mm FOUR Kf.-n THE 000 BAY TIMES, MAMHPIELD, ORESON, TUESDAYv APRIL M, HtEVEWIflfl EDITION)'- MMi UH OFF' LAND PftOBtem Coquille Commercial Club Pro poses to Develop It- Dif erent Views of Value. The Coqunio Sentinel says that nt tlio last mcotliiB of tho Comniorclal Club the (IIbciisbIoii was chiefly di rected to wnys nnd moans for Bocur Iiig purchnaorK for our logged-off lands who would mako farnis and Hardens -whore tho ground Is now cumbered with stumps and rubbish, II. S. Knowlton salif that Al Pow ers, of tho Smith-l'owors Logging" company, had told him that they would Bolt tholr logged-off lands nt from 5 to $10 an ncro and sug KCBted that take tho matter up with tho Stato Immigration Commission and seo If men could bo got to coma lit hero and buy thoso lauds and elenr them, It being understood that easy tonus of pnyment would bo given thorn, J, W. Lonovo said that when In tho real estate biiBlnoss he was fre quently ashed as to tho chances of getting GOOO or 10,000 acres of land by men who wore trying to find homos for a colony. Tho next ques tion t)irn nlways was, what land can you got, how much of It nnd on what terms. This led Mr. Knowlton to romark that tho buIo of tho logged-off lands ought to bo kept out of tho hands of the real est a to men who niwnys axpccttd 100 por cqut rakooff; but thut In this coro wo ought to cut that out and glvo tho benefit to tho fellow who Is digging tho stumps. He slig gwted that tliu railroads which were Interested In getting tho country Bot tled might hnudlo the proposition, nnd thought It ought to bo easy to colonize thnso lands If tho prlco was not moro than $10 an aero. lint the colonists would havo to ha from Kuropo, preferably from the Hoandl navlnu countries, to mako tho plan n hucccbs. Tho Amorlcaus had boon having too easy n tlmo of It nnd were not Inured to hurd work in a way to oxpoct thdn to tncklo such n proposition successfully. Agents ought to bo sent to Kuropn to secure colonists, nnd these people really mado tho best citizens. l'roffHtor Howard said IiIb under standing was that tho Southern Paci fic would put forth overy effort to colonize thoso lands. It. II. Mast said It mado him smile to talk of soiling off these lands far $G to $10 an ncro as If It waro a groat concession. The lumbar companies would then bo Rotting as much us thoy paid fur tliotn wlion covered with u flno growth of tim ber. U J. Carey said fourteon yoarii ago ho routd havo bought almost any land In Coos county for $10 to Jlli.tiO an ncro. And ho raculled tho on ho, of a woll known citizen who was thon offering to soli tho best bottom Innd for $12. GO nu ncro, but ho certainly would not tako TinfinirnilnWiiilm "" I .'! .?T" Copyright, 19U. by the Panamai-Paclflc International Exposition Co. TREASURES 0FXTHE WORLD AT THE GREAT PANAMA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION IN SAN FRANCISCO IN 1915. T KltK treasures of tho world will bo shown to millions of visitors nt tho greut Panama-Pacific Internntlonnl Exposition in Bun iruu cIsco In 1015. Thirty-four of tho world's great nations have ac cented tho Invltntlon of the United States, nnd tbelr displays will bo among tho most elaborate over shown nt a world's exposition. Tho artistic phases of tho Exposition will bo especially notable Tho photonniph above bIiowh a superb work, "Tho Fountain of Ceres," by n famed woman sculptor, Miss Evelyn Ucatrlcc l.oghmn. The foun tain, which will be twenty-six feet In height, will be placed In the en tranco upon Han r'nincln-o harbor of tho Court of tho Four Seasons. PWOFESSIONAVJPJJCJOJ UOW. The discussion resulted In Instrue- .lons to tho seerotary to obtain all ho Information posslblu In regard t6 logged-off lands for salo In this that J section, NEWS OF NEAKBY TOWNS PUWHEH KILINEYS BOTHER W ildKed kogkrs NELSON Teacher of Piano Punll of Hugo ManafelUt at Franclnco, uai. ri teaching experience In Francisco Phono 3151 or 3167. BOB years'' Ban WT. TOMPKINB,' D. 8. T. (Wcltnief Methods.) Every known dlsenBo troatca without drugs or surgery. itooni t 130 North" Broadwnyr , Phono 2-lOili." Mnrshfleld, Or. GEO. O. MURPHY, ' Export Piano, Player and Organ Tuning, Regulating and Ropalr. Ing. Rcb. 842 So. Broadway, Orders mar be loft at the Wlloy B. Allen Music Storo, Central avenue, TOKIi.OSTLlND.