THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 11, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX COOS BAY TIMES! M. O. MAI.OXHV IMItor mid Tub. ' DAW 13. MALQ.VKV Xpwb Kdltor Officii)! 1'npcr (if Coos County & SHHPPENG MEWS J Drop the linmmer and prab I tlio hoc. A Lincoln hair lock sold tlio other day for $G5. Dave Stafford would glvo more than that to get back his tntsalnc locks. 0 cirrcinuxa thought. It enn't rain more than three i more- Sundays In April. LEAVE TODAY 1 BREAKWATER jM nolghbor has of hens a few Natnod' "Maud," I'm Bure, for they Are all bo glad to "coino Into Tho garden" every day. Tho wlrless telegraph makes a. great saving In the matter of poles and equipment. It Is to bo hoped that just about as Coos .Day 1b to reallzo her fondest dreams some wise gink of an In ventor won't dovlBo a rnlllcss railway. , Has Large Passenger List for Portland Fair Outgoing Cargo of Freight The Droakwatcr sailed this morn ing for Portland with a capacity paBSongor list and a fair cargo of miscellaneous frolght. Among those Balling on her wero: Fred Fragon. Cecil Halo. Mlsa I Violet Colo, Miss Florenco Colo, Mrs. J. F. Colo, J. F. Cole. Lloyd 1 VESSELS F SOUTH TODAY I I STOCK IN BAD SHAPE Store Failed Because Coos Bay People Wouldn't Buy Old Goods Tlin rrnflllnrtr of tfiiT1 rinfnnct nnd IlKDOXIK) AXI AUOLTXK IX TOIS Bankrupt I. X-. t. Store nro pleased MOHXIXO FKOM SAX FKAXCIR- to navo tho assurance of tho custod CO HKDOXDO HKAT AROCrXI-I iarc nnd asslgnoo tliat tlio stock Is HAHnr MHO IX. not so bad as It might bo. They I will thus hopo to realize more on The Hodondo arrived in early this their claims. Oho of the reliable morning from San Francisco after and Prominent' .n'er'nJ8 .0' ,ell making the run from tho Golden Gate who inpcc ted tho stock ata cs, lio- S& ?.!? W ?.& , fn." oncen, rtho'SfuSs.1''' tiiit-i . riiiii ru in iMiiiinii' nil iiii: -- . .. .. ntttn tTwt nun nr tin ffnma tT Hint. I Colo, Tom Mnglsas, Nols Rogue, Bay at low water, cant, noes got ",, "tn , nfnrfr l larirn I A. I,, stovor, Ollvo Stover, Alice hnnp up on the Pony Inlet snoal' for j, ."";""". " colored VCBtB or tl,0l Stover. Mrs. A. L. Stovor. John a. fnw- hnirrir. .HnB of rnncy coiorea tcss o iuo Mlorto Mlko Eewlld, J. 13. Sewell, Cnpt. Itcos snld that the Hedondo l0r3wiMcoi In C. P. McDowell, H. Coles. W. Tur- ran circles around the Arollnu, llio "tt". mnvS ylra JIo If noT mil to vii n..f ti iin.... t l i r .-. .i i . i. -MJByiH mnnj yuurs uhv i "ui ijunu DOESN'T WANT SHANNON TYPE O'llJltClf MI'MIIKH WltlTKS A HTKOXfJ I.KTTWt ItnOAHIHXO I'HOI'OSKI) KKVIVAI.S IN THIS OITV. ftilttnr Tlmf? The attention of tho writer was "" Hoffmnn, J. It. Wood, Miss Amy i-rom, II. G. Dorondn, J. P. Klrk patrlrk, Mrs. J. P. Klrkpatrlck, II. Wallln, Sam LHJerath, 13. J. Pul lon, L. P. Chandler, 13. T. Jojinson, MIbs Hnttlo Hoyle, P. Wlrth, h. II. Dill, K. J. Ittiton, F. J. White. P. M. Drake, Mrs. John Hourcy, Paul Smith, Howard Warnos, Warren Uootli, Lloyd Schlssler, Labon Ste vens, Oscar Lund, Waldo Mills, T. Tarkolson, Chas. Hull, A. J. Gill ette, Arnold Hnll, Carl Chnppler, i mil Irvlno, 10. C. Gllko, I. McDnn lol. Frank Hagloy, II. Jary, liny Mind, Gust DomaraB, J. T. Hem edy, W. A. Aekormun, John Guston, Mrs. A. Hogors, Mrs. J. A. Good will, Honry Fletcher, L. O. Faulk- Airs. . o. FnuiKnor, Airs. RIGHT CAT! MONDAY Jf. A. WHLLS COMI'JjKTKS IHO IMPUOVKMEXT IX FIXIO MAT IXG IIOUSI3 OX NORTH