f w&wimmmyi ' "ww"wr"rv ffrV! -ryr "TpvTTfTffT-T THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD. OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 2. 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO WHITE SILK and LINGERIE WAISTS Reasonably ftJeJ Phoenix White Silk Hosiery Mats o n Avayser White Silk Underwear QUALITY STORE WtKlrjm 'mtmrmtmmmmmmvmmmmmmrmmmammmmtmm9maammimmamaatmmmmatmtmmmmmaatmKHKmamm fe LN k.-.! l'BItSONAL notices of vtaltora In tho city, or of Cooa Bay people I- who vlnlt in otlir cities, together with notices of social aiTalm, nro gladly received In tho social de partment. Telcphono 133. No ucots or club meetings will e puhllshcd and secretaries are kindly requested to furnish same. CONTRIBUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication in tho society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to the editor not later tliun 0 o'clock p. in,, Friday of each wook. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In cases whore the events occurred later than tho time mentioned. ) i LO.VfUNtt How often In tho after years when tlnio HtiB touched us whltely with his fros ty rime, In sllont moments never spoken of, Wo kng to know ngttln a mother's love. Urlght gold, hard labor's guerdon, may bo ours, And famo have brought us satisfying doworn, Yet In the moment when our Hfo has all All would wo glvo to hear hear Jier .gonllo call. When favored with tho fret of Hfo and toll, The strlvo of living, and tho day'B tur moil, How da wo yearn, so deeply and so much, To fool again the healing of her touch. When bitter in defeat, by fnlluro stung. Whan from tho lionrt, hot, careless words aro flung, How thought brings back, our dark moods to beguile, Tho pleased, reproving laughter in lior umllo! Ah, mothors, little do you know or RUOSfl How In our soorot hearts your namo wo bless; How you nro prosont tnrough life's Joys and tears, I'orgotton not through llfo'H Increas ing years! Arthur Wallace Poach. o'jTMTA.VE you heard from Hilda lrjl latoly?" I asked a neighbor of mluo tho other day, roterrlng to n mutunl friend. "No I havou't Boon hor nor heard from hor for ovtr a year," hIio an swered with it tlugu or snduoHs and bttlornoss In her tone. "Since I moved out horo wo seem to havo drlftod' apart. I guess she's entlroly forgotten hor old frlondB." Yostcrduy I : apponod to moot tho mutual frlond on tho street, and our greetings wore aenrcoly over before slio hud launched Into eager ques tions nlinut my neighbor. "It makes mo vory sad" she said, "that J haven't seen horo nor iioniil from her for so long, Hut you know how husv ono Is, mid how ouo gets out of touch even with thoso ono loves tho! most. It Isn't because I haven't thought of her, you may bo Hiiro, says Itutn Cnrvoron. You know how. much Mary always mount to mo In, rollego, nntl oven since then tho1 thought of hor has boon n towor of strength to me. She's so kind nn-l flno ami splendid every way that I ' llko to think of her when I ucod coiir-l ago for things. She Is one of those' peoidn whom vu nro ''liil o fcnnw aro In tho world oven when you don't sec them or comniunlcato with them." And nil tho time tho woman who was cnshrlnod on that altar of loving roveronco thought that her frlond '.ud forgotten her! Of courBo 8omo people will say thnt If this busy woman had really cared for her friend sho would havo found tlmo to visit hor or writo her. Perhaps, and yet I'm not so sure, f think thnt ono may caro n great ileal for a frlond and yet bo so In volved In tho nil-absorbing, nll-do-munding business of dally Hfo ob to got out of touch with him or her. I senrcoly llvo through -a week with out thinking of a certain professor who did a great deal for mo nt col lege, and yet I do not boo him or com municnto with him from ono yenr'B end to another. Silent- friendship, llko Bllont part ners, mny bo a big force in Bplto of their silence. Do you think you have lost your friends Just because in tho confusion and nssorptlon of tho day's demands )ou have fallen out of touch with rncli othor. Heal friendship goes fnrthor below tho surfneo thnn t" at. "Let tho soul bo assured that- some where In tho universe It should Join Its friends, and It would bo content and choorful nlono for a thousand yonrs," says Hmerson. And