SSSSSstMi a 't'-U' I THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE as i The Duke Unitlih model. Low heel and toe. Tun ' Runla Calf or Ulnek Velvet Calf M and $8. A STRONG IT.MTON Shoe Style and Foot Comfort The "Natural Shape" that your foot requires The exact style that your taste prefers Perfectly united in our assortment of "A friend to your feet" to meet the particular wants of particular people at a low price for high value, t Woolen Mill Store Apparel Specialists for Men and Boys. MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND AT THE HOTELS. Tin. CI. .....II... .lnH" n D?r?t' Port,n"I: Dornnn Prd r,'caltl! O. A. Drown, Wagner, A. Nolaion, -Portland: .1. R. Toever; . II Hnqulst. Seattle; S. K. Ral """. ! erke.ey; y. P. Russell, Port land; J. a. Gabrll. Tacomn. Tho Llojd. uJMiMc'idn,m8' ciullle: Fred Stncg, Seattle; L. Urown. Myrtle Point; W. . .J...CU,,, uuKinnu; joim Kearrs, &lVE;. S,eron' Coaledo; ired .). Todd San FranelBco; S. Tal corn, Toledo; E. F. Dalley, Roseburg; J. U. Smith, Bondon. Hlunco J. B. Anderson, South Inlet; V. P. Stanford. North Inlet; H. L. Russoll, North Inlet; V. p. VBcnhafcr, North lend; M. Mackman, Blue Rldgoi Ed. Haines, Coos Itlver. St Lawrence. Mary liny, Deadwood, S. D.; J. JoiMison, Beoner Hill, BUI Graves, Astoria; Edla Linden. Astoria. Cpinro TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOUND A steel blade for Comblna. tlon square. Owner may have property by paying for this nd. KOll HAI.K CHEAP. Comph to household ftiriilturo for five rooms. W. C. Dalle, Sherman eve., near Union. Phono Gl, North Dend. FOU HUNT Km-iiMied liuihe-Hw lug rooms, ground floor .096 First and Ulrcli. Phone 239.1. WANTED A M'eoiitl liiiml gn plate. Phono 337.1. I'OIt DENT Large room with heat, suitable for three or four gentle men. 395 Fourth Street South. KOR HAM-: Household goods on I'll Ion St. nenr ball park, North Dcud. Soo Mrs. Farrls. DRCVfriES TIDES KOll APRIL . Dolow is riv n tho tlmo nnd height of high and low wator at Marshflold. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino and heights on tho second line of each day; a compar ison on consocutlvo heights will In dicate whether it Ib high or low wator. For high wator ou tho bar suosiract two hours 34 minutes. Hrs.. 5.25 Ft... 1.0 Hrs Ft... Hrs. Ft.., Hrs. 0.17 c.:t 0.60 S.U 1.20 Ft. . . 5.8 Mrs.. 1.48 Ft... Hrs.. Ft... Hrs. . Ft... Mrs.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft... Hrs. . Ft... Hrs. G.9 2.10 CO 2.43 G.l 3.11 0.1 3.41 0.1 4.14 CO 4.G4 Ft... D.Si 11.29 4.9 C.15 1.4 0.5 i 0.9 7.30 0.G 8.12 0.2 8.47 0.0 9.19 0.1 " 9.53 0.1 10.28 0.1 11.07 0.0 11.53 0.1 5.30 0.8 12.24 5.0 1.12 5.0 1.56 5.0 2.3G 5.0 3.12 5.0 3.53 4.8 4.30 4.7 5.10 4.5 5.54 4.4 0.41 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.20 0.9 G.5S 1.2 7.33 1.5 S.0C 1.7 3.3G 1.9 9.02 2.2 5!27 2.4 P. 52 r.r. 10.25 2.7 11.12 2.S WEATHER KOHKCAHT (Ur AumUi1 Pmi la Coo. nil TlmM. OREGON Fair with light froBt tonight in -west and heavy frost in east; northerly winds. I'OIt RENT Kni-nlslied house-kecp-lug rooms. 977 Fourth St. South. KOI I It ENT Modem new five room bungalow. Garden, chicken parlc. Phone 220-It. 543 S. 12th Streot. KOR KENT Two rurnltiVil house, kerning rooms, 373 Sixth Streot, Phono 259L. WANTED AQWMiaO Hl'DS ENLARGE. 3i lilac buds enlarge i"- (old doth star tho tnrgo l! th fait-greenlng grass. . . . flit, tone aro pain and woo; lit ft Joy and como Dollght, pater day and shorter night; tnjh nd leap, and dnuce nnd slug, -rt'i the world's archangel. Spring! John Rhuddlau. HELD I'OIt MUHDEH Mori-huu Campbell Refused Hull nt ltoeliut-g In Rerker Murder. KOSEDl'ItO, Ore, April 20. Af ter n prollmluary examination last ing over two hours, Morrison Camji Itoll, charged with tho murder of John Decker at Cleveland on April 1 G, was held by order of Justice II. ' W. Marstors, without ball, to await notion liv tl'O urnnd Inrr. WANTED Girl wlU tnko em-o f .children during tho day. 239 South Droadway, or Phono 70-L. WANTED