The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 02, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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rtoiwumiwn uJiwiimiw'HuiiiujM
I '
I'vo dug up nil the tackle,
And I'vo sot it spick and span
I'm ready for the opening
Like a past grand master fan.
1 havo rowottnd every section,
And I'vo polished every tip;
I have sandpapered the pieces
And packed them In my grip.
1 havo burnished every reel,
And I'vo oiled up every cog;
I'vo Inspected all tho lines
Till my brain Is In a fog.
I havo trimmed each of tho files,
Every leader, hook and troll;
And I'm longing for tho day that
I can whip my favorite hole.
3kly creel Is yawning wldoly,
will fill It Borne flno day,
Whon I can duck tho business
For a day across tho Bay.
Doing beats wishing, but It's moro
llko work.
Many a shallow remark Is backed
up by a deep voice.
Despair moans tho turning of ono's
back on tho future ,
-H-8- , , "
Nothing Jolts an egotist so suc
cessfully as being Ignored.
'J purpose.
Now tho amntour gardener goes to
wor' . . ...
With a qulto dotormlnod will,
And never a wish to loaf or shirk
His snug back yard to till.
With n color-Plato Instruction book
He delves through rhino and fog
In trying to grow something to look
Ab thoy do In tho catnloguo.
Dorsey Kreltzor.
Ono touch of fashion may mnko
all women look llko freaks.
Every man's credit Is good whon
It comes to borrowing trouble.
Tho man who has no enomlcs usu
ally has tho samo numbor of friends.
Thoro was a girl In our town,
And sho was wondcrouB sweet,
JVb any ono could toll who saw
Hor stockings on tho street.
Ilaltlmoro Sun.
There was a girl In our town,
And sho wao wondorous nwcot,
JV any ono could tull who saw
Hor Blockings on hor foot.
Lob Anglo? Express.
There was a girl In our town,
And nho waB wondorous fine,
As any ono could toll who saw
Hor stockings on tho lino.
Thoro wns a girl In our town,
Who said with stuldon heat,
That for "mean men" tho guy that
TIioho vorses can't ho beat.
A man never npprcrlatos n grouchy
nuy until ho runs up against n unit
-who slops over whon ho talks.
It's funny they call thorn KrnRs
widows. You novor saw ono who was
greon did you?
A man nover knows how much fur
nlruro ho owns until ho fallH over It
trying to sneak up to bod In tho
If n girl looks good In a bathing
suit oho can look good lit anything.
It Is a mighty easy-going woman
who Is not disappointed at least'
once nu hour.
When ho notices that sho makes
in unpleasant uolso when sho sips
her cof fco, you can bor that tho honey
moan Is ended.
A girl says n lot of things sho
doesn't mean. Hut when sho (ells n
fellow thut ho la "No Gontloniun,"
look out.
It takes n mighty good liar to sit
down mid talk to a girl for an hour
and not gat himself In bad,
Tho fashion bulletins say sklrtH
will bo fuller this fall. If they am
thoy had hotter sow them with car
pet thread or somo of thorn will
Like a dream of beauty blessing all
tho land, '
Far romoved from sorrow, nover
knowing sighs,
Llttlo Springtime Lady, with tho
lilies In hor hand,'
Sweet dreams of heaven and tho
morning In her eyes!
Sounds of music ringing
In tho bloom and glow;
Tho mocking bird Is singing
UecniiBo he loves hor sol
Llttlo Sprlngtlmo Lady, load our
lives to Love,
In tho paths so peaceful teach
our souls to pray,
Till tho angles listen In holy
holghts nbovo;
Mako life's winter blossom llko
gardens of tho Mayl
Lovo to you was given
That tno world may know
Earth can bo llko heaven
Because wo lovo you sol
Frank L. Stanton.
Every year Ib leap year to tho young
widow who Ib wise to tho game.
From his point of view no man
ever marries a woman smaller than
Is I in sol f,
Thoy said ho was a stingy pup,
A saving, plodding Jay;
Hut ho got rich by picking up
Tho coin they throw nwny.
Retribution Is srfmothlng wo nro
morally certain will ovortnko other
people '
A man spends a good portion of
his tlmo deceiving himself, and a
woman spends a uood portion of hers
boforo n mirror. It's tho samo thing.
When sunlight lingers In tho west
And winds grow warm and hnzy,
Sometimes you think you need n rest
whon you nro merely inzy.
In fishing for compliments uso
fresh bait.
Even tho bookworm turns after
finishing tho pago.
