WTWp7' w'fS -"-- rtsiWW8W' w wjwmiMywpM THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914 EVENING EDITION. - FIVE 3E p! W Selling Goods vs Giving Values Not merely to sell you, but to n ni yf " iSas fit you That's our business wo don't figure Just Boiling you tho suit: we wni.t to rIvo you such a nlco fit that you'll remember It until tho suit Is woru out, then you'll c.on! ..l)nck to UB for another. And then too, perhaps, If you got a nlco fit, you might influ ences some of your frlonds to glvo us a look. You soe, It's a selfish motive with us. Wo cannot hold your business unless wo glvo you val ues. That's tho reason we'd rath er miss n sale than miss n fit. T Gwnita 1914 Tho How il Kuppcnlwtaff If you want a becoming suit for Knstor you want to bo coming to us. FIXUP TvJ( Stores. Mnishflrld North n(.,i W)czh BREVITIES TIDES FOR APRIL Below is given tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Marahflold. Tho tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on the first lino and heights ou itho second line of oach day; a compar ison on consccutlvn bnlehtq writ in dicate whether it Is high or low. wuier. for 11 en water on tlin liar suustract two hours 34 minutes SOCIAL CALENDAR. THURSDAY. Thursday Club with Mrs. Kenton nnd Mrs. Dodsou at It. M. Fenton home. Young Matron's luncheon at the home of Mrs. W. A. Held. Norwegian Lutheran Young Ladles' Aid at church hall, Mrs. Jens Hansen and Mrs. O. Lar son, hostesses. FRIDAY. Uethnny lllble Class "Camp Fire" at C. A. Sehlbrodo home. Ferndnle Sewing Circle with Mrs. H. Hall. Jolly Dozen afternoon sowing with Mrs. II. O'Mara. SATURDAY. Flremon b Unit nt Englo's Hall. I fow days at Coqulllo Valley points ' on business nnd plonsure, E. JENKINS of North Bond, expects I to lonvo this weok for Portlaud on tho Dreakwatcr. SHERIFF GAGE rotumod to Co iiulllo this afternoon after spend ing a day horo. L. 1. CHANDLER, will bo a passen ger for Portland next (Saturday of tho Droakwnter. OLTVH ADAMS AND DONALD ADAMS of Dandon, leavo this weok for Portland. MRS. GOODWILL, of Coos River ex pects to leavo on tho Breakwater A. A. SEMPLE, ofrmorly with the Saturday for Portland. I Johnson Lumber company on the MR. AND MR8. L. M. MONEY of I Coqulllo, has moved to Marshflelcl uuuuon, win icavo aaiuruay lor mm i8 residing on North Second MR. AND MRS. J. F. COLE and chil dren Misses Violet and Florence and Lloyd Colo, leavo this week for Portland, going via. Coos Bay. MR. AND MRS. J. P. KIRKPATIUCK who havo been making an extend ed stay on Coos Bay leavo on the Breakwater Saturday for Montana. FRANK RIEBE was over from Bay City today and has practically ro covored fromau attack of pois covered from an attack of polB-bltcs. Hrs.. 1.20 7.31 1.C0 7.3G Ft... 0.2 0.3 C.8 0.5 j Hrs.. 2.05 8.17 2.43 8.17 Ft. .. G.C 0.3 5.8 0.8 Hrs.. 2.33 9.04 3.38 9.00 Ft... C.8 0.7 5.6 1.1 Hrs.. 3.21 9.53 4.28 9.43 Ft... 7.0 0.8 5.1 1.0 Hrs.. 4.0G 10.40 5.22 10.30 Ft... C.8 0.S G.O 1.8 Hrs.. 4.48 11.30 C.19 11.23' Ft... 0.0 0.C 4.7 2.3 Hrs. . 