lly New Eiigliuiil Cook, position where- grown son as assistant cook, helper or chore boy. HiiHband also wishes posi tion In Marshflold ns carpenter, ranch hand or In lunibor camps. Highest recommendations furnish ed. Address or wlro II. Rood, U. F. D. 1, box 03 Orange, California. FOR SALE Ihe Roval TONIGHT IBS MADLE FORD Tho best rm tver in Marshflold, In two ttj longj, WO feet of tho best motion nlc- M. "SUCCESS"- A groat drama with fwl. In lag Cummlngs and Ah of dramatic work which -i picture requires. FLESH DP iiib ii.r'aii" US IClOr. ot ilnrv tlilllli..r mill Jlflnj, E FATAL TAXICAn" A wjie one-reel farco comedy. J Picture lias laughing gas boat mi.fA0.1 t0 ,augh and can't. AMISSION Lower floor, 16c; ""ll IUC DR. VlPllni onu xr mnn fe- "iv iiuumn jxnit inn .'"tour reols and 125 scenes. TUMOHItnW NIOHT. AUTO CALL FOR FnnTP'Q fliims ' tOOd rjira trltti nnMA..i .la.!..-! f &T Borvlco, phono 144-J, 'gnt service, Phono 200-1. "ignt uoro. D. L F00TE. Ubbr(Y1T. mu. ...-j .,, , ? USUI). Phono 72, Pacific - u iransier company. Program for Grand Theater General Vllm Company's motion plptnro mast rplece, "THE VAM PIRE," In tlireo parts featuring IJcrt Frencli and Allco KIb in tho woiid-fninous "Vamplro Danco." This. amnzliiR danco brings nbout tho redemption of n country boy who has beon mado un outcast by an adventuress. Tho danco will fascinate you ns It has fascinated poople all over tho world. PATHB WEEKLY NO. 9 Al ways interesting nows In pictures happenings o: isih. "A TRUACIIEROUS RIVAL" A full reel dramatic production by tho Edison company. 5 reols all new shown for tho first tlmo in Marshfleld. Chlldron 5c Adults 10c. COMING THURSDAY "THE TOP OF THE WORLD IN MO TION" In six reels. PHONE 1CQD 10 Cent JO lx Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY KOll SALE Tomato, ciililmge, halo strawberry plants of best vnrloUos. Tower IUU Gardons, P. O. Dox l 389, Mfld, or loavo orders at PIo I necr or Warner Groceries. KOll SAM-: Klne Plnyei-lono piano at a sncrlflco and oosy torms. Par ty going away. Phono 12G-J or 117. . Hilt HALI-: (iiHid le.siiiiirnnt doing oxcell nt business. $300 cash. Address E. R.. caro Times. KOll SAM-: Itouiul mliir HOOO-gnl. tank, tower about 75 ft. high, heavy timbers. 400 ft. of 1 1-4 and 2-inch plpo with all connections; gas engine and pump. Will sell together or separately. Apply to Kout. siarsuon, sr. KOll SALE Hotel business. Cheap If taken at onco. Phono 478, Em pire, Oregon. Arago Hotel. KOll 8AM- On account of sicklies I will sell tho Mldgot Care. Do ing good business next to postof flco. North Bond. Ore. KOH RENT KiirnlHhed housekeep ing rooms. 471 Elrod avenue. Phono 200-L. KOll RENT KnriilHheil room with bath, for single gentleman. 358 Third and Highland. I FOR RENT 'cwniibHs All standard manes, sow un .BrtaD'r f ms, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remington, Royal, 55; U c- smith, and Smith Premier, for rent or 'exchange. fejM? !- W..r!fE!"5SS2fli4. A Rlance office. UL-ltvcreU. I'llOllO US your wren. - IThWRITER EXCHANGE AMU burrn uu. f DAYS MORE ONLY before prices In Perlmin Park will I U he ailvnnced 10 per cent. .Ry niaklng our selection of . i .. ... .. cjo tn SOO a lot. .ThU nHunon now you jviu o i" v- ---"lrty IS ,ocatcd ,n ,e henrt of ,,o city nnd lots range in " trom 300 to $000, on easy terms, a small payment down ance J two and a half years. Sec Held about It. Make JPNutmenu by lhonet Ca o0,.j 0r 327-J. Office open even- " tm 7 to 8 o'clock. W. A. REID, OWNER'S AOENT, 15 0 Kront Street. KOll RENT Two room fiirnlhlied apartment. Inquire nt Nashurg Grocery. KOll RENT Furnished apartment, In rear of 878 South Fifth street. KOll RENT Room with or wlUiout board. 