" J llr tun ww r o 4 J 4 ! HfJAME OF L1PELQQKS CHEERFUL W CARRIES A TREASURE SAFE IN HIS HEART A HAXNER YEAR Tills scnwn Ql'cns with brighter -J.ix.-cl9 for tho great Coos liny Bit!" ...... T..I1-... ......,..., .1..... mmm DON'T SCATTER SHOT Conccntrnto jour advertising In lite newspaper that reaches the pco. plo )'oti want to talk to. Ammuni tion costs money. The Times wives money to advertisers. Itnl ton.'""" "v y"""' " 'na l.r In Its history. For. fnnM nre In tlio making. Arc you W lyiB ,,,e 'o""11"1'0" tov I jours MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED TRESS 0L XXXVII. .JSS MARSHFIELD, OBEGOM, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1914-EVENING EDITION. -SIX PAGES. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali and Coos liny Advertiser. No. 242 EXfGANS IN VERA CRUZ LIKE FEAR 6ARR FELL OVERBOARD AID WAS DROWNED YESTERDAY LATE MESSAGE SAYS SIBERIA IS SAFE ON WAY 10 MANILLA GOVERNMENT By UNITED STATES don mm Lnfltfi Tliev May Seek. Rule similar iu umi en joyed by Canal Zone. YOULD HAVE AMERICA HAVb urnviiuii Aim Is to Use Vera Cruz As Example for the Balance 01 ivicxico. PROGRESS IN PEASE PLANS Kl'XSTOX XOW HUIiltS. Df ABoclitrt rrrtt to Coo. JU7 Tlmn. WASHINGTON, D. C. Mny 1 Tho civil government estnb llihed at Vorn Cruz wna ordered replaced by n military govern ment under General lunston. Well Known Marshfield Bar ber Mysteriously Disappears Off O'Kelly Launch on Way from North Inlet. Ous A. Uahr, n well known Marsh. neiu uarber, dlsapeared yesterdny al Uahr wns pretty well advanced In years. Ho came to Coos Day from .Minneapolis about two yenra ago and after working in n shop here mado ar rangements to start n Bhop of his own on tho waterfront near tho Market avenue dock. loiter ho was Joined hero by his wife and two chll- J dren. Ills son, Win. A. Uahr Is In !ounto0,fM0m Vm-M?'1?0!'? lut$l 'tal&rg0 of the Oregon' Power Com" Held nnSTll J,n V" Mfh- ,IBny gas plant at Porter, and his ni?i.2i ,!-8iUW.,0"cU hwvo. fn.,.,?.n daughter, Miss Pauline Uahr is nn ar- ROCKEFELLER SGDRED TODAY TItlVi: IS HECIiAHED. or Aixl"M I'ri tal'iw llr Tlm. 1 r WASHINGTON. D. C, Mny t In a report to sccrotnry on. Mnjor noiuroox sniu the opposing forces in tho of wmsenuurg, coio- ido, had agreed to lay down arms. MANIMjA ANNIVERSARY. B; AfUlH Vmt lo Coot lu TltnM. ' WASHINGTON. D. C. Mny 1. Today marked the sixteenth innlrcrsary of tho bnttlo of Manilla Hay. In celebration of the event, Admiral Dowoy, pros Ident of tho Society of Manilla Day, will glvo a dinner tonight. V.X .,. .". .?." ,ur- Hl8!i,t 0f ability. Uoth children reside,' fainllv .n .,;.riT-ii. i u wlt" u,e,r fronts on Central Ave. Wi lly hno practically given up hope west, near Ninth street. In, ,nhr l lu"ea,u,n,1" ,th0 I,oforo comlnK to c08 V. Mr- launch reached Marshfield w in n.h. ;,..i ,.i. ..".. ..... ..,' ,..., r ... nit.n . . . . .. V :. nun tuuu..ju iiiu uuiuur uiibi- tapt.o Kelly noticed that he did not , ness In Minneapolis for over twenty get orr Ho looked In the cabin and years and was well known to many wna ntilt miik rtt lint ti . . . .. ... . w Afmr r.iin.. - rv "'..". i ...7, ""7 .. ."" """- ioi.B.-., uii,oi tno u. a. smitn employes. For mo co no rn. r m,rKi Ti ? . S ... iw,l. C0,l", !,ot 8)enk ' 'oK 1me ho had tho shop In tho . .rn..i. m D .". fl"t,rrtl lluertnlonglis.i, but ho had not noticed Hnhr , Vendomo hotcel at Mlnneano Is yi.Vh. ?.?J!n.n,,h Ambassador, theldunppear. Uahr was rldlnR on tho I eeeml bo , hi 1 K' ...rinB deck In the rear cabin when O1 from what mny ho termed -barber's ti y. i B.a7 Mm.' . . paralysis," Ms right rlst had troub- linnr had beon In poor health for i led him. cfl somotlmo nnd for tho last few dnys i The family aro deeply shocked over Mediators in Controversy Be tween U. S. and Mexico Hear from Huerta. IHr Auortatra I'rtM lo Cooj Itij Tlmn.l VASI1I.GT0N, D. C, May 1.