5.38 12.35 7.24 0.0 Ft... C.2 0.2 4.4 0.0 , PEOPLE YOJJ Ml 11 I II I I I .1 ..... . , r HM'J pMOWW ADUU1 WEATHER FORECAST llt Awli'l Titm l Coo IUj Tlmw.) OREGON Occasional rain; southeasterly winds, Increasing to moderate gale. There are Gd Points faMost Pianos No doubt about that. Pianos aro like pcoplo, Somo folks aro pleasant compnny for n , short tlmo bright, brilliant, but unreliable shallow. Others lmprovo on acquaintance. Judgo men nnd pianos by their weakest point, not tholr strongest point. Our pianos will tanj tho sovorcst tests tho closest scrutiny. Judgo thorn by tholr weak polntB, If you can find any. Come and seo them any tlmo bring your musical friends. mitivklMhfc, Central Avenuo. L. L. THOMAS, Manager. LOCAL TEMPER ATURE RECORD For tho 24 hours ondlng nt 4:43 n. m., April 9, by BenJ. Ostllnd. special government nio- I toorologlat: Maximum 57 Minimum IG At 4:43 n. m 53 I Precipitation 3G Precipitation since Sept. 1, 1913 57.98 Precipitation snino period Inst year 50.88 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. MISS E. HOFF will leavo for Port-. lnnd this week. E. J. PULLEN oxpects to leavo this q week for rortianu. j. it. huuu, oi tjoquine, wu toavo I this weok for Portland. C. E. MENDE, leaves this week for Portlnnd on business. P. S. DRAKE loaves this week for , Portlnnd on business. !A. O. ROGERS Is down from his I Coos Rlvor ranch today. iNELS RIQUE. of Coqulllo, leaves I this weok for Portland. MISS AMY FROM loaves for Port land on n visit this week. ISAM L1LJERATH txpects to lonvu this weok for Portlnnd. MRS. HATTIE HOYLE nnd baby will i lonvo this weok for Portland. A, J. DILLON leaves tho latter part t of tho weok for Portland. . MRS. ROBERT 8T.CLAIR, of Bandon I loaves this weok for Portlaud. D. J. DILL will leavo for Portland tho latter part of tho weok. L. L. SCHWARTZ leaves tho latter i part of tho weok for Portland. MISS M. O. DUNN of Bandon will leavo this weok for Portland. Portlaud via. Coos Bay. C. T. CONOVER and wife nnd Har old T. Lewis of Oardlnor are Marshfleld victors today. MRS. ALFRED HOWHAY rotumod today from a visit to the homo of her pnrei' i at Ton MIIo. L. B. LARSON, who ls now con nected with n LnkeBldo store, was a Marshfleld isltor yestorday. MR. AND MRS. A. L. STOVER and Alvln and A'lci Stover of Bandon, leavo this weok for Portland. E. ,D McARTHUR loaves Saturday for Portland on business connect ed with his bnnana crnto factory. DR. GEO. E. DIX returned yestordny from a trip out over tho now Smlth Powors lino beyond Myrtlo Point. F. II. PAGE arrived hero today from Portland to upend' n fow weoks looking aftor tho trado In this sec tion. E. DON M'CRARY has boon spend ing some tlmo nt Floroncc, look ing that section over with a vrow of locating thoro. MRS. F. II. 8TOREY returned on tho Brenkwnter today from a trip to Scnttlo, whoro sho was called by tho uoutli or a reintivo. street. L, L. GILBERT, whoso homo at Ease. sldo was rocontly destroyod by fire, returned on tho Brcakwator today, having boon In Idaho whon the , blazo occurrod. w. O. GAGE, n nophow of 8herl Gago, nnd family, nnd another family, arrived horo yesterday to locnto, having driven from Rose burg to tho Bay. C. W. THOM, J. W. KEITLER, and HENRY BLOCIC, threo well known, traveling men who havo boon call ing on tho Coos Bay trado leare Saturday for Portland1. CAPT. DUNSON, tho gonial nnd faithful keeper of tho Capo Arn go light, drove to Marshfleld yes terday on business and pleasure. Most of tho rood is In good shape again. R. L. MACLEAY of tho MncLony es tate, which now owns and oporate tho R. D. Ilumo proportlcs on Roguo Rlvor, passed through hore today en routts to Wodderburn to look aftor affairs thoro. During his visit ho will probably arrange to build tno Port Oriord wharf. i wmm MM A v, , j-v n Ml I TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 I LOOKING AHEAD. A man, ore his Inst cent Is gone, Altm, irnf . vnfr fni Itit i Cannot live on nnd on nnd on ' U. G. BRADLEY rottirnod today from koh hKXT Sovoim-ooih hnuso on With iinught to Hvn on. seo? ' b,rt8 J"??"tr,I' to Portland. So. Eloventh Bt. Phono 3157. - HaIN Hnt.ii day. Tho Arollno sails N0.A" ..K'S ot. Allomiiiy, is In , for Portlnnd Saturday noon nnd as . ,, "J ! ' 0llJ;r on buBlnoss. JussT (Ma bracelet with Initial tho Brenkwnter Is scheduled to leavo J' ,1'" SLWELL, of Myrtlo Point, b. Q." Howard for rotum to ! nt ton o'clock thoro Is a chanco for lo,nv?1B,.V11'8.,wook for Portland. i Quatormnss Studio. another occau raco for Portland. ', .WII.l':' oxpocts to leave for Portland tho last of tho weok. iwaxthis ieii,, i. .. ,.,.,i ,i. i I Fined. Hugh Sneddon paid a J L DAVIS and wlfo roturnod todny i and compotont housokoopor: good flno yestorday on tho chargo of In- . J,!"1, 'P A?,",0.10?!1 U0,ntH: . reforoncos. Addross "O. C." enro toxlcatlon nnd being disorderly, ANDREW OI.SEN, of Haynoa Inlot. Times. pleading guilty whon arraigned bo- ni !' L8''" '!' ,ir8Af 4, t?,a?y: I foro Recordor Butlor. CHARLES KITCHEN, of Myrtlo Point WANTED (ilrl for goncml Iiouho. I WM leavo this wiok for Portland. work. 729 So. Fourth stroot. Attendant Here. Mr. Cameron, ".. J. HIOL, of Coob Rlvor, Is u nn attondunt nt tho Salem asylum, ""Biuess visitor in AlnrHiiriultl to- WANTED fllrl for Rvwrnl houso- F0R SALE FOR BALK Good paying enfc, c. collont location, lnvoico about J2100; will soil for half invoice rlce; can bo hundlod with small rasli pnymont or will trado. Own or Iiuh other buBlnoss domandlnR his nttontlon. Sod Hold, 150 Front stroot. work. Phono 207. , , FOR KALi: Hotel ImikIiionn. Cheap If taken nt onco. Phono 478, Em plro, Oregon. Arugo Hotol. LOST DR.Y WOOD AT CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street, Phono 180-4. PHONE JJ5NCO D Messenger Service MARSHFIELD CYCLERY CADILLAC ELECTRIC VACUUM SWEEPER. TiTe Royal TONIGHT ARION'A la linrn tmlnv on rmttn In Rttlnm with uy, Hodgon nnd another Insnno pntlont M"a- W- . "ART, of Hayiics In- from Coqulllo. Ho will tako both lol Ih sbopplng in Maraliriald to- out alou . ' "W- i r L. L. THOMAS, tho iiiubIo man loft Ti-onMo Over Tool. Constahlo t,lls nftornoon for Bundon on busl- Cox yesterday, acting on telophonlo hobs. Instructions from District Attomoy S. 8. ALDESON of North Bond, will Llljcqvlsr, compollod Adolph Witt to lonvo tho last of tho weok for Port turn nvor to him n kit nf hakor's land. toola belonging to W. Hnileck and MR. AND MRS. K. A. UOULES, of iOST Pnlr of uIhkkm In -n. i,.7. which Witt claimed ho was kcoplng Bundon, leavo this weok for Port- twoon Cnthollo Chtwli ml Coin to safeguard a loa,u llKLmm f Nort,l m.rel.1 anmuo. Finder return to Reduce Rntcw. Manager Brows Bond, Is shopping in Marshfleld 1- of tho Coos Bay Homo Tolophono today. company announced today that thoy MRS. T. II. GRINROD, of North Iliad reduced tho rata on extension Bend, Is a visitor In Marahflold I phones from $1 to GOc por month. today. Tills rnto is made only on tuo sec- j'kjuh .miuhiisuhnu, oi aiio ond phono, but It Is plncod on nn Kany, Is a visitor In Mnrshflold oxtonslou cord and plncod in any today. part of tho house MRS. W. II. WICKLINE, of Ban- don, will loavo this weok for Fiwt Till). Tho Adollno Smith Portland. WANTED arrived In nt 3 o'clock this morning MR. AND MRS. P, II. WILLCUTT. of America's uroatest nlav. told In after making the run up from San Coqulllo. will loavo this weok for 210 scones faithfully portraying this FrnnclHCO In thlrty-ono hours. Cnpt. Portland. great story from beginning to ond. Olson roports flno wouth-r. She, R. j. RUTAN, tho tailor lonvoa for An ALL STAR cast makes this a will not loavo again until Snturday. Astoria on tho Bronkwator next If NONE BETTER. 