The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 18, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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    rfgfctt n? w umwrfr. tx-s-.TK.ya. . jjMJuiwf m !
Variety and Value in Rugs
",-a ir"
m4 a.
iii " I
1 I I --.I. II. ... 1
social happonlngs, Intended for
publication In tho society dopnrt
ment of Tho Times, must bo sub
mlttcd to the editor not Inter
than 6 o'clock p. m Friday of
each week. (Exceptions will bo
allowed only In cnBcs whero tho
fiventa occurred Intor thnn tho
tlmo mentioned.)
tiii: nouns.
Tho morning Is tho time for piny,
When all our dreams wo fold nway.
Tho noontide Is the hour for rest,
And then wo dream tho good is bcHt,
Tho evening Is tho tender tlmo
For storied fable nil In rhymo.
Tho night Is when wo drenm so deep
That every fear Is drown'd In slo p.
And wo, tho children of the hills.
Sleep's fairies, shorn of human wills,
light mid
.Find in tho deeps of Hcnv'n's far
Shelter and wolcomc,
From tho Unstiuo.
IT WAS April In tho attic with tho
occnBlounl soft rlpplu of rain on
tho roof and then flashes of snn
slilno at the low windows undor thu
envee,. Thero wero rows of hugo, bat
tered trunks, yawning prodigiously,
thoro wero dark wooden chests and'
cupboards nnd dlscnrded furutturc.
Like a youthful sprite In tl e midst
of dusty antiquity, the brlde-to-bo
cat on the Moor In front of the larg
est trunk or flitted about tho hugo
cupboards or perched horself jaun
tily upon the old-fashioned chnlrs.
Grandmother's wedding gown lay
glistening softly boforo her. Great
grandmother's wedding veil rlung
mistily to her slim fingers. There
wero (unlnt nrttflclal rosebuds and
valley lilies and ornngo blooms. Tho
ghostly splendor of long vanished
.bridal parties hung over tho relics
nnd reflected Itself In the starry cyen
pi the brlde-to-bo.
Tlioy woro such queer garments
when grandmothers wero young. A
kind of prim outlandlshncHS mnrkodi
tho billowing flounces, the flschued
shoulders, tho nuuill, litlff nvnlBts.
Cob-wcbly laces, faintly (yellowed,
breathed a dim perfume like wraiths
of ft fragrant past. Tiny handker
chiefs, half-worn sllppors,, fans nnd
gloves, all tho bravo finery of n glad
young gnloty lay ompty and silent,
llko n drenm of other days.
Thoro was something rnthcr touch
ing about It, a reluctant pathos, a
nnir-Htartled pride. Youth went so
Hon to the now hnll. A long program
was enjoyed, as follows:
I. Song. '
1 2. Instrumental solo, Chopin Pro
ltulo In D Flat, Mrs. Perl Itlloy Dal
linger. 4. Vocnl solo, "When I'm Dig I'll
IJo a Soldier," Nov. Jos. Knotts.
G. Heading, "Tho Engineer," Mllo
C. Vocnl solo, "Tho Cares of Yes
terday" Mctcalf Anna Huth Allen.
7. Heading, "Inmate of tho Dun
geon," Miss Evn Honsecn.
8. Vocnl Solo, "Dreaming." Mr.
9. Heading, "Soliloquy," Leo By-
10. Vocnl solo, "In Blossom Tlmo,"
Median Mrs. E. L. Robinson.
II. Instrumental solo, "Melody n
la Mozonkn." Hoschellzky Mrs.
Perl Hlloy llnlllnger.
After thlB refreshments nnd gnmes
continued tho evcnlng'B fun. About
100 guests wero present. ,
- ;
A specially charming occasion whh
tho party given In the homo of Mrs.
W. S. HIchnrdBon last Monday nflcr
nonn for tho members of the Progress
Club nnd their Invited guests. A de
lightful program was arranged by the
committee, Mrs. Gldloy nnd Mrs.
