Tl-'lWfMJ" " ''HH!pH t ""TJfTO' 'wrvr ' uniPWWVJWiii f JVJ" lunm wiPflipppfwpip THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 27,, 1S14EVENING EDITION.. TWO IP & i' ii fcv iM 1 COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALONKY. Editor nnd Pub. DAN E. MAIiOXKV News Editor Official Paper of Coos County Entered at the Postoftlco at Marsn fleld, Oregon, for transmission through the malls as second-class mall mattor. Dedicated 'to tho service of tho pcoplo, that no good cause shall lack a champion, and that ovll shall not thrive unopposed, SUI1SCHIPTI0N HATES. DAILY. One year $C.OO Per month GO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.50 When paid strictly In advance tho Subscription prlco of tho Coos Bay TlmoB Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 for six monthB. WITH THE TE'A and TOAST ALWAYS IN STYLE TH CASE IS ENDED M pttjIIE fashions forever nnd always are changing; socloty yields to the II Mn.fn. .1.n .Inn XTi nn l nnmll( r.m rtl, 1 1 fl II fl 1 0 I. nntl f Tfl tt t 11 II ft II JIIIJUUS Ul II1U UU. AU UIIO ID UAUmi'l. IIU11I uub. ..'. .a., vwiinmiuvit-p oblivion waits for nil thoso who won't nay. Men's .raglans and ties and fedorns In colors would bring grins of gleo e'en from unlicensed dogs. Tho women present a most slack front projection ond wear skimpy skirts until they must slit their togs. Theso chnnges accommodate all kinds of people; tho tall are made short and tho short aro mado tall; but hero's otic thing to wear that Is always tho fashion, In summer, In wlntor, In Hnrlnrr mid In fnll. A amlln In Imnnm Intr In nil human linlnus. tfi vounir n 11(1 to old, to both cultured and wild; a smllo without art or design Is n cult Court hero U Is morning. Ther.o treasure, n smile llko tho ono on tho face of a child. ' Is an unusually heavy calendar. This morning ho announced n decision in 1. 1 L MI 10 BE LOOKED UP Sheriff Gage Loses Suit OVer Creditors Will Investigate. What Merchant Property Other Cases in Court. (Special to The Times.) COQU1LL1S, Or., April a 7. Judge Coke convened the April term or uir- - - VOTB FOR EFFICIENT MI!.V J'OR liOCAIi OFFICII GOOD EVEXIXO To savo tlmo, take tlmo In largo pieces. Do not cut tlmo up Into bits. Adopt tho principal of of continuous work. Charles F. Thwlng. AUTOMOIIUjITIS. Ingpov-.Tlio region of my solar plox. of life comes from doing tho things , """" ' mo Ion Btrlkn o it ha imr FrViclsco a day after S no f g rk. .Then I got mad and yank some more, ho cannot afford to do. r;." ,?"0nnM'J "nMnu-nrt ifim S -lK.iod, , BCTi mh is to bo And all I got Is just a Bnoro. -u-- ' of ho J18nt,lonB, .WBB nL,ou0f(,,n.i,a Btool' Clnrcnco n. 1,1 mlmncn A sort of ninibllmr imfflntr sound ,-, .... . . ' A motion In tho caso of Groha ' "ircnco uoukl. rcmlma.Thn aeon to como out of tho ., Ono mlBlitkeopn Bccrot by iuttInB vb. James was denied. I I.KAVB OX AM.IANTK. ,. Cases l)h: L,, ul L'roVmd ino it in cold storngo and losing tho koy. a domurror In tlio case of James ' .. The following ca TUB county candidates hnvo filed for tho prlmnrlcB. It Is now up to tno people to select tnoso can- dldotcH that nro best qualified for tuo Oh, touring enr, to you I sing, vnrlous offices. I You auroly are a wondrous thing. Crying ngnliiBt higher taxes nnd , IVoforo you start I grasp