iSBiM'1" - i wfufunjfpw" ff'diMiwjuiiimiiijw 'yri$ifli V YijMluk ff-mimw -uT r s.(i SW 1 vh inpiuyun.r Trrrrr-T(TTT"' ""i "fvirj;' WMB THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 13; 1,9.14 EVENING EDITION. TWO 1 RtPBI t k I it- p i r r-v I COOS BAY TIMES, Af. O. MALONKY Editor nnd Tub. DAN M. MALOXKV News Editor Official Pnpcr of Coos County Entered nt the Postofflco nt Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the malls qb second-class mall matter. Dedlcntcd to tlio sorvlco of the people, that no good caiiBo shall lack a champion, and that evil shall not thrive unopposed. SUHSCItllTION HATES. DAILY. Ono year $C00 Per month . . . .CO WEEKLY. Ono year $1.60 When paid strictly In advance, tho Subscription price of tho Coos Bay Times Is $5.00 por year or $ for bIx mouths, i , ' Address all communications to COOS HAY DAILY TIMES Marsh field :: :: :: :: Oregon tim: newspaper hpsixess. ' N A recent editorial on tho cotin- try press, tho EnBt Oregonlan tirlnts tho following Interesting nnd truthful statement of tho news paper game as viewed from tho In uldo: "Publishing a nowsnapor Is n liiiRlnoss matter, vet It Is more than thnt. Tho nowspapor Is n public Brvnnt nnd It lias certain stnndnrdsl nnd certain duties to which It must' bo faithful If It Is a truo newspnper. A newspaper that exists solely to innko money Is n tulsernblo thing nnd deForvffl to fall. "It Is profitable and encouraging for n nowspapormnii who hns a i "Your paporR, please what alls pmilE house organ of tho Marstiall clcan and honost newHpnpor to run your knees?" Wells Ilnrdwnro Company, ncroBs other men with Ideals slml- Then grinning from ear to enr, "Zenith," which by tho way, Is Inr to hlB own, Equally Important "oji, you nro ono of those trnvollng ono 0t the really clovor nnd Inter wlth knowing how to mnkon news- ,en, . M,m-..i i-...m. r pnpor pay a profit is Knowing onougn noi io mnito money uy que tlonnblo meniiH. A iiowspnpermnu who cannot mako his business suc ceed nnd still retain his solf respect In ovory soiibo of th word Is either Incompotont or has a poor field. To tho credit of the publishing busl- iieos In eastern Oregon it may bo ru w,.u newuinn ommnuu . , th,B ovonlIgt Tho folIow. truthfe'ly Bald that the graft rs aro "Knight of tho Or p" and assigned . . ,. .. . .?. no ,. , fow. Most country editors nro hon-' Co,,trn, Cnllfornln territory liar B l nec0""mn,cd out won and their convictions nro0 ,, ., ullirornm ornior, uar tlle cnrtoon. not for sale. ry ""llnmii. nccuses himself of In- .Vo romcinbor that on?o upon n. "Nevertheless the ethlcnl side of I boring uudor the upprohoiiston thnt tlmo n man of Influeiiro In our of th publlHbliig business Is something' I'ullniau portors wore not noted for flco said: "Thnt red head of Ilelchers worth considering nt editorial nsso- their honesty, Ilnrry had beon cau- was not put tlioro for nothing." And clntlon meetings. Mnn does not llvo , tlonol In this regnrd, and bonrdod h wns right. by bread nlone nnd the glory of tho tho Dnkorsflold passengor at Merced ".Mr. W. C. Itlochers has beon newspaper business Is not In making at '11:30 ono night en route for with us for four years, and Is now dlvlilendu but In public service," nit. Ki.iors itKi.ioiox 3KBD by a I'lilladolphla nows - ih'.iit if b did not obsorvo somo sort or a sniriuiai awiiK- ..enlng or upnoavul on the par: of tho peoplo Dr. Charles W. Kllot, president emeritus oi unrvuru, iu- pllod: "A now re'lglniiB senllmont seoniB to mo to be gradually Hproadlng