'OHXSOX-flUIOVSEN CO. "Why PftTy Moro" forgot. G, R1DOUT CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Phono 3C2-R. production ono to bo long romem-!Cnpt. Olson snys ho understood that Saturday. horetl. ' ' tho Nairn Smith slowed down on tho c. II. FREEMAN, of Sly hip ropls. I last trill 80 as not to reach Sun mnkn n tiiialnea trln to Portland Trlxlo .Mack and Baby Phyllis will ' Francisco too oarly and that may this wook. onttituln with hlgh-clnss vaudo- bo that wnB tho roaaon tho Aro- MiHiS MINNIE AnilOTT, of North vllle. I Uno boat her In hnlf an hour. u0nd, oxpoct to loavo Snturduy Admission, lower floor, 2uc; ual-i f0r i0rtlnnd. cony, tre; chlldron, 10c. Shut Down Mine MnnnKcr Oeorgo j. u KENNEDY Joaves this wook special music ioiiikiu. uuh i uou nisi iiibui uiohuu uu uhu diuu ror Portland nrtor an oxtendod stuy or tlio Liiuuy inino, owing io u iiuiu- on Q00a jmy, bor of tho minors being Blck, etc, Ho N At ACKERMAN will bo a pnsson sald ho thought It was bettor to wait Bor ror Portland on tho Breuk a fow days for tho local mon rnthor wutor Saturdny. than to try and hrlng in n now crow, a, a, UBRONDA will bo n pnsson It was reported nround town todny KOr f0r Portland on tho Break that a numbor of tho minora decided water Saturday, to quit owing to tholr objection t( w. II. STULL. road Buporvleor of tho bIzo or tho screeiiB, etc., but Mr. Allegany, la a bualnesa visitor Doll said that ho had not received n Marshfleld todny. any word whatsoever about tho EUGENE TERRY, of Allognny, camo , down on tho Ahrt to .Marsh fleld today. T. R. RUSSELL, of tho Boavor Hill mlno, returned on tho Break water today from Portland. W. G. BESSEY, of Coos Rlvor. Is a buBlneBa visitor in Marahflold todny. MRS. E. K. JONES returned homo today from a visit with relatives in Portland. FRANK SMITH, of Coos Rlvor, came down on tho Rainbow for Marshfleld today. LLOYD CUTLIP, of Coos River, was n passauger nn tho Rainbow for Miralifl Id tcluy. WANTED Second hand uncles nt Plo. uoor Hardwuro Storo. WANTED Good work Iioi-mj. MiiHt bo gontlo nnd weight 1300. Stnto description, ago and prlcu to J, E. Suchanok, Allognny, Or. WANTED AVonmn wnntH pillion ;is hoiiBekoopor or cook for n fow mon. Phono 284-L, In the evening, FOR SALE CHEAP Two ijowl Eiut Btdo lots. Inqulro E. Gnbrlulson. at Norton & Hanson's. FOR HALE Furnltiira of 10 room boarding Iiouho, Iioiiro for rent. 409 No. Broadway. Phono 1C6-X. FOR SALIv House mid four lotfl on tho highest point on Market ave nuo, formerly called tho Stutsmaa Croporty. Prlco for tho property will ho cost and Intorest. Apply Dennett's Land Offlco, FOR HALE A flno nimrtiiioiit lioiino alto, closo In, cheap nnd on easy paynieutB, I. S. Kaufman & Co. FOR MALI On account, of ulckncti I will soli tho Mldgot Cnfo. Do ing good btiBlnoR8 next to postof flco, North Bond, Oro. Bandon, will SITUATION' WANTED Dinner cook, miuuio ago, good uiitciior, wants work as second cook in enmp, whoro ho can loam to mnko bread. Wages? A. I)., caro Tlmea. FOR RENT Willamette -Pacific Motor Car Leavo Marshfleld Leavo North' Bend latter. G;30 a. m. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. ni. 9:00 a, m. 10:00 a. m. and overy thirty mlnutea until 8:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m, 10:00 p. m, Saturdays only. 11:00 p. m. 12:00 m. 6:45 a. m. 7:15 a. in. 8:15 a. ni. 9:15 a. m.i 10:15 a. tn. and every thirty minutes until 8:15 p. m 9:16 p. m. 10:15 p. ra. Saturdays only 11:15 p. m. 12:15 a. m. O 1 DAYS MORE ONLY before prices In Perham Park will Li I be advnnced 1Q per cent. .By making your selection of a location now you will save from 910 to 00 n lot. .This Property ls located In tho heart of tho city ami lots range In P'lce from $300 to 000, on easy terms, a small payment down "ml balance In two and n half years. Seo Held about It. Make aPPolntmc,s by phone. Call 21H-J or 327-J. Office open even. ,n8s from 7 to 8 o'clock. V. A. REID, OWNER'S AGENT, 130 Front Street. 15c Satur 'ay Special Eight-quart Enameled DISH-PAN These pans aro well ninilo and havo securely riveted handles. See our window. People's 5, 10, and 15c Stores FOR RENT Modern bonne, 1 ltd and Centrnl. Phono 380. FOR RENT Nicely furnished AYt Marshfleld modern homo. No chil dren. Phono 82-R. FOR RENT Room with or without board. ICG 80, Tenth strret. FOR RENT Furnished room with bath, for slnglo gontlouian. 3I8 Third and Highland. FOR RENT Modin Iiouho, okc Iii. Inqulro 239 South Fourth St, FOir'RKNTurHiT-fulmliiiiwl flat In tho Black houso. Phono 299-J. FOR RENT Furnished houwkeop. Ing rooms. 471 iElrod avenue. Phonn 20O.L 1'OR HALE Ranch In Gurry Coun ty. Owner of 320 acres hill ranch, 8 miles from Harbor nnd 7 miles from BrooklngB, wrstU'S to soli at onco. County road rum through plnco. Noarly nil of place under fonco, mostly wovon wire., between forty and fifty acres of land hnB been plowod, and the samo amount moro cloarod nnd Boodod, Plaro has about eighty acres of good fir tlmbor. Five head of young milch cows, fresh. thlH spring, with mowor, plow rnko and other farming tools, etc., go with tho placo. This is .a bargain If takon quick. Ad dress "Owner," caro of Coob Bay Tiinos, Marahflold, Oregon. LIVERY BUSINESS FOR SALE OR TRADE Until further notice, I will offer for Halo trucks urn! transfer wiigoua, jilnuo trurkH, horM'M and huriiCNH mid other uppurtonaiircH too niimcroiiM to mention. Will hdl or trade my entire stock mill biulnesH ns i whole or by tho piece: will tako In exchange- any llv stiH'k except hortteH or will toko secured notett for n i-ou-soiiablo length of time. I huvo managed, this buslncHH for twenty.flvo years nnd now Mm ready to retire, und have no other reason for Hulling out, .Will rent barn very reasonable, L. If. IIEISNER Marshfleld, OreROn. Caso lVnlay, A caso of O. A. II n FULTON of linvnes Inlot M'anBwort,ly vs- Mrs- Fannlo O'Dou- for Marahflold tolay. I HENRY WALL1N, of the Scandlna J vlan Pharmacy, will leavo Satur , day for Juneau, Alaska. 'WALTER CONDRON Is spending a tried In Justice tnnock'a court to day. Times Want Ads Qot Results, THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Marshfleld WASHINGTON AVENUE STADDEN STREET NORTH BEND O. A. Metlln, Prop. HOW DO YOU DO, Sir. Two-for-u-qiiurter Smoker? Havo Just dropped In, My niiiuc Ih La Matoma Established In nil largo cltlea as tho SMOKE OF SATISFACTION'. Permanent home with all flrst-elns dealers in tho Coos Hay citiea. AFTER DINNER CHESTERFIELD SPECIAL CONCHA 2 for U3c. 2 for JWe a for a."Je, !J for 2.V, TOWNSEND'Sl California Glace Fruits famous since 185C, wo havo beJn aa ustinl selected as EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for this ologant lino. 800 our windows, Tho Lending DniR Store for Quality GoodH and Seiectetl Ak'"cU'jj msmmm 1 Jtulfll