vf rwai -a THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 2r iai4 EVENING EDITION FOUR jWJ COOS BAY TIMES til. C MALONMV DAN R. MALONKY Krillor nnil Pal). News Kdllor BIG LEAGUE BALL SCORES co2 to 1 -Oakland Wins in Fifteen Innings. Official Paper or Coo8 County Entered at tho Postofflco at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mulls as seconu-ciusa mall matter. DeClcated to tno service 01 uio -.!. people, that no good causoi aha Portland Defeats San Francis- ;-: ' i ..r.. nn,t Mint ntrll olinll . i.l I 111! jncii a cuuuiiiiuii, "" - not thrive unopposed. HinismniTlON HATES. DAILY. tnx AmocUM I'ftn to Coot n Tlrae.l Ono year 6.00 PORTLAND, Or., May 2. Port- Por month B0 hind won from San Francisco horo WEEKLY, yesterday 2 to 1. Sacramento took a Ono year &Q fifteen Inning game from Oakland, When paid strictly In advance r to 3, and tho Venice-Los Angeles tho Subscription prlco of tho Coos tnmo was called off on account of Bay Times Is $5.00 per year or rnm. The scores: $2.50 ror six months. At Oakland It. H. B. ; ' Isacrnnionto 5 11 1 Address all communications to I Oakland 3 13 3 COOS HAY HAILY TIMES (ig Innings.) MnrMiflcld a :: :: '' Oregon Uattwrlfcs: Slagolo and Hannah; - ' Uelger and Alexander. , At Portland It. H. E. I llETTEIl YET. I ' Bun Francisco 110 3 i Portlnnd 2 7 2 Zn-auv world In chock full of rich I lotteries: Lolfold and Schmidt; T blesshgs ami wonderful people ' Illgglnbotham and Fisher, Haworth. ii wnrMi wlilln! lint, nf nil tllO I Oods bring, thero Is only one thing that can beat being able to smile. For n woman may ainllo and bo furi ous and patlontly wait for tho chanco to humble tho olio who somo mis-, chief Iibh done by moroly a word or THE MAKING OF A CITY ","" "" """"" innn nf- 4hn Invlta- WIIEN Tom It c hnrdson vlsltca coos nay in .", , 7,n. nmiinil on of tho Chamber of Commerce, after ho had boon show nroi ml tho mills, mines, farms and creameries and had been told or y vast fluantl "s of timber and coal tributary to this groat harbor, he said. 'Thuve often heard of Coos Bay and Its great .rajoarce .and ad J accepted your kind Invitation to come down here to he P you let ho v,o know what you have mat u necus, out i ; ;. IrVpi1 for forty foot of paved st VSSt not a do cent I oto where a man would dnro to take amea oPraspendra night! a" poor equipment for ." protjtfbn ; ami a poor or lighting system. Not only your business houses but your reside ncos show poor taste. In fact, you have n regular "slab town. I y" " to Impress the visitor with tho Idea that you are a P0u"co "y you must show him that you hnveconfldcnee In your tow n by Jn " tour money In good buildings, paved Btreots and up to date public "ICB' 1 was shown Vhero a team mired In the road at y7ft.SUS corner during tho past winter, and you would ask : people to oca o uhero such conditions aro looked upon asa Joke. I tell you Cod AlmIgM novor gave any community enough material resources to create a city, and unless you have tho right kind of men hero you always wl o 8 ubn1tott.P,into If you are In earnest In trying to better your cond Itlons, I am w 'R t0 help you; but I will not undortako It unless you rnlso ?7000 for