r 3gtaswiHw5sr: ' C" iir "DO IT ELECTRICALLY Thos. A, Edison Said:- AII users will obtain this light, heat and nower from electrical distribution stations." ! .t-rnAl OTATIHW- PHUFR I .y, i..!li and most economical, Central Station ser vice gives you power WHERE you want it and WHEN you want it n the EXACT quantity you need, No over-production of power when your olant is not running capacityno under-production when your power need increases, festigte the Economy of dividual Drive Motors Have you ever stopped to consider the econ nmv nf Central Stat on nower over the nnfim- 1 tion of your private plant? Have you ever figured the exapi cosi ot installing economical Individual drive motors in your factory? Why don't you decide now to let our expert fin Factory power make a study of your power problems and prepare actual statistics for you? Central Service power can' cut factory costs for you just as it has for hundreds of other for- wara-iuuM'& mom Oregon Power Co. Second and Central Telephone 177 Today. lyySBiWUlHEt 1MIARSHFIELD. QREQQffi TUESDAY, .APRIL 21.J014-EVEN1NQ EDITION 'W Tr - : ,i t sr: . SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION ALL 1915 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, iter-Ocean Transportation Co, ii-weeldy service Coos Bay and San Francisco. S. S. Redondo ItLSFROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, AT 3:00 P. M. uipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Lipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. Mil, FROM SAN FRANCISCO FOR "" COOS HAY, MONDAY, APRIL 20, AT .'MOO I SI. i Frauciseo office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife buildinir. Coos Bay Agent, 0. I McGeohoe, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. l. Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. i from Marshtlold Anril lltli. IStli. 2Bth and 30th at servico M Mt. from Portland about 8:00 a. m., 8th, 16th, 22nd and 2ltfc, n ule to all Ka&tern' points and Information m to route ad rnton cheerfully furnished. 27-k II. J. MOHR. Agent S. S. AROLINE lSqttlpped with Wireless. Paswnger Accommodations. New fiiet'I Hont "UJ FROM NORTH REND FOR SAN FItANCISCO SATURDAY, APRIL i ORTH BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. G. 1. Sheridan, Agent, North Rend. &p. S. S. ALLIANCE 1 r,MU MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA . ., THURSDAY APRIL J. AT u:: A. u fy 4, HOUflU TIX, io.ou. , "onnectloa with the North Bank Road at Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company C. P. M'GEORGE, Agent. REDUCTIONS IN FREIGHT RATES WITHDRAWN S. S. HARDY Fn0M SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS nAY EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 4:00 P. M. co 0(nce( jiarrIa0n stt Dock, nor jfl. a. Llni v. .i. T.ivnRV. Airt-. Phono Doug. aw?o. t B. For Prompt Atito Service NEW 7-posseuger Cadillac at 7a' service day and night L. M'DONALD Proprietor CALL 46 Political Announcements " 4 t . L NOTICE i Hereby announce myself as a cnndida,e for the nomination of county clerk, on the republican tic Ket of Coos county to be submitted to the vote of the people at tho pri mary election May 16th. F. D. KRUSE (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I announce myself a candidates for State Representative subject to tho will of the Democratic voters at tho primaries May IB. Will work for bettor road laws to enable tho people to got Oregon out of tho mud. A. T. MORRISON. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I horoby announce myself as h candidate for County Commissioner i VlTiW Til ITHMifTiW ) IMIIiiim T THREE bIbbbbbbbbp Cbbbbbbbbbbb1I bbbbbbbV LLbbbbbH B1BBBBBBV ?2HBllBBBBBBBBBBn LLLbbbbbbV r!W wHHH LLLLLLV BflaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBafl fmiu AU uver GOLD REACH NUGGETS PiCfS iftCHIL racOounfe on tho Domocratlc tlckot at tho com ing primary election. O. J. 8EELEY. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT I horoby announco mysolf as a candldato for tho nomination of Rep rcscntatlvo on tho Domocratlc tlcltof for Coos County, to bo submitted to tho voto of tho pcoplo at tho prl mary election on May 1G, 1914. If nominated and oloctod, I will abldo by statoment Number Ono; 1 will favor Quarterly payment ot taxes. I will favor tho abolishment of unnecessary commissions that must bo supported by tho taxpayers. I am in favor of good roads every wnero. I am opposed ' to unjust taxation nnd oxccsslvo taxation. J. TOM HALL, (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I horoby announco mysolf as a candldato for tho nomination of ahor- Iff by the Domocratlc party at tho Primary Election May 15, 1914. If nominated and olected I will conduct tho offlco along tho most economical linos possible consistent with efficiency, and do my best to enforco tho criminal laws. W. W. OAOE. (Paid Adv.) Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WH FURNISH A RAG AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE ON ITS RETURN. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J Marshfleld TIME TARLE . Pictures & framing Walker Studio Chimney Fire Place J. N. Bayliss Any kind of brick work at price that are right. AND ALL WOniC GUARANTEED Call at "Tho Fireside," Johnson UldR., I7 Second 8t. Phono 431.J, Frenrh Uanjrw. iwmnr wr .MRS. C. V. HIRARGER Dressmaking and Ladles' Tail orings Prices Reasonable i Over Magnos & Matson Storo . Phono 2 4 8-J. DR.Y WOOD AT- "v CAMPBELL'S WOODYARD North Front Street, Phone 180-J. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not harm. DOES' NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lote its charge while standing idle. IB GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay WiringCo. 103 II roadway. Agents for Port of Coos Ray, Curry County Scat Events as Told by Tho Globe. R. L.Macleay, of tho W. T. Co. ar rived at Weddorburn late Saturday evening, coming via Pdrt Orford. Will White, manager of tho ranch, mot him at Port Orford with ono of tho ranch teams. Six men with threo boats arrived hero last week from Grants Pbsb, running tho dnngerous rnplds with out an accident or mishap, Tho men came to engage In fishing, open sea son for which will begin tomorrow. Geo. Johnson, cannery superin tendent for the W. T. Co., arrived nt Wedderburn n tow days ago, and is getting the cannery In shape for spring fishing; which commences the 15th. Mr. Johnson sayo only six chinamen will be brought down this season, Instead ot twelve, and tho rest of tho help will bo secured around hero. MAIL TO FLORENCE. News was received from Joo Mor ris, Jr., tho Mapleton postmaster, Hint ho hnd been notified by Earl McNutt of tho Hangs Stngo Compnny that beginning todny, the mall and pnssengcrs would lcavo Eugeno by rail and come In as far as tho Kirk place whero transfor to tho stngo will bo made and tho mail will reach Ma ploton tho same day out Instead of tho second day as at present'. Flor ence West. Try the MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chops EVERY MAN ohould know Through tho country ho goos The host drcssod pcoplo Wear A. B. Anderson clothes. V. O. PRESTON, Agt. Mni-Mhflcld Cleaning and Dye Works. 128 Front Stroot. WALL PAPER See VIERS , Abgot It. Wickham House AT COQUILLE 'Will bo ro-opcucd for busi ness April 1. Your patronngo solicited Mrs. J. R. Wickham PROP. r. J. BOAIFE $ A. II. HODGINR Marshfield PA,NT m iYidRiiiieiu DK0RATING co. Estimates Furnished. Phone (tOO-J. Marahfleld, Oregon. Low Rates for Handling Trunks We baul trunks between an) points ip Ma.rtfleld for tho follow Ing ratoa, dPllYory to og made It tho first storlos of building One trunk , ,,. I o Three trunks BO Twelve trunks 1.B0 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Uehmer, Prop. Phones. 120-J- 40-L: BR.R. NO SAW EDOE8 on YOUR COLLARS If you have them laundered TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY BUY THE VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER iredmwy Tlmea,Want Ads Get Resulta. MADB UNDER . SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY, STERILIZED MILK AND CRIiAM. PURE ICC MANY CASES FILED Severn! Stilts Started In Circuit Court Tho Pst Wwk. Among tho sulfa filed In Circuit Court aro: Dora Guzman na guar dian of the personal estato of Alex Evans vs. W. G. Unrncs, a ault to torecloso mortgage. Tom Drown, respondent nnd plain tiff vs. Tom Morris nnd Otis Demos, doing business under tho nnnio of tho Grand Restaurant In North Ilond. On appeal from Justice's Court Dis trict No. 2. D. C. Krnntz vs. Annlo J. Krnntz. Suit for divorce. Tho Mercantile National Dank vs W. 11. Webb. E .E. Doyle vs. H. Sudormnn, sometimes known as H. Sunderiuan. Action for dnmagos. John Kane vs. Edward G. Perham and Albert