The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 16, 1914, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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A IJAKKM" lii'
.. r4
lag Smites
flll, fcnn opens wiui iingiiior
cil tar llio pent Coos liny
Poniilllo VnMoy country (hnti
" ffi ' I" I'" hMory. For.
etf!L nro In tl.o making. Arq you
W IfliliB le foundation for
Concentrate your advertising In
tlio ncHf-pnpcr that reaches tlio peo
ple you v-nt to talk to. Aiiimiinl
tlon costs money. Tlio Times wives
money to nihertlscm.
v ' n
Established 1878
A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll Mn 229
mid Coos Way Advert liter.
ns Tlio Const Mnll
w n
(United States Accepts Offer
and inreaienuu nuouuuca
With Mexico Wane
President Decides Not to Take
Any Uliances un iviuA-iuaii
Dictator Bluffing
1M AwefUtM rrrtt to Coot DT Tlmrt.
WASHINGTON, 1). C, April
16 Lnto todny Secretary of
Stato llryan dlBpntched a com
...iiln,. n r.luircn O'Sliiilicil-
l ii iiHilnna(nni1 t lin
new. ii B "- """ "' ""
in acceptance of Huert.Vs offer
to salute, which will bo ac
knowledged by tho Amorlcnn
Cruiser South Dakota Will
Take 300 to Mare Island
Other -Ships Ready.
tllr AMOilttftl rrrM to Coo IJr Timet.
SEATTLE, Wnsh., April 1C Or
ora havo been received substituting
the crulesr South Dakota for the
Pittsburg us tho ship which will
coney 300 marines to Maro Islnml
Navy Yard. Tho othor erulsors hore
nrn rimilt? In onll mi aim,., ..f
4 They nro tho erulsorB Albany, Pltta
1burg, West Virginia and Colorado.
. .iiiiru ii,iui I'lnim
!lr AttotUtM I'ltM lo Coot Iltr Tlmrt.)
tor coot nr Timn.i SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April 10.
WASIIINOTON, D. C. April 1C. With tho receipt of advices from
HerU has promised Charge d'Af- Secretary of the Navy Danlela or-
fiitei O'Shaiighncssy to salute tho deiing lilm to take porsonal charRO
American flag In apology for tho of tho Pacific fleet's movements
irret of the Amorlcnn bluejackets In connection with the Mexican sit-
itTiraplco. Tho nows was rcroivrd nation, AsBiBtant Secretary Roose-
II UO WnllO IIOI.BO jubi uh occru-i"i- uuihiihu iui mu .muu ibiuuii
ur; llryan and ActlnR Chairman
SUrely of tho Senato Foreign Af
fiiri rommltten wont Into confor-
ne with tho President. Unlesa
Hterta changes iB mind, the crisis
premises to pasa over within tlio
int twenty-four Hours
Navy Yard to confer with Com
mandant Bcnnott.
rattleship sails.
IPr At.orlii! I'rrtt lo Coot lit; TlinM
llnl Anrll 111 T)m 1m 1 1 li.oliln
t& iinnn FnrnlL'n Affairs Com- Michigan passed to soa this mornlnR
Blttee adopted this resolution: for Mexico.
Rttnli-ml Tlnil -Mm nrtlnn of. ..
Prfildent Wilson In tho Tnmplco In-1
(Went Is sustained by tho Commit
tee of Foreign At fairs of tho
nooie." I
Tlit nnlv rnnilltlnn nttnnbnil Willi.
tht the American Bhlps fire n salute
It irknnwloilmnnt Offlnlnlii elnsn
to President Wilson Bald this was
li itrordanco with naval prartlco
of nations and according to prOCC
dnit. II u-na ntithnrltntlirvl v afntnil
tlit the only point romnlnltiR to bo
otitirainud was mo nuiuuer ui Ki"''
im this win bo speedily nBi cod on. . Report That Bandon Lumber
itile, War and Navy Dopnrtmentl ,, o..nn,l 1cn
crtifUls coneldorcd tho crisis pasBOd. lliuil ncivu ouuuiuu iou,
Ths trend of tho dispatch wis
Bids public, No orders wro Issued j
to tM snips already nteamliiR toward
000,000 Feet of Timber
wiue snips airenuy nieaminR lownni i According 10 reporiB r-cuiveu nuiu
Mexico, nor was thoro nny chniiRO from Itnndnn, tho Geo. V. Mooro
la the plans for onforcliiR President j,uinber company has doped a deal
OTion'i demand. I for tho purchaBo of 150.000,000
Some officials Rnvo tho opinion feet of timber In tho noutln trnct
tlit after Hu rtn had complied with nloiiR tho Coaull!o. Tho company
tb demand and saluted tho Atnorl-jims recently b en In difficulty with
wn flag, goiiio of tho ships now un- tho Coach estnto ovor tho timber
hi way mlRht bo turned back, but which they have had CohIoruo's
tertaUdy not boforo. Thoro Is nojoBfilnR.
