iff iffm illWlt''lll'"iwSlWWll,Wlwi5wv1' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1914 EVENING ED1TIQI. TWO ii ti COOS BAY TIMES M. 0. MAIiOXKV Editor and Pub. DAN K. MALONEY News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Entered at the Postofflco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class mall matter BIG LEAGUE GALL SCORER BAD CHECK 10 CAL WRIGHT WAHHANT ISSUED KOU JOHN BHATiKV WHO IS SUPPOSED TO IIK AT IIANDOON ISSUED 910 WOIITIIMMS CHECK. Cal Wright of tho pinyinoro liar today sworo out a warrant In Justice Ponnock'8 court charging John Shal oy with obtaining money under falBo pretenses. Tho warrant was Bont to Shorlff CJago. as Shaloy Is sup posed to bo In'Handon. Tho check was for HO and was drawn on tho llartniun-ThompBon bank at Port land. It was returned markod "no funds." 8haloy worked around res taurants while lioro. Forged Chock for License. County Clork Watson Is roportod to havo been "stung" a few weeks ago when ho accepted a check from Ed flmlth fbr a -woiMIng license. Smith also cashed n cottplo of more worthless chocks on tho mill board ing house man at Porter. Ho wan taken boforo tho grand Jury but on promlso to mako tho checks good waB roleased. Portland Loses Again to San Francisco Venice and Sacramento Win. t'lr AmocUiwI rfM (o Coo nr TlmM.) PORTLAND, Or., May 1. Port land lost again yesterday to San Francisco, threo to two. Tho games yesterday! At Oakland R. II. E. Sacrnmonto 4 10. 1 Oakland 1 7 0 Datterlcs: Stroud and Hannah; Malarkcy and Alexander. At Portland R. H. E. Portland 2 7 0 San Francisco .1 7 1 Dattorlcs: Fanning nnd Sopulve Ja; West, Brown and Haworth, Fisher. At Los Angeles R. II. E. Los Angeles G 82 Venice 9 7 1 Dattorlcs: Chech and Ilrooks; Klepfcr, Smith nnd Elliott. HOPE 10 GEI S ED COUNTY GLDG. SOON HOT iN FAVOR I Dan Conlogue Expects Camps Panama Exposition Authori and Mill at Bandon Start Within 3 Months. ties Have Rule Barring Exhibits by Counties. AMERICAN' LEAGUE. Clevoland 3; St. Louis 3. Chicago 4; Dotrolt 5. Iloston-Now York; rain. VaBhlngton-Phlladolphla(; NATIONAL LEAGUE. rain. i LOCAL OVERFLOW. ' ItKHISTItATION CLOSIXS Registration for tho prlmnry olec 'tlun closed yesterday. Justlco I'on noo registered HG horo. Sovcral oth ers also registered voters In Marsh Hold. It will' probably bo sovcral days boforo tho total registration Is known. St. Louis 0; Chicago 7. Clnclnnatl-Pittsburg; cold. Now York-Boston; rain. Phlladolphla-Drooklyn; rain. NORTHWESTERN LEAOUE. Victoria 2; Vancouver 3. Scnttlo B; Spokano 0. Portland 1; Tacoma 4. Won Cnnc. Mrs. Jenulo M. Ste wart returned from Coqtillle toilnv nnd btates that Judge Coko throw out of court tho caso of Harrlngton-Doylo Company against her. They got a Judgment In Justice's Court nnd she apponlod. PLAN RAILWAY : TOWARD BAY Roach Timber Company, Wey erhauser Interests and L. F. Luse in Project. PORTLAND, Or.. May 1. Agree ments Blgncd In Porltnnd botwoon tho representatives of tho Roach Tlmbor Company, tho Woyorhnusor Company nnd tho J. F. Luro Com pany, of Sutherlln, settled tho first stops In tho construction of tho Cut It ft 1 1ft fnra Iln I. tnalftnii T lit- "J',., S? f Coql,," ,B a way out of Suthorlln-ohBtward to tap tho nig timiior Dolt lying twenty- Vessels Today. Tho Yellowstiono arrived In from Portland today with freight nnd will sail tonight or to morrow. Tho Speedwell Is scheduled to leave from hero this afternoon for San Francisco. PERSONAL OVERFLOW Marshflold