Stoll, centering about tho excellent
nnd comprehensive paper on "Tho
Public Library." wrltton and rend so
ably by Mrs. Henry Sougstnckcn. A
tirnttv rlnwnr ilecorntlon suggestive of
Enste'r was used throughout tho house
which, combined with vines ana
greens mndc tl o reception rooms an
attractive setting for tho many Binnrt
Spring afternoon gowns on display.
Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Nicholson re
ceived tho guests nnd Mrs, McEl
downey distributed tho dainty pro
grams. Tho following Is tho pro
grnm: Ladles' Qiinrtotto, "Tho Summer
Wind," Victor Harris; "Annlo Laur
ie," arranged by Dudley Buck Mrs.
A. II, Gldloy, Mrs. J. T. Hall, Mrs.
E. L. Robinson, Miss Esther Johnson-
.. ..
Contrnlto Solo, "Sunset," Dudloy
Uncle Esther Josophlno Johnson.
Pnpor, "tho Public Library," .Mrs.
Henry Sangstnckon.
Soprano Solo, "Tho Cry of Ruciiol
Mary Turner Sailor; "My Lover Ho
Comes on tho Skeo," Clough-Lolghtor
Mrs. Mnymo Stanley Gldloy.
Impersonation, "Sir Potor and
Lndy Tenzle," from "School for Scnn
dal." Miss Esther Sllvermnn.
Piano Solo, "Logende," Slgno Lund
Sknbo; Polonalso In K Minor, Opus
10, Mncdowoll Edna Louise Larson.
Accompaniments played by BJnn
Fash-1 LouIho Larson.
All tno numnors wero won given
PERSONAL notlceB of visitors
In tho city, or of Coos Bay people
who visit In other dries, together
with notices of soclnl affairs, are
gladly received In tho social de
partment. Telephono 133. No
tices of club meetings will no
published and secretaries aro
kindly requested to furnish same.
j.cndnll uml son, John, Jr., lenvo i
Juno first for visits In Chicago nnd i
vnrlous New York points. Mrs.
Kendall hopes to bring nn old school j
mnto back to Coos Bay for a visit. J
.Mrs. Carl Evertson 1 nves on tho
snmo dnto to visit at Detroit, Mich.,
Lako Huron, Nl'igara Falls nnd Int
er Boston. Mrs. Guy Kendall plans
to visit her parents in Spoknno In .
swiftly nB tho yonrs fled by.
Intl. Mm rnvlllnir tniln vnn Mm niiK-l
thing Mint kept pneo with tlmo. So and mndo with tho club paper an uf
soon, so vory soon It was all over Itdrnoon all too snort.
flowers and festivity, weddings, dnn
cea, lire.
Only n fourth of the Jolly Six
teen met Wed n sdny afternoon with ,
.Airs. II. O'Mnrn, but although lack-1
Ing In mombers the club was not
lacking In Jollity and Mrs. Wilcox, i
Mrs. Linden, Mrs. Bnrtlo and Mrs.1
O'Mnrn Bpent n very delightful nfter-1
noon with their guests, Mrs. F. A. i
Sncchl and Mrs. A. L. But?.. Tho
next mretlng place wns left undecid
ed by reason of tho small attend
ance I
I O. H. S. SOCIAL. !
. mo uoiuo or .Mrs. j. w. Million-;rjniniiilll. Mrs. M. A. Sw ntninn uml Coko. MrH. Win. Hnrsfn 1. Mrs. E. K
I n bilndk iof yellow letters 'onoy. Dan Maio.loy, McEldowney. " w ' ' ,'Z ,f!;.Tl sl'8 Vera I)lndlngor. The next re g- Jones. Mrs. J II. FMnagnn, Mrs, J
! fm.ii ii ,.oni.i.nil.ii? nooif. X cholson. SeitKStnckon. Corey, siou, " .".I... '." '"::"".:.: "V" .".".' i "inr mooting win uo neiti .May u w. uouuoii, .Mrs. u. h. lower, .urs
." -...w... - - . -- ... .. v, , in- i.iuiub wuru riiyiuiv uiiiuriiiiniiii ...ii. i- n ill i... ,i -.. u r T.ihn... r ur lrmtr n
letters," snld tho girl, with ft muiey, I'linnuior, njaiio .'. ,.- 10 ,.,,, ,.,.-,, ', ,--- Vi, I ","",' "". ""."',"."'' Ul" ,." .' ."'V '" " "."" ............
