OLWbWKV . THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1914 EVENING EDITION I . It is a little bit early to announce a Clearance, c but we have decided to stimulate our selling of Ladies' Suits, Coats and Dresses by an unparalelled offer that will command attention from the thrifty shopper HIGH SGHOBL GRADUATES 20 BIG LEAGUE BALL SCORES STETS Largest Class In History of Rain Again Prevents Portland Marshfield Prof. Ressler to Deliver Address Oakland Game- Battle -Venice A big range of Ladies' SUITS many of them you'll say (easy worth $20.00) all marked the one price Some on window. Display in our big front 258 Off. I Off the regular prices on all other qarments. SUITS COATS -DRESSES- Don't miss this opportunity. MATSON QUALITY STORE Tlio Marshfield High School will this yenr grnduato the largest class In Its history twenty, ten boys and ten glrlB. The definite date of the commencement linn uot hcon fixed but It will be held the first week In Juno. Supt. F. A. Tlcdgen has secured Prof. 13. 1). Rcsslcr, Lead of the In dustrial Podneogv Dinartment nt Or egon Agricultural College, U dollvcr luo commencement tuiuress. I The class this year Is ns follows: 1 Tom Patterson, Walter Jensen Sid ney Ciarko, Duncan Ferguson, Ches ter iBaacson, Agnes Saudqulst, May Jlyrcn, Lucy Powers, Gladys Dlnient, Laura Watson, Stanley Myors, Dcs slo Flanagan, Vivian Carlson, Evelyn lSangworthy, Howard Sc.twnrtz, Mn-j uci iJKDiita, iiucri names, wiima Iioaglnud. A number of claBs functions are being arranged, the first being tho Senior Play at the Masonic Opera House tonight. Xnitli Mend ( lux Tho North IJcml High Scho.ol grad uation exorcises will be held Juno fi Tho speaker has not been secured yet. The graduates f Is year will bo Juno Young, Ulndys KranlckB Es ther Inihorr, Esther Hunt, M'olvln Jacobson, Oscar Carlson, Alexander Nollson, Wlnflold Woodbury, Keo Huge and Dorothy Klblcr. Br AmocIiM ITm (a Coot n7 Tlmra. PORTLAND, Or., April 17. Rain again prevented the Portland-Oak land opening gamo horo yestorday. Tho othor Const League games: I At Venice ... II. II. E. I Sacramento t 10 fi . Vonlco fl 7 0 Dnttorlcs: Single and Hannan; Powell and Elliott; Hlgginjiotham nnd Fisher; limner, Klllllay and . Mltz. I At San Francisco 11. II. San Francisco fi 11 Los An got cb 10 9 E. 7 OM NORTHWESTERN LEAUUE. Portland 2; Seattle 8. Vancouver 7; Tneomn 0. Victoria C; Spokane I. AMERICAN LE.WIUE Cleveland 0! Chicago 1. St. Louis, 8; Detroit G. Phllodolphln-Ncw York; rain. Wnshlngtou-HoBton; rnlu. NATIONAL LCAOUE. class plav to.;iht Senium Will I'n-M'iit "Ivsmomldii" At .Masonic OiK-ni llmixe. TO OLD WAREHOUSE Smith Company Starts Diffi cult Feat With Alliance Building DELAY KINNEY PROPERTY SALE f Not Likely That Court Can Order Sale for Some Months Some Problems Tho Kilnnoy property tnnglo will not bo cleared up ns.qarly ns was expected, but It Is hoped to advunco it to tho stage whore the court can order the sale of tho proporty some tlmo thin summer. E. L. llryson, attorney for Receiver Wattors, was Jn Mnrshflold yesterday and stated that ho had planned to dovoto practically his entire tlmo to tho matter now until It Ifl complet d. In tho Inst suit thoro was a Htrght rror that will ciiuho some delay. Tho description of tho Klnnoy prop erties r considerably different from that shown by tho offlrlal records of the county. Receiver Wattors nnd llryson workod It nil out by tracing tho different deeds, th re turn of properties, etc., and hnd It iu shape. III the last suit thin des cription wiir to hnvo been us d, but instead, through a clerical error, tho official county list or description rt tint llinnrtllil iimi a lluml Vmn nn X:... .,'.'"'" ...,"V..n, 'V. ..""." " l almost to the harbor line. filed , ... 