the first year's work." r q , assembly In tho Opera IIouso, ho succeeded In raising ?G00 per month for the ensul g year nm! tlmi was tho beclnnliiK of the grent work that has beon accomplished t"y the Chamber of Comrfce In building up this modern city on the waters nwM Tint.' Ul JJVft - Will no notICO tno uiiierenrej u i m f nusw iMit, ap XOUTHWKSTEHX LEAGUE Victoria 4; Vancouver 8. Scnttlo 1; Spokane I. Portland 7; Tncomn 1. .. .,!...,.. Ami n mil ii innv BCOtll cheerful and pleasant, though Insldo 'ho in Just fighting mad. llo who hcatB them n mile Is tho man who can smllo all tho time JiiBt bocauBO lie Is glad. I Anon. WOODEN' VEItSPS COX- CltiriE WIIAHVES. i NATIONAL LEAGUE. St. Louis 2; Chicago 0. Cincinnati 2; Pittsburg A. Now York 11; lloston 2. Philadelphia 8; Brooklyn C. AMEHK'AX league. SAN FUANCISCO Is having a llttlo war over the rolntlvo merits of of concroto and wooden piling for tho now Htato wharven. To rofuto tho contention thnt thero 1h polltlcB Lack of tho plaiiB President Dwyor of the fltato harbor commlBslon hnH made this statement. "With regr.nl to tho typo of con struction of tho now piers on tne San Francisco wntorfront, that Is n mat tor sorely for the engineers to decide . nnd tho board of harbor commission ors simply follow tholr decision. Our .uillnv linn liitpti In llllllll solid COIl- croto piers whero tho foundation con Clnvelaud 2; St. Louis 3. Chicago 2; Detroit 3. lloston 0; Now York (?. Washington G; Philadelphia 7. BO TERS WiL L WILL FLOAT HUGH H8GAN MEE T TUESDAY Expect to Get Stranded Lum ber Schooner at Siuslaw Off .Within Short Time (Special to Tho TimoB.) FLORENCE. Or., May 2. To night tho Hugh Hogan was In hot ter shnpo than she lias been since sho went on tho South Spit. It la expected to get hor off on tho next I high tldu or on tho second high tide Hiiro. Hor deck load has been removed BETTER MARKET DOLLAR HOPES amid Panti ! Big lot of Men's Soft Hats, light and dark colors, val ues up to $3.00, your choice $50 Caps, 75c kind 1 45c Caps, $1.25 and $1.50 values g5c Big line of Men's Work and Dress Pants, extra val ues $1.25 to $5.00 THE GOLDEN RULE OUR PRICES DRAW. and sho Is much lighter. It Is said J for the better, Says Johnson Mill and Seeley & Anderson Camp are Busy Outlook Is Better IK ntnnlnv Tlnllnr. In p.llnruo of tho oporntloiiB of tho Johnson Lumber Company nnd tho Seoloy & Antlor-1 son camps on thu Coqulllo, came' ... t-....1.rl..1.l i.lfi. tin fmuliwtau Tin IU .WllIBIIUUIll IWIIUJ "I. "I.". -". "Mi Bald that thero wnii llttlo now, ex- .1... .i n,i,... (i.i. CU)l lllill llivy nviu uiuiitiiii i" camps ami mills nt full cnpnclty. Ho said that the continued poor lumber mnrkot was Inexplicable, but that ho was nopeiui ror a cuniiKu Hint Iw.r Htitrn Is now floatlnir nnd Bho only hangs by her prow. A long lino Iiiih been run across tlin Rhmlnw nnd fnstcilcd to n can- stan off thu north Jetty nnd tho tug croto piers whero tins rouiuiaiion con- i Uoscoo Is pulling on. Tlio lino nns dltloim pormlt of It, but In certain Q p MnKniClht Will PrCSldG Ht tho mouth of tho Sluslnw to placcB, whero -the mud Is very deop u" r" "''"U'" "1 ' IMIUI' vefl8olH nn,i tho Pntsy, which enmo over one-hundred