"'JtAfcitifiiiiiiiiini " if"K BJ1,1" THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1914-EVEMINO EP(TIQN""' ir-- .rv-r ti THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, , u i" lyniw 1 .-ST rfwcVi-H O W T a,jagMgWMMHJMWiMlllw TX ITHB STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Shirt Waists Our Spring Stock of Millinery well selected and of the latest designs, are in evidence from the smart shops of New York and London. . We have one of the Largest Millinery Stocks on CoOs Bay This Season and your inspection of this line is cordially invited. An inspection of this line will satisfy you that we are showing the most stunning .styles at prices that are maae to fit. When you are down town you are cordially invited to call and we shall be pleas ed to have you look over this line. Call and select one of the many Spring shapes and we will trim it to suit your taste and satisfaction. If you buy an taster nat overlooking our line, you will be disappointed. ,.... a0n v aq A nice line of Shritwaists in the drop-shoulder, the very last thing, 98c to $z.4". ZC m CO -H o za m THREE I'""' ' -'' U'.1--!-11 JmlElU 'US!KLi. 1 t. . ---r "-- . -J3S4 o - CO LU CO s -fr ee o Ul a: A FEW SNAPS IN DRY GOODS Percales 10c Curtain Scrim 15c, 25c Ginghams 10c, 12y2c, 15c Seersucker 15c Galatea .. u 15c Ripplette 15c Mercerized Plisse 25o Silkoline ...-: 15c .Prints n 5c 6c Creton 12!2C Indian Head 18c Pique 20c H Linen Crash Toweling ..w"..-..-15c Huck Toweling 12MjC Other Toweling ..--7M.C Famous Deerhide Hose, boys and girls, 20c, 2 for 35c Service Hose for Women 2 for 25c Service Hose for Boys and girls, 2 for 25c Alnerican Girl Hose, for girls, pr, 20c Line of hosiery very complete rang ing from cheapest to the best. RIBBONS Large Assortment zc CO m CO - o m - Smith's Variety Store NORTH BEND ITHE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY Inter-Ocean Transportation Co, Semi-weekly service Coos Bay and San Francisco. -trirry -!2VAm S. S. Redondo SAILS FOR MARSHFIELD FROM SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY, APRIL 9, AT 3 P. M. Equipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH Equipped with wireless and submarine bell,. Passengers and freight. WILL HAIL PllOM HAN FRANCISCO FOR COOS HAY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 AT 3 1. M. Saii Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, O. F. McGfmoe, Phone 44. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater , ALWAYS ON TIME. Balls from Mnrshllold April 11 Hi, 18th, 2Cth and 30th at portico of thu tltlo. , Sulla from Portland about 8:00 a. m., 8th, 15th, 22nd and 28th. Tickets on mIo to all Eastern iolntii and Information m to rosU-i j ' and rate cheerfully furnished. ,1 Phono -I27.L. ". J. MOIIRjAROBt S. S. AR0LINE. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS FINK PAS8ENOER ACCOMMODATIONS. NEW STEEL 110AT. Nails from North Rend Saturday. April 4 for l'ortluiid, PASSENGERS AND FJIEIQHT North Bend Lumber Company, Aflts. Phono lr71. North Rend S. S. ALLIANCE HAM FROM PORTLAND FOR COOSAY p Phono 44. ROUND TRIP, 918.B0. Connection with tho North Rank Ronrt nt Portland. North Pacific Steamship Company C. V. M'OEOROE, Agent. QUA TERMASCTUDIO LITY Opposite RIanro Hotel J PHOTOS LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS ' Tltlo & TriiMt Co. Abstract, thoroughly dependable. Im mediate service, prompt atton- i (Ion to ull Interest of our client. Minimum cost. I. S. Kaufman Co. EDISON'S LATEST A storage battery that continual over charging will not harm. DOES NOT CORRODE AT TERMINALS. CONTAINS NO ACID. Will not lose its clwrge while standing Me, IN GUARANTEED FIVE YEARS Coos Bay Wiring'Co. IBS Broadway. Agents for Port of Coos Bay. I Political Announcements I - A swell line of Shirt wtc Inst received from the Trio Waist Comnnnv. of Philadelphia. These were manufactured i"?pfi'""Y " "s- Thnv w nf the lat est styles and splendid values. ' NEW LINE Of COATS AND SUITS JUST RECEIVED . WE HAVE THE SWELL' THjNGS. The Golden Rule ALWAYS