E -f i i t t a i I B , H y V n I 3 ti ti h fit ni tl. f m TI ,V i " M A. TA 1 r Tliot PQUB - '(tn - rK - mLm''m"ttummmmmmaiiit7i!',1f 0 Y T E OR C (Continued fro fa t'ngo Ttiret.) r Uert Seal, Berry Plants . . . C.7C Coqulllo Herald, Reports ... 20.00 Corn Uellonl, Ducks 1.C0 Lyons & Jones, Mil so 5.4 D II. N. Lorcnz, Mdso 12.05 (Jcorgo Uallonl, GiiboIIiio on glnu and washer CO. 00 W. C. Laird, Mdso 2.40 cottulllo Laundry & Iro Co., r.o ...................... u v II. S. Knowlton, Drugs 21.05 A. N. Amos, Smithing 3.50 Coqulllo Hardware Co 1.00 .Dr. Walter Culln 14.00 Holmes Grocory Co., Grocer ies (or Kuljo family 10.00 Mercy Hospital, care of Man nurlng, claim $G3.G0 reduc ed to 01.50 Geo. H. Morgan, wood for family In quarantine 3.25 O. A. Trowbridge, supplies for McGuIro family 25.40 liarshflold Taxi Co., taxi hlro In re. Kaston r.00 City Grocery Co.. Groceries for Mrs. Wakefield 10.00 City Grocory Co., Grocorlcs for Mrs. Molly Larson .... 14.00 City Grocery Co., Groceries for I). Walker 20.90 Dr. Waltor Culln, Exam, ln- sano, McCllntock, Thomas tuid Llttlo 15.00 James Richmond, Exam, of Kiibb, Insano C.00 County Court. 'John F. Hall, Salary as Co. Judgo, March $83.33 G. J. Armstrong, Commis sioner, 5 days March 25.00 W. T. Doment, Commissioner, 3 dnys In April W. T. Domont, Mlloago, 18 miles nt 10 cents G. J. Armstrong, Commis sioner, 3 dnys in April ... 1C.00 1.80 1G.00 G. J. Armstrong, Mileage, 52 miles at 10 cents ...... 5.20 Win. Weekly, Team hlro for County Court In Feb. . . . 3.25 Itenhett & Goodman, Llvary Hlro for County Court . . . 2.50 T. A. Walker, Auto Hlro for County Court 8.00 In Ho Taxation. Knut Nelson, Hefund Special Itoad Tax, II. I). No. (J.... $11.82 C. D. and Mabel Price, He fund Special 1913 Itoad Tax, II. I). No. 0 10.91 Frank Ilowron, Refund Special 1912 Road Tax, R. D. No. 8 14.79 Wm. J. Mcl'hee, Rotund Spec ial lum itoad Tax, it. I). No. 8 J. M. Thomas, Refund Special 1912 Road Tax, II. D. No. 8 T. S. Small. Refund Special 1912 Road Tax, II. D. No. 8 W. F. Mclleo, Rofund Special 1912 Road Tax, It. I). No. 18 C. I). Price. Refund Special 1912 Rood Tax, R. I). No. 18 A. A. linker. Refund Special 1912 Road Tnx, It. I). No. 18 K. G, Allen, Refund Speclnl 1912 Road Tnx, R. I). No. C. J. Mr Hell. Refund Special 1912 Road Tnx, R. I). No. 18 T. J. Mclleo, Refund Special 1912 Road Tnx, R. I). No. 18 Florence Warner, Refund Speclnl 1912 Road Tax, R. D. No. 18 Emily O. McFarllu. Refund Spoclnl 1912 Road Tux, R. I). No. 8 Wm. Wllklns, Rotund Special 1912 Road Tax, R. 1). No. .N. A. Kendall, Refund Er roneous Assessments In R. 4.85 2.00 1.50 .94 7.3 C 3.45 IG.G0 1.42 3.G4 I8.G8 13.75 18.80 I). No. 19 3.35 Roads, Ili-ldgcs and (encrul, Coqulllo Vnlloy Sentinel, Ferric. t No- tlco to Contractors $ Coos Ray Homo Telephone Co. Service for Rock Quarry.. J. Hay, Coul for Rock Crush er The Record Pub. Co. 2 notic es for contrnctoiu Standard Oil Co., Oil for Road Roller 5.10 2.25 20.05 5.32 3.G0 O, Mehl Heirs, Damages on Rond, No. 007 5G5.00 A, J. Sherwood, Damages on Road, No. C07 , .225.00 County Howl Master. Chas. 