t.TWS' "l"l ' III! ,IU iu.7 Z-.t T THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELn. OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1914 EVENINB EDITION. FIVE The old idea of mer- clinuclisiiig was to sepnvito customer from dollar; no thought of iuingoiy of ,JC(. ting But this Live Store has introduced a new idea an idea that will sound rather startling to those who cliug to the old haggle-and-barter methods of do ing business. "We feel here that if we suc ceed in takiilg care of your profits well enough, our own will automatically take care of themselves. And it is in line with this policy of seeing how much we can give, rather than how much we can, get, that will call your atten tion to our new Spring models in KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES at "" $18, $20, $22.50, $25, $27.50, $30 OTHERS $8.50 TO $18.00. " FIXUP 83 i Agent Royal Tailors TWO STORES: Marshficld North Bend CopyyigftI 1914 TI Umut tt KuprntlnKf k Jtfmi,L.0&K CLASSIFIED 00 LATE TO CLASSIFY IHtKMT Two llulit lioiisekivnliiir foot, partly furnished, gnu, lights ltinta. 239 South Broadway. J I FOR SAI F lii 4 qK FOR RENT kt itK.VT Flvc-room fiiinlKlicd hat on So, Broadway. 1C per pom. mono ill t-ic. t S.U.K TlllUlltll. mllltllirn Irnln Fttwbernr nlnntu nt imit vnrinii,.o Fw lllll OnrdoiiH i n n,.v III, JHId, or Icnvo orders nt PIo- iworwarncr Groceries. llVTKl Ilreisnuiklnjr. ami. niter- lif 111 ivnrl. I rtlt pi! Swond street north. FOR SALE Panties dnhllus, struw borry iilnnts. glndlolnB. nsnldlstra Apply Mrs. Swootman, Phono 7-K. FOR SALE Prnctlcnlly new ?UM plnno for $.100. Easy paymonts. inqtiiro nt Times orrico. FOR KALE Good rcNiniiriiiit doing oxcclluit business. $300 cnsli. Address E. It., raro Times. rOH SAM') Ancona orrs. for hntch- lng; also day-old chicks. E. A. Stonecyphor, Phono fi-.I. tSWJy 1'llie I'liivrrtoiii iiluiwi "MCrlfleo and oaav forma Pnr. toinj away. Phono 12C-J or 11. IITK11 cm ...111 ..i. off a durlne t-lin ilnv ooo an..,i. todny, or Phono 70-L. WANTED fc3KIJ Mt-rlasf cniiiH(ene, P for good man. Address, with Rneti, 0, M , enro Times. 12X1? "" c- England cook, tl0tt Whprn ni.i. .. . I'Msutant cook, holpor or choro L i H"sband also wishes posi- j.v .""' no lui punier, m hand or In lumbor camps. .:V 'commendations furnlsh J. Aauress or wiro H. Rood, It. P. ' oo urange, California. 'ONE iron Cent I JO-n Bsenger Service BLKHFIELO CYCI.ERY FOR SALE At n hnrgulii, ono four horao steam cnglno, ono vary ne.ir now snddlo; 4 lots on McPherson nonr .Montana strcot; twolvo hun dred dollars, $1200.00. Tour loti on cornor VIrglnln-Everett, fifteen hundred, 1500.00, 12 lots on Marlon- nonr Virginia Ave. Urldgo, eighteen hundred, $1 800.00. Flvt por cent Discount for cash. Phone 1441. R. A. Hock North llend, Oregon. FOR SA M-: ltoiiiHlMlur 8000-gnl. tank, tower about 75 ft. high, heavy tlmbors. 400 ft. of 1 1-4 and 2-Inch pipe with nil connections; gas onclno and pump. Will soil together or separately. Apply to Itobt. Mnrsden. Sr. VOK "HAMJ--Ttvo lots near Lake side. 200 foot or lako front. Phono 370-X or nddnss P. h. 0 S27 So. Fifth stieot. I'OU ItKNT .My home funilNliod. line Ninth Street, North. Porn dale. Mrs. Sweemnn, Phono 7-It. I'OU UKNT Tno room fnnilNhwl npnrtmuut. Inquire at Nasburg Grocery. I'OU HKNl KuinlslM'd apartment, In ronr of 878 South Fifth stroot. I'OU UKNT Itooin with or without board. 101! So. Tonth strent. UP A LADDER 1()U HAMS Hotel IiiihIiic.sk. Cheap If taken nt onco. Phone 478, Em- plre, Oregou. AraRO Hotel. FOU8AMJ On account of blckne.i I will sell tho .Midget Cafo, Do lng good buslncBS next, to postof flco. North nond, Ore. VOll 1XKST Fiirnlslicd hoiiM-keej)-lng rooms, 471 lElrod avenuo. Phono 200-L. FOU ItE.VT .PiirnUIieil room wltli bath, for single gentleman. 