your crank wusto nnd then blindly voting for I And glvo It Buch n vicious yank men regardless of tholr abilities and That It flics back and deftly wrecks qualifications, Is akin to walling pov-, riio region of my soinr piox. crty and then roftiHlng to work Tho work from now on hns dono by tho pcoplo, suys nn ex Tlin ranilldntnH will mnko tho! t nml aslr tlmlr fnvors. nnd It reinnlns ground. for tho people to ponetrnto their pro-.Thon you glvo ono discordant snort, tensions nnd size up tho men. Ono single snort and thon stop short, Above all It Is Important to got 'And thon I hnvo to crank again rid of our prejudices. I'olltlcnl or Till ovory musclo is In pain, porsonnl prejudices hnvo no plnco In' And in nn hour, or thereabout, tho selection of locnl officials. 1 1 "nil tho batteries aro out. Some candidates will ask for votos I Hud somo now ones, put cm In becnuso they need tho money, nnd And with n glad, contented grin othorH will nsk for votes becnuso I Iloar yur onglno start to throb thoy aro "good follows", Btlll othorB And off wo go, yos. slrreo. Hob. will nsk for votH bocnuso they havo J, 'B nhout you to my friends, hold tho offlco, nro In with tho gang, ut "B ,uofr, our Journoy ends nnd want to ntny In. Still others be- J -oy'ro noxt to both of us, all right, causo they belong to this party or;?'0 waJ yJ nct lfl 8,uro , fright, thnti ' When I'm nlono you burn tho rond, iiui iiul wuun i uuvh kui ii iuiiu. Your tires glvo out, you pant and wheozo And run bo slow you mnlco no breezo You nmblo on by fits and starts, It sooms as though each of your parts Hns got nn nllmont of Its own, My friends converse In whispered' Gnmo Warden Thomas la some hunter. The other man hunts tho deer and Thomas hunts the hunter and tl.en ho hunts a Justice court while tho poor linn tor hunts for enough coin to pay hla fine nnd nlso Tho Gnme Wnrdcn ThomnB Is some catcher. Tho fishermen cntch tho fish aud the warden catches tho fishermen. He Took from Here Local stock to Hub. Following tho oalo of tho bankrupt stock of ti.o i. X. L. Clotlimg and Shoe Company hbrto toViy to tho Hub Clothing and Shoo Company for $21511. 1G, J. W. llonnott announced that the San Francisco Hoard of Trndo would start an Investigation of the report that S. T. I.'ovlno took considerable baggage from hero. itng tho case of Mrs. Mary L. Merchant vs. Sheriff Gage, In which ho hold fnr Imr. Hlt- u-nn crnntnil "n ncrmnn- cut Injunction prohibiting- Shorlff) There wcro fow bids on tho local Gage from selling the W. T. Mer- ntock, a few bidding on certain parts ohnnt resldenco property on North ,ot the stock. A San Francisco con Hroadway 111 Marahfleld for a bid $2250 for It providing thoy clnlm of nbout $1800 which W. T. ; could get mlcnso on tho presunt qunr Morchnnt owed on IiIb bankrupt 'tern nt a reasonable rate, but this stock of goodB. I could not bo considered If wo nro to havo lower taxes, If wo aro to have better locnl govern ment, tbe smile acid test must bo ap plied to onch and ovory randldnto, nnmoly tho tost of cfflclenc). Is this man tliu most compotont ono for tho plnco, If not which can dldata Is? If 1. n .. ft til iiinlilnn ,f tit rt ttttii It UIU ilivil iiiiu nuuiuil UL lu Willi I ., try rofuso to apply this test, nnd voto T ,, " V , n nil..,k nH for Inofflclont or