m J, w. - Urn'. FRAMING, )S. ding, m 'mm GOODS RXU PGS STORE, Domestic CNTAKT T y racinc Sr h orth nend : a. m. I'lR '" IMS m- ,':15 a. m. 0:i5 a. m! rmlnules J.J5 p. m .'J5 p. m. irafisBorfation T57 cg CoQ9 Bay ana Sail fli'anciseo, S. Redondo caM FRANCISCO FOR COOS BAY, uPDNESDAY, APRIL 22, AT 3:00 P. M. .a wireless and submarine bell. SnLen and freight. fMiSMITH fl wireless aud submarine bell. ' Passengers auu xiuiub. L .. oV FRANCISCO FOK WfJlH MONDAY, APRIL 20, AT UtOO 1. M. office. Greenwicn street pier jno. 2i ? j. n 1? MnflFnRnrc. Phnnn 44 IfAgCIll, v. ' - CQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. bhip Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. I sWlj Aprll 11 th, 18th, 2Cth nnd 30th at service I, tout 8:00 a. m., 8th, lGth, 22nd and 28th. lutll Extern points and Information u to route d rstw cueeriuiiy iiiraiimcu. JI. t. MUIIII, ilgCQl S AR OLINE Equipped with Wlrep. Accommodations. Nnv Hleol Hont noivrii nr.NO for ban FItANCIHCO SATURDAY, APRIL 18 NO MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. O, P, Sheridan, Agent, Noil 1 1 Rend. S. S. ALLIANCE toSHFIKM) FOR PORTLAND ROUND TRIP, $18.B0. . - .....,. IIuhI Ifnnll M. TIt.ll.Hll llti mo nuriu uouii . v .. .orlh Pacific Steamship Company O. V. M'GEOHGE, Agent. EqS IK FREIGHT RATES WITHDRAWN -w- - S. S. HARDY i FRANCISCO FOR COOS IJAY KVEIIV ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 4:00 P. M. , llMrlson St. I)ick, Pier 10. it. K. J. LINDEN, ARt., Phono Doiiy. 2070. ERMASCTUDIO ,1TY kJ PHOTOS Opposite ninnco Hotel IF YOU WANT YOUR LAUNDRY DONE RIGHT- Telephone the FERNDALE STEAM ,, LAUNDRY ' Phono' 277. Fr-,,Tw,w,,n" MRS. O. F, IlinAHflEB DrosHiunklng and Ladles' Tnll ring Prices Itengonnble Oyer Magnes & Mataon Storo . Phone 248-J. DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phone 180-T. In our riew location, we are es pecially prepared to cater to family trade; Regular r meats op short or ders. . - Open Day and Night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway and Commercial. Mfld. FAMILY DINNERS. EDISON'S LATEST storage battery that continual over charging will aot liana. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS, NQ ACID, Will not lose' ita charge while standlag .Idle. IS GUARANTEED FIVE YEAItS Coos Bay WiringJCo. IH3 nroadway. Ageata for Port of Coca Day. XPolfiffiaT AllholinoSts TT 7 notice- "" camlld Vnno.Unce toyaelf " a kf n n k' on th0 republ can tlc S lb Vote o? duhn,y t0 ,be wbmlttLa ,,. p. D. KHUSB (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. HtnSounco my80lf a candldato for m "eProetatIve.Bubjoct to the nrimnViV B "emoc"c voters at or bettor roml .. . n.i. people to get Oregon out of tho tnud. ,,, A. T. MORRISON. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. .iui . ? nnnonco myself as a S!iJJPI-gQnty Cjmmlg8loncr on tho Democratic ticket at tho com ing primary election. O. J'. SEELEY. (Pnld Adv.) ANNntivni.niKKT I hcroby announce my8olf"8 a candidate tor tho nomination of Rep resentative on tho Democratic ticket for Coos County, to bo submitted to tho voto of tho peoplo nt tho pri mary olectlon on May IB, 1914. I! nominated nnd oloctod, I will abide by statement Numbor Ono; 1 will favor auartorly naymont of taxts. I will favor tho abolishment of unnecessary commissions that ciuBt bo supported by tho taxpayers. I am In favor ot good roads ovory. wnrrc. I am opposod to unjust taxation and cxcesslvo taxation. J. TOM HALL, (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announco mysolt as a candidate for tho nomination of slior Ift by tho Democratic party at tho Primary Election May ID, 1914. If nominated nnd elected I will conduct tho offlco along tho most economical lines .possible consistent with efficiency, and do my host to ehforco tho criminal laws. W. W. 0 AGE. 1 (Paid Adv.) FOR COUNTY CLERK As n Republican, I horoby place myself ne a candidate for tho nom ination at tho nrlmarlcs to bo hold 'May 1C for tho offlco of County Clorjc. If I am nominated and eloctod, 1 will, during my torm of offlco, per form all Its roqulremonts aud du ties promptly, expeditiously, without projudlco and as economically as Is I consistent wun goou eurvn-u. iu HevlnB that I can savo monoy for tho tax nayor and mnko somo for my self, I want your voto. F. E. ALLEN. (Paid Adv.) vnn siiniiTirit1 T hereby announco mysolf ns a candldato for tho nomination of Sheriff, on tho Democratic ticket at tho primary olectlon. If olectod 1 promlso to conduct tho offlco In an economical manner, with tho assur ance that all intorosts nnd individ uals will bo accorded fnlr treatment, TAYLOR SIQLIN. (Pad Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I deslro to announce to the Repub lican voters pf Coos county that I am ft candldato for tho nomination at tho prlmarlOB.to bo hold May 1C, tor tho office of county commissioner. I advocate lower taxation, good roads and a buslnessllko administra tion of county affairs. , I favor no particular locality, and .f elected will work for the best In terests of tho wholo county. THOMAS D. JAMES. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. , I hereby announco myself ns a Re publican candldato for Joint Rep resentative for Coos and Curry coun ties at tho primary olectlon May 15. E. J. LONEY. (Paid Adv.) Pictures & Framing Walker Studio Chimneys Fire Places J. N. Bayliss tny kind of brick work at price that are right. AVD ALL WORK GUARANTEED Cll at "The Fireside," Johnson Illdff.. 137 Second st. Phone 434-J PVenrh Range. nnller Work Trv fhfi ' 9j M&wtfBma snsgHHK SIT" r if- -.it 3S& tho . tihl t l.S. I . "THE GUNNERY" COOS COUNTY DISTRIBUTORS SIWi" TO THE VOTERS' OF COOS COUNTY CANDIDATE' FOR THE OREflON LEGISLATURE .Member of the Law Finn of Hull & Hall mid n Pioneer IN SOLICITING tho nomination for Ropresontativo on tho Domocrattc tlekot to bo votod for May 16. 1914, I will siy that I hnvo llvod BREAD J. TOAI HALL i V ii flft J wli"v War Don't take any chances ' Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot afford to bo without health or accident Insurance. You not only need tho Insurance, but you want to be sure and have the correct policy In tho best and most reliable company In tho business. ' Seo mo or phone mo at once nnd I will explalnilt to you. . I. CHANDLER, Agent Marshfleld.300 Coko Building. -60 Cents-- Why not have an extension telephony installed in your residence? The price has b.een reduced to 60 cents per month. Think of the uncessary steps this will .save you. No Transaction Is Complete Until Our Customer is JjaUsficd WE accept our full re sponsibility with every transaction. If we soil you tires, wo must earn your confldonco and good will It is not enough that wo supply mileage; you aroontitled to our personal interest in your tire service and ajl that per tains to it 'Wo aim to sustain Uio reputation of Jtho manu facturers of Fisk Tires as tho Squnrcst Dealing Company Makers of tho Honestly' Built, Servce-Gvi'ntf Tiro. Fisk Tires ore Furnished to Fit Every Typo of Rim and Cost No Moro Than Othor Ropresontativo Equipment The Fisk Rubber Company Cmtil 0n fw Ik. fttUU CmH JAN FRANCISCO. CAL NCH MOUl lMllt,Wuk PrtUJ. On. 0WUwi,CL S rnndit. CI. SMraam. CI. FrM,Cl. U Act.l.u C. RE3251 In Coos County Oregon, for moro thhn forty yearn, havo been a llfo long Democrat, served ns Doputy Sheriff of Coos, County, undor the administration of Col. John Lnno, sorvod ns' Doputy Collector of Cus toms under the numinlstration of John S. Coko, Sr during his term of offlco, and mada a good rocord. Invostlgato It. It havo never sought an offlco from tho voters ot Coqk County during my llfo prior to this. I now nBk your support. urn In favor of good rosdH, nid purmnnout roads and will suppqrt any measure that may bo Introduced for tho bet tormont of our prtscnt rond system. I favor a law allowing tax payers to nay tholr taxes auartorly and If so puld no ponnlty. I favor equal taxation nnd reduction of tnxos, 1 am opposod to tho creation of un necessary commissions which must bo supported at. the taxpayers' ex panse I helluva In a cotnploto re vision of the prnuont gnmo laws. I believe the samo should bo mado to conform to the) condition of tho dlfferont localities, ft nominated and olectod to tt)o legislature I will support tho wishes of my constltu tents nnd do my! best for Uio Inter est of tho stato pf Oregon and Coos County. Put an "X" ,on your ticket bo tweou tho numbfer and tho namo J, Tom Hall at the, primaries, May IB, 1914, j Yours truiy, J. TOM HALL. DREAD MAKES DRAWN. end good, pure: wbolosomo, nour ishing bread mikes boys muscular and honltny. Our broad is mado from tho finest hardfcWlntor wheat tho kind that rotaloa tho nutrlenta of gluten and phosphates. Consoquent ly It is rich In nutrition, and Ib ab solutely puro liuovory particular of baking and handling. And a big loaf costs but Ilttlo monoy. Coos Bay Bakery The place for go04 goodie. Market Ave. Phone 111-L T 'I IN EAPXiER DAYS Chapter III. On January i, 1852, tho Sea Gull, Undor commapd of Captain Wlllam Tlchenor, took on a load of frleghl at Portland and proceeded to Astoria. On account of tho heavy sea on tho N bar sho lay thcro for two or throe days. Tho bark Louisiana, tho brig KlngBbury nnd the Bchoonor Demor est wero nil lying nt Astoria bound. On January 3, 1852, tho Sen Gull got up steam nnd In splto of tho rough weather 6n tho bar started for San Francisco. A heavy galo