- messoeu sitld i i iiiiv-f nnthn rot... -...... t .. i . ... . . - ... ": "in vieuurui iiuermunKMB.i. uut no nan not not pii! tiniir. v... i.. !.. i..-..ii. South American envoys seeking to iiuiiiniu m tno .Mexican crisis con tinued their conference todnv with nioro apparent confldomo than over mm tneir work would succeed. They give their nttentlon to fram ing proposals for mediation to bo Buumitiou to tlio United States and Htiortn as the next ston In tho neco- tlatlons. At tho snmo tlmo I'rcsl- icnt wnson nnd his cnblnct con sldercd mcdlntlon possibilities. Demonstrations in New York Against. Him -Feels Deep ly Grieved Over It. f REBELS FIRE ON WARD LINER 1500 IX MEXICO CITV. lr AuatUtftl hm 1. Umm Btr TlmM.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Mny I. Consul Canada at Vera Ccai reported that there nro itlll 1S00 Amorlcnns In Mexico City unnblo to got out because of Interrupted railroad fnclll-. ' lies. . . . ... ,v j hiw uvliiij riiuv nvu j nnu uccn teoiing especially unwell, tho affair. Owing to no on0 having lvniuruiiy wnen no saw u)t. UKei- knowledge of whoro ho dlBsnpenred starting with n load of rnllrond off tho boat. It Is Imposslblo to mnko .uuu.v.o iui luv .tvi iii iiuov (.'iiiuim, a cnrciui soarcn oi tno uny nnu he boarded tho launch for n ride flunking the trip would be benefi cial. After tho railroad crew was let off, an Italian boarded the boat and he nnd Cnpt. O'Kelly and Unhr were the nbout nil that can be done Is to wait for tho Hay to cast up the body. Thoro was heavy wind blowing nnd whether this might have unbnlanc cd Hnhr as ho stood near the rail or whether he might have been overcoiro only ones stnrtlnc back. They reach. I by n fainting spell to which he ha I Pit Mnm llf (rtl.1 tntrt I fltn aCIapHMAH ' l..inH nl.lA.t l . M..-aln. Z. 12" - 1 "y"r- . uiiviiiuwii iiuii oiiirjvt. i in ii IJ Ul'DlliJU ALL QUIET IN COLORADO TODAY Conditions at Tampico Serious on Account of Accumula tion of Oil There. CAUHAXZA I'KOMISKS All). III? Am .l4 Trru to Con. lUf Tint.. CHIHUAHUA, Mny 1. (Jon oral Cnrrnnzn Is determined to uso ovory effort to protect tho Immense oil properties owned by foreigners nt Tampico nnd toipgrnpncd tno l-ltRli amlmssn l dor nt Wnshlngtrn thnt effect. I B; Auoclii lrr to Coot Dr Tlmf..J VEI1A CIll'Z. May 1. ItespoiiBl- llc Mexicans hero have becomo so imuiruvu uy iiiu nuriilllUKt'B ui uiu in, luind !. i ri it. rn.. i ; orderly government under tho pro-1 WASHINGTON. I), c. Mnv l. wcuM i or tho 1-1 ted Sin es iiwi Tho nvt of ,0 ,Itlintl0I1 t Tnill. rA "H12" "! ,L" ?',.,B,'iytnfll'l'!co.Brow.nK out o; the fnr. accum- oil No Acts of Violence from Strike Regions Reported Gov. Amnions Wants More Federal Troops. (Or AniKlttM rrf lo Coo. Day TlntM.) DRNVEIt, Colo., Mny 1. -Governor Amnions telegraphed to Secre tary Garrison asking thnt additional Federal troops bo sent to Colorndo on being Informed by Major Hoi iirnnir Hint iw wo u hi lie unable to spnro more men from ilia cominnnii for duty In tho northern Colorndo coal fields, whoro J00 mllltlnmeu under General Chnno aro still nn guard. Not an net of vlolcnco wns reported from tho strike regions yesterday, last night and early today. WANT