Ineffective candi-.1011 -nnt dntcs thoy need not Bwoar nnd curBO1,. onclno casus nnd thon runs at hlghur taxes nf tor election for . l our ,, "?, " gn ' 8 nna lllon runB liiuy win iiuvu iiiiv iiiuuinuituo iu --- In tho caso of Johnson vs. Grohs, from North Demi, n demurrer ngalnst tho complaint wna overruled. Tn the enso of Mrs. Wuiff, of Marahfleld, vs. tho Southern Pacific for dnmngca for tho death of her bus .Mr. llonnott said that ho thought that the I. X. L. debts amounted to nbout $3000. Ho said that the San Francisco creditors wore going to follow up Lovlno nnd, bco what ho took nway from here nnd' Investigate NEW CASES II CIRCUIT Many Actions Filed iw ' Past Week-Is 1 H5 es npoiflorl l.?W. flled'rt.!... ht, county: "'lU11 co"tlota wiidT J,cnc,,raan ltd ".""arrises S"1(V I'oarl s. Park. T' p,'k J don Woolen Mliu urg' ii"ulT Cassis. uouy number comDanr , Umber comnnnv pa"r " I nmuor company. John F. Hnll. - Cl Hnll, Truiteo. 'mo'coine "from ndolnBnthnetfilnM bnn(l from bolne Btr,lck b' tho motor tIlc bnBKnB0' olv' bovine went to Snn fills. Nellie Blindo,H'uH forecloeo mortmw 0,bw "M III Jlln ,lintl. ... .. " of Chns. PncLbiJ ZTti county court of Csoi ,'0,l - I ,.- tl,n Mllllonnm Mlhn nl Mnrull f Inlil . SteilllH'l' Al'l'lvos frillll Kltl1kn mill If you don't want to go down hill wna sustained. HjiIIn fur I'oitlaiid be on tho level. 1 in tho rnsn of Mnnlcv vs. tho City ' Tho Alllnnco sailed litst --- iof Marshflold. Involvllic n navlne na- I'ortiniui nttor a HUort stay nuer coiti). IHXil (If. parpi K.f. t.. ,m DOHOil nf In Mm .U-...I. """i !7ii-7 ai" . ".".u". nrt! con lm tie. I. Hnillo Albnrtha Jlanderrn. night for i w t J. Mnndory. Ijecrw of J iuy hero. I nnd cuMorty of knV? ..... ... ... ...-.., ........... .. ,.......c, .......... !... ...IIIh.. I. .., . Oil fl flrtnn.!.! .. .. " ! it may uo nnnicity, nut I never sessment on South Fourth street, H.i '"""" lllllu """'"K " "ur were; uld aeo whoro a big stick pin over o. Hoy's motion to direct Judgment A. K. Itonm. JOo Uenn, Mrs. Allun proved tho looka of a dirty neck- on tho pleadings wna denied. Kundlenun, M. Nelson, J. H. My- inM --- WITH Till: TUA AND TOAST I A I'll'K A plumbers' life Is filled with salve, Tlmbor Co., vs His days nro gny and bright, For ho can go to bed and havo A pipe dream every night; J. W. Hlldonbrand. ti. i-.i...-,,ii-... i.. i. n.nn.t nnp. lura. .ionrou uomuinsiurc. .1. u. iic tnurant caso nt North Bend was con-.l1 tt ,wlfS' , '.V, M ,.ar,d,on ,?!lrt tinned until tho enso Is adjudicated. I w'(!, L'Q ',:-llS?11'11 ""', ,vlf(' MlsB Amonc tlin rnsoi. sot fnr trlnl In .Ostoila Sclllll lllld Goo. DnvlB. the'SwiJg onler were;' tr'nl LAn &?'U,Tn1HC?, vu iii,.,nii. p a 'y. -t'. Allen, Aldrel Rose, H. A. uitiikii v, aoitniiMv.-) v 1bl Irnurtiinii i I'aftln 11ti i Tho troublo with trying to kill two birds with ono stono Is that i I both birds usually get away. I I 4, V" r? . S. P. Hallway; Ste-: r: ""' .-', ".' " " "' " . V. ,. vons vs. Cnmoron; Geo. Wntklns vb. ,v . ., "An:n v'nii-li win Nni. Utewarl ?