uuumin. wmn'iua :; ;b' -il. ir - - ! M. ,1 .-MlrtMhaMttfCMfctaft PT" fj THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1914 EVENING EDITION." " THREi MMMMMMHaHNlMtMHMMI C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETCAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES. MOULDINGS. BASH AND DOORR ROOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT THJB FUEL BILL IN TWO DY USING OUR WOOD. phonb ie. xsa south Broadway S. S. ALLIANCE SAILS FOR PORTLAND FRO SI COOS RAY WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, AT 7:ao A. SI. ROUND TRIP, $18.G0. Connection with the North .Bank Road nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company PhOBu 44. 0. P. M'GHOROE, Agent. Inter-Ocean Transportation Co. Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, ' WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, AT 3:00 P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. WILL SAIL FROM 8AN FRANCISCO FOR COOS RAY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, AT 3 P. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and 600 Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeoeoe, PIiohc 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TISIH. Sails from Marshflold Mar Gth, 1:00 p. m.; May lOtu, Jl a, m,;, May 10th, 1:00 p. m.; May 20th, 9:39 a, in.; May 2Gtk, 10 a. m. and May 30th, 1:00 p. n. Ticket on mIo to nil EaMcrn points And Information m to roates nd rates cheerfully furnislied. Phone 427-L. II. J. MORR, Agent Mean's Hats, Caps audi Pamts Big lot of Men's Soft Hats, light and dark colors, val ues up to $3.00, your choice $1.50 Caps, 75c kind ." 45c Caps, $1.25 and $1.50 values 95c Big line of Men's Work and Dress Pants, extra val ues $1.25 to $5.00 THE GOLDEN RULE OUR PRICES DRAW. BUTTER If you need any butter and want to buy it right come and see us for prices. We can supply you in any quan tities on short notice. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone 3945. 130 North Broadway. 8. 8. YELLOWSTONE Leaves Portland Tuesday, April 8, for Cooa liny. FREIGHT ONLY. S. S. PARISO Equipped with Wlrclcts. Fino Passenger Accommodations. New file! Hunt SAILS FROM MAHBRFIELR FOR PORTLAND, SATURDAY, MAY 2. NORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. TOM JAMES, Agent, Marshflold. a. P. fiherldnn, Agc, North Rend. TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work guaranteed. Ribbons and carbon paper delivered. Phono us your order. Phono 44. Alllanco office. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIKNRY SENGSTAGKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMBER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. .GENERAL AGENTS EASTSIDE MAR8IIFIELD OFFICE, PHONE M.J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PHONE 101. REDUCTIONS IN FREIGHT RATES WITfWRAWN . S. S. HARDY BAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 4:00 T. M. o. r .... .. i ni IV... I. TH-- t I" j-ruuciaco UIIIC0, Hamsun nv. iwii " jVt Toast 8. 8. Line. E. J. LINDEN, Agt., Phone Pug. 2070. . ' e ''t J "DO IT ELECTRICALLY." Thos. A. Edison Said:- "All users will obtain this light, heat . and power from electrical distribution stations." CENTRAL STATION POWER is most flexible r and most economical. Central btation ser ." vice gives you power WHERE you want it and WHEN you want it in the EXACT quantity you need. No over-production of power when your plant is not running capacity- no under-production when your power need increases, Investigate the Economy of Individual Drive Motors Have you ever stopped to consider the econ i omy of Central Station power over the opera- tion of your private plant? Have you ever K figured the exact cost of installing economical individual drive motors in your factory? i Why don't you decide now to let our expert on factory power make a study of .your power problems and prepare aciuai biauou iui jum Central Service power can cut factory costs for you just as it has for hundreds of other for- sa ward-looking men. Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Telephone 177 Today. " SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION ALL 1915 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER Lrcaineryj MADE . UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A .CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Free delivery, 8 a. in. and a p. m. Phono 73 Wickham ' House AT COQUILLE Will he reronened lor busi ness April 1. Your patronage solicited Mrs. J. R. Wickham PROP. Goodrtfm's.Garage home of toe CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 817 Central At. Phone JJ71Mj Try the MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chops KILLED AT McKI.VLEY rhuM, lluiightnii CniNhcri by Lor In AuM'n'a Cmnp. Charles Hamilton was Instantly killed by n falling roo at Aason Dro thor's camp nt McKlnloy whoro he was working. Ho hnd JiiBt cut down a troo which In falling hit against two stings, ono of which struck him on tlio loss and breast. This knock oil him back against a log nnd broke his neck and hi a legs, killing hi in In stantly. Mr. Haughton was about forty yoars of ago and had been a resident hero for many yoars. Ho loaves a wlfo from whom ho was Boparnted end several clitldron. Coqulllo Sen tlnol. CONRAD IS TRUSTEE. W. J. Conrad of Marshflold, trus too for tho Mlocono Oil &. Gas Co., has appointed appraisers for the com pany nnd is In the city today deter mining tho value- of tho company's holdings. Stephen Galller, Qeorgo P. Laird and F. L. Grocnough nro tho appraisers appolnted.-Dandon World IDLE FOLKS HAVE THE MOST LABOR It Is Indeed tho happy man who busies himself at soino congenial task, It Is said Thomas Edi son attributed his recent Illness to tho taking of a vacation awny from his work. Keep busy and your busy ness will keep you. Hut your work should bo agreeable and your salary adequate. If you'd fill your days with siuiBhlno And your nights with peaceful rest, For suitable work and sal ary Through Times ads ond your quest, USE TIMES WANT ADS WALL PAPER See VIERS About it. OUR ELEGANT LINES OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH REND Fight For Home Rule i THEN Ono hundred and twenty yoars ngo today occurred tho eveuta which resulted in an Insurrection for tho indopendenco of Irolnnd. At midnight of that day Dublin was In an uproar. The doors of n local leglslntlvo reform club, n branch of tho United Irishmen Society, burst open with a crash. In tho doorway stood tho scarlet coated soldlbrs of tho King, cov ering the assembled Irishmen with tholr guns. Tho lenders wero ar rested and carried off to Jail for tronson. From this moment dates tho Insurrection that was fouKht out four years lntor. Irolnnd was floodedo with government .troops but tho Society grow rapidly. Oaths of .membership nnd secrecy wero administered. Pikes nnd munitions of war wero secretly distributed nnd hidden for tho uprising. Tho Socloty hnd over 500,000 nlonibors nt tho begin ning of 1708. Stern monsures to stnmp out tho rebellion wore In stituted. Tho Insurrection began noar Spnffoi" on tho 24th of May. It raged for n month, closing In tho battlo of Vinegar Hill with victory for tho government. Tho robolllon cost the lives of 160,000 Irishmen nnd 20,000 English. Three years later tho Irish parlia ment wns romoved from Dublin nnd 'united with tho English nt London. NOW. Todny, nftor moro than a cen tury lindor the rulo of tho Parlia ment nt London, It Is proposed to restoro tho Irish Parllnment tnk on away In 1801, nnd to glvo Ire nnd homo rule. Tho country Is split In tWo over tho prbposltlon. Tho province of Ulster at tho north declnrcs against tho propos al, while tho balnnco of Ireland domnndB It. Tho Houso of Com mons has twlco pnBsed