.,.. rl. .f .lul.lf ,..1,., l.r Si- linlllir Illlll I II11IHDI1 nnu .MISS CH- ....... .. :". """ I II 111 II II 111 K HI IIUIU CUUIIVII IOOH MrH Wnn SI. IllllKO. Mrs. Ij. .1. Sim
,i niv.iin w iiiinuiui if iiuiu uiu . ..... - i-iiinviin tin, univitiir. iiuif titui iin. i... ...".. . ' - - ' '
drop had been. Sho looked at ther Sllverninn. Mower nay, apiii llt,,ou ,....,.,, ,,,. n,..,.,,.! Mm nrinr.rn,u Air" -"' iwon und Mrs Claudo Nasburg,
-.... i -- . . tiT Mini l.ik nt niirntnn ni inn nnnui in ..----... ..... . ..... . ( , , ,
u mil HI'illH riirillllBiy. Ill 1110 ailCII .i, mil u iviunmii-i ui . - noon. T iron unoplnl minalu --r.i . . Inline linlxn lin nnlv nulmllMitn nf
on, tho sedato handwr t ng. Mrs. uau .Mnioney. wi en .MrB. i, iiiihh- , , M, ..,,.-. ., : , .... ;.,.Vt,.,,.'v., T . .fi,,
.10 hesitated a moment nnd then Ir and Mrs. Stoll will have charge I" ."V.V n?.n " u-i,"ii vi.ii.,.. iw.'i i n HA.NQUKT. t.o n0rno,,
tho string. There suroly of tho dny's program lit tho aiisonco linuilto. Mra T. s. ...., B T,. . ...-.,,.,,. :' .7 Z.
. i. ...,... i i ..ii., .... nr Vrp n W .Tnwnr. -...." ..."'.. """...:: ..".":."." iu .iiimiiiiuiu uiineKO wimnnH inontnuoil nn Pntrn Threo.l
i iiu uiu uiu in in iviuiiiih uiiu o - -. . I'liiu iiiumuurB mil wero Mrs. i:rnw-
A. X. W.
Tho affair was
! concluded with cake, coffee and Ices
A tenr sllnned out of tho ' served by Mrs. W. T. Stoll, Mrs. Bon
eyes 0r tho brlde-to-bo nnd splashed unnmiier, .mis. a. h. namui, i., ..
pervorsoly on grandmother's corsago 8. Hanson and Miss Cnthorlno Mchol
boquot. son. About sixty guests woro served.
But nB tho frail old gorgeousness Among tno mourners pri-Huui ,.
,1.. ..1 ..I I-. .1.- 1.. lllnlrn llnrl.-iir. Ilillz. Mil-I
tv tin f.
own grenl-grandniothor's letters that
were dim nnd yellow with ngo. What
funny notopnpor they used. In grenr
grn n dm other's day!
Then the girl grow tensely silent
nnd n guilty flush stole Into her tem
ples. It was as If she wore reading
her own lovo lettors, written to nn
othor woman by a lover who wns no
in ore. it Jumbled tho prosont iui.1'
the past grotesquely. You actually
couldn't have told whether the other
brldo wore hoops and daneod tho
minuet or whether she tangoed in a
narrow skirt that perpetually threat
ened to trip her up.
The mischief died nut of the girl's
face and a gontle Hcrlousnetm took its
place. Something In the dim, ye' low
pages seemed singularly reassuring.
After nil, fashion wasn't the only
thing which kept pneo with tlmo.
Some things wero not even outgrown
by It.
Tho brldo-to-ho roplncod the let
ters, tied the bundle securely und
tucked them away from sight. And
thon she closed tle big trunk ntiuour
tenderly and went blithely down
stairs, whoie her own wedding finery
lay waiting In shlmuierlug statu.
Hono Ileuderkon.
Tucsdny ovonlug Doric Chapter,
Ordor of Eastern Star, hold tholr reg
ular meeting In tl o Masonic lodge
rooms. Four candidates were Initiat
ed. After tho business session a boc
lal hour wns enjoyed nnd n cnfoterla
Biippor was servdd. Thoro wns an In
formal program of toasts, Rev. Hobt.
