"Wfflfffl'r-w r S vf- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1914 EVENING EDITION. TWO t r" I- COOS BAY TIMES IS. C. MALONKV Editor nnd Pub. OAK K. MALOXHY News Editor Official Paper )f Coos County Entered nt tho Postof flco at Marsh fteld, Oregon, for transmission tferough the niallB as second-class tarii mattor. flUHli gZSr-zZjSS A. few rTtgftg-i IS THERE GRAFT DANIELS VlhW OF 6001 DONE CORONER S LEAST SOUGHT IN COOS COUNTY? Rancher Writes a Letter to The Times About Graft and Good Roads. Kdltor Times: Tho good roads election will soon bo called and tho question Is, "will It carry?" Now, 1 hnvo talked with qulto a number of peoplo, anions thorn fjovoral ranchers, on thnt matter, and whllo thoy want wood roads thoro scorns to bo a fcelliiB thnt a JorKo por cent of public money socs Into private pockets, or In otlior words n Ronornl system of Brart Is worked whero public funds aro used. Now wo want good roads nnd tiro wininj; to pay for tlum, but this distrust must bo allayed. How nro wo boIiik to do It? Ono plan Is to have tho county liJri) n man to look after tho oxpon flUuro of all public moneys anil to s3vo 1dm, beshUB a fair snlnry, tho Utrtal amount or nny Kruit mm no mil fllBcover upon the ron lotion ror tho grafters. Thnt would provont tho saying thnt "thoy all do it from npplyltiB to him. It Is too easy to ehnrKO tho work up with 100 sacks of turnout nnd only ub olKhty, or buying for a hlKhor price than honest cotn liolltlon would wnrrunt, with a split tho different o" botween uuyor nnd sullcr. Now, wh'thor thlH Husplclon Is Jiibllflod or not, It Is koIiik factor In tho Kod roads oloc- tl0IU .1. A. (lOOI)WILL. JtlARSIIFIKLI) Til 14 MPKICAL (MTV Kdltor Times: The people of Mnrslifleld nan won bo proud of her music teachers and directors. The writer bollovos Marsh flolfl Is ahead of any like elf on tho Taclflc Const for music. Music Is TaBt liecomliiK " r "lt ncroHsltles f life and will In tho near futnro bo ono of tho most Important studlcH In tho public set ooIh. Among our loaohors of plnno are Mrn Pearl 11 loy IlallliiKor Mrs. 13. M. Farrlnger, Mni. Hale, Mrs. Win. Horsfall Jr. MIkh Kdna Loulso Larson, Hnrry K. support, Mrs. C. M. Nolson. Mr. A. Illclmrds and Mrs. A. 1). (ildley vn-i-nl teacher. AmonB this list of teachors aYo KnidiintcH from all parts of tho Uni ted states. . N. Kenton, director of tho Coos liny Concert Hand deserves a lot of credit In tho Brand Hiiceess ho has had with bis band and today wo havo n. band that would nttrnet any city. Mr. Konton gives prlvnlo Iobboiib on band Instruments also. Then wo have tho famous Keys ore orchestra that Is not to bo sneer ed at; under tho direction of Lew lCoyser who takes euro of tho tench Iiik of string Instruments. Wo bolluo owluu to tho fact Hint we 1 ave so many capable music teachers It Is a great boneflt to Marsh flold aB our pupl'H do not have to ko nway fiom home to get tie bor' Jnstructlon. MuBlclan. Secretary of Navy Lauds Na tion's Leaders ana Laie Tom Johnson. inr AMofUtert Ifmt to Con lUr Tlmw.7 CLEVELAND, O., April 20. Tho Influonco of Thomas Jefferson Pn tho character and construction of prosrnt day legislation nnd govern ment was depicted by Joaophus Dan iels, Secretary of tho Nnvy, before ah omlnont body of Cleveland Demo crats assembled here for tho annunl Jofforson Dlnnor. Tho speaker eulo gized tho speaker of Democracy nnd declared mat. mo same uiiBtiiiniiiiunn, .lofntlnn ntwl IllinrnlllV V.'lllpll cllnraC- torlzcd Its admlnlatrntlon In tho days of Jofforson woro scon today wldoly depicted In the leadership of Presi dent Wilson, tho counsol of Wm. J. Hryan nnd tho oxamplo of Tom John son, Cleveland's