FKOXT STHKKT KXOKIiIiKXT 8I3H VICK ASSUKK1). Tho Itlght Cafo, nowly arranged and fitted, will bo opened to tho public Monday noon by II. A. WoIIb, who recently purchased It. Tho In terior has been romouolled, tho en tire building renovated and c!ean- (1 .l , 11 BulH . uu unu u if"ii DO one nf .,. ' oatlng hoiiBfW to be foun,i , riat Under thoKiow Vrranllnjr W kitchen Is in TVi rear 08,eT1' tht but so arranged flint. It i fe c?f viow. Special nrr,.. " ' Plain been mntlo for the 7mJ h" H. A. Wolls Is known t"?n' etc Oregon as ono of tho bet SS0"1 ront men In the biiBlm... ?8tl gained that reputation g? hh,",D during tho sovoral years ih?'elf mlnatlon to" make" t C Cafo tho best possible, dvi Rirtt servlco. tho bent tn,J r...'nK QWck sorvod, and Incidentnlh- tn i- b." tho cleanest and most invllin. ? li possible mviung pi,,,, DO WOT CUV hard times wh.n are missing tho low prices mt1?' making on FIX)UH AxuvSnHh nffri.,ll..t l.v nn nMiiminrnmniif In ""'" ' '"T, .MTH. w. II. WICK- your paper under dato of April 9,!,l8. Kobt. I 'atr Ick, Chns. I llng nottlng forth that tho Marshflold wor h, Donald Adams, Mrs. II. A. MlulHlorbl Assodntfon had secured Joules, Ollvo Adams, Mrs. L. C. tho sorvlces of IS. J. IJulgln. a not- jmr. ; A;..1.10' !CT,N,LV,5 ?"? cd ovnngollBt on tho Dun Shannon ;vir; l ' . P. Wlllcutt, typo, to conduct a Herlcs of moot- 'raBslo Chafl81' McMillan- Martin' 'Tt w,Mhn5o,nI,f'tlmt the writer ' ?!. Oorl Lln'doli. hlll t Gust,'; John Ws not present in Marshflold dur- "''...'" "TO...1:11,, "X1! Inc tho Shannon mootings, nut tno;'," , - . - 'i " notoriety of Dnn Sluinnon was far reaching nnd' the church-going people of this rlty should unlto In a vigor ous protOHt of tho action of tho Ministerial Association, If It so bo .In Tnlt.i T nn Ci II v..., uui.t, ..V.1IU.J, u.flll, Ullllllllll, ilunndn Mingo. Tony Nick, T. Hill, J. Schrocdor, liter t Colo, Joo Mlnot tl, John Painter. Tom Papas, John iiuvur, wiiunm nrown, jj. Thorson, that tho said nulxlii 'la a .man of Tom Nick, If. Klllott, Frank Gey Shannon's tyno. it Ih a sad reflec tlim on tho ehurrhcH of Marshflold to havu to resort to such sousatlonnl inotliods to stir up tho people, RmuHhlng up pulpits and furniture gouorully nnd parading up and down tho nlslcs with arms bare to the olbnws challenging nny ninn In the nndlence to ongnge In n fistic com bat who dnrcu to differ In np:nlon xrtl .blip mny be consldorod good othlcsln the shim missions of Now York or Chicago, but most Immolat ing and vulgar to tho refined souses of tlio church-going clement of MarsMlleld. Such alniBlvo nioth odfl aa wero omploved bv Pliunnnn cannot be productive of good to oltliur tho community or tho church. Thor Is n marked distinction be twoon a noted ovnngellHt and n no torious evangelist Lot us hope that HvangellKt IJulgln will not prove ono of the Infer typo. (Signed) A Clll'ltCHGOKIt. CAPT. WEST ON TRIAL AGA U; S. Marine Corps Officer Is Granted Another Hear ing at Seattle lljr AtKwUM I'm lo ('oo IUr TlniM SHATTLU, Wash . April 11. Cap tain Kriut K. West, of the United BtnteH Mnrlue Cortm, who was tried Hovornl weeks aeo bv a court martial tilinrwd with Intoxication and cou iluct uubocomliiR nu i-rili'er. will be placed on trial aKKln .Monday, his ense "JinvliiK boon reopen d on Instructions from WaMiiht. n The verdict of tho priHU'tit court -rt'al aa not bien published. Cap'alu Wot has boon tried twice 1 fore, once for aliened