358 Third and Highland. COOS BAY STATIONERY CO. ,P0Xn 430. D.1 CRXTIML- AVE. AXSCO AGK.N'OY WMKRA8 FILMS PIuVTES FIL.M rACKS CIIE.MICAUS OFFICE SUITLIES. ARTISTS MATEUIAI I NU.YTU'O AXD DEVELOPING THE Kllit) YOU WILL EV- TUALLY INSIST UPON, O DAYS MORE ONLY before prices. In Perliam Park will I Lt be advanced 10 ner cent. .Ily making your selection of location now you will save from S40 to $00 n lot. .This fwptrty i9 loentea n the ,,enrt of tl0 c,y nnd lots range In Prif0 from $300 to 000. on easy terms, o small payment down "1 Llnce in two nnd a half years. See Held about It. Make fPflntments by phono. Call 204-J or 327-J. ",ce I,e" even' "a 'rom 7 to 8 "o'clock-. W. A. REID, OWNER'S AGENT, 150 Front Street. B m M '$ IH'T NEVER UP A THEE WHEN IT COMICS TO ARTISTIC PAINTING AND PAPERING SAVE MONEY when you Paint Your House It costs no more to apply "High Standard" quality paint and It gives more beautiful ef fects and wears longer. TIiub you will gee tho best results and save money by using LOWE BROTHERS HIGH STANDAlll) LIQUID PAINTS This Is a ready to use paint of highest quality. It has great spreading powers and the col ors are very durable. It comes In a large number of tints and shades, making possible uny color schemo. Como In for color cords, and let us help solve your painting problems. Le Mieux & Miller 803 North Front St. Phono 115-K. ww IREVITIE5 TIDES FOR APRIL IiClOW ill PIVI tl Hln Hum nmt holght of high and low wntor at Marshflold. Tlln tides nra nlnrml In Hir nnlar of occurrence, with their times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second line of each day; n compar ison on consecutlvo heights will In dicate whotliar It Is high, or low wntor. For high water on tho bar Hiiuairaci iwo uours 34 minutes. IHrs., 3.H Ft... 2.7 Mrs. . 4.24 Ft... 2.4 Hrs. . r.25 Ft... 1.9 Hrs.. 0.17 9.17 CO 10.24 4.8 11.29 4.9 CIS 3.49 0.G 4.47 0.7 G.3C 0.8 12.24 10.D0 4.8 11.35 T..0 0.0 0.0 U.20 I WEATHER FORECAST Jnr Amirf,i rrrt to Cooi lit TlRin.) OREGON SHowers In west; fair In enst. Sunday: Bhowors nnd ,8outhorly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., April 18, by RonJ. Ostllnd. SDOClnl irovornmnnt mn- I teorologlst: (Maximum C3 Minimum 40 At 4:43 a. ih 44 Precipitation 00 f Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1313 01.32 I Precipitation samo porlod I last year B7.27 1 Wind:, northwest; clear. Hum Meiisles Mrs. F. q. Birch Is confined to her home by a slight at tack of Gorman incnnlcs. Si'IIh RusIiichs Ivan Hohonthnl has sold his Russlnn Steam bath busi ness nt Hunkor Hill to Otto Rlcntor, who will contlnuo it. Vt'ry ill. Mrs. Jns. Fox, of Ban don, is reported very ill. Her sls torn, Mrs, Jud Mills or Sumner, nnd Mrs. Ed Raymond, of Lnkcsldo, Iiuvj been sent for. Ilorho llnrtH Workman. Malcolm Anderson, n driver nt tho Snilth mill, was Injured by a horso fallliiK on him. Tho enr started down grade and Jerk od tho horso ovor onto tho driver. Ills Injuries uro not sbrlous. , Rnsebull Ruction, It was report ed today that sonto of thoBo who woro disgruntled about tho nlnns for organizing a bnsoball tonin In Marsh- fiold for tiio proposed County Lenguo wero ondcnvorlng to got soino of the lilnyors to nurcu tti nlav Indoncndent unu insicau or pinying wiiu tiio reg ular lenguo team. It Is not belloved that tho movement will amount to much. Good Road Day. Rood Supervisor F. P. Norton says thnt ho hns n mllo of now road to build botweon Shln glo House Slough nnd tho Boss plnco anil ho would like to hnvo everyone who is doslroiiB of aiding tho good road movement next Saturday turn out thcro nnd holp. Ho said that ho would like to have enough turn out to get tho rond ready for grading In ono day. DlHiiMor'n Anniversary. Today, Friday, April 18, Is tho eighth anni versary of-the San Francisco enrth qiiako and flro, which entirely de stroyed tho business section, nnd half of the resldonco section of San Francisco, nnd burned for threo days, Tho various