E Browning presiding as toastmas
tor. Thoro was a largo attendance
of mombers nnd n number of visitors
from tho North Bend chnptor, nmong
the latter being Mrs. C. II. Worrell,
Worthy Mntron; Mr. nnd Mrs. C. M. i
Bylcr, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Everltt,1
Mrs. I. B. Bnrtlo and Mr. and Mrs.
Gcorgo Mnndlgo. '
Tho homo of Mrs. Nelson at liny
Park was tho mooting place of tho'
Prisclllas Wednosilny. wlipn three
new members woro admitted into tho
ranks, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. L. Erlck-i
sen and Mrs. Dodsou, Mrs, Win.
Onlo, Mrs. Geo. Ross, Jlrs. R. F.
Bush, Mrs. G. Johnson, Mrs. 11. M.
Albeo, Mrs. Henry Olson nnd Mrs.
Hobertson woro additional member
nt the meeting In two weeks. Tho
hostess wns nsssted 111 serving n dnlu
Mr. and Mrs,ood-appearlng:
Have you never seen well-furnished
homes spoiled by old, worn rugs? New furni
ture demands new rugs. Come and see bur new
stock of rugs. We can sell you rugs that,
will make your floors as beautiful as your
walls. We s.ell the kind, also, that give
LONG WEAR and always keeb their bright
colors. You know the value of good rugs,
therefore, you will think our PRICES ARE
All insnoMin.. -
riiuii oi our
'"9 display will giVe you
an inkl''Q of assor.
merits shown here.
There are scows of
different room-size rugs
on this fixture alone.
The collection repre-
ennto nil ii
"" tn me We. I
known makes, the most
desirable weaves, the
choicest patterns and
colorings. .It will tafc
only a few minutes to
glance through them
and pick out a pattern
to harmonize with the
color scheme of your
room. There are con
ventional and floral de
signs. There are hand
some Oriental and
French floral effects.
9x12 Rugs from $5
to $50.
Smaller Rugs 75c up.
Complete House Furnishers
land, Mrs. C. II. Walter and Mrs. tlstlenlly nrrnnged In hanging in-
fMina T.nPltnnnlln Amnm llinnn illnti linnlrnlii Prtirnnillttfr Hln llflnr-
Mrs. Olson will lio hostess , present wero .Mrs.Langworthy, Mrs. noon's play, MrB. Ilylor, assisted by
u. s. Torroy. Mrt u. u inoinnH, Mra. uiuuuo isasuurK mth. ij. j.
fr Shiirn Mffl A T llnlnna fra ktnitiunti nmt Ailauna A linn mill Tlnro.
ty luneh hy MIbs Johnson, n guest of nIU, Keating, Mrs. II. J. Mohr! Mrs. thy Ilylor s.rvod n dollclous huffot
.ma. mvu. din-iinuii. uolin Daslinoy, Mrs. Hurry Noble, Iimelieon. .Mrs. Ii. K. Jones won tno
Mrs. J. 13. Ilurkhnrt. Mrs. , Uns- nfternoon's prlzo, TU flub will moot
-. ;; inusson, .Mrs. J. Wright Wilson, ngnln In two weeks with Mrs. K.
I 'nil'It.M),n I'lil'll. I Mrs. I. s. Smith, Mrs. A. U Ilutz, U. Porhnin In Mnrshflold. Those
9 Mru 1.' l 1.i-n Mra rnv Mm i.'.n iirnnnnl Hi In wink wnrn Mrs. .T. S.
Times Want ads brlot r"J
Times Want Ads Get Iteiulu.
Itellalile-roley's llontr
mid Tr Cos
nrwouTii i.KAori:
The A. N. W. Club moiubers ns
senibled for nu aftoinoon dovoted t
ncedlowork and chat Thursday at the
homo or Mrs. Olivia Kduinu, nt the
conclusion of whloh refreshments
were served by Iho hostoss nnd Mrs.