$$& K? Van- Ok' " " ''(, don; Hoffmnn vb, Jones; Taylor vs Mcison. xoTicn ii. o. o. ji. blnmo. OA.VDIDATIW AND TAXICS LDWKR TAXUS nuil fowor Btnto boards and conunlBalons" that Is tho bait which almost oery candidate Is extending to tho votor in nn effort to laud hlri vote; 'that 1h the trick by which1 tho cnndldnte confldcH In his own wiles, believes that ha can be olected to the desir ed position, ' No candidate so fnr dlHcnvorcd baa hid this feature of IiIh platform be hind compllirnted expressions or nt tno ond of bis statement, It stand My I hlko back to down. f ricntls nnd town. Oh, touring car, to you I sing, You vicious nnd ungrateful thing. Exchange Tho man who really knows a wo man doesn't pretend to understand hor. Some Coos Hay men scorn to dovoto all their tlmo to giving tno Dovil tils dues. - I I,KT'S GO FISHING I hear tho restless dogfish bnrk, And the catfish meowing in thotl dnrkr 1 1 Tho Germnn carp slugs sweetly, bo, "HI lo hi lo; hi lo hi lo." -n-n- Thoro will bo n regulnr meeting of Murshfleld lodgo No, GT8. L. O. O. M tomorrow night. All mom bors nnd vlBltlng brothora are re quested to attend. Hy order or OHO. 13. COOK, SOP. Ubbv COAfi. Tho kind VOU have ALWAYS UHMI). Phono 72. Pacific Mvory and Transfer Compnny. RKDONIK) will' sail from Marsh flold for San Francisco nnd Snn Pedro, Tuesday, April 28, nt 12 o'clock noon. Times Wnnt nils brlntr result ed to defendnnt. worm Hend. ruonins uv u Edai B PTrCO,f,(,or,a Wula ody of child awarded to j Parties ithcd to live at Briin. Haul H Dinars in. CodrU her compHiiy. Jplgniciit for tiff for $8111.10 by dtfltf Adrlnn Clnrk v CliudeE.0 nni iwr uirorrp uumiiHl m nlr.iiB tocMier Ther rtttdtUe nirniu ronii r" unuorBood. Seldom Wane- m, UtnM Plaintiff on South Perk !,a , foreclosure of mortfij iltm uuiuiiiiuni, wna uvea at .NortkJ nnd gets JudKrncnt Ir dedihi $1.'42 nml ccta. G. GIlbortBon of WoodbinM a iioki wiui oincr aetiton of m Mngoe for n proportionate Ml $2150. with $1G0 attoroe;'! (m Goo. Good rum iccurti i btM Judgmont agalnat Jerry Ktaq II ''im.ati rnnuiiio scotiotL RAiMic.vr m:vi:ini:s HOW DI-3AR to my heart Ih thnt vnnlal'cd nppnrel tho women, As long as thoro Is a pretty nifinnirrnln ntnrtnvni! ti ttin , I 1 Jiack of hor watch a Coo., Hay ' I f woman never cares whother It I Iriinna ln.n nw int i , bw,u ....V W. Ul when I was a kid. used to wear: t those aklrta that flared out lllm n nt the head of tiie list, tempting nnd ,IhiIko in n barrel, porinittlng n free enticing, printed in the boldest type circulation of ntr. How well I re in tho shop nnd expressed with nil mombor thnt slant nt the bottom CAItltlKDOUT tho clcarncBH that abort terse Ku gllsh wordB wll permit. Thoro Is no doubt na to the moaning; It Is force fill and to tho point. Hut tho question la, why la tills Ibbiio so popular with tho office seek or? It la popular with tho offlco Becker because he bellovoa that by its use no ran got tno greatest nun) they stood llko a collar thnt'a thor oughly stnrched; tho womon wont cnuy until thoy nil got 'oin, nnd think of tho atrldo thoy took when they marched. That dignified gal lop, that unrostrnlned gnllnp, that seven foot gnllop that they took when they marched. How woll 1 recall tiiem so beaming nnd happy, wnen HAROK (UNA!, STATISTICS. NBW YORK, APRIL 20. -Tho State Hargo Canal Is Hearing com pletion. Very fow people havo anything but the most vnguo infor mation about this canal notwith standing thnt the benefits to the Btnto In genoral and to tho port of Now York in particular will bo many times greater than that of the Panama