxes nt hi. plnco yesterday. 13. N. HARRY of Sltlcum wns o Marsh field visitor today and left this nf tornoon for Mb home In Hrowstnr Vnlloy, Mr, Harry, onmo In to se curo powder for blnntlng stumps on some or his land In that vicinity which ho Is clearing. Ho reports tho road' in good condition. SUPERVISOR T. A. GOIiOEN re turned yesterday from Inspecting Miss Lola Montgomery's school at Dnnlols Creek and wns pleased with tho showing. The b?'vooI graded over ninety per cent nnd It Is ex pected that It will soon bo brought up to Class A nresont, Mr. Itaab said that there woro only two ensos of smallpox In Nrth IJend now, ono bolng Miss Moody nt tho Geo Hnzor home and tho other Mrs. Pettlt of Old Town. Mr. Rnab said that as long ns tho moving plcturo shows nnd other public places woro open, ho could seo no uso In closing tho schools to try nnd stump out the epidemic of measles and whooping cough. MOTHER'S DAY IN NORTH REND j' Union Service to be Held in High School Next Sun day Afternoon Mother's Day will bo observed by n union sorvleo In North Rend, Sun day, May 10th, nt 3 p. m nt tho assembly hall or the high school. Thoso In chnrgo request thnt ovoryono bring his mother or somcono elso's mother to tho meeting. The program Is ns follows: Gloria Pntra congregation. Song, "Rock of Ages" congrogn tlon. Vocnl duet Tho Misses Ashoo. Invocation Rev. R. N. Lewis. Vocal duct Misses Gurncn. Scrlpturo rending Row A. S. HIs ey. Song, "All to Christ I Owe" con giogatlou. Sermon, "Mothora" Rov. Shlmlnn. Song, "Joans, Saviour, Pilot Mo" congregation. Thoso knowing of elderly portions who wish to attend but cannot wnlk will confer a favor by telephoning 181. Each person Is requested to wear n whlto flower nt tho service In honor of mother. LOCAL OVERFLOW. ItoatlN Are Fair. I). A. Jones nnd J. W. Mltclioll or tho Flxup ro turned yestordny from an overland trip to Rosoburg. They report tho toads In fair condition by both routes. They wont out by way of Sumner on the old Coos Dny wngon nml fmiuil It fnlrlv L-nnil in MRS. II. II. HAVNES, or Coos City. ,.0pt about 18 miles In tho Drowsier wiiu nor un uiioMor mm uioie, Valloy. On tholr return via Myrtle Vora Handcock, of Unndon. nrrly- lolnt tho roads aro In good condl- " "" "m l" il"" xcept botween Cuiuiib Vnlloy morning. Mrs. Hnynesls In tho ,. ,lock ttreoi. ..I... . ..1..I. .. !.... .1.. ....! . I ----- --- - . . cuy in vimi buiiiu inuiiuB nun uu n llttlo shopping. They will re turn to their Homes this even ing. I ALONG THE WATERFRONT I Tho Adeline Smith arrived In Inst night and will probably sail tonight or tomorrow. Tho Nnun Smith and Rodondo nro both duo tonight or early tomor row morning from San Francisco, Tho Randolph nrrlvod In from Itoguo Itlvor yosterday nnd Is load ing gnln for Rogue- River. Tho re ports of her trouble there woro greatly exaggerated. Tho Rustlor will Ball tomorrow for Port Orford. SOCIAL CALENDAR. FRIDAY. Dothnny Illble Class Soelal. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. W. E. Hoagland. Skennsn Club with Mrs.. W. W, Langworthy. HE SURE nnd SIGN Coos nay Improvement bond PETITION'S. PINE SHOWING OF BALMIACAAN COATS AVE.VTIIICRPHOOF LIGHT WEIGHT. JUST THE THING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER $1!0, $t!.n(, t-tUS.OO. SEE OUR WINDOW. FIXUP ' Agent Royal Tailors, Two Stores: Marshfield North Bend Coos River VMtors. Tho follow- In arrived on tho stenmor Rainbow from Coos River points this morn ing: Mis Mnhol Muson, J. J. Clink enbenrd, L. D. Smith, Rocco Dlnsco, SI Noah, Charles Itltzmau, Herbert Geddes and Samuel Stcckle. CHILDREN MAY DRIVE Al'TOS. While tho Oregon Motor vohlclo lnw prohibits persons under 1C years obtaining state llconses ns chauf feurs tho siuno lawB allowed