O'Connell. The members out wero
Mrs. Allen, Mrs. Stauff. Mrs. Malon
ey, Mrs. Mlugus, Mrs. UnrrlKiin, Mrs,
lliuard, Mi-s. Murphy. Mrs. Kvortson,
Mrs. Ilsguo, Mrs. Mary McKnlght,
Mrs. ( K. MeKnlg' t, Mrs. Noble,
.Mrs Smith. Mrs. Squire nnd Mrs. O'
Couuell. Mrs. Squlio was warmly
welcomed back to tho club nfter nn
ubsence or seernl months. Mrs. Carl
Kvsrtsoii will entertain the club next
ford, Mrs. Kinney, Mrs. Inton,
Mrs. Ilodson, Mrs. Krndrield, Mrs.
Schrooder, Mrs. l.o.Mloux, Mrs. Mlt
ciioll, Mrs. Jonson, .Mrs. iFourler,
Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Harvey and Mrs.
Illldonbrnud, Mrs. Norls Jensen
has Invited tho club to be her
guests next Thursday.
I iustsiih: si:wi.j cmui i
Tho 'regular sonil-inonthly nieot
Ing of tho Sewing Clrclo of Knst
sldo was hold at tho homo of Mrs,
J. 1). McKny ' Thursdny. Mrs. II.
lirlllCklnV Will ll lll.l nnvl tlnalnaa
on April :10. Among the club moii!,m""' Including tho twenty visit-
Club Is nrrnuglug for tholr first
annual banquet, which will Ih held
eurly In Mny. Tho dotnlls are now
being ari-nngcd.
I M)IK.'i: SOCI.Vli. I
Coos Bay Clrclo, Women or Wood
crnft, held its regular mooting on
Monday night or this week. Three
candidates woro Initiated Into tho
mystorles or Woodcraft. Aftor tho
business s sslon rofreshmonts wore
sorvod, followed by gnmoB, nnd a
very enjoynblo time wns had by
all. About slxty-rivo mombors woro
Miss Marie Clrogg ontortalnod In
formally on Woduesdny evening, com
plimentary to nor sister, Mrs. Kd
ward Hniisell or roitlnud. Hook,
musle nnd a chow lug gum contost
made a mobt enjoyable pastime. Sub
stantial lurroshinout were servwl.
Miss Harriet Co. Uns assisted Miss
Clrogg In nerving.
Tho new Methodist hall was tho
scene at high festivities Thursday
evening when tho Upworth League1
entertained with a Sock Soclnl. Vnr-,
Ions booths iockcd the walls and
greens nnd hunting woro used pro
fiiBoly In tho gay decorations. Tho
randy booth ill red und white, tho
Lcaguo colors, was presided over by
Misses Gertrude Robinson and Herthn
Davis. At the cake booth, hung In
pink and blue, were Mrs. J, Ieo
Urown and Mrs. George N. Holt,
while at tho sherbet counter wero
Miss Irene I'reuss, Mrs. Laugwortby,
Mrs. Torey, and Miss l'rouss poured
coffee. Frank Sumner stood at tho
door collecting tho socks full
joi,i,v no'.K.v.
Mrs. George Hourke Is to be hostess
to tho Jolly Dozou nt tholr scheduled
meeting for next Wednesday after
hers enjoying the quiet
or needlowork and social talk woro
Mrs. V. I), l'roy, Mrs. J. A. Swan
son, Mrs. A. Horton, Mrs. R a. Cns
sity. Mrs. F. llyerly. Mrs. Rob
ert Kltson. Mrs. M. A.,
.urs. II. Ilrlnckley, Mrs. K. Kost r,
Juss Stollu Peterson, Miss Ilattle
.McKay and .Mrs. J. 1). McKay.
rinrimnn I 'K IllUlllUOrS
... . V . .wu , x, ,. v .,
iMnin iiuiiii.
from tho clrclo nt
Tho Past Matrons' Club onjoyod
n dellghtrul session yesterday at tho
homo or Mrs. Fnnnlo Hazard, A
rino luncheon was s rved, Mrs. C.
F. McKnlght nsslsting the hostess.
At the business session a card rrom
Mrs. F. M. Frlodborg wns read.
