The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 18, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 9

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f i i w
To fche Moirtth Bend Readers
of "The Coos Bay Times
, -H
More Garden Talk
Some of the prettiest lawns and finest vegetable gardens in
Marshfield are being planted and cultivated along South Tenth
Street, Southwest Boulevard, California Avenue and other streets
of First Addition to Marshfield. The fertile soil and warm slopes
of this addition arc especially adapted to quick and vigorous
growth. )oor yards that were leveled and seeded this spring are
now green. Strawberries are in full bloom. Other garden vege
tables are doing equally well.
Nothing adds so much to the attractiveness of a residence
district as do well kept lawns, and nothing is quite so satisfactory
as a flourishing vegetable garden.
A. neighborhood of home-owners is in all ways the best neigh
borhood to live in. First Addition is such a neighborhood.
Call and get a plat showing some of the choice building sites
that can be bought for $300 on terms to suit you. This is the ad
dition where graded streets and a. water system are already provided.
Reynolds Development Co,
ITS Central Ave.
Phono 3 GO.
Editor Times; reciting In n room largo enough to
Our School Hoard will placo be- seat from 30 to 50 pupils. Any of
toro us next Wednesday an oppor- these Binall ctasses would tlnd nmplo
tunlty to say at the. polls whether or room for resltntlon in tho principal's,
not we wish to buy a site and build offlco or oven Ift tho superintendent s
another school. North Dond does offlco at t' o Central building. Tho
not need another school building now four science rooms, one of which l
and doubtless will not need one for a class room alrendy, togothor with
I some years to come, wnen 11 uoes me so-cauou --uiusuuiu , mo nuiui;
nood one no doubt thoso needing It and with tho principals outer offlco.
will bo ablo to provide It Just as wo would afford larger quarters for tho
are providing for our needs. Tno h) or ou cnuurcn 01 nigu ni-uum
history of city making Is n history grade, than 1 nlf tho Oregon high
of Inflated land allies when the first schools provide for their pupils. Any
railroad comcB. How many pooplo, of tho sclonco classes by placing a few
In North Dond today aro land poor? ' chairs could recite comfortablv In the
Shall we add our public schools to Inbratorles. Theso Binall labratorlos
that list? If wo did need another by the way, contain aomo two thou
sc' ool building, would It be good sand dollars worth, moro or ess, of
business to pay $4,400 to fix up an sclonco apparatus .most of which has
old shack? Our Hoard says that by not been used In throe years and por
Biiendlng $4,400 on UiIb building It haps never has boon used since bolus
would bo worth $7,000. A thing Is placed there. This npparatUB would
worth JuBt what It Ib worth for a equip a college laboratory. Aro wo
needed purpose or tho cash It will keeping this too until It la needed by
bring In tho open market. Could largor high school classes?
our Hoard sell this building onco. Hut to return to tho question of
repaired for what they say It would class roomB. 1 repeat: Tho four scl
be worth? it would bo worth less once roomB now used by a scoro or so
than nothing for services for It Is of students, tho uniiBcd musoum, tho
not needed. It Is truo that tho Cen- library and tho principal's outer of
trnl school building Ib crowded. It - flee, would provldo larger nccommo
ls tragically truo that small children i dntlons for our forty or fifty pupils
living west of Pony Slough havo a , of high school grado than 1b onjoyod
long, rainy windy walk acrosB the Po-. by throe-fourths of tho high school
ny Slough bridges to reclto In an un- pupils of Oregon. If It Ib necessary
healthful basement room In Central to uso basemont rooms at all for
School building. It Is also gospel classes, why not uso tho two largo
truth, to quoto a prominent Sherman empty manual training rooms In tho
Avenue business man, that "tho high , basemont of tho high Bchool? They
Bchool building proporty utilized aro certainly preferable to tho one
would accomodate every child In tho now used at tho Central building,
city." It Is equally truo that less Then thoro Is tho splondtd auditorium
than one-fourth of tho capacity of tho I and the practically unuBod gymnas
hlgh school building Is being utlllz- lum. Woro thoy built to look nt or
ed. Did you over vIbU tho high school to uso when needed? Flvo hundred
building miring class nours; u you uouars wouiu prooauiy wane iuur
have, you probably know as I do that good class rooms of tho gymnasium
tho room known as tho "museum" and tho commissary could no doubt
but now uBed ns a store room would ) be rented for gymnnslum purposes,
hold without crowding any class In Shall wo pay $4400 on tho building
tho high school. So also tho room , wo hnvo and use that building, or
known as tho "library" but which ' shall we buy an old building wo do
Is now used for loss than half a dozen not need? Tho unwlso uso of school
typewriter students. If you made- funds may mean but little to you or
snub a visit to tho l.lgh school, you to me, hut to tho mnn with n family
no doubt also noticed that sovoral of to support, n homo to pay for and"
the classes contnlned less than a doz-' with 03 mills tnx to meet, It means
on tiiinlls.. some nB low ns threo or much.
