m Kt THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSH FIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. SIX I F. JOKES IS S LEAGUE w on GflOS. BIT 1EE1G HE IS DISCUSSED GOO A 0 II mm n Candidate for Republican Gathering in Marshfield Next Nomination for Congress Pleased With Outlook' Tuesday Afternoon to Ar range for Season D. F. Jonoa. formnrlv nt tlm ir. I A nicotine of representatives of S. Land Office nt Roseburg, and tlio various towns In Coos county now it cnmllrintn for tlm Knni.iiiirn.i to dlscuns the 11)11 baseball situ- nomination for Congress In this (lis- ntlon tins boen called to bo held In trlct arrived hero Inst evening vln Drain to look after his campaign In Coos nnd Curry, Ho hns visited lioro n number of times In the pnst and Is woll nnd favorably known In this community. He plnns to spend somo tlmo in this section, but will have to trnvcJ rapidly, no ho wishes o campaign In (en other countlea prior to the- primaries May IC. "I have been In nearly all of tlio counties of the district and havo covered seven of them pretty thor Mnrshflold next Tucsdny afternoon nt 2 o'clock. Tho meeting will bo held nt the Mnrshflold Chamber of Commorco nnd notices of It wcro sent out by Hugh McLnln, chnlr in nu of tho .Marshfield committee to day. North Dend, Dnndon, Coqulllc. Myrtlo Point nnu Norway besides lunrshflcld nro expected to bo re presented nt tho mortlng. From tho general frollng lioro, old grlovances will bo protty much outtlilv. nnd T nm rnnflilnnt nt Mm cllmiunUd from the nicotine here, outcome," snld .Mr. Jones todny. 'Tlio proposal of n few to try nnd "Mr. Hawley hns long represented keep Dandon out of tho league nan tho district, and I find much dls-beon protty gcnornlly sat down up sntlsfactlon nnd also a fueling Hint on by business men nnd fnns, es this section should bo represented .peclnlly In MnrBhfleld, who col y n person in closer touch with Its, mm unnuon mis uccn oiiq or tno needs nnd espcclnlly with tlio coast .section, "I havo lived In this district thlr-ty-flvo years nnd spent most of my nro in rour counties or tno district best baseball towns In tho county. It Is nlso likely, Judging from tho talk recently Hint tho efforts of n few to try nnd mnko tho lenguo n 'homo guard" organization will nnd 1 sorved ten yenrs ns pilot on n ; llttlo fnvor nnd It may bo that tho stoainboat nnd wns employed on ves-1 bnrs will bo thrown down alto flcls during tho construction of thoigothcr so fnr ns tho numbor of Ynniilnn Jottlcs nnd think Hint 1 1 imported plnyors Is concerned nnd linvo gnlned through personal cxpor-loach town nllowed to strengthen its lonco k knowledgo of hnrbor needs that fow others possess. This, I nm cortnln, would bo of Immense nld to mo nnd of vnluo to tho dis trict In handling rlvor nnd hnrbor Improvement projects In Congress. I plnco harborB first In my plntform bocniiBo I feol thnt their dovolop- . nient will moan moro to this dis trict than any other thing. "Noxl T plnco tho Government Jnnd question. There aro over 1C, 000,000 ncreB of Oregon land 111 Uio Pedernl rescrvo and of this nt -'Meant ono-fourtli Is ngrlctilturnl nnd Krnxlng lands and It will bo my aim to havo this largo nroa thrown open d hahiruMendfrU tor httttlomont nt tho bafilMt dnfo possible Next I ImlioVd In nmending the homeslcnd law nnd ollmlnntlng tho twonty ncre cultivation elnuso, ono thnt nnyono who hns nny knowledgo of this section knows Is preposterous. During tho Inst five years thoro havo been over 20,000 homestead -entries in Oregon, taking up nt least 760,000 ncrcs. These selec tions hnvo been mndo from Jnnd that has boon turned down by tlm liar oporntors and script-Jobbers nnd consequently Is Inrgoly tho poorest thoro is. nut stop for n moment and think of tho groat addition theso 20,000 homesteaders hnvo mndo to tho wcnltu on tho tnx rolls of Oregon nnd also of what thoy nro nnd will produce. Oregon must roly Inrgoly on honifsteiulors for a tlmo for Its development. Thoy must bo encouraged nnd aided. "I wns astounded todny whon flonieone called my attention to tho fact that Coos Day had beon allowed nn npprnprlatlon of only SCO. 000 for harbor Improvement tlilH year In tho faco or tho people hero rais ing ovor $300,000 of their own money to Improve this hnrbor. It Isn t right nnd fair to Cons Day nnd the great territory thnt can bo sorved by this hnrbor. 