-. i,.Ui.irr,tii" nwilMltenhlrCr'.' nitia, Hlvili''BlrT: il'hOUo' JOJt-I' LonteordersatiWi It. HnlncrfiMuaW Company. .. T M. WRIGHT Phono- 018-11' ) 11U1LDING CONTKACTOIl Estimates' f urnlshodnua request.-" O. GOSNEtf Phorio'.IHH Contractor and BillldetM Rfitlniatcs Furnished, on KeqWstn IV IAR1'VnilK(IH MY REFERENCE First 'aud rA!de'Sts." MarriiflcW. w.n if. M HTIAVr' tJ Kyet'Earj Nose and'ThYMtfS-'.M DR. MATTH5J U. 8IIAW' Dlseaaeir of women "MioVctHMrw Office' phonuw3B0: Rooms-20o;'201 202, ylrvlnr Bloclt.r HoUie'fchonei'ilOC-J.i' iSr.'-a'. j; hkndry- d dentist' Marabflold,' Oregon. Rooms 204-206. Coko Bulldln. tcBldonco phono 2H2-X. )fflco phono 112-J. TUT US. FAmtlNGEBy 1V1 " Teaeherof Piano, t, Residence Studio, No. 1096; ' 'orner' Commercial and Eloventb BU Phone 880-J. BENJAMIN' OSTLIND.i ' Consulting Engineer " Architect. Offices,' 200' Irving Block. i Phono lOa-L-'or 207-J. i Marahfleld, Oregon' PKUL RIIiEV 'ilATJiIXGint, PlniiUt nnd Teacher. Residence Studio, 217 No. Third Phono 3C8-L. St. W. G. CHANDLKn.- - ARCUITKCT. AIIKGANV1TI.MH I Rev. It. G. Summorlln dollvored n flno leuipornncu lecture Thursday evening, to a Iiouho full of Interested llslenorH. It wuh tho best talk we over heard lilm muke, full of forco, nnd logic and on n good subject, "Stntowldo Prohibition." 10. C. Ilarhu took several loads of supplies up to Gould's camp last weok. Mr. 81,1111 bnH nearly romploted his plans and road wurk will soon begin. Mrs. Wilson will bo employed as cook In tho road enmp. Hurt Gray brought a horso up from North Iluud InBt ook which was Bold to Mr. Prlco. ' A number of pooplo of this commu nity enjoyed a flno tlmo at tho homo of N. E. IJnggott "who gave a social dauco Saturday 'evening. Tho affair was (Tcomplato success In ovory way nnd tho guests enjoyed n tlmo thoy won't booh forget. Tho music was furnished by tho String Hand two vlo. Hub and piano with tho usual swing nnd go. And tho supper what shall wo say? wo cannot do tho subjoct Justice, but It surely did credit to tho culinary skill of tho hostess. Thore avub first nnd most ossoutluul good coffeo, enko of ovory kind and des criptlou, pies, sandwiches, ronst chl ekon, nnd last but not least, loo cream In abundance. Somo of tho guests went homo rather carlyYbut most of them staid till thoy could seo to drive Tho neighbors all unite In thanks for tho outortnlnmeut nnd llvo In hopes of anotor. La Sulna. CA ITALY 1.4 ItLAMEH. Port Orforil lnicr" lUieH Not Agree With Version of Rustler (.'row. AX KARLV MORNING HIKE. Tho Port Orford Trlhuno says: Tho roport published In tho Coos Hay Times, and which has Blnco been ;-olng tho rounds of tho press, concor nlng tho reason why tho Hustler fail ed to land all her cargo at Port Or ford last weok Is misleading. While It Is true that tho process of un loading by Binnll boats, which had boon nocessury sluco tho wharf wont town, Is slow, nevertheless, tho Capt. jf tho Rustlor, and not tho weather or local conditions, Is In blame for taking part of his much needed car jo back to Coos Hay, Tlio boat camo Into port Sunday noon,' nnd local mon wanted to commence unload ing immediately, but the Captain put tho work Off until Monday morning. About noon on tho latter day the south wind caused the Rustler to pull out, but It Is not truo that any long" shoremen wero landed with difficulty aa tho bay wnB not so rough but that tho homo boys wanted tti keep on un loading