MORE TROOPS. D; Auocltt. rrrtt to Co". Dtr TltsM.) THINIDAI). Colo., Mny 1. Mnjor Holbrook snld ho hnd recommended that moro troops bo sent Into tho district to provide ndcouato protection. n A.iwl.tl rrnt lo Ooot nr Tlmn ) NEW VOHK, May 1. A bnnnor bearing n skull nnd eross bones nnd j tho caption "No. 2C Hrondway," was; displayed ut n largo meeting of thej Auti-.Mintnri8t League in .Muiuorryi Uond Park. Aloxander Ucrkmnn, tho nnnrchlst who shot Henry C.I Frlck. called tho meeting to order. Mnrlo Gnnz wns tho first spenker. ! Sue rclntornted threats or personnl violence to John D. Ilockofcllor, Jr. Hockefi'ller N CSrlcted. Ilockofollor did not appear nt his I offices today. The secretary said thnt nlthough not 111, ho was great-( ly broken up by the ordeal of crltl clsm ho had undorgono In connection ' with tho strike. They said thnt Ilockefellor felt thnt he hnd been mndo to boar tho brunt of tho crit icism nnd hoped In tho near future to do nuio to uoviso some menns to relievo the situation as fnr as dem onstrations against him nro con cerned. For moro than nn hour Ucrkmnn nnd other speakers douounccd Rock cfellor In tho bitterest terms, then singing French nnd Italian airs, the crowd fell Into marching ordor and swept northward townrd Union Square. They hooted the capital ist's name as thoy marched. linn nors bonrlng tho lottors "I. V. W." were conspicuous In tho lino. Wireless Calls Indicate Wreck. But Whether She Found ered Not Yet Known. SOME FEAR CHINESE PIRATES TO BLAME British Vessel and Japanese Vessel Rush to Her Aid Brief News Given. SUIKItlA IK HAKE. Ill AxKMltttJ rmi to Coot r; Tlrart.) CORIlEOIDOIt ISLAND, Phil HpplneB, May Second A mes sago Just received from tho steamer Siberia by wireless states tho vessel Is In god con dltlun. It adds that tho Siberia will arrive nt Manilla Saturday morning. The message vna re layed from tho Slborla to tho wireless station, hero by tho crulsor Galveston. REACH WltKCK SCENE. tri; AMocltti-J Tmi to Coot iur Tiro. 1 TOKtO, May 1. Tho Hrltlsh cruiser Minotaur, proceeding under 'all steam to succor tho Siberia, reported horo Into to night she had reached tho sceno of tho disaster. under American of protection or ,..i,.,i.. .., ..n ... ... n.i., .u torernment similar to tho ono found ",?."," "' " .. "" '"" ' "1 "'. ' . Uv . mi " . 7t.,i. ... .,i which luiioiiiuitni ii iiivuniu iu mv btinl W, i7''.y V"r.k "iiL'town and n great loss from ovor utloa will fall to brim; about a .... ..... i-.ii.. i. -.,. ...,. ...i.i. Ube coalition of tho warring fnc- nout'rn, COminerco by the Constltu- imt-, , , . , tlonnllsts. ns exhibited In firing on hwinplo to All Mexico. tno Wnrd lino stenmer Antllla yes- .vi '""., . .i ,. i. terdny. prompted tho Ilrltlsh nmbas- 5SA.ffririh "n .MTS S Jul.!!? 'V : A-ii ?-- M..... m ... . . . ruiurj 01 oimo uiuuruv in u iui Pictures of tho tmnnvnlont. riilo cs- :..'.;. . . ... ukllifcM i Vr... n... V i.o tneir euori u create a iieuirui zoini woiiined at Vera Crux. A cIobo . ,h ,, .. ,d vicin,y. todr of tho local situation leads to ,n ,no ou "e,u ,U,U"J' tie belief that by delaying any con templated extension nf military oner- Jtlons the Washington government COXSl'I. AT TAMPICO. IDF AuocltiM rrr to Coo. Btf Tln't 1 .. . riii.irney r . r... 1 fell that there Is a nrobabllltv that V " "rll ,,"i ,.; '.. ... V. Vmed resistance mny bo eliminated openc.d tll0 COnsulato nt Tampico measurablo doereo nnd countless: .... .nn,i. n. n,ni.,nn fmm - - - - i iiiiuiTi ii ill iiiiiid jk raitJww.uia wu PETITIONS