even two pupils, These classes woro (Slgnor) Mrs, Herbert Armstrong.
ffte present BAY PARK Plat will soon be entirely
Mdout. When that time, comes there will be a rise
i ilia prices of the lots. These lots sell when nothing
his selling. You will benefit by this rise if you buy
t once.
177 Front Street.
Splendors of the Panama-Pacific
International Exposition Revealed
by Progress at San Francisco.
LINTS of cold from vast oriental domes, Venetlnn blue on minarets, pro
.. . ...... ... i. i .).,. rrii-,ii nt niiiniilpH from all parts
of the globe give kIIiii( of the great Panania-Paclfie ntorimtloiin
Pr.wwitin.i ns It will appear when its gates swing open to tho worm
ta!!tr,,wq;3l.l2?irorWI be enabled to enjoy so marvelous a
col..M of tmworUH of contemporary sculptors The Worl Colum Wan
S in s tl n at Chicago first proved that the greatest talent might he engaged
to Sic" work of even temporary value. Since then more and more ir ten
Lis been given at each succeeding exposition to sculpture as a form of
orntmn and .he great ..anaum-raCk International K'P"'"" ban
Francis,-., p. .mike to surpass even Chicago'., acquis le , ,1 sn joy.
livery phase of the exposition Is far advanced, 'lhlrty-four of to ' "
nations will participate with government displays. Argentina leading with a
government appropriation of $l,:)().(i(iO gold
TEos. A. Edison Said in 1893
"We shall be cooking by electricity and heating
and lighting our houses, our cars and our
Mr, Edison's prophecy has come to pass in .its.
entirety much sooner than ever the great in
ventor supposed.
Today Electric Light is a necessity in the mod
ern home, The housewife has discovered that
iU.!.!i.. - -- I- -....., 4lint liorht-
wcwiiuiy is a saTet siitiuib suivam mm "&"
ens household tasks at little cost.
lis is the Best Time
Install Electric Light
Right now. before you start your Spring house
cleaning is the best time to have your house
Wed for electricity. Have the wiring job com
pleted before the decorators arrive. By having
your house decorated after it is wired, you can
Poye by actual test how valuable Electric
Light is in keeping the walls and ceilings clean.
Oregon Power Co.
PHONE 177.
$;& h( h Cby& v.
I Tq A r A vV V
v yZiTi&ZffiSXt ,j' i ii 1 1 j ... i ( & .k
Marshal Carter Decides Not to
Extend Much Credit to
Offenders Henceforth.
Tho collection of flnen by tho Marsh
in. mil rn rnrnn linn Hint Willi iiiuiHU-
nl iiiikmiiu ilinlnir tlln flrHl flftVUIl
uayH of April, nrconuiiK 10 mu
cord, wlilch hIiowh mai oni 01 .ib r
rcBtB, flnca iiinountlnK to $170.00
woro lovled nKaliiBt potty offondera.
Of this nmonnt $110.00 was pnld and
$00.00 was chareed to tho offend
ers. Chief Carter haB hecomo moro
atrliiRont with potty offenders who
nro without funds or means to pay
tholr flns and has put sovoral of
fenders to worlcini? on mo sireois.
Chlof Carter says that ho wishes to
ho llnlont with offenders who will
pay, but thoso who hnvo boon arrest
ed beforo and. promised to pay their
fines, will bo put to worlc on tho
. orroni
M. J. IloRnn appeared uororo ne
cordor llutlor today anil was flnod
$fi.00 for ilrunkonness. Ilo also for
floted $10.00 Imll for his flrBt appoar
nnco, boliiK arrcstfld twlco.
