!SC. llloe. nied. PPwlt Iiy el Post A.VD wtt.t. 1 ON Its laundry JihfleH Y THE COOS BAY ?v FREIGHT ItAflfiS WITHDRAWN S, S. HARDY 41V FRANCISCO FOtt COOS BAY EVBHV ALTERNATE FRIDAY AT 4:00 ,. Harrison St. Dock, Pier 10. TWn, LINDEN, Agt., Phono Doug. P. M. 2070. LOcean Transportation Co. service Coos -pay nnci Man .u'rancisco. S. Redondo ... ...noUCICl n POP QAM CRAMPIonn FROM HIHnoni ii-u 1 w.. n.. . imiiuiuuu, TUESDAY, APRIL l ai iwur. m. I with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers aim n-uigui. S. NANN SMITH irith wireless 'and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. FHOM SAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, MONDAY, APRIL UO, AT 3:00 P. M. SCO OlllCf, uruuuwiwi atiuut yiur inu. za and 600 Fife building. Bay Agent, 0. F. McGeorge, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. !?Mp Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. lluiMeld April lltli, 18th. 25th nnd 30th at icrvlco Mud about 8:00 a. m., 8th. lGth, 22nd and 28th. i o 1 Katrn polnto mid Information m to route tad rate cheerful) furnished. II. J. MOI1R, A-ont S. S. AR.OLINE Equipped with Wireless. r ArtornnimlnlloiiN. New Htcvl Ilont I XOItTIl IH'ND FOR BAN FRANCISCO SATURDAY, APRIL 18 BEND MILL & LUMBER COMPANY, Agts. ,.((rnt, O, P. Sherldun, Ageut, North Ileixl. S. S. ALLIANCE MRSllFIEIJ) FOR PORTLAND THURSDAY, APRIL 1, AT 4 P. SI. ROUND TRIP. S18.B0. with the North Hunk Road at Portland. .North Pacific Steamship Company O. F. M'OEORGE, Agent. it All the Facts Yqm Can tevorlmd too much information. Some ' to flunk we "know it all" but really r that our fund of information is de 7 and each hour has something to lit Q are wise we will learn. Uor instance, is full of interesting Some Darts of it. will ho lisftfnl to Parts to someono ojse, e mosp important information is ty the advnrt.ismnnntR live personal messaees about mor- service. Thev are nlanned in a snirit OQ lO lin 1lol-flll f'ir., n1 rt fllA PayillCr for tlmm. Jy hope to profit by making his an- Mimco to you. ev8 he has what: nnonln nrn lnokinff comes nnf f,.oi.i.. ' .1 in ai , .!, xiiiuivlj' JIIIU lUlia UIL'JII v.- ? fair and abovn bonrd wnv of doinor applying the first principal of the 3aro Deal the rule on which mod- J cesses are built. ERMASCTIIDFO ITY iPHnTos e nianco Hotel DRY WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phone 1BO-J. Have your Job printing dono The Times offlca. TIMES, MAIttHPIBJ, MEQMl. Political Announcements NOTICn countv Xrl r ihl nomination of S'J ,erl5' on tho republican tic ket of Coos countv i. ...T. '.:.. ,., P. D. KIIUSI3 (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. Btn1i?ntllounco myself a condldnto for Si Ofl.ehPreAe"tat,V0.8,,bJcct t0 the nriLi. thoDo,nocratlc voters at tho Primaries Mnv ir win . . .. Primaries M'ay"' 15'' ?,0V People, to get Oregon out of tho mud. ,PnM A-T. MORRISON. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I horoby announce myBolf as h on tho Democratic ticket at tho com ing primary election. O. J. SEELEY. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT I horoby announco mvsolf us a candldato for tho nomination of Rep resentative on mo uomocrntic ticket for Coos County, to bo submitted to tho voto of tho uconlo at tho nrl- uiary election on May 15, 1914. K nominated nnu elected. I will abide by statement Number Ono; 1 win favor quarterly nnymont of taxes. I will favor tho abolishment of unnecessary commissions that must bo supported by tho taxpayers. I am In favor of good roads ovory wnerc. I am opposed to unjust taxation and cxccsslvo taxation. J. TOM HALL, (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announco myself as n candldato for the nomination of sher iff by tho Democratic party nt tho Primary Election May 15, 1914. If nominated and electod I will conduct tho office along tho most economical lines posslblo, consistent with efficiency, and do my best to enforce tho criminal laws. W. W. QAGE. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCHMENT. J dcslro to announce to tho Repub lican voters of Coos county tlU I am a candldato for tho n.otnlnntun at the primaries tq ho hold Mny 15, lor tho offlco of county comtnUslonor. I advocato lower taxation, good roads and a buslneisllko administra tion of county affolrB. I favor no particular locality, and If olected will work for tho beat In- torestn of tho wholo county. , (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCE.MENT. I hereby announco myself as a Re publican candldato for Joint Rep resentative for Coos and Curry coun ties nt tho primary election May 15. E. J. LONEY. (Paid Adv.) OUR ELEGANT LINES OF NEW SPRING GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT S. S. JENNINGS NORTH REND SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA Q, RIDOUT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phono 3C2-R. Wfllamette-Pacific Motor Car reave Marshflcld 0:30 a. m. 7:00 a. tu. 8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. and every thirty minutes until 8:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 10:00 p. m. Saturdays only. ll;00 p. m. ' 12:00 m. Tvoavo North Rend 6:45 a. m. 7:15 a. m, 8:15 a. m. 9:15 a, ra. 10:15 a. m. and every thirty minutes until 8:15 p. m 9:15 p. m. 10:15 p. m. Saturdays only 11:16 p. ra. 12:15 a. n, at KaHHHHH THURSDAY. APRIL ,, 1914 Jndtf stai&l RfeView 6$ the. State nfav faOtoriHs. .improvements And enterprises that increase till payrolls and promote the develop- MENT OF OREGON Prepared by tho Stato Bureau of industries and Statistics. Voters at Eugene authorize a mu nicipal band, an armory, and tho ac quiring of Skinner's Butto by tho city. James J. Hill hns given $50,000 to the Chrlsfan Church Blblo 8chool for n how building at Eugene. uiucinis or the lioguo River Pub He Service corporation havo been vi siting their plantB at GrnntB Pbbb and nro looking for a 5000 horse power site. A $10,000 Episcopal church Is to bo erected nt Oregon City. Aurora Is to hnvo a $60,000 four story Masonic Temple this year, Tho Wllllametto Pacific Coos Bay lino Is to havo train service to the end of tho lino In a week. A life saving station Is to bo built at Florenco on the Sluslaw. A beautiful high school building has been erected nt Stnnfleld of Ba ker county atone. Tho McVoy tub, pall and package Company of Minneapolis aro looking for n Bite for n plant' In Oregon. Municipal securities aro all that Is selling from Oregon In tho cast city, 'school, county nnd road bonds. Tl'o $5,000 has been raised for a cannery nt Cottngo Grove. A proposition to construct 100 miles of hard sorfaco road' at a cost of $750,000 In Linn county, will bo submitted to vote. Corvallls will construct fifty blocks of paving this year. The first unit of tho Boavcr Stato Motorcar factory at Gresham la com pleted and machinery being Installed. Tho Springfield Provision Co. will establish a $40,000 packing plant. As u result of n made-ln-Oregon bnnquot at Albany, $229.10 was rais ed to beautify an old cemetery payrolls help oven tho doad. Tliu Dnnson basket factory at Bay City has several largo contracts from Rellnhlc-Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound Just bo s tiro that you buy Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound It Ib n re liable medicine for coughs, jcolds, croup, whooping coughs, bronchial nnd la grlppo coughs, which are weak ening to tho syBtom. It also gives prompt nnd definite results for honrseness, tickling throat nnd stuf fy, wheezy breathing. Owl Proscrip tion Pharmacy. Frank D. Cohan. Opposlro Chnndlor Hotel. Phono 74. CvntrnI Avcntio Druj; Store, local agency. Goodrum's.Garage homo of tho CADILLAC and fORD r Auto Supplies for AH Makes of Car? 017 Centrnl Av. Phone 373L BUY THE . VERY BEST Marshfield BUTTER Creamery MADI7 UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Froo delivery, 8 a. m. and 9 p. hi. Phone 7.1 Pictures &f raming Walker Studio In our new location, we aro es pecially prepared to cater to family trado. Regular meals or short or ders. Open Day nnd Night. MERCHANT'S CAFE. Broadway and Commercial. FAMILY DINNERS. Mfld. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not harra. DOES NOT COnilODK AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose its charge while standing Idle. IB GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring'Co. 153 Broadway. Agesta (or Port of Cooa Bay. EVENING EDITION. r- i ng nmttifmpimftttll0lm florists. A company Is. forming at Tho Dalles to manufacture high class sculptural and nionumontal work. A Portland Wnrdwaro and Steel firm Is building; largo docks at Ab torla,, The Labor Commission of Drltlsh Columbia opposes tho minimum wnco and says an eight hour law must be a national nffnlrr for all Canada. Tho Manufacturer's Association of Portland Is about enuallv dlvlilmi nn tho questalon of accepting Insurance under Compensation act of tho last legislature. Tho Roseburg winter broccoli In dustry promises td be n bucccss, as good reportB hare been received of Chicago shipments. Tho rod alder wood Is Interesting manufacturers of clothespins nnd thnt Industry may ho established In Oregon. Pondleton Is erecting a beautiful Damon? cnurcn of Baker stone. A $35,000 strql bridge is to bo er ected nt Kollogg,, Douglas county. An electric pump will drain 800 acres of Lako Wapato. Washington county, for tho onion Industry. A Bummer resort botol Is to go up on Tslltcoos lake, Lnno county. A "ow wooden ware factory Is In successful operation nt Scllwood. Lents will havo a modem broom factory. Bcavorton will havo a brick yard. 4 I L ARDOR DAY In most of tho states of tho Union nnd In portions jot Canada, Arbor Day Is a day on which tho school children nnd others pint trees nnd Bhrubs nlong roadsides and In other sultnblo places. It Is a mavablo festival, varying according to cli mate, though usually falling In April or Mny, and In tho United States Is appolntod olthor by the Leglslaturo or tho Governor, acting under legislative authority. The pioneer stato In tho movement was Nebraska. Michigan nnd Minnesota followed suit, then tho Education Department of Ontario ordorod that tho first Friday in May should be set apart for nta'ilng shndo tro s nnd making flqwor beds In the school grounds. Now York did not fall Into lino until 1888, when tho Govornor proclaimed tho Friday fol lowing tho first day of Mny In ench yonr should ho known as Arbor Dny. Tho day has born recognized nnd Imitated by. Spain, whom R Is Known as tho Koto of tho Troo, and each year tho King and Quwn pant n trco or shrub n short dlstnnco nwny from tho palaco. with appro priate ceremonies and celebrations by tho school children, Tho present king Inaugurated! tho custom. FREE ROAT to KLROCK'S EN. THRTAINMNNT. andi Daskct Coclnl SATURDAY NIGHT. APRIL 18. AL LICE II. leaves. .MAHHHFIEfjR nt Mi 80 P. M. Children's Disease Very Provident. Whooplnu cough Is about overy whoro. Measles and scarlet fever al most ai bad. Usp Foloy'a Honey and Tnr Compound for inflamed throats and coughing. Mrs. I. C. Hostler, Grand Islind, Nqbr. says: ,"My threo children bad Bovoro attacks of whoop ing cough, and n very faw doBes of Foloy'B Honey and Tar gavo great rollof." Owl Proscription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohan. Opposite Chandler Hotel. Phono 74. Cenrtnl Avenue Drug Storo. local agency. Wickham House AT COQUILLR Will ho ro-opeued for busl- nou April 1. Ynur ' pntronage solicited Mrs. J. R. Wickham PROP. Try the MARSHFIELD CHOP HOUSE For Steaks and Chops DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING, ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHPELD BROS. Russell Building, Central Avenue WALL PAPER See VIERS Abuot it, MRS. O. F. HIRAROER Drt'HHmaklng nnd Ladle' Tail oring Prices Reasonable Over Magnes & Matson Store Phone 2 4 8-J, vrrjH7ir'fr THHEE tSUSAUm fmMi IN EARLIER DAYS Chapter I.' CAPTAIN WILLIAM TICHENOR, ono of Portland's early mnrln ora, wnB In Snn Francisco In the spring of 1851. Ho had Just com pleted n voyngo from Portlnnd to San tranclsco on the Emily Farnhnm wnen ho wns offered' tho command of tho steamer Sea Gull, n vessel of over 400 tons. Freight In thoso days was from $C0 to $80 per ton, and tho cost of n ticket to Portland was $80. Coal was from $40 to $00 per ton. nnd tho Bailors' received from $00 to $100 n month. Captain