Mmu--m,Mlwg'L '"twwiwjut'mifii'iW'HWm. fc r FOUR infiliTOiVif- TdSimmmimKidtim Economy In State Affairs Editor Times: The Finn of Portland . in urging jtwolvo (Of iior pending fcltlztona to stand for the nomination for State Representative, on a platform of eco nomy and efficiency, should bo adopt cu by every county in uregon. That too many laws aro enacted, nnd' too , much monoy appropriated by tho Legislature, all must admit. Hut th6 important question Is, what nre wo goingVlo do about it. First In Importance, I suggest pub licity. Since many of tho mombers of tho lost "Legislature aro candi dates, either for re-election or for Bomo higher otflco, a complete re cord of tho acts of each mombor, giv ing tho amount of appropriations vot od for; tho numbor cast to raise tho salary of somo nubllo official: creat ing now offlcos, etc. would make In teresting reading for tho voters, and servo bb a warning to futuro Logls lnture against extravagance and reck lees legislation. Many unnecessary laws, as well ns cxponslvo appropriations aro tho result of Inofflcloncy, and Inoxpor lonce, on a part of a largo per cent of tho legislators. A careful busi ness man would not employ a bank cashlor, a manager for n storo, fac tory or farm, who had no knowlodgc of that particular lino, but tho pco plo frequently send mon to tho Login laturo, who havo but slight concep tion of needed loKlslatlon. or tho re quirements or tho stato institutions; apparently overlooking tho fact thai thoy bnvo power to spend' mllloni of dollars of tho people's money. I expoct to introduce a resolution nt tho noxt session of tho Legisla ture, submitting a constitutional amendment to a voto of tho people, providing n four yenr term for 8tatc ltoprcsontatlvcB, If this rosoltitlor shall pass and Is approved by tli' peoplo, tho Legislature would a' ways havo at least 4C oxporloncei members. Anothor abuso, Is the porfunctor manner In which tho Joint committee from tho House and Scnato, Invcstl gate and report on the noeds of tl various stato institutions. In pine of appointing mombers with a vlov of their fitness for tho position, tli Speaker of the Houso nnd tho Presl dent of tho Senateo usually pay a pc lltlcal debt, by appointing member who-dcBlro to bo placed on a cortnl' commlttoo. Provision should bo made for on' or moro committees, composed o members of well known buslnoF judgement and honosty, to mako r thorough Investigation of nil stato Ii stltutlons, during vacation, and sub mlt a detailed report to tho nxt Leg Islaturo. of tliolr noeds nnd tho am ount of money necessary for thol mnlutonanco. Such committee should of courso, bo pnld n reasonnbb sum for their services. From lial" u million to n million dollars can br saved tho state by ovory Leglsla turo, by tho oxorclso of buslnesr methods, nnd houost effort, on the part of Its members. Tho fivturo growth nnd develop mon t of Oregon, depouds in a grea' muasuro, on tho reclamation of lt arid lands; but tho 1913 Legislator! In my opinion, established a danger mis orccedont when it appropriated nearly half n million dollors to takr over n bankrupt Irrigation project in Kastorn Orogon. A fow yenrs ago, tho reclamation servlco, mado a thorough invostlgn tlon of what Is known nB tho "Malh our Project" In Mnlheiir county, am' reported that 100,000 acres could be reclaimed ut a cost of 142.00 an nrro Now let us suppose tho business in terests of Mnlhour qounty, should ask' tho noxt Legislature for an appropria tion of $4,000,000.00 for tMB prno tlcabln project, I wondor If tho mem bors who votod to establish this pre cedent, would vote consistently for this' appropriation, In order that al sections of tho stnto may bo treated with equal fairness. All of those projects are of vast Importnnco to tho futuro grentnes of tho slate of Oregon, hut In Justice to tho tnx-puyors of other sections of tho stato should bo loft to the reclamation sorvlco, which has diver ted LAHOE SUMS OK MONEY col lected from Oregon to other states. A forty day bcssIou ub provided by tho stato constitution which was ad optod moro that 55 years ago, Ib