Into mayor. Hoferrlng to tho present adminis tration, Its tnrlff, currency and tax laws, Mr. Daniels said that they woro In thorough accord with tho princi ples of "our Brent mentors, Jofforson and Jackson." Thcso statutes a -roady enacted nnd tho proposed anti trust laws, ho added, showed that the "Democratic party In tho past ..nnt linn ilniin mnrn In tllft WnV Of constructive leBlslatlon than tho Re publican party has In tho past do cadcB." Mr. Dnnlols paid n glowing tribute to tho momory of Mr. Johnson. "Human liberty wns threatened from a different direction when Tom John son was raised up to champion tho weal of tho masses. Ho Incarnated tho spirit of JofferBon. Jefferson wns not more forgetful of himself la his thought of his countrymen than Johnson and In tho lattor's use of his wealth for tho community.' Discussing tho effect of tho now tariff Inw, tit speaker said that con trary to tho predictions of the npos- H..U ..r i.rU-llmr, v. nrn lint flooded with "pauper" goods from abroad. Our Imports have been Increased, our exports, have grown grcnt r. What Is truo of tho tariff applies with equal forco to the curroncy. Tho bill which tho Inst Congress ....n..(...i .....ii.i.iii.u Mm li Rt tlinuuht I uunviuit umiHuiivo .iw - -- --- lof tho nation on the subject. It I.. . .....n..t.. InHllllH tl.lflrll rears no uh'hiiiii"h ......... structuro to regulate tho fato of tho whole communltlis. "In tho accomplishment of these Domocrntlc anil truiy Ainorirnn luet ics of leBlslatlon, I would not with hold tho credit d-sorvod by thoso moniDors oi uoiiktcbs whu umur " us politically, yet, who, In the liber ality of their views, havo reinsrod us tholr party support. It Is seldom that two such vital Issues are de termined with so llttlo pnrty spirit and I regard It as moat auspicious that tho tlino has arrived when men of high Htntlon disregard tho ele ment of tho party and loud their support for measures for which tholr opponents nro responsible." 1 1 UH I NEKS OUTLOOK (iOOD Kd. Andrews, n formor iiBsoclato of J. W, Perkins, paBaed thru here today eiirouto homo to Modfoid after a nine months sojourn In the East. Ho believes money conditions In tho East will soon hecomo satisfactory to ,.v..ri'1.niKv I In nunnplllllv noticed tllO I way tho Wost Is being regarded as n place for Investment, and on this 1 ground, as woll as tho assured Influx of Immigrants with tho opeulng of J the canal, bollovos this section has i a Brent future. UoBobiirg Rovlow. What You Have Keen Looking For. .l!l itM.Iln T Inlmnnf In a IirCtl- oration thnt gives satisfaction whoro . . i 1 U Anilnrl a pain kuior aim nemur m ubcu We do not bollove you could got a better llnlmont nt nny price. Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D, Cohnn. Opposite Chandler .Hotel. Phone 74. Central Avenue Drug Store, Exclusive Agency. Prices 25c, 50c. SI. 00. mm&sSnpmgr Fred Wilson Only One to File for Office. Full List of Primary Candidates. COQUILLE, Ore., April 20. The coroner's offlco Is tho least Bought of any In Coos county, Judging bv the candidates filing for the primaries. Only one candldato has filed for the Job and ho Is Fred Wilson of Marsh field, tho present Incumbent. Here Is tho complete list who havo filed for tho primaries May IB. County Judge Republican, W. C. Chase and James Watson; Democratic T T ainnlnv U. F km.n-J . ,, County commissioner uepuuucuii Thomas U. James, Geo. J. Armstrong, Frank Flam and Levi sinmij uuiuu- crnt, Elbert Dyer ana u. .i. eoiuy, ProgrcsBlvo. E. II. Curtis. County Clerk Republican, F. E. Allen, Robert II. Wntson nnd F. D. Kruse; Democratic. A. U. Collier. Bl.erlff Republican, Alfred John son, Jr. and