'Mahoney. Rodman, on North nond-Emptro road..?lC.25 Cuts, Undorsood, Axman, on North Rend'EmpIro Road. 16.25 Melvin J. Kern, Levelman, on North Ilend-Eiuplro Rd 33.00 P. M. Hall-Lowls, Salary us Road Master 1 50.00 Perry E. Iawronro. Helper... 7.50 i..yrtlo Lund, Typewriting, etc 3.05 P. M. Hnll-Luwls, expenses and supplies, 33.47 Molrln J. Kern, traveling ex penses, North Rend Em pire mod T, A. Walker, Auto Hire... Coos Ray Home Telephone Co, Rental, etc , 1.70 12.00 G.90 County Hunvjor, A. N. Gould, Surveyor. . ..$70.50 M. Custer, Levelman 72,15 E. W. Edwards, Chnlnman .. 41.15 Lloyd Spires, Rodman 22.05 Geo. Mullen, Axman 10.00 Harry Mullen, Flagman .... 15.00 Oscar Fen is, Axiuuu r.50 A. N. Gould, OfflcoWk. ... 47.60 M. L. Custer, Offlco Wk 45.00 "W. S. Hodge, Trnnsltninn . . 79.15 H. K. Hodge, Chalntnan ... 51.15 R. L. Weekly, Vlower 54.70 W. A. Urlght, Axman .... 17. B0 Claud Mullen, Axman 7.50 SylveUer Rrlght, Flagman.,. 2.50 Columbus Hagn, Axman.,,. 2,50 W. S. Hodgo. Office Wk. ... 15.00 If, L. Weekly, Vlower 4.00 Ferries, Ktc. Kant Martdifleld Ferry. Alex Hal), Captain f 75,00 George Rhode, Deckhand ,,, 45,00 tm'eaii mv timm, mabW8uj, mm, u... .,.,,,, - I vrt' - r't J, !, KOQIltz, koyhiultl .m.I 3.10 Stantlnr'd Oil Co., DlflW, 20.01 Charles' E, HunsAkdr, EngU tiebf i it.ii...... 75,flt) C.75 V75 Pioneer Hardware Co., Oil can, etc ....,... Smith & WadcTGo. work . . . Neison iron wonts, uiacjw smith I 1.75 F. A. Jamesoili ftlvorton'fer ryman for March ........ 25.00 J. N. McNalr, Coqulllo City Ferryman for March 70.00 U. .1. Elwoodf assisting Co- , qulllo City Ferrymrin ... 15.00 Coqulllo Hardware Co. Hard war for Coqulllo City Fer ry 4.14 Carl Herman, Skiff for Co qulllo Ferry 25.00 Coqulllo Mill and Morcanttlo Co., Lumbor for Coqulllo Forry 1.00 Pioneer Hnrdwnrd Co., Wire Rope for South Slough Urldgo 3.G0 Wymnn Albee, ..South Slough Bridge TondoF, 50.26 District Itoad FiiiuIm. Bnndon Hnrdwaro Co.' Hdw. It. D. No. 19 1 1.95 Ilnndon Hnrdwaro Co. Hdw R. D. No. 20 5G.50 A. J. Radabaugh, Lumber R, D. No. 27 ' 2.30 C. A. Smith Lbr. & Mfg. Co., Lumber for R. D. Nol 6 ..131.G4 Hen Wright, Labor nnd. Mat erial. R. D. No. 5 9.40 I). L. Rood, Lumbor, R. D. No. 6 30.25 Marshflold Hdwt .Co., Supplies R. D. No. 6 ............. B. L. Hopson, Axlo Greaso R. D. No. 5. v.oob Hay Paving & Construc tion Co., Rent of wngoiiB. . Coos Bay Planing Mill, Labor on Saws. II, D. Noy 5 . . . 3.30 1.50 3.25 2.75 F. P. Norton, Lumbor,. It. D. No. 5 133. G5 City of Marshflold, Rent of Steam Roller 7.50 Norton & Johnson, TooIb, etc. R. D. No. 6 C. A. Smith Lbr. & Mfg. Co. Lumbor, R. D. No. 10 .... Master Bros., Freight; R. D. No. 10 I'loncer Hdw. Co., Tools, etc. It. D. No. 10 W. II. Cavnnnugh; Lnbor on Hrldgo, It. D. No. 10 ,. V. Holvorstott, Powder, R. D. No. 11. ......... Coqulllo Hardware Co., Hdw. nnd Fubo, R. D. No. 12 ... Edwin P. 8. Abornothy, Lum ber, R. D. No. 12 4.45 1.74 7.16 5.70 7.00 7.00 5.20 2.70 iuinnor Hnrdwaro Co., Hard ware It. D. No. 14 54.92 O. B. It. & E. R R. & Nav. Co., Freight onnOrader, R. D. No. 1 G .;.'