U. Gldley, pnrtners. Peter Meuregst vs. L. J. Simpson Lumbor Co. Action for damages. Annlo E. Stlckney vs. F. Tlmmor mnn, Action for damages. J. B. Wheeler vs. Secloy-Andor-son Logging Co., JoIidboii Lumber Co., Robert Dollnr, Trustco, nnd E. O. Clinton. Petor Scott and Emma Scott vs. Port of Coos Day. Action for dama ges. C. D. Datson vs. Tho Coos Day, Rosoburg & Eastern Railroad and Navagatlon Co. Coqulllo Sentinel. FREDRICK TOTAL LOSS Insurance Company Decides to Pay Policy raid lxst Her Go. Tho Florence West says: Tho Insurance ngeut who was look ing over tho wreck of tho bargo Fred rick is roported to hnvo said that "Tho best thing wo can do, I think, Is to pay tho Insuranco and let her go." This meatus a very heavy loss as woll as delay for tho contractors. A high tldO atfd roach Hon. nnnuml her to pound hr way through tlio Jetty onto tho North Spit, whero she now lies with tio threo scows In tended for her uso on Whoahlnk and lsticoos laKes, nu several hundred tons of Iron rnlla on board. KQtHKKli KLUII EJECTS Tho annual mooting of tho Ko-Kcol Klttb wag -hold and tho following of ficers wcro elected: Leo. J. Cnry, president. L. II. llaiard, Vlco-presldent, G. W. Endlcott, Bocretnry-troag. J. E. Paulion and A. N. Gould, gov ornors, Coqulllo 8ontluol. NEW SCHOOL DOME W. 8. Turpln Inspector on tho con struction of tho new Grammar school, was horo from Mnrahflold, and con tractor Win. Suhrocdor, who Instnlod tho heating aystopt, turned tho plant ovor to tho school board nnd receiv ed his pny. The board Is highly ploasod with tho Job. Mr. Schroodor stall's that this fs tho only vacuum vapor plant In this part or tho atato. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. CHINAMEN IN HULK Fred JamleBon, of Port Orford, brought a four horso load of Chlnn nton from Port Orford to Weddor burn Saturday. Gold Ueach Olobo. COURT IN CURRY Four Divorces Granted and FLshltiK Caso Injunction. Tho Gold Deach Globo says; Eva L. Wooard was grantod a de cree of dlvorco from Clnronco Wood ward. Norman Wood was granted a de cree of dlvorco from Eva Wood. Jcbso II. Wilson was granted a do creo of dlvorco from Flossie Wil son. W. M. Hunter was grantod n de creo of dlvorco from Mario Hunter. A. P. Hotnllng & Co. vs. Frank Owens nnd Sarah Owens foreclosuro of mortgage. Decreo of foreclosuro granted. Macleay estato Co. vs. A. D. Wlno gar ot nl suit? for Injunction. Judg ment making temporary Injunction order permanent and Judgement agattiBt defendant for costs. Tho case agulnst Dr. F. J. Schlle mnit, for practicing medlclno without a llconso, was continued on account, of not having any trial Jurors. CURRY CHICKEN THIEVES. Htcitln Setting Hcux and Mother, of RromlH of Llttlo Chlcka. Tho Gold Uoach Globo says: Some chicken thlovcs ontored tho chU ckon houso of Geo. V. Smith and: stolo some chlckotiB, took them to tho bench, built up a bon flro and roasted them. Tho parties woro el titer not particular what kind of chic kens they nto, or were poor Judn.cn of what would tnako good roaatB, a a, thoy took two old Bottlng hens, ono of which would have como off in a few daya with hor brood, and tho othor one hnd a brood Just a fow daya. old. Wo undortsnnd that tho IdentU tlos ot tho parties nr known and that the mnttor will bo taken up before tho grand Jury. LOST LOAD OF COAL. J. D. Pointer had tho ni(nfortuo to loso somo tops or Rlvcrton, coal last week, by the upsetting of a bcow In which ho was shlpplm; It up tho rlvor to this city, Coqulllo Sontl-nel. RMCKWMT SUIT Novel Ctwe From Ilaudon to ho Tried III Clrmilt Court. Tliu llondon Surf says: The damage buU of Roborr B, Tay lor against tho Merchants. Protective Association ot this city will como up tor hearing shortly In the Circuit Court, Tha suit is the result of tho publication In one of Dnndon's papers of a blacklist learned and authorlzod by tho Association In which the name of tho defeudnnt; In common with many others, (Inured ratbor promin ently. We aro Informed that tho present case will ho regarded as a teat case and If It proves successful a largo number pf aulta. will he filed Immediately, PRICE7 OF FISH. Tho Olobo Is Informed on good authority that (ho W. T. Co., will pay fifty cents aploco for fish this season and furnish the negr to catch them with. Gold Roach Globe. Free delivery, 8 a. in. and a p. Phone 73 Hi. NEW FLORENCE ROAT 'i The Florence West