""f-. j-Mi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION. THREE Mrs. John Motley, Mrs. Chns. Myriclc, Mrs. 0 ..... Powirs, Mrs. D. C. Mc Cnrt, Mrs. W. V Itolil, Mrs. .T. A. Ward, Sire. YnUe, Mrs. W. B. Wilson, Mrs. V. A. Gregg, Miss Ilcssle Inmiol, Mrs. .1. J. Morrow tuicl Miss Dormal CumpbolL Mrs. Wilson Is to bo hos tess to t;:e Sisterhood nt tho noxt mooting In two weeks. - SlliVlwt TKA WWIWB I Ml il iSN iliKilIi I fPiil ( )( 'I f ' h H YtSfJVw v?t's, yr ii i H f I- ! VV';''-;,-i'tW-T'; y . ) HI I Mill III (Continued from Pago Two.) MANY times each week we are asked, "How is Business?' Business is good. So far this year each month has shown a nice gain over the same month last year. Each year our business has made a big gain over the previous year. As we live we grow. Without any big noise or special sales The Golden Rule is doing a much larger volume of business than any similar concern in Coos county. Our prices draw. It is expensive and needlessly extrava gant not to trade at the Golden Rule. Most thrifty peo ple have learned this, therefore we get their business. Ladies Suits, the newest styles and best values from - - - $8.40 to $33.00 Ladies Coats 25 per ct. less-than others $6.50 to $25 Mens Suits - - - $6.50 to $25.00 Boys Suits - - . $ 1 .50 to $ 1 0.00 Queen Quality Shoes - - $3.50 to $5.00 Buster Brown Shoes - . 1 .25 to 2.50 Mens Shoes . . . 2.75 to 5.00 We have by far the largest line of piece goods in town, SPECIAL VALUES IN WASH DRESSES and SHIRT WAISTS The GOLDEN RULE ALWAYS BUSY OUR PRICES DRAW I I;. T. Ii. CLUIl PltOOItAM Tho L. T. L. Club met nt tho IlaptlBt Church Tuesday evening for their first quarterly bonq.uet. A ?. 1 I lilltll.lnni. UtitAltlli 41... a JlllUl IIIU UM31MUSO IIIUUIIII illU lonowing program wns rcnuercu: Song, I T. L. Talk on Panama Cnnnl, Ruth Heddon. Kecltntlon, Paul Uargelt. Vocnl Solo, O. Williamson. Rending, Mrs. G. L. Hall. Impromptu debate. Tho contestants were given tho subject with fifteen minutes to prepare. Leo Dyerly and Hnrold Uargelt supported th? affirmative and Carrie Ross 'and Grnro Fulton tho negative of tho question! Re solved, That a square plero of tim ber Is better for a chicken roost than a round one. Th Judges, Rov. llnssford, Mrs. The Mantlet Lvllcs Aid hold a Sil ver Tea at the e' urch parlorn, Wed nesday nftornoon. Tho afternoon was pleasantly spont and the following program was ren dered : Rending Mrs. C. 0. Gosnoy Recitation AnnuUowns Reading Mrs. A. .1. Downs Recltutton Karn Rosa RemorhB Rov. Bnssford Reading Mrs. Hansford Delicious refreshments wero sory cd Into In the afternoon. Tho KuestB present wero: Mcs- Tho Mnrshfleld Aerlo of Hngles tinmen A. 55. Downs, C. 0. Gosnoy. H. Is plnnnlng for an elaborate re- L. Gracf,, C. Wilson and dniightor ceptlon nnd soclnl to dedlcnto tholr C. 11. Marsh, Lewis Dixon, Walter now lodgo rooms In tho third floor Hill, Jny Towor, Geo. Ayro, 0. II. of their building. It will bo hold Myers, Ross, J. C. Donne. John Nnglo, .May C nnd the families and friends A. I Unssford, Hay OlHvnnt, D. C. of tho members will ho Invited, to McCnrty, Jos, Schmcddlng, Mlssoa as being moro centrally located. Lunch was served by .Mrs. Swlnford ! wild daughter, Miss Zelln, following' an afternoon of needlework. Mes ilamcg SwnnBon, Rees, Ayro, Rhodes ana Swlnford wero nil present. KAOLKS UKCHITIO.V participate. A special program being prepared for the function. I Is NUPTIAKS. Marjory Stonier, Kara Ross, Isla Marsh, Anna Downs nnd Rov, Unss ford. r 0 ttril.D.MKKTIXfl a Announcement was mado this this week of the engogemunt of The ISplsropnl Guild mot on Tucb MIbb Alice Ilutler, dnughtor