tho boat, nnd tho. Rustler had little more than shown her heels In n tot away before tho wind lulled and In n fow hours the bay was as smooth 'is tho proverbial mill pond, At tho M. W. A. social a weok ngo I Harry Tozlor and Dnno Hudson made I ii lint n (n tin) ivnln In liliimtiAm S mado by tho camp nnd Harry lost Tho Ioor was to walk to Myrtlo Point e'ght mllos away- that same night but Harry was game, nnd Btnrted at ono o'clock. Whon tho party broke ho called up Dnno from tho Myrtle Point tolophono office two or threo hours lator as an evidence of Good faith. Coqulllo Sentinel. Foley Kidney Pills Successful for Rheumatism and' Kidney Trouble Positive In action fo,r backache, weak back, rheumatism, kidney and bladder troubles. P. J. Royd, Ogle, Texas, writcsf "After taking two bot ties of Foley Kidney Pills, my rheu matism and kldnoy trouble aro com pletely gone." Bufo and effootlvo. Owl Prescription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. Contra! wrchuo Drug 3tor, local agoncy. Relluble-Foley'b Honey mill Tar Compound Just bo sure that you buy Foley's Homy and Tur Compound -It Is a re llablo inodlclno far coughs, colds, croup, whooping coughs, bronchial and la grlppo coughs, which nro weak ening to tlio system. It nUo gives prompt and doflulto results tor hoarseness, tickling throat ami stuf fy, wheozy breathing. Owl Proscrip tion Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan Opposite, Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. "Central Avenue Drug Store, local agency, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notlco is hereby given that the undersigned, Johanna S, Kruger, nns beau duly appointed executrix of the estato of Robert August Herman Kruger, deceased, nnd that letters testamentary havo been Issued to ber out of the County Court of the State of Orogon, In and for the County of Coos. Now, all persons having claims agalust said estato aro hereby noti fied to present the saiuo with prop er vouchors, wltnin six months from tho date of this notice, to mo nt tho offlco of Jnmes T. HalJ, Room 11, Eldorado Block, Marahfleld, Ore gon, duly verified ns by law re quired, Dated tblB 1 6th dny of March, 1914, JOHANNA S. KRUGER, Executrix of the estato of Robert August Herman Kruger, deceased. First publication March 16 and lt publication April 13, 1914. ako a Glass of Salts Bcforo Breakfast If Your Back Hnrts or Bladder Is troubling .you. No man or woman who oats moat regularly can mako a mistake by Hushing tho kidneys occasionally, says n well-known- authority. Moat forms uric acid which excites tho kid neys, thoy becomo overworked from tho strain, got sluggish and fall to fll tor tho waste and poisons from tho blood, thon we get sick. Noarly all rhoumatlsm, headaches, liver trouble, norvousness, dizziness, sleoplessnoss and urinary disorders como from slug gish kldnoys. Tho moment you feel a dull acho In tho kidneys or your back hurts or If the urlno la cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, Irregular of passage or attended by a sonsatlon of scalding, atop eating moat and got about four ounces of Jad Salts from any phar macy; tako n tablespoonful In a glass of wator bofora breakfast and in a few day your kidneys will act flno. This famous salts la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with llthla, and has boen usod for generations to flush and stimu late the klndeys, also to neutralize the acids In urine so it no longer causes Irritation, thus ondlng bladder weak ness. Jad Salts la Inexpensive and can not Injure; makes a delightful offor vescont llrhln-wator drink; which ev eryone Bhould tako now and then to keep tho kidneys clean nnd active and tho blood pure, thereby avoiding ser ious kidney complications. doom eiand 80S, Coki KulWtp Mrfcfield, Oregon! W s. turpeh, ARCHITECT4 Marahfleld, Orecoa. ARE YOU BOTHERED With Corns? If so,- you aro depriv ed of half tho pleasure of life pleasant walking nnd healthy exor cise. A visit to Mni. Olivia Edihan, Scientific; ' (.lilronmUst. 