throughout the world, and especially nmong the young p.oplo In tho United States. "It Is n sentiment which takes mnnll account of froiiiniilcs riles, uncramontB, creeds, and dogmas, but inspires nn enthusiasm for tho ser- vlco of family, neighbor nnd society nt large. "(lulded by tho modern scientific nplrlt, this sentiment Is d-voloplug n now kind of Christianity, basod on tho ethics tnuglit by Jesus, and pnr- iicuiariy on me coinmnuu -ruou nhalt lovo thy neighbor ns thyself," nnd tho parable of the good Sam nrltan." Dr. Kllot's orthodoxy may bo quos- tloucd by sum but It will be gen crnlly conceded that service to lm- inanity Is n good variety of religion, Thoro Is splendid authority for the viow nun muse who iovo uuur iui-i low in-ll lire very muse in vniu. OL'lt PAUKXTS. W1IKX PA IS SICK. When Pa Is Hick, llo's senred to death, An' ma an' us Just hold our breath. He era wis In .bed An' uff an' grunts, And does nil kinds Of crazy stunts. Ho wants "Doe Plllom," An' mighty quick; For when pa's III, llo's mighty sick. Ho gasps mid groans, An' sort o' sighs, Ho talks ho queer, An' rolls his nycB. Mn Jumps ami runs, An' nil of us, An' all the house Is In a fuss, An'peace an' Joy Is nilkhty skeerco "Wlion pa Is slok, It's something fierce. WHKX MA IS SICK. "When ma Is slok, Sho pegs away; She's quiet, though, Not much to say, Sho goos right on A-doln things, An' somotlmes laughs, Kr evon sings., She nays she don't Feol oxtra well, Hut then it's Just A kind o' spell. Sho'll bo nil right Tomorrow, sure. A good old sleep Will be the euro. An' pa he sniffs An' makos no klok, For women folks Is always sick. An' mn 6lto Kinllos, Let's on sho's g'atl- "When ma Is slpk It nln t so bad. -Selected. TTnvn vnlir loll lllllltlllir dOUO at The Times office. .. . I AMONG THE lews Notes of Interest to the Make the Coos ' Whore do you go from here?" How tired I got of that phrase! Out of tho ypar It greets my ear . Thrco hundred nnd Blxty-flvo cays; Ab I leavo homo after a rest The conductor on the train Takes a grip of my mlleago strip And fires It at mo again. The hotl man gets sociable As 1 pay for his high-priced cheer, And drops my bill in his ynwnlng till, With n "Whero do you go rrom horo?" The harbor stands with tip In hand And as I disappear "Como In again!" ho yells and then "Say whore do you go from her7" Tho frlonds I meet upon tho Keep dinging It In my car, Their only. Bong tho whole day long Is, "Say whero do you gd from hero?" Till nt Inst I dreamed, and to mo It seemed Thnt mv tlmo hml come to die. And with" tho angels bright I took Uy flight. To tho nenrlV gates on high. st. 1'otor stood In n thoughtful mood At the foot of tho golden stair, -Hut ralsod Ills eyes as wo drow nigh I And nsKcd witn n dotiutrui air, Well, whero do you go from hero?" 4 HULTMAN AXI THK PORTER : , , Itocalllng an Incidont that occur- unKurauuiu. inu couiiurior escorien wio gouini lorruory, witn ins nomo at .Mursn Uiiltmnn to his berth and loft for field. tli rear end of the car. Harry was "Wo aro not worrying nbout that verv alert, resolvlnc that ho would neck of tho wninlw. for Mr. Illeelinra .do no Bleeping thnt evening and Uxtlngulshod his light nnd Btnrrod tho darkness. In n fow iiiomoiita wlilto flguro, apparently a ghost, but In r.nllty a portor, walked euro- ruiiy in iiiiitmuns uorin, picicoii up .his shoos a ml started for the door, !"Coino back hero, you Cliocorato , Dron," shouted Hiiltmnn In a rngo. I "O, that's nil right, boss." said the porter. "it will bo when you