H m. - ' VVBHlHHMMNHBBiHWHBKHn - -. . m k r T"nnm niiBlTMnwm b i .i r 1 . . -- - -,-, is T7vn -T?n "" - '--I' t ip Twwrflpf fl J4-W w W pm P Y tEN THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. buttons, Miore silk and new embroidery effects. iim.. mi jjiMuiiiiiiMiwcuJ"lMUiM.Mi ZN 'l IV i. .. 'Vf Hv ' aLi.i..i.. - - V',f(.V'? Y$' yOyMMii I urn iiijiii 1IMWIIillH W BIIOWKIt ron MISS liAXClWOUTIIV. Ono of tlio mogt beautiful affairs of tlio season was the miscellaneous shower given yoBterday aftornoon nnd evening by Mrs. 0. S. Torroy at her homo In South Mnrshflold In honor of MIbs Evelyn Langworthy, whoso mnrrlngo to Mr. Herman Ed wards takes plnco early in Juno, Tho decorations wero most dainty nnd beautiful and showed tho ori ginal tasto of tho hostess to good advantage The rooms wero a vorl- Jnblo May day bower of beauty In tholr profusion of pink drnplngs and pink and white roses and npplo -JjlossomB, against the beautiful back ground of ferns, Oregon grapo nnd huckloborry which always adds so much charm ta Coos Hay's decora tlvo Bchemcs. Tlio many beautiful nnd useful gifts or the brido-lo-bo wore urrnngod on a largo table un der a dainty whlto parasol, which, 'with Its profusion of, pink bows and streamers carried out tho color Qchojiio of tho afternoon. After tho guest of honor had Aliened and displayed hor gifts to thoflo present, Mrs. Torroy, assist-1 d by Mtb. W. F. McKldowncy nnd Mrs. Chns, II, CurtlB, sorved u deli cious two-courso luncheon, 8oatod nt tho "brldo tablo" wore Miss Lnngworthy and hor mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Peterson, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. FoBtcr, McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Craig, Misses Edith Poiidorgrass, Mlnin and Lillian Dnlglo, Esther and Mfcrtlc Nelson, Lntira Dubay, Emma Hansen, Harrietto Collins, Marie Gregg, Em ma Quatermas, Lillian Uromnr, Iris Mario mill Vesta Schwartz; Messrs: CI ns. Knotts, Sonstcln, Carl Zulkoy, Wilson, II. 1 Wntson, Ed. Ornng yer, 0. A. Williamson, Hunt, nart- letto Matt, Harry and Howard. Sch wartz and Hoy Goodwin. I V. T. U. MEETING I . , Tho MarBhfleld W. C. T. U. mot In spcclnl bcbbIoii last Monday at tho homo of Mrs. Fannlo Whcolor when Btciis wero taken to object to tho proposed bowery dnnco In Mnrshflold. Tho regular meeting will bo hold, noxt Monday. Thooo present Inst Monday were Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs. Ora McCarty, Mrs. J. Wright Wilson, Mrs. David Nelson, Mrs. Chns. Stnuff, Mrs. I'etor .TohiiBon, Mrs. Woodworth, Mrs. Mntllda Itoso, Mrs. Ward and Mrs. Dakcr. $ MVAl'Ml Ktil A IIW. I , Tho Mlzpah IJlblo Class hold their regular mooting last night In tholr Mr-. J. O. Langworthy, Miss Effloi " r" "" , J' ? Church as special guest of tho after noon, nnd whoso marrlago to Mr. Frank Month aIbo occurs In Juno, Mrs. Q. O. Sutherland and Mrs. Guy Kondall. Tho other guests woro Bcatod at four smaller tables. At tho beginning of tho luncheon tho brldoB-to-bo woro profusely showorod with roso petals and wish es that they might always hnvo "rosea on tholr way." During tho aftornoon tho gucBts liommod linen for tho brldo-to-bo. Thoso present tlunrlng tho afternoon wora: Mrs. J, O. Langworthy, Mrs. F. C. Illrch, Mrs. F. E. Alton, Mrs. Hop plnn, Mrs. W. Lnngworthy, Mrs. Otis Wilson, Mrs. C. A. Lnngworthy, Mrs. Q. O. Sutherland, Mra. W. F. McEldownoy, Mrs. F. L. Sumner, Mro. Ivy Condrou, Mrs, C. 11. Cur tie, Mrs, A. II. Drews, Mra, Iiallln