Canal. A comparison of the mnlu foaturcs shows that tho nnrgo Canal Is (HO miles long, the Panama Canal la 50; It has 57 locks and 19 dums; tho cost of tho Hargo Canal Including ter niliiuls and real estate will bo approximately $130,000,000 as com pared with $375,000,000 for the Panama Canal. Probibly tho most striking comparison Is by the fact that whoreas the total lift of tho Panama Canal la only 85 feet, the lift or tho Harm. Canal is 525 feet. It will revolutionize tho freight rates throught tho section which It enters, rates being $3 11 aud Hargo Canal ratos bolng $ 41 per ton. Iron oro will bo dollvored at tho Port of Now York chonpor than at Pittsburg. A population uumboriiiK nearly -0.-000.000 will be rouchod by this now waterway system When com pleted tho work -will stand a per manent nnd useful monument to tho highest engineering skill, and the progressist) nature of Americans of uJn). .; in picnics aim pnruos tiioy all,, woman's tompor hot looked so snappy , and cut a v;.do """"" ,"or noi. swat on tho Fourth of July. How vl- A ,,-.,, n?wl7a, vldly yet do I aeo tho young follows, aatlsfac "n to her n each marching with somo gentle dam" '"' "" , ' Jk J'7 lnl bar of votes and because tho quca-1 womon assembled, In days long gouo lion la an important one boforo tuo " ai picnics ami parties they nil poopio or mo suite. Tlio politician takes tlila stand becnuso he believ es that It will entice votes to him nnd the atntesmau bocauvo ho believ es thnt he can remedy the condi tions, High tnxes nro a sure sign of nil iinbuBlncss.Ike or Inefficient govern ment, Whoro thoie are high taxes thoro Is wusto or corruption. It Is the prevailing belief thut high tnxes In Oregon nro duo to tho great num ber of paid boards and commissions which encumber the state govern ment. Thoro Is no doubt that the tnxoa can and should he i educed nnd there la no trouble In finding a candidate who Is pledged to do It. The prob lem for tho votor Is picking a cnudl dato who will carry out Ida promise. Platforms are of uo avlal when thoy nro not bnckod up by earnest inten tions. It is nu onay thing for n can dldntu to promise to reduce taxes but it wll take u firm official with a wide Btrlp of first class quality of backbone to get out nnd cut them down. "Our good Intentions nover dlo," Said cleorful Mr. Stout; Said I: "Then that's tho reason why Thoy'ro seldom carried out." Tho moro tho bis follows vant tho loss wo llttlo chaps ssom to got. A innn doesn't Boom to worry bo caiiBo ho Isn't clover, provided ho knows thnt he's good looking. .Now n scientist comes forward with tho theory that red hnlr keeps Old stuff! sel around, tho baso of whoso tank ing up, llKo spreading umbrellas, ob. soured quite n parch of tho plcnlclng ground. Thoso wide spreading gar ments, those dear ancient gnrmouta aren't now to bo found! Hut now far removed la thnt lov'd recollect ion, how changed tho apparel of wo men I meet; the skirts now slant In another direction thoy'ro tied llko a Inrlnt clo8( to tho feet. The danger Is great of their Linking a bobble, no wnninit pun u'nrl. nt n i.ii tnat ..nt.. ........... ..... ...... .v .. .' , ,DL 11,111 a hAffi Z dT anSCr ? I iWIHfrilKKA.IUMVBmHWIXflT 8.nWVou?d '- -P.H "dine? IkWw ought to spell "plants" hut brings more milliner than to uer own