Teet, nnd very soft, i Rafhorinn in Mn5nnio enmo ,n from Gardiner Is unnblo It Is ImposHlblo to build of concrete 31 UaillCring 111 IVIdbUIIIl 0 Ret ouL ir. fmtiiiintinn. Mmro buliie nrnctlcally Cnutnln Hill .iml tho rest of the to foundation, thoro Doing prncticany nnnro Hnnco .... i...nili.Hnii n n,l Ih A liinttor nf HOC- UlJUItl liUtloL. rrnoS0teVo!ena'l& Ull"! of Plaiw for tho big booster meeting whirlfiS from i 5? tee o th IrS- yoan?" " oxt TllUHt,,l' 0V0,""K to wolco.no which is from fifteen to imrp tar8. IUclnrUB0,1( tho VorttlinA )OOS. i'ii i.' roMMUNlTV INDEX tcr. lmv0 ,)00 Practically complot- 1 HE CQMMUMI iMii-.v t1 ()y th(j Mn8hfIoJ(, Cmn,i,er of com- . in.' iinwntinnnr Is tho best nd- morco. Tho mooting wll bo hold nt gress or rotrogroHHion. A prospoio ih , ... ..,.,., inil ,. and woll-piuroiilj.i'il nowspaper mui- , .r. """i ' iinhtu n iirnmiorniiu rniilllltlllttV." TIicho woin among tho romnrkH iimdo by K. D. Tlmnm of Portlnnd to tho Modford nu'rciiantH In a talk to thorn upon tho benefit of newspaper Advertising. Tho lemnikB aro true, hecnuBo tho newsp: per reflui'tn tho everyday life of tho commuplty and In tho best posHlble Indox to ovory day conditions. A nowspapor Ib Just as good as Its patronage. If It Is bettor tho pub lisher Ib loosing money. If it Is pooror It cannot nold Its support. It Is tho iiftn of evory editor to product) as good u pnpor its ho possibly can with iin iiiniinv iiviillnlilo. mui It Is n mat- tor of personal prldo to mnko tho lug the ovonlug. Cnptalu Hill .ind tho rest of the crow woro tnkon orr by tho liro boals nnd tho rescuo work Is being tlono from tho tug. It Is prnctlcal ly cortnln to snvo her nnd tho cargo, but tho damngo to her hull Is not known. LEAVE OX SPEEDWELL fTjJtirbsijfyAsTM. . . . MB d JW' r0lmxi!SSS IRVING BLOCK KPHIXC CLEAXIXtJ TIJIH Vi'hM'l SiiIIimI LnM' Ycstcnlny Arter iiikiii for SiiuFrnnclsco. Among thoso Hulling from horo Into yesterday on tho Speedwell for Sim Frnnclsco woro ns follows: I.... nutlli..l II A 1.-na..if..i T lllill Vfnillllll, l. 41. itiniiiiitii, u. tiiuiKU 4il.ll '..i.o .ii... Dlnvlln, Mrs. C. It. Tally, Mrs. Tom again In n short tlmo. i . r m.. .11.. T 1 ....1...-... I .1117.11, I'. U. Illll)', W. VJ, jHlllKUV, .1. A. Downey, Paul Soulo, W. C. differs, J. C. Wost, Jns. McGraw, . P. Dulley. Alfred Wilder nnd M. II. Totten. n'lim. nrn nnu- nvnrnnlni? nhoilt OB.OOO feet of lumber per day nt Mm mill mui tlwi llnur Creek Lou- iiliiir caniiis nru turning In nil tho i logs they need Mr. Dollar snld tiuit tnoir iirsi ship to pasB through tho Piinnmn Canal would load lumbor In Urltlsh Columbia for tho Atlantic Const owing to the Amorlcnn shipping law prohibiting a nhlp of foreign reg istry engaging In the domestic trade. Tho vessel Is being londod now and If tho opening of tho canal . Is dolaycd too long, they will send hor around tho capo. I Mr. Dollar Bald that ho under stood thnt Plko's camp on tho lower1 Coqulllo was to be oponed next I week to furnish Jogs for tho Pros-i per Mill Company. Ho said thnt ho i thought tho report about tho Pros per Mill Company shutting down was erroneous. Ho nlso heard Indirectly thnt tho .Mooro Mill wns planning to start HAVE your IIOOKIXO done with ELASTIC roofing CESIEXT. J. L. ISIIICE, Kft'lii1 iigcnt. If you nro not nxliuiiicri of your KoiN A l V E It T I S E T II E M. SUNDAY HEACH KXCTIISION Tli Allnn IT will lnnvn lini rni? 1117 H oua '!