thnt Is a description of real frlondB Ip. You think often of your friend. DoubtleBB ho or sho thinks as ofton or you. Somo day you may bo able to entor Into moro material ronimu titration, but for tho present enn you not be content to say. "Wo both nro real busy and wo poldom meet; Yot Is our fnith In friendship so complete I Wo enn comiiiuno without tho , spoken word And know tho mossngo by each heart Is heard." The month of May nncl white apparel are inseparably linked together. A busy bride-to-be or the joy ous gradual e, et al, are looking forward to" the eventful month of June. The Home of Quality Signals its dawn, heralding WHITE IS KING Silks! Silks! Silks! Tub Ratine -liegal - ITabuti Cashmere India Eylsian Crepe - Isako Sheer Crystal Poplin - Broehc Crepe Crepe do Chenc Brocade Tussah - Lustre llatiue Chiffon Taffeta - Chiffon Cloth Cotton Fabrics Crepe Egypta - French Ratine Crepe Voile - - Seed Voile Souffle Crepe - - French Voile Pierola Crepe - - - Batiste Corded Crepe - -Indria Crepe Channelise Poplin - Soiesette Worsted Noveltie nO-inch Herringbone Novelty 54-inch Clay AVorstcr Sorgo 5-1-iiich Polo Serge Novelty Oi-inch Diagonal 3(-inch All-AVool Albatross S TIIUIISDAV OIjI'U I - I Mib. Sylvester Jones cntortnlncd tho Thursdny club at hor homo this week, numbering among her guests wore McBdnmes Hnrvoy. Doan.Sch rcodor, Crawford, Mitchell, Kinney, Sudden, Jeiison, Dodson and Fen ton. MrB. Cloin WellB nnd Mrs. I'nssbondor wore additional guests. A pleasant nftornoon was spoilt nt sowing rollowod. by n delicious luncti. .Mrs.. Klnnoy Is to bo hostess to the flub next week. White Ail-Over Laces White R & G and Nemo Corsets TVWLWWM II fJ. -rt!lft;fl White KTD and SILK Gloves SHORT or LONG B09SKS CAKKTKHIA CM'IJ I Tln Cafeteria Club mot for tho us ual Informal evening or supper and cards Tuesday nt tho homo of .Mr. and .Mrs. Dan Mnlouoy, greatly regret ting tho absence of Mr. and Mrs. Tledgon nnd .Mr. and Mrs.lllldon brniid. Mr. and .Mrs. It. II. Corey, Mr. and .Mrs. It. H. Chandler, Mrs. Q 0. Suthorlnnd, Mr. and Mrs. Ilrnd loy and Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 8. Hanson. Mrs. Hobcrt Hook, Mr. and Mrs. V. WIHcy, Georgo Hook, Harry Johnson, 1M. Horton nnd Clifford McKay. In the games nnd contests prizes wore won by Mrs. Poot, Mrs. Wllloy and Harry Johnson. Uvoryouo voted tho party ono of tho Jolllcst of tho Ben son. 1 CAKO AITKH.VOO.V At cards Saturday nftornoon Mrs. V. K. QottltiB was hostess to Mrs. were merited substitute guests. Guests nnd members making up tho thrco tables of cards woro Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. McHIdownoy, Mr. and MrB. A. U Darker, Mr. and Mrs. J S. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs.II. It. CVandler nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Grannis. Tho club will probably bo entertained noxt week by Mr. and Mrs Tledgon.. I HUltlMtlHi; PAHTV I I . Tho birthday of Mrs. A. II. Snow Lyons, MrB. Housoworth, Mrs. Dar of Dunkor Hill last Saturday furnish-, gelt, Mrs. Noff, Mra. Kroltzor, Mrs. ej tho occasion for a surprlso by a j I'cclc and MrB. Hniiics, seating two nuiubor of her neighbors mid friends tables of guests at Drldgo. A vory who came In a body to mnko tho dollghtful afternoon wns spout, festlvo day still moro festive I)anc- lug nnd games woro started and kept 4 tho party In constant enjoyment un-, Mlts. (iKXTIXK KNTKItTAINH I til n lato hour, furthered by tho sorv- . Ing of n delicious Itiformally-gottvn' vorv drl"tv o-o-o'rlork lunr' oon up supper by Mra. Froollcli and MrB. wns given Thursday by Mrs. F. IC. Chrlstonson. Mrs. Snow was given n ' Gcttlns In honor of tho return of Mrs. benutlful sot or dlshos ns n token of F. C. Husfoll who has been spending tho slncero esteom In which alio Is sovernl montha nwnv. In I'nrtlnnd mui held by her frlenda. In tho party! othor placos. Dosldes the guest of IVnfit All tlVlrl ftHI n Inllftynil Ml lir..1M !.. ln..ltnilnn t,n (-l l.t t ""' " " . "., ..... liuuui iiiu iiiviiuuuii urn iiuiiniuu Jirn. unci .mth. iicury uison, .Mr. nun .Mrs. Chris heo, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Olson. Mr. ami Mrs. Crist Stcen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoosdahl, Mrs. O'Connor, Mrs. C. Q. Van Duyn. Mrs. K. MingiiB. Mrs. A. It. O'llrlon, Mrs. W. A. Hold. Mrs. C. A. Sohlbredo, .Mrs. Dorsoy Krolt zer. Mrs. C. H. Peek. Mrs. V. V. .... .. .!... ' " . - ' .-.--. ... . . usiruw, .Mrs. i-tooiick, uipinin nnu. Minor, Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Mrs. A. Mrs. Chrlstonsoii, Miss Dorothy John. T. Unities nnd MIeb Kvolvn Andor- son. Mr. Nogor, IClmer Orolt, Clifton ; son. Klcvon were seated at tho prot- iGCfloa Sr Q7 XJ&mss Chrlstonson and Mr. and Mrs, A. I) Snow. fr WJfflwl rvr mum r'4' hi Iff kastshh: suwinc cijUu tl lunchoon tnblo decorated with fav ors and flowers, Mrs. Hold nldod Mrs. GettliiB In Borvlng. Following tho luncheon tho gliosis wont In a bodv to hear tho lecturo at tho Masonic I Opera Ilouso by Dr. Calvin S. White. 'CHOICE CORALS AND PRECIOUS PEARLS CHARMINGL Y SET AJ THE MANNEK IN WHICH PEARLS AND CORALS ARE SET HAS MUCH TO DO WITH THEIR BEAUTY. OUR DESIGNS AND SETTINGS ARE THE MODE OF THE DAY. WE ES PECIALLY DIRECT YOUR ATTENTION THIS WEEK TO OUR PEARLS AND CORALS. AT ALL TIMES WE ARE GLAD TO SHOW ALL KINDS OF JE WELR Y FOR ALL PURPQSES AND OCCASIONS. WE LOVE OUR BUSINESS. THIS IS WHY w4 ARE SUCCESSFUL. H. S. XOWER' " THE RMtr$LE JEWELER, ' i 'I Tho Un8ts!de Sowing Clrclo woro ! . entertained nt Hay City this week i , at tho homo of .Mrs. II. Urlnkloy and ' luisscu mi eujoyuuio uny in nceiiio work nnd conservation. Among tho meinbors attending woro Mrs. J. D. McCny, .Mrs. Mnlouoy, Mrs. A. Fostor, Mrs. W. F. Dyerly. Mrs. Hob ert Kltson. Mra. D. F. Prey, Mrs. Frank Holbo, Mrs. A. Horton. Mrs. J. Cole, Mrs. Jns. Mclntosli and Miss Mc-, Intosh. In two weeks tho club will meet with Mrs. F. Moore nt Kast COMilXJi: WO.MK.V I IIIUTHDAV Ql'AUTin' , A Qiiadriiplo celebration took place Saturday night April 25 at iio 1). F. Proy homo In Enstsldo when tho birth days of Mrs. M. A. MeUggan. Mrs. G. Stecklo, Mark Stecklo and Frank Prey wero Joyously observed. Tho hostess, Mrs, Frank Proy, ably entertained tho largo party of menus wno gainereu to make merry Tho Collego Womens Club will , meet Wednesday ovonlng, May 6th, 1 with Dr. Shaw. If will bo a very Im-1 portunt meeting. Thero will bo ol-' eotlon of offlcors nnd n discussion of tho nniiunl banquet plans, Mrs, McCnrty will rend a paper on tho Working Girls' Homo. All mom-, bora nro urgod to bo present. ' I I OA1U) I'AUTV I ! . Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Kontlng ontor tnlned Informally last Tuesday even-' Ing In honor of tholr sisters, Miss Agnes Keating of Portland and Miss Lonh Hllltross of Tacoma. Tho, ovenlng was delightfully spont with cards. Mrs. Paul Storllng nindo high ' score for tho ladles and Mr. A. L. nutz for tho mon. I At tho close of tho came Mrs.' Ifon Hut anrvnrl ilAllnlnna ..nu ' It's Easy To Take Baby With You when you have a collapsible Go-cart. No matter ft you want to go by boat to the beach or by train to co quille or Myrtle Point, or anywhere there's nothing .. : 1 nruimnnn nni I ADOIPl P Rfl-HARI. UUIIVUIIIUIU as cl MCI VVUUU UUULHroiuuu w - The ones we are showing have good springs ano -.. 1..1.L1. i.-j.. ... n irio uilh nne mOP luumy, uuiiuuriauiu uouy, ytu 11 iuia ",k" "" , , and you can take it under your arm when baby warns 1 mII 1 warn. and with the assistance of Mrs. P. A. en s to the guests who were Mr Z,' Cassldy provided amusement and " . 'a I nut il mAVn inn served a delicious supper. The'ifStin; . .'J1 ?' PJ ' guests Included Mr. and Mra. E. Vine- iff. Mr and Mrs o A vniimru ?,?!! "d ?T!vF. A. Cassldy, Mr. mTsb "tmlteffinS wd WE& nnd Mrs. M. A. McLaggan. Mr. and Mrs. l'ercy Peet, Jlr, aud Mrs. C. J. Stocklo. Mr. and Mrs. G. Stecklo, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Rook. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Simpson. Mrs. J. D. McKay, Mrs. P. Herman. Mrs. Andrew Kardoll, Hijijgross. (Continued on Pace 3) If you nro not nshnincl of viwr gools A 1) V Y. 11TISK T II K SI. BUTTER If you need any butter and want to buy it right come and see us for prices. We can supply you in any quan tities on short notice. Coos Bay Tea, Coffee & Spice House Phone 3945. ' 130 North Broadway. ... , mii cnrinaiPl we are showing several styles in ow hw "jh summer stock and shall be pieasea 10 nave j- ( inspect them. "WHY PAY MORE?" Johnson-Gulovsei Company QUALITY HOME FURNISHINGS. T"?""'' ysu&gjc