lwrS5yF' T 'l5 Political Announcements -. xm J announce myself as a fwrtliB nomination of sher 5. Dtriocratlc party at tho iiM and elected I will along tho most 1. 1 lines possible, consistent ge"cy and do ray best to itaecnu" nAnri. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT- LLscs myself n candldato for KSe Woot to tho topemocra'cvu.,.--..-- P, road laws to enablo tho f Li nreeon out of tho mud. 11 A. t. MORRISON. (Paid Adv.) 0XOUXCKMKNT. JfiSSLBiLJIMES, MARSHFIPLP, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22ia-1S14EVENlNQ,EDlTl'0N'J- THBEE: I at announce myBolf ns a for UO""1 .51 nocr.tlc ticket at the com- rtlKtlon. 0. J. 8EEL.EY. (Paid Adv.) A NN'niTVnrt?tft I hereby announce myself 4s a dandldato for tho nomination of Rep resentative on the Democratic ticket for Coos County, td bo submitted to the vote of the people at tho nri mury election on May 1G, 1914. If nominated and elected, I will nbldo by statement Number One I will favor quarterly payment 'of taxi'B. I will favor th6 abolishment of unnecessary commissions that must bo supported by tbe taxpayers. I am In favor of good roads ovory wnero. I am opposed to uniuBt lUAniiuu uuu exccsBivo laxation. , J. TOM HALL, (Paid Adv.) T linrnfiv nnnmmnn m.a1, candldme for tho nomination of rnnntv n1irls !,. Ma..i.ii .i. - ...rf ,...., vim tug lUlJUUUL'UU uc- vet ui uuuo luuuiy io uo suDinittca to the vote of the people at tho pri mary election May 16th. P. D. KRUSE (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a Re publican candidate for Joint Rop rosonvntlvo for Coos and Curry coun tlos at tho primary election May 1G. (Paid Adv.) FOR SHERIFF I hereby nnnnttnrn mvnnlf n a candldnto for tho nomination of aneriir, on tno Democratic ticket at tho prlmnry oloctlont If elected I promlso to conduct tho offlco In an economical manner, with thn nnmir. nnco that all Interests and Individ uals will bo accorded fair treatmont. TAYLOR 8I0LIN. (Paid Adv.) ilMMtaaMHIIMHMIHUIMUIakUlnB I SAGE TEA TURNS Co&t of Rassbg a Dairy Cow CITY GIRLS ME iinT nuiTini r nui m rate GfiAY HAIR DARK ANNOUNCEMENT. I desire to nnnounco to tho Repub lican voters of Coos county that 1 am a candidate for tho nomination at tho prlmnrlcs to bo held May 1G, (or tho offlco of county commissioner. I ndvocato lower taxation, good roods und' a businesslike administra tion of county affairs. I favor no particular locality, and If elected will work for tho best In terests of tbo wholo county, THOMAS D. JAMES. (Paid Adv.) k Enforcement iif nil Lmvft. Economy ConslNtent ulfli Effic iency ami kkmi judgment J. A. MADSEN ' CANDIDATE FOR HEPUHLIOAN NOMINATION STATE IiAHOH COMMISSIONER. U (Ire ray undivided ntttentlon to strict and Impartial en- cut of all laws poruuning io mo oinco; prnciico ccnomy i:ot vlih efficiency and Kood Judgment: administer all tho leant tlio offlco, Including tho statistical department, In a sitlcand buslncBslIko manner; will coopcrato with labor and iter oreanlratlons and all. citizens Intorcstcd In onactmont of for tbe protection of life, limb and health of tho tollers of te. Will ndvocato onactmont of legislation unsou upon tno e and surceas of tho. Federal Labor lluronu in dealing kii idjuitlng tuduBtrlal dlBputos, strikes and lockouts. It's Grandmother's Recipe to Rrlng V..MUI, jjiisiro nnu Thickness to Half When Faded, Streaked or Gray. That beautiful. nvnn slimln nt dark, glossy hnlr can only bo had by browltlir n tnlvtnrn nf a T n.i Sulphur. Your hair Is your charm. ii innKCB or mars tno race, whon It fades, turns gray, streaked and looks drr. xi'lnnv nrtil Dnrnoi.lv no, nn application or two of Sago nnd amiiuur cnuanceB us nppoaranco a hundredfold. Don't bother to proparo tho tonic; you Can COt from nnv ilrncr ntnrn n GO-cent bottlo of "Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Hair Remedy," ready to use. this can always no depended Unon td lirlnir linxlr Dm nnliinl color, thlckneBB and lustro of your imir anu removo dnndrurf, stop scalp Itching and falling hnlr. Evorvbadv iisnn "Wvntli'a" Qnnn and Sulphur, becauso It darkens so nuiurauy anu evenly that nouody can tell It has boon nppllod. You simply dampen a spongo or soft brush with It and draw thU through tno hnlr, taking one small strand at a tlmo; by morning tho gray hair Iibb disappeared, and nftor another unification It linonmrn linniitlfullv dark and appears glossy, lustrous anu auunaant. Investigations of the Department of Agriculture Indicate That Farmers in Wisconsin and Districts Where Simi lar Land and Feed Values Prevail Can Not Afford to Raise a Heifer Calf That Is Worth Less Than $60 at Two Years of Age. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good enra with careful driven For day service, phono 1-ll-J, llluiico Rlltnrd Parlors. For night Mrvlce, Phono 200-L Right Cafe. D. L. FOOTE. sr-Ocean Transportation Co. iHvcckly service Coos Bity and Snn Francisco. S. S. Redcmdo SFROMSAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, AT 3:00 P. M. fpped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight S. S. NANN SMITH ippcd with wireless and submarine 'bell. Passengers and freight. MILFHOM 8AN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY MONDAY, AI'RIL 20, AT .1:00 I. M. Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building, os Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeorqe, Phono' 44. EQUIPPED WITn WIRELESS. E!!B Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. oMarshflold April 11th, 18th, 25th and 30th at service Q Portland about 8:00 a. m., 8th, lBtb, 22nd aid 2ith. Mle to all Eo&teru points and Inforniatlo M to rouUs ana rate cheerfully (uraislie. II. J. MUJUl, Agent Paen S. S. AROLINE Ediiinncd with Wireless. nger Accommodations. New Steel Roal U FROM NORTH REND FOR SAN . ..- FRANCTSCQ HATUHUAi, A " BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. .-"IES. Ari.i. n l Khoriilatl. Aimit. 'd. ' Vwh llwid. iv .1 c ai i lAMrr pWl MARSIIF1ELD IX)R ElTtKKA . THURSDAY APRIL W. at " ,. ROUND TRIP, 18JJ0. , . tuoq with the North Bank Road at Portland. "nu l'acinc HteaniBliip uompauj O. F.-M'flKOROB, Ageat. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Formorly tho Cooa Dulldlnc. Rrondwny nt Market DAY RATES, 7H5 AND UP SPECIAL RATES IJY THE MONTH L. L. JUHTEN, .Mannirer. Times Want Ada Oct Results. For BTEONORAPHIO WORK of nnv kind Call 181- J Two competent stenocrnpliora In chargo 08 CcntrnI Ave. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not hnrm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not loo Its chnrgo while standing Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring'Co. IM Itroadway. Agrnts for Port of Coos Hay. DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street, Phone 180-J. C J. SOAIFK g A. H. IIODQINS Marshfield PA,NT AND iridiaiiUKiu DEC0RATING co Estimates Furnished. Plione 800-J. 'Marshfield, Oregon. Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul trunxs between any points In Marshfield for the follow ing rates, delivery to be made Id tho first stories of buildings One trunk f .M Three trunks BO twelve trunks 1.00 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsner, Prop. Phones. 120-J- 40-L- ' NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you have them laundered t TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WB FURNISH A nAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfield TIME TAnLE Pictures & Framing Walker Studio WASHINGTON, D. C. April 22. According to Investigators la tho Dc pdrtmen of Agriculture tho nverago not cost of raising a dairy heifer one yr. old on n Wisconsin fnrm Is S39.52 and of a two year old heifer SGI. 41. Tneso figures are nppltablo to other dairy districts In tho North and east where Innd nnd feed vnlueB aro' sim ilar to thoso In Wisconsin. They aro based on data obtained from raising 117 calves from birth to tho time thoy enter the dairy heard. Tho do talls, with complete summary of tho Investigation, havo recently been pub lished by the Department of Agricul ture In Uullotln No, 49, under the ti tle of "Tho Cost of Raising a Dairy Cow." Thoro are In tho United Slates over 21,000,000 dairy cows. These figures give some Idea of tho Impor tant of tho economic problem to t..e country as a wholo, for those cows must bo replaced every few years. Tho cost of the production of these heifers Is a largo Item In keeping down tho profits of the dairymen. Tho new bulletin contains numer ous tables and Bovernl Illustrations of tho Jersey calves from which tho Items of coBt woro obtained. Tho most Important Item was tho cost of food, which was estimated nt market value and amounted to nearly two-thirds of the total cost of tho hotfor, whllo labor formed 12 1-2 por cent of tho cost. Figures for tho nverago net cost of tho ono-ycar-old heifer are aro fol lows : Feed S24.C7 Labor ...4.45 Other costs G.3C Total 136.48 To tills should bo added tho Ini tial value of tho calf, which was es timated to bo S7.04, making a total cost at tho end of ono year of 142.52 This chnrgo Is justified In view of tho fact that dairy cows aro credited with this Itom In determining tho cost of milk production. Ily allowing S3. 