BUSY. . THERE IS A -REASON F HORSEHAIR LACE. TWs hat la made of net lic bt Mtagle4 -with a fancy braid of ker hair. A. single ribbon bud u4 tn 9 eaph&slze th tilt to Uw rife NOTICE I horcby announce mysolf as n candldaio for tho nomination of county clork, on tho ropubllcnn tlc kut of Coob county to bo submitted to tho voto of tho pcoplo at thu pri mary election May lGth. F. D. KRUSE (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I annouueo mysolf a candlduto for Stato Rcprcsontativo subject to tho will of the Democratic voters at tho primaries May 1C. Will voto for tho primaries May 1G. Will work for bettor road laws to onablo tho pcoplo to gel Oregon out of tho mud. A. T. MORRISON. (Paid Adv.) 10 It SHERIFF I horoby announco mysolf as a cnudldnto for tho offlco of Shorlff of Coos County, subject to tho action of tho Republican electors at the primaries May IS. If elected, I hereby, plcdga myself to a policy of rigid law enforcement, without fear, favor, projudlce or par tlallty, and shall, during my Incum bency, conduct said offlco In a busl-ncss-llko and economical in an nor. ALFRED JOHNSON, Jr. (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announco mysolf as a candldato for tho nomination of Rep resentative on tho Democratic tlckot for Cooa County, to bo submitted to the voto of tho people at tho pri mary election on May 1C, 1914. It nominated nnd elocted, I will abide by statement Number Ono; I will fnvor quarterly paymont of taxes. I will favor tho abolishment of unnecessary commissions that must bo supported by tho taxpayers. I am In favor of good roads every wnerc. am opposed to unjust taxation nnd excessive taxation. J. TOM HALL, (Paid Adv.) ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announco myself ns a candldato for tho nomination of sher iff by tho Democratic party at the Primary Election May 1G, 1914. If nominated nnd elected I will conduct the office along tho most economical lines possible, consistent with offlcloncy, und do my best to eiiforco tho criminal laws. W. W. aAOE. (Paid Adv.) COUPLE SEEK EACH OTHEB FOR IHE YEARS (Seclal to Tho Times.) NEW YORK, April 9. A gamo of blind man's buff lasted for thlr-ty-flvo years has JubI boon onded by n grieving husbnnd nnd a heart broken wife, who woro tho players. In Cairo, Egypt, thlrty-flvo ycarB ago, Alfred Wolland was a prosper ous Ilrltlsh merchant. Ho nnd his wlfo, Mnry lived n llfo that was free from core. When tho Turko Russlnn war broke out, n year lator Wellund was offored a commission by tho Turkish General, Osman Pasha, his friend, nnd ho marcned nwuy ns an officer, leaving his wlfo and their Infant son in Cairo. Lot tors reached Mrs, Wetland until tho slogo of Plevnn, tlion n long sil ence When tho bulletins poured In with their names of dead and wounded, Wolland's name wob among tho dend. Tho homo In Cairo was sold, and Mrs. Wolland nnd her small son wont to Australia, finally coming to tho United States. When tho war ended tho Russian prisoners gnvo up their captives; among them wob Welland. 81owly ho mado his way to the homo In Cairo, only to loarn IiIb wlfo nnd child had dlssapeared. Friends thought they hnd gono to Australia. BUY THE VERY BEST KSBynB , MADE? UNDER SANITARY CONDITIONS IN A CLEAN AND MODERN FACTORY. STRRIL1ZED MlliK AND CREAM. PURE ICE Fr delivery, 8 . m. ana a p. ui. Phone 70 Ladies Know That Spring House-cleaning tenrs up everything, and that's Just I tho condition our store is In, but Just the same w-. havo tho goods aud wo aro here to givo you good, sorvlco. Wo aro very busy right now, but will try aiid take care of all who call Just as fast as possible. Couio nnd seo us anyhow. You will always be wolcomo at VIERS WALL PAPER AND PAINTS :171 North Front St. Phone 200-R. so to that far country Wetland fol-1 lowed, only to loam tlioy hail como to America. Again ho .took up the search only ,tu hear that a woman and n boy, answering tho ties crlptloiu ho xvo hnd died In a fever epidemic. From Now York ho went to Canada, and sottlod in business, still following any clews ho found hoiiing against hope. Whllo In Now York" recently soma friends knowing his story, thought of n gray haired woman, whoso story was tho couniorrmrt of this old soldiers. WUtlr hopo onco more nflamo ho bnshcncfl to her iomo and rapped timidly. KVhon tho door opened, tho two lotfkod nt ench othor, and ho struggled for Bpcech. "Mary!" ho tcrlod. "I'm hunted nil over tho world' for you!" And tho wearisome gnnno won played. WOMEN WILL- CONTROL (Special to Tho Times.) NEW YORK, April 9. "Women In 1916 will nnmo tho president," says MT8. Motllll McCormlck, ono of tho principal spoakers at tho ricont Matlonal Woman Suffrage Association, annual carapalr,n rally, "Tho women look to tho Democrats In power to solvo .thu question of equal rights," rsho .announced, -"nnd tho ultimata i -will .bo brought about In tho next two years." There was a numVor "of .women's orga nizations raprcnontu'd. nnd the speak ers spoko mainly of tho progress of tho movement in Montana. .Ne vada, South Dakota and Nebras ka. Somo of their statements were i.iU8.rated wft2i moving pictures. Among tho speakers woro Dr. Anna Howard SUaw, Mrsc Carrlo Chap man Catt add lrs. Stanley McCor mlck. Only fhrtf -minutes woro al loted to earh Kpcaknr, but It took thorn more than that to get ready. MRS. C. F. lllRAROER Di'CKMimklng and Iidleti' Tail oi Iiik -Prices Reasonable Over Mngnes & Matson Storo . Phone 248-J. CITY AUTO AND TAXI SERVICE A new taxlcab has been added to my auto service. Careful drivers. Will go anywhere at any time. Stand Dlanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78, Night phone 139-X. TOM OOODALE, Proprietor. ARE YOU UOTIUZRED WITH. CORNS? It so, you ure doprlvod ot halt the pleasure ot life pleasant, walking aud healthy exercise. 'At visit to Mrs. Olivia Edman, Scientific CUIropodlst, Apt. 3, O'Connell bldg. will bo the source ot a permanent remedy for achln0 feet. Havo your Job printing done at Tho Timtes offlco. ChlI(lroaf8 IHmmnch Very Prevalent Whooping cough Is about every where. (Moaslos andiscarlet fever al most na bad. Use Ftoloy's Honoy and Tar Compound for Iteilamed throats and coughing. Mm I. C. Hostler, Grand Islind, Nobrwys: "My three chlldrcm had sovoro "attacks of whoop ing cough, and a 'vtrry few doses of Foley's Honey and Tar gavo great relief." Owl Prescription Pharmacy, Frank D. Cohart Oppwslre Chandler Hotel. Phono 174. Cmrtal Avenue Drug Brcre. local ocncy. our Nrw toJum Dtputmtnt wM ttdtn I m ctu fcwl tobacco cwpou 44 Ag. t V O811 Brtiley F EVERY MAN should know Through the country he goes The best dressed people Wear A. E. Anderson clothes. F. C. PRESTON, Agt. Multifield Cleaning and Dye Works. 128 Front Street. " Goodram's.Garage home t the CADILLAC and FORD AetO' Supplies for All Mattes of Cars "347 Control At. IPbone 87Ii OF JAPANESE TANGO CMRI Strikingly erjntal Ip the JP" embroidered tsiiso crain i - .u..l In ll. Innisn nnd llmTII W . .,., ..... nf l.luU irold SDd ? "' "A"" '.,'"" .mlnflti M Jet, iur unu w""""- .u the Jeweled linlr wrettliJi AW.1 Turls inoues. n.l. l.n.llllM. TtOtfl. :,n:x """.; a v.t .. V' 8- KC-?"'"S;m"5iiI lln, coquino; uoimo Y"""i ' Ellznboth Child, Coqullle, WJ R. H. Kellorman. PortlMfc Portland; Fred J. White. W" R. A. Bonst, Portland; ton, Eugene; u. n '" ij, A. Cameron, Salem; w Koseuurg. ur. . The Rhiiico Hotel manuin, b n-'v rj. Coqullle; n. F. Chadwlck, W II. F. Heiden, lloseWS lZ son. Coaledo; vm."' Chrlstl; Albert S. W)'. w '" The LK'yd IIotfL . N. Dague. nandjin! B A iegany n. aiU''"'Ka,!H Smith, Dandon: Tom hg , Carl, Coaledo; L- J- ,,w gan-The5t.i,r J. Wood, nanaon, - Philadelphia; Ji -drf fii Bandon M. ;,h Iniet: r Wymnn AJ bee. &flit, M mint, ocu""r":iriiie c.-' A. P. Miller. Covj nit Portland; C. AGage i MAIWIIFlKWFf! ,vui give A5:& hiH night at, tlio ,""," SKR'S unt'"""- . Rellahle-Folcy's "L. Just be sure tU pftg Honey and Tar ComPPunjJ 1 able meu.i;v ugbj. i- u,'l'l ;-- V.iirhS. WU1V-V.J ? ! ff. . "SI HLjsr8??a S TMX uon ""' V ,i pr Hot'' - ''ui i (i . i agency. . . i,ij . litWji