kn mHiMmwmumxrniwmM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1914 EVENING EDITION TWO CUT TAXATION i COOS COUNTY ROAD RACE M Portland Man Gives Some Good Advice to People of Oreflon. Joffcrson Myers ,of Portland, writes a letter to The Telegram Jn which ho voices a goucrnl protest ngnlnst present hlglv tax lovles. In tho courso of his letter, Mr. Myers enys: "At this tnxpaylng time, tho pio j)lo of Oregon nre spenklng In no unrortnln tones against tho" present lawn which encourago spendthrift officials In their mnd oxtrnvngtuico. J so - no way to reduce tho present Increaslngnnd wpll-nlgh unbonrablo burden of taxation, except through tho aid of legislative members Wedged to reduce. Tho way to rc duco tnxatlon Is to reduce, not to shift tho burden. A strong legis lative body upholding tho hnuds of n fearless Governor wloldlng tin pruning knife, Is my Idea or Oro Ron's greatest neod, Tho citizens of Oregon enn havo this, but not by nn Indolent or lazy policy of re fusing' to g"t Its good citizens In the IloUV as cnndldnteu, by potitlous or otherwise, or by fulling to go to tho rollB and voto. I hnvo great confi dence In tho women votorB of this Btntc, bcllevclug that women are Konornlly more careful nnd econom ical lu their expenditures than mon. All parties are Interest d In good nnd economical government. Have wo In tho state of Oregon ro'lucod tho coBt of living by creating addi tional officials, boards and commls filons In tho last t' n yo.irs? And nro conditions generally Improved In proportion to tho Increase of ex penditures? In 100r tho population of Oregon was 'I Gn, 000. The total tnxablo property In Oregon was J.109,000. 000. Tho total tax s pafd by nil counties In the Btntc for Htato pur poses was $1,000,000, not Includ-) nig (no common bciiooih. in juiu, five yours later, population G7H -000; nHHossed valuation of all pron orty, $841,000,000; total taxes paid by nil counties for H'ate piirpoxcH, $1,528,000. In 1!)t:i, Ktlmatel population. 800.000; assessed valua tion of all property In the Btntc, 9D1,noo,000; lotul taxes paid by nil rountleH for Htato purposes, ?!, ICi.OOO. This dnos not Include tho tnlBcollanoouB taxes collected by tin Htnto for automobile licenses, cor poration tnxes, Inheritance taxes, and fish und game licenses and other Hoiirc s, amounting to a eonsldptublu mini, I have not i o figures on tho latter at this time, but they can lie obtained from the Secretary cf State or State Treasurer. "If 1 wor- to inako any sugges tion to voters, at tis time It would bcT'tlils" Thnt you roqulro from each mudldnto for Governor and from oneli cnndldato for tho two brnnches of tho legislature a doflnlt state-1 mont as to how he proposes to ro-' ltioo the cost of government In tho utnto of Oregon. "Another Huggestlou Is lu th'-1 nntiirn of a warning agaliiBt tho pres ent reckless Issuance of bonds, conn-' ty, city and school, without consld oiutlon ns to their payment when iluo. If the present rat of Increase hi taxation and tho cost of govern tunnt continues, how long will, it take boforo we will bo on tho vorgo of bankruptcy, nnd tho consequent repudiation of our bonded obliga tions? And how will fuliiru goner aliens bo ablo to meet their obliga tions and pay our debts?" . jikimut i:.sti:u program In respouro to a general desire t oxprossed regarding the inuslc at the litit.iM Q.i.itl(wk l,i Hi, li'ikluiwlnii I l'fWI w'i,w ,i Hit iiniwrt.. uiiurcn, u wn lie ropoiiii'ii uu annuity lit 11 n. m. T'.ls will bo an oppor tunity for tliOHo who were unable to f?of Into tho Church to hear the music , which was so honutiruily ronuenM ny tho choir. Tho following Is the pro Krnm for Sunday. 11n....DUllLl..ll Hlu.l.. r( IU, I.. Ill J l i vnniwnm ictiih v in' in iu-m eon Toiiny w organ Kyrlc IClolson Forta Short Kyrlo . Hall Olorla Tlbl I'nxton Gratlas Tlbl I'nxton Anthoiu "Awake Thou that Sleep-, oat" Maker Solo "Hall. Thou Risen One'" , Mrn. Charles Stnuff. .Ward StepheiiB Hymn "The Day of Resurrection", Tours. Sermon "Tho l'owor of the Ros-' orroetlon." I Itev. Ilobert K. Ilrowutiig Anthem "Christ Is Itlsou form tho Dead" Wagner Solo "lloznnnu" Grnnlor Mr. Harry llultmnuu Presentation of Alum "I'ralBO Ood" Ilourgeols SurBuni Corda Cnnililg Sanctim and HoneillctuB, .Grounod Agnus Del Gounod Gloria In Kxeolsls Toura Anion Tearno Nunc Dlmlttls Klein Hocesslonal "The Strife U O'or" Pnlostrlnn. Absolute Proof of Its Superiority mMmw NORTH BEND TO BANDON FORD - - 3 hrs. 5 1 minutes Competitor - 6 hrs. 25 minutes The winner came1 through unscathed after smashing all previous records for hard driving. There is no Room For Further Argument ; '. J t Has Established Itself as the BEST CAR for the mountainous roads of Coos and Curry counties. The greatest amount of service and efficiency for the money H . Mfe IA. H nlH 9B9kv B B I p QJ yWk BM " $ODU. r ' DON'T hesitate longer, call around and let us take you I out in the demonstration car. 1 THE WINNING FORD WAS EQUIPPED WITH I United States "NOBBY TREAD" Tires IHb KIIMIJ I HA I AKt UUAKANI bbU i-UK bOUU MILES; FORD SPECIAL CYLINDER OIL, FORD CHAMPION "X" SPARK PLUGS AND RED CROWN GASOLINE ALL HELPED SOME. I 327 Central Avenue fiOOROADS GOODRUM'S GARAGE " team Laundry The Laundry That Always Treats You Right SCHOOL NOTE5 Uga sK5l FOR KKIMtliSHVrATlVK . As a Republican I announce my ,.'olf as a candldnto for roprosonta- ' Jl.. w.i. f1iMa rwtiittftl aiilil.ti.ft In ill, r .