-.A. VOUR CREDIT IS LIKE ANYTHING ELSE-THE LESS YOU USE IT THE BETTER IT IS . .nvVKIt YRAlt DON'T SCATTER SHOT r?tiiircnt:-..tc joiil ntlrcrUshiR ' .,, cpflson opens mm mism" Xl for mo Krent Coos liny K l r .mllle Valley country limn tf" rt in tlio making. Arc you 1 lajInK ,llc f",'mtJo" for . ...1.1. t.HlitlilnH amtroa (lie newspaper tlmt reaches the Pe;J -v. plo J'ou i nt tii tniK.w..".TOiinuni tlon costs nioiijiy, Tlio Times saves money to nilvertlMJis. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Stcj; VOL XXXVII. Established 187H ns Tlio Coast Mull MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1914 EVENING EDITION. CIY PftfiPC; A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull m 228 CJ0O0 ftau viiiinfi iii WIL for PROBABLE rotifers With Congressional Leaders to be Ready for Emergency Moves TAMPICO AND VERA CRUZ LIKELY TO BE SEIZED Wilson Says He Stands for Peace, But Cannot Ignore Present Circumstances IIATTLKSIIIPS SAIL. Br AMWltlrt rrm to Coot n Tlinm.l VOHFOLK, Va., ApVll lii. i. ,. u-nrnnltit. tlio IjllttlCBlllpS Arkansas, Vermont, Now Ilnmp iBhlro ami Now Joroey nnd the dispatch boat Ynniuon sniiuu jor Mexico at full uncoil. in.Ji..oliiMiTr,toCoo.nfTimi.i wW"oNflB& slilps ot tlio At- J "I1.10 .!... - .Tii i,i. nrnu-n 1 ' . . - I toward Tan pIco to enforce Presl- dent Wilson's demand on Uucrta dent V isou s iionuuiii on mium. .... r.,.i.ii.. a,. I nt.. m thf American i... i..fnpa niui iinnroflantntlvcs were summoned to tlio Whlto Hohbo to be Wormed of nil tlio plinBcs or ,v. ininiinii. tlmt Congress mlcht he prepared for further stops. Pros-1 M.nt Wlluin Intil tlld ConKrOHBIllIlIl that ho first stood for peace, but if llnerta Ml not comply with tho demands, tlio first step to onforco them would bo the seizure or Tnm plco and Vera Cruz, for which he considers thoro is nniplo precedent. Acting '.Ounlrman Shlvoly, of tho Senato foreign rolntlons committee; Senator l.ougo, minting Hcimum-uu i nemlor Uf mo committee; sua Flood, of tho lloiiso foreign affairs committee nnd rtcprescntn- tlre Cooper, ranKliiR llopuullcnn member of 'thnt committee, hnd nn tout' conference vUU...thp Prfl dent, nt wlllcli Wilson outlined tho details of tho historic Tamplco. in cident. Tho following is tho offlclnl atnlc nent Issued ns representing t:ie tlfws of tho ifmmlniBtrntlon In con IderliiB the prsout sltuntlon. "Tim Tnmiiloo Inplitniii moat not te thought of aloVio. For some tlmo ' at. a, ,li. tin tit At r linVn.lllltnnf lt fAll lllU IU III1W fW V, ..v..v w- , iexlco has seonivtl to think liter? ipoloh'lcs sufficient whon tlio r'Khtsj of Amerlcnn cltlzejis or tho tllRnlty of tho I'ultod StatJ8 Kovornmont Is involved nnd apimrontiy mna? ni auempi ni tuiiur rpnniui)n or ci fectlvo correi'tlon of sorlous rero llctloiiB or Its civil nnd military officers. IinRiodlutdb' nftor trio In cident nt Tnmplco nn orderly from United States Bhlp ut Vera Cruz, ho had been HBhoro Tor ship mail, nd who wnB In uniform nnd had E2:L,n.l!d1,St?i i&Xi unnantiif . urno xtinnanii i.iir 11 ik' significant thnt . orderly or tho -tuviiiiji nn nun t uiiiinuiii Mv v - unit a isutes was piciceti oui irum tho various officers RolnR nsnoro from tho shljis of iho vnrlous na tions. "Tho most ftnrlmiii nf all WOS Rt snrlnnfl of all ffaa . that officials In chnrRo of tho tele- In Mexico City presum-i of the United States government to in tmonssy at .Mexico uuy. VImv of e4intin-!t. Senator I.oiIko suld ho wns In no ord