Wo all regret many things wo
haven't dono nnd only a fow wo
You ran nlwaya depond on somo
nion doing nothing nt all times.
Fresh pco'plo usiiaHy consider
thomsolvcs tho salt of tho oarth.
Even good Intentions provo too
much of n burden for somo men to
The streets in FIRST ADDITION to Murshi'icld arc not
cfmrled routes through forests primeval, but they arc real road,
ways, graded iu most cases, planked also in some instances. In
these MR ST ADDITION streets water mains have been laid
which can be tapped for supplying the homes of property owners.
FIRST ADDITION is the moderate priced residence addition
with city conveniences of, streets, water service and telephones.
Discriminating builders of homes select FIRST ADDITION.
Choice lots in this beautiful residence district
' ""V k '
, . . -i
Terms to suit.
n u- rv 1 u r .
178 Central Ave.
Phone 160.
It's a good plun to bcllovo only
half you hear, thou forgot half of
Tho box factory will Btart again
next Monday after bolng Bhut down
for n fow days.
Owing to tho provnlonco of smnll
pox, whooping cough ami measles,
tho nttondnnce at tho North Rend
schools has been cut down. This
week, Miss Ilonth only had six pupils
In her room nnd tho n vertigo attend
ance has been over forty.
L. Q. Mcoka has .returned from
a northern trip and ho and Mrs.
Mocks will mako their homo nt Coos-ton.
Wm. B. Hommo was hero yos-
Mwi: m'IjUku says:
Wealth may not bring happiness,
but It Biives the Installment collec
tor mnny a trip.
Anyway, Adam novor got mad bo
causo Evo put his porous plaster
on so carelessly that It stuck to his
No matter how fat a woman Is Hho
knows she would bo as shapely as
any woman If sho could afford to
pny $18 for a eorsot.
A man tins to wear tho same suit
of clothes when ho has only ono
suit. Hut n girl with ono dress can
put n wlilu green sash around It
and have a new gown.
You alwnyB hato a man whon you
nwo It 1 111 for somothlug you have
bought and used up.
Every woman gives othop women
complexion remedies sho wouldn't
use herself.
It bus gotton so that n girl does
n't think sho Is woll dressed un
less she Is almost undressed.
Some womoii love tltolr husbands
so much that thoy would ho happy
If hubby had a combination Job as
a day clerk In n hotol and night
wntohman In a hank.
If n girl has a pretty fare sho
doesn't havo to wonr n sllhouuUu
eklrt to attract attention. '
There ain't n dam bit of fun In
gambling whon you know you can uf
ford to lose.
Suffragists hnve challenged tho
..iutls to a broad and plo-bnklng con
test as u means or disposing or tno
charge that vote-seeking womoii ne
glect tholr homes.
The flour through tho sifter whirled, ,
ml. . .1 1 4 ....... ,.,.
I 111) BllllllllUltHI yiMIBl I'UUU H KIKtl,
Proclaim to nil tho listening world
Tho Btiffrngo battle cry.
Let envious nntls sneer no more,
Hut shrink In shuddering dread
Their arguments fall flat before
Tho bivouac of the broad.
Till thoy, beside tholr kitchen stoves,
Can lino their pantry shelves
With rows of crisp and flaky lonvos
That they havo baked themselves,
Till they tho sponge rau deftly pat
To fleecy, fluffy foam,
Let thoin not tell their sisters that
Their place Ib In tho home.
The hand that fashions golden crust
And crullers brown and light
Wo fancy wo can safely trust
To mark n ballot right.
Ab long us wo remnlu well fed,
Whllo hero bolow we dwell,
We'll think tho hand that kneads
the bread,
Must need tho veto as well,
Any guv can heeonio n horo. Hut
It Is mighty hard to remain ono.
Flirtation Step From the Maxixe
1 A. Klllimn May lie Assigned to
Count Itui! for Short Period.
A Portland paper says: it Is re
ported from San Fi-nik-Irco that
either tho stoamor F. A. Kllburn or
tho Ooorgo V. Elder will replnco
tho Alllauco on the Portlund-Coos
Day-Eureka run next month so tho
rogulnr vessel may bo overhauled. !
E. E. Fryer, travollng passonger ng
ont of the North Pacific lino, Is
trodltod with having given out the
'Tho Elder has beon out of service
for tho past fow months, undeiuolim
repairs and nu overhauling nt San
FrJiiilsco. Tho Kllburn lost her
rudder nt sen, April 5, and wns
towed Into tho Golden Gnto, so hor
placo was tnkon temporarily by the
Santa Clara, It Is believed tho Kll
burn will bo selected rather than the
Elder to rellovo tho Alliance, bo
cauBo sho Is smiillor.