'An'fc .1. O'. Council BIdg., will bo the source of a permanent remedy for acning root. THE COOS HOTEL . Formerly of Marahfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE BTADDEN STREET NORTH 11EXI) O. A. Metlln, Prop. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Formerly the Coos Building. Broadway nt Market DAY HATES, 7S AND UP SPECIAL RATES BY THE. MONTH Ii. Ii. JUSTEX, Manager. . Goodrum'SiGarage home of the CAD1LIAC and P0RU' Auto Supplies for All Makes of Cars i i 847 Central Av. Phone 87a-L South Coos RivemBoatts Express leaves Marsbtield for head of river at S a. m re turning In evening. Steamer Rainbow leaves head of river at 7 a. m, and roturnlng leaves Marahfleld at 2 p. ns. ROGERS ft SMITH. WE MAKE OUR OWN Ice Cifedift VURH RICH' WHOLESOME prdera for parties, banquets and dinners filled promptly. If it Is BARTER'S It's all right. Sarters Front street. Phone 3 3 3-J, LET US, MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Cc Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt attenV lion to all Interests of our client. Minimum'1 coat..' I. S. Kaufman fk Co. Q4 RIDOUT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phone 302-R. Willamette-Pacific MbtdrCar1. Leave 0:30 7:00 8:00 9f00 10:00 Marshfleld a. in. n. m. n. m. a. ta. a, m. and ovory thirty minutes until 8:00 p.itn. . 9:00 p, m. 10:00 p. m. . Saturdays only. li:oo p. m. 12:00 m. Leave North n'unn 0:45 a. in. 7:lGa.' m. 8:1G a. m. 9;1G am. lOilG ft. ta. and overy thirty minutes iinMl 8:15- p.tro' 9:1G p. m.l 10:15 n. in.1 Saturdays' only lit 10 p. m. 12:lfi a. m; ITH' aj' Domes! for Fancy and CHINA In our noWrrj-m- peclnlly pparea To clf Itrnde. .Regular m..!?1? L ders. "","i0'H,1, IH Ray and Mrti PAMILrwSjSf " "II UOhlm..1.1 J.iagiii STADM .?.,!'u ....,., urumiue Rroadivn CITY AUTO "AND TAXI SKRVICB A now taxlrnb baa boon added to my auto sorvlco. Careful -drivers Will go anywhere at any tlmo. Stand Dlanco Cigar1 Store; Day", phone, 78 Night phono il390C. TOM GOODIE,' Proprietor.' Suits Cleaned nnd Pressed. Suit mndo te Order. Give Ua n Trial. UNIQUE PANTATORIUM - JAY DOYLE ft C. O. DAGGETT SUSO Central Ave. Phone, 20-"X HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW Seo C0RTHELH Phone 3171. Kodak Finishing. EnUfjfif'', fln;( CotHmutaHfih LX Tickets 2.00 J Marshfleld.North Hen,i .. . Cars every ten minutes tnaiA to 12:00 j, . M uuii8Ti KINOVro DEVELOPING 1 PRINTING.' PICTURE- FRAMING,! unjLHnUIHU AND SUPPLIES REHfELDBRDi Russell Building, ' Central1 AV6nileF QUA ' 8 " LJ1-!. nJi A. Cif' II .T.riIAi -.1 JU-IXTlrtV I OUfflU'l LITY JtPHQTOS Opposite' Blnncoi. Hotel Ihe First Nftbiial Way s to create a friendly air about "Our Bank" that mate ou feel at home. We. take a genuine interest in allot )ur customers and always stand ready to serve them. Don't imagine that-becaUservour account Is anil hat we consider it of little value. We appreciate it vi stand ready to help you to build It up. Savings Accounts1 opened as low as $1 ,00. We w per cennnterosti' Thl e SERVICE-THAT-SATISFIES" First:. National IBank" i GtCckwiBay FLANAGAN &BONNfnBAf OLDEST" BAK 'iN'OOOS COUNTY. Eatalillalid "1889. Capitdr S WjIiK"anaUnaijJ Hfbftt$.$ II 5,000 1 Intoreatv rl ' "6a ',rtmi'Hefkk Ottlcem 3. W.'Mleaaett Pre41(leBt.f J. II. Flanagan, ,VIc-PreadMit. Geo.' P. Wincheater.Ai1 ;CrA: Smitli-E.;uiriBe MMfc LUMBER, LATHrHntoldWi'UtniNGlJt gASUJ ROOFING' FATE. EfO. OUT TDK- FUKL-B1LL IN'TWO,UBINGk'OnirWO.- PHON"l- 1M Gf' ! Abstract; Real Estate Fire-and Mariner Insun : riTtEjetlARANTEf&ABSTlWCrCO:;' YL1SSVI.X 8EIiG8TAOKHN;,.MwiJil FAIUaV COAL, 1TMBER AND PLATTING JLANDfl A W UKNKSlAJj AGBNTH KAB""-" MARSHFIEIiD OPFICB, PHONE - . COOUHiLE CITY OFFICE PHONE1,