00 credit for manure, it leaves a not rost of 139.52 nt tho nod of the first year. Figures for tho avorago not cost of tho two-year-old heifer aro as fol lows: Initial value $7.04 Feed 40.83 Labor 7.81 Other costs 13.73 $00.41 Credit for manuro. .,.,,,., f 8,00 IC1.41 ORRINE FOR DRINK HABIT So uniformly aiirpngiriil linn nn. RINE been in restoring the victims of tho "Drink Habit" Into sobor and useful citizens, acd so strong Is our confldonco In Its curntlvo nOWOrs. that wn wnnt (n nmnlmilrn tho fact that ORRINE Is sold under this posltlvo guarantee. If, after a trial, you got no boncflt, your money will bo rofunded. ORRINE costs only $1.00 per box. Ask for Free llooklct. Owl Proscription I'narmncy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppo slto Clianillor Hotel. Phono 74. Ono-halt of tho feed cost tho first year nnd ono-lhlrd for the full two years Is for whole and skim milk. Ily far tho most oxpcnslvo period In tho life of tho calf Is tho first four weeks, the cost bolng nearly dou ble that for nity other four-weok period. This high cost Is occasioned by Its being depondent almost cntfro ly upon whole mlk. Tho man labor required in raising a heifer is about 40 hours during the first year nnd 23 hours tho Becond year. Tho total cost of man and liorso labor for the two years is close to $8. Tho mnuuro produced during the two yenrs has been valu ed at $8, consequently, tho cost of Inbar Is practically offset by tho value of tho mnuuro. The Item "Other, Costs" consists of oxpomJOB usually overlooked In estimating costs. These aro Inter est, chnrgo for ,tho uso of buildings and equipment, .expense for bedding, miscellaneous expenses, a share of tho general expense for tho entlro farm business, and n chnrgo (o cover losses by death tand discarding. The total for theso (forms nenrly one fifth of tho total cost of the two-year-old heifer. Tho foregoing' figures show that It costs moro to ralso calves to matur ity than Is commonly Btipposod, nnd they support tbe advice which tho Department Is continually trying to Impress upon tho dairy farmers, that It docs not pay to raise any but tho best Heifers, Raising scrub hoir ers nnd soiling ithom at $2G to $40 apiece, as many do, Is unprofitable oxcopt on clioap land or under otohr very favorablo conditions. Rut It does' pay to ralso the best hctfors, for In good dairy sections well-bred heif ers aro worth considerably moro than $00 when two years of ago. Further more, dairy faranors as n rulo aro obliged to ralso their own stock, as It Is difficult toibuy productlvo cows at a reasonable tprlco. In somo sec tions of tho West whoro alfalfa Is worth only $4 ar $B a ton, or In tho Southwest whoro pastures furnish feed for tho greater pnrt of tho year, this cost may bb groatly reduced, Even whoro it coots $C0 to ralso n heifer, two-thirds of this amount Is charged for fcutia nt tnarkot prlcos, a largo part ofywhloh ran ho grown on tho form at a profit. Thus by raising tho heifers the dairy former finds a homo market for fcodH grown on tho farm at remunerative prices, and nt ttho name tlmo aids In maintaining tho fertility of tho farm. Iiniigliinryjlleart Trouble. Do you have palnB In tho region of tho heart? Does your heart thump? Its terrlblo pounding ularniB you? What Is wrong? Do you bollovo theso symptomsmoan heart troublo? Organic dlscnsoa of tho heart very seldom occasion much pain. Nearly all of these pains aro causod by some dorangoment of tho stomach, llcrltol Tonic DJgcstlvo Is especially more "heart dlsoaso." Owl Pres cription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Central Avt'uuo Drug Store, Exclusive Agents. Prlco 11.00. Only Constant Advertising of an Article Keeps It in the Minds of the Peopk THE question of who was President Taft's running mate during the last Presidential campaign completely nonplussed 100 busi ness men at the weekly-luncheon of the Oakland Rotary Club and incidentally prevented them from winning a prize. It also proved & stumbling block to the propounder of the question. V. 0. Lawrence, who himself was found usable to an swer it. 