Ttchcnor wnn nnnnlntml tiv Governor Gaines, tho territorial gov ernor of Oregon, as a pilot of tho Columbia rlvor bar In April 1851. Captain White was tho first man to recolvo an appointment bb pilot nnd Cnptnln Tlchcnor wnB tho second. Early In Juno Captain Tlchenor took nine men from Portlnnd on board the Sea Gull to make u set tlement nt Port Orford. Tho men woro landed nt Port Orford with tho understanding that upon tho return of tho 8ca Gull from San Francisco additional recruits would bo brought for tho sottlomont. Upon nrrlvnl nt Snn Francisco It was found that it would bo neces sary to mako extensive repairs on tho Sea Gull, so Captain Knight of tho Pacific Mall company offered to tnko up tho recruits nnd supplies on bonrd tho Columbia, under command of Cnptnln LoRoy. When tho Col umbia steamed into Humboldt bay and entered Port Orford there woro a number of Indian canoes pnddllne southward. Tho ship fire her gun to let tho men left on tho rock know of her nrrlvnl. Tho moment her gun wna fired ovory Indlnn In tho canoca dived overbonrd. Coming to anchor n boat was lowered and pulled ashoro At tho baso of tho rorlc whero tho nlno men had been left lay a dead Indlnn. Upon Investigation, It was found tho camp had been brokon up nnd apparently tho men line! been klllod. Tho Columbia proccoded on hor voyngo nnd returned to San Francis co on July 1, 1851. Tho Sea Gull wiib now ready for tea. A largo number of volunteers woro raised and froo passage wan given them, and as Snn Francisco was full of Idln men, there wna no diffi culty In getting na many men na woro wanted. Tho Sen Gull sailed on July 8, reached Port Orford on July 14 with 07 men, well nrmod and with plenty of provisions, Two block houses wero erected nnd' n perman ent settlement wnn started. Tho Sea Gull proceeded to Portland, whoro Captain Tlchonor purchased six horsn somo hogs, and whoro ho nlso filed his notification nnd BOttlore oath with Lloutonant Preston nt tho land offlco In Oregon City, Lloutonant Preston had recontly boon appoint ed surveyor gonornl of Oregon, Cap tnln Tlchonor omployod W. O. T' Vnult who hnd boon rocommoded to him by Llciircnnnt Phil Kearney, a Bohoolmato of Captain Tlchonor'n In Nownrk, N. J. Oil July 21, tho Sen Gull sailed from Portlnnd for Port Orford. It was found that somo of tho men ta ken from Snn Francisco to Port Or ford woro mon of doapornto charac ter, bo 14 of thorn woro taken aboard tho Bhlp to bo returned to San Fran cisco. Cnptnln Tlchonor lenrncd that tho men who hnd boon loft on Bat tlo Rock had escapod nnd that threo of thorn woro In Portlnnd. Port lnnd Journal. IF I r Take n Glass of Salts to Flush Out Your Kidneys and Neutralize Irritating Acids. Kldnoy nnd Bladdor weakness re sult from Uric acid, says a noted authority. Tho kidneys filter tbU acid from tho blood and pass It on to tho bladdor, whero It often re malnu to irritate and inflame, caus ing a burning, scalding sensation, or sotting up on irritation at the neck cf the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. Tho sulferer is in constant droad, tho water passes sometime with a scalding Bonsatlon and Is very profuso; again, thero Is difficulty Ib avoiding It. Bladder weakness, most folks call It, bocauso thoy can't control uri nation. While It ia extromoly annoy ing and sometimes very painful, tbia Is really one of tho most simple ali ments to overcome, Got about four ounces of Jad Salts from your phar macist and tako a tablespoonful In a glass of water before breakfast, con tinue this for two or three days. TbU will neutralize the aclde In the urine so It no longer Is a source of irrita tion to the bladder and the urinary organs which then act normally again. Jad Salts Is inexpensive, harmleo, and la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and Ib used by thousands of folks who aro subject to urinary dis orders caused by urlo acid Irritation, Jad Salts Is splendid for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever, Here you have a pleasant, efferves cent lltbla-water drink, which quickly relieves bladder trouble.. KIDNEYS AND BLADDERDOTHER