of Mr. dm- afternoon at tho Guild l-nll, Mm. and .Mrs. W. J. Hutler, 'and Dr. Pnl-.Toye and Mrs. Christine Kruso woro 0. L. Hnll and Miss Allco Tlckoll, ;m r Hownrd Dunbar of Sterling City ( tho hostesses. gave tiio iiecision to tno negative, A guessing contest followed after which nil adjourned to tho parlors 1 for tho biuquet. Tho parlors woro jiittractlv ly decorated In green nnd white nnd tho snme color scheme wns carried out In tho favois. Tho banquet was a uuinptuous one nirl the committee Is certainly to bo I commended for tholr buccoss. Thoa present wero Rev. A. L. Unssford, Mrs. G. L. Hnll, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnr old IMrgolt, Lillian Cook, Thorn Lund, Anna Lund, Km ma Quntor mass, Alma Kkblnd, Helen McLnugh lln, Grace Fulton, Vclmn Ross, Mnrjorlo Fulmcr, Alpha Mnuzoy, Allco Tlclci.ll, ITolva Flanagan, Car rie Ross, Ruth Heddon, Paul I)nr golt, Albert llnssford, Jr., Hownrd Kolley, Leo Dyorly, Frank Howe, G. W. Wllllnmson, Chns. Frodollus, Chns. Rohfcld. Kilt KM HNS HALL I , Tho bnll given by tho Mnrshfleld Flro depnrtment at tho Kaglos' hnll I'jst Snturdny evening wns enjoyed by about ono hundred twenty-flvo couples, nearly nil of the members of tho Mnrshflold depnrtment and many of tho North Rend depart ment, who woro guests of honor, being pr sent. Thoro was n good program nnd tho function wns great ly enjoyed. -n-n- , Cillfornln. Tho nuptial? ore to tuko i Tlio election of offlcors wns hold place In California nt an early date. , When tho following offlcors woro el- Advice to Wifie JUtccrmtb ijomfurm iwiow WALL PAPER, MM tm i y-, i fpi m iiimiTnnwii'"p i if You'll ho deciding sooner or later, on tho papering question. Howover, Jot us remind you right now that wo linvo a cholco assort ment of i 4 Handsome Wall Papers Our high class wall papers this spring woro Judiciously bought. Our enroful selection ropresonts tho most exclusive designs, tox tures nnd finish. Tho nttrnetlvoness and tho assortment will ploaso you. Tho prices nro rensonnblo nnd for high class and quality you will search long and lato before you will bo nblo to duplicate them. Measurements nnd estimates cheerfully given nt VIER.S VIKIIS PAINTS KVKIIYTIII.NO. HOT .North Front Stivet. KILLICI) .KAIt ItOSKIIl'HO .Morrison Ciunplicll KIkhKh John llcclc t In llmv Over Cow ItOSKIWItG, Or., April 17. Near Cleveland, 12 miles northwest of this city, John Decker was Instantly killed by a 3.8 callbro pistol bullet fired by Morrison Campholl, a neighbor. Tho men had trouble regarding tho pnst urago of some cows holonglng to Docker. Campbell returned homo nf tor tho trngedy nnd then walked over to town and surroudored himself to Sheriff Qulno. Arriving nt tho Sher iff's office during tho noon hour ho waited until tho Sheriff returned from his lunch. NOTICK Dissolution of I'lirtncrMilp iotlco Is horoby given that the partnership heretofore nvUtlng bo- tween J. S. warn una Uoy K. Law- homo, under tno firm nnmo and stylo of "Ward-Lawhorno Co.," wns nnd Is dissolved by mutual consent on tho 13th dny of April, A. D., 1914, and tho buslnoss formerly con ducted by said partnership will bo continued by Roy K. Lawhorno at tho present placo of business, nt No. fi8 Anderson Ave., Mnrshflold, Oregon, whero all accounts owing said firm should bo paid, Dnted this 13th day of A. D., ln. J. S. WARD, ROY E. LAWIIORNB PUIN .MUSICAL! Tho North Ilond Library Associa tion Is plnnnlng to give n muslcnlo to raise funds to buy books for tho library. .Mnrshfleld a ml North Ueud talent will be secured and a good program arranged by u committee oonslstlng of Mrs. C. M. Ilyler, MrH. George D. Mandlgo and Mrs. L. J. Simpson. M'hs Dutler hns been spending tho punt year with lior pMronts In Cnll fomtn. filio Is ono of Coos Hay's best known nnd most highly rc spictcd young women. Anuouiicemcut wns also made this week that tho mnrrlago of Jnmes, Forry Jr. and Flora M. Hnrtmnn would bo solemnized In. Juno. --u- 4 ROYAL AITTIOX IlltlDGK. 