chil dren of any ago to tnko out opera tors' llconses, which gives them tho privilege or operating motor vehicles This Is the gist or tho decision ron do rod by tho AUornoy-Geiiornl. A youth had demanded a chauffeur's llconso. This being refused, ho de manded nu operator's license, for which the state makes no chnrgo. Tho law .establishes no minimum ago for operators. BU1CKS ARE MUCH IN FAVOR Over 400 Attend Opening; af; New Lodge Room and Join in Festivities. The opening of tho now linll and lodge rooms of tho Fraternal Order of Eagles was celebrated last night by a banquet, dancing nnd other festivi ties. Tho event wns held strictly to mombors of the ordor and lady guests nnd over 100 attended. Tho event wns ono of the Inrgest nnd most suc cessful In the history of tratornal ar dors on Coos Day. Tho Eagles with tholr lady guests nssemblcd about 9 o'clock In tho lodge room on tho third Hoor. Ev eryone, nnd particularly the ladles, commented on tho hnndBomoly decor ated roqm. The Eagles Bpcnt over $2G00 In making tho club roomB-up td date nnd Ideal In every respect. Tho lnrgo DniBsels carpet on E.o floor of tho lodge room coat over ?300. Handsome Hull. Liberty, truth, Justice and equality, tho motto of tho order, Is posted In conspicuous places. The four words occupy separate frames and nro hung from the four wnlls of tho room. American flags, flowers and eagles formed pnrt of tho decorative scheme. A plcturo of Hy D. Davis, Grand Worthy President of tho Ordor, 1005 I00G, adorns tho ontrnnco to tho lodge room. In tho lodge room wore n number of curd tables and other facilities for games or various descriptions. On tho sccpnd rioor or tho building nro tho dancing hall nnd pool rooniB. All or tho equipment was put Into scr vlco Inst night. Or courso nearly all Joined in dancing, but tho row who were n llttlo bnckward In Hint res pect found recreation In card games, pool or other nmusemeiits. D.iucu IHg Event. Tho dance formed the principal event of the evening. Old and young Joined In IioUi tho modern nnd old fashioned dancos. The Eagles hud a reception committee on tho floor to help tli'o guests get acquainted nnd partners were readily found for thoso who woro without ono. ICoyzor's Orchestra or eight pieces furnished excellent music for tho occasion. Following tho danco tho party as sembled In tho banquet room, whoro n very elaborate Toast va sorvod. Owing to the lnrgo number or pcoplo present It wns necessary to spread n second and third table. Thoso who could not find places nt tho first tnblo kept on dancing or gnthorod' In tho social rooms. Officers or tho ordor hnd arranged to deliver addresses on tho occasion, but owing to tho nbsonco or so mo or tho moBt prominent mom bors nnd tho difficulty of getting all tho guests In the banquet room nt one time .tho speoch making was called off. Officer Named. Among tho ofricers or tho ordor nro C. C. Going, prcsldont; E. D. Noonnii, vlco president: J. D. Sned don, secrotiiry; August Frlzeon, treas urer; It. V, Nnshurg, chaplain: N. Stnmbone, Inside guard; Jameo Shee ban, outside guard;- LK J. Reos, Chns. Ouimette and I'nul Hetty, trustees. Tho committee of general arrange ments, consisting of J. W. Davis, Dav id Kcca and F. Magnussou wore gen erally and. generously complimented on t'.o success of the affair AUTOMOBILE TIRES We have added a complete line to our stock, in the DIAMOND SAFETY (SQUEEGEE) TREAD They won't slide, won't slip, won't skid they grip. This tread also adds greatly to the life of a tire and is:.practically PUNCTURE PROOF. AND LOOK AT THE PRICESABOUT THE SAME AS YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING FOR PLAIN TIRES. ,uu 28x3 $.11.85 - 30x3 $12:65 W 30X3V6 $17.00 2 -J 32x3i2 - $18.10 2T M 33x4 $25.25 Q TjZ 34x4' -' $26.05 S ) 35x4 $26.90 I 36x4 $27.75 35x4'o $36.05 2J 36X4V2 $37.10' M-. 