cor, Mrs. Fryo, Mra. Abbott, Mrs. Chns. Davit), Mm. Guy Kendall, Mrs. J. Leo Drown, Mrs. 0. N. Dolt, Mrs. J. Knotts mid tho Bpoclnl guostB, Mies Evolyn Lnngworthy and Miss JSfflo Church, In tho evening Mra. Torroy had m RiiestB MIsb Lnngwnrthy'H most intlninto frlonds from tho younger act, who nlHo woro served a most enjoyable two-courao luncheon. During tho ovoiiIiik tho hoatoss wiim aiaslsted by Mrs. Frank Sumiior mid Airs. Curtis. Much morrlmont wnB caused whon a mcssoiigor called nt tho door, asking for MIhh Lang worthy. Upon hor apponrnnco sho was hnnded u package nnd iib bIio re ceived It alio nttumptcd to draw up inn attached Hiring, whon nuotlior (ib n biiBlncBn meeting nnd election of officers followed by n social hour. Tho following offlcora woro elected for tho ensuing yenr: President Mr C. A. Smith. Vlco-Pres. Mr. C. A. Covey. Secretary Clarence Klblcr. Treasurer H. F. Kern. MEET TIIUHSDAV. -I - Tho Young LndlcB' Aid will meet next Thursdny evonlng nt the homo of MIhh Scnnlo Iloffland In Hunker Hill. . l e.v.jov piiiMAUv EXiiinrr. I Tho ladles who attended tho moth ors" meotlng In Mra. Wilbur's room ycfitordny woro: Mrs. M. C. Mnlonoy, Mtb. B, Don McCrary, Mra. J. S. Coko, Mrs. A. E. Anderson, Mra. C. A. Jensen, Mra. John Hear, Mra. 15. W. Knmmoror, Mra. Win. Sullivan, Mra. David Nolson Mrfl. Holla Chninbora, Mra. C. C. Go ing. Mtsa Emma Johnson, Mrs. J, S. Iloffnmn. Mra. Alex Johnaon, Mrs. Amy Frlzcen, Mrn. Mnblo Halrd, Mrs, Charloa Kronholm, Mra. Jens IlniiHon, Mra. G. Llljoborg, Mrs. Mlls trom, Mra. Hrynnt and Mra. E. A. Moy. , 4 MOWING PAHTV cornted with calla lilies, cut flowers and ferns, making a ery pleasing appearance. ; Tho speakers all showed careful training and their ability and offorts of tho director, Mrs. Rebecca Lusc Stutnp who coached then. It Is sel dom t' nt on entire group of speak-. crs shows such u high grade of Inter pretive power nnd such varied ex pression as did the six participants In this contest. Each speaker did so well that it would be difficult to pick out any ono person as deserving of spec ial praise. T.io Judges must have , found it as hard to choose a winner an did tho audience, for they dell-' berated at considerable length be-i fore making their final selection, Dr. Mnttlo U. Shnw was awarded first placo and tho Silver medal. Tho Judges were, Mrs. Wm. Horsfall, Mayor F. E. Allen nnd Mr. and Mis. W. A. Held. Mrs. Chas Stauff ren dered a soprano solo with much power' and impressivcncss wl Ich elicited prolonged applause as did also tho very excellent number rendered by tho Presbyterian Church Qunrtct. Mrs. Wm. Honifull nnd Mre. J. Wright Wilson served ably as nccompanlsts and their rjlnylng added much to tho effectiveness of (lie musical numbers. Hev. G. L. Hall In n few closing words commended tho spenkors and tholr director, thanked the muslclnns for tholr services nnd tho audience for Kb presenco nnd Interest nnd present ed tho medal to Mrs. Dr. Shaw. Tho program was as follows: Heading of the Scripture. . . .Presi dent JcbsIo P. .Marsh. Prnyor Hev. Joseph Knotts. Oration ,...15. II. Joolink. IlocltntIon.H.."Wlio Killed Joo'h Hnby".. . .Francos Florence Frnnse. Soprano Solo "Hnll Thou Hlson Ono" (Wnrd-StephoiiB) ..Mrs Chns. Stauff. Oration "What Matters It to You" Mrs. O. L. Hall. Hecltatlon "Absolom". .Dr. Mnttlo IJ. Shaw. Quartet "Fear Not" .....Mrs. E. L. Hoblnson, Mrs. J. E. Hurkhnrt. V A. Tlcdgen nnd Hev. J. 15. Durkhn-t. KecItntlon"Tho Plea of tho Drunk ard of Zonetn