ES -- .' ,. rtu, NEWS OF NEakBY TOWNS IS Coq uille Mayor Has No Oppo tinn Manv Womon At s tend City Caucus I nere. COQUILLE, Or., April 27. Tho caucus to nominate city officers was bo woll attended that It was found necessary to adjourn from tho city liall to tho circuit court room. Tho women woro out In forco and In numbers almost equal to tho men, avldontly Intending to learn tho game of politics from start to fin ish, now that thoy sharo In the responsibilities orgovornmuiu. voto cast when IV cahio to balloting wbb 110. J . , . ' A. J., BherwootL warf made chair man and N. , pi.KeJloy secretary. Tho tollers appointed worp L. IJ. Hazard, .8. M.ftNosler, and J. W. Lonovo. Mayor 'Morrison was unani mously renominated and no oppon ont was named. ' Tho ballot for cbuncllmnn result ed na follows: V. II. Lyons 91; P. I. Klmo 72 j Geo. O. Leach 00; M. O. Hawkins 51; W. C. Laird 66. McBsrs. Lyons, Klmo and Loach woro accordingly declared tho nomi nees. For RocordoT tho only nnmo pre sented was that of J. 8. Lawrence, tho present efficient and very pop ular Incumbent of that offlco, and as tho universal enthusiasm that greeted tho presentation of his narno indicated, ho was nominated by ac clamation. Alluding to tho fact that tho now womon voters had not bcon ac corded any placo on tho tlckot the chairman, on his own Initiative, nnmcd Mrs. llobort It. Watson, Mrs. S. M. Nosier, and Mrs. Lawrence LJlJoqvlst as "official tollers to servo until tho noxt annual caucus." it Is hardly nocessary to ndd that tho position of "official toller" In tho Interim botwoen caucuses Is largoly honorary. It having been votod to appoint a commlltoo of thrco representative citizens to fill any vacancies that may occur In tho ticket tho chair man named tho following: N. Loronz, P. K. Drnno nnd 13. E. Johnson. Coqulllo BontlnoK V. H. GUERIN DEAR. MORRISON NAMED AGIN Thos. D. Guorln rccolved word from Lnnglols, Monday, Informing v him that W. S. Guorln, who wai fitirmtv anlinnl aunnrlnt nnrt ont nf Hur ry county for olghtoon or twenty yearn, died that day. Mr. Guorln wnn nn undo of Thomas, Harry and Qoorgo Guorln of this placo. Myrtle Point Enterprise IIANDON MAN AUTO VICTIM. 13. H. Hcnory had tho mlsfortuno to gut his arm broken as tho result of tho back-firing of tho onKlno on hla car as ho was "cranking" up. Thin Is very unfortunate for Mr. Hon ry at this tlino of tho year, Just when tho automobile aoason Is oponlng up. -.Dandon Recorder. , OKMiA TALKKI) TOO MUCH. In tho enso of Ozolla Franklin, of Marahfleld, who was bofnro the grand jury on tho chargo of shooting at hor negro husband on sundry occasions as ho locked tho courage to appear against hor and thcro was no other witness to tho fact that he had been mado a target of, tho chance for an Indictment did not look very good. Hut tho county attorney found tho lady horself a very wiling and volu bio witness, and In a short time sho had told sufficient to Insuro hor In dletmont. Should sho prove morn re ticent on hor trial at tlu coming term of, court, her own admissions bofore tho grand Jury wll confront hor. Coqulllo Sentinel. j TAKE OVKIt WAREHOUSES iluy w.MiniHT' Union Kcrurv IKiw PrtiKV ( tli In Coqulllo Volley. c Tho Coqulllo Sentinel Bays: n. H. yRttniH, manager of tho Farmers' Un- tion aioro at coqulllo, and J. H. wai jlnco agent of tho Ralfour-Guthrle (.Co,, woro hero Monday and with a (l)ommIttoo of tho local Union check old oyer tho company's Btock now in Jio warohouse formorly under loose j;f F. 8. Dow, tho Myrtlo Point Local qulylng taken over tho loaso, Tho mere' Union of Coos county will havo three warehouses In tho I ty, tho Coqulllo local having tn- over tho Dow warehouso tnoro U nt Marshflold tho Union oxpects .oroct their own building. 1' y"",KM)ALL IX CUItltY COUXTV. 8on7- O.I Kendall of Marshflold was HtrnfiQrA Orford ovor Bundny on his tors, nomo from spending ten days itng to circuit court and other Cor0"8 matters In tho vicinity of torta Heach. Mr, Kendall visited Is cl McKinley coppor mines, owned his vOl. I. N. Muncy at tho tlmo of Wllaolenth several years ago, and for tho Jill It I claimed on good outhorl- a 80HBU Colonel onco refused 100,000. nines have laid ldlo for tho AVIll 7 years, until recently Jocat Hllda Ho 'r. Sturr. Mr. Kendall re in iinv. to trip to tho mines, which rlagY lie than a day's rldo from Gold " n.t.'