1. m in .1,1. ii,r., . Tho west end of the warehouse will a little delay In a mlsundersrand-. b l "'",u,llJK w"ur ,c a1no ' . Inir between Sbnrlfr flnirn'it offloo ' Soo ""T the oast end In moved 1 Lively Controversy Expected at Coquille Next Monday Over Fund Division Chicago-Cincinnati; rain. Pittsburg I; St. Louis 1. Now York Philadelphia rain. Doston-Drooklyn; nun. This evening tho Senior Clnss of tho Jlarshflold High School will pre sent tho class play "EKtnernldn" nt tho Masonic Opora House. Tho play N a very clever one and tho cast has been well drilled nnd prepared, by Miss Silverman and t: o othfcrl teachers. Koyzor's orchestra will furnlBh music and tho entortalnment promises to bo tho best put on by tue Biuu uts of .Mnruliflu.il. JUDGE COKE arrived liomo IiiBt night from Curry county, whore ho. hold court. FRANK HURKIIOLDER, tho Co- qulllo booster, wns horo from Co- ct till lo lust night. A. O. STONEWALL and wlfo, Mrs. Albert Johnson and MrH. Inn Mor- see were a party of tlnrdlnor poo plo coming horo today. HpHE "big noise" in, 'liats is the Stetson. We know the Hats lived with them for years. We know the brisk, young men who. wear them. They come to us for Stetsons because we keep our assortment alert, lip to the minute. ' Let us showyou our new Spring Softand Stiff Stetsons. "MONEY TALKS." njibgM MARSHFIELD, 1IAXDOX, MYRTLl I'OIXT. i PERSONAL OVERFLOW I W. J. WALLACE, of Catching m lot, was a Marshfield visitor to day. Mr. Wallace plnns to movo to Tho Sixes rivers In Curry county soiiio tnno soon. EWS OF NORTH BEMD Work has been started on a dif ficult feat In maklntr a rli:ht of wnv tnrougli tho Alliance wnfohoiiHo for col,rt. tho Southern Pacific. It waH origi nally planned to cut out or tear down tho portion of tho wnrehouso on tho right of way but Intor It was decid ed by tho C. A. Smith Company to movo a soctlou of tho building. Tho wnro houso wnB built first an a shod over tho old s'llp ynrds, a public subHcrlptlon being tnken to rnlso funds for It ns nn aid to tho Hhl carpontem. Tho tlnibern extend down Into tho earth and In order to movo It tho siding nnd supportH hnvo to bo snwed off and placed on. ntrliigers, Iu all, ninety feet of tho wnrehouso Is to bo moved sixty feot west. This will bo about eighteen feot boyond t: o present dock lino but piling will bo put In for tho foundation thoro and it will bring tho warehouse but Next Monday Is likely to witness n lively session of tho Coos cmintv OVCr tho Good Roads bond election. Thero Is a doclded dlf- loroniv or opinion among bouio of tho good roads boosters about the matter and It will bo threshed out nt length. Some of tho Coqulllo Valley boost ers nowtako tho position that tho $4150,000 bond Issue Is sure of dofeat C. W. VIRUS returned today from a business trip to Coqulllo and Han dou. Ho reports tho IiubIiicss out look In tho valley Improving. office rein and nearly nnd Judgo Hammoud'H i.vo to sorvlco Of Hlllt two months wore lost. Another parcel of Klnnoy propor ty bus also been discovered and that is his Interest In a certain part of JJoulovarU Park which was deeded to tho llonnolt Trust Company us pptirltv. TIiIh will linvn tn lin In cluded 111 tho action before tho court i l,tul in Mnrshflold. can order the snlo of tho proporty. Much of this can bo douo whllo tho appraisers aro fixing tho vnluo on tho various parcels of proporty. Tho Kinney affairs nro an Intri cate web and It Is n slow, difficult lirocoss to stralghton thorn out, but Messrs. Watters and llryson think liioy have thoui In good shape now. It may bo that tho mattor can bo naviiuced bo that some of tho proper ty can bo ordered sold this summer, lint It is not certain. AMONG THE SICK ' out to Its new location, tho Smith company plans to build nn addition on tho south end to provide adequate 1 wnrohouso room for tho, vchboIb. Tho moving of tho big building, ninety foot long and about eighty feot wldo will ho wutched with In terest us It will probably bo tho most attend, (difficult font of the kind over uttom- viuou itoniiB Association members wanted It, mid are plaunlni:. :; Is Bind, to ask the county court In tho I oruer ror mo election to specify that tho money shall bo used on one trunk lino, tin- Coos county part of m .iiuu unii-iiuHuuurg i on to. Tney nay this will glvo tho uond Issue a chnueo of carrying. Ilowowr, tho Ton Mile and North Uond coutlneents nro