4. Tables wero arrnnged for eight Tuesday nftvrnoon when Mrs. Gcorgo Goadrum entertained tho Hoynl Auc tion Ilrldgo Club nt her homo In South Mnrshfleld. At tho close of tho gamo luncheon wnn served. Tho In vited guests woro Mrs. I). Y. Stafford, Mrs. J. T. Harrlgan, Mrs. Willis Ken nedy, Mrs. Strnw, MrH. A. L. House worth, Mm. Dorsoy Kreltzor, MrH. C. F. MrKnlght and Mrs. A. T. Hnltias, Mrs. Hnrrlgnu Is to entei'tnln tho club two weeks from Tuesday. I CATHOLIC LADIICS' All). ected for tho ensulnit year: , Mrs. J. W. Dennett President. Mrs. W. A. Toyo Vice-Pros. Mih. Otto Sehottcr Secretary. Mrs. LowIb Trensuror. Uxecullve Comtnlttoe Mrs. L. M. Noblo, Mrs. Fnnulo Hazard nnd Mrn. J. S. Coke. It was decided to have a cuakefl food Bale Saturday nftornoon. Kncli member Ih expected to bring ou tjol Inr earned during Lout. The members present were, Mrs. Mnry Drowning, Mrs. Mary McKntght, Mrs. F. A. Siicchl, Mr. Nusburg, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. W. A. Toyo, Mrs. Otto Sehottcr. Mrs. Chns. Stauff, MrH. Robert Drowning, Mrs. J. S. Coko, Mrs. Pcrluim, Mrs. L. M. Noble, Mltu Evelyn Anderson. YOU.NO .MATRONS UlltTIIDAY PARTY. I PLAN FOR RALD. j . Tho North Hend Nest of Owls Is planning for n May donco to bo given nt their hall on tho ov.nlng of Mny a. . : 4 IIKCKITIOX TODAY. An Attractive Lawn makes the Home a Palace It's time to fix up the Garden GET BUSY See us for Lawn Mowers, Garden Tools, Hose, Sprinklers, Etc A Large and Complete Assorimsr.t. April, PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ADSORPTION METHOD. If jou uffr from Mmllng, Itrlilne. blind or intruilluif I'llc. mmic! lue j-our uJiIivm. anil I will trll ou bow lo euro jourwlf at lunue If the new Uon'"ou Irvaliurut . "d will alMi wnd tome of UiU bume trralnirul frre fur trial, wlib reffrenmi from jour own localltr If re)ulfil. Immediate rr lief and irmant cure anurl. twudl no monrr, but tll olbfin of tbl offer. Write today to Mra. M. Sumiaerii. Ucx I', Notra Dame, lud. LIYKUY IJUSINKSS FOR SAM? OR TltADI? Until further not Ire, I will offer for snlo trucks nnd trunsfor wagons, plnno trucks, horscH and Imrness ami other appurtenances too numerous (o mention. Will fiell or trade my entire stock and business as a uliolo or by the p loco j will tuko in exchange nny live stock except horses or will toko secured notes for a reasonable length of time. I have managed this business for twenty-flvo years nnd now am ready to retire, and have no other reason for selling out. .Will rent barn very reasonable. I,. II. IIKISNKIt Marshfleld, Ort'gon. Tho North Ilond V. C. T. U. U holding n recoptlon nnd "Pound Soclnl" thla nftornoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Flltcroft in Itnngor. Slio Is blowly recovering from Injuries bub tallied 801110 tlmt ngo. AIKKT Tlll'ltSDAY. Mra. Dan Moloney entertained tho Young MntroiiH and four of tho club bnblcn at sewing, chat nnd lunch. 