bring thoso hIioob bock." snld Hiiltman. ny this tlmo thf usual crowd of chronics thnt nro trying to got oven with tho world by riding In n l'ullmnii nt night, had nwakened hy Hultmnn's melodious volco and requested him to bo cnlm. "Kxcuso mo for living," snld Tlult- man, "but I want my shoes." "Wbv that fellow only wnnts to shln your shoes," said ono of the weary passengers. "Well, why didn't ho sny so?" said Iniltmnii, "From that tlmo on, whenever I drnn into n nil mnn I eo r u it to sleep," said Hultmnii, recently, "and lonvu mv destinies to tho ri'nresontn. tlvo of tho Pullman Company until morning." I WITH THE TOAST I I- AND THE TEA FATII Klt'S OTIIKIt St IT Hlead started In n wtillo ago To build a modest bungalow, Hut saw its size Increase, apaco Tlirougli the demands for closet space M'.ulo by his wife mid daughters two That bungalow mill grow anil grew. When done it wns n hideous thing, With many a leiuito, ell nnd wing. Ilg closets there, big closets hre Dig closets till the house looked quoer. "Oh, woll' Stond musod, "I'm glnd it's thus. There's closet room for nil of us. At. last thoiVJl bo somo placo for mo To keop my othor suit," said he. ne hung It proudly on tho hook, Hut daughter Carry came nnd took Tliat suit nwny, nnd wliore't Had beon Hung sixteen gamonts fmintiie; And (lertrude, when that suit sho found Within her closot, grimly frowned And passed It on to mother Stead, Who took It ami laid It on pa's bed. And As it was In the beginning, Is now nnd over Bhnll be, world with out end, In nil well-regulated families Thnt suit, with closets everywhere, Is hung on father's bod room chair. Do not bo ono of tho mnjority who expect more of a friend than they are willing to give. Full many an object soems to show The time of year, beyond a doubt; It's spring wlion railway work bo- glns And summer when Tom Hall' straw hat comes out. lvqn oxperlonco falls down when It trius to tonch a fool. Somo Coos Hay people consider beor a good spring tonlo. Others consldor It decidedly Teutonic. Have your Job printing done nt Tho Times office. TRAVELERS Angels of Commerce Bay Territory Who hiecheits is always there Wh.WCgvS .av. ov zEhSI By Courtesy of Zenith. FAME FOR It KICI I KltS - "" " "K " D "' " -......, has Inscribed tho name of their Coos Hay representative on the scroll of rnine with a clover cartoon nnd a coinpllmentnry boost. Ily courtesy of tho publisher, Tho Times Is on- ,,,. to , ,hn ..-, fn ... in cuargo oi our cjoob nay, urogon, Is thoro." II. r. Welclu of hnn Francisco, n. v representing Schilling & Co., is n new mnn on tho Coos Hay territory. .Mr. wolcli bns beon working tho city trade In Onklanu for tho satno firm for tho last four years, but this Is his first trip to Coos nay. Tho formtr representative of tho com- puny wns taken 111 nt FVoronco nnd siient some time In tho hospital In North Bund. Sol Israel, tho hat artist. Is In tho city, with a new brand for cnndl- antes, thnt nro Impervious to "hot M" fn' tort-Uerv hnn hon made lnrger since his Inst trip here nnd so has Sol he Is getting to bo as sonsltlvo about his weight as n wo- mnn nbout her nee. K. I), llnbrlclsen, n travollng snTes- man, left on tho morning trnln for Cnqullle, Myrtle Point and nnndon today. . Don Onrdlnor, reprcsentntlvo of Dunbnni. PurrlLMin & Mnvilnn nt Srn Francisco, loft on tho morning tain for con mil and Handon tedny. The Cliaiiillci- llotell P. A. Tucker, San Francisco; J, (llensou. Snn KVnnrlxm' l'rniil.