.o Tons' ami thon goes bb the treat of his llfo In ilftpk n vcA. n h Two felK. the party saw flvo onCK on ymK only two011 llocr ln ono Dand and In fer tho tie smallor gurao, such as Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU hav and rabbits. Port Orford KnllH 1 for Sanoti nailed tl Rend for. , ... i n nm r GOLD BEACH NUGGETS. Curry County Seat News As Told by Tho Globe. It was rumored here some time ago that Peterson from Coos Day would again ongago In fishing hero; and that parties from Grants Pass with A. Aubery at tho head of tho enterprise -would pack salmon at tho Dagncll ferry; but an yet neither of tho parties havo made an appear ance nnd all thus engaged aro sell ing their fish to tho Weddorburn Trading Co. Tho Randolph came In lote Friday ovenlng loaded principally with sup plies for Weddorburn. A fow pack ages for this side were brought, however, among thom being several rolls of paper for tho Globe, which camo Just In tho "niche of tlmo" to savo this Issue from being a half sheet. It wont to sea again lato Sunday evening, going diroct to Portlnnd for another load of frolght for this port. Frank Caughcll and Wesley GnunU lett started last Thursday morning for Portland, each to bo operated upon for appendicitis. Fred Cough ell accompanied tho boys and Alf Gauntlott took tho trio as far as Oandon In his spring wagon. GOLD REACH FACTORY. A co-operative cheese factory Is again bolng talked of In this vicini ty which should moot with tho hcar :y approval of ovoryono. The yon turo could bo launched now with a very nominal cost, as R. L. Macleay has offered room In one end of tho cannery for tho factory and will supply all necessary powor, steam, otc, for tho purpose. Mr. Macleay Iocs not wish to ongngo In tho busi ness himself but will co-oporato with thoso who wish to start such in enterprise, nnd will contrlbuto iho milk from ton or twolvo cowb this season. Gold Reach Globe. DANCING IN RANDON. Thoso in chargo of public dances In Dandon should put a stop to tho vul far exhibitions mado by a fow coup los, who apparently mlstnko tho vari ous now ways of ragging for wig gling matches, Thcue performances wcro considered In tho light of a Joko for a tlmo but thoy aro gottlng ob noxious to tho great majority who at tend tho dances for tho clean en joyment thcro Is In It. Ragging of any sort should not bo tolerated at a public dance. It has boon stopped In most places and unless tho abuse of tho prtvllego Is "cut out" hero, It will iventually turn public Bontlmont .igalnst dancing altogether. Dandon World. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following mnjrrlago illconscs havo been Issued by County Clerk Watson: Claronco H. Day to Eva R. Hart ley. , John Ilcgstrom to Annlo E. Sarin. Arthur Thurmnn to Llzzlo Drau don, and Oscar W. Morris to Lulu L. Ileun. Coqulllo Sontlnol. NOTE FOUND IN DOTTLE The following note was found In a bottlo in the Dandon beach north of tho light house nnd turned over to tho local police: "Henry G. Hal vorson, Goqulltc, Frank N. Myers, Eureka; 1)111 Jolmson, Now York; Herman L. Dean, Portland, Ore. Wo went over bar at Randon on July 30th 1907 and woro wrecked noar Dandon August 12th, 1907." Hnndon World. PORT OHPOUD OFFERINGS. Ciiitjt County Xcwn Ah Told Tho Tribune. by A small gasollno boot, tho 11 1 Trlm, wjth Frank Rlackorby and Mireo companions on board, dropped Into our harbor one day last wcok whllu on route from Randon to Rogue River, -whoro tho men expect to ongngo In fishing. Frnnz Nordborg has gone to Gold Roach, whoro ho has nccoptod o posi tion In tho block sand plant. It Is claimed that this plant Is bolng op orated very successfully, nnd as Mr. Nordborg Is an experienced min or ho Bhould bo a vnluablo acquisi tion to tholr forco. Tho Randolph dropped Into port Monday morning whllo on hor way from Roguo Rlvor to Portland after a load of frolght for tho Weddor burn Trading Company. - We regrot to say that tho pros pects of a wharf bolng built at this placo In tho nenr future nro not vory encouraging, nnd It is possible that a wire will bo put In to handle tho shipping. J. L. HAYS "LICENSE TIPLER8." NEW. YORK, April 26. "Tho day Is coming when there will bo no saloons," predicts tho great and only John L. Sullivan, who In his brilliant and metoorlc career pun Ishod moro mon and whiskey than tho most of thom. "A man can't drink now nnd get away with It the way ho used to. 