en tirely Inadequate for tho careful con slderntlon of tho vast amount of business that comes boforo a Logls laturo of tho prosent day. The last session considered nearly 1000 bills, besIdoB ninny .memorials, resolutions etc. It Is to bo" hoped: that tho con stitutional amendment providing for u longer bosbJqii, will be adopted at tho next election. , Tho wrlitfr Joined with President Mnlnrkoy iW resolution, nt tho last session, proposing to submit to the peoplo n constitutional amendment limiting tho members to five bills fjucli but tho resolution was defeat ed In tho Si'nnto. 1 now suggest a commission (with no additional pay) consisting of Gov ernor, Secretary of State, Attomoy General, Stnto Treasurer nnd Conunls sloner of LnboV. to examine all bills and report to tho Legislature their opinion of both the desirable and un desirable (enturoB of each moasuro. TJiIb would1 ejiablo tho Legislature to cut out' many unnecessary, and unconstitutional bills. Tho general appropriation bill la considered, In the commltteo of the whol aud. no record Is published of tho voto oi) tho various Items con tnlnod In tho bill. All bills should be conslderedd In open session, and a Btrlct record kept of tho voto, of or. member, so tho peoplo might know to what oxtont their own re presentatives 'nro to blame for exces sive appropriations. Every general appropriation bill contains many Items which should bo reduced, or cut out, but this will never bo dono until tho bill Is con sidered tib' dbovo suggosted nnd tho Ooxernor given power to veto single Items of bill. I, S, Smith. Dress Skirts and i Shirtwaists the nnimftrtinn MMfinni, """""i thiimv. jmilu itiwyM.;, ; IOTftBWM"MlMIIIl'w''IMWi"w'" , , - - ' I -.--MJ ll ""tlss. Abstracts, Real Estal H . 1. - -- 1 rK 1 k IIB1.liniL IB New Coats and Suits Those who have investigated' the matter any are buying their ready-to-wear at Ike! Golden Rule There is no good' reason ' why you should pay -25 per cent more for the same articles than wo are asking. ' MILDRED ROGERS NELSON. Pupil of Hugo Mansfcldt at .Ban Francisco, uni. '" teaching experience In San Francisco Phono 3151 or 31C7. WT. TOMPKINS, 1). 8. T. (Wcltmor Methods.) l",.. .Hnnnnn treated iuvory nuuu ------- . 2. without drugs or BurB " 136 North uronuway. Phono 2KWL. Mnrshficltl, Or. GEO. C. MURPHY, . Exnort Piano, Plnyor and Organ Tuning. Regulating ana eu Ordors mar bo loft at tho WJloy D. Allon Music Storo, Central avonuo. . Fire and Marine fainm riTLEIGUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO I HENRY BENGSTAOKKV w. ',l "1 Ujrci FARMr COAL, TIMRER AND PLATTING LANlw GENERAL AGKNTTfl vl$ A -- uMinLniiiv I ' MAJtailFIKLl) OFFICE, PHONB ti I CUyuiiaoU UlTY OFFICE phone Vol; JOEL OSTL1ND. Piano Tuner and "cPn,re1rn,t T 115 8. Sixth street. .Phono lOa-L. Loavo orders at W. R. Haines Music Company. Phono 818-R.' 'ItAOTOR Estimates furnished on roquost. tit wmmiT J UUILDrNG CONTRACTOR The ' Golden Rule ALWAYS BUSY. THERE IS A REASON CO. GOSNEV Phono 101 Contractor nnd llulldcr - Estlmntes Furnished on Roiucst my past woimis IU!FKUEN0R First nnd Alder Sta. Mnrshfleld. DR. II. M. SHAW ' Kve. Ear. Noso and Throat 1)11. HATHA II. 811 AW Diseases of women and children. Otflco phono 330. Rooms 200. 201, 202, Irving- Block. IIouso phono, 105-J. VC. A. Smitk Lumber & ... ,. . RKTAIL DEPAltTMKNT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BAfiH t ROOFINd PAPER, ETC. OUT TUB FUEL HILL IN TWODY U8INQ OCR iPHONS lt. 181 80DTH I ITrewmicno hii aiauuuiu iiiukcs, sola on i merits, new ana reouim r-ox, underwood, Remin Oliver, L. c. Smith, ana smitn Premier, forrenti Cleaning, repairing or now platens, work guuaatwd. ...i,.,. .tnnor ilellvorcd. Phono uavour orili-p. thnn ii ' TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY! D ,R. A. J. IIENDRV DENTIST MarshOold, Oregon. Rooms 201-206, Coke Building Rcsldonco phono 2G2-X. Offlco phono 112-J. "DO IT ELECTRICALLY" TH0S. A. EDISON-SAID: "No labor is much worse than sweep ing. It. has killed many women: Every womrin forced to sweep heavy rugs and carpets will appreciate the truth of