. . Coqulllo Hnrdwaro Co., Pick Handles, It. D. No, 10 .... Muling, Lundy & Sons, Sup plies, R. D. No. 17 .... E. A. Phllpott, 11 sign bonrds R. D. No. 19 A. J. Counts, work in Dec. R. G.00 1.36 .95 G.G0 28.00 8.G4 D. No. 19 Coqulllo Hardware Co., Sup plies, R. D. No. 21 K I mo & Van Pegert, Bolts, etc.. II. D. No. 22 10.15 Con. Mill & More. Co, Lum- bor, R. D. No. 22 Ruling, Lundy & Sons, Sup plies, It. D. No. 23 3ugar Lonf Lumbor Co., Lum ber, R. D. No.t23 It. R. Davis, Att. County, R. D. No. 24 C. J. Hnagonson, Plank, R. D. No. 24 7.20 2.60 27.57 10.00 S.25 Coos Bay Powder Co., Powder otr. It. D. No. 25 24.49 .ailing, Lundy & Soiib, Sup plies, R. D. No. 25 Hilling, Lundy & Sons, Sup piles, 11. D. No. 27 i .tiling, Lundy & Sons, Sup plies, R. I). No. 28 O. F. W. Blunionrother, Pil ing, It. I). No. 29 3.G5 e.15 9.25 f.50 20.90 Itazor & Soiib, Supplies, R. P NO. O MM lM M G. A. Perkins, AmtV duo on Contract, It. . No. 3 ...405.00 G. A. Perkins, PlllHg for South Slough Bridge, R. D. No. 3 , 1G2.00 Road DlNtrlrtuKn. il H. 11. Fulton, clearing $ 5.00 II. 11. Strickland, clearing. . . . 5.00 W. J. Colo, elenrlng 7.50 Howl District No. it O. A. PerkliiB, ropnW 75.00 A. Jenkins, repair 30.00 W. Weatherlll, repair 10.00 C. It. Perkins, repair 3.25 O co run Evorott. repair 3.00 John Conklln, repair 12.50 G. A. Perkins, Supvr, 31.25 Howl District Xo. I. J. G. WHoy, labor. t" 12.90 A. H. Brnckott. labor. , 5 L'.. S. Nay, labor, . . , 5.00 J. H, Groves, Notary Fees, ... .25 A. Witt, labor 2.50 Rimd District No. ft. (January) F. P. Norton, Team, $150.00 H. H. Cox, grading, etc 106.90 L. T. Edlngton, labor 71.50 Ole Poderbon. labor 55.00 John Osborn, labor 5.00 F. P. Noiton, Supvr. C5.00 ( February) F. P. Norton, team 141.00 II. B. Cox, grading, etc 100.35 L. T. Edlugtou, lnbor 61.90 Ole Pcderson, labor 60,00 Sam Centers, labor 10.00 F. P. Norton, Supvr 60.00 (March) F. P. Norton, team.. 153.00 M. C. Hoffman, grading, etc.. 132.90 L. T. Edlngtou, labor 70.15 Ole Pederson, labor 60.00 II. B. Cox, labor 5.50 F. P. Norton, Supvr 65.00 Road District No. . W. II. Stiill, repair $57.50 N. E. Daggett, labor 18.00 Rimd District No. 7 S. n.'cutllp. repairs $26.00 Lorenza Cutllp, Repairs ... 18.75 Guy Cutllp, labor 1CJG Road District Xo. 10. W. It Spade, labor 50.00 James Stock, lnbor 17.50 John Hayden, labor 5.00 J Mills labor 27.50 Frank Norris. labor 11 SS Road District Xo. 11. January H. V. Holverstott, Labor. .. .$26,25 R. J. Halversott, Labor ... 13.75 C. A. Holvorstott. Labor 11 21 03. Holversott (Labor 11.25 A. E, Uottys, Labor. ,. 5.00 C, N. Wluant, Labor 90 (FOhWIiU'J1) iaai tli J. HolVflrsdtt, Labor, mm. 18,?6 C. A, Holversott, Labor. . . . . . 12. DO E. Holversott, Labor........ 10.00 A. E. Bettys, Labor 2.00 J. A. Deadmond, Labor 3.12 E. C. Crump, Labor 2.50 Fred Johnson, Labor 3.12 II. V. Holverstott, Labor.... 5.00 D. F. Fllnn, Lnbor 3.75 (.March) II. V. Holverstott, Repair. . . . 18.75 It. J. Holverstott, Ropalr 17.50 C. A. Holvorstott, Repair. . . . 10.00 Rond District Xo. 12 E. N. Harry, Foreman $15.00 R. E. Alford, Labor 27.60 W. W. Smith, Labor 10.00 Thomas Krowson, Lnbor 1.25 J. L. Harry, Labor 1.25 F. A. Baker, Labor 20. 