nuBiianu. H-H You can't always toll. Occasion ally tho toughest boy In tho neigh borhood grows up and becomes a min ister. -M-tt- It would surprise tho Into lament ed If ho could hear his widow toll ing her second husband what a no ble, kind and generous man tho first was. Kxchnnge. --- PROOF OF ADVERTISING IS IN THE TESTING A large general advertiser wanted to thoroughly test for itscli' the valuo of newspaper advertising. This is what the company says: "We selected eighteen towns at random. Picked ono dealer who advertised in each town then selected thrco or four in each town who did not. When all the names were written down, eighteen advertisers were shown and fifty-six non-advertisers. Then tho amount of husiness was compared. "THE EIGHTEEN DEALERS DID NEARLY TWICE AS MUCH BUSINESS AS DID TIIE 37IF- Ml eyesight to look on n amlden. bedeck ed In the clothes that our mothers onco did. I Tho morning nftor Is an oc I cnslon ninny a Coos Hay mnn would bo glad to dlsremomber. , -n-n- . I Holtovo III a brighter tomor I I row nnd It will seem brighter I ovon If It Isn't. --- I Silence Is goldon yet some t Cooso Hny peoplo wont shut un. -K-- A homolj girl enn sny thnt pretty things aro useless, and moan it. -n-tt- Whnt 'does tho spinster do for somebody to button up her back? The gay decolver never deceives any ono so much as he does himself. -tt-n- 13xporlence Isn't much of a teach er when It comos to investing in gold brloks, The chaps who insists on getting whnt Is coming to him never -stops at that. How many men do yon know who lot tholr religion Interforo with their business? STOP! Look' Investigate 1IAIXKS' prices on Vl.Ol'R and KKKl) of nil kinds. planso" And Dave Jones soon Along in Juno Will advertise his summer panso. On Coos Hay a man Is always con sidered good until ho Is found out. -n-n- Somo Coos Hay chaps Idea of bo Ing funny Is breaking a few bonea when they shake hands. --M- Some misfortunes mako f'o whole world kin. nut after a man has Bprnlnod his back working hard all day you can't expect him to shed tears because some other man broko his arm while cranking his automo bile. A bachelor seeks n wife to avoid solitude; a married man seeks socie ty to avoid the toto-atete, MODKR.V XUKSKUY RHYMES I had n little husband No bigger than my thumb; nut he'd shout: "Votes For Women" And play his little drum. IMPEACHED ' TY-SIX. "Get That? "NEARLY TWICE AS MUCII BUSINESS AMONG ONE-THIRD AS MANY DEALERS IN THE SAME LENGTH OP TIME." 'Moral: Advertise "DO IT CONSISTENTLY NOT SPASMODICAL LY. IT PAYS." The above is only the testimony of one of thousands who have tested newspaper advertising and find it pays. K(r liim'nlv vmftiv. .-. i J.- i..i j M,-vn ,tnv- ...wv.v juuug an uu in u IKIIJUI" lUUliy UllU Ui-u .Jv " iiL iur weeus or months and saying it does not paj. Of course, such advertising does not pay, nnd you havo no reason to pass judgment on such a trial. For years you strive to gain a name, You roaoh tho pinnacle of fame; A careless hour U breach of trust And lo! your name Is In the dust. REDOXDO wllj.sall from Marsh field for San Francisco and San Pedro, Tuesday, April 2S, at 12 o'clock noon. SYSTEMATIC, CONSISTENT, LIVE-WIRE AD VERTISING WILL HELP ANY BUSINESS AND ANY PROFESSION. Tf f. Have your Job printing done at The Times office.