Mr, Edison's statement, A wo? man who is not naturally strong and healthy cannot sweep Without injury to her health, And in addition to the back breaking labor, she must breathe the clouds of eerm-laden dust thrown up by the broom, Let a VACUUM CLEANER Sweep and Dust For You There is no labor in using tho Electric Vacuum Cleaner its powerful suction quickly extracts every particle of dirt and dust no matter how deeply imbedded, It not only cleans car pets and rugs, but also draperies, upholstered furniture, mat tresses and bedding, hardwood floors, clothing, etc, OREGON POWER CO. Second and Central. Telephone 177 Today. SAN DIEGO EXPOSITION-ALL 1915 SAN DIEGO, CALIF, MRS. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano. Rosldonco Studio, No. 1098, Cornor Commercial and Eleventh SU Phono 880-J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, " Consulting Engineer an I Architect. Offices. 200 IrvinK Block. Phono 10U-L or 207-J. Marshnciu, urcgoa, PERL 1HLKV HALLINOER, Pianist and Teacher. Residence Studio, 217 No. Third St. Phono 308-L. WQ. CHANDLErt, ARCHITECT. Rooms BUI and 80S, Ookt B1I1, MarsMieia, urego. WM. S. TURPKN, ARCHITECT Marihfleld. Orecoa. Commutation Tickets $2.00 Marshficld-North Bend Auto Lino. Cars every ten minutes from U a. in. to r.iuU p. m. GOR8T & KINO, Props. The First National is to create a friendly air about "Our Bank" fhJ you teei ai nome, vve iuku a genuine, interest our customers anu aiwuys siunu reaay wsena Don't Imagine that because your account that we consider 11 01 nine vaiue, wo appreci : s,tand ready to help you to build it up, Savings Accounts opened as low as $1,00, 4 per cent interest, The SERVICE THAT SATISFIES First- National Of Coos Bay There I N BUSINESS. There is nothinpj "just-as-good" Is No Substitute For Service ni na values in movclmndis ing. Fake schemes and fritoU-penny contests cannot take tho placo of honest goods at honest prices and tho "square deal." "Bowftve of Greeks bearing gifts" is as true in modern business as in ancient days. When a man "offers you something 'for iiothing it is time to tie a string around your pockct-book. f LANAGW& BENNETF" OLUKHT HAN1C IN COOS COUXII. Established 1880. Genital. Surplus and Uni Profife, $115,000 Interest 1'ald on Tlmo Dcpoiln Officers: J. W. IJcnnctt', Trcsldcnt. J. II. Flanagan, Vlcc-Proslilent, . i!. Williams. Cashltr. Geo. P. WtothMtef.l T. J. SOAIFK Jg A. II. HODOINS Marshfield HSLSE. m UL.uiunnu .v. ICatlnuttes Furnished. Itiono auO-J. alarshfleld, Oregon. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers. For day aerrice, phono 144-j, Illanco Itlllard Parlors. For ulglit service, I'hone 200-L Right Cafe. D. L. F00TE. CALL 46 For Prompt Auto Senfc NEW 7-passenger Cadillac i" service uy "u . L. M'DONALD NO SAW EDGES on YOUR COLLAR8 if you have Uiom laundered at TWIN' CIXY STEAM LAUNDRY Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks between an; points In Martrtiflold for the follow tng rates, delivery to be made In the first stories of buildings One trunk S Jto Three trunks 00 Twelve trunks l.BO Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi UeUaer, Prop. Phnnns 180-.T. 40.T,. qs.w South Cods River Bbats Expross leaves Marshfield for head of rlvor at 8 a. m., re turning in evonlng, Stcamar Ilalnbow leaves head of river at 7 a.,m. auc; roturnlng leavea Marshfield at 2 p. m. ROGERS & SiHTH. LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co. Abstracts, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt atten tion to all interests of our client?. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman (8b Co. WE MAKE OUR OWN Ice Cream I'URK HIGH WHOLESOME Orders for parties, banquets and dinners tilled promptly. If it la SAIITER'S If all 3 right. SartersV Front street. Phone. 333-J. HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. Have your job printing dono at The Tlmea office. CITY AOTOiW A new tM& my autO HfTJ will ro "W OlancQ CW rilgbt phone TOM Suits i BnW Girt I t UNIQUE! jay vonij ssa ARE "Wii arafa else, a SclenUflc a perlttne0, ST. Lj Forml v IlAl SPKCIiW TDK For1 WAsnuM SO a