nislHtmii timt the election bo called nH petitioned nnd that $70,000 ho sot aside for tilt Ton Mile Rond. Tho Ten Mllors, bended by Clina. .St. Denis, will hnvo a big dologntlon there and North Rend will also lr.ivo a delegation. A. 0. Itnnb, .Mayor Simpson, Chos. Wlnsor, Dr. UnrtlP, H. C. Dlors, V. C. Oorst, C. M. Tlyler. Coo. D. Mandlgo, Fred Holllstor. J. II. droves, M. E. Kverltt, P. N. Ro borg, Poter Logglo. N. C. McLood . and others have been aunoluioii tl If It Is parcelled out as somo of the, STANLEY 11ARTLETT of Uandon cnnie over inBt evening on business. Ho hnd heard the report about tho Mooro Lumber company buying a big tract of timber from tho Iloutln peoplo but did not l.ear any con firmation of It. R. K. from went Postmastor Russoll Is the latest victim of tho smallpox epidemic. uuo or ins tnrco ciilldron Is also in flicted and tho entlro family has boon quarantined. Miss Myrtlo Wcatliorly has re turned from an extended tny- at Los Angeles. Mrs. W. F. Harmon of Cooston hnB returned from nn extended vis it at Chlco. Calif. Mrs. C. II. Pullen In reported to bo critically 111 at tho homo of hor sister In Myrtle Point. 8ho hnu been Buffering from Hrlght's dlseiiBo. D. C. Rounds nna wife of WJch- nn, i'.iusns, nro visiting tliolr son, Ralph Rounds hero. Ernest WooiJs nnd Uruco Eldlor of West Shoro, Pa., nro guests nt tuo Frank Arnott homo at Coos ton nnd mny locnto on tho Ray. A special school election will lm held In North Uond next Wednos dJ April '22, to veto on tho ques tion of proposod Improvements In tho schoolB. Two questions will bo submitted, one bolng for tho purposn flf tlin nil! fntu,iilunti' lii.ll.ll.... n...l ROOtll returned VOStordliV mnrlnv If tr, H, IH..I. ..i. i Wliioun, Minn., where ho crmmiin nn.i ntiin., w .... r n to attend the funeral of bis. tmi-romn vrmin u.imi nt .. ,.. ..r MISS GRACE KRUSE or Marshfield writes friends that sho Is having a splendid tlmo, nt San Francisco, where bIio linn been visiting for tho past month. Uond. Ho was formerly In tht grocery buslucBB nt Rosoburg tnd Is nn old friond of Mr. Van Zlle. Mrs. Harry Huntley arrived home yestordny from a few months' tlilt with relatives In Massachusetts. i.. """ iiiiiuini oi. nis. inn-room grndo school at a cost or few weeks' ",h ' '?'", V""" ,f0P.,B n!'Ut nQ0 "l,(1 U, otl,or bolK for i.m.. ' nt th0 ,loothioipurcha80 of sixteen lots on Vlr- homo. T. C. STONE of tho Pacific Real Estate Company of Coquille wns hi Mnrshriold this week on tjiihI nesB. His firm Is arranging to hnndlo the Coqulll agency for ijii. i iiiuui n uoui line, quno a nur niiving ueon i itised Iu Co quille because the Paiuor lino movid Its head offices to Unn-dou. ginia street in Idaho addition for $(ir por lot as a Bite for a future school. Tho school board announces tlwit both proposltlonB can bo car rlod through without floating any moro bondB. Ed Thomas In slowly recuperating from tho sovoro Injury to Ills foot siiBtnlned nt tho Portor mill. Mr. Mlllcdge, recently of Rose burg, is planning to engage In tho confectionery business In North ODD FELLOWS WILL IIUILD I'Morcnce lodgo Prepare to Erwt Homo of Km Own, FLORENCE, Ore., April 17. Th Odd Follows' building Is now ii sured. A weok ngo tho lodge r--polntod a commltteo consUtlnc of A. O. Knowlcs, Win. Kyle and B. S. Dyor to cxamlno condition in! report as to tho ndvlsabllltr of building. Last week tho com mitt w subnilttod a favorablo report tti woro glvrn power to Irava pl drawn and rush tho construction of the building. All store and of fice. Bpnco In tho block lm beea spoken for- The building will bo 75 by 10r frot and two stories high, thre stores on tho main floor and office and lodgo rooms above, A fram building will bo orccted with pUtt glass fronts and modorn throughout City Engineer Ford wns Initructrf tod.iy to sot grndo and Uuo stake THWitEASOX "I wondor why men don't like ae. Sighed -gabby Mr. Ulose; Said I: "Tho reason's plain to ir Its right beneath your noic." SOX AX1 SIXfiLVfl Ho didn't court ho very long. Ho soon bought her a wedding rlnf nut llfo is not a grand sweet