women's clubs of San Francisco nro holding a gonornl moot lng todny to honor tho men who havo tr.uilo comploto the restoration of the California metropolis in eight years. Marshflold was tho first outside city to offer aid to tho San Francisco sufferers. SPRINGTIME CALLS- For gnt-den nnd farm Implements; garden hose; lawn mowers. All the necessities for the lawn nnd gulden. Look our lino over before joti buy. It inny ho to your Interest. Schroeder & Hildenbrand HARDWARE AND PLUMBING TELEPHONE 77-J. nil of Mie settlement In the case of tho Southern Orogon Company vs. tho Davis hotrs. WILLIAM BONE1JIIAKE, of Sumner, is a visitor m Marsiiflold today. view of locating. Mr. Waggoner Is a brother of Mrs. Hugh Sneddon. W. A. CUSTER went out on tho morn lng trnln for Cooullle, Bnndon nnd Aiyrtie Point. CHARLES NELSON of Allegany Is MRS. H13UMAN SMITGALL of Catch ...? v'8ltor ,n Marshflold today, j lng inlet was a Mnrshfield shon MUS. FRED KRUSE of Jsthmus Inlet ' por yesterday. Is a visitor In Marshficld today. MR. AND MRS. P. D. BLAKE, of M, LBATON of Coos River Is a husl-j Catching Inlot, nro visitors in ness visitor In Marshficld todny. I Mnrshfield today. MRS. C. NELSON, of Coos River, CAUL CLINKENBEAUD, of Coos Is shopping in Mnrshfield todny. Rlvor, Is n buslncBS visitor in MRS. A. COX of Boss Inlot Is visit-! Mnrshfield today. lng friends In Mntshfleld today.! JUD. SCHAFEIt of Allegany enmo MBS. B. WILEY of Uokb Inlet Is vl-' down on tho stenmor Alort to siting friends In Mnrshfield todny. Marshficld todav. CHARLES ENEQHEN or Coos River HENRY JOHNSON and wlfo aro vl- enmo down on tho Rainbow todny. i siting nt the Tom Johnson homo YALE GLEASON loR on tho morning near Myrtlo Point. train Tor Conulllo nnd Myrtlo Point. MRS. M. O. MnniiK nml rliii.irnn nf MISS LENA MATSON, or Catching' Conledo returned homo todny after iuiui, is nuiiMug in .Mar8iiuciii to dny. J. M. CULLEV, of Cntchlng Inlot, Is a business visitor In Marshflold to-day. FRANK NORRIS, of Sumner. Is n liustncBS visitor In Mnrshflold to- a visit to Mnrshflold. JOHN SCARPELLI, ono or tho.con tnfX'tors.on the railroad near Lake side, wns In Mnrshflold todny. W. J. BROWN and BURT D0REMU8 chnrtored the "Kid" nnd wont fish ing up Coos Rlvor todny. dny. IMBS. REBECCA LUSB-STUMP and MR. AND MRS. ROBERTS of Alio- dntightor Catherlnn nro spending' gany are visitors In Mnrshfllcd to- Sunday nt tho W. A. Ltiso ranch, dny. j II. W. SANFORD, of Sumner, enmo ABE HEUNEGARDT of Coos River t down on tho Sunrise to nttend tho Is visiting friends In Mnrshflold to-1 Farmers' Union In Marshriold to day. day. ROY LANDRITH of Coos Rlvor Is MRS. G. CHAMBERS of Coos Rlvor TiBltlng frlmuls In Mtirshtlcld to-1. U vlnltlng nt tho homo or her son ui.y. Guy Chambers, In Mnrshflold to- ROBERT ROOK or Loon Lnko Is a' day. btiBlness visitor In Mnrshrield to- JAY TOWER and R. C. CORDES day. . mndo n trip to tho lower Bay yes- CORNELL LAGERSTROM left on tho! tcrday bringing back u fino lot of Adeline Smith todny for Snn Fran- clams, etc Cisco. ' MRS. SARAH PAINTER will arrivo MRS. JOHN MESSERLE, of Catch-' horo next wcolc from nn oxtonded. lng Inlot-, Is n visitor In Mnrshflold I todny .MISS THELMA DODQE, of Coos Rlv- or, is visiting friends In Mnrshflold todny. I M'SS MARTHA ROSS of Isthmus In-1 let Is visiting friends In Mnrshflold todny. CHARLES MAIIAFY of Coos Rlvor Is n biislnoss visitor In Mnrshfield i today. I HARRY J. LEA wont out on tho morning trnln, for Coqtilllo iinniiou. K. BRANNER hns returned from n httslnes nnd plcnsuro trip to Snn irnnci8co stay In Cnllfornln nnd Oklahoma to visit nor children herb. J. T. THRIFT or Coqtilllo, who wna horo on business rottirnod on tho morning train todny. Ho nnys thnt tho North Bend nBHcssmont will bo rinlshed In n dny or two. J. LEE BROWN has returned from Portland nnd Salem where ho was on business connects with tho