26 Rond District Xo. M. E. W. Fahy, Supvr $52.50 C. G. Fahy, Labor 30.00 J. A. Hainblock, Lnbor 5.00 Henry Koos, Labor 12.50 Rond District Xo. 1(1. C. 13. Brlggs, Dep. Supvr $40.00 C. D. Hudson, Labor 25.00 Harry Tozlor, Labor 42.50 John McCoy, Lnbor 30.26 E. Davenport, Labor 2.50 Harry Tozlor Lovollnc 5.00 W. O. Rodgers, Ditching.... 2.50 2.60 5.00 8.75 C. D. Hudson, Ditching Chns. Strang, Leveling B. F. Davonport, Leveling. . . . Chns. 8trnng, putting up gra ders 1.26 Itoad District Xo. 17 Gcorgo Mullen, Supvr $15.00 W. J. Button, ropnlrs 2.50 Harry Mullen, repnlr 5.00 Harry Mullen ropnlr 5.00 Road District Xo. 18 B. E. Weekly, Supvr 27.60 J. B. Bollou, labor 1 1.26 B. M. Hardmnn, lnbor 2.50 E. Hardmnn, labor 2.50 J. L. Apploton, labor 5.00 R. Radckor, labor 7.50 A. A. Baker, labor 7.50 Floyd Bollou, labor G.25 Don Nelson, Labor 1.25 Geo, DrowiiHon, lnbor 5.00 C. McBco, labor 17.60 Road District Xo. II). ( January) Al Adams, labor $ 5.00 G. B. Cox, labor 11.25 A. J. Counts, Btipvr 81.00 W. M. Kay, lnbor 25.00 W. II. Taylor, lnbor 10.00 A. B. Rocbo labor 5.00 (February) Al. Adams, labor 12.60 Joo Miller, labor 12.60 G. B. Cox, labor 10.00 A. J. Counts, Supvr 72.00 Wm. Kay, lnbor 27.50 W. II. Taylor, lnbor 7.50 (.March) Al. Adams, labor 45.00 Ed. Wannamnnghor, labor. .. .42.50 Alfred Morras, work with Cat erpillar 54.00 E. II. Taylor, labor 10.00 A. J. Counts, Supvr 78.00 Itoad District Xo. 110 R. Danlolson, Supvr 15.00 Ralph Lcnave, labor 17.60 Pressoy Swindle, labor 1Q.00 Oscar Fnrrls, labor 10,00 Joo Haga, labor 10.00 Road District Xo. 21. L. A. Hufford, labor $ 5,00 G. H. Sell, labor 7.50 It. E. Richardson, labor 5.00 W. W. Knight, lnbor 13.26 W. W. Knight. Supvr 33.00 Rond District Xo. 22 M. T. Clinton, labor $13.75 M. T. Clinton, labor G.25 J. A. Yates, labor 1.25 Clarenco Wlllnms, labor 3.75 Road District Xo. 1M. Hcrmnu Joseph, shovollng. . .$ 7.50 B. A. Warnor, shovollng.... 7.50 Tom Wolkor shoveling 12.60 Loyd Bnrklow, shoveling 10.00 E. Ramsey, shoveling 7.60 W. E. Cammnck, shovollng... 10.00 l.onnder Bnrklow shovollng.. 10.00 Joo Mcculloch, shoveling 15.00 Henry Strong, Hauling 42.50 Henry Strong, trip to court. . . 6.00 L. F. Strong, labor 7.60 Road District Xo. 2-1 It. R. Davis, labor $49.50 R. R. Davis, labor G.25 Homer Davis, labor 23.76 W. C. Foster labor. 16.50 J. F. Alumbaugh, lnbor 11.35 15.00 10.00 Roatl District Xo. 2.1. A. M. Snyder, labor C. W. Cross, labor Isanc Bnrklow. labor 18.75 Lloyd Bnrklow, labor 8.44 Leandor Bnrklow. labor 8.4 4 John Stone, labor 2.50 Louis Root, labor 2. GO S. A. Wafford, labor 1.87 Road District Xo. 27 Roy Eachus, labor. $15.G0 George Bird, labor 2.50 Alec Foote, labor.' 1.25 W. E. Footo, labor 1.25 A. J. Radabaugh, labor..,. 15.30 A. J, Radabaugh, labor 22.00 Enunett Smith, lnbor 1G.25 llottil District Xo. 20 R. A. Nobs, repair $ 4.00 Carl W. Johnson, ropalr 2.001 v. u. Johnson, repair 5.00 Victor Llndestrom. ronalr 2.on Carl W. Johnson, repair 3.00 C. C. Johnson, repair , . 