'Pli it ndilnif tlnM iritnutu ivflrn ffal A I John Kondnll, Mrs. Otl Wilnnrt. Mj". Tlio fenturo of upeclal interest at M'rM w a n..irt Mrs our vrn 1 1 ' n?l,'.i m. m ?,C8 t . n.i0'l' John Kendall, Jr. Mm. H. L. Cmw ". ?. ? ' ?.l . ,,f.n' f,r5 for.1 ami Miss Oeorglu Zlminor wero 19.' lhS7ln to b.VnnoSnTS,,l lalw! I 'ld,m,ona, B,,;8,B', 1 ne am nn nnti 111m project in mina 1 Hinco uoioro ine i.enieu scnHuu nun 1 hopo to mnko It n decided riicccmh. j .ir. ;. o, ivaisur win on uuniunn nei , , if,i.i.. i.... t -,i Tm.,lnv n U-I.1..I. flmn II la nlni.i.r.,1 ' . . LnHt WednOHday OVCIlIllg Mr. ntl .f',J'n" SffluoV- J-yXTTTZoZ ( i i.la , n "p cuin llniihM, nun isiinn I'.iiziiiiuiu iiuuiiiiik win u (jnj jjmt (jny 'J'lioy 1I"BU'U ibv Mr. niul Airs. Ynko and Mr. nnd v Mrs. Inmiol. At C o'clock a bouutl- 1 ful thro."couro birthday dinner wns I K. C. CLUII. I served, a fenturo being tho big .-. 'birthday coko with Its lighted enn- Tho scheduled meeting of tho K. C. (ilea. In tho distribution of the Club at the homo of Mrs. S. R. Jen- cake, Tyson Keysor roeilved tho iilngs Wednesday did not romo off 011 ) thimble, Miss Melon Immol tho account of IIIiiobb. Mrs. Jennings 'dime nnd Wnyno Pnlutor the hut will entertnlu two weeks from that ton. Various games woro enjoyed day. laud 11 flashlight picture of tlio ' I gathering taken. Among the young a folks present wero Margaret Wlso- I CIIIIIKTI.IX KISTKimOOl) '. ,V,,0, ,I,II,,I0.,: ll,',Qn I"lm0,, I?dnn Iloffmnn, Isettn Wnssou, llosa Knox nnd and Miss Stewart nnd Tho Christian SlHtorhood met nnd , unrrlson and Howard Schwnrtz, Fowed with Mrs. 8. J. Immol thin, Uiirriu Copplo, Urnost Immol, Chna. week, Hpendlng u morry nftornoon ut i)nvls, Hny DiivIb, Keglnuld McCal- niiRiness ami luenBiiro. tiio iiuiicb' very. Tyson Koysor. Ilnrira r.rouK wiolj Mosilnme- Ifnlser Mil ""u0'" yo"K peoplo lit tholr Uii 1 omnnikl Wn llneo ilohopr ,,olnt, '" W,1Ht Manliflolil, tho event 1 J 'n'ZJr I'mui "'ii ml line ,,0,nB " "wrprlio on tholr son. Wnyno, 1 mi tti Mii.i 11, " !i in who colohrated his fifteenth blrth 1 Miss hllzuboth Iloelllng wnro ,, t (lny T) w aMo& Tho North Ilond Rplneopul Oulld will meet noxt Thursday with Mrs. Geo. Stephenson. I PLAN .MKItt'lXn. I Mrs. C. A. Perkins, MrB. Taylor, and Mrs. Smith will bo hostesses nt ! tho next meeting of tho North Ilond M. !?. Lndles' Aid, which will ho held in two weeks at tho church parlors. ! 1 are holding a cooked food sale tUs nftornoon nt tho Coos Hny Itenlty Co. office Among thoso present woro Mrs. 8. K. Hondrix. Mrs. C. I?. Knlirht lCdwnrd Knox nnd HiibscI QuatenuaBa and Krod Kulght. frntitlnuori on Phck Tenl IJAITIST SOCIAL. Tho North Hend naptlst women nre plnnnlng for n social nt tho homo of Mrs. Krnzler next Wednes day ovenlng. Tho rogulnr meetings vlll bo held on ThursdnyB honco- forth, tho next ono being April 23 at the homo of Mrs. uurnea. KLKS DANCK - f The Mnrshfleld Klks nre arrang ing to give (their next dancing pnrty u week from noxt Wednesday eve ning nt tno .Mnsonic nan. I SOCIAL SKWINO CLl'H. Tea Garden : BRAND: Syrup 41 Delightful Healthful Nutritious Tea Garden Preserves Free! Hvery week we will run a coupon like tho onn below. Waloti for tlioin bhvo ten ami take thorn to your urn. cor with an order for u sallori can of THA (l.lllli:.V NVHI'l' and liu will Klva you atjHOlutely null u E-o. jar of 'i'i:.i i.tiuii:.v i'iti:i:uvr.s .your choice of Murmulaile, titruwherrles, 1'Ikk. Urapvfrull, etc. Tho flvo momberB of tho Soclnl Sowing Club met Thursday with Mrs Swlnford. entertaining as guests Mrs, Fensler, Mra. Thomas and Mrs lied ford. -Mrs. Del Rhodes was to have been hostess, but on account of tho rainy dav tho meeting at her home Was postponed until next week and MrB. Swlnford'a homo was selected SPIRELLA CORSETS may be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, Corsetier, 1 v Vw5v. .nine ,,,, ,. City , (Irorrr'i, Name. ,,,,,,, Pacific Coast Syrup Co. Portland Oregon M M w t y 1 , -r-kU 352 So, 5th st,. Phone 200-X . "'" ii X f' 1 ""'WTtW!!