dapoiltion of tho ndmliilstrntton to ( Tho jjoutln tract lies north of tho
temporli' or dolny further nnd nil Coqulllo and reaches tldownttr at
'piiwwlll ko ns thoy llo until nil ihrno different points tho most nc
time for thorn Is removed. cosslblo beliiR on Ilenv-r SIourii.
Dlnlomatlc representatives In Mox-1 4 h0 noutln tract has beon hold nt
to City, on orders from tholr homo n ,K, fBuro but It Is flno timber
we-'W ofriccs, enj?r to nver: tho vntuj easily loRged. Coo. W. Mooro
elf. pressod Huorta to ylold and roturnod from 'San Francisco this
JlMlrans n tho United States advla-Wok and It Ib said that ho closed
d him that to nnoloclzn would bo.tiin iliml while In San franclsco.
t' best thliiR for Mexico. Tho Mooro company has enough
' word of tha rift In tho storm Mors In tho rlvor to keep tho mill nt
1 food spread quickly to tho cnpttol, naudon operutliiR for a few wco'kb.
e the Houbo ForelRii Affairs i Tho Conlogue company has nbout
Commlttco had Juat adopted tlio roa-1 gveii mllos of IoRRlnp road built
elation sustalnlnR tho President. mto tho Coach trnct and have sovon
la tho Sonato and House Ronor-'donkoy cnRlnes to handlo tho logs.
'ly there wns a mingled feolInR'ono 0f tho clashes with tho Coach
I "lief. Somo of tho officials, be-.t.8tato U said to bo ovor tho fact
"" of the long familiarity with1 mat Conlogurs hnvo not boon tnk
e evaslveneBB of Huortn, wore not nK nll tho timber as It stands, tnk
wo "angulno. Thoy aald thoy would jc only tho fir. Thoro la eonald
l be convinced nntll tho salute ernblo codar and much hemlock n
u actually fired, nnd others woralth0 trnct. All the homlock Is Bald
e that Huorta Is now convinced to hnvo beon loft nnd much of tho
ut the last vfstlgo of suspicion ho 'cedar. The country is very rougn
"r hate had that tho United States nmi n is difficult to fall tho cedar
1 Muffing was removed by tho mes- j Bavo It, while tho homlock
i "Ja received from his own repro- brings a poor pilco.
Koatlves in Washington, Baying t'ho plan now la to move tho Con
t PresUnt Wilson was thorough- ioguo logging outfit to tho noutln
rV troused nnd meant to forco tho is-l trnct, but whothor this can bo done
!'" to on end. without further litigation Is a qucs-
p Ifwleilnt Wilson's View. tlon. AH of tho loggers, about 100,
..President Wilson said thoro waa!n tho two Conlogue camps, woro
,, wn precedent ngalnBt return
"J the saluto nnd thnt In tho nat
l courso tho United States would
"'"n tho saluto when fired. Wll
w denied that at any time during
e "eeotlntlons hnd Huertu offered
J life a salute, although ho had
"'en SOUndoil nut l.i- n milinriTlnntn
uHiiT, and oWored to saluto tho J.enUeat 0f tho Jennlugs family, to
ld ',wn,Cn wn8 declined, rres- t at Jonn ngs, wno wbb '"'?
Wilson hold thnt no recognl- L f0 of tompornry mental
"n would bo Involved In returning 'rb'ratlon, resulting from alcoholism,
ke saluto. He made It clear thnt ! ?," r tJie quick nctlon of parties
ni,?t Ul Atlantic nnd Pnclflc!r" tlie 'outsldn who came to tho
ts had not been changed. No scue of Dr. Hartley he might have
delimit Is set for the salute and rbe.s0 ',.. i- .- Vs It was Dr.