1G0 80. Tenth streot. LIVERY HUSINE8S KOll 'SALE OR TRADE Until furUier notice, I will offer for salo trucks and transfer wagons, piano trucks, hoictf and harness and other appurtenances too numerous to mention. Will sell or trade my entire stock nnd business ns a whole or by tho . piece; will tnko in exchange any live stock except horses or will toko teemed notes for 11 i-eufconnhlo length of time. I have managed this business for twenty-flvo years and now am ready to retire, and have no other reason for selling out. .Will rent barn very reasonable. L. H. HEISNER Marshfleld, Oregon. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD - For tho 24 hours ending at 4:4.1 a. in,. April 20, by DenJ Ostllnd. special government mo- I toorologUt: Maximum 51 Minimum 41 At 4:43 n. in. ;i Preclpltntlon 03 Precipitation, since Sept. 1, 1913 01.48 Precipitation snmo period lost year 57.90 Wind: northwest, partly cloudy. WAR WITH MEXICO .MAY RE A JOKE. Rut war on the Pi-Ice of a guaranteed Ci-enni Heimrator N de clared to be a money making uiul money Haver to you Mr. Dairy man. . .We can show ou from 1W to 40 up 011 an absolute Guaran teed Separator. Schroeder & Hildenbrand HARDWARE AND PLUMUING TELEPHONE 77-JT. ments and by mortgago foreclosures has gono into tho bankruptcy and Jos Schmeddlng has been appointed trustee When Mr. Schmeddlng wont to take chargo, he found that nil of tho $1S00 worth of UBScts that Qunr teinnss hnd listed In his petition had been taken awny by parties who bought them at tho mortgago foro closuro sale. Now thoro will prob ably bo litigation over tho mortgage foreclosure as the mortgago was giv en to thu First Nntional Bank within four months of the date of bankrupt cy. Quick Trip. Tho Adeline, Smith reached Bay Point nt 8 o'clock this morning and started unloading, hav ing mado tho trip down In nbout thlrty-Blx hours. Tho Arollno did not get out Saturday night and con sequently there was no race. Tho Adtllno will lenvo thoro tonight for Coos Bay. REOPhB'YQUl X2i im New Chair Jos. Terrell, proprie tor of tho Chandler Barber, Is arrang ing to add a third chair this wock. Sell Place Mrs. Euolla Tumor has sold her country homo nt Mill lugton to Mr. McCluro an attorney who recently located on tho Day. Bring Dredge Capt. Herman Lar son who is now nt Floronco Is ex pected to bring his bucket dredge, tho Oregon, bnck to Coos Day within a fow weeks. Old Votei-n Geo. N. Dolt, who Is registering voters snys ho has regis tered three well advanced In years. They ore Robert Starkoy, aged 84. Frank Llngrcn, aged 82, and Mrs, Re becca P. Uldloy, aged SO. Kiuu Koclal The basket social and program given by tho pupils of E.k Rock District on Coos River Satur day night was a big success. Tho program was fine and tho auction of baskots brought $103. Mrs. Fred Stora's basket brought J 13. Mlllcomn Election Tho Mlllcoma Club Is having Its annual olcctlon to day, thoro being a rather spirited contest between J. II. Flanagan nnd W, U. Douglas for tho presidency, and over tho houso commlttoo member ship. Niiiiiu Omitted Through a typo graplgal error, tho namu of Miss Mil dred Storoy was omitted front tho list of members of theo Marshfleld high school graduating class and from tho Sonior Play. Miss Storoy Is 0110 of tho best student in the class and her classmates felt grieved over tho error. .Many Kln.'ilng Tliero was 0 largo number of fishermen on Coos River yesterday. F. L. Graunls and J. Q. Jarvls got tou, Walter Dutlor and par ty landed about seventy and Chns, Hlckox, Dr. Vuughun, C. W. Wolcott and Fred Palntor landed about forty five nlco ones. Tho latter fished near tho Rogors ranch. Die nt Hlllhboio Press Dispatch es announce thut P. II- McEuery a newspaper man who hns been work ing at Hanks nnd Cornelius, was found dead In thu road near Hills boro, drugs or alchol being blamed. He formerly worked nt Klamath Falls and wob engaged for a short tlmo on a Marshfleld publication. Enjoy Party. A party was hold at tho Dotson Hotel Saturday night In honor of Landlord George B. Hughes' birthday, Di&nclng and cards were followed by a box sup per. Tho hotel gutsts nnd a num ber of outsldo frionds participated In tho festivities and enjoyed a big tlmo. Orgnnfiue Rouglu-ldeih Miaihal J. W. Carter alroudy Is planning to