M. C. Sperry waH arrested bv offi
cer 8':oupo on l'rldny ovonlnj? nnd
eharKod with drunUenncss. Ho was
flnod $r..00 which ho promised to
imy, and wiib roieaseii
Shipped Nearly Six Million Feet
of Lumber to San Francis
co in Two Weeks.
During tho 'Irst two wcekB of
April, Coos Hay shipped nlmost
o. foot of lumbor to tho San
Francisco market. Tho followlnu aro
tho flBiires given by tho Pioneer Wes
tern Lumberman of San Francisco:
Fir anil Hpruco
Aberdeen 3,811,000
llnllard 450,000
llandon 2,310,000
nollluKham 700"2
Columbia Itlver 0,090,000
Coos Huy r., 705,000
Kvorott 800,000
(Irays Harbor 2,025,000
Muklltco ..." 7?0,222
l'ort Ulakoley 000.000
Port Ludlow 1,650,000
Wlllapa 3,510,000
Total 20,651,000
Kuroka 9,975,000
Albion "MXw
Caspar 100,000
Fort Hra SSUl .000
Greonwqod ,426,000
Modoclno 742,000
Croscont City 320,000
Tot nl
Oh, Clarence, do not learn to use
those foulest weeds that Brow; tho
foolish youth who smokos or chowa Is
storing future woo. For yearB I've
spent my hard-oarnod whools to keop
my briar fed; I always smoked savO
whou at moals, or In my triicklo-bod.
And t'other day tho sawbones came,
and took my works apart, and said,
whllo pawing o'er my framo. "You
imvA n pnliliairo heart. It's flerco,"
ho said. "1 nevor seed such wild,
spasmodic thumps; unless you quit
tho noxious weed you'll surolv biinin
tho bump8." And now I'vo quit;
llfu'a on tho blink, tho world Is drear,
my friends; and I can only sit and
think of fancy Turkish blonds. My
nervous Bystoin Ib a scream, tho toara
stream down my cheek, and In my
fevered sloop I dream of hurley anil
porlquo. My agony Is too Intonso to
bo beforo you lugged; I fool llko
twenty-sovon conts and ovory penny
plugged. So Clarence, do not learn
to smoke, and keop no pipes about;
bollovo me, son, It la no Joko whoa
you must cnt If out. Walt Mason.
. .. ... -ini,.i mtinna nt h Holm with every
an aerial race around the world, which will be a feature of tho
L sorting evenu to e eld during tho Panama-PaclUc Interna-
nvX! In" ITZ"2 the Kxposlllon In May. 1015,
and Sll end there! Three hundred thousand dollars has been hung
In K for this stu,endoss world girdling contest A number of
Z world's greatest aviators have slgnlfled their Intention of entering
TfliZ The recent flight of StoeiUer, ending at Mulbausen. Qer
many lwJlch be covert 1,375 miles, convinces aviators that long
Xh Iw a iStter of adequate supply stations. The almve photograph
B the S "round the world and the various supply stations.
T5e Royal
Entire chango of program.
Miss Mabol Ford. This beautiful
voiced singer in all new songs.
Tho best program of pictures In
tho city of Murshfleld.
5000 feet of all now pictures.
Florence Lawrence In "Tho Spond
er." The dramatic triumph of her
career In two rools. Miss Iawrenco
has not been seen In pictures In this
cltv for over a year and nor return
has brought the management many
"Jane's Hrothor, tho Paradlac." A
life-like production with Jauo Qall
and William Shay.
"Tho Norwood Caso." A stirring
Crystal drama.
"MIko and Jake Among Cannibals
"Mlko and Jako Among Canni
bals." Joker comedy featuring tho
two greatest comedians In motion
Admlslon, lower floor, 15c; bal
cony, 10c.
"Dr. Nicholson and tho Bluo Dia
mond." A thrilling feature In four
reWs next Tuesday.
Our Daily
Motion Pictures
Tho advertising columns of
The Times aro dally motion
pictures of tho business activ
ity of this community and a
good part of tho rest of tho
They show tho obb and flow
of trade. They reflect the
prosperity of our people,
U Tho Times did nothing
elso than to prosent theso ad
vertisements to tho readers day
by day it would; be ronderlng
good sorvlco.
Every Times reader should
bo an advertising reader.
It moans boing batter In
formed and being posted at all
tlmos as to tho good things tho
market offers.
It Is the kind of roadlng that
la entirely to your profit.
Degln today tho advertise
ments aro particularly Intorost-ing,
Jt-Sr? ...
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