Intox'i .itlon and . nf it fci nu alleged nttack on his mother-in-law. neck, Geo. Anderson. time. Ho says that tho Hedondoi eas ily made better time on the trip up than tho Arollne made on her trial voyage. Tho Arollne arrived In at 10:15 so old. Thoy aro th kind Joo Dennett woro In tlto days of his youth, but ho would scorn to wear 'em now. Tlio rest of tho stock 1b nlleged to bo In keeping with these nnclont relics of forgotten unys. with a good list and considerable Pnrt of tno Btock wn8 oriBmalIy miscellaneous freight nnd got out nt 1:15. she had a good through busi ness to Portland and n fair business out of hero. Tho racing game Is attracting many of tho masters and tho Hardy arrived in here today only nn mliour behind' tho Arollne, although both left San Francisco nt tho samo time. Cnpt. RrfckBon, who hns Ueen spending a month at his new homo In Derkoloy while doing pennnco for tho recent collision nt San Francisco, will bo bnck on t'to Rodondo tho next trl. Ti Is will mean that Captain Itcos will bo off the run nnd mnny frIendH that the Jovial master has mnde hero will regret his absence He first enmo In here on tho old Areata, Among those arriving on the Ro dondo wero: C. KBtnbrook, Ann Fish, Mrs. K. II. shipped from Montana to North Uend, and as that city would not have It the stock was shipped to Marshflold", no tho people hero did Jiot grasp tho nnclont duds of Mon tana days tho storo Just petorcd out. Tho proprietor, It Is reported, took eight trunks with him whon ho left for San Francisco. A local paper that Is frlondly to tho asslgnoo,. n fow weeks ago printed n Btntomcnt to tho effect thnt It roflised advertising rrom tho I'. X". Ei sture because It was n shoddy stock of a fly-by-nlght con cern nnd advised tho pooplo not to buy It or bo bunkoed by such cheap goods. j Tho aBslgnco could not fool tho ucoplo of Marshflold Into electing him n member of tho City Council.) It Is to uo doubted thnt ho can Harmon, Mrs. M. A. Denn, Klton fool tllcm Into buying shoddy nnd Dean, P. A. Luckow, D. H. Man, W, L. Tugglo, G. Johnson, C. W. Ctirrnu, F V. Rlcord, Holen Lyster, Miss M. F. Wentherly, M. F. Yukes, J. H. Stoldt, II llorslop, Gust Ungor, K. OIboh, Joo Johnson, Karl Carter, P. Stono, R. Lacoy, F. H. Crosby and' Harry Howard. NOW IS THETT1ME And This ThefPlace forYOUR WALUPAPER A' NORTHWESTERN RUMOR AG! LL WE can say about the beauty of our stock of WALL HANGINGS is doubly justified by the splendid assortment we are showing. An en tire new stock, It is a fact that tlio appreciation- of what a correct wall means to the furnishings of a home is at hand, There's a sense of fitness in an artistic wall that is a source of constant delight, Our aim has been to provide satisfying wall paper at no more than is paid for crude, common things, Our cus- Prices Range from 5 cents a single roll up tomors tell us we have succeeded, With our splendid stock we know we can suit even the most critical buyer, U Mieux & Miller PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 393 North Front Street. Phone 115-R. Marshfield, Orenon. IMOPOKT THAT XHW SYSTEM IS AflAI.V FIUIUIM! OX NXTKV SlOX TOWARDS COOS HAY IS AO.YI.V AFLOAT. The old rumor about tho Ph'ciao & Northwestern heading townrds Coos liny is again rlfo here. J not who hi stnrtod it Is not known, but It Ik In pretty general clruculatlon. One report had It that the coutracr for K.O miles of road out of Uitrna towards