Thoso prosont wero Mrs. C. H. Dun
gnu. Mrs. B. S. Hargolt, Mrs. F. K.
Allen, Mrs. O o. F. Mureh, Mrs. 1),
u McCnrty, Mrs. C. II. Marsh, Mrs.
Fluolla Turner and Mrs. Wolcott.
imiAX hi:ci:itiox.
A number or tho young married
women aro planning to spend tho
coming summer months with rela
tives or friends In tho east. Many
or them aro taking their first babl-B
back to show to fond grandparents.
Mrs. R. W. Morrow Is planning to
of 'leave Portland Juno first by way
The recontlon and meetlm? for tim
Mnrshflold teachers and young wo
men, which tho Mnrshriold W. C. T.
U, was compelled to postpon", will
probably bo held next Frldny arter
noon at the homo or Rev. nnd Mrs.
Samuel Gregg In West Mnrshtleld.
Mrs. I. S. Kaufman ontertnlned
Informally nt sowing Frldny nfter
noon nt her homo on North njond
way. Tulips predominated In the
decorations. In sorvlng, Mrs. Knuf
mnn was Assisted by her sister, Mrs.
Rolso. Her guests wero Mrs. W,
F. McEIdownoy. Mrs. Sutherland,
Mrs. Wnrd M. Hlako. Mrs. B. Mlu
gus. Mis. C, S. Hoffman, Mrs,
.. K. Perry, Mrs. 1). Y. Starrord.
Mrs. G. W. Kaufman. Mrs. Rolso,
Mrs. Derrenbnugh and Mrs, W. T.
Just ho sure that you bur F
Honoy nnd Tar Compound itliil
Ilablo mcdlclno for covw
eroiin. whoonlnc couKbi, tn
nnd In urrlnno colichs. wblcbim
. limiiifF t the sisteui, ltllMI
liirninnt nnd doflaltB KIW
ii... I hnnmaiinaii tlrWllnir tliroltltll1
IIU ,.w,.ow...-, ..W.....-W '-'' -
fv. whoezv breatiuaK. uin
Mnn Plmrninev. FrSDk D.
Opposlro Chandler Hotel. FkaJ
Cuntrul Aenue iinig omi
Mrs. I. s. Kaufman wns hostess
at two tables of bridge Thursday
afternoon compllmontnry to Mrs.
Vernon A. Smith nnd her guest,
Miss Walton. The other guests
were MIsb Gonovlovo Sengstncken,
Mrs. J. W. Dennett, Mrs. BenJ.
Chandler. Mrs. Bofionbaugh nnd
Mrs. Relse. j
table KLmJ'
r.n cn.L TO OV
A WOMAN'S DRESSWU TAULU IS ivc van ' - pTlcl&
The Bridge Club enjoyed a most
delightful s-sslon Wednesday ot tho
nomo or .Mrs. t M. uylor In North
Jingling coins that bought admittance of Chicago for her old homo tn'l
to tho favored gueBts. About $49 1 Walton, Now York. Sho will be.-
wns taken In. Everyono regretted gone until October. Mrs. P. L. Tho Presbyterian Ladles enjoyed Bend, tho first meeting slnco nrlor
tho nbsonco on account ot Illness ot Grnunls Is planning to tnko her a delightful silver tea at tim kmn in ihn i union cn m.. ii
. si til-..l. ...un In Ali(.Alaiiiflll ilnlltvlitni hnnb in hpi rtlft t fn II... IA In .., i. x. i.ij t . . . .'. w ,c
jam. r. u. jiiiuu, wuu " tmh , ..--.n...-. , v , r V "" " "" "o ouum .uursiuieiu nomo was convertea into one of al
oi tno ariair, ino money muue win huii uiwwiii , m uo Duuo n cuueauu) nuernuon. ine nostes
.o aa Dart of the League's contrlbu- most
.-. t
of the summer. Mrs, John ses were Mrs.
nome was convertea into one of al- I
luring beauty by a protuston of ap- I
ntn hlnsanma nnt ilnn livaAlnilia ..
Hydo, Mrs. Suther- plo blossoms and tluo hyacinths, ar-