'a nal word on the Huorta offer nRrtle escnped with a few minor
im. n?t been Passed at four o'clock , ,e
" afternoon. " jennlngB was resumed to Mercy
It Is well understood In diplomatic' or .,. l -o So dll no' re-over
wclei i that both the German nnd, for 'Beveral hours and then had no
tVmCia.rabaBSador8 hd been actlve knowledge of attacking Dr. Barne.
sh their foreign offices In bring- tf"0 sald he was sorry ; and hat he
"8 about ih. .nnf i. .i. ntnn., , ,i.i.,v im cw the doctor tnai
'!. ' ,c"l " "" '"' I Sav He is employed as a teamster
' IntuL-Englneer McArron of l construction anw.un0erar0
Smfth-Powers company la laid up, Bend, nnd It is sa d ,7nu.prBV"cm8
SJ' lth a couple of broken ribs. A temporary Inaanlty In his Bystem
J?"' irking yesterday morning,! When fee"u0sgytho matter "nd
? PPed and fell. He did not real-. w"'dnot discuss tho maueranu
"tow badly ho was hurt and went said, that he had "M tne nou
a the jun and was barely able on , W"TrenninEB did was not
SSM- . .7"Z I'mSSfti only1
nnt1 nff.
Clyde JciiiiIiiks Attacks Physician
' In North Ih'iid
Dr Ira H. tJartlo. of North nend,
was attacked by Clydo Jennings, a
tpamster. when ho was called at the
Former President in Speech at
Ottawa Scored Leaders of
the Free Tolls Movement
Views of Choate.
Illy Amck-UiM rrt lo Coot fwy Tlmi.l
The Panama toll hearing bofore
tho Senate cannls committee brought
out a hitherto unpublished Bpecch
by Presldont Tnft and correspon
dence of former American AmbiiBsn
dor Choato nt London durliiR tho nc
gotlntlons of tho Hny-Pnuncefoto
trenty. Taft's speech was delivered
beforo the Canndlnn Club In Ottawa
Inst Jnnunry. Scnntor Simmons
read from tho speech: "Wo shnll
doubtless have to nrbltrnto tho mat
ter unlesB Congress reverses itself.
There nre somo hot bends that talk
In nbBiirb tones nbout tho right
of tho United States to manngo her
own proporty ns sho likes, no mat
ter what Bho agrees to, but this is
nil froth."
"All I object to Ib being told
when I npprovo putting on const
wlso exemption that I fnvor breaking
tho treaty, but tho qti-stlon Is whnt
tho treaty means." Choato declared
in n letter to Henry White thnt the
treaty excludes tho possibility of
tho txemjitlon of nny kind of Amer
ican vessels.
Kinfl and Morgan Charged
With Assaulting A. B. Per-
iam at Bandon.
(Special to Tho Times.)
I1ANDON, Or., April 16. Jack
King nnd n mnn named Morgntn nro
In tho city Jail awaiting trial for
assaulting and robbing A. D. Perl
am, tho bookkeeper for tho Dandon
Wnrehouso Compnny. Hall for their
appearanco was set at $ir0, which
thoy could not furnish, so they nro
In tho Jail, awaiting tho return of
Justlco Wnde, who Is attending
court nt Coqulllo.
Hurt nt Dandon.
Geo. Goiaendorfcr, formerly of
North Iloud, hnd tho mlsfortuno to
get his hnnd cnught in tho machin
ery nt tho now box fnctory and hnd
It bndly pinched, but roports aro
thnt he la Imprbvlng ns tho days go
Move Office to immion.
The office of tho Coqulllo Itlvor
Transportation Company 1ms been
moved from Conutllo to this city.
They havo taken quarters In tho of
fice With Frank uroiiaugu ana isu
rouo Schotter Ib in charge of affairs.
Myrtle Point Men Want Grand
Jury to Free Them of
(Special to Tho Times.)