visitor J. R. MAORI-: of tho RIvorton mines was In Mnrshfleld last ovenlng on business. S. A. CARMICHAKL who Is now con seven miles from that city. Representatives of the oastorn concorn who woro In Portland yes terday woro L. Roach of Mus- ducting a tlo camp on South Inlot, cntlno, Iowa, C. M. Crogo of Spok- ls a Marshflold visitor. SOCIAL CALENDAR. FRIDAY. Skonnsa Club with Mrs. Mllo Sumner. DomoroHt Contest nt Ilnptlst church. Ladles Art Club C. Fonslor. Excelsior Club. N. L. Y. P. hall. North Rend ball. Thlmblo Club 8. Kaiser. Mrs. O. 8. Torrey entertains for MIssr Laugworthy. SATURDAY. flood Time Club vlth Tholmn Lvnus. Mlnnlo-Wls Cub with Wm, Iloagland. Yount; Matrons with OtlB Wilson. Presbyterian Cooked Snlo. with Mrs, I S. at church I I Rhododendron I with Mrs. C. Miss I Mrs. Mrs. nno, and William Mussor of Iowa City, who ropresonts tho Woyer hauscr Interests. F. U. Wnlto nnd J, F. Luso. of tho J. F. Luse Com pany, of Sutherlln. woro tho local parties to tho agreement. Tho englncor will bo secured lm moJIately and construction on tho rond will bo put under way as quick ly ns posslblo, It Is roportod. Tho first unit of tho road to bo com pleted will bo twonty-sovon mllos that will run eastward from Suth erlln. ' Lator It Is contemplated to ex tend to Coos Ray and run Into tho Interior of tho stnto. Tho luunod Into nlm of tho company Is to pro vldo for tho dovolopmont of tho G4, 000 acres of timber oast of Suther lln. Mills for handling this tlmbor will probably be established In Sutherlln. HE SURE nnd SKIN Coos Day Improvement bond PETITIONS. I ' 4 If you are not ashamed of your gootN. A D V M K T I S E THEM. I Prcsbytorlnn Cooked Food IMAGINARY HEART TROl'llLE I Snlo. I ' Do you havo pains In tho region of tho heart? Dose you honrt thump? Its torrluio pounding alarms you? What Is wrong? Do you bollevo thoso symtoms mean honrt trouble? Orga- ,, , ,. ,, ,,,,,' iilQ dlseasoa of tho heart vory sol AUint A on Havo Hecii Looking lor. ,,, occaslon much pain. Nearly all , i of thoso pains nro caused by somo Morltol White Llnlnionr Is n prop- derangement of tho stomach. Morltol nratlou that gives satisfaction whoro Tonle Dlgostlvo Is especlnlly rccom n nnln killer and heufor Is needed, mended for Indication nud dyspop Wo do not believe yaw could got a sin, and for restoring tho stomach betor liniment at finy prlco. Owl to Its normal functions and no Proscription Pharmacy. Frank D. more heart disease? Owl Prescrlp Cohan, Opposite Chandler Hotel, tlon Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan, Phono 74, Control Avenue Drug Opposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono Stoiv, exclusive agency. Prlcos 25c, 74- Central Avenue Drug Store, GOc, $1 00. exclusive, agents. Prlco $1 00 Dan Conlogue of tho Conloguo Tho following form the Uandon Logging Company waB In Marshflold Recorder plnces the plan to lmo a today en route to his old homo In Coos County building at the Pnnn- Pennsylvnnla, whoro ho will visit for ma Exposition in San Francisco in n couple of months. Ho stated that a strango light: tho Mooro mill at Uandon had closed Thoso who woro hoping to havo a down as a result of the controversy Coos county building at tho Panama between tho Mooro Company and Pacific exposition are doomed to dls- tho Coach Estato oor timber. Tho nppolntmoot nccordlng to Informa- Conloguo camp was closed down Hon recoived by tho Commercial somo tlmo ngo. Club. All exhibits must bo made In Mr. Conloguo