- Tlimn. ns, Missoula; Chnrles F Cnssell. Port land; sol crnu, Sacrainoutn; Frank F. Holland, Portlnnd; Kd McKeuwn nnd wife, Coalodo; Hon Welch, Schil ling's Hest; I). J, Keotigh, Myrtel Point: II. A. Tvler. Pnrllnml- V n , Laytnii, Portland; F. A. Dryden, Port- lanu; k. v. woliion, Portland; K. J. Hnymon, PortUnd; .M. M. Young, Co qullle; W. II, Starky. Portland; H. J. Nlelson. Portlnml! .1. n. Pllninn nn. I ailille: h. M. Wurner nml ulfo llnv .Cltj-; C. C. Hninlln, Handon; Kdgar Iveenery, Portland; D. H. Mann. San I Francisco; Yale Qlenson, San Fran elsco, The Lloyd Hole). K. Stefflor, Handon; O. Johnson, Portland; John Sumo. Heleua, Mont.; C. W. Currnn, Florenco, Or.; W. 11. Strong, Portland; J. H. lloonoy, Tol edo; H. Woldon. Toledo; John Smith, Toledo; M. T. Hnrtholomow, Rtnplre; k. iieini, iinnuon; t Miml. Portlnnd. The lllniico Hotel. It. Whlttemore, Coaledo; W. L. Tleggle, Virginia; S. M, Bunnell, Portland; O. Ladd, Portland; Frank K. MnSOll. Poaleilo Mnrnliv Coaledo; Georgn Jaohnlng, Coaledo; J. O. Hnuser. Hr(dgo; Tory Cox, Coos Itlver; O. It. Mnln, Topeka; Chas. Clements, South! Hend, Or.; D. Mc Lellnn. Honryvllle; K. Thomas, Hen ryvllle; Dan Murphl-. Coaledo; J. Stlnipllnn, Falls City. Or. The St. l-m iviire Hotel, Davo Mains, S:i Francisco; Mrs. E. F. Kstabrook, Ssu Francisco; M, A. Dean nnd son, San Francisco; M F WK'tttherby. Lo Angeles, Clarence Lick and wife. Coqullle; J. R Hrown. Shonlalres. Mtsl Siartre J. Daly. Kmplroi Jack Harris, South coos mver; u. f i.andrltn. Coos River; M. T. nartholomew. Empire; Phillip LandrlthNCoos River; W C. Heart, Handon. wh r BtRUH till I w ISSmm AMONG THE CANDIDATES CANDIDATE FOU THK OREUOX LEGISLATURE J. TOM HAM; MfHiihvr of the liiiw Klnn of Hall & Hull nnd u IMouecr IN SOLICITINQ tlio nomlnntion ror Iteprescntntlvo on tho Demncrntlc tli-lrnt Id lm vntml fn Atnv ITi. 10M, I will say that I havo lived In Coos County, Oregon, for moro thnn forty years, havo been n life long Democrat, served ns Deputy Sheriff of Coos County, under the administration of Col. John Lane, served ns Deputy Collector of Cus toms under tlio administration of John S. Coko, Sr during his term of office, and made a good record. Investigate It. I have never souglit ' nn offlco from the voters of Coos County during my llfo prior to this. I now ask your support. I am In favor of good roads, and permanent roads and will support any mensuro that may bo Introduced for the bet terment of our present road system. I favor n law allowing tax payors to pay their taxes quarterly and If so paid no penalty. I favor equal taxation nnd reduction of taxes. I am opposed to tho creation of un necessary commissions which must bo supported nt the taxpayers' ex pense I bollevo In n complete re vision of tho present game lnws. I bollovo the snmo should bo made to conform to tho condition of tho dlfforcnt localities, ff iiomlnntcd and olectod to tho legislature I will support tho wishes of my constltu- tents nnd do my best for tho Inter est of tho state of Oregon and Coon County. t'ut nn "X" on your ticket bo tween tho number and tho nnmo J. Tom Hall at tho primaries, May in, IHH. Yours truly, J. TOM HALL. I I - XKWSPAPKIt L1FK ! IX COQUIIiLK.! Today I grind out Social notes: On Tuesday Courts Judicial Or undortnkers claim my oar To got tholr nows official. On Wednesday rend tho wookly proof Of usual country lottor, Or tho Commissioner's monthly Junk in Interest llttlo hotter. On Thursday make tho usual rounds, On Frldny court Iioubo visit; Then Saturday draw my wookly check A lively llfo! Well. Is It? Tho