1 was nt Astorln yoars ngo when rompnr ntlvoly small vessels could take less tunii nuo-fourth of their cargo nt I'ortlnud, owing to tho lack of n doop channel in tho Columbia. You can bol what money hns done there nnd a gront donl moro rnn bo nt roinpllshod for n Ichh expenditure hero, I am reliably Informed. If oloctod. I certainly slinll ho thnt Coos Dny hnrbor gota tho recogni tion It deserves nnd thnt tho other rivers nnd hnrbors of this district slinll bo properly developed." Mr. Joiicb received a hearty wel come hero. Along the Waterfront. Tho Pilgrim, a forty-foot gnsollno fishing schooner, rnmo In yesterday from Ynqulnn Dny, after having beon looking for tho halibut banks. Oapt. Olson, tho owner, currl-a a crew of two with liliu. Tho Arollno Is scheduled to sail from hero at noon Snturdny for I'ortlnud. Tho Kllzaboth arrived In nt Dan don today from Ban Francisco. Tho Adeline Smith arrived In Inst owning from Day Point. Tho tlraco Dollar sailed from Dandon for Kan Francisco last night tho channel tnm ns much ns necessary to got good bnsobnll. Matters of gunrnntco otc. will bo decided, ns well an electing officers for tho county organization. As Cnqulllo and North Dend have had tho Coos County Lvnguo offices tho last fow years, It Is likely that tho other towns will bo shown a pref erence. Hugh McLnln has been suggested for president and Hnrry Oqnilng, of Coqulllo, or Goo. Lnf fnw, of Dandon, for secretary. COAST LEAGUE BASEBALL SCORE Rain Prevents San Francisco Portland Game Los An geles' Big Score IP; Aiiiui1 PtfM la root Pi; Timet 1 SAN FRANCISCO, April 0. , Palp proventcd tho Portlnnd-San Francisco Coast Lenguo giuno lioro yestordny. Tho othor games result ed as follows: At Sacramento R. II. K. Oaklnud 3 B 2 Sncriimeiito ' 8 2 Dattorles Coyer and Abognst; Krnmer and Hohror. At I.os Angeles P. II. K. I.ob Angolt's ... '. 17 22 :i Venlco C 12 I IVntterlos Porrlt, Mellenry nnd Dronks; Henley, Smith, Clioletto nnd wlllott. COST OF WORK IS Expense of Planting Holland Grass on North Spit Sand Dunes Only $10 an Acre Hoy Hozollo, In chnrgo of tho gov ernment work of planting Holland grass on tho north spit nnd tho othor harbor work, was hero from Umpire yeBterduy. Ho toports that about forty acres of tho sand dunes nnvo already been planted nnd that thoy j expect to plant betwoou forty-flvo and fifty neres moio, mnklng a total I or about ninety ncroa to uo pinuieu this year, Mr. Hozcllo says that tho work has been going fluo nnd that ho hns been nblo to greatly reduce tho cost of transplanting tlio grass. This year tho cost will averngo about $10 per acre, while hitherto It has cost nboiu $15 per ncro. Tho Krass prevents tho wind from shifting tho sand and blowing It Into REDUCED North Bend Meeting About Finishing Channel Mc Leod Protests The dredge Oregon will he nt Coos Dny from Mny IB to October 1 to assist In tho work of dredging tho lower bay and removing some of tho bnd shonls. This Information wns brought out nt n meeting of the North Dend Chamber of Commerce lnst night In nn address by L. J. Simpson replying to N. C. McLeod, who said thnt ho thought tho funds of tho Port 1 Commission were, being wnsted nt', .11(11 OI1JIUIU UIU IIIUl IUU IIIIIUII lllllUll was being spent In mnklng fills. Mr. 