RoseburK had boon let. Anothor that the Northw ostein had oloiicd through or with the Mennuha Woodenwnro company for wnterfiout ngo ami holding on the Day. 15 W. Wright, wlm lort today rr Portland, stated tht tho general feel lug was that there would not be much doing in mllruad iltnelopniont unless tno iiillwHya werr allowed by tho Hi. tortat Commerce Coiuntlhslou to ad vance their rat as reiiutMted. Ho Htntod' that imarly all of tho lines -woro suffering from tho low- nita. lnelde'itn . he said thnt business i geuera'ij urolmbly HUfrer rs' long a Hm. Mi'rt.aJs do In tWs rs-T jioet DOING VS. THINKING It's all right to think, and think carefully, But many people take so much time to think about a tiling before they do it, that inaction becomes a habit, and nothing is ever done, Better make the mistake of making mistakes than that of never doing anything, Roal estate values have been going up year in and year out, while some people were "thinking about it," The man who gets thore is the man who gets action on himself, He thinks, but doesn't think too long, You can act quickly and with perfect safety in buy ing lots in Bay Park, The more you think about it afterwards, the better you'll be pleased to think you acted, Property gladl) shown any time you want, shop'Worn clothing shipped from Montana to Coos Dny. Tlio short and ugly word when used by people of chnractor and dignity mny have some drnmntlc offect, but whon used by n rubbpr Htnmp hurlcqurn "It Is to laugh." NORTH BEND M'WS North' Rend Is experiencing a real opldomtc of whooping cough, nearly nil tho children being affected with IL Milliliter Fuul Dlmmlck of the North Rend Lumber Company lins ro,. turned from n business trip to San Francisco. ARRANGE TO TAKE Your Easter Sunday Dinner AT THE CHANDLER MUSIC "HOTEL CHANDLER MENU TAULE. D'HOTE $1.00 ' $i.oo! Mmu -0- Califoniia "Ripe Olivos Young Kndishcs Celery Consomme Duolicssc' IMtngc of Eastern Oysters Epicurean Medallions of English Sole n'li'i Kingstone Ponnnes Moullc Rissolettes of Sweetbreads Sur Canape "Decoro" Early .Tune Peas Pineappl6 Sherbet Native Oregon Turkey "Roti" Cranberry Snucc 19M Spring Lamb Green Mint Sauce Snow "Flake Potatoes . Candied' Sweets Fruit Salad Mncedonie Tutti Frutti 3ce Cream Petit' Fours Swiss Promago Dainty Wafers Tea, Coffee or Milk 0 Eunlcr Sunday, April 127, 1914: JohnsonGalovsen Go's. Store I Points the Way to Easy Home Furnishing The right kind of a Furniture Store never meant so much to the purchaser as il does today. We base our claims to patroiage upon no grounds other than the Tight ness of our Furniture, our service and prices. We call this store "the right kind of a Furniture Store," because it meets the most critical demands with the right kind of service the same fair, just and equitable service to all. SLEEPTHE CHIEF NOURISHER OF LIFE'S FEAST. frjjjjJl A continuous post Iron Bed; Fitted with ten extra heavy filler reds and deep extension foot end. A high quality Bed for $8.50 A high quality layer Felt Mattress. An exceptionally well made mattress, with 50 pounds of layer Felt put in its construction and it will not mat or become lumpy. Sold for $10.00 and worth every dollar of the price. I. S. KAUFMAN 8c CO. 177 Front Street. An oil-tempered Spring. Here is a com fort that means perfect relaxation that makes "sleep full of rest from head to foot." Priced from $3.75 to $9.00. "Why Pay More" JohnsonGulovsen Co. ,&-'