said that ho was In tl.o main exhibit plnces. This will hopos they would got matters all be a great dlssapolntment to Coos stralghtoncd out so that thoy could county pooplo who have hoped to do ro3iinm operations lnsldo of threo somo extensive advertising of this months. Tho litigation between section nt tho fair, tho Mooro company and Coach Es- it will now bo necessnry to devlso tato will probably continue much othor means of advertising than that longer unless somo sort of a sottlo- nt first planned, ment Is reached. Tho following lettor from tho Dl- Rognrding tho report thnt tho rector of tho Exhibits of tho Commor- company was taking ovor tho Bout- cni club explains tho position of tho In tract of tlmbor nnd would hnvo tho Conlogucs move their logging outfit to tho Reaver Slough section, Mr. Conloguo had little to say. Ho exposition officials "Hondon Commercial Club I am duly In receipt of your communica tion of April 14th In which you ro- sald that he and others had been qnesi8 to give you certain Informa buBy tho last few weeks cruising tlon wIth regard l0 tno oxi,bit of timber and looking It over with a, nn,oni tho coqulllo River and Coos view to getting things lined up for county nt thls exposition, tho future. ..In rcpiyi j bcK to nfortn y0U thnt .. .ra' cl0MC Ml11' . I nil exhibits will havo to be mado In air. u'toiio wno enmo over irom , ,.,i rvrtiii.it Pninrnn. Thi Ore- Dandon yestordny and Is enrouto to Portland Bald thnt ho had' been In formed that tho Sudden & Chrlston son Lumber Mill nt Prosper plan ned to closo down soon for n time un tllo tho lumbor market Improves. Ho said that Mr. Mooro of tho Mooro Lumbor Company hnd Inform ed htm thnt tho Mooro Lumboro Com pany would start up within two weeks If It was victorious In Its suit with tho Coach Estato nt Coqulllo and If It wiib not, they hoped to movo their legging equipment soon to the bou tln tract and got things going. NORTH REND TEACHERS School Hoard Klectn Old Instructors At Advanced Salaries. Tho North Rond school board this week elected tcachore for next year, re-eloctlug moat of tho old Instruct ors nt nn advance In salary. Tho teachors olocted nnd tho salaries fix ed woro as fo'lows: Mrs. Ulysa C. Woodbury. Miss L. Carrlo Slbol Miss Helen Mondo Mrs. Edith A. Irish Mr. Earl L. Drow. . . ..'. . Miss Pearl E. Hcnth.... Mrs. Matilda K. Slcop gon building will contnln no oxhlblts for nward, and only displays not to bo vlowod by tho Jury will bo Install ed therein. Even If you succeed In erecting n building for Coos county you would, not bo nllowod to mako vour exhibits from that county In this building. I "If you will Inform mo ns to tho exnet nnturo of your exhibit. I will then bo nblo to refer you to tho vnr- Icus Departmental Chiefs under vboe lurlBdlctlon ouch exhibits fall. I "I havo roferred your Inquiry ns 1 to f'o use for dccorntlvo purposes i on tho exposition grounds of Coos 'county myrlto nnd Port Orford wMto cedar shrubbery to 'he Director of Works who has Jurisdiction over this portion of tho work. "I oppreclnto your interest and wel come your ro-onorntlon. Verv futv vnnrs, A. C. linker, director of exhibits." $77.G0 G2.C0 07.50 G2.50 G2.G0 72.50 72.50 SEE tint your NAME li enrolled on tho IIARROR Improvement Petitions. FreckIeFace Miss Edith Rnab 00.00 Miss Frances Goldon.... G0.00 Sun ami Wind Will Bring Out Italy Miss Mlnnlo Parker 00.00 Spots. How to Remove Easily. Mrs. Crnco Dolmoro GO. 00 Here's n chance, Miss