The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 18, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Page FOUR, Image 4

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M. C. MALONEV Editor nnd rub.
DAN E. MAIjQMSr Ncwa Kill tor
Official l'npcr of Cotw County
store jo begala day ray ran uowh
J$ !
Chamber of Commerce Plans
Celebration Oppose a
Good Roads Day.
Marshfield High School Stud
ents Score Hit in Presen
tation of "Esmeralda."
Coos Bay Union to Engage in
Co-Operative Enterprise
Meeting Today.
Tho Farmers' Union decided nt a
meeting hold In tho Odd Fellows' Hall
today, to open up a general storo for
11.0 buiu vi uiuir iuuuucih una "l'v i,,j in Mnrshfiold
pointed J. E. Fitzgerald, Vlnco Pratt ? ? ' "h nd,
iNoll Watson and Ii. W. Sanfod as n
conunlttco to arrnngo for the building
and site.
Tho plan as outlined by President
C ii Hoy, of the Farmors' Union, Is to
Tho Marshfield High School Sen
ior cIobs Inst evening scorod u distinct
biiccobs In tl'o nrosontntloti of the
class play "Esmeralda." nt tho Mb- Incorporate a private stock company ";f."v " """.i, '" ' BO,"i
ilc Opera Houso. There was a lrrespcctivo of tho Fanners' Union, '"", ,u" nynr.V7h .:? w
Tho Marshfield Chamber of Com
merce met last evening and appoint-1
ed tho executive committeo of the'
organization to take full charge ofl
the Fourth of July celebration to be '
It wns decided
that tho appointment of the executive
committee wns best, thoy having;
handled matters nt tho Inst celebra-.
tlon hold, to the satisfaction of all.
Tho question of the removal of tho '
llfo-savlug station from Its presont
Don l
Rood attendance, tho receipts being
Tho caBt hnd been woll drilled nnd
thoro wns not n hitch from start to
finish. Tho piny wns n clnvdr ono
nnd evoked much npplnuso. Music
was furnished by Keyser's orchestrn.
Tl'o piny wns undor tho direction of
Miss Sllvormnn and tho other high
school teachers, Tho cast was as
Mr. Elbort Itogers, a North Car
olina farmer Hownrd Swartz
MrH. Lydlo Ann Itogers, his wife
Hcsslo Flanagnn
Miss Esmornldn Hogors, his datigh
tor Qlndvs Dlment
Davo Hardy, n young North Caro
linian Chcstor Isaacson
Mr. Estabrook, a man of leisuro..
Sydnoy Clarko
Mr. Jack Dostnoifd, an" American
artist In Paris Waltor Jensen
Miss Nomin Desmond, his sister. .
... Mny Myron
"Marquis" Do MontcHsIn, a French
ndveuturor .... Duncnu Ferguson
ucorgo urow, nu Amorlcnn spec
and this company will operato tho
storo. Any person who is a member
of tho union mny becomo n member of
tho stock company If ho subscribes
n cortnln amount. Up to dntc $1000
lins been subscribed by tho mombors
of the union for a general storo.
The committeo appointed will meet
during the coming wcok and tho def
inite plnn of arrangement will bo
announced at that time.
J, M. Ciillcy says tho store will bo
opened within a month and tho nub
ile will bo in u position to purchase
their goods much chodpor of this In
stitution. Tho money subscribed will
bo pnld in ns soon as tho conunlttco
selects a location.
About fifty mombors of tho union
attended tho meeting and tho secre
tary announced that tho union hns
over 100 mombcrs in good standing.
W. O. Chase, of Coaulllo, was
present nnd spoko advocating tho
plan of a general storo and his re
.tnnrks woro very woll recolvod.
..inu. ur-ii J.. I see. Mr. A. Stonownll, Mrs. A. Stone-
""'"""""".Willi. F. A. Youst, L. C. Johnson,
Tho Dreakwater Hailed UiIh after
noon for Portland with n good list
of pnsHongors. Cnpt. Macgonn.'whllo
lioro this trip, Insisted on being glv
on n better grade of steam coal so
that ho will bo ready to speed up
n Ilttlo In case an omurgency nrlsos
on nnothor craft tries to show him
tho way.