1 0.75 Road District Xo. :io. Mason Wilcox, ropalr 4.3S Leo Mast, repair 4.0G Leo Mast repair 3,75 Wm. Culbert8on ropnlr 8.13 Wm. Culbort8on, repair 5.00 Frank Snow, ropalr 7.50 Sam Srout, Supvr 37.50 Sam Stout, repnlr 7,50 Rond District Xo. !1J. Frank Reld lnbor 12,50 Peto Chandler, ropalr 2.50 C. Waters, labor 22.50 Vivian Sanford, repair 1.26 In Re Rills Continued or Xot Allowed. Bill of G. W. Johnson & Co. fnr $3.75. not allowed', claim of Mrs. L. A, Michael for rebate on erroneous assessment, of $6.00, not allowed, Wm. Weekley, bill for $9.00 livery hjro for Road Master, not allowed, C. R. Wnde, bill for $15.00 continued. State of Oregon County of Coos, bs. I, Jamea Watson, County Clerk of Coos County, State of Oregon, ox offlclo Clerk of the County Court for said County and State, custodian of the records, archives and files of said County, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct state ment of tho amount of bills allowed continued or not allowed, on the va rious funds 9f the. county as audited monsav, April 1 wMVMim imtioh. iHuiiwiw " 'gigBjggggggg PROFESSIONAL blRECTOKY 4iAASJUAJJ.' AAAAAXAAAAO MILDRED ROGERS NELSON. Teacher of Plnno Pupil of Hugo Mnnsfoldt nt 8aa Francisco, Cal. Five years' teaching experience In Hnn Francisco Phono 3151 or 3107. w;t' TOMPKINS, I). S. T. (Weltmer Methods.) known diseaso troatod Every tviMinnf iirucH or Burgory. 1100m , 13G North Broadway. , ii...,.n ".in-T,. Mnrshfleld, Or. r EO. O. MURPHY, J Export Piano, Player and Organ rr.ininir. rtnculntlni; and Repair- inp. Rob. 842 80. Broadway. n.,iora v )in Inft nt tllO Wlloj n Allon Muslo Storo, Central avenuo. TOEL OSTLIND. J Plnno Tuner nnd Hopnlrcr US 8. Sixth street. .IMiono 108.L Leave orders ut V. K. Hnhies Musli Company. JM. WRIGHT Phono M8-R lJUILDrXG CONTRACTOR Estimates furnished on roquost. C. O. GOSNKV Phono mm Builder Contractor nnd Estimates Furnished on Request MV PAST WORK IS , n MV REFERENCE Flrnt nnd Alder StH. Mnrshfleld. DR. II. M. SHAW Eye, Ear, Noso nnd Throat l)U. MATTIE II. SHAW Diseases of women nnd children.' Jfflco phone 330. Rooms 200, 201 202, Irving Block. IIouso phono, 105-J. D II. A. J. HENDRY DENTIST Marshflold, Orogon. Hoomn 204-206, Coko Building, tcsldonce phone ,252-X. )fUco phono 112-J. MRS. FARRINGER, Teacher of Piano. Rosldence Studio; No. 1090, Corner Commercial and Elovonth BU Phono 1180-J. BENJAMIN OSTLIND, Consulting Engineer m4 Architect. Offices. 20(1 Irving Block. Phono 10:Mj or 207-J. Mnrshfleld, Oregon PERL RILEV UALLIXGER, Pianist nnd Teacher. Residence Studio, 217 No. Third Phono 3G8-L. St. W. G. CHANDLER. ARCHITECT. Hoomi 801 and 80)1, Coko Rb111, Mnrshfleld, Orego. WM. 8. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshtlcld, Orecoa. Commutation Tickets $2.00 20 Marshficld-Xorth Rend Auto Line, Cars oery ten minutes from (I a. ui. to ISloO p. in, GORST & KIXO, Props, T. J. SCA1FE g A. II. HODOINB Marshfield "LSffiTI UlAAJIWIIUU IU. Estimates Furnished. Phone aOO-J. Mnrshfleld, Oregon. YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS Four good cars with careful drivers. For day service, phone 144-J, Blanco Blllard Parlors. For night service. Phone 200-1, Right Cafe. D. L FOOTE. NO 8A.W EDGES on YOUR COLLARS If you have them laundered at TWIN CITY STEASI LAUNDRY Low Rates for Handling Trunks We haul trunks between an; points In Maruhfleld for the follow. Ing rates, delivery to tie made In the first stories of buildings One trunk $ JUJ Three trunks bo Twelve trunks .... , 1.50 Star Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Helsuer, Prop. Phones. 