oeo. w. iurr; uuiiiui tlc. W. W. Oiiro and '.. T. Slglln. Coroner Republican. V E. Wilson. County Treasurer Republican, T. M. Dlmmlck; Democratic, M. H. Her- any County Surveyor Republican, A. N. Gould ond C. S. McCulloch. Commlslonors of tho Port of Dan don Republican, A. McNnrr and C. IX. Moore; Democratic, T. P. Hnnley and J. L. Krononbiirg. ComnilBsloiiors of tho Port of C(j qullo River Republican, C. E. Hill ing nnd J. N. Genrhnrt: Democratic, ThomaB D. Goarln nnd W. T. McClos- Cominlsslonors for the Port of Coos Day Republican, Henry Sengstack en, A. II. Powers and Anson Otis Rogers. Justices of tho Peace Republican, A. E. SchiiBtor, first district; C. L. Ponnock, Mnrshflold District. Constnblcs itppuuiicnn, v. u. M nrslifleld district. Our Rest Seller. Wn nrn nnlllnt' more of McrltOl EC- zoma Remedy tlinn nil tho others put togothor. This largo sulo la duo to tho fact tnat it is a propurauuii u ...,..u.,nl mnrlf tllfllln OXtlrCBSlV fOf ono purpose eczema In Its various forms, ir you nro nimcicu wuu iio loathsomo dlBcase, do not delay using Merltol Eczonm Romedy. Owl Pres cription Phnrmncy. Frank D. Cohan. Oppoalto Clianuior noioi. rnoiiu t. r.n tnii AviMiiti Drui: Store, exclusive iiKoncy. Prlcos GOc nnd $1.00. In our now location, wo are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade. Regular meals or short or ders. Open Day and Xlgbt. MERCHANT'S CAFK. Ilronilway anil Commercial. Mfld. FAMILY DINNERS. SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA Q. RIDOUT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phono 302-R. Willamette -Pacific Motor Car Lcnvo Mnrslifleld u:30 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 0:00 n. m. 10:00 a m. and ovory. thirty minutes until 8:00 p. en. 9:00 p. m. ininn n. m. Sattinlnys only. lliou p. m. 12:00 m. Lenvo North nenil 6:45 a. m. 7:15 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 0:15 a. m. 10:15 a, m. and overy thirty minutes until 8:1G p. ro 9:15 p. ni. 10:15 p. m. Saturdays only 11:16 p. m. 12:15 n. ro. Tho Itlchest Man lu tho World, r-nnl.l n i in ml lila ontlrn fnrtnno trv- ; lug to mnko n bettor remedy for rlioiiinniiam innu .tioruui unuiuuu tlsiu Powders. If you only know tholr vnltio you would uso this rom edy for rhoitnmtlsm. Recommeiuled by thoso who have tiled It. Owl Proscription Pharmacy. Frank I). Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 7-1. Central Avenue Drug Store, Solo Local Agents. Price 50o. WORK OX RAILWAY. l-HIGENE. Or., April SO.Kngl nnor Hoey said that the sonlco will bo extended westward on tho Coos iray-Kugono Hue gradually as tho rnlls nro Hid. (linvol trains nro now b lug jpenited rroin the gravel oils nt Natron to the unballasted part of the track on the western ond, and the roadbed will bo placed In condition for lomforiable travel ns rapidly is possible, Tho road la in good Bhupo at piesent aB far ns n point wst of the Notl tunnel. EiiBlnoor Hoey bald that construc tion work nil along tho lino la pro gressing as rapidly as possible con HldorlitB the bad weathor, 'lhe henvy ralus render tho roads lm liaBBablo and It Is very difficult to Imul mat "rials to the bridge sites. Sovornl of the bridges along tho SluBlaw this side of Maplofon nro in an uncompleted condition hn ulneer Hoey wild that tho rails will probably not bo laid Into tlui town beforo fall. . , A. J. (HMott-, Eugene agent of tho Southorn Pacific company, said thnt ho believed that a big business will be done on this lino, lie bo llovos that many people, oven this tmiiuuor. will putronUo tho road to ko to tho coast for their summor outings. Whon tho Hue Is complet ed nB far as Acme, or ev n to Maple ton, a