- ulnr dock nt S o'tlock on nn exui,- 5UITS Your O'COATS iholr IUINCOATS nt j $21.85 Wo Imvo placed on wile for till week u beautiful assort ment of SIcii'm HiiIIh, OvimcoiUm mid ltnln ContHj KiiiiiiiiitiH'd all wool; fnlirlrH well tailored. All tills xeaNou'N iiici'i'IiiiihIIni'. Itottri' vnlui'H you never smv for tho price, 9UI.K.1. WHY? llecnuse wo ell for ciifli. We arc showing n huge line of TUIl Tien nt 'Mr. A beau tlful lino of Hllk lloslei--; nil colors. .Keg. 5lle values, Spe clnl, :t5c; it for $1.00. SPECIAL SALE IN Mens Clotting FECIAL SALE IN Ladies' Dept. SUITS Your COATS Ch DIIESSES !; $22.50 Tuesday, Wednednjr, llmnv tiny. Wo have selected from our regular stork, "0 Snld, IS Coats nnd "0 Dicivni 03 fine garments in nil nnd mo lute tlet'ltled to give )'uu YOUR CHOICE AT 9'.no, Itctnem her they are net gnrmrati lmule for special side, but on the riuitniry are beautiful models taken from our regu lar stock. This season's niwt wuntetl niatciliilN; n Me KelN Hon of the Intent coloring; nil sles. The K'gulnr prlcrt of theso giirmeiits mom op to $:t I. nt). Your choice fZUO slon trip to tho bench. Will atop at North Ilend nt 8: 1 G. 1'nro for round trip, no contB. Spoud Sunday nt the bench. IIfvo your Job printing dono at Tho TlniOB office. Editor Times: Spring cleaning tlmo is nero. .Mr. I Tfinu.miviint nii.1 'I'nviinvpr. whv not paper Just a little lutti r than tlio , ,t tJloro,IBh ono wlillo nt it? , support Justifies, nyH the Medford . . f , T, , ' Mnll Tribune. CouHeauontly tho bet- e n no lie nsm.red f union yo u hnvo ' tor ltronno. the bettor "owBimper UnSS In 111" h!i!.o thorough-' nnd tho better for tho community. .. ,',, ,', 1m11li i... rolla-1 Wj.llo the clreulntlou is tho Wo- , , , exninlnntlon of sev-1 blood of ho ''OWHimpor. the "dvo - c,lllnnoy8 , l0 cty i havo, tie ng Is tho broad and buttor. Cli- ff ..' ., ,.,.. ti,.,i nr defective on no- r "'r.'A'v.Jor "Tiisort?;1 '" " K wiSmis. y 8.2? tt Sr'stlnr .Se: ""J -ZtllZS'uA lng tho number of renders and tho ' ' U'"tl ?. "fl city nro wideawake and that the city 'Qlmn 0 nttc nn, bnBomPnt or' Itself Is progroMUe. ,,,, of unnocoH8ttry rubbish and . Newspaper building Is largely a , , , , , , .rBn.'! imllT'l ""'tho' o m.o r - T" """K01' of wa8t 0r r,lbbUh of I t re lonimiinlt) If tlio t'o-opo .- fc demonstrated at tho! tlou Is not forthcoming, neither ""' .. . ." ... iinmummi i tj10 money or -J" IH amjjl -h h BrU0hIath0B SiofoWl.; tow j deslrod result. The nsslstanco of tho . .. k s nro. i community Is Just as essential, for tho K'S'Slirow n lighted newspaper ns the newspaper's cons- ; t0,U 'w ste? and. had I nut boosting s for the -''''l; not been discovered nt the time It llolp mukon flue newspaper and you ,,, ,(lV0 ondnnRord tho en-' noip mnue a nouer community. (,ro ctyi Sonlo ,,ay tho .jlscovery win como too inio. rrovoiu me pos sibility of this by seeing thnt your I wiibiu pupur, mi) m iiiiiuiiiiiuiu inn WHY NOT? WHY not a popular