Frecklo- J. F. Grubbs 120.00 fnco, to try n remedy for frecklos ChnB W. Perkins 80.00 with tho gunrnntoo pf a rollnblo A. S. Hlsoy 80.00 doalor that It will not cost you a Miss Hoath and Mrs. Woodbury ponny unless It removes the frocklosj iiurtiriuiiB, wuiu ununuu ?j iur wnuo II 11 (1008 gIVO yoil II Clonr as month oxtrn oach. Reduce the High Cost of Living by taking advantage of these to removo freckles. Saturday Specials comploxlnn tho exnonso Is trlfllntr Simply got nn ounce of othtno doublo strength from any drug riot and a few applications should Bnow you how easy It Is to rid your solf of tho homoly freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Raroly Is more than ono ounco needed for tho worst enso. Bo suro to ask tho druggist for tho doublo strongth othlne as this Is tho prescription sold undor tho guarnntco of monoy back If It falls 20 pounds Sugar $1.00.1; $1.15 MAY SCHEDULE. Tho following Is tho May schedule or mo uram-uoos nay stage oavo Gardiner. a. in. a. in a. ui, a, m n.m in. P. m p. in n.m n.m. n.m. 100 pounds potatoes These prices are for Sat urday only. 6 pounds Rhubarb Save money on your groc eries by phoning your order to n- PHONE 192-J. Portland Grocery Store 307 South Broadway. Next door to Postoffice PHONE 192-J. HH0'4 Money Saving Specials nt THE l'WIlt on Control Avenue, not to Clinndler Hotel. THESE PRICES ARE FOR SATURDAY. MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY. COME AND OET YOUR SHAKE OF THESS IIAROAINS. Leavo Marshflold. All laco curtains, blankets, comforters and bed spreads have boon marked nt special low prlcos, Rcautlful window scrims, whlto or ecru, were 25c and 30c, now 17c yard. S00 yards Indigo bluo and turkey rod calicoes, neat pat terns, were 8c, now 4 1 -2c yard. Ladles' Rrassleres, ombroldcry or laco trimmed, specially priced; 75c, GOo and 35c. 10a pearl buttons, only, 5c dozen. 10c bleached muslin, special Price 7o yard. Turkish towels, hoavy quality, unbleached, wore 25c and 30c, now 19c. Ladles' 25c sleovless vests,,.. 3 for 50o. Ladles' 16c sloevless vests, only 9 Celluloid or horn combs, ex tra strong, were 25c, now.... 15c each. Tablo damask, red, blue or white, good quality, woro 75e, now ...,,.,,, 50c yard. ::to ... Frl. 1 ,.r 8:00 0:30 ...Sat. 2 ... 8:00 'J: 30 ... sun. 3 ... 8:00 10:00 .. Mou. 4 ., 8:30 10:30 .. Tues. r .. 9:00 12:00 .. Wed. G .. 10:30 1:00 ..Thur. 7 . ll:30 2:00 .. Frl. 8 .. 12:30 G:00 ... Sat 9 ... 4:30 G:46 .. Sun. 10 .. 5; 15 7:30 .. Mon. 11 .. 0:00 8:00 .. Tues. 12 .. 0:30 8:00 .. Wed. 13 ., 0:30 9:00 .. Thur. 14 .. 7:30.n.m. y:;iu .. mri. ir. .. s-oo 9:30 .. Sat. 1G .. 8:00 9:30 . . Sun. 17 .. 8:00 10:00 .. Mou. IS ., 8:30 11:00 . . Tues. 19 . . 9:30 12:15 .. Wed. 20 .. 10:45 1:00 .. Thur. 21 .. ii:30 2:00 .. Frl. 22 .. 12:30 0:00 .. Sat. 23 .. 4:30 0:30 ,. Sun. 24 .. 5:00 7:00 .. Mon. 25 .. 5:30 7:30 .. Tues. 20 .. G;00 8 00 .. Wed. 27 .. 6:30.a.m, s:30 .. Thur. 28 .. 7:00 9:00 .. Frl. 29 .. 7:30 9:30 . . Sat. 30 .. 8:00 9:30 . . Sun. .11 . . 8:00 Take notice thnt nutos nro running on the.boach. and that rei?. ular Sunday trips aro made between Marshflold and Gardiner. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. n.m, a.m. a.m. n.m. a.m. a.m. a.m.' n.m. a.m. n.m, a.m. n.m, p.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. now Satisfaction always or money refunded (Next to Chnudler Hotol. THE FAIR Satisfaction always or money refunded Irving Block, Central Ave NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS. In the Mattor of tho Assignment ot E. C. Barker. Assldnor. .