COQU1LU2, Or., April 10. Ow
Iiir to constant recurrliiR rumors
circulated nt Myrtlo Point about tho
bank robbory thoro casting suspic
ion on woll-known Myrtlo Point
men, some of them aro domnndliiR
thnt District Attorney Llljoqvlst
havo u moat thorough Investigation
of tho whole matter mado by the
grand Jury which convenes Jn Ca
qullle tho Inst of this month.
Mr. Mljeqvlat was to go to Myr
tio Point todny or tomorrow nnd
tnko the mnttor up with n number
of pnrtlos thoro nnd see how much
of nn Investigation can be made.
A few weeks ago the officials
tnought that thoy had a now clue In
tho enso which would throw some
light on tha theft of ovor $10,000
oi tlio bunk's funds, but recent In--volopmonts
havo not tended to
strengthen tho clues. Howovor, Dist
rict Attornoy MlJcqvUt has not giv
en up hope yet that boiiio of tho
cli08 will devolop somothlng.
In tho meantime, various Myrtlo
Point men whom tho various rum
ors have roflocted on fool thnt thoy
nro entitled to a most thorough In
vestigation of tho enso and thus bo
r Moved of nny possible stigma.
Stttc Tozsa, a Bellincjham
Farmer, Commits Crime
While Insane
Dr AMotlitoil rrm la Coot Hr Timet. J
nELMNGHA.M, Wash., April 10.
Stovo Torza, a Hungarian farmer, at
tacked Mrs. Joseph Drown with u
shotgun, Inflicting wounds thnt prob
nb y will bo fatal, and tl.en commit
ted siilcldo by slashing his throat.
Ho Is believed to have been Insane.
After firing tho shotgun ho pursued
tho woman, slashing her with a knlfo,
vntll the fourteen-year-old step
daughter of tho woman pushed him
ever on a hot Btove.
Wks Incoi-iwirnte. Tho Mnrshneld '
Elks Lodgo has decided to Incorpor
ate to tako over their lot at Third I
nnd Commercial and make nrrnngo-
ments for erecting n home.
Demit Kinney Tuv Penalty. At n
speclnl nicotine of tho Coos Day Port
Commission this nfternoon, it wns
agreed to remit tho penalty and In
terest on the Port part of the Kin
ney tax providing It Is paid boforo
August 1.
Alliance .Man Here. Q. H. Walk
er, assistant to President Doo of
the North Pacific Steamship Com
nanv. nrrlvod here today for a
shqrt stay. His company operates
the Alliance on hub run unu men
lease on tho warehouse hore will
soon expire .
Age Voter. John Hllor, of Catch
imr mint niroil 8G. registered with
Justice Pennock today and Is tho
oldest voter lie hub regisiereu. ;ur.
riller voted flrat for Abraham Lin
coln and Is a coal minor. He was
bom in Now Jersey.
Dredge Moo1h Many, The dredge
Seattle Is flooding a number of the
low lots near Mill Slough. Today
tho water Is over Third and Ander
son nnd the wood block paving will
hnvo to be weighted down to pro
vent some of tho blocks floating
Eagle Meeting. The first meet
ing of the Marshfleld Aerie of Eaglea
in their fine now lodgo room was
held last evening. It was decided to
have tho formal opening, to which
friends and members of the families
of the Eagles will be invited, on May
6. Last evening. Dr. Ira B. nartle.
Dr. L. II. Mott, J. W. Scott, Charles
Schmltt and M. C. Hoffman were in
itiated. A social time was enjoyed
after the Initiation,
Chinese Regular Army Finally
Overwhelms Brigands
Hope to Capture All
ll! AuKltlJ ITrti lo Coot Iltr Tlui..
PEKING, April 10. Tho regular
troops today severely dofeated
"White Wolf and his brlgnndB, bov
cral hundred of whom wero killed af
ter n Bhnrp engagement. Tno brig
ands fled northwest from Klon Chow.
Tho troops aro gradually surround
ing tho bandits and hope to exter
minate them.
Epwoith League to Have Entertain
incut In Svw Hull.
Tho following Is the program for
tho Sock Social which will bo given
In tho new M. E. Church Hall this
evening under tho auspices of tho
Epworth Leaguo:
1. Song.
2. Instrumental solo, Chopin Pre
lude In D Flat, Mrs. Perl Hlley Dal
linger. 3. Heading, Selection, Miss Eve
lyn Langworthy.
