:Tffi3iS2SMSH &&&. V ....'CttiW. !., THE FINAL DECISIQNJN MOST CASES, RESTS WITH THE SUPREME QT SELF A 1LVNNER YEAR Tills season opens Willi brightcr nroopocts for Iho jjrent Coos Hay nnd Coqiilllo Vnlloy country than cVcr lieforo in Uh history. For limes mo in tlio making. Arc you busy Inylng the foundation for yours? !mj mmt& DON'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrate you advertising in tlio newspaper thitf rem-hcs the peo ple J'ou uimt to talk to. Ammuni tion costs nroney. Tlio Times wives money to advertisers. MEMDER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS don Established 1N78 ns Tlio Const Mall EPRESENTATiVES Accepts Request of Mediators to Name Delegates to Meeting to Fix Terms, ANNOUNCES TWO OF THE THREE TO BE CHOSEN United States Has Not Selected Mediators Place oT Meeting Not Fixed. HOT XOTES V3XCIIAXOED. lr Attactat.1 1'irai to Coo liar Tlmta. WASHINGTON. I). C. Mny 4. Tho ConBtltutlonnllBtB' nnd Huertn lenders nt Mnnznnlllo nro exchanging bitter mcBBngin), ncconllnB to a report rrom Hear Admiral Howard, Who nsnd sev eral loiters, llownrtl said nil la (inlet nt Mnnznnlllo. Br Aunclalt rrtta ' DarTlmaa. WASHINGTON, 0. C Mny I. Ocncrnl Huortn's nproptnnco of tlio TCQiicat of tlio Lntln-Amerlcnn en voys to send dologntos to confer wllh them In tliolr oITorts to medlnlo oetween tliO United StnteH nnd Mexi co Is nnnouncud. To roprcwont hbt Intercstn Huertn lins 'selected 1). Emlllano ItnlRiBH, Moxlcnn Jurist, and AugUBtlno Gnrro Gnlludci, Moxl an undcr-sccretary or Justlrti. The third dolcgnto Ih to ho nnnioll tomor row. It Is hollovotl thnt the media tion .conforoneo will bo hold olso wheru than Wnshlngttm. Fnrthcr aimuanaumait woe mntlo that no dolognto to represent tlyu United States had been sdlectnl for mediation. FRHSIttEXT MEETS Slim. wnon AVm fio ti New York to MM. Viwtrt llrinKlitK tint Vera Crnv. Hlifhi. (Or Anocl.tkl Vnn t Cttu BtT TlmM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, aiay i. rrcsldont Wllaon idnns to go to JlrooMyn Monday nnd moot tho Montana, which Is bringing to tho United Stntes tho bodies .of ttlio mun killed At "Vora Cruz. I'HtB OX U. 8. TnOOl'EllS (Rr AilitJ Prw. to Com n7 Tln.J pi. men T..- i.. a Tu-n troopers of tho Eleventh Calvary, pn-i trolling the border east of EI J'nso ' cre fired on hv tlirmi Mtilcni Inst night from tho othor side of the Hl ---- --- --r - . ' . Crnnde. Tho Americans did not ro turn tho fire. HIT DIE IN (Rr AmmUUJ 1-fM t Oooi Dt7 Tlmn.l VALPARAISO, Chile, May i. Aloro than fifty lives wero lost In n early morning flro In tho com mercial section. Several buildings ere destroyed. They wero fllmsllr constructed and rendered tho enoru of the firefighters virtually uboIosi. MKXIl'AX8 CRUCIFY I1ISIIOP. tDr AwocUtM I'tfii to Cooa Pr TIbim.1 SAN FRANCISCO, Mny !. The Catholic bishoj of Cnhlnpn was crucified by tho Zapatistas, according to tho tnles of refug ees, for refusing to surrendor ' the funds of tho church. CYCLONE HITS T (Br AuocUled Preat to Coot Dr Tlmta TEXARKANA, May 4. It ia re ported thnt a cyclone passed through Hand, Texas, today, killing four per sons an,i injuring twenty others. The "res are down. In XITW YORK ARRIVES laj AwocUta4 Pre (o Cooa Hj Time. VERA, CRUZ, May 4. The U. S. Mttleshlp New York Joinedthe fleet toe today. nio firm: fails. tBr AMocltttg1 fraa cooa Bar Tlma.l PHir.AnoT.tiiiwi n... a nh. 