was blowing at sea and the bnr was rough. Tho Sea Gull cleared tho bar'safoly and was followed out by tho Louisiana. Kingsbury nnd Domorost. Tho Sc& Oullwns about four miles In ndvnnco As sho cleared tho lino ot Tillamook Head nnd Capo Dlssapolntment sho felt the fury of tho galo. Captain Tlclionor became anxious for tho ves soIb following him, nnd nB thoy ciimc Up to tho same point ho saw tho main top mast of tho bark Louisiana and tho foro top moat of tho brig Kings bury go by tho board. Tho Demorost cleared tho bnr nnd had gono aboul when suddenly sho dlssapenrod from sight nnd was lost with all on board. Tho Sea Gull lay hovo to for several days and It wat, ten days beforo Bbo reached Port Orford. On board tho Sen Onll woro 80 head of fat hogs which wero to bo tnkon south. TIicbo had to bo thrown overboard during the storm. Tho Sea Gull reached San FranclBco and was roady for her northern trip on Jan uary 23. She put to soa at daylight on tho 24th. When tho Sea Gull reached Humboldt thoro was n heavy sen on nnd whllo croslng tho bnr an Immona sen poured In over nor "night honds" carrying away tho "bulkheads' and everything olso movabjo. Tho terrific weight of tho wator Btrlklng her deck broko Into tho flro and In to tho onglno room, driving the en gineers nnd tlromon from their posts. Tho two following sens burled her with wator and drove tho ship Insldo tho bnr.whoro sho was helpless. Cap tain Tlchenor nprnng from tho poop deck to tho main cloat, caught a knlfo from tho sheath of ono ot tho crow and cut tho nnchor loose. Tho wo men and children woro placed whoro It was thought thoy would bo Bafo, but tho rIi I ii was lying broadcast or tho sea and tho sea broko over her badly. After nenrly two hour of bo Ing buffeted by tho wnveo her rudder wnB carried awny nnd It was necos snry to run her by her canvnss for tho son. Tho foretop snll was set, her chains woro slipped and sho wno Kopt bororo the sea and her ennvna prevented her broaching too nonr tho shore. A boat was loworod nnd Captain Tlclionor took n amnll lino to tho shore, fastened It to n largo redwood tree, n hawsor was bone on tho lino and wns drawn nshoro and made fast. Tho passongorB woro all Hnvod and Uoxt day went to Eurokn. Cnptnln Tlchenor wan nnxlous to rehch San Francisco, not only to re port tho wreck, but to transact other business. Thoro wns a small shlp'n Inunrn, tho Ronnlo Deo, which had boon docked over tho schoonor rigged. An nttompt had been mado to go to sea In her, hut sho hnd capslxed on tho bnr and nil hnndB aboard had been drowned. Her Boains had boon started and her ond stovo In, Her owner told Captain Tlchenor ho could hnvo tho uso of her If ho would take hor to San Francisco. Bho wns nt onco repnlred, bub when roady for sea Captain Tlchenor was unablo to seoure nnyono to go with him an crew, Howovor, his steward and cook and ono sailor flnnlly ngrood to go. On February 19, 1852, thoy wont out over tho bnr. Thoy proceeded to Trlnldnd, whero thoy took on wood and wator and also secured somo pas sengora for Sau Francisco. Adams & Co, Express also sont tholr treasure down. As tlier woro 19 passengers, thoy served ns ballast nnd woro plac ed by tho captain whorovor necessary to mnko tho vessol trim properly. Ono of tho passengers who had boon commissioned by thoso who wero saved on board tho Soa Gull, pur chased a gold watch and' gavo It to Captain Tlchenor In the namo of tho paesongors. Engraved on It was the following: "Presented to Captain Tlclionor as an expression of estoeni and rognrd by tho passengera ot the steam Sea Gull, wrecked on Hum boldt bur January 26, 1852' , Cnptnln Tlclionor in spoaklng of this, watch saldj "I valuclt more than any other possession I have. I havo been in two wrecka with it, but It la as good as tho day It waa presented to mo." Portland Jour nal. Llbby COAL, The kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. Children',, Dlseuscfl Very Prevalent, Whooping cough Is about every where. Measles and scarjet fever al most as bad, Use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for Inflamed throats and coughing. Mrs. I, O. Hostler, Grand Ialtnd, Nobr. says; "My three Children had severe attacks of whoop ing cough, and a very few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar gave great relief." Owl Prescription Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel, Phono 74. Cenrtal Avenue Drug Store, local agency. Send Your Laundry to Us By Parcel Post WK FURNISH A 1IAQ AND WILL PAY TnB POSTAGE &N ITS RBTURN. MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chops Coos Bay Home Telephone Co. Coos Bay Steam Laundry Phone 57-J MarshnW I i a t t.i 11 MR UU1' "B a. o. mm; I r ,'Ui ftti3&y