37x4Mj $38.15 j 3bXo 3M.IO " 37x5 $44.45 Qmi 38x5V. $57.30 utner sizes at uorresponaing bcaie THIS IS ABOUT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN OTHER1 NON-SKID TIRES. WHY PAY MORE? tmBBRBBm :- SjSk When you buy m MRS. LA FRANCE i PENSION GIVEN IS T DOW Entire Factory Output Has Been Sold and It Is Dif ficult to Get Cars I. R. Tower, who roturned this week from Portland, saya that a most unusual condition oxtsta In automo bile circles In tho Roso City, Thoro nro plenty of tho standard cars of all makes to be had excopt the nulck nnd tho demand for this car 1ms been such thnt It cannot bo supplied. Mr. Towor bad placed an ordor for n carload of llulcks, but this with an ordor for flfty-threo carlonis from tho l'aclflc northwest, was cancollod. I5y energetic personal errort Mr. Tower succeeded In securing tho threo llulcks which wero rocolved on tho Inst Urookwuter. It Is now Impossi ble to secure any model R37 or 2-t this sonson. It is still possible for n short tlmo to got tho "Rulck Six" nnd tho small touring car, but orders must be placed soon even to get those. Tho Uulek fuetory will turn out :12,000 cars tbU season and every one has boon taken this early in the season. There's a reason. Ask any Uuick wner. Then seo I. R. Towor. Marshfield Delegation Gets Re hearing Despite Viewers' Unfavorable Report After hearing talks by a number of Mnrshriold men this morning, tho Coos County Commissioners re jected a roport mndo by tho special road vlowors on the Mnrshflold-to-thd-Sea boulevard and ordored them to submit n now and moro comploto report at tho first meet ing In Juno. Tho meeting was ono or the most animated that tho County Court has known In n long time, a big dolegntlon rrom Mnrsh riold Insisting on nctlon on tho mnlter. Tho report of tho vlowors In brier wns "thnt the proposed boulo vnrd Is unimportant, and tho traf fic docs not Justify Its construction." It was signed by all threo. County Englneor Gnuld. Viewer Weekly nnd County Roadmnster P. M. Hnll I.owls. Tho report canio, ns a dis tinct mirprlso to tho Marslulold mon, especially tho signing of It by Hnll Lowls, as they expected thai ho would mnko nt least a moro com prehensive roport on it. F. K. Cettlns, rr. Straw nnd a number or others made talks on tho matter. Mr. Oottlus pointed out that It was Impossible ror the com- mitteo to have gained any adequate idea or tho routo from the fow hours spent on it. Tho MarshfloJd delegation who appeared before tho County Commissioners and urged tho mutter were Dr. Strnw, A. T. Haines, F. E. Hague, Dorsoy Krelt zor, r. Houseworth. I. M. Condron, F. K. Cottlns, A. D. Gldley, C. I. Rolgnrd, A. V. Myors. V. U. Doug Ins, W. J, Conrad, D. h. Bucking ham, It. O. Graves and H. Vaughan. Dr. Rartle, of North Rend, was also presout nnd urged It. Reject Fei-ndule Road Tho plan of City Engineer Buck ingham to havo tho county ehnngo part of tho oid roijd through Fern dalo to conuect up with streets that it la proposed to opon was turned down by tho County Court. SEE thnt VOllT.VAMK liTonmllo.l nn tho HAR1IOR Improvement Petitions. Wife of Insurance Swindler Captured at Coquille Given Help in Portland PORTLAND, Oro., May 7. Roco mniQiulntlon was made by tho caso committee or tho Juvenile Court that Mrs. Emily La Franco, wire or James C, LaFrance, sorving a ono to tour year torm In tho penitentiary for obtaining money by false protonsos, ' be allowed a ponslon of $20 n month for tho suport or herself and four, children. The Indictment against, Mr. InFrnneo has beou dismissed. Mr. nnd Mrs. La Franco woro III dieted Jointly for defrauding Insur ance companies