onr. For alio now thinks that !ie aa , HOW TO (Jl-rr HID OK DANDELIONS Sl'MNEH NOTES il Mrs. Fnnnlo Hazard was iblo o ba out yestorday after a weok'n III- J10SH. Miss Holon Porkbin of West 3tnrshfleld wns tiken III yesterday of Bcnrlet feer. llurr Jaiiu's, tho Ittllo son of Mr. and Mrs. T. lr, Jntues, lias been MiHto sick tho past week, but Is improving. (Special 'to "Tho Tlmos.) Sl'MNER, Ore. April 17. Mr. nnd Mrs, Arthur Selandor of Portland nr rlved on tho Rronkwntor. Mr. 3e laudor Is n sou of Chns. Solandor, a rnnrlior of Suiunor ami Mrs. Colander was formerly Mlsa Nottlo Reyors of Sumner. Mr. Selnnder will build a ' houso for O. X. Wilson or Suiunor, MUs Mabel Mlllo who has been i visiting friends at llridno has return oil to her home. Tho Sumner orchestra mot Wed nesday evening Instead of Thursday, on account' ol i!io hoavy rnlus. ' Amos Sauford who has boon visit ing nt tho Ton Mile country return ed to Sumner yestorday. Ho will leave for Portland Saturday. IIOXT WAIT; got It now and get nt HAINES. TWO 86 --Saturday Special --86 "SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK. Eight Bars best Laundry 0C Soap J Five Boxes SUNLIGHT Clean-) e - ser (Just Like "Old Dutch") GROCERIES, FANCY 'AND STAPLES. DELICATESSENS All kinds of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits in season, at lowest market prices. The L. ML Tozier Co. 86 Commercial Avenue, Telephone 433 .Mow the L-Miiis Clo-e anil Spray With Sulphate of Iron. From "Tho Rack Yard Farmer." by J. Wlllnrd llolte, published by Forbes nnd Company. Dandelions nro t'.io grontest enomy of good Inwns In many sections, nnd thoy can bo completely eradicated If tnkon In linnd early enough. The on ly suro way to got rid of theso pesil forous weeds Is to keop them mowed close to the ground during tliolr blooming season nnd spray tho lawn with a solution or sulphate of Iron. Tho constant mowing will provent tho majority of tno blossoms from seeding, but tl o dandelion Is a ciin nlng plant, am after Its tall blos soms hnvo been out off four or five wines u win uegin to Bond out blos soms that llo closo to tho ground, bo-low- tho reach of tho lawn mower. These later blossoms and the ever lasting plants themselves, will do tho damngo and mnko all your mowing useless unless you spray them with the solution mentioned. This sulplato of Iron cornea In the form of a powder, and can be bought at any need or drug storo nt a cost of nbopt five cents n pound. Dissolve a pound In a gallon nnd n half of wa ter, and spray tho entire lawn with It whllo tho situ Is hot. Tho solution will kill the dandelions, but will not Jinrm tho grass. If one application does not flush tho Job. report until tho dandelions aro exterminated, Tho liquid may bo sprayed from an I ordinary sprlukllng can. but a regular I spray pump Is much more infective. ns It sends out fine mist, which cov ers tho follago completely. THE LADIES OF THE CHRIST IAN CHl'ltCH WILL HOLD A COOK KD FOOD SALE AT W. A. RKID'S OFFICE SATURDAY AT 1 1 OCLOCK. "Esmeralda." Senior play, Masonic Opera House, Friday night, April 17. Annou nemg Church Benefit Sales Its Origin: .Back in the early 80's a philanthropic London met chant, desiring to assist tho mnnv churches, of- fered a percentage of each day's cash tnkinrr. i. as many churches as there are days in the week, These sales proved of such mutual benefit and were so enthusi astically received that it has since been y yearly event, . Later the well known great retail firm of John Wanamaker of New York and Philadelphia instituted these BenRfit SalPg in tni, countrv and citv after cjty has now taken up this good wnrk- that h.c hrought church and merchant closer. .to gether. " Church Benefit Sale will be held here next week Ml 21' fcdri CQHrrr,UAulH,K- I APril 23' Thursday, CATHOLIC CHURCH. W 51' THes.day SWEDISH CHURCH. April 24 Friday UNITED BRETHREN. April 22, Wed METHODIST CHURCH. I ABril 27, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Tuesday, April 28. BAPTIST CHURCH DAY. PHONE n o imrtrtM o. a. JtJNJNlJNub 1151. NORTH BEND.