'ure of Cramn Mitchell & Cora- Pany, bankers and brokers, was an "ounced today. Their liabilities xed J3.000.000. ri.HaJ? yur iQb printing dona at The Times office. VOL XXXVII. GENERAL HUERTA NJlTPEACE IMEXICANS WANT VERA CRUZ WATER CHILEAN 10WS MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 4, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TO CONFERENCE II. i SCORED BY .S' Anti-American Demonstration Held in Belgium Today ' March Through Streets. Illr AMMltltd Titm (o Coot 11. r Tltnta. IIRUSSHLS. IlnlKlum. .Mny 4. Under the auspices of tlio loenl HIs-piuto-Amcrlcnn committee, u demon strntion wan. held hero todny In fnvor of Mexico nnd agnltiBt the United Stntes. Severnl hundred students marched to the Mexican legation, whoro Sliccchrs worn nindn nn tlm subject 'iAmorlcnn Aggressions In Malco." Fsllls from !Sumner Mail Boat Near .Genrtje Ross Place In Fog and Darkness (flea. Cntchbjg of Sumner was drowiiotl this morning in CatuhliiK ilnlct by falling off tlio mall bout whllo cnronto' .to MnrshfIold. Tho accident occured. hbout 2 o'clock this morning near thnGt-'orgo Hobs ranch. Catching was icamlng down with Andrew MaRtors .who was running tho mall thont. Ah tlioy nenred the I tons placo, ho w,ent from tho for'd ciililn aft. In n taw mluutcB, Capt. Masters moltced tlionboat rock vio lent and soon afterwards ho heard Catching yell far help. Ho stopped tho onglno'tind rnn to sco what hap poned. Ho heard him call a couplu of tlincH but It was no dark and fog- ui Hint no cwiliiuonrwo nun. i. . . ..... ...... Mncvors Immediately put in to t.io H loco mid called tioorgo Ross "d others 1o help him. They .nnMiii. fnm V. n honrchoil for hours but wuro unable U find nny trace of him. Catching wtu about twenty-six ytnrs old and wns barn nud raised nt Sumner, lie was u hrathor of Mn. Tom Gnodnle, Wlrw. I'nnl Crooks, Miss Jciitile Catching nnd n sen of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. V. C'utcMng. 'ibMly it I'oiunl. Tho bodj was found this forenoon by 3i'8e Hurkor, Clarence Harris and Mr. Stnddon who woro dragging tho river near where ho fell ovor iboard. Cntdilng was n good Bwlmmer but ho wns wearing a heavy overcoat which was buttoned tightly around milking It alimwt impossible for Dim to nld himself. TI o funeral w III probably ho liolil tonvorrow afternoon from Sumner, tho Rov. R. Leltoy Hnll officiating. tlahr'N I'liucrnl'llclil. Mr. G. A. nahr'b funornl was hold this morning nt tho home nt 11 o'clock, according to tho wishes of the family, Rov. It. E. Drowning officiating. Mr. Dahr wa.s born nt Honesdnlo, Pa., Nov. 17. 18U'J, nnd enme went to .Minneapolis whon a young man, nnd It wns a Brent com fort to tho family, to bo ablo to have ns pnll-bearers youug men that he had known whllo they wero hoys. Tho pall bearers wero Vr. nnnran Tftrciison. II. E. Coffin. Ver non Smith, Victor Johnson, 'Del Ilongston and W. S. Mntsou. Owing to tUoro being no evidence of crime, Coroner Wilson decided It was unnecessary to hold an inquest Total Registration in uoos County May Reacn uuy Tabulating Returns. .Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE. Or., May 4. County rinru- Wntsan wil prouauiy noi complote tabulating tho registration returns for a coupio 01 uj, -i.ii,iii io nnd his office force work- pii all day Sunday. A preliminary rhfick Indicates that the total reg- Istered vote In the county It about innn Knt nearly as many women registered as was expected and near y every precinct showed gains In trie number of men registering. The last registration showed about 4000 Qten In the county. MH FUDEKTS GEO. CATCHING IS DROWNED BIG GAIN IN COUNTY- VOTE Make Determined Demand on General Funston Today but No Shots Are Exchanged Asks for Instructions. (Ur AntH-tiud Prtta to Cooa tltj Tlmta.1 WASHINGTON, D. ti., Mny 4. Another fruitless, demand by Mexi can soldiers for tlio surrender of the MEXICANS TO EORI WINGATE Over 3000 Soldiers and 1900 Women and Children Pris oners Transferred. tnjr Autlill 1'rrw to Cooa liar Tlmn.1 KU PASO, Tex., Mny 4. 