or $ ir,000 by plan ting a body on tho banks of tho Clncknrtms Rlvor two yearB ago. Mrs. I.aFraneo later collecting $15,000 from tho companies after tho body had beon "Identified" as that of her husband. LaFrance confessed booh after his arrest In Coos County but on his trial pleaded not guilty. Ho wns convicted and sentenced to tho penltonttnry by Circuit Judge Knvnnuugh. Ho has refused to ills-- vboro he obtained tho body which ho used. Tho Exhibit of The Oregon Social Hygiene Society Describing ' "THE GREAT RED PLAGUE" by moans of ilttnrcn, cartoons, chart, etc., Ih now being ihoivni it the V. A. Davenport real oatnto office on Sherman arcnar, Aorta Ileiul. FOR MEN AND WOMEN Open from in a.m. to 10 p.m. No charge for ndmlwlon Iady attendants from 2 P- to IT (Mn. HUNDREDS AUE.8EEINO IT DAIIA A OOOD IDEA. Tho Oregon Supremo Court has decldod that Grants Pass has tho right undor tho act passed nt the uisc session of tho legislature to build n railroad outside of its city limits. That city has Issuod $200, 000 bonds for building a railroad i Wlldorvlllo, tho pooplo having voted favorably on tho proposition at tho last city election. This Is iho Hrst link for n proposod rail road to tho coast at Crescent City. Now the people of Rosoburg aro getting busy, under tho samo plan, In promoting a railroad from thnt Douglas county metropolis to Coos Hay. The Idea mny take root olse whoro In Oregon. Salem Statesman. IUTUMTIIIO PROVES ll'S WORTH. Cheapness and Durability Make It Most Desirable to IVn.lloloi, For a pavement that hns tho two essential virtues, durability and cnoapness, bltullthle tops the list, and it is not an accident that practi cally ninety por cent of tho property owners on West Court street aim Jackson street who stood for Improve ment also stood ror this kind of pave mont. Tho quality of the pavemont hns boen seen on theso two city thor oughfares and, as a result, proporty ownors on other streets are swing ing Into lino and thoy. too, are asking for bltullthle. There's a reason and that reason Is tho Inherent virtues of tho pavemont. and the strength of the guarantee bohlnd it. Grand Theater TONIGHT AND FRIDAY NIGHT SBLIG'S EXCLUSIVE FEATURE FILM "THOR, LORD OF THE JUNGLE" a wild nnlmul and clrciiB maBtor ploce In throe parts showing for tho first time nt popular foaturo prices: CHILDREN, lOcj ADULTS, 15o . OTHER PICTURES: "CHEESE MINING" Industries that every tired business man should know. Dandy burlesque Comedy. "IXIVK'S DREAM" Another good; Edlsou Comody. "HER FATHER'S SILENT PAUT NER" Dlograph drama, good eu ough for any program ltKMEMIiEH TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT. NOTICE U. S. A. WAH VETERANS Thoro will bo a meeting of tho Spanlsh-Amorlcnn War Veternns, Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock. May I 7th at tho otrico or E. H. JoeJink to make arrangements lor Memorial I ny service. All comrades are ear nestly requested to be prosent. E. H, JOEHNK, Adj. Gen. The Royal TONIGHT MISS MABEL FORD in two now songs. THE RUBY OF DESTINY In six exciting parts. J wonderfully fascinating my : tery, A story woven about smnll FuroDean monarW One of the most wonderfii productions ever mauc. ..,....... i..fAP flnnr. 25c; balcony, 15c; children, 1 Tomorrow night, THE WORKER- SmmJSii LIbby COAL. Tho kind voir hnn AIAVAYS USED. Phone 72, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company, 158-R PHONE 10 Cent Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Have your. Job printing dono at The Times office. Found' A 8,ght.y building to-" ? 105 feet, with a W"" ,eet on 11th street or Sher dvnue in "- x. exactly the location ,oU w .ngfor-flnerl..-- t 1600 on easy terms if once. SJRe.a,l50i iMnassL Flpifpxrmzmsl-' .fc--