City". . . .Evn L. Drcs ttr. Oration "Tho Power of night na AgahiBt Wrong". . . .Mllo D. Summer. I Silk and Woo! Crepe Dresses :' CREPE DE CHIME CHIFFON TAFFETA FLOWERED CREPE CREPE METEOR SERPENTINE CREPE WOOL CHALLIS Exceptional values await those who choow . this lot. Dresses suited for all occasions Ail S tily trimmed with fine laces, fancy crystal ornoveltv buttons, Moire silk and new embroidery ? Skirts are in the newest tunic, pepium and S models. Seldom does this or any other stori K2 the opportunity to offer such handsome dresses at From $12.50 to $35.00 HKI5.VX8A Clil'H. Mrs. Dan Keating entertained at n ,lnllf)itrnl unrlv I.'rlilnv tn MIhh and Btlll another, until twenty pack- ij0i, millgrasa of Tncoma Wash., Ages woro drawn from tho ImBkot, no B VHltlng her HlHtor, Mrs. Clar- young Indies upent a most pleasant evening with music and games and at a Into hour bade their hostess nnd guest of honor good night. Those present In tho evening voro once Keating. Tho rooniH woro prettily decorated with spring flowers, pink rosea nnd huckleberry predominating. Sowing afforded a pleasant diversion for tVo nftornoou nt the clone of which uoii BSM.Ar!:!,0A,..'!i?.,jr.,L i'b'olouH rofreshmonts wero Borved by nut.,, ttllM I'.IUU WIIUIi.ll, illU UlllUIB -woro Irene Prouss, Ituth Allon, Gor- trudo Hoblaon, Helen Smith, Lucy tho hostess. Tho guostB Included Mra. V. O. Pratt. Mrs, Glven, Mrs. Earl Savngo. 2'oworB, May Myron, Lulu Hodson,' M"A,nVcnco KenttaB MwJ W Wli Mvrtin uiwiikp i. in iir,,u.. n ,.Mr8. unrciito Keaiiuj,, .ira. J. . II ...,...w ...... ..v., ..... mi, I'UIII llrown. Bfflo Church, Corn Dye. Mil ilrcd Storoy, Koxlo Hnll, Ilorthn Pavln, Jessie Traak, Mnblo Lang, Dormnl Campbell, Mnblo Ekblad, Alma Ekblad mid Eva Hansen. 4. 4. - I - .MAY PAHTY - I MIbs Vivian Cralg ontortnlucd Frl. lay ovenlng nt the homo of Mrs. A. Schwartz at liny Park with n May Day party. Muslo and gmnea woro tho featuroB of tho evonlnga fun. Special son, Mrs. Arthur lllnnchard, Mrs. J. W. Hill, Mrs. Jay Tower, Mra. J. v. Motley, Mia. Alfred Schroedor, Mra. V. L. Clnybaugh, Mrs. J. S. Hansen, Mra. L. L. Thoinna, Mrs. L. L. Gorr, Misses Delia Pratt, Lllllo Pitman, Ag nes Keating nnd tho honor guest Miss Htlllgross. W. T. V. CONTEST Tho Mnrshfleld W. C. T. U. gave ono of tholr popular Demorost Bllvor mednl contests at tho First ltaptlst boIob woro rendered by Misses Hromnr Church last night which wna won by Nolaon and Dalgle. Lively gnmes Dr. Mnttlo 11, Shaw. Tho popularity woro Indulged In, Winding up In a . of these oratorlcnl contests was fully Jlny Polo dnnco Miss Esther Nelson nttosted by the slzo or last night's wna crowned Queen of tlio .May. A IniiriU'iiep which occupied every nvnil ilalnty luncheon was Borved by tho nblo Heat beforo tho program bognn licstess lato In the evening. The lao that t. o Into arrivals had to stand. Riiesta present woie Mrs. A Schwartz.' Tho platform wna tnatefullv de- Tho Skonnsn Club was entertained this week by Mr. Mllo Sumnor nt i.or homo In West Mnrshflold Tho afternoon was devoted to sowing, after which tho hostess sorved de licious rofreBhniontn to hor guests. Mrs. W. W. Lnngworthy will on tortnln tho club next week. I XOKWIXHAX liVTIIBItAX. I Tho Young People's Society of tho Norwegian Luthornn church mot nt tho church parlors Frldny ovon- mg. iiioro wns a Biiort business session followed by n program nnd boclnl time. Miss Cora Mallilson road n paper and Mrs. II. 0. Thorpo gavo a reading. Mr. Alfred Jnron and