organize a company of roughrlders, who will go to tho front n case vol unteers are called for by President Wilson. Claude Tucker says ho will enlist In thu company If It Is organiz ed and should ha over get near the line of action "ho will pick up his little drum and boat it". .Saln'8 Trouble C, M. Sain, for merly editor of tho North Dend Har bor, Is having troubles with his claim on salt deposltB In lakes Albert and Sumner in Eastern Oregon. A Now York syndicate Is1 now trying to get it nnd Governor Vest has turned the latter offer down. Sain is to pay the state from 150,000 to $200,000 per year but so far ho has not beon able to finance the project. Council Tonight Tho . Mnrshgleld city council wll meet tonight. It Is expected that tho matters relatlvo to the drainage or tho filled area will come up and some street improve ment projects, also. Tho pumps In stalled at Tenth street to pump out accumulation of wator west of the dike aro doing good 'work reducing tho water lovol about six Incvhos por day. 1'.... I...1. (Wh Ul.wl- Tp ntinrtn. mass, the North Dend Confectioner. I whoso store was closed on' attach-. KMOW ABOUT C. R. PECK wont to Coqulllo this morning to attend court. A. K. PECK left this nftornoon for Coqulllo on legal business. FRED VERIUNG of Hnynea Inlet Is a visitor In Marshflold today. MRS. C. F. HODGE of South Inlet Is slopping In Mnrshfleld today, W. C. HARRIS, JR.. camo down on the Sunrtso from Sumner .today. DR. EVERITT MINGUS loft on tho morning train for Coaulllo today. MISS FLO. KELLY of Isthmus Inlet Is shopping In Marshfleld today. MISS LAURA WATSON of Isthmus Inlet Is shopping In Marshflold to day. H. HENDERSON of South Inlet Is a business visitor In Marshfleld today. DORSEY KREITZER returned today noon irom a uuhiuohs trip to Co qulllo. " AL STEVENS of Hnynea Inlot Is a btiHlnoRH visitor In Mnrshriold to day. WILLIAM MeCULLOCII of Ilaynos Inlet Ih in Marshfleld today on business. JAMES STAUFF of 8umnor camo down on tho Sunrlsn for Marsh flold today. MRS. C. M. RHODES and daughter of South Inlot aro visitors In Marsh field today. WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN of Hay nes Inlot camo down on tho Mos songor today. CHARLES ESTERBECK of Catch lug Inlot Ib a, business visitor In Marshflold today. MAYOR L. J. SIMPSON hoaded tno North Bond Good Roads boostors for Coqulllo todav. MRS. ETHEL BELIEU was a visitor at Sumner on Sunday, roturnlng on tho Sunrlsn today. II. C. DIEIIS. of North Bond loft on the morning train today for Co qulllo to appoar before tho County Court. GORDEN SMITH and Arthur Mc Kcown enjoyed n days' fishing In Coos Rlvor landing 22 good sized trour. WM. GARRETT, foromnn of Smith Powers camp 1, enmo down from South Coos Rlvor yesterday for a snort stay, CHARLES II1CKOX Journeyed up Coos River In his prlvnto craft In quest of fish Sunday but reports very poor luck. MESSRS MILA8 RICHARDSON and Guy Cutltp of North Dend woro visitors nt tho sulander homo at Sumner on Sunday. DON GARDINER, representing, Dun uhnm Carrlcan & llnvdon of San Vranclsco, loft on tho morning train enrouto to Gold Roach, to call on tho trado. MESSRS HERBERT RUSTERUD, Warner Ogron, Wllllan A. Dalir, Del. Dengsten nnd Wnltor Butlor comprised a fishing party that spent Sunday nt Coos Rlvor land ing 78 fish. DR. L. M. MOTT left on tho morning train for Coqulllo today to appoar beforo tho County Court. Dr. Mott nays If war Is declared with Mexico he will bo whoro tho shot Is the thickest rundor tho amuul tlon wagon. MAX ROBERTS, formerly clork at Smith-Powers camp 5, was hero yesterday to spend Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Chus, Van Duyn. Camp 5 is to bo moved today to the Smith-Powers lino beyond Myrtle Point whoro It will bo used as a arllroad construction camp and tho old employee will bo transfer red to the other camps at Coaledo, PETER LOaoiE of North Bond loft for Coqulllo on tho morning train as a member of tho commlttco ap pointed by tho North Bond Cham ber of