Among thoso sailing on her woro:
W. J.lloopo. Snin Nnss, D. Vnnco,
!Alox HodaulRt. O. S. Mlsh, L. Itnn-
doll. Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. Inn Mnr-
Nlek 1118, Harry Papas, It. C. Young,
Ernest Mnthows. Archie Rosa. Mil-
Ion Cox. S. C. Schitlzo, M. O. Heard, i Chamber
Win Ii. Mark, .Mrs. Thos. Homo, J. i
11. Stordt, 11. J. 'Wallace Mrs. J. II.
Wood, J. F. Denoz, Mrs. W. O. Mills, I
W. O. Mills, Chas. Tower, Max Fos
ter, Creed Crniiflll, M. .1. Stnrhl. FrPd'
Applooff, Hans Noloon, S. Peterson,!
t M. Wlntobalter, J. Patlsch, P Quln-i
Inn, ltobt. Mlsnor, Clarence Mason, j
lull IU1 I , J'. Autu.o, uui.n
U. 0. Mollml, Jorry Hurloy, L. A.
Unlloy. Ed Spooner, Mrs. Jane Han
soll, J. Paulsen, T. Paulsen, A. II.
Sauford, C. A. Maddup, Mr. C. Os
homo. Mrs. C. Osborne J. W. Geary,
Mrs. C. M. Mllllngnn, C. M. Mllllgan,
It. N. Thurstoln, Mth. D.'C. Vaughn,
Mrs. Nelllo Hutchinson, M. I. Lugglo,
0. A. Ferguson, Andrew Flockon
stoln, Mrs. Martha Hobs, Itobn Fos
ter, (Hon Foster, Mrs. J. It. Foster,
Anna Foster, Uobort Foster, It. F.
MrClood, Frank Thomas, O. S. Hol
Innili M. It. Coroy. C. P. Ordwny.
consideration, and the secretary was
instructed to communicate with tho i
Portland Chamber of Commerce, Cap
tain Robert Dollar, C. A. Smith nnd
Itepreaentntlvo Nowllu, Congressmnn
from Cnllfomln, tho Enrokn nnd As
torla Chambers of Commerce, to ask
their nsslstanco In securing an appro
priation of $10,000 from tho Gov
ernment for tho removal of tho life
saving station, pointing to It ns nn
aid ,to navigation.
J. Albort Matsou snld that tho sta
tion shlould bo moved nnd tho only
menns by which to got nn appropria
tion would bo by continued orrort
through all tho commercial bodies on
tho Pacific Coast.
Merchant h Opposo Koiul Day
'ft o question of tho mnklng good
roads day a holiday In Mnrshfiold
was brought up and nftor some dls
cualon n decision was reached that
It would not be nlndo a holiday, but
thoso who desired to do any work on
tho roads would not bo hindered.
Mayor Allen spoko nnd snld that
ho hnd found tho good roads spirit i
Inching In tio locnl merchants. Hny-j
Jug thoy protested ngnlnst closing;
tholr stores on n Saturday, nnd that
ho would like to got the spirit of the
of Conimoreo to dotei'mlnoi
And have
the use of
your Furni
ture while
paying for it
We make very liberal terms, and when we furnish a home or room the re
sult is a joy to behold. And our prices are the lowest.
Make it a Point to See Our
Rugs and Draperies
We will show you the grandest line of entirely new styles: ever shown. .All of
our rugs can be matched from our superb drapery stock. .High Price is not nee
essary but harmony in rugs and hangings you must have" if you want your rooms
to look well.
If you want to make good selections for the furnishings- for your home, come
where you will get your money's worth or your money back.'
i v
mm -
fyif Tw I Ho OIQ7 W I jr f m&
"Oh, He's Good
Because He's
The soft, roomy body of the Wakefield Sleeper gives
baby ample room to move his hands and feet.
The adjustable hood keeps the sun from dazzling his
bright little eyes and gives him a chance to see all that
goes on about him.
Your baby will be good, too, if you give him the
solid comfort of a Wakefield Sleeper.
whether or not ho should declare
C. It. Peck said that from tho spir
it t o found among tho pooplo ho was
afraid that good ronds day would be
a "flzzlo" nnd ho did not want to see
tho Chamber of Commerce get bo
hind n project that would ho n fall
ure. Ho suggested that n popular
subscription of $1 be taken up dur
ing tho coming week nnd tho funds
turned over to soma contractor who
would hlro men on Saturday, April j
-'), to do tho work.
Hugh McLaln snld Hint tho pcoplo
did not know what to do, whoro to
go, or where to got tools, on good
ronds day. Ho snld thnt he could
not find any enthusiasm among tho
pcoplo of Mnrshfiold, and thnt unless
good ronds day was planned some
weoks ahead, tho work dono would .
not amount to much for the lack of t
concentrated effort. i
F. P. Norton snld that tho pco
plo of Mllllngton woro Interested In
good roads, as they wanted to open
uoiiio now roadwny from .Marshfield
to Mllllngton. Ho said that
If matters woro arranged un
der supervision, ho would llko
to soo s onio, nsslstanco giv
en townrd tho Mllllngton people Mr.
Norton suggested n tag day during
1 tho coming week, at which a great
I nmount could ho derived, nnd this
I money used for good ronds purposes.