stnto pharmacy commission or winch ho is now president. mid MR. AND MRS. D. BRADBURG nnd her two sons aro plnnnlng to Icnvo for hor homo In Mnluo nbout Mny 1. Sho hns boon visiting in Marsh riold for tho past six months. B. II. Grant, n traveling salesman MR. AND MRS. ALBERT SMALL nnd left on tho morning trnln ror Ban (ion touny. EMIL STONE, or Cntchlng Inlot, en mo down to nttend tho meeting or tho Fnriuors' Union In Marsh riold today. MI8S OLL1E RICHARDS, or Catch ing Inlot, Is shopping In Marsh- noiii touny. boh, or Lowlstou, Idaho, havo leas ed their rami nt Lowlston nnd will mako their homo in Mnrshriold for tho coming summer. Mr. Small Is n brother of D. W. Smnll of Mnrsh field nnd spont considerable tlmo horo last summer wlion ha gained a favorablo Impression of Marsh flold. RUSSELL CHURCH of Coos Rlvor W. G. EMMEIISON of tho Coiiulllo camo down on tho Alort to Marsh Hold todny. MISS FLORENCE KELLY or Isth inns Inlet Ih shopping In Mnrsh riold todny. S. P. BARTLETT was nmong the passengers on tho morning train ' lor Conulllo. C. L. WAGONER and wlfo hnvo nr rlvcil hern from Nohrnskn with n Hntchorv is n Mnrshflold visitor. He has Just complotod pools thcro whorohv thoy can tako fish nnd keep them until sufficient orrb can bo obtained to supply tho hnt chory, ThlB Insures n good hatch overy year. Many steol heads aro bolng token now nnd kept tor tho eggs, about 1,000 now bolng In tho pools. . PEOPbE YQUI W KMOW W 'ABOUT MRS. BYRD LATTIN camo down on tho Rainbow today. DR. 13. MINGUS left on tho morning train for Beaver Hill. E F. MORRISSBY loft for Sa,n Fran cisco today on business. MRS. DUNCAN FEROUSON has been slightly 111 tor tho jiast week. ANDY KARDELL at Coos Rlvor Is In Marshriold today on business. W. P. HENNESSEY loft on the morn ing train ror Henryvlllo today. B. F. WELCH left on the morning train for Bnndon on business, WESLEY NOAH, of Coos Rlvor, Is a visitor In Marshflold today. FRANK THOMAS lort on tho Break water today after closing up do- Program for Grand Theater Flvo select reels. All new, "The Hearts of Women." Special feature Vltagraph In two reels, feat uring Miss Julia Gordon Swayno. This will be enough to convluco you or the quality of this picture, "How Burke & Burke Made aood." Thoy are a frost ,as comedians. Thoy are caught In a house afire and through no fault of their own they become heroes. A dandy fun maker. "Vacclnutlng a Village." A real rib-tickler a picture that will wake you up. "Pathe Weekly." Eight Interesting subjects. Tho greatest number for tho mouth, Bhowlng several of tho Mexican war and other Items of Interest.- Children 10c; adults, lDc. Coming Monday: "The Vampire." A motion pictuje masterpiece. "SURPRISED!" Didn't know thoro wnB so much goodness In a clgnr until I tried n LA NATOMA "A COMMON EXPRESSION" You can Imnglno how good thoy nro when most of tho particu lar smokors on Coos Buy aro now smoking La Nntonm Cigars. LA NATOMA HEADQUARTERS All first claBB dealers. AFTER DINNER CHESTERFIELD SPECIAL CONCHA U for !Mc 2 for IMo U for SMo for Urtc J. LEE BROWN, PH. G. ROBT. BWANTON, P1L O. RAIN OR SHINE We keep advancing, Patronize our store and you get the most up-to-date service and goods, Your pres criptions are filled in a scientific manner from tho pur est drugs and chemicals and you may rest assured that every person and prescription will be treated right, ' WATCH US GROW as our patrons realize that we lead in efficient service, high-grade quality goods and selected agencies as Maurine Toilot Requisites, Whitman's Famous Choco lates and Confections, Kantleek Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringos, Waterman's Jdeal Fountain Pens, Penslar Remedies and Toilet Necessities, Hess' Stock and Poultry Preparations, Truform Shoulder Braces and Trusses and as Manufacturing Pharmacists, THE STORE FOR QUALITY GOODS MfwEfflflCTK w . 4