movomont orlal of any kind Is placed whero for boys to become hotter , It can not catch fire, around home and nt school? ' non't forgot thnt It costs the city Instead of making hikes, why should from $Ifi to J75 for every tlmo that boyB not learn to work during va- an nhirm la turned In for a chimney cntlon? asks Howe's Mngiulno. Uoya fire. You can help lighten the city s must learn to finally, and the sooner burden of over oxpense by placing thov Login the better for them. A your chtmnoys In bucIi condition thnt hoy's movoineiit based on mero Idle- chimney fires will not bo possible ness will result In moro politicians. And remember that tho fire depart- Why should thero not bo a boy's ment will fight your fires w th a movomont to aid parents rnthor ""o willing spirit If they know flmn n hoys' movement to aid another thnt you hnvo taken evory precau- sot of schemers? , Hon to prevent fire Hut bo suro and eioan tno cnunney. DAN M. KKATIKU, Klro Chlof. H ere s a burpnse for Ym Do you realize how your own town is growing and improving? If you haven't been to BAY PARK recently you'll be astonished to see the new dwellingsthe new streets and the busy air of hustle and improvement which pervades the place. You'd hardly believe that you could buy a lot there for $100.00 but you can and you have to pay only $10.00 down and then only $5.00 a month. I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 177 FRONT STREET. THE PIL4HHM .MOTHEItS Tlio mouorii spirn 01 iiquuui) which recognise woninn's work as i.h1 Dull nnd SluggMr.' Stmt Your Important nlomc with man's, Is vole-, I.hCr to Worklnir. od by the following from an oxchnnuo It boats all how quickly Foley regarding; the neglect of tho "I'll- Cathartic Tablets llvon your liver, grim int'thori:" i overcome constipation make you "At Southampton. ISngland. a mon- fool llvoly and nctlvo ngaln. J L. umeut to tho lMlgrliii fathers, who McKnight. Fort Worth. Texas, snvs nailed fjfoiu there JOU yeara ago. "Mv dlsngrooablo symptoms woro unveiled. It will be reonlled In this ontlroly removed by tho thorough connection, nerhnua. that the Pilgrim demising Folov Cathartic Tahlots mothera sailed f the rnme time, lit Kvo mo." Thoy'ro a wonder, fiot. the Pilgrim fathers couldn't Owl Proscription Plinrmncv. Frank liavo boou hired to sail without thorn. D. Cohnn. Opposlto Chandler Hotel. ir-uch na people bran about tho old Phono 74. Central Avettuo Drug hjjB." Stow, local nsone'. r- lul ' -mb fQRTER'S IDEAL Pencil Carbon' nutncniii n ui uaiuiu.iimn i-iunawL niii (Tunami m UCLItlif H . WW TjUNCArER'S lvjCOHFANY CARTER'S IDEAL TYPEWRITER RIBBONS AND CARBONS If it's Carter's Ideal It's a good deal. COOS BAY J STATIONERY CO. THIS IS THE STOVE wr w-fr-? T- -,. ,yn Ufa: M ' hii ii 'IKJySKKSJJ i'l 3CS " That is known all over this county for its baking qualities and economy in fuel. Some of your own neighbors will testify to this. Look over our list and see who has one that you know. PERFECT BAKERS FUEL SAVERS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED mm,miwrmmmmBKmmmimnmm' " Times Want Ads. Bring Result5 Have your Job printing dono at The Times office. i-u nrintlUS Have your j -The Times office.