ARE ALASKA LINE SIGNED FREELYi MEN SELECTED Harbor Improvement Project Meets with Approval-Ov- I . er 400 Sign at North Bend. . llre saved. ID CROSS IN the Federal comnmnder. ROOSEVELT IS HELD AS SPY! MING 1 flumor That Dr. Ryan, an Am erican, Is Sentenced to Be Shot in Mexico. IB; Am. .ij pm, te Coot Dr Timet J WASHINGTON, D. C, May 1. " State Department today exerted "try means to obtain Information -- MV .WfV, b .Mfil. V,, ..... ,ya, au American Rod Cross orn fUl, ras being held in Mexico, sen 'ced to be executed as a spy. Tho te Department sent urgeut tele niB and has askel tho Spanish JODassador, representing the Huerta ernment here, to look out for Hraa's safety. safety. ItltIO IS SEIZEfl. Scheduled to Sail from Manos, Brazil Today for New York After Long Trip. inr AtMnuii riwt to coot dj niae.i NEW YOrtK. Jlay 1. Cable ad vices from Manos, Brazil, whero his expedition emorged yesterday from the Interior, state that Colonol Roosevelt would sail for New York today or tomorrow. Lieut. Mears and W. C. Eides Will Locate Government Railways There. Ur AmmUL.1 Pri to Coo. U; TIiom.J U'ASiiiNT.Tnv n n m. i Tho petitions iirgiug the Port of Secretory Lane announced that Pres Coos Uay Commission to Issue $300.- ident Wilson has appointed William 000 more bonds to complete the I.ar- c. Edes nnd Lloufenunt Frederick bor and Inlet improvement projects . Mears members of the Alaska Engln- wero pmceu in general circulation eerlng Commission Milch will have here today and it Is hoped to get charge of the locution of the rail. them all signed up within n week or .roads In Alaska under the recently su, uuu ui uiu iiciiiiuuo iii us iuii. ciiuihuu aiubku ruiiruuu uii, r.ues In ever business bouse so that , Is chief engineer of tho Northwestern everyone will have an opportunity! Pacific In California and Mears Is to sign and It Is probable that vnrl-i chief engineer of the Panama rall- ous parties will circulate them In tho , road and was recommended by Goe- outlying districts so mat wnen tlio tnais canvass is completed, It Is hoped to have nearly all of the voters in tho district signed. II. C. Dlers of North Dend was hero today and reported that yesterday. t'ney had secured moro than -100 slg-! natures to tno petitions in .xortn RESCUE MEN ON STRANDED BOAT S Dend. Bl'XSET IS SOLD. FIAIiA IS HOME. Shj-b Xutlve Mei, Itmihcvelt Woro Out 'finiilt'S In Ilruzll. (Dr AmoUI1 rmt to Coot IM TlmotJ NEW YORK. May 1. Anthony P"lnla In nh.aree of one of the Rooee- ...., ... ....-- -- velt expeditions in uruzu, miw iu KflW YOm ir-..l !!' uu..v... He Soiillieru Pwclflc DIhjiom" of Maga zine to Will hi in Wowlhtiid. (Br Auorlitfel 'r. to Coot UT TIoolJ SAN FRANCISCO, May 1. Sun set Magazine, hitherto conducted by tho Southern Pacific Railroad, lia3 been sold to William Woodhead, the advertising manager of the publication. NOW ON TRIAL SIX Jl'RORS OIJTAIXEI) FOR 3ICR. DER CASH MAY XOT HE AIU.H TO INTRODUCE COXFIIOX TO KIMJXO, 00 MALORY cans Quickly Release American (sJ,j tlB hardihood of the Colonel VesM!l at MiinzuillIIo. ,,.i v ,-.