with what tho President hud done. Senator ShivoJy wns eniphntlc la declnrliiK ridlciiloim nny idea that the United tSntes Is bluffing. " Thor l no first clnss power In the world," ild Shlvoly, "from which the United Stateg would hnvo withstood what It has patiently withstood from poor, ungoYcrned, divided nnd embroiled Mexico, it It like the caso of a poodlo dog Bntipplng nt patient Now r.oundland dog who must eventually ct and teach his tormontor a lessou." GET BO! WEST COAST Br AuorlitnJ rren to Com Br TimM.J WASHINGTON, D. C, April 15. "te todny Secretary Daniels ordered no cruiser 'Cleveland, now at San Francisco, to steam to Mazatlan nt once. The cruiser Chattanooga is Pected to follow In a few days. There are no development's as to army orders and it was said that troop movements were not discussed t the President's conference with congressmen. A naval demonstration on the Paci fic coast of Mexico has been ordered, The navy department so announced "hj iuuay. SHIP AT VERA CRUZ. Br Aiiocltted rrnl to Cool EJ Time. VERA CRUZ, April 15 The Ward I'ner Esperanza began today loading 'eight taken on board' by orders of ne United States. She Is to proceed to Galveston. srnpu oiuco in .Mexico uiiy JV,D"",,"'rn,i irv 4 to withhold nn official tllrtimtcli ,y' "V SON PREPARES IB WAR PACIFIC FLEEI I JOIN IN Collier Jupiter Ordered to Take Cargo of Coal to Mazatlan, Mexico, Today tllr AaiorlateJ rrrai to Com Bar Time.. VALLEJO, Cal., April 15 Orders Imvo been received for tho collier Jupiter, now at California City, to load with coal nnd proceed nt once to Mnziitlnn, Mexico. She will carry fuel for the Pacific fleet. Tlio crulBcr Pittsburg, transport uurimo, cruisers .Mnryunii, ciovo- in Mil nit il rMm tin n 1.1.11. nt..i (lm nnl. ? .'-Piter nnd Saturn were ordered tt prepare for Iniiuodlato dopnrturo. Tlio torpedo flotllln. with a tender, nt Snn Pedro, California, linn been - ', . , ordered to stninl by ready for liu- mediate departure. MAY B LOST WIL SEALING SHIP "i'r-,nepUI I mat OIIIUII VU55W UIIU PV,m MmA, pnnnrilanH Was Losf In Storm lllr AiioclalM I'rni to Ci Bar Ttmra.) ST. JOHNS, N. F., April in. Tho fenr thnt the Kite, a smnll nenlr Inu Btennior, had met dlsastor, wna" lncrenHcd uidny when tlio steamer EiirIo reported by wlrolrrs of nlpltt liiK wreckiiBO, but wns iinnblo to ulclt tin tho wrecluiKo njwln .on nc- count of tho storm. Tho 3JubIo Jin a cruw 0f glxty-llvo. HONIERS HELD BY Curry County Men WJio Shot Companions Charged With iviansjaugmer (Speclnl to Tho Vimes.) OOLD nKACM. Or., April 15.-- JudEo Coke ndjourned the April " 1,u"0 "r":.,," '... ,.., ......in. .r. orm or ". n '-" t,,'0 - - fl Ju re,)c,rtod Indictments for manslaughter n- gnliist Mr. Mryer, who Is chnrgeu with having shot n rancher of the Chctco section for a b nr, nd nlo ngnlnst Mr. Kggors, who recently killed a minor In The Sixes country for n dcor. Tho cases were taken ... ,i. -...i inrv liv nistrlct Attorney Meredith, who holds that tho killing or Humors is numouiiwh more than un accident. Judgo Coko fixed tho ball In each enso nt ?300 and it Is doubtful if oltner will be ablo to furnish It. Their trlnls wore sot for August 10, wjien tho next regulnr term of circuit court will bo hold horo. Cooley Case Cnutluiieil. The grand jury heard part of tho witnesses In tlio enso of lUlo Cooley, who wns arrested nnd brought back from Cnllfornla a row months ngo for the murder of Van Pelt hero firteen years ngo. Ste phen A. Doyle, the speclnl detective who worked up the caso against Cooley nnd J. W. Hlgglns.