Miss Dorothy Johnson woro host nnd hostess for tho evening. Ho freshmeuts wero Borved to tho guostB, who woro: Itov. nnd Mrs. H. O. Thorpo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gub Stecn, Mr. nnd .Mrs. nefflnnd, Misses euuio ucrrinmi, .MnDie, Cora and AIlco Mnthlson, Dorothy JohiiBon, Myrtlo Steon nnd Messrs. Shobnugh, 15. G. Mullen, Clay Hrnnnor, Androw Anderson, Peterson, Peter Ommll, Anderson, Sendstrom, Poter nnd Christ Thorpo. Illrd Iverson, Oliver Lnrson, Abinhnmson, Alfred Jnron, Mnrtln 8teon, Potorson and Jnlmor Korrinnii. I INFORMAL CHAT For the Assortment the Qualities-r-and the Workmanship Our Prices on Women's Suits are the Lowest We Know of, All Suits up to $25.00 Go at Special $30.00 and $35.00 3X SEE CORNER WINDOW DISPLAY $12.50 tpMuU Walking Skirt Specials $3.45 and $3.85 Smart new Skirts in all the most wanted materials, latest designs and novel ties. A selection in which you are sure to find just what you want, no matter how critical you may be. When this lot is sold, they will not be duplicated at these prices. See them. Hub Dry Goods Co. . "SMART WEAK POB WOMEN." Corner Broadway and Central Avenue. Phono 361. EEa I Better Glasses Better Vision THAT MEANS COMFORT IN WEARING GLASSES SEE US FOR T0RIC LENSES and KRYPT0K BIFOCALS Red Cross Red Cross Optical Dept. Drug Store W. S. Tnrper. nnd wife nrrlved homo this week from California wlioro Mrs. Tiirien hns spent sovor ol months nt tho homo of her par ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Polloxfon. Mr. Tnrpon wont down to accompany hor homo, 4 fr 4 W. A. Reld nnd family aro spend ing' Snrulny nt tho T. C. Itnssoll homo nt Ileavor Hill. S Wm. Grimes and wlfo aro expect ed hero nbont May in from South ern California whoro they hnvo spent tho winter. Thoy will bring tholr au to up with thorn. 4 Mrs. Pnt Flnnnjwn of .Mnrshfleld spent a ftfw days this week as tho Biiost of her pnrentB. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Home. In North IJend, 4 4 ( Tho Xorth nond .Vest of Owls will hnvo n blK Mny Day dance at Kck hoff hall tonight. Mrs. I. H. Ilnrtlo will entertain tho North nona Kplscopal Altar Guild ne.t wook, Miss niichnnnn of Washlnnton. n. C, Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. It. K. Drowning. Miss HoihiIo Gage of Coqulllo spout part of tho week with frlonds In Mnrshfleld. II. K. Shlno nnd family of Coqulllo, are planning to spond part of the summer in California and mny make their perinnnont homo nt llo'rkeley. Mrs. Cntlioy nnd baby nnd Miss Kruso nrrlved from Portland this , woek to spond tlie suninior nt ti.o , home of Mr and Mrs. K. V. Kruso In North Ilend. i . 4. 4 I Miss Norn Tower Is expected homo tho Inst of next week from Ilorko- ly whoro she has boon attending tho I University of California. Misses .Frances Williams, nessle Coke. Mav Prouss and tho other Coos Uny stu dents there will return later. Miss I.ucla Campbell, of Myrtlo Point, Is spending Sunday at tho homo of Mr, and Mrs. B. It, Chand ler. Major nnd Mrs. Morton Tower of Empire returned this week from n visit at tho homo of their son. Mor ton Tower, who has chargo of tho U. PUIS IN ill Zillah May From Grays Har bor Finds Fine Halibut Bank Off Oregon Coast ' i After having locntod a halibut1 bank off tho coast north of horo that promises to bo ono of tho best) of fishing grounds, the two-mnBtcdj fishing schooner Zillah May from Grays Harbor was forced to lift mi-1 chor nnd nets mid put Into Coos ' Day for rcfugo from tho sovoru