3000 men of tho Moxlcnn Federal nnny. accompanied by 1900 women and children, who iibto ben Intorned nt Fort Ullss since they crossed tho border nfter their dcrent nt OJIn nga, wuro entrnlned todny for Fort Wlng-atc, Now Mexico, TWO AltK SHOT. New York l'ollcemnii Kllleil liy Unit dltM Who Shot Oif Proprietor. Illr Auorlt.v.1 'rra I Loot IUY Tlmn. J NEW YOUK, Mny 4-Pollcoman Wm. J. Kelloy wns mortnUy wound ed by two lioldup men In RTook lyn this morning nTttr tlirj shot ar.il knled n Greek restmirnnt keeper. I IS WIPED OUT Flat City in Jditarod District Swept by Fire Sunday Twenty Buildings Burn. Illr AixllJ rmi lo Cooa Par Tlreaa.) FAIIU1ANKS, Alaska, Mny 1, Flat City, In tlm Idlturnd district, was almost wiped it by flro yester day, according to a wlreleps we- sngc. Twenty buildings w.ure dttii troyed. London Suffragette Arrested After Being Roughly Han dled by Mob Today. (Or Aawli(4 rma 10 Cooa lUr Tlmta. LONDON, Mny 4 A portrait of Henry James, the novelist, by John Singer Sargent, the Amorlcan artist, hanging In ono of tho galleries of tho Royal Acadomy, .was ruined by n mtffrngetto. Tho woman who com mitted the outrage gave her name as Mrs. Wood. Sbo belongs to a group of militants called "wild wo men." She used n butcher's cleaver. A crowd handled her roughly and nl- so set upon a man who characterized her eourso as an "act of courage" Tho imlntlng wns one of Sargent's masterpieces. Last of Great Commanders at Gettysburg Succumbs Was Fighter by Nature. , , , 4 I MILITARY RURIAL. I (Br AmogUM Prtu to Cooa Dar Tlmta, NEW YORK. May 4. Whllo arrangements for the funeral of j General Daniel E. Sickles, who I died last night, wero not com j pleted, It was slid that tho old j soldier will be buried In Arling ton beside tho military leaders of the nation, f (Br AuocUtod PrrM to C Dar Tlmta. NEW YORK, May 4. General Daniel Edgar Sickles, the last of the great commanders who fought the battle of Gettysburg, Is dead. FoA a. dgcAde- ?g wa A Jjshjgr by (Continued on page two) ALASKA W RUIN PICTURE WITH CLEAVER SI PS w waterworks Just outsluq Vern Cruz wnB reported to tlio Wnr Depart ment today by Genernl Funston, yho biiM the Moxlcnn officers hnd called -on tlio American outposts to surrender but mndo no vigorous ef fort to enforc.o their demand, The Mexicans retired nnd no shots wero 1 1 roil. Funston asked for instruc tions ns to contcinplntcd steps. L FOR CONTEMPT Chicago School Directors Sen tenced to Thirty Days Each for Offense. flr AMOUlt4 rrra In Cooa liar Tltnta, CHICAGO," Mny 4. Eight mom bcrs of tho Chtcngo Hoard of Edu cntlon, including the president, wero sentenced to thirty dnys In Jnll for contempt of court for refusing to obey nn order restraining four mem bers of the bonrd, I The situation hinged on n dispute ovor tho retention of Mrs. Ella Flagg a'ounp us Superintendent of Schools. Tho four rolnstnted momborfl voted hgalust Mrs. Young mid their resl nntlaus, signed before they took of .flee, wero accepted by tho Mayor. T o Circuit Court held that tliolr resig nation wero void. FREE TOLL IS iGED TODAY Stjnator'iTownsehd of'Michlgan 'nonlarnc Ronjal 'Jlnnnc iPei'fidy and Dishonor. nr Aaaoclalad Trraa lo Cooa nar Tlmw.l WASHINGTON, D. C, May 4 A vigorous attack on the bill to re peal toll exomptlon wns mndo In tho Senate by Sonntor Townsond of Mich igan. Ho dech rod that the repoal would mean voting "thq United Stutcti .guilty uf porfldy nnd dis honor" In tho nrlglunl daclBlon to exempt American ships. HOT TIME IN HUM FALLS Police Chief Resigns .After a Fight During City Elec tion There Today. Or AutxHIaJ rr4 to Cooa Rf r Tlmta.) KLAMATH FALLS, Mny i. Shortly aftor tho polls, opened for the city eltK-iion today, It was an nounced uf. tho City Hull that the I'ollco Chlrif, Joseph Smith, resigned because of tlio fight lio had with Charles Martin. Martin, according tn wltuesset, knocked