Reporter. U'AXDIRATE I'OIt COXflHKSS ROM THIS DISTRICT Present PmM'cutltig Attorney of Curry County 1 WIM.IS II. MKHKDITH. HON. WI1 who Is c noml fON. WILMS II. MI8UKDITH, seeking the Demourat- ilnatlon for Congress In this district, was born In Iowa City, Iowa. November UU. 187fi. Ills early youth was spent In Control Iowa. At tho ago of lfi his par ents moved to New York, and after threo years' residence there returned to Iowa.. Ills odtientlon wns re ceived In tho public schools. At 18 h.' began teaching school, nnd- stud ied law nt night and during vaca tion. He Inter entered Now York J.nw School In Now York City, whore ho spent a year. Iloturnlng to lown, ho entered th Inwn Col lego of Lnw of Dea Moines, from which Institution ho graduated, be ing admitted In May, 18118, bofore the supremo court or turn stmo, and also the United Stntes District Courts. Ho practiced law two years In Clnrk county, lown, during 'widen, tlmo he wns nominated by the Democrats of his district for stnto senator, but being too young undor tho statutes to qualify, ho resigned this nomination. He was innrrlfd In 1808 to Miss Ollle Hargrove, of Poplar llluff, Mo. I IRVING BLOCK Woiiicii'h Special Offering 10 PKIt CUNT DISCOUNT OX ALL LADIES SUITS, COATS AXI) DltKSSKS. Tlio showing Is rnmnle'o, nil the latest models and mater ials made iu exclusively for "THE PARISIAN" Wo Invito Inspection as space will not per in It discretion. ' !J) PKIt CENT DISCOUNT ON HATES, HLOUSES AND SKIRTS. All new and modern In Btylo mid tho best of material. Wo (iiinraiiteu Satisfaction 2 GraYJILatioiii Is a Wmidlerfol Law or force of the natural world. The safety and order of the universe depend upon its proper operation. It effects the nrains of sand and the mighty planet. In the universe of business there is a natural gravitating toward the busi ness that is advertised. Classified ads serve as an impelling gravitational force upon busi ness opportunities. TIMES want ads are par ticularly strong in influencing the trend of trade opportunities here. Try them! N, CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMM,SsiavKn o. ,t. skkm:v Well-Kiiown Itesldent of Coanlii. Valley Who Seeks IfcLclSfc Nomination -vwvwwv. OJ. SKKMOY, candidate for th democratic uomlnatlon f0 County Cominlulontr, I. 0 of tho pioneer residents of Com County. Ho Is woll known and popular and tiroiiilBcn in ..w . llvily campaign, MIIS. rOKKMAX HUM) Former Curry County Tcnclier Hound Over tn (iriiiicl .inr CLATSKANIB, Or., April 11.- mtb. i iorn i, I'oroman, the Socialist tcnehor of Qtilucy, who was arretted and Is under linnds dinrcoit nliki.i ,lng a riot, nt the school house, oj .tinrcu uu.wiien hiio wiui a number oi other frlonds Invaded the schoolhooie was given n hearing In Judge Danes' court nnd she wns bound over to th grnnd Jury. As tho City Hall ai InHiifrlnnh In nilinlt nil w'm mtYnA i enter, tho Socialists hired Page's Hall nnu tno nig room was crowded for mo nenring ny an exciting mroof. Havo your Job printing dote it Tlio Times ornco. ?aiii)uiL MEN'S SOFT SHIRTS Tho comfortablo glrf-and lake. Tho absonco of starch ed ploats nnd cuffs make (he Negligee Shirts n favorlt with mon who want ease an! freedom In tho summer apparel Somo Cluett Peabody Co. shown In our stock with many othor loading brands made of now mercerized cloth with cutis and now stylo separate collor. Wovon strip pntterns In Dlufe Dlnck nnd Yellow. 91.50 and $2. We- Ounninteo Satisfaction wKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm