i 'i"W,H;''f ,'' ' THE MAN WHO IS HARD TO PLEASE IS ALWAYS SATISFIED HIMSELF 4 lag Wxmm DON'T SCATTER SHOT Concentrate yoif advertising In the ncwspnpcr that reaches the pco plo you w.nt to talk to. Ammuni tion costs money. The- Times wives money to advertisers. MEMBER OP TUB ASSOCIATED rnESS VOL XXXVII. SrtSlSfn MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1914-EVENIfJG EDITION. in PAfJPQ A Consolidation of Times, Coast Mall IU rHULO ftn(1 Co08 Kax Advertiser. No. 231 SS ILL SHE HUERTA PARLEYS AND MEXICAN ffiEE HAND III IIAI MATTER OF ROOSEVELT TROUBLE SEEMS CERTAIN TODAY it' ,i,1 l WITHfe ! A RANKER YEAH jCty This season opens with brighter Mm niopects for "10 K'cat Coos liny M B I ,-& .dL, - Snd Oiqulllo Valley country than 1 fTlTfz Sr before In Its history For- If LI II I 1f (tines nro In the iiiakliijr. Arc you Ihttaaa' A fl JL B 2L I ybtirs? Mil WILSON LAUNCH BOOM lllll.il WON FROM MURPHY President Has Not Announcdd What He Will Do, But Outcome Seems Sure. LIKELY TO SEIZE CITIES AND FORCE THE ISSUE Senator Simmons Says Con gressmen Can Take Only One Action in Question. Dr Aaaoc latoii Prxi to Coo. liar Tlmu.7 WASHINGTON, D. C, April 18 President JVJlson hns . not made, known what plan of action lie- will jay before Congress. 'Discussion up to this tlmo hns Indicated thnt the next (IocIbIvo stop would bo one. of thoso measures described by liiler natlonal nutborltlcs bb "nicasnrcs short of war," known as reprisals or pacific blockades. The former, with tho solzuro of property, Is most likely. CongreB3 Is expected to adopt a general resolution, broad In Its terms, that will give tho President a frpo hand. "Authority to uphold tho honor and afford pro tection to llfo and property certain ly would come within tho authoriza tion Hint congress wouiu givo, said Scnntor Simmons. VESSELS RACE SOOTH TODAY ADELINE SMITH AND AROLI.NE MAY THY OUT SPEED HE TWEH.V IIE1IK AND SAN FRAN CISCO K1LHUHN ON HUN, A rnco betweon the Adollne 8mlth and tho Arollno from Coos liny to San Francisco Is in prospect this afternoon, Nono of tho officials of tho vessels or tlioso officially In terested Intlmntod ns much but such Is tho caao nevertheless. ' Tho Adolluo Smith Is scheduled to go down tho bay nt 1:30 and sail as soon as tho bar will permit. Tho Arollno Is Bchdulod to sail about 6, but It Is likely that Cant. D. V. Oison will seo to It that they crossj out nenny togouior or tno Aroiuio Is given n llttlo the best of tho start. Tho Adellnp Smith li'na.tiovor been ipecded up to the limit slnco being put on tho run and as she hns boon pretty woll brokon In during her first year, then' Is llttlo clangor of crowding her soino. so that this will likely bo one of her speediest trips. Slnco n fow wcoks ago whon tho Arollno pcoplo claimed thnt they ran circles around tho Nnnn Smith bctweon horo and San Francisco, eomo of tho Smith company officials nro said to be anxious to linvo tho Arollno tried out with Captain Ol son in command of tholr boat. Now Itoat Here. Mr. Walker, nsslBtant to Prosldont Doo of tho North Pacific Steamship Company, will lenvo today on the trollno for San Francisco. Whllo hore, ho made nrrangemontB with tho C. A. Smith company to rontlnuo to uso tho Smith docks and warehouse. It Is said thnt tho Doo company Is flBiirlng on putting either the Geo. w Elder or tho Kllhurn, with tho taitor favored, on this run In placo of the Alliance. Tho Doo people recently bought the Homer, formerly on tho Caas Hay run, and aro operating her south of San Francisco. SPEEDY TRIAL OF ASSASSIN David Rose, Who Shot Mayor Mitchell of New York, Arraigned Today. D Aaaeclata4 Trtu to Cooa ET TlmM.J NEW YORK, April 18. The ar raignment today on the charge of assault to kill of Michael P. Ma honey, -who was booked yesterday i as David Rose, to whoso erring aim Mayor Mitchell owes his life, mark ed tho first move in tho program of i'lstrlct Attorney Whitman for a quick trial. Monday Whitman will Present tho cnBe to the grand Jury. Prank L. Pork, corporation coun sel, who was struck In tho Jaw by the bullet Intended for the mayor, spent a restless night and suffered much pain. Tho bullet was re moved last night and tho patient Is expected to recover rapidly. Mahoney's ball was fixed at $25, 000. "Why not boost It a little higher," he said with a smile, Have your Job printing cons at In The Tiroes. j IRE MARINES GOING SOUTH Eight Hundred to be Sent from San Diego to Mexican Coast Soon. Itlr Anorlitnl 1'rr.i to Cooa Day Tlmn.l VALLEJO. Cnl.. April 18 Ac cording to tho orders received, tho r00 marines stntloned horo will bo attached to tho 300 marines now or dered to proceed hero from Ilrom erton on tin- South Dakota. This force will embark on tho collier Jupiter t San Diego. .STEAMER IS SAFE. Mr A.xvUim I'm. to Cooa Unf Tltnm.) ST. JOHNS, N. F., April 18. Tho scaling steamer Kite, from which no tidings hnd been received for more than a month, was re ported safe today. VANCOUVER MILL IS Alberta Lumber Company Sus . tains Loss of $150,000 in Conflagration Today. (Br AaanrlitM rrraa to Com Htr TlmM.J VANCOUVER, H. C April 19. Flro today totally destroyed tho saw mill of tho Albortn Lumber Company on Falso Cro k with a loss of $160,000. A hard fight prevontcd tho flames from spreading further. One Person Killed and Much Damage Done in Southern Part of State. Mr AMO.IHM Ircta to Uwi Par Tlmra.) Tl'LSA, Okln., April 18. A tor nado that swopt through Southern nifiniininii nnrlv todav caused tho death of ouo porson, Injured several others and dostroyod many houses. Lightning struck a aa.uuu uarrei on tank near Sand Springs. COURT OPENS Old Grand Jury Will Get Busy ri..u.. .t Wist s OMimnnn MUmor Ul Viuu iiuaoui; Contempt Case. Tho adjourned torm of Circuit Court will be opened at Coqullle Monday by Judge Coke, The old a i . ...ill olein Iia nnnvpnr.fl mill griiuu jury ! " " V-...-..-- ..--- start tho grind on criminal matters. In addition to me uuuvu 01 mm- . . ...i,n.n iia lffniwlnm linvf) been bound over by Justice Court, it Ib rumored mat tne grunu jurj m hand out a fow surprise packages throughout the couuty. Rumor has It that Blnco the last session, detec tives have gatnereu eviueucu will be laid before the Investigators In vice, Illegal liquor selling and cnmbllne cases which may causo nulte a stir. Mayor Allon, City Attorney Gobs, rnntniitn Cox nnd V. C. Gors aro ito 4.ptr Mtnrirj Jvornlns in t o COP'f'll" ",FP annus iiuui hid n of the auto at Noah Rend which Har ry G. Hoy, Robert Fox and Mrs. Ogren "Tho regular April term of Circuit Court will not open until a week from Monday, when the Jurors hayrf been summoned, but this week Judtfo Coke will hear motions, etc., and clear up the calendar and expedite the regular term. After My . " W. Morrow, Dontiht will occupy rooms 1 and 3 El dorado lluUiUug over Red Crons Drug Store, 0 OKLAHOMA HAS CTGLOSE TODAY T MONDAY Senator Pdindexter Springs His Candidacy for Presi dency in 1916. tBj Auotltird rr. to Coo Bt TlmM.1 INDIANAPOLIS. Hid., April 18. Senator Miles Polndcxtcr of Wash ington Inunched a boom for tho nomination or Theodore Roosevtlt jib the presidential cnndldntn of the Progressive pnrty In 191C In n speech before tho Indiana state Pro gressive convention. The Senntor, after an oKibornto discussion, nnd mi nttack upon tho Republican nnd Democratic parties, declared-tho Pro gressiva nominee would have the support of the great mass or tho people. "Tho Progressive Pnrty," said Polndextor. "now hns an opportunity given to but few huninn ngouclrB to render a sorvlco to liberty, dem ocracy and rank by retrieving tho Panama Canal from the unwarrant ed demands of olthor foreign powers, or prlvnto domestic monopoly." OBSERVE FIRE PREVENTION DAK Portland Cities "Generally Heed Proclamations Anni versary. (llf AMorlitttt Prna to Cooa !H1 Tlnra.) PORTLAND. Or.. April IS. In nrcordnnco with tho proclamation Issued by Governor West Jin.d Mayor Albee of Portland, "Flro Prevention Day" was observed In this city nnd throughout tho stato. It Is tho an niversary of on5 of tho world's worst conflagrations, thut at Snn Francisco. Tho occasion was used to call attention to tho useless toss of llfo and propertv. IN DiS CAGE Portland Policeman Thrusts Wild Beast Back Through Door Saves Crowd. (Or AuorlalM Prof to Cooa Day Tlmaa.i PORTLAND, Or., April 18. Whllo n circus parado was proceed ing through tho heart of tho busi ness district, the bolt on the door of ouo of tho lion's cages snapped and tho door swung open. With n'ronr a hugo Tasmanlan lion leaped for tho opening. Tho crowd surged back In terror. Tho nnlmal was half way out whon patrolman Hus ton sprang forward, Biunalml it on tho nose with his holinot, drovo It bnck and hold his arm In tho grooves of tho cago In plnco of tho broken bolt until ho could produce a pair of handcuffs, and finally snapped tho cuffs on tho door. The crowd set up n mighty shout for his bravery. TUG TA100SH Rumor About Fears Being Felt for Vessel in Alaska Wat ers Denied Today. Or Aaaorlttad Tttu to Cooa liar TlmM.J SEATTLE, Wash.. April 17, Tito Ptiget Sound Tugboat Company, own er of the tug Tatoosh, reported from Valdez, Alaska, as over due there, says the tug Is not duo until tomor row and no foar Is felt. KLKCTION IS Tltllil) Small Vote Cast on Myrtle Point Sewer Ilond l'mposltloii. The Myrtlo Point Enterprise says: Only eighty votes were polled in the Special sewer bond election and the results posted when the Judges finished the counting reads: Yes 39. No. 41. Number of yotea Challenged: Yes 2. No. 0. The voters challenged were on points of property qualifications. Looked at from various angles tho result of the baloting shows more of an Indifference than any decided opposition to the council's plan. B NOT OVERDUE Clearly Outclasses Opponent in 20-Round Go Mur phy Only One Round. (1)7 AaaoclatM Fmi to Cooa tUj TtntM.f SAN FRANCISCO. April 18. There was no dispute todny nmoiiK Riinrtlnir wrltnrn Mi.it Wlllln Tlllrliln I holds rightfully Ills title ns Tght l weight champion of tho world. Ills dcicnt last night of "Harlem Tom my" Murphy nt the end of twenty rounds In ono of the most trying fights the champion over weathered ' was conclusive, say tho exports. Except 'for 'Murphy's ability to as B.milato punishment, the fight wan uninteresting. There was but ono round that could be called his by tho utmost oxerclBo of charity. In tho cloBlnir rounds Rltchl stalked warily nround lils man, measuring! him with his left and crashing in from every nnglo blows that seemed nB If they might have rolled an ox. Murphy took thorn, staggerod, and bored In for more. Tliero was not a clean knock down. Pacific Coast League Begins Action to Stop Betting Portland Worst City. (Or AMOtlaloJ rrroa to Cooa IU Tlmaa, PORTLAND, Or., April 18. The directors of the Pacific Coast Ilase ball Lcaguo and President Daum, It becamo known today, have declar ed war on baseball gambling In nil tho Icnguo cities. Not only the bookmakers hut all small bottom will ho prosecuted. Portland, it is announced, Is tho worst city for gambling. BIG LEAGUE BALL SCORES Portland Takec First Game on Home Grounds from Oak landClose Finishes. Ill; A,o.lattl I'rraa lo Cooa liar Tlmta. PORTLAND. Or., April 18. llo foru n rocord-hronklng crowd, Port laud took tho opening game or the Benson on her homo grounds from Oakland yest rdny, eight to four. 'Tho Coast League games yesterday: At Venice R. H. E. Sacramento .....2 0 1 Vonlco 1 3 1 Hatterles: Arelleues and Hannah; Hltt. Klfpfor and Elliott. At Portland It. II. E. Portland 8 11 2 Oakland A 10 1 Hatterles: Krause and Fisher; iiarronknmp, Christian and Mltzo Aloxunder. At San Francisco It. II. E. Lob Angeles 77 1R 3 San Francisco 8 10 4 Hatterles: McKenry nnd Chech; Doles Hrooka; Arlett Stnndrldgo and Schmidt; ten Innings. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. fionttlo 3: Portland 1. Tacoma S; Vancouver 3. Tacomrt 5; Vancouver 3; (eleven innings.) Victoria 3; Spokane 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Clovelnnd fi: Chicago C. St. Louis 2; Detroit 1. Philadelphia 0; New York 4. Washington 1; Rostou 0. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Chicago C; Cincinnati f. Pittsburg 2; St. Louis 0. Now York 1; Philadelphia 3. lioston 0; Rrooklyu C, CJIETCO RIVER BRIDGE Curry County Court will Try to Put In Truss llrldge. Tho Port Orford Tribune says: The Idea of building a concrete bridge across Chetoe has been aban doned and the court has empower ed tho County Judge to securo the necessary permit from the War De partment to construct a truss bridge, combination type at the samo site selected for the concrete bridge. The contract for building the Che tco road was let to John R. Hill for $2700, which amounts to about: $900 per mile. Several bids were received for building the proposed concrete bridge at Chotco, ranging from $31,000 to $34,000, showing that the bridge could have been built at the esti mated prlco of $35,000, END GAMBLING ON BASEBALL WILSON STILL PLAYING GOLF President on Links This Morn- ing When Mexican Message PniTIP HlltS Vflnntinn. III, A...io.1 Trr.. to fooa 11-7 Tlm i WASHINOTON. D. C... Alinl IS. ilucrtit'B reply to the latest ropro - ou..,..y.w..o i mu u....v... ., ...., ....M. described by offlclnls today as un- rcBiioiiBlve. As Chnrge d'Affalres O'Shnughnessy's dispatches are be - iuK uuviiiivi:u, i " """ that there was more uulbbllng over tho terms. It was mado known that Huera was making another effort to Btrlllir Ollt Ills UegUtlntlOllB. Til' President cancelled again his plans 10 KO I" vuiiu aiiiiiiiur oiiiiiiKB OI1CO to tllP WllltO HOUBO. tho week-end. Secretary Hrynn and I gOProtnry Urynn porparod Wl Secrotary Tumulty carrlod tho dla- 801,.B nnBWor wheh 'WH'B aont ,m. patches to tho golf links waere niedlutoly to Mexico City. It aota PrcBldont Wilson wns playing. forth thnt un(,RB 1Iuor(ft r(.0ptB WO ME ICAAS ARE WOUNDED U. S. Troops at Fort Blfs- Shoot Federal Prisoners for Breaking Rules. IDr Aaioclata4 rrna lo Cooa liar TlmM.)' EL PASO, Tex., April 18. In dividual Infraction of tho .rules of the prison camp nt Fart Hllsn since tho Tampico Incident culminated last night In tho shooting of two Mexican Federal prisoners by tho sentries. One, shot while trying to escnpo, will die. FLEET L TIME ON TRIP Atlantic Battleships Ten Hours Behind -Schedule in Pass ing Palm Beach. 1 117 Auotlal Prraa to Cona liar TlmM.J PALM REACH, Fin., April 18. Four battleships, two dlBpatch bouts and a' collier of tho Atlantic flcot passed horo today ton hours behind tholr scliodulo tlmo. They wro de layed by 801110 unknown caueo north of hero. VILLA T WAR UNLIKELY Says Huerta Has No Rights Declares He Can Prevent General Uprising. (Or Aoclata4 I'ftia (o Cooa Da Tlmei.J TORREON, April 18. "I regard tho complications us existing be tween Wilson and Huorta and ques tion whether oven tho bombardmont of Tampico would be construed as an act of war, since Huerta Is tho offendor and Illegally holds that port," said Villa. "I do not believe the Tampico In cident will result In war between the United States and Mexico," comment ed General Villa when asked If ho could control the unrlslne acalnst 'Americans, Ho Bald: "Well, I havo driven 25,000 Federals out of Con stitutionalist territory and I think I could control tho proletariat." . IIASERALL AT MYRTLE POINT. Tho Myrtle Point Enternrlao savs; The sentiment among local fans and players seems to bo that If '.the teams are to be all home palyers, Myrtle roint win put a team in tno field, If not they'll play Independent ball or not at all. Reports are tnat nt Coqullle matters stand about lMO """ ... , , , . ;,.. . .. .. A...uo 01 nr,r,iiff uv nninivn, - ui.ovi;r Heed ls.cta at HAINES'. S S Southern Dictator Given Until 6 O'clock Sunday Even ' ing to Comply. WILSON PREPARES TO TAKE FINAL STEPS V American Vessels May Seize Tampico and Vera Cruz Dr., rit a.:.,o DU,U,,; r,uul H,,,Ba- VmNGTON? d. a.7pHT8. Iltlinrln will nnllltn Mm Atni-rlrnn fine at Tampico boforo C p. m. Sunday t 0J1 prcB,Iont WIlsOll Will go boforo j l'n..rtn l,i ll..t .ln Mnn.lliv ' nij ask for authority to tako such j uieiiBiircB ii B may up necessary, mm - Btntonient w-ib Issued nt tho White. I HniiRo. 1 , a board of aides which, with -SJoc-'i I reinry uanieis, is tno executive rorro ,,r inn nnw ,i...t int., mn.i ..nnfnr. onc to ,.onl,,K,(0 nnB for tho i movement or tho fleet nnd marines. PpI,I, UMIunt., nlintwlnnn.l l.ln ' (snturdoy holiday nnd returned at M tno Atuoricnn demniuiB initnodlutfly, pinna for tho seizure of Tampico nnd Vorn Cruz will be carrlod out without waiting for Admiral Iladger to rench Mexican waters. The plan Includon the seizure of the rntlwnvs from Vitrn f!ni . in Mexico City ns far as tho troHtleial nbout twenty nillca west of Von! uruz. i Tho armored crulsor Soi'ii rcV- jisor nor rev- ji os, was o'" " j Iho II f 9, (hero to .vuH I tn, with 2C0 marines Hall todny from ?5a?oS5,.Dl0BO' Whllo Wilson's filial message was In transmission orders, wore flashln out from tho navy department, jm tin all forces nlready In Mexhsu wntora in readiness to onfareegll lorms, Tiiore were no orders the troops. MomborB of the calimgi1 worn summoned to the White II4f for n conforenrn. All cnllors nt tlia Whlto Hoiibo wore turned nwny. Ordors hurrying tho provlslonlnKi or nil avallablo shlpB on tho Pact no coast nnd to mobilize marine nt San Diego went out. Secretary llryon explained that ' tho President's Htntemniit inoant that lliiertn would li obllcod to minran- i teo to Hnluto without iiinllflcitIoH 'JJ! by 0 o'clock Sunday and thnt physt- ;I rnl nnarn,ili,u lnlivlit .Inrni la luiia ' tired by that hour. lluei'tn'N l.iixt Chntice. "TemnorlzliiK." Bald ono of th cabinet officers portmniilly closa t Wilson. "We hnvo the oiinch. we know It, nml wo are going todollver It. Huorta has had IiIm last clinnco." Whllo the text of Huortn's moHsnge ! today and tno President's reply Iinv not bo n made public, It boniHiR hnown that HUortn couteudod thnt nil tho offoniicH for which tho UuRed .' States asks mi apology hud boon apologized for and "ho demurs at anything further." Rlir KKvt TIhmo. Offlcljls pointed out thut the nnvnl forces nt Vera Crux wnrn Hiif- flcl nt to carry out tho Presldont'a; pmiiH witiiout nwnitnig tno arrival in Admiral Uadgor's fleet. Thq trnnn- port Hnncock hns already arrlvod ntl Tampico with marines. The battle shlpH Vlrglifln. Connecticut and Minnesota ninl, tho crulsorii Don ,1 Aioines, uoipnin nnd San Kranriscni aro iiiso tnur'. Tim scout rruisor Chester, tho trnnsnnrt Ruffilo tho collier Cyclops nro nlso at T Pico. At Vern Cruz nre tho buttl ships Florida and Utah ami ths transport Prairie. Admiral Ilndger, win reach Tampico Monday. Law Barring Them from Own ing Competing Vessels Is Partly Rescinded Today. Br Aaoclat4 frtaa lo Cooa B7 WASHINGTON, D, O., April 17. Railroads may continue to hold tin IntcresUlu parallel water lines aft July iMordliig to a ruling by tbf Interstate! Commerce Commissi proviuef 'Hiey nuvo applied tor sh continuance to tho Commission, 11 ! HI 'y:l Hbo as tho CommlMlon sh nave pawvu upon 1110 merits of appllcatloHs. dio DANCE KAKTSIPK SATUlt. day NIGHT. .GOOD MUSIC. ' W SI & l'REE ROAT to ELK ROCK KW-1 TKHTAIN.MK.NT and' Basket Coctal ,KATURDAV NIGHT, APRIL 18. AI. 1 LICE H. le)aiiVMARSIIFIKLl tj 0::io v. M. ML 14 I 8i S ! yfii. ' 'i gft W: I . " "ill" 1 1 "itm tri'iHtltfirj