4. Vocal boIo, "When I'm nig I'll
Be a Soldior," Itev. Job, Knotts.
5. Heading, "Tho Engineer," Mllo
C. Vocal boIo, "The Cares of Yes
terday" Metcalf Anna Ituth Allen.
7. Heading, "Inmate of the Dun
geon," Miss Eva Hnnseen.
8. Vocal Solo, "Dreaming.", Mrs.
0, Heading, "Soliloquy," Leo By
erly. 10. Vocal solo, "In niossom TImo,"
Meohnn Mrs. 15. L. Robinson.
11, Instrumental solo, "Melody n
la Mozenka," Iteachollzky Mrs.
Perl Hlley nalllnger.
amono'the sick.
P. M. Mnrhoffer, who underwent
on operation fit Mercy Hospital yes
terday, b reported to be getting along
nicely. I
Mrs, W. N, Ekblad continues to
get along nicely at Mercy Hospital.
Mrs. Eugene, Crosthwalte is report
ed to bo doing nicely at Mercy Hos
pital, Along tfie Waterfront. I
The Nann Smith and Rcdondo
sailed at 5 o'clock this morning after
having been delayed by the rough
bar and rough! weather outalde.
"EBmeralihO' Senior play, Masonic
Opera 1 rouse, Friday night, April 17.
Endeavor to Carry New York
Governor's Impeachment
to U. S. Court
tllr Aiioclttftl prrtt lo Coot Ilr Tlmtt.J
ALDAN Y, N. Y., April 10. Tho
Btnto court of appeals met to henr
the argumonts on tho question of tho
legality of the Impeachment nnd re
moval from office of former Governor
brought by Sulzer In nn effort to
hnvo the United States Supromo
Court pnss on tho validity of tho im
peachment. Stilzor asked an order
compelling the Btnto comptroller to
pny him tho salary of Governor from
tho dato of his roiuoval,
Massilion Releases Vagrants
From Jail, Providing They
Go With Body '
MASSILLON, O., April 10. Head
ed by "General" and Mrs. Jacob 8.
Coxcy In nn old phnoton drnwti by n
mulo, tho second army of tho com
monwealth, nbout 200 strong, head
ed for Washington. All vagrants
wero let out of Jail on condition that
thoy would go with the army. Kov,
Horry L. WIIboii, official chaplain of
tho army offered an Invocation bo
foro the start.
Federals Lost 3500 Besides
1200 Prisoners and
Rebels Nearly 2000.
Many Federal Troops Forced
to Join Rebel Army
Full Forces Engaged.
tnr AtiorlalOil Prut lo Coot Flay Timet, J
April 1C. A Biirvoy of the battle
fluid of last week tthows tho strtigglo
for possession of thin city, which en
gaged proctlcally thefull foreow of
the robolB and federals, was tho
bloodiest of tho revolution. Tho
battle wan at Its climax Saturday,
Sunday and Monday.
On the luBt day tha rebels lone In
woundod ntono 050, In nil, 1200
rebels wero woundod sufficiently to
rcqulro hospital treatment. Tito
rebel dead may uovcr bo known
owing to the wldo area covered by
tho battle.
Tho Federal loss was nt lonst
.11)00 killed, wounded .prlnonurn and
dispersed In Individual flight,
1200 regulars wero raptured,
i.ioy wore muster d Into tho robot
rnnks wlillo tho offlcors wore held
ns prisoners.
Tho last day's fighting began with
Horrera's nnd Donnvldos' brigades
attacking from tho south, whllo
General Villa, with two brigades,
charged from tlio west, Ortugn and
uernnndoz attacked from the cat
Tho falluro of tho robol column ok-
Blgned to attack from the norm
to nrrlvo on tinio savoa tno kmi
erals from annihilation. The Fed
orals escaped by tho north and '.u'
ed cast toward Monterey.
llnivy Artillery Ffiv.
Tho robol navault was mot with a
wlthorlng artillory fire. Tho Fed
orals were all but surrouudo-1 nnd
fought dcsporutoly. They .fought
from tho covtr or irrigation uitcnon
and Iioubcb over n lino twenty nillon
In length, but gradually wore forced
toward tho center of the city. Their
retreat was almost a rout. 3QO
rebels pursued the fugitives.