; After this discussion, on n motion I
from C. It. Peck, It wns decided not
to go on record as making tho good
I ronds day a legnl holiday In Mnrsh
I field.
I Cons County Itullillug;
Tho Mnrshfiold dolesntlon to tho I Contributions hnvo been coming in
County building meeting to be held qiille rapidly for tho fund being rals.
at Cnqulllo on April 20, asked tho ed to defray tho funeral expenses of
question through C. It. Peck ns to Patrick Mcllnlo, tho sovontecu-year-
I tUn fn.illtifr nf tlm linilv rmrflriltnir Hin nl.1 on. tt ti nnl Mu tr.i Mn!rnln '
..u -'. ...n II. uw. . r.. .....rv ... u wwil vi ..... nun iih. iiiii. IIVIIUIIT,
union of tho proposed building. Hugh : of Hastaldo. Some hnvo been raising ,
Mchaln snld that It wns Immaterial funds by potltlons nnd all or theso, ,
whether It wns railed Cons liny or Including one at Enstsldo. hnvo not
Coos County building, and that tho been reported. Tho contributions'
I feeling of tho mooting to bo hold at tnndo nt tho Drown Drug Company
j C'oqulllo would decldo tho nniuo of wore as follows:
uw illuming. j, uowers, i; j. i.eo lirown, i;
I Senator 1. S. Smith snld that ho Mrs. Myrtlo Clausen. $1; Cla-
I bolloved tho Idon of cnlllng t''o bul'd- bnugh, r0c: E. W. Dornlt, $l; R.
lug othor than Coos County Ilulldlngi W. Swnnton, 1; Ed Hayes, . .1; Jons
was entirely wrong, as the gonornl i Hnnson. $1: It. Jennlnus. $-1: Fred
help of the entlro county wns noodod Hill, fi0e: Dud Hill, $1: I.. W. Planz, '
Come where every Price is
Come where you will get
your money's worth 'or your
Number of Contributions
Fund for Furieral of
Eastsidc Boy.
T. T. Allen, ono of tho pioneers of
this community nnd well-known to
ovoryouo in Handon, was operated on
at the Dnndon hospital, having his
leg uiiiputated near the hip. .Mr. Al
len had been suffering for somn tlmo
from dry gnngreno In tho foot mid
log and tho operation was necessary
to savo his life. Mr. Alton U sovon-ty-four
years old and Is ono of tho
most highly honored citizens ot Dan
dun. Ho was n soldier In tho Clill
wnr nnd is a inombor of Handon Pot
CI, A. It. Dniidon Recorder.
Ho dlod from dcllrum tremen
Thoy bur.Ctl him next day,
A cruel punster said thnt he
Was spirited away.
Hnvo your Joli
The Times office.
printing done l
' and thnt In order to got this tho
building should bo nmuod after tho
entire county nnd not after any par
ticular locality.
Wo wish to thank tho friends who
so kindly nsslMted us during tho Ill
ness of our Ilttlo son. Hoy for tho1
many boquots nnd flornl offerings i
nild the Id ml wnriln niul Invliii? innn J
thy III tho hour of our liorenvnnient. sisis niTii iminAiv ffivri.'it '
Ml" ?i,,hJNIt8r''LJ3'Kl"Hl- THE lAlMICS EMPOltil'M. i
$1: W. K. Wlsoman, $1: Chns. Hill.
fiOc; Chas. Clllbert. nOc; Uobort Loin;, '
50c; John Swanton, GOc; O. F. Me-.
Mahon. 2; M. D. Mnlloy. $l; E. A. !
McDiiffle, GOc; O. K. Chop Houso.
$1; Mnlr Dnno,' $1; and n numbori
ccntrlbuted who would not glvo their j
Mrs. Ledward, who has been work
ing to assist tho family, is pleased at
tho responso.
364 North Front Street.
The Man of Fastidious Taste
will find this tho most satisfactory storo for the selection of his
Spring Suit.. "The Parisian" styles aro the styles the best dres
sed men everywhere will wear this spring.
Special, $15.00. .See Window,
Every suit Is the product ot a master tailor. Tho finest fab
rics from domestic and foreign looms. A multitude of handsome
Drowns. Cireys. Tans smart lino strlpcsthnt will bo worn more
than evtr this spring.
Why not select thnt Spring Suit today? Tho utmost In good
clothes at $15.00 and upwards.
The reason we sell high grade merchandise so reason
Don't forget that we are headquarters for
The World's Standard.
All the standard makes of Tools.
Also that we are prepared to do '
in all branches. Competent men on hand at all times
to handle your work promptly and reasonably.
i fai m 9 ii am wtLm.9i
IIS When you byySjgf
MBuy the bestJBr