'they sold when I was whooping It up years ago that 1 would dlo in tho gutter, Rut I fooled thom. 1 quit drink ing nlno yoars ago and I haven't touched a drop since, I was drunk at tho tlmo and had a bottlo of wlno bofore me, when suddenly ( mndo up my mind I was through and throw It away. 1 havo often thought a good way would bo to llcenso tho fellow who drinks. Make tho feo a good stiff ono, and make It Illegal for anyone to sell a man liquor unless ho shows a Uconse card." When asked about tho chan ces of a champion to beat Johnson, Sullivan replied: "A good strong fellow could lick Johnson If ho wero bravo and not afraid to take punishment. Tho Smoke has been living a pretty swift llfo for four years, nnd naturo ALWAYS USED. Phone 73. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. 'M'."1 "" '--i"" " " - "t-"- Eat Less Meat ntld lake a Glass of Salts to Flush Out Kidneys Drink Plenty Water. Urlp ncld In meat excites tho kid noya, thoy bocomo overworked; got sluggish, ncho, nnd fcol llko lumps of load. Tho urlno becomes cloudy; tho bladder Is Irritated, nnd you may bo obliged to Book relief two or threo times during tho night. Whon tho kidneys clog you must help thom flUBh' off the body's urinous wnsto, or yousIl bo a real Blck person shortly, At first you feel a dull mlsory In tho kidney region, you suffer from back- acho, sick headache, dizziness, stom ach gets sour, tonguo coatod nnd you fool rheumatic twinges whon tho Weather Is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also got from any pharmacist four ounces of Jnd Salts; tako, a table spoonful In a glasB of wntor boforo breakfast for a fow days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts Is mado from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthln, nnd has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate thom to normal activ ity, also to noutrollzo tho acids In urlno, so tt no longer Is a source of Irritation, thus ending, bladder weakness. Jad Salts Is lnoxponslvo, cannot In jure; roakos a delightful effervescent I) tb la-water drink which everyone nhould tako now and then to keep tho kidneys clean and active. Drug clfts hero say thoy soil lota of Jad Halts to folks who bollovo in over coming kldnoy troublo while it Is only troublo. , BUY THE VERY BEST Marshficld RHTTTR Creameryj MADE UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILISER MILK AND CREAM. . . PUREICf Free delivery, 8 a. m. mid 2 p. ui Phone 7.1 Wickhem House AT COQUILLE Will bo rc-opencd for busi ness April 1. Your patronage solicited Mrs. J. R. Wickham PROP. DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING, ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building, Central Avenue EVERY MAN should know Through tho country he goes The host dressed people Wear A. B. Andorsou clothes. V. O. PRESTON, Agt. Urh(leld Cleaning nnd Dye Works. 128 Front Stroet. WALL PAPER See VIERS About it, Try the MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chop's QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, IF HAH UH KIDNEYS eOTHER - IT- 'JfjXl PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MILDRED ltOGERfl NELBON. Teacher of Plario PupU of Hugo Monsfeldt at Ban Francisco, Cal. Flvo rear' teaching experience ln San Francisco Phono 31G1 or 3167 WT. TOADPKINS, D. 8. T. (Wcltmer Methods.) Every known disease treated without drugs or surgery. Room 2, 136 North Broadway. Phone 210-L. Morslifleld, Or. GEO. C. MURPHY, Expert Piano, Player and Organ Tuning, Regulating and Repair ing. Res. 842 So. Broadway. Orders may be loft at the Wlloj D. AJlon Music Btore, Central avenuo. JOEL OSTLIND. Piano Tuner and Repairer (18 S. Sixth street .Phono lOtt-L Leave orders at W. It. Haines Mask Company. J M. WRIGHT Phono 0I8-R, BUILDING CONTRACTOR Estimate furnlalicu on request. CO. GOSNEY Phone OlOt Contractor nnd Hullder tiiitlinntca Furnished on Ronucfit MY PAST WORK IS MY HEFERENON First and Alder Sts. Marshficld. DR. H. M. SHAW Eyr, Ear, Nose and Throat. OH. MATTIE H. 8IIAW Diseases of women and cmiaren. Offlco phono 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Block. House phono, 105-J. DR. A. J. HENDRY DKNTIST Marshflold, Oregon. Rooms 204-205, Cake Building, 'tesldonco phono 2G2-X. )rnco phono na-J. RS. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano. Rosldonco Studio, No. 1096, 2ornor Commercial and Eleventh sti Phono Bao-J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer anil Architect. Offices, i!0(J Irving Block. Phono 10.1-Ti or 207-1. Marshficld, Orcgou PERL RILEY RALLIXGKR, Pianist nnd Teacher. Residence Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phone 3C8-L. W. G. CHANDLER, ARCHITECT. Rooms 301 and 80)1, Goka Ballahv Marsnfleld, Orego. W U. 8. TUHPKN, ARCHITECT THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrsli field WASHINGTON AVENUE 8TADDEX STREET NORTH BEND C. A. Motlln, Prop. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to all Interests of our clleaUf. Minimum cost. I! S. Kaufman 8b Co. Chimneys Fire Places J. N. Bayliss Iny kind of brick work nt price that are right. AND ALL WORK GUARANTEED Call at "The Fireside," Johnson Uldg., 187 Second st. Phone 434-3 French Ilanges. Boiler Work Suits Cleaned and Pressed. Suits made to Order. Giro Us a Trial. UNIQUE PANTATORIUM JAY DOYLE A C. O. DAGGETT 238 Central Ave. Phone SSO-X MRS. O. F. III11ARGER Dressmaking and Ladles' Tail oring Prices Reasonable Over Magnes & Matson Store . Phone 2 4 8-J, Goodrum's.Garage homo of the CADILLAC and FORD Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars 847 Central Av. Phono 878-L You Get a No bank cull hope to Win tho confldonco nnd resDeof munlty unless every person entering Its doors Is asatirn.ia .com colvlng fair and courteous treatment, regardless of hi. ,.?' re" life or his relationship to tho bank. Amorlca Is doin0P,.iion ln Its Instltutlot must be conducted upon democratic nrimui and thoy nro to BUCceed. M "c """dples, If . AT THE FIRST NAtlONAL Dank tho officers and employes are approachable and lMa.i , . approached. You will get courteous attention and i .? be deal hero. Wo desire to havo tho public know that v0 nrn8 way possible Our success la community. Wn want nld residents and newcomers to cot nnnnni.i-.i for our mutual bonoflt. SERVICE THAT SATISFIES Ibe First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & OLDEST BANK! IN COOS COUNTY. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $1 15,000 " Interest Paid on Time Deposits Officers: J. W. Bennett, Prldont. J. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. II. F. Williams, Cashier. Geo. F. Winchester, Aitt. Cuhlsr. CALL 46 For Prompt Auto Service NEW 7-iinsaenger Cadillac nt Tour service day and night L. M'DONAXJ) South Coos River Boats Express leaves Marsh flold for head of river, at S a. in., re turning In evening. Steamer Rainbow leaves hoad of river at 7 a. ra. and returning leaves Marshueld at 2 p. m. ROGERS ft SMITH. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers For day service, phone 144-J, DUnco Utllard Parlors. For night service, Phone 3C0-L Right Cafe. ' D.'L. F0QTE. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL. Formorly the Coos Building. Ilroadwar at Market DAY RATES, 75u AND UP SPECIAL RATES RY THE MONTH 1u li. JU8TBN, Manager. Times Want Ads Get Results. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not barm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. WU1 not lose It charge while standing Idle. IB GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring.Co. 103 Rroadway. Ageuta for Port of Coos Bay, I DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street, Phone 180-J. FAMILY DINNERS. In our new location, we are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open Day and Night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Droadway and Commercial. Mfld. Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunss between any points In Marahfield for the follow Ing rates, delivery to be made Id tho first stories of building One trunk t ju Three trunks . . , JH) Twelve trunks , . . . . 1 JW Star Transfer aid Storaf e Ce. Levi He&aer, Prop, Pbonea, 120-J; 49-L; 88R, Square Deal bound up In tho uuccesW iTn I,, m v;,vlIon8 m every up In tho uuecess of th wun us BENNFTT BANK CALL 46 Proprietor 20 Commutation Tickets $2.00 Marshflcld-Nerth Rend Ants lis. Can every ten minutes from 0 ft. tt t ISt'O p. n. GOlfST & KINO, Props. f Pictures & Framing Walker Studio , Q, R1D0UT CERTIFIED PUDLIO ACCOUNTANT Phone 3C2-R. Send .Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WB FUHNISn A BAG AND Willi ' PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Launrfty Phone 57-J MarihlW. TJME TABU! 9 HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW , j See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. NO SAW EDOBfl n YOUR COLLARS If you have them Uasdert TWIN, CITY STEAM LAWN SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic HINA r. j. hoaife iC A. n. B0001 JJ Marshfield $ Bitlnutes Furtl- Bitlnutes Fun, P&one 88W. MarshflMg CITY AUTO AND TA A new taxicab "fwn. my anto Bervlce. Luui. WU1 go anywhere at wj " Blanco Claar Store, Dy V Night phone 139-X. TOM GOODALE. PrefWV 1 ?S!SSg i.V.I ". wfm vf a.- 1.