Commerce to appoar boforo the County Commissioners, today and ask that tho original plan of expenditure for the coming bond Issue remain as it Is. FISHING LUCK ON CDOS RIVER 1 Along the Waterfront. ' Tho tug Gleaner camo In today from Gardiner with a consignment of freight. Tho Tramp which has been lying at Empire for tho past three months, will soil for Florence on Tuesday with a consignment of freight.. And thero aro not noarjy ns many Don Juans in this country ns the av erage barroom conversation would lcaij you to bfllevo. Matson and Blanchard Lose Laurels to Mrs. Blanchard and Miss Watkins. Tho gentleman who told tho first fish story, would dcclaro that ho "vna an nmctuor should ho hear of tho adventurcB of Arthur Blanchard, Ralph Matson, Mrs. Arthur Blanch ard, and Miss Ruby Wntklna who spent Sunday nt tho "Nook" on Coo River. Messrs Blanchard and Matson upon their arrival began nrrnngtng fish ing poles, preparing for a days good fishing, both bonrlng that aolf con fident look of nil exporlencod ang lers prior to tho commencement of a day's hard luck. They Btartod out nbout 9 a. m. nnd did not return until nbout 3 p. 111. each bearing a look of disgust on. their wonrlod countonnnco, declaring: tho fish hnd all left Qoob Rlvor for tho day as they woro pot encourag ed by a single nlbblo, Ralph had tho ploasuro of enjoying an awful lioadacho over tho III luck. Tho boat bolng Idle Miss Watkins and Mrs. Dlauchard thought t hoy won Id try their fortune as anglers, and with no specific purposo as to direction, flontod down tho river nnd returned in less than twenty min utes with rive good sized fish, Immudlntoly Messrs. Dlauchard and Matson examined tho fish and ox pressed serious doubt whether tho fish woro caught In Coob Rlvor. Mr. MntHou said that ho thought they woro sumo fish secreted In thu boat for soma time and woro resurrected by tho two fair anglers. Miss Wat kins, ilcnlos this howovcr stating that It was simply fisherman's luck. "Wo jiiBt went out and returned with somo fish" said MIbh Watkins todny. "Thoso hoys think thoy'ro ro gular fishermen, but they must re moiubor that tho fish in Coos Rlevr nro particular who land thorn, and Mrs. Dlauchard and myself just hap pened along nround dinner tlmo when all fish aro real hungry and will blto at anything." "I was born with a fishing rod In ono hand and a fish In tho other" said Mr. Matson In confidence today, "and whllo accidents havo Jinpponod la tho fishing gnmo, I think inv friends coaxed thoso fish from somo sucker who hnd fished all day hlmsolf. They passed a party of which Wlllam A. Dohr, who boos fish in his sloop, was n mombor, and I firmly bollovo they conxod tho fish from him." When Boon todny Mr Bahr who Is an old angler was very reticent but ad mitted that he was fishing in Coos River on Sunday and that ho met tho young Indies. "Wo rowed up the river Sunday and tho girls we're drifting down" said Mr. Dalir "I did not see them, and rowed against their boat and wo talked for 11 few minutes. I counted my fish aftor they had loft and whllo I could not swear I think I wns a fow short, but 1 do not bollovo my lady friends rolloved mo of my fish," KINDHD AIDED FAMILY Tho response to tho appeal for tho Mellalo family of Eastsldo has beon most generous and oxceedod the umount required to pay tho funeral expenses of their eon thu additional funds can and will be used to advantage for tho family. Tho contributions left at the Drown Drug company totalled 2G and tho poopla of Eastsldo and C A. mlth mill hands ralsod a pursu of $58. The latter was turned In through Mrs. Fred Moore of East sldo. A numbor of Eastsldo folks aided In It . Mrs. Lodward of Marshfleld, -who has boon doing much to nllovlate tho needs of tho family, assisted greatly. Tho oxponso of the funeral was $35 for tho undertaker and $15 for rigs, leaving a balunco of $34 which will bo UBod for tho family. 17 VINOL docs not help, your money is refunded. THE LEADING DRl STORE sNuVjb?M j i If ' i .41 il