'I Simpson, in miBWorlng Mr. McLeod, '1 said that the money expended by tho I Port Commission thus fnr nnd been 1 spent In Improving tho upper hnrbor 'I and that the Port Commission had made arrangements to hnvo tho dredge Oregon work on the lower I Dny from M?v IB to October 1. Edgnr McDnnlel nsjed Mr. Simp son nnd Mr. Loggle, ns yiembcrs of tho Port Commission, If something could not bo done for tho Improve ment of tho Inlets adjacent to tho Dny, ns ninny of them wcro In bad shape and ho thought tho Port Com mission should npproprlato snmo money for tho Improvement of these Inlots. L. J, Simpson nnswered by Buying f'nt ho had discussed the mnttor of Inlet Improvements with tho Port Commission several times, nnd tho Port Commission wns in clined to look on tho Inlets ns Bounty roads, as tho farmers uso them ns n moans of transportation for all pro duce In view of this fnct, n propo sition was submit led to tho county court for tho dredging of these In- Inta ti.linrnti. Mm TJnrt rntmiilaalrl1 would pay one-third, tho proporty owners along tlio Inlet, ono-thlrdinnd, tho county one-third. TIiIb offer wns, declined by tho county court. In view of this fnct. Mr. Simpson' snld thnt llttlo could bo dono until tho main hnrbor channel work hndjl neon iinisiicii nun men me inicisi until cuniu in wr cunsiuuruiiuii. gi HKI HICADH, Di:.l) TIIIH Special Offering Easter Week 10 Per Cent Reduction JIj On All :Ladies, Spring Suits and Coats Tills upeclnl irductlon of tvn 1VV cent could not have happened iihii timely thnii nt Knster-week, and (J)0 (IciiuiikI. for Hpi-hitf Kultn ami Coats u( Its very height. These garment represent tho xciimiiii'h fiivercd fnxh Ions. Compare tho original price of nny of these Still or Coals uilh ono of Mlnillai' finality In any other More ami nolo that these gni incuts arc maikvd iipiiNiinlly low. TliK c vtra ten per cent glcw you nn nil tlltltiiial clean waving of from jsii.no lo K:t.no or more. Kveijr Kulf and Cunt, represented is exclusive ullli Till': HUH. It may ho coAsollns to llght-hnlr--' cd and red bended people to read.'' that out of ion, patients at nn ttn-'t gllsh Insnno hospital only ono hns red hair, and only four' havo Tight hair and complexion, It used to bo Biipposod thnt n.' pnlo complexion specially ninrked n" tendency to inontnl excitement nnd brnln disorder. What la truo of men4 Is nlso truo of women; thoy nrc, with ono exception In fifty, dnrk hnlred nnd dnrk-hued. It Is some-" times tho enso that tho hair turns' Whlto with Insanity. Probably the1, renson nrnso from this fact. The." renson why dnrk pcoplo nro moroT Incllnoil to mentnl disorder hns not beon explained. V M.VHSIIKIKM) KIKK I)eiiiitiuent will give n DAXCi: HATL'HDAV iiIl'IK at the KAKMCS' hall. Ki:V SnifS OHCHKSTHA. Nevy Shipments of Superb Spring Dresses, Waists, Skirts, and.ShoeS for Easter Wear.- . SMART WEAR FOR WOMtN" Hub Dkv Goods Co. Corner Booadway and Central Ave. Phone 3?? , SHBPP1ING NEWS d5c;ttc SMS MICDIE IS D0IN6 EI E a s t e r g Jewelry See our Rosaries Diamond Rings Crosses Veil Pins Lockers Pendants RED CROSS Jewelry Dept,. RED CROSS Opticians Phone 122 Bar DredflG Took Out 1398 Yards in Little Over Hour Shoal Cuttlnq Away The bnr dredgo Mlchlo established n now record yesterday when alio took out 1308 yards of snnd In ono hour nnd fourteen minutes. She wns operating on tho bar' shoal near tho blnck buoy. Captain Heed lias been getting In moro work lately with tho big dredgo nnd It Is snld that he Is showing n good many who hnvo been criticising tho craft that thoy did not know what thoy wero talking about and that by next mouth the effect on U o bnr will ho so marked thnt thcro will no long er bo complaints about tho bar dredgo. A party who Is In close touch with tho operations stated yes tordny thnt sumo of the critics would bo sorry thnt they nnd spoken, Yostorday tho Mlc'ilo took out -1000 ynrds In four hours nnd it Is said that In nddltlou to what the dredge ac tually carried nwny, many more yards were washed out by the ebb tido, tho dredgo stirring tin tho sand so thnt It would wash easily. Soundings taken yosterdny show thnt there Is now