- the Spok- ano uanKcr, UBl.""'i, . ;,, " District Attorney Jiereunn i. could not attend this term of court. In consonuonco tho grand Jury con Inued the hearing until the August . " ...., hon tiin aamo crand jury will resume tho investigation Liquor Case. An Indictment was also brouKbt charging Tony finonlca with fur nishing llnuor to a minor. JhU r 'ir ir.t-sr ' ""el 'nt'"e't iiiix v'clntty n Cinomcu Is u ranc'n or au cl-'mcd tbn- (be llrirj- was brought hero for his personal use. Judge Coke and Reporter Loud . JAr i,mn ihis morn ntr. the siarteu ioi ""-:::,-.,,, -,,.. equity cases on tho cal jng nll been disposed or. lllU tumu""! - CARDKN TO imAZIL. nr AuocUteo Piw to Coo Bir Tloe. LONDON, April 15. The appoint mentof Sir Lionel Carden as British Minister to Brazil is officially an nounced. He will proceed direct o Ro do Janeiro from Mexico City, to where e ow oa b,i wsy' GRAND JURY MEXICAN REBELS Defeat Federals With Loss of 2800 Killed or Wounded ' Near Torreon Rebel Loss Only 650. ULTIMATUM TO 1IUKUTA. IPr AmocIIc1 I'nti lo Coot IU Tlmn.) WASHINQTON, D. C. April ! 15. Huertn will snlute tho Am ! crlcnn flng or tho Atlantic fleet I will selzo Vera Cruz nnd Tnm plco. What happens' nftorwnrds Heponils on Huertn. Thnt .is President Wilson's idotormlnn tlon nnd the leaders or Con gress with whom he conferred all agreed that there was ample precedent for such notion. nr AuocUt4 rmi to Coot liar TltoH.) JUAKI2K, April 15. T'o defeat of tho combined Feilernl forces Monday nt Sun Pedro, with Fcdcrnl Iobsch es timated ut 2800 killed nnd wounded nnd 700 prisoners, nnd' n rebel loss of G50 killed nnd wounded, it wn pointed out, wns rcnlly tlio culmina tion of tho bnttlo of Torreon which begnn March 21. "Tho officials gave the dlspntch in to tho bnndB of tho Chnrgo d'Affalrcs THE KINNEY TERMS ABE FAVORED North Bend City Council Will ing to Accept Back Taxes Without Penalty 12. L. Uryson, attorney for Recolvor Virgil 15. Walters 0f tho Kinney prop erties, nppcared before the North llcnil city council at a meeting Inst evening nnd submitted a proposition from tho receiver nnd creditors or tho Kinney properties, oforlng n, cash settlement of tho tnxes which aro now sonio four years delinquent, If the pennlty nnd Interest were drop ped. The proposition was accepted by the council and will bo put before tho county court when it moots on April 20. The, tnxes Involve abont '$30,000 nnd the ponnlty nnd intorest would mnko the amount total close to $00,000. AMnrney Uryson oiitllnod tho mat ter briefly, stntlng tho history of tlio Kinney entanglement nnd the con cessions that wero being granted by nil pnrtles concerned In tho settle ment ot tho Kinney property, point ing to it oh ono or tho grentost hin drances to the development or North llend nnd Mnrshflold. Ho further titntcd that thoro wns noino rpioBtUin h to tho tltlo which the city or North Hcud hold on tho property ns being in tho city of North llend, stut Intf thnt ho thought that tho election under which tho Kinney properties wero included In North llend was ir rogular, but tho position f tho re ceivership wns to settle the mutter by compromise, stilting thnt If nll quertlonnblo matters in tho Kinney estate wero lltlgatod' it would take year to settle tho mattor. The jilan or tho receiver is to Issuo first irten cortlflcntes against tho properties for the tuxes, which