The Patsy camo In port Tuesday
morning and reports eleven 'feet of
water four hours boforo high tldo.
Florence Pilot.
tordny from Cooston nnd Is boosting
tho Good Roads bond election which
provides 170,000 for a now road
across tho Hay. Ho says that tho
county will then put In a freo forry
and this wll bring n lot moro busi
ness to both Mnrshflold and North
T. II. 8horldan, formerly of Rose
lmrg, TihB leased tho IluM residence!
nt Porter nnd ho nnd his family will
rcsldo thoro this summer. i
Postmnstor Elinor IlitHsell nnd fam
ily nro out of qunrantlno after al
three week's solgo of tho smallpox. I
Mrs. L. G. Johnson of Myrtlo Point
has been spending tho wook horo. I
Mrs. J. W. Russell arrived horo
front California this wcok to visit nt
tho homes of hor sons, Harvey, El
mer nnd Harry Russoll
Mrs. Frnnk Nowklrk and baby of
Leon Lako havo been Hpondlng tho
week at tho Nowklrk homo here.
&Jyy w
Second (i-iitfc High School.
Thoso receiving 1 00 In dally work
9C; Augustus Hoffman, 93; Floyd
3cott, 92.
Tho following nro tho pupils re
ceiving 100 In both oral nnd wrlt
ton spoiling tho past weok:
Paul Johnson, Floronco Knrdoll
nnd Urlol Kemory.
Tho following pupils received
nbovo 90 In tho test In arithmetic:
Paul Johnson 98; Urlol Komory
i - . -n
I ltY91. V
lu arithmetic were:
Augustus Hoffman, Florence Kir
doll, Floyd Scott, George Scott. &
drld go Archer, John McMiaisa
nnd urlol Komery.
Sixth A and I).
There has beon a marked Im
provement In tho composition fork
of tho A Division tho ltit month.
Khodn Anderson, Kdlth Am,
Rosy Knox nnd Clara Abel ttttm ,1
special mention for their neat work -1
In graphic arithmetic.
Klalifli Grade.
An Industrial club was orji&W J
In this grado this week hiilni
following orilcors ana memcen;
Anna Downs, president; TbelM
Lyonu, vlco president; Abbjill W
ward, socrotary; Herman Glcwcj.
troasuror; F. A. Tledn, idtltor.
Tho following aro members: De for
est Mason, Mary Holland, LwBi
Cook, Ernest Drews, Henry Wilt
Reginald McCnrborry, Ruth M
son, Glendn Fnrrell. Helen SUtk.
Carol Rahskopf, George ScIiroW.
Morjorio Drove. Evelyn "?
'ollu Swlnford, Ircno tourler, m
MoArthur. Augusta Mlcklen
Gouevra Archor.
or uoi'itsi-
EDUOATION Ib something tkitlj
never finished. One oK w
Biich absurb l'rae,-5ftl
wrltton-as. "Ho completed!
uratlon" at bucIi .and sum .
'sho flnlBhod her cducotlo i
Hueh nnd such a P lace. Anypwj
who has "completed 'bis or W
cation Ib not educated. AJ-
nnco with tho school teiboon1
education. Some line '
datlDii for education, , bu 1 1 U
moro than that; well w w
WttBiiingtoa ouw.
mm ,, S
SEE thnt your NAME Is enrollod on j
tho HAHIIOll Improvement Petitions.
Posed by Mr. and Mrs. Rowley Downs.
WHEN dnnccd correctly this is a very charming nnd effective step
Care must be taken not to force the action und thus lce the proper
rhythm. The step Is simplicity itelf. Starting with the girl di
rectly In front of the man, do the ordinary Mnxlxestep on alternate
reet The girl takes btnull bteps, meiely turning her head from side to sidi
while the man must tuke long bteps, u ;hat bur head will touca first his loti
shoulder and thou the right.
Eveiy householder In this city
should be well informed on paint
questions WHY? Because there
is hardly one article in your housa
that is not finished with a paint,
varnish, enamel or stain.
The kind of paint
Propo? condition of the lurtaee
The weather conditions
The cost per years of wear
are important features to knowbefors
the time comes to do the work. Get
our booklets and pamphlets and
"read up" on these subjects.
Vou will agree with us that
"High Standard" Paint Products
are the best for every need after
trial you will use no other. "High
Standard" Paint Products are made
393 North Front St.
Painters and Decorators u- R
intSt. ' Phon3 HO n.
- i