Martin down nnd wns bentlng him severely when ho wns pulled off by several men. Feel Inir in the camnaleu is running high nud a heavier vote thnn usual is be ing polled. c. a. Won Sends Telegram Urging Com pletion of Deep Channel Will Aid Projects. C. A. Smith who Is now In Mlnnea. polls Is enthusiastically In favor of tho proposod additional $300,000 bond Issue for completing tho harbor projects as Indicated by the follow ing self explanatory telegram receiv ed from him by the Chamber of Com merce today: "I am very much pleased to' learn of tho movement Just started for tho widening of the channol to the ocean as previously planned having tho greatest confidence In the future building of a largo city on Coos Ray and that tho possibility for a good harbor Is the primary reason there fore I sincerely dd hopo that tho poo ple.wlll as rapldy as possible take advantage of this natural opportu nity to their fullest ability and when you have dono this you can go before the board of onglneers and congress and ask for the permanent Improve ments on the bar.' HARBOR BONDS A Oonsollilntlon of Times, Const Mail q. 244 nnd Coos lluyAclvcrtluen RICHARD ULNEY TRUST BILLS Democrats Decide to Put Through Several Measures at This Session. Wl I.SOX INTENT ny Auorlatftl l'ma to Cooa liar Tlmta.1 WASHINGTON, I). C. Mny 4, Tho nation's business moved In I tho nnen nlr when President Wll- I son todny moved tho oxccullvo I I offices Into a tent on tho White I I Huuso grounds. I 4 4 Dr AmocLI.J rrttt lo Cooa Vt Tlm.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Mny 4. Aftor n conference) with President Wilson Majority Lender Underwood announced nn agreement had boon readied to put through tho Clnyton omnlbiiH nntl-trust bill, tho Coving ton Interstate trade hill nud n hill to regulate tho Issunnco of stock nnd securities ns well ns tho rural rrodltH measure, boforo Congress ad journs. Un'derwoqd announced that he would call (ho democrnt caucus to rntlfy the program which he nr rnuged with tlio President nnd It wns tho nlm of tho Prcsldont nnd himself to have Congress ndjourn by July 1. YiCUN of WIImiii "Tho President wns vtiry desirous of pressing tho primary bill," r.ald Undorwood, "And thnt was on tho original program, but Judgo Ruckor, chnlrmnn of tho committee of elec tions, has boon 111 nnd thnt has de layed tho Bitbjcct, so It Is not now n dotlnlto pnrt of the program, hut tho President is still hopeful that wo mny bo nblo to tnko It up." LABOR TROUBLE Clash Over Checkers' Union Ties Up Steamers Navajo and Bear There Today. (Ilr AaioUatrd J'rna lo Cooa liar Tlmn. J PORTLAND, Oro., May 4 A tlenp tn tho work or discharging the cur gaos of tho steamers Navajo of tho Amerlcnii-llnwnllau lino mid tho Rear of tho San Francisco and Portland Stenmshlp Company, Is complete as u result of tho refusnl of the com panies to recognize tho checkers' un ion. No further attempt to dlschargo tho cargoes will bo mndo until thoy are. assured of better pollco protec tion. MILITIA OUT OF E ZONE Federal Troops Now Patrol Colorado Districts and Quiet Prevails. I Htm I Kit ROCKEFELLER ) tDr Aaoocllt.J J'reaa to Cooa Car Tlmta. I NEW YORK. Mny 4. Silent ' picketing by crope-sleoved men I nud womon In front or tho Stnn I dnrd Oil building continued to I day. (ilr Auoclatt4 Pratt lo Coot Hat Tlw.l DRNVI9II. Mnv d .Itmivv naiml. of Federal troops In tho coal sthlko zones cuvo the state officials a senso of security today which they had not felt since the inception of the strike Practically nil mllltln bus been withdrawn. STRIKERS ARE DISARMED (Dr Awwliltd Trtaa to Cooa vty Tlmta, WALSENMhta, May 4 Leaders of the United Mine Workers of Amer ica announced that all nrma In tho possession of strikers in Huoffo Coun ty wuuiu