Noted Woman Htilko Leader Re
IciiM'd in Colorado on Writ
of HllllCIIH Coi-piix.
Iltr AikII1 I'mi lo Coot iur TlmM.l
DENVER, April 10. "Mother"
Jones, a military prisoner In tho
Wnlsonburg Jail, wns roloasod today
on a writ of haboaH corpus Issued
by tho Colorado Supreme Court
mid returnable April 18.
Tho releuso of tho aged strlko load
er, was simultaneous with the depart
ure of tho lust of the Btnto troops
from Huerfano county, according to
nn announcement of tho Governor.
Mrs. Jones is expected to como to
Denver to confer with her lawyer.
Her lawyer rofused to Btnto. whnt
further nctlon ho would tuko In re
gnrd to tho habeas corpus proceedings.
Capt. Hardy and Wife and the
Crew of Eight Drown On
New Jersey Coast.
(Dr AfKKlil.d I'rni la Coot lit, TlaiM,)
NEW YORK, April 10. Tho Iden
tity of tho schooner which wont
nshnro In n gnlo near Long Ilranch,
N, J., Inst night wns established to
dny as tho Charles K. Duckloy, a
totnl loss. Captain JI. G. Hardy,
his wlfo and eight members of the
crew wero drowned whllo attempt
ing to launch the life boat.
(Hr AttocltUC I'rtM la Coot Dtr Tliatt J
, MONTREAL, April 10. Tho ship
wrecked crew of the schoouor 8alnt
Anno, tho French fishing bark, lost
oft tho Grand HankB, wero picked up
by tho steamor Minnesota, according
tc a wireless dispatch.
The Armstrong show troupe,
which was to have como hero
today on tho Alliance from Eu
rekn, failed to show up. Agont
McGcorge recolved n lotter from
the Alliance agont nt Eureka
saying thnt the company hnd
broken up and the mnnnger did
not want to come without a full
I company. So there will be no
I show.
Five Reported Captured With Vcfl
criil Prisoner at Han I'dro;
lr At'orlttnl I'mi lo iVhm lujr Tlm.J
TORREON, April 1C Flvo howb
pnpor men, said to bo AmorlcniiH as
signed to tho Fedornl troops, nro re
ported nmpiig tho prisoners enpturod
at San Podro. Upon r colvltig thin
Information Villa sont newspapor
men with his own forced to Investi
gate, with Instructions that tho pris
oners ho trentod with every courtcay
and sent to this city.
"Esmeralda,' Senior play, Muhonlc
Ojtcru House, Friday night, April 17.
will hold a COOKED FOOD BALK
NICHOLSON'S Furniture Storo.
Peter Menegat Wants $4000
for- Artificial Creek Over
flowing His Land.
A suit' was Instituted today by Pa
tor Menegat, against the Simpson
Lumbar Company and L, J. Simpson
for 14000 for damages which ho al
leges tho SlmpHons caused by build
ing an artificial channel from Clear
Creek to Eel Crook, musing a sand
bar nt the mouth of Eel Creek and
Ten Mllo Creek, which caused the
waters to overflow his property, at
tho mouth of Eol Creek, almost com
pletely underdntlng It nt times.
Tho wntor In Its natural courso
flowed from Edna Lake, along Clear
Creek, at Eol Lako, tho minds. Iiolm;
deposited In Eel lako, then flowed
Into Eel Creole emptying Into Ten
Mile Creek,
The Simpson company holds prop
erty along Eol Crcok und tho watom
overflowed the IuikIh of tho Simpson
company cortaln times of tho yoar.
To provont this the Simpson com
pany or h. 3. Simpson, constructed
an artificial watrwny from Clear
Crcok to Eol Creek, and drained tho
wutors from tho Simpson laudu. A
Bhort time after tho waterway was
built, Menegat noticed that tl o wa
ter was backing up on his proporty
nnd discovered It wns caused by a
Baud bar on tho Ten Mllo Crook,
which ho claims was the result of
tho artificial waterway built by Sim
pson, i
Mr. Simpson has refused to sottla
the matter and It will In nil proba
bility go to trial. Ho states thut tho
sand bar at Ten Mllo Crcok wan not
caused by the waterway which ha
built but the result of sand blowing
into Eel Creok during the last- year.
Attorney I. N, Miller represents