great deal of thw summer re sort traffic may be diverted from Newport to tho boaeh mxir the mouth of tho Sluslaw. XOSI.KU 014TS OPINION S-VLEM. Ore.. April 20 Attorney Uubtia.' Crarord handed out un op inion to A. U NosWr. of llrldgo. to the effoct that It was against the law to keop n dance hall open nt any hour on Sunday and that It must l., ,". s '' nl 'vH-''M SUnrd j NO SAW 141)0 KS -on YOUR COLLARS If you luivo them laundered nt TWIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY l J. 80AI1M4 g A. H. IIODGIN8 Marshfipld PA,NT AND LLVwllfi I 111 J ft Estimates Furnished. Plioue aUU-J. Marshtleld, Oregon, Low Rates for Handling Trunks Wo haul truutcs betwoon anj points in Maruoflold for tho follow. Ing rates, delivery to ie made In ho first stories of buildings One trunk 2o Three trunks 50 twelve trunks 1.B0 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi HclMiier, Prop. Phones. 120-J' AO-ii. hk.R, Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 Mardifleld-Xortl Rend Auto Lino. Cam every ton minutes from II a, iu. to lUiwO p. in. GORST & KINO, Props. CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICF A now taxlrab haB boon added to my auto sorvlco. Careful drivor Will go anywhere nt any tlmo. Stand Dlanco Cigar Btoro. Day phono, 78 Night phono 139-X. TOM OOODALH. Proprietor. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOrtY MILDRED ROGERS NELSON. Tcncher if Piano" Pupil of Hugo MniiHfeldt at Sun FrmiclNco, Cnl. Five years' teacliliiK oximtIciico In Han Frnnclaco Phono 3151 or 3107, WT. TOMPKINH, I). 8. T. (Weltmer Methods.) Every known dlscaso treated without drugs or surgory. Room 2 136 North Rroadway. Phono IMO-L. Murshfleld, Or. Suits Cleaned' nnd lretel. Suits iiindo to Order. Give U a Trial. UNIQUE PANTAT0RIUM JAY DOYLE C. O. DAOOKTT 2IJ0 Central Ave. Phono 2"50-X HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. GEO. C. MURPHY, Export Piano, Player and Organ Tuning, Regulating and Repair Ing. Res. 842 So. Broadway, Ordors may bo loft at the Wiley I). Allen Music 8toro, Contra.) avonuo. . ARE YOU BOTHERED With Corns? If bo, you aro depriv ed of half tho pleasure of life pleasant walking and hoalthy oxor clso. A visit to Mr. Olivia Kilniau. Scientific (liliopodiHt, Ap't it. O' Council Uldg., will be the sourco of a permanent nmedy for aching feet. JOEL OSTLIXI). Piano Tuner and Repairer tin 8. Sixth street. .Phono 10JJ-L. Leave orders nt W. II. Haines Music Company. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Formerly tho Coos Ilulldlng. Ilronilway at Market DAY RATES. 7.1o AND UP SPECIAL RATIOS IIV THK MOXTH L. Ti. .lUSTEN. Miiiiager. J M. WRIGHT Phono H1B-K RUILDIXO CONTRACTOR Estimates furiilhlieel ou request, O. GOSNEV Phono .1131 Coiitrnctor and lliiilder P.stluiates I'lirulslicd on ReiiiO!.t MV PAST WORK IS MY REFERENCE First and Alder Sts. Mundiflelil. THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrslifleld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH REND C. A. Metliu, Prop. DR. II. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. DR. MATT1E 1. SHAW Dlbcakcs of uouieii and children. Otllce phono 330. RooniB 200, 201 202, Irving Block. House phono, 105-J. DR. A. J. IIKNHRY DENTIST Marsbnold, Oregon. Rooms 204-205, Coke Building. Residence phone 252-X. Offlco phono 112-J. MRS. FAHR1NOER, Toucher of Piano. Residence Studio, No. 1096, Corner Commercial and Eleventh tiu Phone SHO-J. BKNJAMIN OSTLIN1), Cousultlng lvjigliutr bi Architect. Offices, SO(l IrvliiK Block. Phono lOiMj or 2(17-1. Mnrslifleld, Oregon pERL RILEY RALLINGER, l'lanls-t and Teacher. Resldeuce Studio, 217 No, Third St. Phono 3CS-L. W. G. CHANDLEU, ARCHITECT. Koonu