(ITU "' vuua lWl """("i " "" RifoclBlon of tno Konuhiicnn voters 'at tlio iirlniarlea oiv May intli. i My platform Is tho well known WAatoment of Lincoln, thnt "Thin Is iKgororiiinont of tho people, by tlio pooplo, for tlio people." This famous (Stntement of "Iloneut Old Abo" eovorB tlio wholo field and range of our civil Kovernmont, and Holds tlio saiuo re Intlon to It that tho Golden Hulo lioldB to the moral law. C. U. UAKHOW. TJuica W'aiit Ada Got Ucaulta. Have your Job printing douo at Tbq Tlmea office. Times Want ads bring results. 'Zw (iiii do HIkIi School. Puplla recelvliiK above 90 In the wookly arlttlunetlc teBt woro l'niil Johuaou, US, Augustus Hoffman, 05, KldrldKO Archer reclevod 100 In dally work In numberB tho past week, Thoao recelvliiK 100 In both oral nnd written spelling tho past weok were Augustus Hoffman and Flor ence Kardnll. No words wero nilspolled by any pupil via "school 'Wednesday, April Stli. HlKli School Grade it Tho following pupils havo had 100 In spelling for tho past weok. I Myrtle Conklln, Alfrod McKlroy, Cecil Doll, Lillian Johnson, Henry Washburn, Walter Sneddon, Vlrgl 'nln Johison, Hobert UurrouBhs, Prod- rlok Dow James Cameron, Jnrl Ner- Idrum. Kll Sampson, Lillian Mcel roy and Lorna WUbou. Tho following aro those who navo boon neither absent nor tardy for the past mouth. Loma Wilson, Harry Walp, PIdola Sweet, Jack Sacohl, Jarl Nerdrum, HKSHEMIiHiiHRHHHHHIHHBHKiiRrJiHHflHHHiHK "" tmmt --m iBi . i Gordon Noff, Almo Jarvlnen, Virgi nia Gosney, I.oulse Connor, Mnrk Doone, Willie Arclior, Dick Walton, Walter Sneddon, Alfrod McKlroy, Mlllnn Johnson, Virginia Johnson, Cecil Doll, .Myrtlo Conklln, Loulo CMIds. C Setentli Giiule III an arithmetic test given tills Week the following made good grndes Krnest Wherrnt, 100; Ruth Ander son, 0r; Charles Donne, 0f; Helen Gulnvsen, U0j Wllinn Hongland, 90; Mary McArthur 90; Rlglnnld McCar borry, 90; Arthur Whereat, 90. Klghth Grade. In tho weokly spelling teat given Thursday tho folowlng inndo good grades; Krnest Hurrows, 98; Helen Rees, 92; Vera Harris, 92; Wilfred Mel.alu, 9S; DeForest Mason, 92; Kthol Lingo. 94; Gladys Crawford, 100; Helen Iminel, 92; Mildred Ilun dy, 100; Ruby Cooley, 90; ninncli Schbrodor, 90. Tho Coos County High School Ora torlcnl coutost will bo hold this week Friday at Randon. Chester Isaacson and Kvn Hansen will represent Marsh field High School In tho contest The contest Is a dotiblo ono the ladlos competing together and tho boys to gether. Uach grade competes for n cup which goes to the school win ning tho same four times. An exhibition of the work of tho schools In Music and ohallsthenlcs will be given at the Opera House next Friday evening nt eight o'clock. An admlslon feo of 25 cents will bo charg led. Tho program la ns follows; Chorus by pupils of grades C and 7 Central school and 7th grado of tho High School. Three Songs. I May Polo Danco First Grado High School. I Calisthenics Drill 1th and Cth 'grade Central. MuslclniiB 1st and 2nd H. S.. Chinese Song 1st and 2nd Cen tral. Indian Club Drill Cth grado H. S. Pmt ir. Lullabies of all Nations 150 chil dren, American, Swedlch, Norwegian, Scotch, German, Italian, Japaneso, In dian. Negro. Tho offort has been mndo to havo all families represeutod who have children In tho grades. It has buoii Impossible to have all children parti cipate. Children In the first seven grades who do not participate lu the pto- gram win lie nuiuilted frae. it b desirable to have younger children accompanied by their parents. It Is deslder to start this program oxacrly on time (S o'clock). Will the parents pleaso co-operate. i Times Want Ads Bring Results A Healthy Discontent spurs man on to hotter and worthier things. To he satisfied witli your knowledge, possessions or attain ments means stagnation and death at the top. Don't stand still. .Move forward, onward and ever upward. Employ your idle moments, surplus money and redundant energy in buying, selling, leasing and trading through the medium of Times Want Ads. These little ads have an educational value and they make for fiuaneial progress and advancement. If you desire to boroow or lond money, rent a room, apartment, house, office or store, or if you would like to buy, sell or exchange au automobile, live stock, household furnishings or real prop erty, or if you are seeking a position or an em ployee, or it' you are anxious to exchange some thing you don't want for something you need, read and use Times Classified Advertisements. They got results that cannot bo obtained through any other medium. GET TUB HABIT HEAD AND USE "TIMES WANT ADS" wA