oo turned over to Capt. C. C, Smith. K. P. orriciuiu n.. vn. Grant. Grand Chancellor, Mr. Stln- son, urnnu iveeper or Jtecordu nnd Seals, and Judgo H. M. Cake, of Portland, arrived her today to visit the COOS COUnty K. P. Indira lio first oue being Myrtle Lodgo In .uuroiiiiciu luuiKui. .ir. urant is former city attorney nt Pnrflnn.i nn.i. Is a candidate for the Republican nomination for Attorney General, NEW REGIONAL RAi BOARD f LSON FAVORS PORTLAND HAS ST GOVERNOR OE Former Secretary of Treasury in Cleveland's Cabinet Is Chosen by Wilson. HAS NOT ACCEPTED TENDER OF POSITION Three Other Names Suggested as Directors Formal An nouncement Later. (Or AMtKlltx) Trraa lo Coor nr Tlmra.l WASHINGTON, D. C. Mny 4. President Wilson hits solectcd Rich ard Olney, Socrotnry of Stnto In tho ,Cloveland ndmlnlstrntlon, tu bo I governor of tho Fodernl Rcsorvo llonrd, add Paul Wnrburg of Now York to be a member of tho bonrd. Although President Wilson or- fcred tho governorship to Olney, 1 word of his (iccoptnnco Is holme 'nwnlted, but trlondB nro Incllnod to bpllevo ho would not decline. Olnoy wns offered tho umbnssndorshlp to Grent Itrltnln Inst year, but expres sed nn unwillingness to leave tho country on account of business In terests. Although Olnoy Is 78 years old, ho Ih active and lins hnd n long experience- In tho business world. Warburg, who wns connected wlt,h Kiihn, Loob & Company, hnB ac cepted membership In tho bonrd. Formal announcement of hit selec tion, nn well ns the othor throo members of tho bonrd besides tho governor, Is expected shortly. . Oti'H'i-M'CliOfeit Two other names reported to up- Ipenr on tho Federal Rcsorvo Hoard are Harry A. Wheeler, vlco-presiuont OT the United Trilst Coi ipiiny, r" Chlcngo una W. O, I II r'l r f Ulrmlnghnm. F. E. Westerberg of Marshfield Suffers Loss in Dry Goods Store. (Special to Tho Times) I1ANDON, Ore., Mny 4. Flro of un known origin broke out In tho dress goods dopnrtment of tho Ilnndon Dry (loads company nnd did consldora i bio damage. It had not gained much I headway when discovered nnd was . extinguished before the building was 1 much damaged. However, the stock i suffered considerably. Tho Randoa j Dry Goods Company wob recently bought by Messrs Murphy and West- orborg who conduct a chain of stores In Coos county. 0. Makutis, Charged with Non Support of Family, Com mits Sulcfde Today. (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE, Oro., May 4 Q, Mak- Ittltt rill nitllilflVft it tli.. Mniilnniln T ...r ;glng Camp, was found dead In an out-building near the Couloguo Camp I at Lnmpn todny, having hangod him self. Ho hnd a hard tlmo lianKluc hlmseir, aa ho could not Ho tho rppo high enough to suspoud him nud ln fctend or hanging, ho knoelod down nud choked himself to death, Ho was recontly boforo tho grand Jury on tho chnrgu of non-support of his wife nnd fumlly, He nad u wifo and three children, On promise to pny them at least $25 u month he was allowed to go. I'ViTJirl Cmro On. SlOW liroiH'CHB IB Imlni, mn.ln with tho Ferrari murder trial, only four wltnesHes for tho stnto liavlmr boon heard no tq two o'clock. The cas will probably last several days. lilt by Auto. Tony, an Italian shoo shluo artist nnd window wash er, was struck by Ed Llndborg's nutQ( Saturday evening. 'Pony was rldlnir II blcvcln nllll lin.l out nnrm. tho street. Llndborg wob running slow or tho accldont might have boen fatal. Aa ft was, Tony sustained some bad bruises nml IiIh hli.vcin wn smashed up. Uoyt Ijtnhoriia Weds, Roy Law horno, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, O. Lawhorno, and Miss Emma Johnson of North Hoiail, woro married in Coqulllo Saturday, They aro spend ing their honeymoon in Dandotu BANDON FIRE DDESJAMATSE 4 OFFENDER IS FBIOJARGED i