120-J: 4Q-L; 08.R. Have In The your Job Times. printing done at by the County Court for said County and State at tho regular April, 1914, Term thereof, as the same appears In Exhibits of Claims of General and Road Funds of said court now In my office and custody. WITNESS my hand and seal of the County Court affixed this 9th day of April, A. D., 1914. James Watson . . County Clerk. nrriiMii-wPirnii itmmi 1 ' 'nwiiUjjL-, Abstracts, Real Esj( Fire and Marine Insui TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT 0 DENRY 8ENG9TAOKEN, Hm(te, FARM. COAL, TIMRER AND PLATTING TAkL . GENERAL AGENTS KABiffE9 A MARSIIFIELD OFFICE, PROVP .. , COO.UILLH CITY OFFICE PRONE ' C. A. Smith Lumber & Mj RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS BASH 1 ROOFING PAPER, ETC. OUT TUB FUEL BILL IN TWO BY D8ING OUn W0 PHONB IN. i8a MtTH TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, Remino Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for re o Cleaning, repairing or new platens, work gusruutf i carbon paper dcllvorcd. Phono us your order. Thone U, J TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND SUPPLY I The First National is to create a friendly air about "Our Bank" the you feel at homo, We take a genuine Interest our customers and always stand ready to sent Don't imagine that because your account that we consider it of little valuo, We apprecia stand ready to help you to build it up, Savings Accounts opened as low as $1,00, 4 per cent interest, . SERVICE THAT SATISFIES The First National k e Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & BENNtTT OLDEST BANK IN COOS COUXTT. Established 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undh Profits, ?1I5,0W Interest Pld on Time Depot"1 Officers: J. V. Bennett, President. J. II. Flanagan, Vko-Prcsldeat. It. P. Williams, Cultr. Geo. F. Wlochrtter, CALL 46 For Prompt Auto Service T...r ....,,r railillac St J"' NKW r.nn..nrap Cadillac t service day aud nig L. M'DOXALD South poos River Boats Express leaves Marsufleld (or bead or river at 8 a, m., re turning In evening. Steamer Rainbow leaves bead of river at 7 a. m. and returning leaves MarsbOeld at 2 p. m. ROGRR8 A SM1TIT. WE 5IAKE OUR OWN Ice Cream PURE WHOLESOME Orders for parties, banquets and dinners filled promptly. If It Is BARTER'S it's all right. Sarters Front street. Phone 333-J. S50 A mr at WIHo NIK" v TOMO006 HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. bait tbs py Have your Job The Times office. printing done at feiusu -- ' 1 I H rroprM" ht. LAV Urwwl; T. nnt DM ' natrons, br Ui" . lv.. yafl, $13.00 AM, H00XS ' Can be ? hhi o.mCW" Rnl l ciri' UNIQUE FA -. nnYlM ilAI f"' . CeaJ! A. TJi!SS U' i".. nrt', Mrf, R' z?zm . nC UV .invfl? Ji L AILU .. .A 1 uit to b-rTi o5M '" loft"'