twenty-two feet of water on tho bar s'.'oal at low water nnd this shoal has been the ono thnt bothered most. This Is four feet moro water thnn wns reported boforo the Mlchle stnrtod work. At high wnter yesterday there was botweon 27 and 2S feet of wnter on tho s'liial. Tho Mlchle worked for qulto a while on tho ebb tldo yesterday, show ing that the reports that sho could not work on tho obb were Incorrect. ARRIVE TODAY ON BREAKWATER XOHTII Hi:.l) XKWS AXSWKHKI) ""When tho clock strikes 13, what time Is It? Tlrno for tho clock to bo fixed. In a raco with tlmo why would a singing mnstor win? Ilecau8 tlmo files and tho sing ing master beats tlmo. Why is coal tho most contradict ory article In commerce.? llecauso when purchased Instead of going to the buyer it goes to tho cellar. Steamer. In Early Today With 425 Tons of Freight and 114 Passengers Tho HrenkWator arrived In this morning from Portlnnd with -125 tons of freight nnd III pnssoiigors. Sho hud n good trip. Sho will sail nt 10 o'clock Snturdny morning for Portland. Mrs. It. M. Uunno. Mrs. P. Mil. hollnnd, Mrs. V. McCannnery, Miss Maiinnory, Miss M. McMnnninry, lu L. GUbort, J. n. Davis. Mrs. Davis. Hazel Rexford. K. A. Wallor. T. Olson. J, Holtdor, W. A. Strong, Miss Howell, Mrs. 1J. K. Jones, J, Avorend. Anna Necutls, J no. Ferguson, Mrs. Ferguson, C. I). Gubrlalson, V. I.tndholm, S. Hurro, W. L. Whiting. A. J. Hnr ger, A. Pushnrt, J. Wnllnce, l,. Hoy, L. Soy, Loo Hoy, L. Win, S. Sin. Miss K. Mlllrnnty, T. 13. Heed. E. J. Hnymnn, J, Snyder, Mrs. Snyder, Mrs. N. lienilrlx, A. V. Douglns. G. V. Ellllo, G. S. Smith, P. M. Whyto, Miss J. Selstrom, C. A. Mnddlux, P. A. Drydon. W. B. Knight, n. L. MncCIeny, Hilda Knight. C, Hover, W. C. Hrndley, C. A. Harger, Mrs. Harger, J. Jackson, A. L. Stark. T, Mike, II. J. Ferris, Mrs. J. c. Reed, Long 111, Loo Cow, N. Lonk, Stove Lonk, . Dunne, It. A. Tuler, P. L. Wlshord, O. T. Presson, Mrs. Presson, Mrs. E. Wlsenor, Cecil Wlsenor, Louis Wlsener. G. L. Wlsoner, Mis. Strango, D. P. Maon, II. J. Nollson, J. W. Geary, F. Gordon, S. Cloke, n. F. Shlppy, Mrs. J. Henry, L. n. Conner, G. It. Johnson. E. Farslund. M. Jims, S. Ward, O. Thompson, C. Meyer. M. Thlim. T. S. Allfll. F! TnnVIno 13 (Faulkner, Mrs. Kaulkner, F. S. Shlmlnn. A C Pet rson, Mrs Den holm, Mrs. McDonald. E. T. Thomp son, F. Jones J. T. Holes, F. H. Pngo, J A. Stnrkev. Mrs. A. S. I Hammond, Paul Lund, It. C. Young, ;A. M. Kanu. Mrs. F.- Storey, C. F. IMcKnlght, G. Drown, F. GreaWe, V, llnrkana. J. Prince, F. Crnwford, C Meschl. M. Nagatlar, T. C. Rus- l eon una -who. Owner Kern, of tho North llonil Hox Factory, arrlvod horo this weok from California, nnd Is mnklng pre liminary chnnges for turning It over to tho Soutlrtrn Pnclflc. L. J. Simpson hnu not concluded arrange ments yet for taking tho plant ovor from tho S. P. and moving It near tlm Porter Mill ns ho hns ueon figuring. In our now location, e ire peclnlly. propnred to cater to hm tradb. Regular meals or ibort or ders, Oicii Day and .MbW. .MHHCHAXT'.S iT. Ilrvmliviiy iil t'omincrfinl. Jul 1WMILV DIXXKIIS. Hhvo your Job printing do ' 1110 11 una umu', ' 1 I I I ! I I Improvements !MowiHOR2IB QF THE DAY, and y Progress At Jenningj Mow the merry wheels of Commerce "" i" everLfe partment of the store: increasing h"sinnssi demandsjl: creased facilities to better service two entrancgiarejlE at your service, and Tomorrow the Sale of Coats & Suits iConttojg IPS ONLY TVSfOjLSM' havo tii I PASTER ANU ONLY TWO MORE DAYS TO SAVE ON Easter Apparel, Coats andSmfe ALL $10.50 COATS, SUITS AND DRESSES ALL $12.50 COATS. SUITS AND DRESSES ALL $17.50 COAT. SUITS AND ALL $20.00-COATS. SUITS AND ALL $25.00 COATS. SUITS AND ALL $29.00 COATS. SUITS AND DRESSES rDnM tuic QTnRE WILLBc. WEGliATESLJIAlf OF EASTER STYLISHNESS ON CUUSBALJW Remember- Easter Hats MniA 5 7.98 NOWjJJf DRESSESJIOJOI DRESSKJOEIM NOWJfiU ' $7.50 TO $15. Phone 1151. S. S.' JENNINGS NORTH BEND . " aH iHm i