will be passttd on by the county court nnd Jndgo Harris at Kugeno, and with the funds dorlved from theso notes, pay the 'tfcxes on the KInnoy proper ties. Frod Holllstor said that lio could arrango for tho disposition of the Issue nvlth fcamo outside bank and said tVnt tho disposal would not bo a hard mnttor ns tho receiver's cer tificates will have priority oyer otner 'S IS SMALL ONE Only Thirty-five Men in First Band of Unemployed to March to Washington Or AikkIiI.4 frcu lo Cooa Par TlmM.J MASSILLON, Ohio, April 15. The first organized band of "Gener al" Coxoy'a second army of tho com monwealth, marching on Washing ton, nrrlvod hero. Thero woro thirty-five men. SUI2 LOCAL COMPANIES North Bend Lumber Co. and Iroquois Conl Coiiiuiny Attuckicl. SALEM, Ore., April 13. Corpora- I till VUUilloluuui i .. quefitod that suits be brought against . i- , ...!.. nn.nn.aH.nu tvtllsh IPO lUIIUWJUb VUI JIW,two ,...,.. have not paid their annual license r.es, and which wil be sued for iuck liiense fees. Each Is subject to a penalty of $100: North Hen Luin- i.n -.. iitiv Vnrlh llpml- Irnnnfila Coal Company, Marshfleld. Times Want ads bring results. 1 WIN BIG VICTORY of the United Stntes only on his per sonal and emphatic demand, ho hnv Ing In the mu'nntlme lenmed through other channels that the dUpatch had been sent him. It Is significant thnt untoward events Btich ns these have not occurred where the representa tives of other governments are coni corned. Necessarily It mndcTtho im pression tbnt tho United States hnd been singled out for theso mnnlfestn tloiiB of ill will nnd contempt." General Vclasco, ntter his rc trcat, was much stronger nnd more dangerous than before, for nt Snn Pedro he hnd with him tho columns of Gi'iiernls Domoure, Argumwodo, Cnmpn, Huz, Jlldnlgo mid Mans, a total of 12000 or 14000. troops. While desultory fighting begnn almost ns soon ns the Federals left Torreon, General Villa gives tlio du ration of the battle proper as six days, culminating witli the flight of tho Fcdcrnls lust Mondny. The Fedornls nro reported to have retired cnstwnrd in tho direction of Bnltlllo nnd Monterey. Tho Fed ornls destroyed tho market building, hotel nnd property of tho Into Presl dent, Frnuulsco Mndcro, before re tiring. THANSPOKT SAIUS TODAY. NI3W OKLIJANS, April 15. The transport Huncock, with 050 mnrlnes aboard, sailed from here to Join tho bnttlcshlp fleet thnt will concentrate nenr Tnmplco. clniins against tho Kinney 'iroportios. Mayor Simpson, said ho thought the council should grant the request ot tho receiver and help straighten ti u matter out. Councilman Falkonstoln said that he favored tho reduction In tho disposal of tho pennlty nnd Intorest. Tho motion wns nnsned by tho council, with the exception of Hollister, wl.o did not vote. Inipiiivo Hutlierllii JL I'orklns appeared boforo tho council uud akc( that lie ha allow ed' to do his own grading on Butl erlln St. Ho wns Informed after much discussion thnt tho city would not prevent him from making bis own improvements, but would not author ize him to do so, ns ho would ho lay ing tho city llnblo if nny dnmnges resulted from his Improvements. , Bridges mill Wlinivm The ilty whnrf ut North Bond was also ordered repaired hi nlnces, uud Mnyor Simpson wns nutliorlzea by tt.o council to supcrvlso nil necessary roprlrs which will not exccel $325.00. A recommendation was rend from City Knglueor Andrews In which he ndvlced thnt tho Virginia street