BayB: When tho Patsy arrives on hor next trip she Is expected to bavo tho new 15,000 boat for Tslltcoos Lake, which has Just been built to ply on the lake and outlot. It Is 65 feet In length. The gasoline launch recently built at Maploton by II. T. Robinson was launched a few days ago and chrls-i tened "Queen." She Is a trim llttlo boat, 32 feet la length with 8 feet beam, capable of accomodating 3D passengers. Captain Win. Safley is her owner. ii." , a .. sgg DELEGATES TO MARSIIFIELII. Mr a. Myrtlo Rackloff, Mrs. Graco Peel. Mrs. Dolla Pholps, Mr. M. II. MoWhlnuoy nnd Miss Florn Phllpott huvo boon oloctod dclogatea to tho Epworth League convention which convonos April 24-3G nt Marshflold. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. MYRTLE POINT WEDDING. An exceedingly pretty homo wed ding occurred nt high noon on WodncBday at tho homo of tho brldo'a pnronts, Mr and Mrs. Henry Hadn baugh, near Norway, when tholr daughter. Albino, was united in rnar rlngo to John L. Ray, son ot Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Lro Rny, Rov. Thomas Darklow ot tills city officiating. Tho ring coromony was observed under a boll of cherry blosBoms In tho par lor, which was beautifully decorated, with cherry blossoms nnd lilacs. Myrtlo Point Enterprise SOME PULLET EGO. Clnudo Moon brought into thta offlco tho largest pullet ogjr wo over saw. It wns laid by n Plymouth Rock chicken which furnished her first egg only n wcok provlouu, on April C, nnd yot measured 0 by 7 3-4 Inches. ( this young ben can now emulate tho oxumpto of Mndamo Oorvallla In the number of ogga laid In a yonr she will be a world licntor. Coqulllo Sontlnol. COQUILLM PHONE LINE. II. J. Koough. general lineman for tho Coqulllo Farmers' Telophono company, says tho company Is about to start tho work of extending a socond sorvlco wlro down the South Fork for n distance ot soventoen mlloa to furnish better facilities for tho railroad oampa and ranchers In that district Conulllo Sontlnol. Children's Diseases Very Prevalent. Whooping cough is about every where. Measles and scarlet fever al most as bad, Uso Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for inflamed throats and coughing. Mrs. I. C. Hostler, Grand Island, Nebr. says: "My threo children had severe attacks of whoop ing cough, and a very few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar gave great relief." Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phone 74. Cenrtal Avenue Drag Store, local agency. ROSS IS RELEASER On Wednesday James Robs was re leased from tho county Jail. Ho is an Italian who was brought hero on tho 19th of last November, aftur having boon convictod of assault with a dead ly weapon at Marshflold, and ha Jiiat servod out hlo sontenco. Co qulllo Sentinel. RASERALL AT HANDON. Subsequent to tho Coos Iraso Rail meeting hold tn Marshflold Tuesday a meeting or local fans was hold In Dandon and plans for tho coming season wero arranged. A board of directors consisting of Dr. Smith J. Mann, president, W. 8. Wells and E. G, Cassldy was olected and Geurgo M. Laflaw was chosen manager of tho Randon team. It was doclded at tho meeting to make public tho methods of financ ing tho ball team and to keep, the public posted on all mnttors. Some of the boys aro boglnnlng to work out and thoro Is every evi dence that Randon will have one of tho fastost baseball teams In her history. Dandon Rocordor. GLOBE MYRTLE POINT LAUNDRY ChaB. Kltche , who for about a year and a half has been conducting a hand laundry horo, last week sold his laundry outfit and household goods to Nolson, tho second hand man, and discontinued tho business. Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen left last Sat urday for Seattle, Washington, whore they go go to be with tho gentle man's father, who Is In his ninetieth year and has been unwell for some months. Mr. Kitchen still likes this country and a little later, if some ono don't put one In sooner, ho mny return and glvo Myrtle Point a new industry, a steam laun dry, Myrtlo Point Enterprise, DR. MABSON HOME. Dr. J. I.'Masson, tho veterinarian, who has Just finished a four years' special course at one of the leading veterinary collogea of tho country, returned homo last Friday. Mrs. Masson, who has been spending the winter In Humboldt county, Cal will come on the next boat from Eureka. Myrtle Joint Enterprise