-). xt -- .1 I.e'r native n Anocutfci prr u coo. Bti Time . i,ip Flal said he lost over twenty poi'm's in three weks. PorMiiif Vohmtren- Capt. E. D, Washington, d. c, May i. . -iperican brig was seized by laoucht thnt .. i... i hoon Aaar. i Pircnna fnrmerly In command of the 3-but It was Immediately released; Alliance but now a Columbia river pl jwh apologies on demand of the lot, has offered to volunter for the VJ'8h. according to a report from I Mexican war. During the Spanish -Wmlral Howard; 'American war. ho commanded tne r transport Geo. W. Elder. Secretary ,'v'ERY GOOD CITIZEN is ROOST- Daniels has written him expressing VG the COMPLETION of the Coos appreciation of his offer to volunteer. A an" gg? &ft$A. JUDGE B. D "sPERR Vol Co?u.le v -33 here last nlgnt on business, " ou aro not asJiameil of your He Is gradually recuperating from 0od A D V E R T I S E THEM. his recent illness. E PASSES AWAY (Special to The Times.) COQUILI.E. Ore.. May 1. Un to four o'clock this afternoon, only six Jurors had been obtained for the trial , of Jas. Ferrarle Indicted for tho'Kelly murder at Henryvillo a few mouths ago. Thoy wore W. O. Cooper, A. E. Hansen. J. M. Hayes. T. M. Herr mann, T. W, Shook and I. M. Weekly. It was stated today that It would he doubtful If District Attorney Ml JeQvlst would be able to introduce the confession that Ferrari made to him as evidence In the case. Judge Coke hag not yet pronounced sentence on Mrs. Ozella Franklin. I WHmiii Is Guilty. Prominent Oreaon Pioneer Is K1 wiuon, of North nend. was n BKn; n?i. '"' lEET ' '" Br J"' after being ucdu at rui uuuu nciu out a few Hours. ..Grimes to Dulld Architect "W. G. Chandler who returned todav from tor Aocut4 n. to coot wr Tim.j San prandeco Baw woi. Grimes whllo PORTLAND. May 1. Judge Rufus i fjallfornla. Mr. Grimes Inform Mallory. who -was elected to tho ed him that he expected to be In national House of Representatives In Marshfield about May 16 and would 1866 and twice appointed attorney start the erection of a fine new build general of Oregon, died here last ng at Third and Central as soon as night, aged eighty-three. arrangements for tennants were con- I eluded. The building will be start- Get your cemetery loU smdeil ami ed this summer but how large It will rfpanpjt fnr rternratlnn TYiv. flpfl. t,a an.i hnn, en. If .lt I.a .s...i. sonable rates. Phone 367-X. ed will depend upon the leases made. OREGON' MAN AIIOARD. Purser V, C. Omnium of Kibcrlii Liven nt Oregxm City. (Dr AnKllt4 rr la Coo. !.. itm OREGON CITY. May 1. -' F. C, Charman of tho Sl'J.ili. .. u resldont of Oregon ptlty. ,UT uo.UI4 rim lo Uoat.B.7 TImm.1 TOKIO, Mny 1. Wireless clls for nssls,tanco from tho Pacific Mall Stqamer Siberia, henrd on tho Jap. aneso const today, Indicated that sho wns In grave peril off tho coast of Formosa. Tho llnor loft San Francisco April 7 for Manilla. She carried sovrnty-nuo snloon pnssen- .gcrs, Including Mrs. Frnncls Uurton Harrison, wlfo of tho Governor Gem- nrnl of tho PhlllpiilncH. A dlBpatch .from Formosn hints that Chinese pirates may have had something to ..,,.., do """" It- An early wireless ro- Marshfield- Party Gets Caught W aid tit mo imer was sinking, fn Mnrth Qlnimh lnnnoH I while n lutter inossnge Bald Hint ehe in iMortn biougn ienneay Was shoro six miles tt tho Bouth. SWiniS for Aid. onBl "mlnlnnd of Formosa Tlio Japan jeso government dispatched tho A party of Marshfield mon laBt eve- .stoamor Knnto Mnru from Formosa nlug wore saved from spending the ' to the succor of tho Siberia ns soon night hung up on tho dlko In the ns news of tho trouble of tho Siborla mouth of North Slough by W. . Ken , wns received. ncdy swimming ashore nnd sending u Among tho pnsscngora nn ' the smaller launch to bring them home. Siberia Is Mrs. John U. Dontlors, Thoy wero stranded on tho dlko, w"o t tho new Irrltlsh consul at which Is surrounded by wnter from Manilla. Tho vossol carried nbout shortly afternoon yesterday until '",y "ocond class pnisongorH aud