brldgo should bo closed as It wns uu snfo, ho mo or the piling mid stringers hnvlng fallon nwny mid decayed. Tho brldgo was ordered closed by tho Council. CJnlni for Dummies, Claiming thnt the city or North Bend wns rcpmiBlblo tor tho loss or his horso, 12. L. Grubsor flloil a claim for $100 with tho city through hlH at torney. A. 12. Warren, ciniming negii gcuco In allowing nn open cesspool in tho city streets. He was engaged Ip running n scraper nnd tho horso walked Into the cesspool and coulil not bo removed. Tho matter was re ferred to City Attorney Derbyshire He snld ho thought tho city wns res ponsible. Tho city recorder wns ordored to purchaso an adding macliiuo, tho price of wlilch will not oxceed $175, for use in his office. Tho safo that has been in tho city hall will bo moved to the Recorder's office also, In ordor thnt n plnco of snfo keeping may be mado for tho docket or city liens. NATION WIDE Representative Hobson Says It Would Stop "Debauching Youth" o.f Country (tlr AmocIiI-J rmi to Cooi nir Tlmrs.) WASHINGTON, D. C April 15. Nntlon-wldo prohlbiton was urged bo fore the House Judiciary Couvmltteo Representative Hobson providing for n constitutional amendment. Hobson said that Congress can gtvo the peo ple or the various states the right to pass on the matter. Ho said the amendment would prevent tho "de bauching of youth." SERVICES AT AUfiUSTA. Georgian Honor Victim of Titanic DirtiiMcr Today. Or AmocIii.4 fmt to Cooa Cr Tlmel.J AUGUSTA, Ga April 15. Simple but Impressive exercises attonded the dedication of tho Butt Memorial Bridge, erected as a trlbue to tho late Archibald Wlllingham Butt, aide to former Presidents Roosevelt and Taft, who per.Bhed on the Titanic. Taft participated In the service. I I C V REARING ON BEFORE SENATE REBELS AGREE TO Secretary of State Says Gen eral Carranza Will Con sider Complaints (Hr Morratfl rmi to Cool Utt TlmM.l WASHINGTON, I). C, April 15. Secretary Bryan nniiounced thnt ho ad received nssuranccB from General Curranzn thnt representations on bo half of foreigners In Mexico on tho request of representatives of foreign governments accredited to tho Unit ed Stntca would bo given nttcntlou. "It Is anticipated thnt no further question will bo raised In this con ncctlon," said Bryan. foorIlled in Two Others Seriously Hurt at Georgetown, Texas, When Train Hits Car (nr AiiocUt! PrM to Cool IUr Tlm-o.l GEORGETOWN. Tox., April 15. lour men wero killed mid two ser iously Injured when n passenger train crashed Into tho nuto in which they wero driving. J. Parker Whitney, of San Francisco, Pleads Guilty Is Fined $2500 (tlr Aiioelitnl -I'fru to Cooi liar Tlm-a, SAN FRANCISCO, April 15.-J. Parker Whitney, millionaire club- mnn, pleaded guilty to tho chnrgo or white slavery brought ngnlnst him by Genevieve llniiunn nnd was fined $2500 In thu United States District Court. STALK STAYS SLAYER Awakens to Find Insane Man With Bloody Axe Standing Over Latter Escapes' (nr Auorlitail Prcaa to Cool Par Tlinaa.) HUNTINGTON, N. Y April 15. Miss Mary Samiuls awoke this morn ing to find a mnn with n bloody nxo standing by hop bod. Sho recognized Frank Fowlor, a young fnrm Jinml. "I Just killed your brother," lie snid, "nnd now I nm going to kill you." "I have nlwnys been kind to you, Frank," pleaded tho woman, "nnd you hnvo no reason for harming us," "That's right," answered Fowlor, and ho walked out ot tho house, leav ing the axo. Tho woman wont up stairs nnd round