'k rtiHMI .."If you want to get results," he was saying, "you must advertise continually. Thej publio for gets. Just to prove this, I will give a prize to any man here who can tell me off-hand who was President Taft's running mate at the last election. I'll venture there isn't a man here who can re member it, although it was a household word with all of us at the time." A dozen men gave it up. Then someone asked: "Do you know yourself who it was?" Law rence was obliged to confess: "I do not. I intended to call upcone of the newspapers this morning and find out, but I for got it." ' He won his point, however. Not man there could tell. COOS BAY TIltoES PHONE 133. Sumner Man Tlilnkn n Former Should Seek a Wlfo Klflowher?: Editor Times: Should a young farmer marry n city girl? I think not. Why? no cauBo It Is too much like work be ing a farmer's wlfo to suit tho aver ago city girl. A certain reverend gentleman mentioned In an article all tho accommodations of tho up-to-dato farm, but most certainly ho Is not speaking of tho nvorngo. A young farmor with plenty of money, In other words papa's boy, can af ford to have any kind of n wlfo, but tho nvorngo farmor cannot. He must havo n 'Wlfo ho can depOtij up on to do tho work In an emer gency. It Is my opinion that a city girl would soon tiro of tho rough nnd un accustomed work of tho farm. It 1b very difficult, If not Impossible, to set n hard and cash rule on tho matrimonial question. Common sonBo nnd truo lovo overcomes mnny a difficult problom. RANCHER. SCHOOL Tho public exhibition ot Music and Calisthenics which will bo glvon at tho Mnsonlc Opera House, Friday oVo nlng by pupils In grades ono to sev en, Is given as a stimulus to better school work. It la puroly a business proposition. A deflnlto end makes doflnlto work, No special effort baa been made at display. Tho program will show tho regular work of tho school, Public Ringing ought to be come a regular foaturo of tho schools work In music, and a groat deal hot ter grado ot muslo ought to bo hand led In tho near future. Friday nights program Is n beginning ot a work that tho school hopes to Improve up on. It Is given in tho evening In ordor that tho fathers may attend as Woll as tho mothers. Tho second part ot tho program la made up of national lullabies. Somo ISO children havo a part In this part of tho program. They will dress In costumes pocullar to the nation which their lullaby represents. An admission foo of 25 cents will bo charged, tho money to bo used for tho purchase of worliB of art tor tho school rooms and for helps in tho de partment of music. It has been Impossible to have ovory child represented on tho pro gram but effort has boon mado to havo ovory family represented. Children In grades ono to seven who aro not on tho program will bo admitted free. Central HcIhm1. Ki'venth Ornde. Thoso who hnvo had porfect les sons In spulllng for tho wcok aro Jack Harry, Isabel nrldghnm, John Ilurke, Ida Columbo, Kddlo Ellor heck, Oraco Forrln, Clara Ferguson, Ross Flanagan, Hutu. Ooldon, Ed. ward Johnson, Vlollu Mlcklotn, Ruby Pitman and Anna Storgnrd. In writing tho poem "Love ot Country" by Scott, which has been memorized during tho week, Grace Farrln, Mnblu Lingo, and Anna Stor gard mudo no errors, The following or tho A division mado 100 In tho Intit written lesson In Ooography: Oeorgo Doubrer, Oraco Farrin, Clnrn Forguson and Ruth Ooldon, , Thoso who havo made 100 In each ot tho last two weekly spelling tests' of fifty words each aro: Isabel' Drldgham, Oraco Farrln, HUman" Kulju, Ruby Pitman and Robert Wallace. it ADVKRTIBIJD LETTERS. List ot unclalmod letters remain ing In tho Marshfield, Oregon, post offlco for the wcok ending April 21, 1014. Persons calling for the same, will pleao say advertised and pay one cent for oach letter called for: Abbott. II. F.: Dabcock. H. II.: Baker, C; Durke, Stephen P.; Coos Kennels; uowx, Mrs, Alma; Davis, Martin; Evans, Lcslto; Franklin, Harry: Gedlc. Mike: uucii. H. v.; HardcaBtle. Walter: Harris. Miss Myrtlo; Jackson, Alvln; Kubllls, Joe: Ladd. It.: McAipin, w. fl.; Mercer. Allen: Mills. Waldo: Onlel, Jack (2): Pntton, Harry L.; Per kins, it, i;.; roiar, w.; uenz,r irea; Savlckls, Slmonas: West. Mrs. Dora: Woods, Daniel; Zelner, A. L.; Zcck, James. W, D. Curtis, Postmaster. Tho Richest Man iu the World. Could sneml his entire fortune trr. Ing to make a better remedy fori rheumatism tnan Merltoi llheuwa-j tlsin Powders. If you only knew tneir value you wouia use tms rem edy for rheumatism. Recommended by those who have, tried it. Owll Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. conan, opposite Chandler .Hotel, Phope 74. Central Aveaue Drag! biore, hoio L,ocai Agents. Price 50c Times Want Ad Bring Results tttV