i northwest gale. I Tho Zillah May brought In about, 4000 lirmllflB nt film linlllm. l.l.il. eho had tnken In n short time. Cnpt. Chris Anderson Is mnstci' of tho Zillah May nnd ho carries n crow of fifteen men. Thoy stnrted In fishing off Hoceta Hoad and woro prepared for a big catch which tho bnuk afforded whon tho storm enmo up. Tho Zillah May was orlglnnlly planned for tho Alaska fishing fleet but tho Alaska Fisheries Company so predominated that field that tho' ownors decided to try for an lndo pondont field. Tho Zlllnh May Is docked back of tho Johnson-Gulovson storo, Sho will put to sen In a day or two. CROWNING COLLECTION NHVKIt .MIX!) Till! WAR WITH MCXICO HUT SHOOT Till: IUI.VT ox your iiousn TIiIh Ih tlio time, to do It. JWSWBaJS BIJVKUAI THOUSAND lfell Craj w.rcn of, ,v,v,m Kvnry novi'lty In nll rirriiriiilmi, Amr lean and (oificn In on ip ut uui riota room. Dm iiilvlct" nn rlrn unit citlol chtiiio l yuum Tur lli iikkiii. It costs you nothing to pi our estimates VIERS VIKIIS PAINTS KVKHYTHING. !in7 North Front Strfft. (SOU) Hi:.VCH NUOfiKTS. EnRlneers H. P. Hoey and AV. n. Fontaine, of tho Willamette Paci fic railway, are out on tho new lino for a few days to inspect the work. Tho laying of tJ'o rails has progress ed across the Wildcat, which Is two or three miles beyond the m-pson to.. o. cuhiiivoiiiiK ur on me uumuoiut . nunus 01 me trains at uuicahorainy ,Bny harbor improvements. Eugene Register. CiiM'y County Sent, .News ns Told by tho Globe. Tlio run of spring snlmon lu tho i Ivor so far has been light, how ever, at tho prlco paid this year for fish, tho men thus ougaged aro not complaining at the oatehes made. Mrs. W. A. Wood had charge of tho high school whllo Mr. Kont wont to Grants Pass to tako tho Post Of fice examination, x The nwiny friends of Frank Cnugh ell nnd Wesley Gauntlott will bo pleased to learn that each or tnom has undergone nn operation for ap pendicitis and aro getting along fine, Mr. Huston, tho Myrtlo Point butcher, passed throueh town on Wednesday with a band of sixty-five head of joung steers purchased down tho coast, en route to his Coos Coun ty range, whero thoy will bo fatten ed for tho local market nt Myrtle Point. Mrs. Alf Caugholl nnd Mr. V. M. Kent stnrted to Grants Pass Wednes day to tako tho civil service examin ation for the Postmnster8hlp nt this placo. Each of thorn went tho Ag-neBs-Dotliam trail. ARE OUT ON THE LINE THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY NOTE THESE PRICES: Silk hose for ladies, (extra value) per pr. 35c, 50c Burson hose for ladles (best grade), per pr $ Footguard hose for men, per pr s 2 pair for ------dJ Deerhlde hose (good strong hose for boys) 20c a w American Girl hose for girls (fine rib, big value) pair WJ Service hose for men, women and children, 15c, i prgj Ladies' and children's hose supporters ---r-10c.toS American Lady hair nets, fine strong silk mesh, iw each or 3 forZSc United hair nets, big values for the money. -5c. 6 forge Boys' Chambrey Waists ?5cand50 Boys' bib overalls 50ai6r? Large line Ladies' and Children's Underwear, children s wash dresses, etc, . neh t We buy for cash at bottom prices; we sell for casnoi bottom prices, In fact this store offers every induce ment to the shrewd and careful buyer, . , 0an., N. B.A shipment of Ladies' moderate-priced rana mas will arrive on the next boat from the soutn. Smith's Variety Store NORTH BEND THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY. m t k 1 mJggJg&Z&ami