lior brother's body. Tho police aro now seeking Fowlor, who is believed to bo Insano. HONOR V. T. STEAD. J Br AmvlileJ 1'rrn lo Cool Dir TlmM.J THE HAGUE, April 15. Solomn ceremonies marked the unveiling in the Palaco of Peace of tho bust of the late William T. Stead, English writer, a victim of the Titanic dls astor. A distinguished audlonco rep resenting many countries was pres ent at the ceremonies. TWO BAILORS TAKEN. Mexican Offlccrx Ai-ii-MinI lllucjuck ets Orf Siiutll Boat.. (Or Aaaooltta4 1'lei. to Cooa Oar Tlraea. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 15. A new fact brought out at the Whlto House conference was that the two American bluejackets arrested at Tamplco actually were taken from the Dolphin's boat, N S MILLIONAIRE WHITE SLAVER WM L TOLL BILL Former Secretary Strauss Ap pears Before Committee About Exemptions SAYS ROOSEVELT IS FOR ARBITRATING IT Savs That Exemption Would Not Benefit Consumers About Exemption Br AliocllIM rmi to Con Ttj TlmM.l WASHINGTON. D. C April 15. Tho repeal of the Piinnina Cnnnl tolls exemption wns supported boforo tho Sennto Cnnnls committee by fornior Secretary or Commerce nnd Labor Os car S. StraiisB. lie dlBcussod tho treaty tdtiintlou, adding thnt n strong nation could nfford to correct mis takes. Former President Roosevelt, Mr. StrniiB snld, believed thnt the exoinp-' tlon of coastwlsa shipping did not vlolnto tho tronty obligations, (but thought tho question should bu sub mitted to nrbitrntlon. StrniiB con tended thnt the exemption would not profit the consumers. VAIL'S PLACE Western Union Directors Elect New President of Com pany Today n Auorlattv! fmi to Cooa liar Tlm I NEW YORK, April 16. The direc tors of tho Western Union oluctotl Nowcomb Carlton president In placo of Theodore N. Vail. CHECK RAISEB AT James Osborne, Aged 17, Makes $3 Read $30 And Is Caught (Special to Tho Times.) COQUILLE. Or., April 15. Jns. Osbonio. aged 17, bus boon bound over to tho grnnd Jury by Justice Stnnloy on tho chnrg or raising n $:i chock to $30. Tho choejc was Issued by A. J. Rudbnugh. Ob boru says ho will bo elghtcon noxt week or othorwlBo his enso would hnvo to be hand! d in Juvenllo Court. Ho got about $20 worth of goods nnd $10 cash when ho enshod tho chock. Shooting nt McKlnlcy Mnrk Brown, n young son or Al vln Brown, at McKinloy, wns badly wounded by Gordon Shoppard whllo hunting. They went out togother, becamo si-pnrated nnd Inter Shop ard saw something move nnd thought It wns n door. Ho flrod mid tho bullet wont through Brown's arm. it In only n flesh wound. TULSA SCENE OF STATE .MILITIA F1HI2 OVER ItAO- 1NO HORSES TO STOP RACK TRACK GAMBLING THREAT- EN TO KILL HORSES. (Hr Auoclatfcl I'm, to Cooa t)ij Tirol. TULSA. Okla.. Anrll IB. Tin. state militia, acting under order! from Governor Grace, to nrevenl gambling at tho TulBa raco track. ' fired a volloy ovor tho heads of tho riders as they camo down tho ntrotch In tho first raco. No ono was In jured, but the raco was broken up, Adjutant General Canton stated that If another race Is attempted, ho would ordor tho soldiers to kilt tho norses on the tracks. MILLIONAIRE IS BETTER. Vincent AMor Recovering fn,,,, s, vero Attack of Pneumonia. Br Aaaoclatad rrta to Coot Bar Tlmt. NEW YORK, April 15. Vincent threatened with pneumonia, luul a restful night and was much improved today ,hls physicians announced, He Is at the country homo of his fiancee, Miss Helen Dlnsmoro Huntington. R N COUILIE Willi