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai tho undorslgnod, J, C. Kendall lrs been duly appointed asslgneo of E. C. Darker, formerly doing business In tho City of Marshdeld, Coos County, Oregon. All creditors of tho aforo sald E. C. Barker are hereby notified and directed to present their claims, verified under oath, within three months from tho date hereof, to tho undersigned nt his office In tho First National Bank Building, Marshfield, Cops County, Oregon. J. C. KENDALL, i , Assignee. (Date of first pub., April 3; last May ,15, 1914.) 86 L. M. Tozier Grocery Co. We haye no Saturday q .Snprial for Tnmnwn... ffV r W11UW v!) pnly one ofthe-best, cleanest and up to the mimi stocks of Fancy and'Sfitfe Groceries in Marshfie J !: next Saturday's Phenomenal Special. We apS!?' your patronagoi. Coos River and outside Vcapbhi !' and fruits at- lowest market nrinn. mm 86 Commercial Avenue. Phone 433;. Good Green Things; And Lots oi 'em There's an appetizing odor of garden and orchard in the store today from the abundance of fresh-fruit and vegetables just received. READ THIS LIST Green Onions . Radishes Egg Plant -Crisp Celery Artichokes Ripe Tcmatoas Wax Beans Green Peas New Potatoes Sweet Potatoes Asparagus Head Lettuce Cauliflower Cucumbers Turnips Carrots Beets Parsnips Cabbage Bell Peppers Honolulu Bananas Central America Bananas. Cherries Oranges in ail sfcus Phone your orders early to ( Nasburg's Grocery THE GOOD HOUSEKEEPIWGuSTORE Corner Commercial and Second St. Phone 213-Ji TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on easy pay. ments, new and rebuilt.. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or exchange. Cleaning, repairing or now plutens, work Kiiarnntccd. Itllibom mhI cm bou pijpcr delivered. Phono us your order. Phono -14. AllUnw on TYPEWRITER, EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY CO. KINDLY REMEMBER AND GIVE US A TRIAL KVHIIYTIIIXG IN TDK IIAKI3KY LINK MARSTIFIELD BAKING COMPANY l:l NOItTII 8KCONI) ST., NKAH CENTRAL AVKNUC. IUI0NEU8. The Kxhiblt of The Oregon Social Hygiene Society Describing "THE GREAT RED PLAGUE" by means of pictures, cnrtooiw, clmrtH, etc., U now being liow t the O'Connell JJiilUlJnj:, Beecoiul nnd Market street. l'Olt MI0.V AND WOMKN Open from 10 n.m. to 10 p.m. No churno for ndmUslon Hulv ntteiidantM from ! P to a p.- hundhuds Aitr. skkinq it daily IRVING BLOCK Vaatiam SPECIAL SALE IN Mens Clothing SUITS Your O'COATS choice 11AINCOATS nt $21.85 We have placed on sale for this week u beautiful assort ment of Men's Suits, Overcoats and Itnlu Coats; guuriuiteed nil wool; fabrics well tailored. All this season's merchandise, lletter values you never saw for the price, $21.85. WHY? llecause wo sell for cash. Wo nro showing a largo lino of TUB Ties nt Si5e. A beau tiful lino of Silk Hosiery; all colors. .Hen. 30c values. Spe cial, U5c; for $1.00. SPECIAL SALE IN Ladies' Dept SUITS Your AOO Ijrt COATS Choice J),JV DllKSSES at Tuesday, Wednesday, TW ,ly. We hate " our regular stock, 20 Suto Coats and 20 Dses; 63 ' garments In all "J ".otR decided to give 0" CHOICE AT $22.30. BJ ber they r"" liuulo for sKclnl wIn M tho contrarj- " ' models taken "" , lar stock. 'ITU fc wanted mater!. l Jitirp; Htm of tlio !., .c" vlitet nil sUes. The i-" iH to $31.50. Your chow i ?&JM&':- Jn-lJPr-'" v .xWjiijaiBirfi-Aft f ' 1T11 "aM t -i-'iif-fc jti mti u 1 V V -