SOI and 05, Coke BuUdiaa Marslifleid, Oreeop. w M. S. TURrEN, ARCH1TKCT Marthtleld, Orecoi. South Coos River Boats Express leaves Marslifleld for head of river at 8 a. m re turning In evening. Steamor Rainbow leaves head of river at 7 a. m, and returning leaves MarshUold at 2 p. m, ROGERS A SMITH. WE .MAKE OUR OWN Ice Cream PURE RICH WHOLESOME Orders for parties, banquets nnd dinners filled promptly. If It Is SARTER'S It's all right. Sarters' Front street. Phono S33-J, IRVING BLOCK See Men's Window You will find this tho most satisfactory storo for tho si lection of your Spring Suit. "Tho Parisian" styles aro tho styles tho best dresaod men will wear this spring. Special $15.00 this week. A multitude or handfioino Browns, Rhus, Oroy,B, Tans smart lino Btrlpes that will ho worn more this Benson ::iun ovor. . .The utmost In k"oI clothe nt $15.00. WHY? Because we wll for cash. See Ladies' Window V. big lino of Coata, Suits nnd Dresses Just In from our eastern buyor, bought at ex ceptlonally low prlce8, i0lng late. Wo offer the customer the boneflt of theso bargain by plnclng them on sale at Lot No. 1. Coats, Suits and Dresses $li!.7!i No two nllko; all noyclty materials and serges, those aro boautifully tollornl ear. monts. 6 I)t No. l! ......... 91,1.00 We Kiinrantce Kntlsfnctlon. For Women THREE ONYX'f DAYS 20th 2 1st 22nd Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tho ono Brent hoslory opportunity of tho year. This Is your chanco for n big monoy saving; to soeuro tho Top Notch "OXVX" Hosiery ViiIiick. Tho distributor's way to Introduce "OXY.Xv quality to you: fie 77 400ICK, black: 4028W. wltlto: tons, tan Women's "Onyx"-medium-weight, silk HbIo; "Doiiblex" heol nnd too; "Diib-1" trip and rr-lnforced sole. Feels and looks 1 Ike silk, but wears hotter. Regu lar 50c V3lue. "Ony" Dar prlce, three pair for . ... 91.(10 120M, Women's "Onyx" extra slzo, medium-weight, silk lisle, Diib-1 garter top and double ipllcod heol, solo and too, black only. Regular 50c value. Ony.v" Day price, three pair for 5J.O0 Wo hnvo a largo stock or Womon'B 'ONYX" Hosiery aside from thoso wo hnvo mentioned nbovo that wo nre allowing 15 per cent discount on, The First National Way is to create a friendly air about "Our Bank" that makes you feel at home. We take a genuine interest in all of our customers and always stand ready to serve them, Don't imagine that because your account is smaf that we consider it of little value, We appreciate it am stand ready to hefp you to build it up, Savings Accounts opened as low as $1,00. Wo pay 4 per cent interest, SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First National Bank Ot Coos Bay FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST HANK IN COOS COUNTY. Kstnbllshod 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Iutcrcht I'ald on TIipo Deposits Officers: l J. W. Dennett, President. .1. II. Flanagan, Vice-President. R. 1.'. Williams, Cashier. Oeo. P. Winchester, Asst. Ouhler. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItKTAIL DFPAimnCKT LUMBER, LATH. tJlUNGIiKt), MOULDINGH. HAHH AND DOO8, ikuui'inu rAi.m tiiui CUT TUB FUEL BILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. PHONK 1JM). IKS BOUTn BROADWA LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to all Interests of our client?, Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (Sit Co. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance riTlGUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. IIENKY SKNGSTACKEN, Manager FARM, COAL, TIMRER AND PLATTING LANDS A SPECIALTY. GENERAL AGENTS EASTS1DE MARSHFIELI) OFFICE, PHONE U-J. COQUILLE CITY OFFICE PnONE 1U1.