tho bill, nnd tho third pnsslng, when tho bill becomes a law, Is near. Moro than 100,000 men of Ulster stand in doflanco against tho proposed government. Thoy nro orgnnltcd Into n citizen nrmy with Bomo of Great Britain's grontosfc soldlors sb their loaders. They nro drill inn nnd lcnrnlng to shoot stralgnt. Munitions of wnr nro bolng gath er oil. A fund of $5,000,000 la bolng raised for tho support of "tho dopoudent rolatlvea of tho volunteers who tnny bo killed or wounded In tho fighting." Tho lenders of tho government aro striving to avert civil war by conciliatory measures. Moro than 20,000 Urlttsh troops aro assem bled today In tho govornmont bnrracka In Ulster to put down any uprising. NEWS OF NEAKBY TOWNS DEEP HEA FISHING John Nollson of Handon Plniut to Rulhl Up Industry. Dandon will havo a quartor mil lion dollar fishing industry this fall It tho plans of John Nollson and as sociates nro successful. Mr Nollson and his business friends are having a fine now doop sea fishing boat built at tho Prospor ship yards, It will bo fifty feet In length nnd will bo oqulppod with a 20 horsepower gaso lino ouglnc. Tho boat will bo used for fishing off tho Coqulllo bar nnd If It works out aB anticipated will grontly In rrenso that Industry In tho futuro. In speaking, of tbo venture Mr. Nollson said: "Thoro Is no reason why wo shoutd not havo a quarter million dollar fishing Industry hero Instead of n GO,000 ono, ond If tho bont comes up to our expectations wo will huvo It." Dandon World. FOR (i'OOD ROADS Port Orford road district did ItBolf proud on Oood Roadg Day last Sat urday, when over 60 ablo-bodlod men turned out and cloarod a thirty foot right of way from tho Long Srldgo fill to town via of Oregon Jtrcot, a dlstnnco of throo quarters af n mllo. Port Ooford Trlbuho. RUY REEF CATTLE. A band of young bcof cnttlo, that hnd been bought In tho Pistol river country mostly from Dolmor Colo troyo, woro drJvon through Port Or 'ord Inst weok. They woro for Smith Powers, and will be turned out In ho company'siblg ranch on ho South Fork of the Coqulllo. Port Orford Tribune. DEATH AT RANDON Mrs. Colllna, who had boon a res ident of Dandon sovoral months,, and who gave birth to a baby boy April 10th, died here Monday of thin weok, She had no relatives hro at tho tlino. Her husband has not boon with liilr luring her roaldonco horo and can not bo located. Slio was 28 years old and tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gonvorso of Kalama, Wash,, well-to-do people of that sec tion. Tho parents havo been notified and arrived last ovenlnc via tho Ilreakwater to take chargo of tho body. Thoy loft this morning with tho body for thejr homo. Tho child will probably bo adopted by a good local family. Wcstorn World. RERUILD RANDON LAUNDRY Tho Insurance on tho practically new Dandon Steam Laundry plant, which burneil to tho ground lour weeka nuo. boa all been adluatod satisfactorily and thoro remains only inq paying or tne monoy over to Managor Dcrtyger. As soon as this Is dono It, is that Intentions of Mr. Dor Ingor to le&vo for San Francisco whoro ho will purchaso tho ma chinery for a new plant. Dandon Recorder, RANDON RRIEFS. OIVE ROY CHANCE In the Juvenile court last Monday Marlon Dlrd was under Investigation aa i delinquent minor. Ho had rep resented Jvlmself of ago In Order to edobtaln liquor from a saloon In .this city, and the' county attorney took his caso In hand. Judge Hall parol ed him during good behavior and placed Mm In charge of John B. Shuck, CoquJIIe Sontlnol. THE LEADING DAILY OF COOS RAY (From tho Myrtle Point Enterprise.) Clarence Ixmlun, a representative of the Coos Day Times, tho leading dally on Coos Day, was In the Myr tle point section tho foro part of the week. Fvcl Dull and BJiigjrffch? ptaft Your Llvri to Working.' It beats all how quickly Foley Cathartic Tablets llvon your liver. overcome constipation mako you foel lively and active again. J, L. McKnlght, Fort Worth, Texas, says: "My disagreeable symptoms wero entirely removed by tho thorough cleansing Foley Cathartic Tablets gave me." They're n wonder. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan, opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74, Central Avenue Drug Store, local ageriey. Tho Dandon Surf says: "Joo Donnott, of Marshflold, la holding a largo sum of cash which has been put up for wagers on tho wot and dry proposition. Ho has Instructions to tako any bets offered against tho wet proposition' front $100 to 110,000 on an oven break. ''Havo you noticed tho Dandon Woolen Mill moving yet? Bet you a button It hasn't moyed an xnch. "Dandon pooplo who havo boon "stuck"- with county warrants aro In very hard luck. These county warrants aro worthless when offered In payment of taxes and tho banks sting thorn for a flvo per cent dis count In cashing thorn. Why don't somebody hollor "graft"! "Tho Dandon enmo In Thursday with n now sklppor. Tho FIflold having boon put In dry-dock for an annual cleaning nnd overhauling and ns dipt. SolliiBky wont to Ynqulna to look nt tho bnr with n vlow to running tho Dandon to that port, iCnpt. Llndborg brought up tho Dandon this trip, dopnrtlng for tho south Saturday night with 435,000 feet of lumber from Mooro's mill." RECALL IN CURRY COUNTY IVtltloitN Agaliutt County Judgo VkmI4 nro CIiyuIuUmL Tho Port Orford Trlbuuo says; Jo8ho Turner wns In town from Gold Bench on his wny to tho north orn ond of tho county with petitions for tho rocnll of County Judge W. A, Wood, While Mr. Turner anya thnt ho Is not Booking tho position for himself, yot If tho special elec tion Is cnllod ho will bo Judgo Wood's opponent as no othor BUltablo candi date hns offered hlmsolf, Ho mot with but little oBcouragoment horo as tho pooplo of Port Orford aro prac tically unanimous In tho, opinion that Judgo Wood has dono nothing to jus tify tho use of tho recall. COQUILLE ROCIA LISTS Tho following Is tho ticket nomi nated by tho Socialist party for city officers to bo voted for at tho regu lar oloctlon May 11. For Mayor, J. E, Quick. For Councllmon, S. L. Curry, J. C, Noel nnd H. dsJersey. For Recordor, J. H, James. Co qulllo Sentinel. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Lynn Lambeth to Mary M. Martin. Ceo. D, Morgan to Laura. Mc Duffco. Oscar Pearson to Hilda Hfrdborg, Hort A. Wilson to May Pyburn. . Elvln M. Kennody to Georgia A'. Q. Noland. Coqulllo Sontlnol. RELEGATES TO PORTLAND Tho Coqulllo Sentinel says: When It camo to naming delogatoa to th "Out-to-wln" stato convention to bo held at Portland May 6 and 8 tho following woro namod: N. C. Kelly, Mrs. Maudo Annln, A. MeNnlr, Frank Rurkholder,,. !W. E. Cleghorn, Mrs. E. L. Toiler. Mm, Geo. Hennlngor, Mrs. W. C. Cnlln. Tho Central Committee wan author Uod to appoint tho precinct commit- . toonion for oach of tho 53 precinct In tho county. FIOHT OVER RELIGION "Preachor"Soldman, a local eccao'i trie charactor wbq Is considered fan atically religious, was taken to Co qullle Monday by Deputy Sheriff Dlackerby to sorvo a 16 dayentwie In tho county Jail for assault on Mr. Robinson, an elderly gentlemen of this city. Tbo assault Is said to & b.eon tho result of ,an orgumenttw rollgious ouoatlon8.-r,"nandon , wield. Helps Kidney and RlaOdcr TreuStt Everybody Satisfied. Everywhero pooplo are taldtatf Foley Kidney Pills, and are so stl- . fled thoy urgo others to tako tbem also. A. T. Kelly, Mclntpsh, AlaTJ says: " rocommond them to all who suffer from kidney troubles . and bachqebe, for the aro Xtne' Best thing you can tako for..bc. acho, weak back and rheumatism. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. FrfefUr D. Cohan. Opposltq Chandler. Hqtl. Phono 74. Central Avenue Dwf Store, local agency, ' .Y 4 4 nltlKli Er &aji