ubout 8 o'clock lat night whon all,--00 'prngo. she inrrled n crow of wore laken off except Levi Smith who -'"' Tno Brnvest nnxlety prevails, remained with the AIlco II. untlll the ow, "K to tno fnrt lat tho wlrolew high tldo enabled him to got off today l'n,!'8 rro.m t" s'uorla hnvo ceased. The party was composed of Cell Ire- JN l,en .,,' wireless tails wore last land, Poter Mlrrnsoul, W. II. Kon-!!len ,"0 nearest boat was -sir r.edy. Ren Smith, Wm. Doylo, Ivy "oura nw"y- rescued by Edcar Mnuzey and Ar I Tho first wireless message was rc- nrty left hore at 11 o ciocr-! p""ht "n ,B,or ron flrmcd b c w,r,J ay. intending o run . owif d Zr W Jtllan' ter tho railroad construe!!.... I"."0 r .'" 0rn Nnrthern Stenm- Mlllcr In Chas. Hlckox's launch. Tho yesterday, look over tho railroad construction work along Nort Inlet and return In the mlddlii of tho nfternnan. The passongeru got off at Owiaiulto and walked up tho grade whllo Levi Smith i reived at Osezaknl. Tho Slborln'n mtilii roilipnriy as well na tho Hrit- ish rriilser Mluotnur. EGAN WAS ON HOARD. II; AuocLttsI I'm u Coot tJ; TIum.1 proceetled up tho old tortutous North 1 WA8HINVOTON- n r Mnv i Inlet channel with the Alice II. Ho oefiree "f Eran -ho !' on yof iluT made tho trl.t nn nlrleht nn.! InnV .,'.1"."' L(,al1' " S 9no 0f "i8 lsj'-'s! ; w"AJssn .aussrs :t :".,7;v. :,',:u" ";":. ."'',"","' ne"- ... " '" f.UU. ..,U D1.UIU when the Alice II ran un on tho old dike and stuck fast. Thoy were not perturbed however as the tldo was flooding. However, the strong wind onset tno bonoflt of tho tide and I'wir Siberia Foundered. Many Offices. IB Atorltt4 Prrat to Cm Btf T1re..1 WASHINGTON. D. C, Mny 1 - Thn Htatn noimrtmmit lino fnAaliA.1 when darkness came, thoy realized (the following cpnsulnr report from t at they could not get off. Then.Tansul. Formosa: "Siberia signalled . H. Kennedy swam across atid 'roneatcdlv for ni.i ernn, inti.,.,i got n row boat and made his way to! 22.0, longitude 121.10, but ceased North nend whoro ho telephoned to . this morning. Vessels sont from Qhas. Hockox who sont out the rescue ; Knronko will take six hours to reach party. ,the sceno. Fear Slborln has foun. They had not made any provision dered." for tho prolongod stay, having nelt'ier , . nianxots, eatables or other supplies ' and It was a 'red. cold and watery narty that the rescue ship brought In ! However, they saw the railroad work I nnd agreed that a good Job was being none. Victor Wittier and Dr. Mott of North Ilend had a similar experience and It was reported that ono or two other boats suffered likewise. Did Not Kudu. Capt. Levi Smith of the Alice II states that CIiob Hlckox's Btory about Will Kennedy swimming away to get rescuers Is made out of whole cloth. He says a small boat came by and Kennedy got aboard and wan taken to North Hend without swimming. MORE BODIES RECOVERED Rescue Crews Bring Out Thir teen More Victims of West Virginia Mine Disaster. tBr Auotjitod rttn lo Com Btr Tlmot.J Kui-Lisg, w. Va., May 1. The Plun IMcnlc The Marshfield High rescue crew assembled thirteen more School students and fncultv will en- bodies In the New River Coal Cora- Joy n picnic on Coos River tomorrow, pany mine and continued their ex- the Freshmen and Juniors entertain- ploratlons In hopes of locating all ln f'n others as a result of their Jos- of the 172 men who. It now seems Ing the recent ticket selllns contest .certain, lost their lives in t. . with the Sophomores and Seniors. plosion Tuesday. I !. ttttefT"" -trax-d-i-t-. ;-'lU.SL(